changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:ffa851df0825 1:2fb8b9db1c86
     1 #include "Python.h"
     2 #include "Python-ast.h"
     3 #include "code.h"
     4 #include "symtable.h"
     5 #include "structmember.h"
     7 /* error strings used for warnings */
     8 #define GLOBAL_AFTER_ASSIGN \
     9 "name '%.400s' is assigned to before global declaration"
    11 #define GLOBAL_AFTER_USE \
    12 "name '%.400s' is used prior to global declaration"
    14 #define IMPORT_STAR_WARNING "import * only allowed at module level"
    16 #define RETURN_VAL_IN_GENERATOR \
    17     "'return' with argument inside generator"
    20 static PySTEntryObject *
    21 ste_new(struct symtable *st, identifier name, _Py_block_ty block,
    22 	      void *key, int lineno)
    23 {
    24 	PySTEntryObject *ste = NULL;
    25 	PyObject *k;
    27 	k = PyLong_FromVoidPtr(key);
    28 	if (k == NULL)
    29 		goto fail;
    30 	ste = PyObject_New(PySTEntryObject, &PySTEntry_Type);
    31 	if (ste == NULL)
    32 		goto fail;
    33 	ste->ste_table = st;
    34 	ste->ste_id = k;
    35 	ste->ste_tmpname = 0;
    37 	ste->ste_name = name;
    38 	Py_INCREF(name);
    40 	ste->ste_symbols = NULL;
    41 	ste->ste_varnames = NULL;
    42 	ste->ste_children = NULL;
    44 	ste->ste_symbols = PyDict_New();
    45 	if (ste->ste_symbols == NULL)
    46 	    goto fail;
    48 	ste->ste_varnames = PyList_New(0);
    49 	if (ste->ste_varnames == NULL)
    50 	    goto fail;
    52 	ste->ste_children = PyList_New(0);
    53 	if (ste->ste_children == NULL)
    54 	    goto fail;
    56 	ste->ste_type = block;
    57 	ste->ste_unoptimized = 0;
    58 	ste->ste_nested = 0;
    59 	ste->ste_free = 0;
    60 	ste->ste_varargs = 0;
    61 	ste->ste_varkeywords = 0;
    62 	ste->ste_opt_lineno = 0;
    63 	ste->ste_tmpname = 0;
    64 	ste->ste_lineno = lineno;
    66 	if (st->st_cur != NULL &&
    67 	    (st->st_cur->ste_nested ||
    68 	     st->st_cur->ste_type == FunctionBlock))
    69 		ste->ste_nested = 1;
    70 	ste->ste_child_free = 0;
    71 	ste->ste_generator = 0;
    72 	ste->ste_returns_value = 0;
    74 	if (PyDict_SetItem(st->st_symbols, ste->ste_id, (PyObject *)ste) < 0)
    75 	    goto fail;
    77 	return ste;
    78  fail:
    79 	Py_XDECREF(ste);
    80 	return NULL;
    81 }
    83 static PyObject *
    84 ste_repr(PySTEntryObject *ste)
    85 {
    86 	char buf[256];
    88 	PyOS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
    89 		      "<symtable entry %.100s(%ld), line %d>",
    90 		      PyString_AS_STRING(ste->ste_name),
    91 		      PyInt_AS_LONG(ste->ste_id), ste->ste_lineno);
    92 	return PyString_FromString(buf);
    93 }
    95 static void
    96 ste_dealloc(PySTEntryObject *ste)
    97 {
    98 	ste->ste_table = NULL;
    99 	Py_XDECREF(ste->ste_id);
   100 	Py_XDECREF(ste->ste_name);
   101 	Py_XDECREF(ste->ste_symbols);
   102 	Py_XDECREF(ste->ste_varnames);
   103 	Py_XDECREF(ste->ste_children);
   104 	PyObject_Del(ste);
   105 }
   107 #define OFF(x) offsetof(PySTEntryObject, x)
   109 static PyMemberDef ste_memberlist[] = {
   110 	{"id",       T_OBJECT, OFF(ste_id), READONLY},
   111 	{"name",     T_OBJECT, OFF(ste_name), READONLY},
   112 	{"symbols",  T_OBJECT, OFF(ste_symbols), READONLY},
   113 	{"varnames", T_OBJECT, OFF(ste_varnames), READONLY},
   114 	{"children", T_OBJECT, OFF(ste_children), READONLY},
   115         {"optimized",T_INT,    OFF(ste_unoptimized), READONLY},
   116 	{"nested",   T_INT,    OFF(ste_nested), READONLY},
   117 	{"type",     T_INT,    OFF(ste_type), READONLY},
   118 	{"lineno",   T_INT,    OFF(ste_lineno), READONLY},
   119 	{NULL}
   120 };
   122 PyTypeObject PySTEntry_Type = {
   123 	PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
   124 	"symtable entry",
   125 	sizeof(PySTEntryObject),
   126 	0,
   127 	(destructor)ste_dealloc,                /* tp_dealloc */
   128 	0,                                      /* tp_print */
   129 	0,			               /* tp_getattr */
   130 	0,					/* tp_setattr */
   131 	0,			                /* tp_compare */
   132 	(reprfunc)ste_repr,			/* tp_repr */
   133 	0,					/* tp_as_number */
   134 	0,			                /* tp_as_sequence */
   135 	0,					/* tp_as_mapping */
