author arunabha
Wed, 03 Mar 2010 13:10:32 +0000
changeset 27 117faf51deac
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 1996 - Contribution for West Bridge Astoria Symbian Storage Driver this storage driver is for the West Bridge Astoria chipset. This device has a USB, SD and processor port for communication with a baseband processor. In our port, we connected this device DVK to the Beagleboard through the SPI interface of the OMAP3. After driver installation, the Symbian OS can see an external device or D: drive represented by the SD card. In this driver, the USB interface is not used directly, though this may be the subject of future contributions. The appropriate way to test the driver is to access the external volume and do file read and write to it, pretty much the same way you would test a thumb drive on your PC

/* Cypress West Bridge API header file (cyasmisc.h)
 ## ===========================
 ##  Copyright Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2006-2009,
 ##  All Rights Reserved
 ##  Use of this file is governed
 ##  by the license agreement included in the file
 ##     <install>/license/license.txt
 ##  where <install> is the Cypress software
 ##  installation root directory path.
 ## ===========================


#include "cyashal.h"
#include "cyastypes.h"
#include "cyasmedia.h"

#include "cyas_cplus_start.h"



/* The maximum number of buses supported */
#define	CY_AS_MAX_BUSES				        (2)

/* The maximum number of storage devices supported per bus */

#define CY_AS_FUNCTCBTYPE_DATA_MASK (0x60000000U)

#define CyAsFunctCBTypeGetType(t) ((CyAsFunctCBType)((t) & CY_AS_FUNCTCBTYPE_TYPE_MASK))
#define CyAsFunctCBTypeContainsData(t) (((CyAsFunctCBType)((t) & CY_AS_FUNCTCBTYPE_DATA_MASK)) == CY_FUNCT_CB_DATA)

 * West Bridge Types

/* Summary
   Specifies a handle to an West Bridge device
   This type represents an opaque handle to an West Bridge device.  This handle is
   created via the CyAsMiscCreateDevice() function and is used in all subsequent
   calls that communicate to the West Bridge device.

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscCreateDevice
   * CyAsMiscDestroyDevice
typedef void * CyAsDeviceHandle ;

/* Summary
   This data type gives the mode for the DACK# signal
typedef enum CyAsDeviceDackMode
    CyAsDeviceDackAck,		    /* Operate in the ACK mode */
    CyAsDeviceDackEob		    /* Operate in the EOB mode */
} CyAsDeviceDackMode ;

/* Summary
   This data structure gives the options for all hardware features.

   This structure contains the information required to initialize the West Bridge hardware.
   Any features of the device that can be configured by the caller are specified here.
   See Also
   * CyAsMiscConfigure
typedef struct CyAsDeviceConfig
    CyBool                              srammode ;      /* If TRUE, the P port is running in SRAM mode. */
    CyBool				sync ;		/* If TRUE, the P port is synchronous, otherwise async */
    CyBool				dmaintr ;	/* If TRUE, DMA req will be delivered via the interrupt signal */
    CyAsDeviceDackMode			dackmode ;	/* Mode for the DACK# signal */
    CyBool				drqpol ;	/* If TRUE, the DRQ line is active high, otherwise active low */
    CyBool				dackpol ;	/* If TRUE, the DACK line is active high, otherwise active low */
    CyBool				crystal ;	/* If TRUE, the clock is connected to a crystal, otherwise it is
							   connected to a clock */
} CyAsDeviceConfig ;

/* Summary
   Specifies a resource that can be owned by either the West Bridge device or by the processor.
   This enumerated type identifies a resource that can be owned either by
   the West Bridge device, or by the processor attached to the P port of the
   West Bridge device.

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscAcquireResource
   * CyAsMiscReleaseResource
typedef enum CyAsResourceType
    CyAsBusUSB = 0, /* The USB D+ and D- pins */
    CyAsBus_1  = 1, /* The SDIO bus */
    CyAsBus_0  = 2	/* The NAND bus (not implemented) */
} CyAsResourceType;

/* Summary
   Specifies the reset type for a software reset operation.

   When the West Bridge device is reset, there are two types of reset that are
   possible.  This type indicates the type of reset requested.

   Both of these reset types are software based resets; and are distinct from
   a chip level HARD reset that is applied through the reset pin on the West Bridge.

   The CyAsResetSoft type resets only the on-chip micro-controller in the West Bridge.
   In this case, the previously loaded firmware will continue running. However,
   the Storage and USB stack operations will need to be restarted, as any state
   relating to these would have been lost.

   The CyAsResetHard type resets the entire West Bridge chip, and will need a fresh
   configuration and firmware download.  

   See Also
   * <LINK CyAsMiscReset>

typedef enum CyAsResetType
    CyAsResetSoft,					/* Just resets the West Bridge micro-controller */
    CyAsResetHard					/* Resets entire device, firmware must be reloaded and
							   the West Bridge device must be re-initialized */
} CyAsResetType;

/* Summary
   This type specifies the polarity of the SD power pin.

   Sets the SD power pin ( port C, bit 6) to active low or active high.


typedef enum CyAsMiscSignalPolarity

} CyAsMiscSignalPolarity ;

/* Summary
   This type specifies the type of the data returned by a Function Callback.

