// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// omap3530/shared/serialkeyb/serialkeyboard.mmp
// Simple serial keyboard implementation for Beagle baseport
#include <platform.h>
#include <e32keys.h>
#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_assp_priv.h>
#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_uart.h>
//#include <drivers/resourceman.h>
const TInt KMagicCrashValue = 15;
#define SHIFTED(x) (0x8000|(x))
#define ISSHIFTED(x) (0x8000&(x))
#define CTRLED(x) (0x2000|(x))
#define ISCTRL(x) (0x2000&(x))
#define FUNCED(x) (0x4000|(x))
#define ISFUNC(x) (0x4000&(x))
#define STDKEY(x) (0x1FFF&(x))
static const TUint16 KScanCode[] =
/*00*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*01*/ EStdKeyHome, // ^A
/*02*/ EStdKeyLeftArrow, // ^B
/*03*/ EStdKeyEscape, // ^C
/*04*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyDownArrow), // ^D - move window down
/*05*/ EStdKeyEnd, // ^E
/*06*/ EStdKeyRightArrow, // ^F
/*07*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*08*/ EStdKeyBackspace, // ^H - Reserved!
/*09*/ EStdKeyTab, // ^I - Reserved!
/*0a*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*0b*/ EStdKeyIncContrast, // ^K
/*0c*/ EStdKeyDecContrast, // ^L
/*0d*/ EStdKeyEnter, // ^M - Reserved!
/*0e*/ EStdKeyDownArrow, // ^N
/*0f*/ EStdKeyNull, // ^O = instant death
/*10*/ EStdKeyUpArrow, // ^P
/*11*/ CTRLED(EStdKeyLeftArrow), // ^Q - make window narrower
/*12*/ CTRLED(FUNCED('5')), // ^R - rotate windows in text window server
/*13*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*14*/ CTRLED(EStdKeyDownArrow), // ^T - make window taller
/*15*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyUpArrow), // ^U - move window up
/*16*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*17*/ CTRLED(EStdKeyRightArrow), // ^W - make window wider
/*18*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyRightArrow), // ^X - move window right
/*19*/ CTRLED(EStdKeyUpArrow), // ^Y - make window shorter
/*1a*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyLeftArrow), // ^Z - move window left
/*1b*/ EStdKeyEscape, // ^[ - Reserved!
/*1c*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*1d*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*1e*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*1f*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*20*/ EStdKeySpace,
/*21*/ SHIFTED('1'), // !
/*22*/ SHIFTED('2'), // "
/*23*/ EStdKeyHash, // #
/*24*/ SHIFTED('4'), // $
/*25*/ SHIFTED('5'), // %
/*26*/ SHIFTED('7'), // &
/*27*/ EStdKeySingleQuote,
/*28*/ SHIFTED('9'), // (
/*29*/ SHIFTED('0'), // )
/*2a*/ SHIFTED('8'), // *
/*2b*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyEquals), // +
/*2c*/ EStdKeyComma,
/*2d*/ EStdKeyMinus,
/*2e*/ EStdKeyFullStop,
/*2f*/ EStdKeyForwardSlash,
/*30*/ '0',
/*31*/ '1',
/*32*/ '2',
/*33*/ '3',
/*34*/ '4',
/*35*/ '5',
/*36*/ '6',
/*37*/ '7',
/*38*/ '8',
/*39*/ '9',
/*3a*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeySemiColon), // :
/*3b*/ EStdKeySemiColon,
/*3c*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyComma), // <
/*3d*/ EStdKeyEquals,
/*3e*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyFullStop), // >
/*3f*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyForwardSlash), // ?