   136 	0,					/* tp_hash */
   137 	0,					/* tp_call */
   138 	0,					/* tp_str */
   139 	PyObject_GenericGetAttr,		/* tp_getattro */
   140 	0,					/* tp_setattro */
   141 	0,					/* tp_as_buffer */
   142 	Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,	                /* tp_flags */
   143  	0,					/* tp_doc */
   144 	0,					/* tp_traverse */
   145 	0,					/* tp_clear */
   146 	0,					/* tp_richcompare */
   147 	0,					/* tp_weaklistoffset */
   148 	0,					/* tp_iter */
   149 	0,					/* tp_iternext */
   150 	0,					/* tp_methods */
   151 	ste_memberlist,				/* tp_members */
   152 	0,					/* tp_getset */
   153 	0,					/* tp_base */
   154 	0,					/* tp_dict */
   155 	0,					/* tp_descr_get */
   156 	0,					/* tp_descr_set */
   157 	0,					/* tp_dictoffset */
   158 	0,					/* tp_init */
   159 	0,					/* tp_alloc */
   160 	0,					/* tp_new */
   161 };
   163 static int symtable_analyze(struct symtable *st);
   164 static int symtable_warn(struct symtable *st, char *msg, int lineno);
   165 static int symtable_enter_block(struct symtable *st, identifier name, 
   166 				_Py_block_ty block, void *ast, int lineno);
   167 static int symtable_exit_block(struct symtable *st, void *ast);
   168 static int symtable_visit_stmt(struct symtable *st, stmt_ty s);
   169 static int symtable_visit_expr(struct symtable *st, expr_ty s);
   170 static int symtable_visit_genexp(struct symtable *st, expr_ty s);
   171 static int symtable_visit_arguments(struct symtable *st, arguments_ty);
   172 static int symtable_visit_excepthandler(struct symtable *st, excepthandler_ty);
   173 static int symtable_visit_alias(struct symtable *st, alias_ty);
   174 static int symtable_visit_comprehension(struct symtable *st, comprehension_ty);
   175 static int symtable_visit_keyword(struct symtable *st, keyword_ty);
   176 static int symtable_visit_slice(struct symtable *st, slice_ty);
   177 static int symtable_visit_params(struct symtable *st, asdl_seq *args, int top);
   178 static int symtable_visit_params_nested(struct symtable *st, asdl_seq *args);
   179 static int symtable_implicit_arg(struct symtable *st, int pos);
   182 static identifier top = NULL, lambda = NULL, genexpr = NULL;
   184 #define GET_IDENTIFIER(VAR) \
   185 	((VAR) ? (VAR) : ((VAR) = PyString_InternFromString(# VAR)))
   187 #define DUPLICATE_ARGUMENT \
   188 "duplicate argument '%s' in function definition"
   190 static struct symtable *
   191 symtable_new(void)
   192 {
   193 	struct symtable *st;
   195 	st = (struct symtable *)PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(struct symtable));
   196 	if (st == NULL)
   197 		return NULL;
   199 	st->st_filename = NULL;
   200 	st->st_symbols = NULL;
   202 	if ((st->st_stack = PyList_New(0)) == NULL)
   203 		goto fail;
   204 	if ((st->st_symbols = PyDict_New()) == NULL)
   205 		goto fail; 
   206 	st->st_cur = NULL;
   207 	st->st_tmpname = 0;
   208 	st->st_private = NULL;
   209 	return st;
   210  fail:
   211 	PySymtable_Free(st);
   212 	return NULL;
   213 }
   215 struct symtable *
   216 PySymtable_Build(mod_ty mod, const char *filename, PyFutureFeatures *future)
   217 {
   218 	struct symtable *st = symtable_new();
   219 	asdl_seq *seq;
   220 	int i;
   222 	if (st == NULL)
   223 		return st;
   224 	st->st_filename = filename;
   225 	st->st_future = future;
   226 	if (!GET_IDENTIFIER(top) ||
   227 	    !symtable_enter_block(st, top, ModuleBlock, (void *)mod, 0)) {
   228 		PySymtable_Free(st);
   229 		return NULL;
   230 	}
   232 	st->st_top = st->st_cur;
   233 	st->st_cur->ste_unoptimized = OPT_TOPLEVEL;
   234 	/* Any other top-level initialization? */
   235 	switch (mod->kind) {
   236 	case Module_kind:
   237 		seq = mod->v.Module.body;
   238 		for (i = 0; i < asdl_seq_LEN(seq); i++)
   239 			if (!symtable_visit_stmt(st, 
   240                                     (stmt_ty)asdl_seq_GET(seq, i)))
   241 				goto error;
   242 		break;
   243 	case Expression_kind:
   244 		if (!symtable_visit_expr(st, mod->v.Expression.body))
   245 			goto error;
   246 		break;
   247 	case Interactive_kind:
   248 		seq = mod->v.Interactive.body;
   249 		for (i = 0; i < asdl_seq_LEN(seq); i++)
   250 			if (!symtable_visit_stmt(st, 