   CY_FUNCT_CB_NODATA - This callback does not return any additional information in the data field.
   CY_FUNCT_CB_DATA   - The data field is used, and the CyAsFunctCBType will also contain the type of this data.

   See Also
typedef enum CyAsFunctCBType
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_GETFIRMWAREVERSION,        /* Data from a CyAsMiscGetFirmwareVersion call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_HEARTBEATCONTROL,          /* Data from a CyAsMiscHeartBeatControl call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_ACQUIRERESOURCE,           /* Data from a CyAsMiscAcquireResource call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_READMCUREGISTER,           /* Data from a CyAsMiscReadMCURegister call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_WRITEMCUREGISTER,          /* Data from a CyAsMiscWriteMCURegister call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_SETTRACELEVEL,             /* Data from a CyAsMiscSetTraceLevel call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_STORAGECHANGED,            /* Data from a CyAsMiscStorageChanged call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_GETGPIOVALUE,              /* Data from a CyAsMiscGetGpioValue call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_SETGPIOVALUE,              /* Data from a CyAsMiscSetGpioValue call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_DOWNLOADFIRMWARE,          /* Data from a CyAsMiscDownloadFirmware call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_ENTERSTANDBY,		/* Data from a CyAsMiscEnterStandby call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_ENTERSUSPEND,              /* Data from a CyAsMiscEnterSuspend call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_LEAVESUSPEND,              /* Data from a CyAsMiscLeaveSuspend call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_RESET,                     /* Data from a CyAsMiscReset call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_SETSDFREQ,                 /* Data from a CyAsMiscSetLowSpeedSDFreq or CyAsMiscSetHighSpeedSDFreq call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_RESERVELNABOOTAREA,        /* Data from a CyAsMiscSwitchPnandMode call */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MISC_SETSDPOLARITY,             /* Data from a CyAsMiscSetSDPowerPolarity call */

    CY_FUNCT_CB_STOR_START,                     /* Data from a CyAsStorageStart call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_STOR_STOP,                      /* Data from a CyAsStorageStop call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_STOR_CLAIM,                     /* Data from a CyAsStorageClaim call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_STOR_RELEASE,                   /* Data from a CyAsStorageRelease call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_STOR_QUERYMEDIA,                /* Data from a CyAsStorageQueryMedia call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_STOR_QUERYBUS,                  /* Data from a CyAsStorageQueryBus call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_STOR_QUERYDEVICE,               /* Data from a CyAsStorageQueryDevice call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_STOR_QUERYUNIT,                 /* Data from a CyAsStorageQueryUnit call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_STOR_DEVICECONTROL,             /* Data from a CyAsStorageDeviceControl call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_STOR_SDREGISTERREAD,            /* Data from a CyAsStorageSDRegisterRead call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_STOR_PARTITION,                 /* Data from a CyAsStorageCreatePartition call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_STOR_GETTRANSFERAMOUNT,		/* Data from a CyAsStorageGetTransferAmount call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_STOR_ERASE,			/* Data from a CyAsStorageErase call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_ABORT_P2S_XFER,                 /* Data from a CyAsStorageCancelAsync call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_USB_START,                      /* Data from a CyAsUsbStart call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_USB_STOP,                       /* Data from a CyAsUsbStop call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_USB_CONNECT,                    /* Data from a CyAsUsbConnect call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_USB_DISCONNECT,                 /* Data from a CyAsUsbDisconnect call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_USB_SETENUMCONFIG,              /* Data from a CyAsUsbSetEnumConfig call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_USB_GETENUMCONFIG,              /* Data from a CyAsUsbGetEnumConfig call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_USB_SETDESCRIPTOR,              /* Data from a CyAsUsbSetDescriptor call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_USB_GETDESCRIPTOR,              /* Data from a CyAsUsbGetDescriptor call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_USB_COMMITCONFIG,               /* Data from a CyAsUsbCommitConfig call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_USB_GETNAK,			/* Data from a CyAsUsbGetNak call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_USB_GETSTALL,			/* Data from a CyAsUsbGetStall call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_USB_SIGNALREMOTEWAKEUP,         /* Data from a CyAsUsbSignalRemoteWakeup call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_USB_CLEARDESCRIPTORS,           /* Data from a CyAnUsbClearDescriptors call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_USB_SET_MSREPORT_THRESHOLD,     /* Data from a CyAnUsbSetMSReportThreshold call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MTP_START,			/* Data from a CyAsMTPStart call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MTP_STOP,			/* Data from a CyAsMTPStop call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MTP_INIT_SEND_OBJECT,		/* Data from a CyAsMTPInitSendObject call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MTP_CANCEL_SEND_OBJECT,		/* Data from a CyAsMTPCancelSendObject call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MTP_INIT_GET_OBJECT,		/* Data from a CyAsMTPInitGetObject call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MTP_CANCEL_GET_OBJECT,		/* Data from a CyAsMTPCancelGetObject call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MTP_SEND_BLOCK_TABLE,		/* Data from a CyAsMTPSendBlockTable call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_MTP_STOP_STORAGE_ONLY,		/* Data from a CyAsMTPStopStorageOnly call. */
    CY_FUNCT_CB_NODATA = 0x40000000U,
    CY_FUNCT_CB_DATA =   0x20000000U
} CyAsFunctCBType ;

/* Summary
   This type specifies the general West Bridge function callback.