/*40*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeySingleQuote), // @
/*41*/ EStdKeyUpArrow,
/*42*/ EStdKeyDownArrow,
/*43*/ EStdKeyRightArrow,
/*44*/ EStdKeyLeftArrow,
/*45*/ SHIFTED('E'),
/*46*/ SHIFTED('F'),
/*47*/ SHIFTED('G'),
/*48*/ SHIFTED('H'),
/*49*/ SHIFTED('I'),
/*4a*/ SHIFTED('J'),
/*4b*/ SHIFTED('K'),
/*4c*/ SHIFTED('L'),
/*4d*/ SHIFTED('M'),
/*4e*/ SHIFTED('N'),
/*4f*/ SHIFTED('O'),
/*50*/ SHIFTED('P'),
/*51*/ SHIFTED('Q'),
/*52*/ SHIFTED('R'),
/*53*/ SHIFTED('S'),
/*54*/ SHIFTED('T'),
/*55*/ SHIFTED('U'),
/*56*/ SHIFTED('V'),
/*57*/ SHIFTED('W'),
/*58*/ SHIFTED('X'),
/*59*/ SHIFTED('Y'),
/*5a*/ SHIFTED('Z'),
/*5b*/ EStdKeySquareBracketLeft,
/*5c*/ EStdKeyBackSlash,
/*5d*/ EStdKeySquareBracketRight,
/*5e*/ SHIFTED('6'), // ^
/*5f*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyMinus), // _
/*60*/ EStdKeyBacklightToggle, // Actually `
/*61*/ EStdKeyYes,
/*62*/ 'B',
/*63*/ 'C',
/*64*/ EStdKeyNo,
/*65*/ EStdKeyDevice1,
/*66*/ 'F',
/*67*/ 'G',
/*68*/ 'H',
/*69*/ 'I',
/*6a*/ 'J',
/*6b*/ 'K',
/*6c*/ 'L',
/*6d*/ 'M',
/*6e*/ 'N',
/*6f*/ 'O',
/*70*/ 'P',
/*71*/ EStdKeyDevice0,
/*72*/ 'R',
/*73*/ EStdKeyApplication0,
/*74*/ 'T',
/*75*/ 'U',
/*76*/ 'V',
/*77*/ EStdKeyDevice3,
/*78*/ 'X',
/*79*/ 'Y',
/*7a*/ 'Z',
/*7b*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeySquareBracketLeft),
/*7c*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyBackSlash),
/*7d*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeySquareBracketRight),
/*7e*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyHash),
/*7f*/ EKeyDelete
static const TUint16 KScanCode[] =
/*00*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*01*/ EStdKeyHome, // ^A
/*02*/ EStdKeyLeftArrow, // ^B
/*03*/ EStdKeyEscape, // ^C
/*04*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyDownArrow), // ^D - move window down
/*05*/ EStdKeyEnd, // ^E
/*06*/ EStdKeyRightArrow, // ^F
/*07*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*08*/ EStdKeyBackspace, // ^H - Reserved!
/*09*/ EStdKeyTab, // ^I - Reserved!
/*0a*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*0b*/ EStdKeyIncContrast, // ^K
/*0c*/ EStdKeyDecContrast, // ^L
/*0d*/ EStdKeyEnter, // ^M - Reserved!
/*0e*/ EStdKeyDownArrow, // ^N
/*0f*/ EStdKeyNull, // ^O = instant death
/*10*/ EStdKeyUpArrow, // ^P
/*11*/ CTRLED(EStdKeyLeftArrow), // ^Q - make window narrower
/*12*/ CTRLED(FUNCED('5')), // ^R - rotate windows in text window server
/*13*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*14*/ CTRLED(EStdKeyDownArrow), // ^T - make window taller
/*15*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyUpArrow), // ^U - move window up
/*16*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*17*/ CTRLED(EStdKeyRightArrow), // ^W - make window wider
/*18*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyRightArrow), // ^X - move window right
/*19*/ CTRLED(EStdKeyUpArrow), // ^Y - make window shorter
/*1a*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyLeftArrow), // ^Z - move window left
/*1b*/ EStdKeyEscape, // ^[ - Reserved!
/*1c*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*1d*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*1e*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*1f*/ EStdKeyNull,
/*20*/ EStdKeySpace,
/*21*/ SHIFTED('1'), // !
/*22*/ SHIFTED('2'), // "
/*23*/ EStdKeyHash, // #
/*24*/ SHIFTED('4'), // $
/*25*/ SHIFTED('5'), // %
/*26*/ SHIFTED('7'), // &
/*27*/ EStdKeySingleQuote,
/*28*/ SHIFTED('9'), // (
/*29*/ SHIFTED('0'), // )
/*2a*/ SHIFTED('8'), // *
/*2b*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyEquals), // +
/*2c*/ EStdKeyComma,
/*2d*/ EStdKeyMinus,
/*2e*/ EStdKeyFullStop,
/*2f*/ EStdKeyForwardSlash,
/*30*/ '0',
/*31*/ '1',
/*32*/ '2',
/*33*/ '3',
/*34*/ '4',
/*35*/ '5',
/*36*/ '6',
/*37*/ '7',
/*38*/ '8',
/*39*/ '9',
/*3a*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeySemiColon), // :
/*3b*/ EStdKeySemiColon,
/*3c*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyComma), // <
/*3d*/ EStdKeyEquals,
/*3e*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyFullStop), // >
/*3f*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyForwardSlash), // ?