   251                                     (stmt_ty)asdl_seq_GET(seq, i)))
   252 				goto error;
   253 		break;
   254 	case Suite_kind:
   255 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError,
   256 				"this compiler does not handle Suites");
   257 		goto error;
   258 	}
   259 	if (!symtable_exit_block(st, (void *)mod)) {
   260 		PySymtable_Free(st);
   261 		return NULL;
   262 	}
   263 	if (symtable_analyze(st))
   264 		return st;
   265 	PySymtable_Free(st);
   266 	return NULL;
   267  error:
   268 	(void) symtable_exit_block(st, (void *)mod);
   269 	PySymtable_Free(st);
   270 	return NULL;
   271 }
   273 void
   274 PySymtable_Free(struct symtable *st)
   275 {
   276 	Py_XDECREF(st->st_symbols);
   277 	Py_XDECREF(st->st_stack);
   278 	PyMem_Free((void *)st);
   279 }
   281 PySTEntryObject *
   282 PySymtable_Lookup(struct symtable *st, void *key)
   283 {
   284 	PyObject *k, *v;
   286 	k = PyLong_FromVoidPtr(key);
   287 	if (k == NULL)
   288 		return NULL;
   289 	v = PyDict_GetItem(st->st_symbols, k);
   290 	if (v) {
   291 		assert(PySTEntry_Check(v));
   292 		Py_INCREF(v);
   293 	}
   294 	else {
   295 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError,
   296 				"unknown symbol table entry");
   297 	}
   299 	Py_DECREF(k);
   300 	return (PySTEntryObject *)v;
   301 }
   303 int 
   304 PyST_GetScope(PySTEntryObject *ste, PyObject *name)
   305 {
   306 	PyObject *v = PyDict_GetItem(ste->ste_symbols, name);
   307 	if (!v)
   308 		return 0;
   309 	assert(PyInt_Check(v));
   310 	return (PyInt_AS_LONG(v) >> SCOPE_OFF) & SCOPE_MASK;
   311 }
   314 /* Analyze raw symbol information to determine scope of each name.
   316    The next several functions are helpers for PySymtable_Analyze(),
   317    which determines whether a name is local, global, or free.  In addition, 
   318    it determines which local variables are cell variables; they provide
   319    bindings that are used for free variables in enclosed blocks.  
   321    There are also two kinds of free variables, implicit and explicit.  An 
   322    explicit global is declared with the global statement.  An implicit
   323    global is a free variable for which the compiler has found no binding
   324    in an enclosing function scope.  The implicit global is either a global
   325    or a builtin.  Python's module and class blocks use the xxx_NAME opcodes
   326    to handle these names to implement slightly odd semantics.  In such a
   327    block, the name is treated as global until it is assigned to; then it
   328    is treated as a local.
   330    The symbol table requires two passes to determine the scope of each name.
   331    The first pass collects raw facts from the AST: the name is a parameter 
   332    here, the name is used by not defined here, etc.  The second pass analyzes
   333    these facts during a pass over the PySTEntryObjects created during pass 1.
   335    When a function is entered during the second pass, the parent passes
   336    the set of all name bindings visible to its children.  These bindings 
   337    are used to determine if the variable is free or an implicit global.
   338    After doing the local analysis, it analyzes each of its child blocks
   339    using an updated set of name bindings.  
   341    The children update the free variable set.  If a local variable is free 
   342    in a child, the variable is marked as a cell.  The current function must 
   343    provide runtime storage for the variable that may outlive the function's 
   344    frame.  Cell variables are removed from the free set before the analyze
   345    function returns to its parent.
   347    The sets of bound and free variables are implemented as dictionaries
   348    mapping strings to None.
   349 */
   351 #define SET_SCOPE(DICT, NAME, I) { \
   352 	PyObject *o = PyInt_FromLong(I); \
   353 	if (!o) \
   354 		return 0; \
   355 	if (PyDict_SetItem((DICT), (NAME), o) < 0) { \
   356 		Py_DECREF(o); \
   357 		return 0; \
   358 	} \
   359 	Py_DECREF(o); \
   360 }
   362 /* Decide on scope of name, given flags.
   364    The dicts passed in as arguments are modified as necessary.
   365    ste is passed so that flags can be updated.