   This callback is supplied as an argument to all asynchronous functions in the API. It is
   called after the asynchronous function has completed. 

   See Also
typedef void (*CyAsFunctionCallback)(
    CyAsDeviceHandle	handle,
    CyAsReturnStatus_t	status,
    uint32_t		client,
    CyAsFunctCBType	type,
    void*		data) ;

/* Summary
   This type specifies the general West Bridge event that has occurred.

   This type is used in the West Bridge misc callback function to indicate the type
   of callback.

   See Also
typedef enum CyAsMiscEventType
    CyAsEventMiscInitialized = 0,		/* This event is sent when West Bridge has finished
						   initialization and is ready to respond to 
						   API calls. */

    CyAsEventMiscAwake,				/* This event is sent when West Bridge has left the
						   standby state and is ready to respond to commands
						   again. */

    CyAsEventMiscHeartBeat,                     /* This event is sent periodically from the firmware
                                                   to the processor. */

    CyAsEventMiscWakeup,                        /* This event is sent when the West Bridge has left the
                                                   suspend mode and is ready to respond to commands
                                                   again. */

    CyAsEventMiscDeviceMismatch                 /* This event is sent when the firmware image downloaded
                                                   cannot run on the active West Bridge device. */
} CyAsMiscEventType ;

/* Summary
   This type is the type of a callback function that is called when a West Bridge misc event occurs.

   At times West Bridge needs to inform the P port processor of events that have
   occurred.  These events are asynchronous to the thread of control on the P
   port processor and as such are generally delivered via a callback function that
   is called as part of an interrupt handler.  This type defines the type of function
   that must be provided as a callback function for West Bridge misc events.

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscEventType
typedef void (*CyAsMiscEventCallback)(
    CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device to configure */
    CyAsMiscEventType		ev,		/* The event type being reported */
    void *			evdata		/* The data assocaited with the event being reported */
) ;

#ifndef __doxygen__
/* Summary
   This enum provides info of various firmware trace levels.

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscSetTraceLevel
enum {
    CYAS_FW_TRACE_LOG_NONE = 0,         /* Log nothing. */
    CYAS_FW_TRACE_LOG_STATE,            /* Log state information. */
    CYAS_FW_TRACE_LOG_CALLS,            /* Log function calls. */
    CYAS_FW_TRACE_LOG_STACK_TRACE,      /* Log function calls with args. */
    CYAS_FW_TRACE_MAX_LEVEL             /* Max trace level sentinel. */

/* Summary
   This enum lists the controllable GPIOs of the West Bridge device.

   The West Bridge device has GPIOs that can be used for user defined functions.
   This enumeration lists the GPIOs that are available on the device.

   All of the GPIOs except UVALID can only be accessed when using West Bridge
   firmware images that support only SD/MMC/MMC+ storage devices. This
   functionality is not supported in firmware images that support NAND

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscGetGpioValue
   * CyAsMiscSetGpioValue
typedef enum {
    CyAsMiscGpio_0 = 0,                 /* GPIO[0] pin */
    CyAsMiscGpio_1,                     /* GPIO[1] pin */
    CyAsMiscGpio_Nand_CE,               /* NAND_CE pin, output only */
    CyAsMiscGpio_Nand_CE2,              /* NAND_CE2 pin, output only */
    CyAsMiscGpio_Nand_WP,               /* NAND_WP pin, output only */
    CyAsMiscGpio_Nand_CLE,              /* NAND_CLE pin, output only */
    CyAsMiscGpio_Nand_ALE,              /* NAND_ALE pin, output only */
    CyAsMiscGpio_SD_POW,                /* SD_POW pin, output only, do not drive low while storage is active */
    CyAsMiscGpio_UValid                 /* UVALID pin */
} CyAsMiscGpio;

/* Summary
   This enum lists the set of clock frequencies that are supported for working
   with low speed SD media.

   West Bridge firmware uses a clock frequency less than the maximum possible rate
   for low speed SD media.  This can be changed to a setting equal to the maximum
   frequency as desired by the user.  This enumeration lists the different
   frequency settings that are supported.

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscSetLowSpeedSDFreq
typedef enum CyAsLowSpeedSDFreq
    CY_AS_SD_DEFAULT_FREQ = 0,          /* Approx. 21.82 MHz, default value */
    CY_AS_SD_RATED_FREQ                 /* 24 MHz */
} CyAsLowSpeedSDFreq ;

/* Summary
   This enum lists the set of clock frequencies that are supported for working
   with high speed SD media.

   West Bridge firmware uses a 48 MHz clock by default to interface with high speed
   SD/MMC media.  This can be changed to 24 MHz if so desired by the user.  This enum
   lists the different frequencies that are supported.

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscSetHighSpeedSDFreq
typedef enum CyAsHighSpeedSDFreq
    CY_AS_HS_SD_FREQ_48,                /* 48 MHz, default value */
    CY_AS_HS_SD_FREQ_24                 /* 24 MHz */
} CyAsHighSpeedSDFreq ;

/* Summary
   Struct encapsulating all information returned by the CyAsMiscGetFirmwareVersion call.

