author arunabha
Wed, 03 Mar 2010 13:10:32 +0000
changeset 27 117faf51deac
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 1996 - Contribution for West Bridge Astoria Symbian Storage Driver this storage driver is for the West Bridge Astoria chipset. This device has a USB, SD and processor port for communication with a baseband processor. In our port, we connected this device DVK to the Beagleboard through the SPI interface of the OMAP3. After driver installation, the Symbian OS can see an external device or D: drive represented by the SD card. In this driver, the USB interface is not used directly, though this may be the subject of future contributions. The appropriate way to test the driver is to access the external volume and do file read and write to it, pretty much the same way you would test a thumb drive on your PC

/*  Cypress West Bridge API header file (cyanerr.h)
 ## Symbols for backward compatibility with previous releases of Antioch SDK.
 ## ===========================
 ##  Copyright Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2006-2009,
 ##  All Rights Reserved
 ##  Use of this file is governed
 ##  by the license agreement included in the file
 ##     <install>/license/license.txt
 ##  where <install> is the Cypress software
 ##  installation root directory path.
 ## ===========================


#include "cyaserr.h"

#ifndef __doxygen__

 * Function completed successfully.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_SUCCESS                                                     (CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS)

 * A function trying to acquire a resource was unable to do so.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NOT_ACQUIRED                                                (CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_ACQUIRED)

 * A function trying to acquire a resource was unable to do so.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NOT_RELEASED                                                (CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_RELEASED)

 * The West Bridge firmware is not loaded.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NO_FIRMWARE                                                 (CY_AS_ERROR_NO_FIRMWARE)

 * A timeout occurred waiting on a response from the West Bridge device
#define CY_AN_ERROR_TIMEOUT                                                     (CY_AS_ERROR_TIMEOUT)

 * A request to download firmware was made while not in the CONFIG mode
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NOT_IN_CONFIG_MODE                                          (CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_IN_CONFIG_MODE)

 * This error is returned if the firmware size specified is too invalid.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE                                                (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE)

 * This error is returned if a request is made to acquire a resource that has
 * already been acquired.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_RESOURCE_ALREADY_OWNED                                      (CY_AS_ERROR_RESOURCE_ALREADY_OWNED)

 * This error is returned if a request is made to release a resource that has
 * not previously been acquired.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_OWNED                                          (CY_AS_ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_OWNED)

 * This error is returned when a request is made for a media that does not exist
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NO_SUCH_MEDIA                                               (CY_AS_ERROR_NO_SUCH_MEDIA)

 * This error is returned when a request is made for a device that does not exist
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE                                              (CY_AS_ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE)

 * This error is returned when a request is made for a unit that does not exist
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NO_SUCH_UNIT                                                (CY_AS_ERROR_NO_SUCH_UNIT)

 * This error is returned when a request is made for a block that does not exist
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK                                               (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK)

 * This error is returned when an invalid trace level is set.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_TRACE_LEVEL                                         (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_TRACE_LEVEL)

 * This error is returned when West Bridge is already in the standby state
 * and an attempt is made to put West Bridge into this state again.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_ALREADY_STANDBY                                             (CY_AS_ERROR_ALREADY_STANDBY)

 * This error is returned when the API needs to set a pin on the
 * West Bridge device, but this is not supported by the underlying HAL
 * layer.

 * This error is returned when a module is being started that has
 * already been started.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_ALREADY_RUNNING                                             (CY_AS_ERROR_ALREADY_RUNNING)

 * This error is returned when a module is being stopped that has
 * already been stopped.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NOT_RUNNING                                                 (CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_RUNNING)

 * This error is returned when the caller tries to claim a media that has already been
 * claimed.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_MEDIA_ALREADY_CLAIMED                                       (CY_AS_ERROR_MEDIA_ALREADY_CLAIMED)

 * This error is returned when the caller tries to release a media that has already been
 * released.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_MEDIA_NOT_CLAIMED                                           (CY_AS_ERROR_MEDIA_NOT_CLAIMED)

 * This error is returned when canceling trying to cancel an asynchronous operation when
 * an async operation is not pending.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NO_OPERATION_PENDING                                        (CY_AS_ERROR_NO_OPERATION_PENDING)

 * This error is returned when an invalid endpoint number is provided to an API call.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_ENDPOINT                                            (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_ENDPOINT)

 * This error is returned when an invalid descriptor type 
 * is specified in an API call.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_DESCRIPTOR                                          (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_DESCRIPTOR)

 * This error is returned when an invalid descriptor index 
 * is specified in an API call.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_BAD_INDEX                                                   (CY_AS_ERROR_BAD_INDEX)

 * This error is returned if trying to set a USB descriptor
 * when in the P port enumeration mode.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_BAD_ENUMERATION_MODE                                        (CY_AS_ERROR_BAD_ENUMERATION_MODE)

 * This error is returned when the endpoint configuration specified
 * is not valid.