   366 */
   368 static int 
   369 analyze_name(PySTEntryObject *ste, PyObject *dict, PyObject *name, long flags,
   370 	     PyObject *bound, PyObject *local, PyObject *free, 
   371 	     PyObject *global)
   372 {
   373 	if (flags & DEF_GLOBAL) {
   374 		if (flags & DEF_PARAM) {
   375 			PyErr_Format(PyExc_SyntaxError,
   376 				     "name '%s' is local and global",
   377 				     PyString_AS_STRING(name));
   378 			PyErr_SyntaxLocation(ste->ste_table->st_filename,
   379 					     ste->ste_lineno);
   381 			return 0;
   382 		}
   383 		SET_SCOPE(dict, name, GLOBAL_EXPLICIT);
   384 		if (PyDict_SetItem(global, name, Py_None) < 0)
   385 			return 0;
   386 		if (bound && PyDict_GetItem(bound, name)) {
   387 			if (PyDict_DelItem(bound, name) < 0)
   388 				return 0;
   389 		}
   390 		return 1;
   391 	}
   392 	if (flags & DEF_BOUND) {
   393 		SET_SCOPE(dict, name, LOCAL);
   394 		if (PyDict_SetItem(local, name, Py_None) < 0)
   395 			return 0;
   396 		if (PyDict_GetItem(global, name)) {
   397 			if (PyDict_DelItem(global, name) < 0)
   398 				return 0;
   399 		}
   400 		return 1;
   401 	}
   402 	/* If an enclosing block has a binding for this name, it
   403 	   is a free variable rather than a global variable.
   404 	   Note that having a non-NULL bound implies that the block
   405 	   is nested.
   406 	*/
   407 	if (bound && PyDict_GetItem(bound, name)) {
   408 		SET_SCOPE(dict, name, FREE);
   409 		ste->ste_free = 1;
   410 		if (PyDict_SetItem(free, name, Py_None) < 0)
   411 			return 0;
   412 		return 1;
   413 	}
   414 	/* If a parent has a global statement, then call it global
   415 	   explicit?  It could also be global implicit.
   416 	 */
   417 	else if (global && PyDict_GetItem(global, name)) {
   418 		SET_SCOPE(dict, name, GLOBAL_EXPLICIT);
   419 		return 1;
   420 	}
   421 	else {
   422 		if (ste->ste_nested)
   423 			ste->ste_free = 1;
   424 		SET_SCOPE(dict, name, GLOBAL_IMPLICIT);
   425 		return 1;
   426 	}
   427 	return 0; /* Can't get here */
   428 }
   430 #undef SET_SCOPE
   432 /* If a name is defined in free and also in locals, then this block
   433    provides the binding for the free variable.  The name should be
   434    marked CELL in this block and removed from the free list.
   436    Note that the current block's free variables are included in free.
   437    That's safe because no name can be free and local in the same scope.
   438 */
   440 static int
   441 analyze_cells(PyObject *scope, PyObject *free)
   442 {
   443         PyObject *name, *v, *w;
   444 	int success = 0;
   445 	Py_ssize_t pos = 0;
   447 	w = PyInt_FromLong(CELL);
   448 	if (!w)
   449 		return 0;
   450 	while (PyDict_Next(scope, &pos, &name, &v)) {
   451 		long flags;
   452 		assert(PyInt_Check(v));
   453 		flags = PyInt_AS_LONG(v);
   454 		if (flags != LOCAL)
   455 			continue;
   456 		if (!PyDict_GetItem(free, name))
   457 			continue;
   458 		/* Replace LOCAL with CELL for this name, and remove
   459 		   from free. It is safe to replace the value of name 
   460 		   in the dict, because it will not cause a resize.
   461 		 */
   462 		if (PyDict_SetItem(scope, name, w) < 0)
   463 			goto error;
   464 		if (!PyDict_DelItem(free, name) < 0)
   465 			goto error;
   466 	}
   467 	success = 1;
   468  error:
   469 	Py_DECREF(w);
   470 	return success;
   471 }
   473 /* Check for illegal statements in unoptimized namespaces */
   474 static int
   475 check_unoptimized(const PySTEntryObject* ste) {
   476 	char buf[300];
   477 	const char* trailer;
   479 	if (ste->ste_type != FunctionBlock || !ste->ste_unoptimized
   480 	    || !(ste->ste_free || ste->ste_child_free))
   481 		return 1;
   483 	trailer = (ste->ste_child_free ? 