   This struct encapsulates all return values from the asynchronous
   CyAsMiscGetFirmwareVersion call, so that a single data argument can be
   passed to the user provided callback function.

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscGetFirmwareVersion
typedef struct CyAsGetFirmwareVersionData
    uint16_t 	major;		/* Return value for major version number for the firmware */
    uint16_t 	minor;		/* Return value for minor version number for the firmware */
    uint16_t 	build;		/* Return value for build version number for the firmware */
    uint8_t     mediaType;      /* Return value for media types supported in the current firmware */
    CyBool	isDebugMode;    /* Return value to indicate the release or debug mode of firmware */
} CyAsGetFirmwareVersionData ;

 * West Bridge Functions

/* Summary
   This function creates a new West Bridge device and returns a handle to the device.

   This function initializes the API object that represents the West Bridge device and
   returns a handle to this device.  This handle is required for all West Bridge related
   functions to identify the specific West Bridge device.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: NO

EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
        CyAsDeviceHandle *		handle_p,	/* Return value for handle to created device */
        CyAsHalDeviceTag		tag		/* The HAL specific tag for this device */
        ) ;

/* Summary
   This functions destroys a previously created West Bridge device.

   When an West Bridge device is created, an opaque handle is returned that represents
   the device.  This function destroys that handle and frees all resources associated
   with the handle.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: NO

   * CY_AS_ERROR_STILL_RUNNING - The USB or STORAGE stacks are still running, they must be stopped before the device can be destroyed
   * CY_AS_ERROR_DESTROY_SLEEP_CHANNEL_FAILED - the HAL layer failed to destroy a sleep channel
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
        CyAsDeviceHandle		handle		/* Handle to the device to destroy */
        ) ;

/* Summary
   This function initializes the hardware for basic communication with West Bridge.

   This function intializes the hardware to establish basic communication with
   the West Bridge device.  This is always the first function called to initialize
   communication with the West Bridge device.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: NO

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the basic initialization was completed
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NO_ANTIOCH - cannot find the West Bridge device
   * CY_AS_ERROR_CREATE_SLEEP_CHANNEL_FAILED - the HAL layer falied to create a sleep channel

   See Also
   * CyAsDeviceConfig
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
        CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device to configure */
        CyAsDeviceConfig		*config_p	/* Configuration information */
        ) ;

/* Summary
   This function returns non-zero if West Bridge is in standby and zero otherwise.

   West Bridge supports a standby mode.  This function is used to query West Bridge to determine
   if West Bridge is in a standby mode.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: YES

EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
        CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device to configure */
        CyBool			        *standby	/* Return value for standby state */
        ) ;

/* Summary
   This function downloads the firmware to West Bridge device.

   This function downloads firmware from a given location and with a given size
   to the West Bridge device.  After the firmware is downloaded the West Bridge device is
   moved out of configuration mode causing the firmware to be executed.  It is an
   error to call this function when the device is not in configuration mode.  The
   device is in configuration mode on power up and may be placed in configuration
   mode after power up with a hard reset.

   The firmware must be on a word align boundary.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: YES (if cb supplied)
   * Nestable: YES

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the firmware was sucessfully downloaded
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_CONFIGURED - the West Bridge device was not configured
   * CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE - the size of the firmware exceeded 32768 bytes
   * CY_AS_ERROR_IN_STANDBY - trying to download while in standby mode

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscReset
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
        CyAsDeviceHandle	  handle,	/* Handle to the device to configure */
        const void 			  *fw_p,	/* Pointer to the firmware to be downloaded */
        uint16_t			  size,		/* The size of the firmware in bytes */
        CyAsFunctionCallback  cb,       /* Callback to call when the operation is complete. */
        uint32_t			  client    /* Client data to be passed to the callback. */
        ) ;

/* Summary
   This function returns the version number of the firmware running in the West Bridge device.

   This function queries the West Bridge device and retreives the firmware version number.  If
   the firmware is not loaded an error is returned indicated no firmware has been loaded.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: YES (if cb supplied)
   * Nestable: YES

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the firmware version number was retreived
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NO_FIRMWARE - the firmware has not been downloaded to the device
   * CY_AS_ERROR_TIMEOUT - there was a timeout waiting for a response from the West Bridge firmware
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
        CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device to configure */
        CyAsGetFirmwareVersionData*	data,           /* Return values indicating the firmware version. */
        CyAsFunctionCallback	        cb,             /* Callback to call when the operation is complete. */
        uint32_t			client          /* Client data to be passed to the callback. */
        ) ;

#if !defined(__doxygen__)

/* Summary
   This function reads and returns the contents of an MCU accessible register on the West Bridge.