/*40*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeySingleQuote), // @
/*41*/ SHIFTED('A'),
/*42*/ SHIFTED('B'),
/*43*/ SHIFTED('C'),
/*44*/ SHIFTED('D'),
/*45*/ SHIFTED('E'),
/*46*/ SHIFTED('F'),
/*47*/ SHIFTED('G'),
/*48*/ SHIFTED('H'),
/*49*/ SHIFTED('I'),
/*4a*/ SHIFTED('J'),
/*4b*/ SHIFTED('K'),
/*4c*/ SHIFTED('L'),
/*4d*/ SHIFTED('M'),
/*4e*/ SHIFTED('N'),
/*4f*/ SHIFTED('O'),
/*50*/ SHIFTED('P'),
/*51*/ SHIFTED('Q'),
/*52*/ SHIFTED('R'),
/*53*/ SHIFTED('S'),
/*54*/ SHIFTED('T'),
/*55*/ SHIFTED('U'),
/*56*/ SHIFTED('V'),
/*57*/ SHIFTED('W'),
/*58*/ SHIFTED('X'),
/*59*/ SHIFTED('Y'),
/*5a*/ SHIFTED('Z'),
/*5b*/ EStdKeySquareBracketLeft,
/*5c*/ EStdKeyBackSlash,
/*5d*/ EStdKeySquareBracketRight,
/*5e*/ SHIFTED('6'), // ^
/*5f*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyMinus), // _
/*60*/ EStdKeyBacklightToggle, // Actually `
/*61*/ 'A',
/*62*/ 'B',
/*63*/ 'C',
/*64*/ 'D',
/*65*/ 'E',
/*66*/ 'F',
/*67*/ 'G',
/*68*/ 'H',
/*69*/ 'I',
/*6a*/ 'J',
/*6b*/ 'K',
/*6c*/ 'L',
/*6d*/ 'M',
/*6e*/ 'N',
/*6f*/ 'O',
/*70*/ 'P',
/*71*/ 'Q',
/*72*/ 'R',
/*73*/ 'S',
/*74*/ 'T',
/*75*/ 'U',
/*76*/ 'V',
/*77*/ 'W',
/*78*/ 'X',
/*79*/ 'Y',
/*7a*/ 'Z',
/*7b*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeySquareBracketLeft),
/*7c*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyBackSlash),
/*7d*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeySquareBracketRight),
/*7e*/ SHIFTED(EStdKeyHash),
/*7f*/ EKeyDelete
static const TUint16 KEscapedScanCode[] =
const TUint8 KEscapeChar = 0x1b;
const TUint8 KEscapeBase = 0x41;
const TUint8 KEscapeCount = sizeof(KEscapedScanCode) / sizeof(KEscapedScanCode[0]);
const TUint16 KEscapeScanCode = EStdKeyEscape;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TSerialKeyboard) : public DBase
inline TSerialKeyboard();
TInt Create();
static void UartIsr( TAny* aParam );
static void AddKeyDfc( TAny* aParam );
void AddKey( TUint aKey );
enum TState
TDfc iAddKeyDfc;
Omap3530Uart::TUart iUart;
TUint iPrmClientId;
TState iState : 8;
TUint8 iKey;
inline TSerialKeyboard::TSerialKeyboard()
: iAddKeyDfc( AddKeyDfc, this, Kern::DfcQue0(), 1 ),
iUart( Omap3530Assp::DebugPortNumber() ),
iState( ENormal )
// Convert the scan rate from milliseconds to nanokernel ticks (normally 1/64 of a second)
TInt TSerialKeyboard::Create()
TInt r = KErrNone;
const Omap3530Uart::TUartNumber portNumber( Omap3530Assp::DebugPortNumber() );
if( portNumber >= 0 )
// Register with the power resource manager
_LIT( KName, "serkey" );
/*r = PowerResourceManager::RegisterClient( iPrmClientId, KName );
if( r != KErrNone )
return r;
__KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT,Kern::Printf("+TSerialKeyboardl::Create:PRM client ID=%x", iPrmClientId )) ;
Kern::Printf("+TSerialKeyboardl::Create:PRM client ID=%x", iPrmClientId );
Prcm::SetClockState(iUart.PrcmInterfaceClk(), Prcm::EClkOn);
Prcm::SetClockState(iUart.PrcmFunctionClk(), Prcm::EClkOn);
r = Interrupt::Bind( iUart.InterruptId(), UartIsr, this );
if ( r < 0 )
Kern::Printf("TSerialKeyboard Bind r=%d", r);
return r;
Kern::Printf("+TSerialKeyboard::Create bound to interrupt" );
// Ask power resource manager to turn on clocks to the UART
// (this could take some time but we're not in any hurry)