   484 		       "contains a nested function with free variables" :
   485 			       "is a nested function");
   487 	switch (ste->ste_unoptimized) {
   488 	case OPT_TOPLEVEL: /* exec / import * at top-level is fine */
   489 	case OPT_EXEC: /* qualified exec is fine */
   490 		return 1;
   491 	case OPT_IMPORT_STAR:
   492 		PyOS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), 
   493 			      "import * is not allowed in function '%.100s' "
   494 			      "because it is %s",
   495 			      PyString_AS_STRING(ste->ste_name), trailer);
   496 		break;
   497 	case OPT_BARE_EXEC:
   498 		PyOS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
   499 			      "unqualified exec is not allowed in function "
   500 			      "'%.100s' it %s",
   501 			      PyString_AS_STRING(ste->ste_name), trailer);
   502 		break;
   503 	default:
   504 		PyOS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), 
   505 			      "function '%.100s' uses import * and bare exec, "
   506 			      "which are illegal because it %s",
   507 			      PyString_AS_STRING(ste->ste_name), trailer);
   508 		break;
   509 	}
   511 	PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError, buf);
   512 	PyErr_SyntaxLocation(ste->ste_table->st_filename, 
   513 			     ste->ste_opt_lineno);
   514 	return 0;
   515 }
   517 /* Enter the final scope information into the st_symbols dict. 
   518  * 
   519  * All arguments are dicts.  Modifies symbols, others are read-only.
   520 */
   521 static int
   522 update_symbols(PyObject *symbols, PyObject *scope, 
   523                PyObject *bound, PyObject *free, int classflag)
   524 {
   525 	PyObject *name, *v, *u, *w, *free_value = NULL;
   526 	Py_ssize_t pos = 0;
   528 	while (PyDict_Next(symbols, &pos, &name, &v)) {
   529 		long i, flags;
   530 		assert(PyInt_Check(v));
   531 		flags = PyInt_AS_LONG(v);
   532 		w = PyDict_GetItem(scope, name);
   533 		assert(w && PyInt_Check(w));
   534 		i = PyInt_AS_LONG(w);
   535 		flags |= (i << SCOPE_OFF);
   536 		u = PyInt_FromLong(flags);
   537 		if (!u)
   538 			return 0;
   539 		if (PyDict_SetItem(symbols, name, u) < 0) {
   540 			Py_DECREF(u);
   541 			return 0;
   542 		}
   543 		Py_DECREF(u);
   544 	}
   546         free_value = PyInt_FromLong(FREE << SCOPE_OFF);
   547         if (!free_value)
   548 		return 0;
   550         /* add a free variable when it's only use is for creating a closure */
   551         pos = 0;
   552 	while (PyDict_Next(free, &pos, &name, &v)) {
   553 		PyObject *o = PyDict_GetItem(symbols, name);
   555 		if (o) {
   556 			/* It could be a free variable in a method of
   557 			   the class that has the same name as a local
   558 			   or global in the class scope.
   559 			*/
   560 			if  (classflag && 
   561 			     PyInt_AS_LONG(o) & (DEF_BOUND | DEF_GLOBAL)) {
   562 				long i = PyInt_AS_LONG(o) | DEF_FREE_CLASS;
   563 				o = PyInt_FromLong(i);
   564 				if (!o) {
   565 					Py_DECREF(free_value);
   566 					return 0;
   567 				}
   568 				if (PyDict_SetItem(symbols, name, o) < 0) {
   569 					Py_DECREF(o);
   570 					Py_DECREF(free_value);
   571 					return 0;
   572 				}
   573 				Py_DECREF(o);
   574 			}
   575 			/* else it's not free, probably a cell */
   576 			continue;
   577 		}
   578 		if (!PyDict_GetItem(bound, name))
   579 			continue;       /* it's a global */
   581 		if (PyDict_SetItem(symbols, name, free_value) < 0) {
   582 			Py_DECREF(free_value);
   583 			return 0;
   584 		}
   585         }
   586         Py_DECREF(free_value);
   587 	return 1;
   588 }   
   590 /* Make final symbol table decisions for block of ste.
   591    Arguments:
   592    ste -- current symtable entry (input/output)
   593    bound -- set of variables bound in enclosing scopes (input)
   594    free -- set of free variables in enclosed scopes (output)
   595    globals -- set of declared global variables in enclosing scopes (input)
   596 */
   598 static int
   599 analyze_block(PySTEntryObject *ste, PyObject *bound, PyObject *free, 
   600 	      PyObject *global)
   601 {
   602 	PyObject *name, *v, *local = NULL, *scope = NULL, *newbound = NULL;
   603 	PyObject *newglobal = NULL, *newfree = NULL;
   604 	int i, success = 0;
   605 	Py_ssize_t pos = 0;
   607 	local = PyDict_New();
   608 	if (!local)
   609 		goto error;
   610 	scope = PyDict_New();
   611 	if (!scope)
   612 		goto error;
   613 	newglobal = PyDict_New();
   614 	if (!newglobal)
   615 		goto error;
   616 	newfree = PyDict_New();
   617 	if (!newfree)
   618 		goto error;
   619 	newbound = PyDict_New();
   620 	if (!newbound)
   621 		goto error;
   623 	if (ste->ste_type == ClassBlock) {
   624 		/* make a copy of globals before calling analyze_name(),
   625 		   because global statements in the class have no effect
   626 		   on nested functions.