   This function requests the firmware to read and return the contents of an MCU accessible
   register through the mailboxes.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: YES (if cb supplied)
   * Nestable: YES

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the register content was retrieved.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_TIMEOUT - there was a timeout waiting for a response from the West Bridge firmware
   * CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE - the firmware build does not support this command.
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t 
	CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device to configure */
	uint16_t			address,	/* Address of the register to read */
	uint8_t				*value,		/* Return value for the MCU register content */
	CyAsFunctionCallback		cb,             /* Callback to call when the operation is complete. */
	uint32_t			client          /* Client data to be passed to the callback. */
	) ;

/* Summary
   This function writes to an MCU accessible register on the West Bridge.

   This function requests the firmware to write a specified value to an MCU accessible
   register through the mailboxes.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: YES (if cb supplied)
   * Nestable: YES

   This function is only for internal use by the West Bridge API layer.  Calling
   this function directly can cause device malfunction.

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the register content was updated.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_TIMEOUT - there was a timeout waiting for a response from the West Bridge firmware
   * CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE - the firmware build does not support this command.
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t 
        CyAsDeviceHandle        handle,		/* Handle to the device to configure */
        uint16_t                address,        /* Address of the register to write */
        uint8_t			mask,           /* Mask to be applied on the register contents. */
        uint8_t                 value,          /* Data to be ORed with the register contents. */
        CyAsFunctionCallback	cb,             /* Callback to call when the operation is complete. */
        uint32_t		client          /* Client data to be passed to the callback. */
        ) ;


/* Summary
   This function will reset the West Bridge device and software API.

   This function will reset the West Bridge device and software API.  The reset operation can be
   a hard reset or a soft reset.  A hard reset will reset all aspects of the West Bridge device.
   The device will enter the configuration state and the firmware will have to be reloaded.  The
   device will also have to be re-initialized.  A soft reset just resets the West Bridge micro-

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: NO

   When a hard reset is issued, the firmware that may have been previously loaded will be lost
   and any configuration information set via CyAsMiscConfigureDevice() will be lost.  This will be
   reflected in the API maintained state of the device.  In order to re-establish communications 
   with the West Bridge device, CyAsMiscConfigureDevice() and CyAsMiscDownloadFirmware() must be 
   called again.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: YES (if cb supplied)
   * Nestable: YES

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the device has been reset
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_YET_SUPPORTED - current soft reset is not supported
   * CY_AS_ERROR_ASYNC_PENDING - Reset is unable to flush pending async reads/writes in polling mode.

      See Also
   * CyAsMiscReset
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
	CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device to configure */
	CyAsResetType			type,		/* The type of reset to perform */
	CyBool				flush,		/* If true, flush all pending writes to mass storage
							   before performing the reset. */
	CyAsFunctionCallback		cb,             /* Callback to call when the operation is complete. */
	uint32_t			client          /* Client data to be passed to the callback. */
	) ;

/* Summary
   This function acquires a given resource.

   There are resources in the system that are shared between the West Bridge device and the processor
   attached to the P port of the West Bridge device.  This API provides a mechanism for the P port
   processor to acquire ownership of a resource.

   The ownership of the resources controlled by CyAsMiscAcquireResource() and CyAsMiscReleaseResource()
   defaults to a known state at hardware reset.  After the firmware is loaded and begins execution the
   state of these resources may change.  At any point if the P Port processor needs to acquire a resource
   it should do so explicitly to be sure of ownership.

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the p port sucessfully acquired the resource of interest
   * CY_AS_ERROR_RESOURCE_ALREADY_OWNED - the p port already owns this resource
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_ACQUIRED - the resource cannot be acquired
   * CY_AS_ERROR_TIMEOUT - there was a timeout waiting for a response from the West Bridge firmware

   See Also
   * CyAsResourceType
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t 
	CyAsDeviceHandle	handle,		/* Handle to the device to configure */
	CyAsResourceType	*resource,	/* The resource to acquire */
	CyBool				force,		/* If true, force West Bridge to release the resource */
	CyAsFunctionCallback cb,        /* Callback to call when the operation is complete. */
	uint32_t			client      /* Client data to be passed to the callback. */
	) ;

/* Summary
   This function releases a given resource.

   There are resources in the system that are shared between the West Bridge device and the processor
   attached to the P port of the West Bridge device.  This API provides a mechanism for the P port
   processor to release a resource that has previously been acquired via the CyAsMiscAcquireResource()

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: NO

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the p port sucessfully released the resource of interest
   * CY_AS_ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_OWNED - the p port does not own the resource of interest

   See Also
   * CyAsResourceType
   * CyAsMiscAcquireResource
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t 
	CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device to configure */
	CyAsResourceType		resource	/* The resource to release */
	) ;

#ifndef __doxygen__
/* Summary
   This function sets the trace level for the West Bridge firmware.

   The West Bridge firmware has the ability to store information about the state and execution path
   of the firmware on a mass storage device attached to the West Bridge device.  This function 
   configures the specific mass storage device to be used and the type of information to be
   stored.  This state information is used for debugging purposes and must be interpreted by a
   Cypress provided tool.

   *Trace Level*
   The trace level indicates the amount of information to output.
   * 0 = no trace information is output
   * 1 = state information is output
   * 2 = function call information is output
   * 3 = function call, arguments, and return value information is output

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: NO

   The media device and unit specified in this call will be overwritten and any data currently stored
   on this device and unit will be lost.