/*r = PowerResourceManager::ChangeResourceState( iPrmClientId, iUart.PrmFunctionClk(), Prcm::EClkOn );
if( KErrNone != r )
return r;
/*r = PowerResourceManager::ChangeResourceState( iPrmClientId, iUart.PrmInterfaceClk(), Prcm::EClkOn );
if( KErrNone != r )
return r;
// We can assume that the debug output code has already initialized the UART, we just need to prepare it for RX
iUart.EnableFifo( Omap3530Uart::TUart::EEnabled, Omap3530Uart::TUart::ETriggerUnchanged, Omap3530Uart::TUart::ETrigger8 );
iUart.EnableInterrupt( Omap3530Uart::TUart::EIntRhr );
Interrupt::Enable( iUart.InterruptId() );
return r;
void TSerialKeyboard::UartIsr( TAny* aParam )
TSerialKeyboard* self = reinterpret_cast<TSerialKeyboard*>( aParam );
const TUint iir = Omap3530Uart::IIR::iMem.Read( self->iUart );
if ( 0 == (iir bitand Omap3530Uart::IIR::IT_PENDING::KMask) )
const TUint pending = iir bitand Omap3530Uart::IIR::IT_TYPE::KFieldMask;
// Although the TI datasheet descrivwed IT_TYPE as being an enumerated priority-decoded interrupt
// it appears to actually be a bitmask of active interrupt sources
if ( (pending bitand Omap3530Uart::IIR::IT_TYPE::ERHR) || (pending bitand Omap3530Uart::IIR::IT_TYPE::ERxLineStatus) )
TUint byte = self->iUart.Read();
if( KMagicCrashValue == byte )
Kern::Fault( "SERKEY-FORCED", 0 );
self->iKey = byte;
Interrupt::Disable( self->iUart.InterruptId() );
void TSerialKeyboard::AddKeyDfc( TAny* aParam )
TSerialKeyboard* self = reinterpret_cast<TSerialKeyboard*>( aParam );
switch ( self->iState )
case ENormal:
if ( self->iKey == KEscapeChar )
self->iState = EEscaping1;
self->AddKey( KScanCode[ self->iKey ] );
case EEscaping1:
if ( self->iKey == KEscapeChar )
self->iState = EEscaping2;
self->AddKey( KEscapeScanCode );
self->AddKey( KScanCode[ self->iKey ] );
self->iState = ENormal;
case EEscaping2:
TInt index = self->iKey - KEscapeBase;
if ( (index >= 0) && (index < KEscapeCount) )
self->AddKey( KEscapedScanCode[ index ] );
self->AddKey( KEscapeScanCode );
self->AddKey( KScanCode[ self->iKey ] );
self->iState = ENormal;
self->iState = ENormal;
Interrupt::Enable( self->iUart.InterruptId() );
void TSerialKeyboard::AddKey( TUint aKey )
const TBool shifted = ISSHIFTED(aKey);
const TBool ctrl = ISCTRL(aKey);
const TBool func = ISFUNC(aKey);
const TUint8 stdKey = STDKEY(aKey);
TRawEvent e;
if ( func )
e.Set( TRawEvent::EKeyDown, EStdKeyRightFunc, 0 );
Kern::AddEvent( e );
if ( ctrl )
e.Set( TRawEvent::EKeyDown, EStdKeyRightCtrl, 0 );
Kern::AddEvent( e );
if ( shifted )
e.Set( TRawEvent::EKeyDown, EStdKeyRightShift, 0 );
Kern::AddEvent( e );
e.Set( TRawEvent::EKeyDown, stdKey, 0 );
Kern::AddEvent( e );
e.Set( TRawEvent::EKeyUp, stdKey, 0 );
Kern::AddEvent( e );
if ( shifted )
e.Set( TRawEvent::EKeyUp, EStdKeyRightShift, 0 );
Kern::AddEvent( e );
if ( ctrl )
e.Set( TRawEvent::EKeyUp, EStdKeyRightCtrl, 0 );
Kern::AddEvent( e );
if ( func )
e.Set( TRawEvent::EKeyUp, EStdKeyRightFunc, 0 );
Kern::AddEvent( e );
__KTRACE_OPT(KEXTENSION,Kern::Printf("Starting serial keyboard driver"));
TInt r = KErrNoMemory;
TSerialKeyboard* keyboard = new TSerialKeyboard;
if ( keyboard )
r = keyboard->Create();
__KTRACE_OPT(KEXTENSION,Kern::Printf("Returns %d",r));
return r;