 * This error is returned when the API cannot verify it is connected
 * to an West Bridge device.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NO_ANTIOCH                                                  (CY_AS_ERROR_NO_ANTIOCH)

 * This error is returned when an API function is called and CyAnMiscConfigureDevice
 * has not been called to configure West Bridge for the current environment.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NOT_CONFIGURED                                              (CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_CONFIGURED)

 * This error is returned when West Bridge cannot allocate memory required for
 * internal API operations.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY                                               (CY_AS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY)

 * This error is returned when a module is being started that has
 * already been started.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NESTED_SLEEP                                                (CY_AS_ERROR_NESTED_SLEEP)

 * This error is returned when an operation is attempted on an endpoint that has
 * been disabled.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_ENDPOINT_DISABLED                                           (CY_AS_ERROR_ENDPOINT_DISABLED)

 * This error is returned when a call is made to an API function when the device is in
 * standby.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_IN_STANDBY                                                  (CY_AS_ERROR_IN_STANDBY)

 * This error is returned when an API call is made with an invalid handle value.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                                              (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)

 * This error is returned when an invalid response is returned from the West Bridge device.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE                                            (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE)

 * This error is returned from the callback function for any asynchronous read or write
 * request that is canceled.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_CANCELED                                                    (CY_AS_ERROR_CANCELED)

 * This error is returned when the call to create sleep channel fails
 * in the HAL layer.

 * This error is returned when the call to CyAnMiscLeaveStandby
 * is made and the device is not in standby.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NOT_IN_STANDBY                                              (CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_IN_STANDBY)

 * This error is returned when the call to destroy sleep channel fails
 * in the HAL layer.

 * This error is returned when an invalid resource is specified to a call
 * to CyAnMiscAcquireResource() or CyAnMiscReleaseResource()
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_RESOURCE                                            (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_RESOURCE)

 * This error occurs when an operation is requested on an endpoint that has
 * a currently pending async operation.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_ASYNC_PENDING                                               (CY_AS_ERROR_ASYNC_PENDING)

 * This error is returned when a call to CyAnStorageCancelAsync() or
 * CyAnUsbCancelAsync() is made when no asynchronous request is pending.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_ASYNC_NOT_PENDING                                           (CY_AS_ERROR_ASYNC_NOT_PENDING)

 * This error is returned when a request is made to put the West Bridge device
 * into standby mode while the USB stack is still active.

 * A request for in the wrong direction was issued on an endpoint.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_USB_BAD_DIRECTION                                           (CY_AS_ERROR_USB_BAD_DIRECTION)

 * An invalid request was received
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST                                             (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST)

 * An ACK request was requested while no setup packet was pending.

 * A call was made to a API function that cannot be called from a callback.

 * A call was made to CyAnUsbSetEndPointConfig() before CyAnUsbSetPhysicalConfiguration()
 * was called.

 * The physical endpoint referenced is not valid in the current physical configuration

 * The data supplied to the CyAnMiscDownloadFirmware() call is not aligned on a 
 * WORD (16 bit) boundary.

 * A call was made to destroy the West Bridge device, but the USB stack or the storage
 * stack was will running.

 * A call was made to the API for a function that is not yet supported.

 * A NULL callback was provided where a non-NULL callback was required

 * This error is returned when a request is made to put the West Bridge device
 * into standby mode while the storage stack is still active.

 * This error is returned when an operation is attempted that cannot be completed while
 * the USB stack is connected to a USB host.

 * This error is returned when a USB disconnect is attempted and the West Bridge device is
 * not connected.

 * This error is returned when an P2S storage operation attempted and data could not be
 * read or written to the storage media. 

 * This error is returned when an P2S storage operation attempted and the media is write
 * protected. 

 * This error is returned when an attempt is made to cancel a request that has
 * already been sent to the West Bridge.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_OPERATION_IN_TRANSIT                                        (CY_AS_ERROR_OPERATION_IN_TRANSIT)

 * This error is returned when an invalid parameter is passed to one of the APIs.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER                                           (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)

 * This error is returned if an API is not supported by the current West Bridge device
 * or the active firmware version.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                                               (CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)

 * This error is returned when a call is made to one of the Storage or
 * USB APIs while the device is in suspend mode.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_IN_SUSPEND                                                  (CY_AS_ERROR_IN_SUSPEND)

 * This error is returned when the call to CyAnMiscLeaveSuspend
 * is made and the device is not in suspend mode.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NOT_IN_SUSPEND                                              (CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_IN_SUSPEND)

 * This error is returned when a command that is disabled by USB is called.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_ENABLED                                         (CY_AS_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_ENABLED)

 * This error is returned when an Async storage read or write is called before a
 * query device call is issued.

 * This error is returned when a call is made to USB or STORAGE Start or Stop before
 * a prior Start or Stop has finished.

 * This error is returned when a request is made for a bus that does not exist
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NO_SUCH_BUS                                                 (CY_AS_ERROR_NO_SUCH_BUS)

#endif /* __doxygen__ */

#endif /* _INCLUDED_CYANERR_H_ */