Initial contribution of the euart driver by Accenture.
Known issues
When the FIFO is enabled we seem to get some dropped characters, as a temporary workaround a polling mode is enabled.
#include <kern_priv.h>
//#include <beagle/beagle_gpio.h>
#include <beagle/variant.h>
//#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_assp_priv.h>
//#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_irqmap.h> // GPIO interrupts
//#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_gpio.h>
//#include <assp.h> // Required for definition of TIsr
#include <cyastoria.h>
#include <cyasmtp.h>
#include <cyasusbinit.h>
//#include <cyasusbdescs.h>
#include "CyAsSymbianStorageDriver.h"
extern TmtpAstDev g_AstDevice;
extern TmtpAstDev * g_pAstDevice;
static DMutex *WbApiMutex;
const TUint8 KMutexOrdWB = 0x11; /**< @internalComponent */
TInt64 iMediaTotalSize;
EXPORT_C int CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Open(void)
//CyAsHalDeviceTag tag;
CyAsDeviceHandle h;
CyAsReturnStatus_t ret ;
char *media_name = "SD";
uint32_t count = 0 ;
Kern::MutexCreate(WbApiMutex, KLitWbAPIMutex, KMutexOrdWB);
//tag = g_pAstDevice->astHalTag ;
h = g_pAstDevice->astDevHandle ;
Kern::Printf("*** CyAsStorageStart...\n") ;
ret = CyAsStorageStart(h, 0, 0) ;
Kern::Printf("CyAsSymbianStorageOpen: CyAsStorageStart returned error code %d\n", ret) ;
return 0 ;
Kern::Printf("*** CyAsStorageQueryMedia...\n") ;
ret = CyAsStorageQueryMedia(h, CyAsMediaSDFlash, &count, 0, 0) ;
Kern::Printf("CyAsSymbianStorageOpen: Cannot query %s device count - Reason code %d\n", media_name, ret) ;
return 0 ;
Kern::Printf("%d %s device(s) found\n", count, media_name) ;
Kern::Printf("*** CyAsStorageClaim...\n") ;
ret = CyAsStorageClaim(h, CyAsBus_1, 0, 0, 0) ;
Kern::Printf("CyAsSymbianStorageOpen: Cannot claim %s media - Reason code %d\n", media_name, ret) ;
return 0;
/* We know that there is only one */
g_pAstDevice->dev_data.bus = CyAsBus_1 ;
g_pAstDevice->dev_data.device = 0 ;
ret = CyAsStorageQueryDevice(h, &(g_pAstDevice->dev_data), 0, 0) ;
Kern::Printf("CyAsSymbianStorageOpen: Cannot query %s device - Reason code %d\n", media_name, ret) ;
return 0 ;
g_pAstDevice->unit_data.bus = CyAsBus_1 ;
g_pAstDevice->unit_data.device = 0 ;
g_pAstDevice->unit_data.unit = 0 ;
/* We know that there is only one */
ret = CyAsStorageQueryUnit(h, &(g_pAstDevice->unit_data), 0, 0) ;
Kern::Printf("CyAsSymbianStorageOpen: Cannot query %s device unit - Reason code %d\n", media_name, ret) ;
return 0 ;
iMediaTotalSize = (TInt64)g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.block_size * (TInt64)g_pAstDevice->unit_data.desc_p.unit_size;
#if 0
Kern::Printf("========================================================") ;
Kern::Printf("WBStorageInfo.type - %d", g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.type) ;
Kern::Printf("WBStorageInfo.removable - %d", g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.removable) ;
Kern::Printf("WBStorageInfo.writeable - %d", g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.writeable) ;
Kern::Printf("WBStorageInfo.block_size - %d Bytes", g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.block_size) ;
Kern::Printf("WBStorageInfo.number_units - %d", g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.number_units) ;
Kern::Printf("WBStorageInfo.locked - %d", g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.locked) ;
Kern::Printf("WBStorageInfo.erase_unit_size - %d Bytes", g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.erase_unit_size) ;
Kern::Printf("WBStorageInfo.unit_size - %d", g_pAstDevice->unit_data.desc_p.unit_size) ;
Kern::Printf("WBStorageInfo.start_block - %d", g_pAstDevice->unit_data.desc_p.start_block) ;
Kern::Printf("WBStorageInfo.totalsize - %d Bytes", iMediaTotalSize) ;
Kern::Printf("========================================================\n") ;
return 1;
EXPORT_C int CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Close(void)
CyAsDeviceHandle h;
CyAsReturnStatus_t ret ;
//tag = g_pAstDevice->astHalTag ;
h = g_pAstDevice->astDevHandle ;
Kern::Printf("*** CyAsStorageStop...\n") ;
ret = CyAsStorageStop(h, 0, 0) ;
Kern::Printf("CyAsStorageStop: CyAsStorageStop returned error code %d\n", ret) ;
return 0 ;
return 1;
EXPORT_C int CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Read(int pos, int num_block, void* cybuf)
//CyAsHalDeviceTag tag;
CyAsDeviceHandle h;
CyAsReturnStatus_t ret ;
char *tmpbuf;
tmpbuf = (char *)cybuf;
//tag = g_pAstDevice->astHalTag ;
h = g_pAstDevice->astDevHandle ;
//CyAsHalPrintMessage("Read SD card\n");
ret = CyAsStorageRead( h, 1, 0, 0, pos, tmpbuf, num_block);
Kern::Printf("CyAsSymbianStorageRead: Cannot read sector %d (%d@%d)\n", ret, num_block, pos) ;
return 0 ;
return 1;
EXPORT_C int CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Write(int pos, int num_block, void* cybuf)
//CyAsHalDeviceTag tag;
CyAsDeviceHandle h;
CyAsReturnStatus_t ret ;
char *tmpbuf;
tmpbuf = (char *)cybuf;
//tag = g_pAstDevice->astHalTag ;
h = g_pAstDevice->astDevHandle ;
ret = CyAsStorageWrite(h, 1, 0, 0, pos, tmpbuf, num_block);
if ( ret != CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS )
Kern::Printf("CyAsSymbianStorageWrite: Cannot write to first sector of SD card\n") ;
return 0 ;
return 1;
EXPORT_C TInt CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetMediaType(void)
/* Type of device */
return (TInt)g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.type;
EXPORT_C TInt CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetIsRemovable(void)
/* Is the device removable */
return g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.removable;
EXPORT_C TInt CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetIsWriteable(void)
/* Is the device writeable */
return g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.writeable;
EXPORT_C TUint16 CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetBlockSize(void)
/* Basic block size for device */
return g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.block_size;
EXPORT_C TUint CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetNumberOfUnits(void)
/* Number of LUNs on the device */
return g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.number_units;
EXPORT_C TInt CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetIsLocked(void)
/* Is the device password locked */
return g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.locked;
EXPORT_C TUint CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetEraseBlockSize(void)
/* Size in bytes of an Erase Unit. Block erase operation is only supported for SD storage,
and the erase_unit_size is invalid for all other kinds of storage. */
return g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.erase_unit_size;
EXPORT_C TUint CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetUnitSize(void)
/* Number of blocks in the LUN */
return g_pAstDevice->unit_data.desc_p.unit_size;
EXPORT_C TUint CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetStartBlock(void)
/* Physical start block for LUN */
return g_pAstDevice->unit_data.desc_p.start_block;
EXPORT_C TInt64 CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetMediaSize(void)
/*(Basic block size for device x Number of LUNs on the device)
g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.block_size * g_pAstDevice->dev_data.desc_p.number_units */
return iMediaTotalSize;