   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the trace configuration has been sucessfully changed
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NO_SUCH_BUS - the bus specified does not exist
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE - the specified media/device pair does not exist
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NO_SUCH_UNIT - the unit specified does not exist
   * CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_TRACE_LEVEL - the trace level requested does not exist
   * CY_AS_ERROR_TIMEOUT - there was a timeout waiting for a response from the West Bridge firmware
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
	CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device to configure */
	uint8_t				level,		/* The trace level */
	CyAsBusNumber_t			bus,		/* The bus for the output */
	uint32_t 			device,		/* The device for the output */
	uint32_t			unit,		/* The unit for the output */
	CyAsFunctionCallback		cb,             /* Callback to call when the operation is complete. */
	uint32_t			client          /* Client data to be passed to the callback. */
	) ;

/* Summary
   This function places West Bridge into the low power standby mode.

   This function places West Bridge into a low power (sleep) mode, and cannot be called while the
   USB stack is active.  This function first instructs the West Bridge firmware that the device is
   about to be placed into sleep mode.  This allows West Bridge to complete any pending storage
   operations.  After the West Bridge device has responded that pending operations are complete,
   the device is placed in standby mode.
   There are two methods of placing the device in standby mode.  If the WAKEUP pin of the West Bridge
   is connected to a GPIO on the processor, the pin is de-asserted (via the HAL layer) and West Bridge
   enters into a sleep mode.  If the WAKEUP pin is not accessible, the processor can write into
   the power management control/status register on the West Bridge to put the device into sleep mode.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: YES (if cb supplied)
   * Nestable: YES

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the function completed and West Bridge is in sleep mode
   * CY_AS_ERROR_ALREADY_STANDBY - the West Bridge device is already in sleep mode
   * CY_AS_ERROR_TIMEOUT - there was a timeout waiting for a response from the West Bridge firmware
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED - the HAL layer does not support changing the WAKEUP pin
   * CY_AS_ERROR_USB_RUNNING - The USB stack is still running when the EnterStandby call is made
   * CY_AS_ERROR_ASYNC_PENDING - In polling mode EnterStandby can not be called until all pending
				 storage read/write requests have finished.

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscLeaveStandby
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
	CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device to configure */
	CyBool				pin,		/* If true, use the wakeup pin, otherwise use the register */
	CyBool				uvalid_special,	/* Set true to enable specific usages of the
							   UVALID signal, please refer to AN xx or ERRATA xx */
	CyAsFunctionCallback		cb,             /* Callback to call when the operation is complete. */
	uint32_t			client          /* Client data to be passed to the callback. */
	) ;

/* Summary
   This function is provided for backwards compatibility.

   Calling this function is the same as calling CyAsMiscEnterStandbyEx with True for the lowpower parameter.

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscEnterStandbyEx
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
CyAsMiscEnterStandby(CyAsDeviceHandle handle, 
			CyBool pin,
			CyAsFunctionCallback cb,
			uint32_t client
			) ;

/* Summary
   This function brings West Bridge out of sleep mode.

   This function asserts the WAKEUP pin (via the HAL layer).  This brings the West Bridge out of the sleep
   state and allows the West Bridge firmware to process the event causing the wakeup.  When all processing
   associated with the wakeup is complete, a callback function is called to tell the P port software that
   the firmware processing associated with wakeup is complete.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: NO

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the function completed and West Bridge is in sleep mode
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_IN_STANDBY - the West Bridge device is not in the sleep state
   * CY_AS_ERROR_TIMEOUT - there was a timeout waiting for a response from the West Bridge firmware
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED - the HAL layer does not support changing the WAKEUP pin

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscEnterStandby
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
	CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device to configure */
	CyAsResourceType		resource	/* The resource causing the wakeup */
	) ;

/* Summary
   This function registers a callback function to be called when an asynchronous West Bridge MISC event occurs.

   When asynchronous misc events occur, a callback function can be called to alert the calling program.  This
   functions allows the calling program to register a callback.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: NO

EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
	CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the West Bridge device */
	CyAsMiscEventCallback		callback	/* The function to call */
	) ;

/* Summary
   This function sets the logging level for log messages.

   The API can print messages via the CyAsHalPrintMessage capability.  This function sets the
   level of detail seen when printing messages from the API.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback:NO
	uint8_t				level		/* Level to set, 0 is fewer messages, 255 is all */
	) ;

/* Summary
   This function tells West Bridge that SD or MMC media has been inserted or removed.

   In some hardware configurations, SD or MMC media detection is handled outside of the
   West Bridge device.  This function is called when a change is detected to inform the
   West Bridge firmware to check for storage media changes.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: NO


   See Also
   * CyAsMiscStorageChanged

EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
	CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,	        /* Handle to the West Bridge device */
	CyAsFunctionCallback		cb,		/* Callback to call when the operation is complete. */
	uint32_t			client		/* Client data to be passed to the callback. */
	) ;

/* Summary
   This function instructs the West Bridge firmware to start/stop sending periodic
   heartbeat messages to the processor.