   627 		*/
   628 		if (PyDict_Update(newglobal, global) < 0)
   629 			goto error;
   630 		if (bound)
   631 			if (PyDict_Update(newbound, bound) < 0)
   632 				goto error;
   633 	}
   635 	assert(PySTEntry_Check(ste));
   636 	assert(PyDict_Check(ste->ste_symbols));
   637 	while (PyDict_Next(ste->ste_symbols, &pos, &name, &v)) {
   638 		long flags = PyInt_AS_LONG(v);
   639 		if (!analyze_name(ste, scope, name, flags, bound, local, free,
   640 				  global))
   641 			goto error;
   642 	}
   644 	if (ste->ste_type != ClassBlock) {
   645 		if (ste->ste_type == FunctionBlock) {
   646 			if (PyDict_Update(newbound, local) < 0)
   647 				goto error;
   648 		}
   649 		if (bound) {
   650 			if (PyDict_Update(newbound, bound) < 0)
   651 				goto error;
   652 		}
   653 		if (PyDict_Update(newglobal, global) < 0)
   654 			goto error;
   655 	}
   657 	/* Recursively call analyze_block() on each child block */
   658 	for (i = 0; i < PyList_GET_SIZE(ste->ste_children); ++i) {
   659 		PyObject *c = PyList_GET_ITEM(ste->ste_children, i);
   660 		PySTEntryObject* entry;
   661 		assert(c && PySTEntry_Check(c));
   662 		entry = (PySTEntryObject*)c;
   663 		if (!analyze_block(entry, newbound, newfree, newglobal))
   664 			goto error;
   665 		if (entry->ste_free || entry->ste_child_free)
   666 			ste->ste_child_free = 1;
   667 	}
   669 	if (ste->ste_type == FunctionBlock && !analyze_cells(scope, newfree))
   670 		goto error;
   671 	if (!update_symbols(ste->ste_symbols, scope, bound, newfree,
   672 			    ste->ste_type == ClassBlock))
   673 		goto error;
   674 	if (!check_unoptimized(ste))
   675 		goto error;
   677 	if (PyDict_Update(free, newfree) < 0)
   678 		goto error;
   679 	success = 1;
   680  error:
   681 	Py_XDECREF(local);
   682 	Py_XDECREF(scope);
   683 	Py_XDECREF(newbound);
   684 	Py_XDECREF(newglobal);
   685 	Py_XDECREF(newfree);
   686 	if (!success)
   687 		assert(PyErr_Occurred());
   688 	return success;
   689 }
   691 static int
   692 symtable_analyze(struct symtable *st)
   693 {
   694 	PyObject *free, *global;
   695 	int r;
   697 	free = PyDict_New();
   698 	if (!free)
   699 	    return 0;
   700 	global = PyDict_New();
   701 	if (!global) {
   702 	    Py_DECREF(free);
   703 	    return 0;
   704 	}
   705 	r = analyze_block(st->st_top, NULL, free, global);
   706 	Py_DECREF(free);
   707 	Py_DECREF(global);
   708 	return r;
   709 }
   712 static int
   713 symtable_warn(struct symtable *st, char *msg, int lineno)
   714 {
   715 	if (PyErr_WarnExplicit(PyExc_SyntaxWarning, msg, st->st_filename,
   716 			       lineno, NULL, NULL) < 0)	{
   717 		if (PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_SyntaxWarning)) {
   718 			PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError, msg);
   719 			PyErr_SyntaxLocation(st->st_filename, 
   720 					     st->st_cur->ste_lineno);
   721 		}
   722 		return 0;
   723 	}
   724 	return 1;
   725 }
   727 /* symtable_enter_block() gets a reference via ste_new.
   728    This reference is released when the block is exited, via the DECREF
   729    in symtable_exit_block().
   730 */
   732 static int
   733 symtable_exit_block(struct symtable *st, void *ast)
   734 {
   735 	Py_ssize_t end;
   737 	Py_CLEAR(st->st_cur);
   738 	end = PyList_GET_SIZE(st->st_stack) - 1;
   739 	if (end >= 0) {
   740 		st->st_cur = (PySTEntryObject *)PyList_GET_ITEM(st->st_stack, 
   741 								end);
   742 		if (st->st_cur == NULL)
   743 			return 0;
   744 		Py_INCREF(st->st_cur);
   745 		if (PySequence_DelItem(st->st_stack, end) < 0)
   746 			return 0;
   747 	}
   748 	return 1;
   749 }
   751 static int
   752 symtable_enter_block(struct symtable *st, identifier name, _Py_block_ty block, 
   753 		     void *ast, int lineno)
   754 {
   755 	PySTEntryObject *prev = NULL;
   757 	if (st->st_cur) {
   758 		prev = st->st_cur;
   759 		if (PyList_Append(st->st_stack, (PyObject *)st->st_cur) < 0) {
   760 			return 0;
   761 		}
   762 		Py_DECREF(st->st_cur);
   763 	}
   764 	st->st_cur = ste_new(st, name, block, ast, lineno);
   765 	if (st->st_cur == NULL)
   766 		return 0;
   767 	if (name == GET_IDENTIFIER(top))
   768 		st->st_global = st->st_cur->ste_symbols;
   769 	if (prev) {
   770 		if (PyList_Append(prev->ste_children, 
   771 				  (PyObject *)st->st_cur) < 0) {
   772 			return 0;
   773 		}
   774 	}
   775 	return 1;
   776 }
   778 static long
   779 symtable_lookup(struct symtable *st, PyObject *name)
   780 {
   781 	PyObject *o;
   782 	PyObject *mangled = _Py_Mangle(st->st_private, name);
   783 	if (!mangled)
   784 		return 0;
   785 	o = PyDict_GetItem(st->st_cur->ste_symbols, mangled);
   786 	Py_DECREF(mangled);
   787 	if (!o)
   788 		return 0;
   789 	return PyInt_AsLong(o);
   790 }
   792 static int
   793 symtable_add_def(struct symtable *st, PyObject *name, int flag) 
   794 {
   795 	PyObject *o;
   796 	PyObject *dict;
   797 	long val;
   798 	PyObject *mangled = _Py_Mangle(st->st_private, name);
   800 	if (!mangled)
   801 		return 0;
   802 	dict = st->st_cur->ste_symbols;
   803 	if ((o = PyDict_GetItem(dict, mangled))) {
   804 	    val = PyInt_AS_LONG(o);
   805 	    if ((flag & DEF_PARAM) && (val & DEF_PARAM)) {
   806 		    /* Is it better to use 'mangled' or 'name' here? */
   807 		    PyErr_Format(PyExc_SyntaxError, DUPLICATE_ARGUMENT,
   808 				 PyString_AsString(name));
   809 		    PyErr_SyntaxLocation(st->st_filename,
   810 				       st->st_cur->ste_lineno);
   811 		    goto error;
   812 	    }
   813 	    val |= flag;
   814 	} else
   815 	    val = flag;
   816 	o = PyInt_FromLong(val);
   817         if (o == NULL)
   818 	    goto error;
   819 	if (PyDict_SetItem(dict, mangled, o) < 0) {
   820 		Py_DECREF(o);
   821 		goto error;
   822 	}
   823 	Py_DECREF(o);
   825 	if (flag & DEF_PARAM) {
   826 		if (PyList_Append(st->st_cur->ste_varnames, mangled) < 0)
   827 			goto error;
   828 	} else	if (flag & DEF_GLOBAL) {
   829 		/* XXX need to update DEF_GLOBAL for other flags too;
   830 		   perhaps only DEF_FREE_GLOBAL */
   831 		val = flag;
   832 		if ((o = PyDict_GetItem(st->st_global, mangled))) {
   833 			val |= PyInt_AS_LONG(o);
   834 		}
   835 		o = PyInt_FromLong(val);
   836 		if (o == NULL)
   837 			goto error;
   838 		if (PyDict_SetItem(st->st_global, mangled, o) < 0) {
   839 			Py_DECREF(o);
   840 			goto error;
   841 		}
   842 		Py_DECREF(o);
   843 	}
   844 	Py_DECREF(mangled);
   845 	return 1;
   847 error:
   848 	Py_DECREF(mangled);
   849 	return 0;
   850 }
   852 /* VISIT, VISIT_SEQ and VIST_SEQ_TAIL take an ASDL type as their second argument.
   853    They use the ASDL name to synthesize the name of the C type and the visit
   854    function. 
   856    VISIT_SEQ_TAIL permits the start of an ASDL sequence to be skipped, which is
   857    useful if the first node in the sequence requires special treatment.