   The West Bridge firmware can send heartbeat messages through the mailbox register
   once every 500 ms. This message can be an overhead as it causes regular Mailbox
   interrupts to happen, and is turned off by default. The message can be used to
   test and verify that the West Bridge firmware is alive. This API can be used to
   enable or disable the heartbeat message.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: NO
   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the function completed successfully
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_CONFIGURED - the West Bridge device has not been configured yet
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NO_FIRMWARE - firmware has not been downloaded to the West Bridge device

EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
        CyAsDeviceHandle                handle,         /* Handle to the West Bridge device */
        CyBool                          enable,         /* Message enable/disable selection */
	CyAsFunctionCallback		cb,             /* Callback to call when the operation is complete. */
	uint32_t			client          /* Client data to be passed to the callback. */
        ) ;

/* Summary
   This function gets the current state of a GPIO pin on the West Bridge device.

   The West Bridge device has GPIO pins that can be used for user defined functions.
   This function gets the current state of the specified GPIO pin. Calling this
   function will configure the corresponding pin as an input.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: NO

   Only GPIO[0], GPIO[1] and UVALID pins can be used as GP inputs. Of these pins,
   only the UVALID pin is supported by firmware images that include NAND storage

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the function completed successfully
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_CONFIGURED - the West Bridge device has not been configured yet
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NO_FIRMWARE - firmware has not been downloaded to the West Bridge device
   * CY_AS_ERROR_BAD_INDEX - an invalid GPIO was specified
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED - this feature is not supported by the firmware

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscGpio
   * CyAsMiscSetGpioValue
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
        CyAsDeviceHandle                handle,         /* Handle to the West Bridge device */
        CyAsMiscGpio                    pin,            /* Id of the GPIO pin to query */
        uint8_t                        *value,          /* Current value of the GPIO pin */
        CyAsFunctionCallback            cb,             /* Callback to call when the operation is complete. */
        uint32_t                        client          /* Client data to be passed to the callback. */
        ) ;

/* Summary
   This function updates the state of a GPIO pin on the West Bridge device.

   The West Bridge device has GPIO pins that can be used for user defined functions.
   This function updates the output value driven on a specified GPIO pin. Calling this
   function will configure the corresponding pin as an output.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: NO

   All of the pins listed under CyAsMiscGpio can be used as GP outputs. This feature
   is note supported by firmware images that include NAND storage device support.

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the function completed successfully
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_CONFIGURED - the West Bridge device has not been configured yet
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NO_FIRMWARE - firmware has not been downloaded to the West Bridge device
   * CY_AS_ERROR_BAD_INDEX - an invalid GPIO was specified
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED - this feature is not supported by firmware.

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscGpio
   * CyAsMiscGetGpioValue
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
        CyAsDeviceHandle                handle,         /* Handle to the West Bridge device */
        CyAsMiscGpio                    pin,            /* Id of the GPIO pin to set */
        uint8_t                         value,          /* Value to be set on the GPIO pin */
        CyAsFunctionCallback            cb,             /* Callback to call when the operation is complete. */
        uint32_t                        client          /* Client data to be passed to the callback. */
        ) ;

/* Summary
   Set the West Bridge device in the low power suspend mode.

   The West Bridge device has a low power suspend mode where the USB core and the internal
   microcontroller are powered down.  This function sets the West Bridge device into this
   low power mode.  This mode can only be entered when there is no active USB connection;
   i.e., when USB has not been connected or is suspended; and there are no pending USB
   or storage asynchronous calls.
   The device will exit the suspend mode and resume handling USB and processor requests
   when any activity is detected on the CE#, D+/D- or GPIO[0] lines.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: NO

   The GPIO[0] pin needs to be configured as an input for the gpio wakeup to work.
   This flag should not be enabled if the pin is being used as a GP output.

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the device was placed in suspend mode.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE - the West Bridge handle passed in is invalid.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_CONFIGURED - the West Bridge device has not yet been configured.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NO_FIRMWARE - no firmware has been downloaded to the device.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_IN_STANDBY - the device is already in sleep mode.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_USB_CONNECTED - the USB connection is active.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_ASYNC_PENDING - asynchronous storage/USB calls are pending.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY - failed to allocate memory for the operation.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE - command not recognised by firmware.

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscLeaveSuspend
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
        CyAsDeviceHandle                handle,         /* Handle to the West Bridge device */
        CyBool                          usb_wakeup_en,  /* Control the USB wakeup source */
        CyBool                          gpio_wakeup_en, /* Control the GPIO[0] wakeup source */
        CyAsFunctionCallback            cb,             /* Callback to call when suspend mode entry is complete */
        uint32_t                        client          /* Client data to be passed to the callback. */
        ) ;

/* Summary
   Wake up the West Bridge device from suspend mode.

   This call wakes up the West Bridge device from suspend mode, and makes it ready
   for accepting other commands from the API.  A CyAsEventMiscWakeup event will
   be delivered to the callback registered with CyAsMiscRegisterCallback to
   indicate that the wake up is complete.

   The CyAsEventMiscWakeup event will also be delivered if the wakeup happens
   due to USB or GPIO activity.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: NO

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the device was woken up from suspend mode.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE - invalid device handle passed in.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_CONFIGURED - West Bridge device has not been configured.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NO_FIRMWARE - firmware has not been downloaded to the device.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_IN_SUSPEND - the device is not in suspend mode.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY - failed to allocate memory for the operation.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_TIMEOUT - failed to wake up the device.

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscEnterSuspend
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
        CyAsDeviceHandle                handle,         /* Handle to the West Bridge device */
        CyAsFunctionCallback            cb,             /* Callback to call when device has resumed operation. */
        uint32_t                        client          /* Client data to be passed to the callback. */
        ) ;

/* Summary
   Reserve first numzones zones of nand device for storing processor boot image. LNA firmware works 
   on the first numzones zones of nand to enable the processor to boot.

   This function reserves first numzones zones of nand device for storing processor boot image. 
   This fonction MUST be completed before starting the storage stack for the setting to be taken 
   into account.

   * Valid In Asynchronous Callback: YES

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS                   - zones are reserved.
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
        CyAsDeviceHandle     handle,         /* Handle to the West Bridge device */
        uint8_t numzones,                    /* number of nand zones to reserve */
        CyAsFunctionCallback cb,             /* Callback to call when device has resumed operation. */
        uint32_t client                      /* Client data to be passed to the callback. */
		) ;

/* Summary
   Select the clock frequency to be used when talking to low speed (non-high speed)
   SD media.
   West Bridge firmware uses a clock frequency less than the maximum possible rate
   for low speed SD media.  This function selects the frequency setting from between
   the default speed and the maximum speed. This fonction MUST be completed before
   starting the storage stack for the setting to be taken into account.

   * Valid in Asynchronous Callback: Yes (if cb is non-zero)
   * Nestable: Yes

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the operation completed successfully.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE - invalid device handle passed in.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_CONFIGURED - West Bridge device has not been configured.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NO_FIRMWARE - firmware has not been downloaded to the device.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY - failed to allocate memory for the operation.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_IN_SUSPEND - West Bridge is in low power suspend mode.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - invalid frequency setting desired.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_TIMEOUT - West Bridge device did not respond to the operation.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE - active firmware does not support the operation.

   See Also
   * CyAsLowSpeedSDFreq
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
        CyAsDeviceHandle                handle,         /* Handle to the West Bridge device */
        CyAsLowSpeedSDFreq              setting,        /* Frequency setting desired for low speed SD cards */
        CyAsFunctionCallback            cb,             /* Callback to call on completion */
        uint32_t                        client          /* Client data to be passed to the callback */
        ) ;

/* Summary
   Select the clock frequency to be used when talking to high speed SD/MMC media.
   West Bridge firmware uses a 48 MHz clock to interface with high speed SD/MMC
   media.  This clock rate can be restricted to 24 MHz if desired.  This function
   selects the frequency setting to be used. This fonction MUST be completed before
   starting the storage stack for the setting to be taken into account.

   * Valid in Asynchronous Callback: Yes (if cb is non-zero)
   * Nestable: Yes

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the operation completed successfully.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE - invalid device handle passed in.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_CONFIGURED - West Bridge device has not been configured.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NO_FIRMWARE - firmware has not been downloaded to the device.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY - failed to allocate memory for the operation.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_IN_SUSPEND - West Bridge is in low power suspend mode.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - invalid frequency setting desired.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_TIMEOUT - West Bridge device did not respond to the operation.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE - active firmware does not support the operation.

   See Also
   * CyAsLowSpeedSDFreq
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
        CyAsDeviceHandle                handle,         /* Handle to the West Bridge device */
        CyAsHighSpeedSDFreq             setting,        /* Frequency setting desired for high speed SD cards */
        CyAsFunctionCallback            cb,             /* Callback to call on completion */
        uint32_t                        client          /* Client data to be passed to the callback */
        ) ;
/* Summary
   Select the polarity of the SD_POW output driven by West Bridge.
   The SD_POW signal driven by West Bridge can be used to control the supply
   of Vcc to the SD/MMC media connected to the device.  This signal is driven
   as an active high signal by default.  This function can be used to change the
   polarity of this signal if required. This fonction MUST be completed before
   starting the storage stack for the setting to be taken into account.

   * Valid in Asynchronous Callback: Yes (if cb is non-zero)
   * Nestable: Yes

   * CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS - the operation completed successfully.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE - invalid device handle passed in.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_CONFIGURED - West Bridge device has not been configured.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_NO_FIRMWARE - firmware has not been downloaded to the device.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY - failed to allocate memory for the operation.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_IN_SUSPEND - West Bridge is in low power suspend mode.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - invalid frequency setting desired.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_TIMEOUT - West Bridge device did not respond to the operation.
   * CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE - active firmware does not support the operation.

   See Also
   * CyAsMiscSignalPolarity
EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
    CyAsDeviceHandle handle,                            /* Handle to the West Bridge device */
    CyAsMiscSignalPolarity polarity,                    /* Desired polarity setting to the SD_POW signal. */
    CyAsFunctionCallback cb,                            /* Callback to call on completion. */
    uint32_t client                                     /* Client data to be passed to the callback. */
    ) ;

/* For supporting deprecated functions */
#include "cyasmisc_dep.h"    

#include "cyas_cplus_end.h"

#endif				/* _INCLUDED_CYASMISC_H_ */