   858 */
   860 #define VISIT(ST, TYPE, V) \
   861 	if (!symtable_visit_ ## TYPE((ST), (V))) \
   862 		return 0; 
   864 #define VISIT_IN_BLOCK(ST, TYPE, V, S) \
   865 	if (!symtable_visit_ ## TYPE((ST), (V))) { \
   866 		symtable_exit_block((ST), (S)); \
   867 		return 0; \
   868 	}
   870 #define VISIT_SEQ(ST, TYPE, SEQ) { \
   871 	int i; \
   872 	asdl_seq *seq = (SEQ); /* avoid variable capture */ \
   873 	for (i = 0; i < asdl_seq_LEN(seq); i++) { \
   874 		TYPE ## _ty elt = (TYPE ## _ty)asdl_seq_GET(seq, i); \
   875 		if (!symtable_visit_ ## TYPE((ST), elt)) \
   876 			return 0; \
   877 	} \
   878 }
   880 #define VISIT_SEQ_IN_BLOCK(ST, TYPE, SEQ, S) { \
   881 	int i; \
   882 	asdl_seq *seq = (SEQ); /* avoid variable capture */ \
   883 	for (i = 0; i < asdl_seq_LEN(seq); i++) { \
   884 		TYPE ## _ty elt = (TYPE ## _ty)asdl_seq_GET(seq, i); \
   885 		if (!symtable_visit_ ## TYPE((ST), elt)) { \
   886 			symtable_exit_block((ST), (S)); \
   887 			return 0; \
   888 		} \
   889 	} \
   890 }
   892 #define VISIT_SEQ_TAIL(ST, TYPE, SEQ, START) { \
   893 	int i; \
   894 	asdl_seq *seq = (SEQ); /* avoid variable capture */ \
   895 	for (i = (START); i < asdl_seq_LEN(seq); i++) { \
   896 		TYPE ## _ty elt = (TYPE ## _ty)asdl_seq_GET(seq, i); \
   897 		if (!symtable_visit_ ## TYPE((ST), elt)) \
   898 			return 0; \
   899 	} \
   900 }
   903 	int i; \
   904 	asdl_seq *seq = (SEQ); /* avoid variable capture */ \
   905 	for (i = (START); i < asdl_seq_LEN(seq); i++) { \
   906 		TYPE ## _ty elt = (TYPE ## _ty)asdl_seq_GET(seq, i); \
   907 		if (!symtable_visit_ ## TYPE((ST), elt)) { \
   908 			symtable_exit_block((ST), (S)); \
   909 			return 0; \
   910 		} \
   911 	} \
   912 }
   914 static int
   915 symtable_new_tmpname(struct symtable *st)
   916 {
   917 	char tmpname[256];
   918 	identifier tmp;
   920 	PyOS_snprintf(tmpname, sizeof(tmpname), "_[%d]",
   921 		      ++st->st_cur->ste_tmpname);
   922 	tmp = PyString_InternFromString(tmpname);
   923 	if (!tmp)
   924 		return 0;
   925 	if (!symtable_add_def(st, tmp, DEF_LOCAL))
   926 		return 0;
   927 	Py_DECREF(tmp);
   928 	return 1;
   929 }
   931 static int
   932 symtable_visit_stmt(struct symtable *st, stmt_ty s)
   933 {
   934 	switch (s->kind) {
   935         case FunctionDef_kind:
   936 		if (!symtable_add_def(st, s->, DEF_LOCAL))
   937 			return 0;
   938 		if (s->v.FunctionDef.args->defaults)
   939 			VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, s->v.FunctionDef.args->defaults);
   940 		if (s->v.FunctionDef.decorator_list)
   941 			VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, s->v.FunctionDef.decorator_list);
   942 		if (!symtable_enter_block(st, s->, 
   943 					  FunctionBlock, (void *)s, s->lineno))
   944 			return 0;
   945 		VISIT_IN_BLOCK(st, arguments, s->v.FunctionDef.args, s);
   946 		VISIT_SEQ_IN_BLOCK(st, stmt, s->v.FunctionDef.body, s);
   947 		if (!symtable_exit_block(st, s))
   948 			return 0;
   949 		break;
   950         case ClassDef_kind: {
   951 		PyObject *tmp;
   952 		if (!symtable_add_def(st, s->, DEF_LOCAL))
   953 			return 0;
   954 		VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, s->v.ClassDef.bases);
   955 		if (s->v.ClassDef.decorator_list)
   956 			VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, s->v.ClassDef.decorator_list);
   957 		if (!symtable_enter_block(st, s->, ClassBlock, 
   958 					  (void *)s, s->lineno))
   959 			return 0;
   960 		tmp = st->st_private;
   961 		st->st_private = s->;
   962 		VISIT_SEQ_IN_BLOCK(st, stmt, s->v.ClassDef.body, s);
   963 		st->st_private = tmp;
   964 		if (!symtable_exit_block(st, s))
   965 			return 0;
   966 		break;
   967 	}
   968         case Return_kind:
   969 		if (s->v.Return.value) {
   970 			VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Return.value);
   971 			st->st_cur->ste_returns_value = 1;
   972 			if (st->st_cur->ste_generator) {
   973 				PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
   975 			        PyErr_SyntaxLocation(st->st_filename,
   976 				             s->lineno);
   977 				return 0;
   978 			}
   979 		}
   980 		break;
   981         case Delete_kind:
   982 		VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, s->v.Delete.targets);
   983 		break;
   984         case Assign_kind:
   985 		VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, s->v.Assign.targets);
   986 		VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Assign.value);
   987 		break;
   988         case AugAssign_kind:
   989 		VISIT(st, expr, s->;
   990 		VISIT(st, expr, s->v.AugAssign.value);
   991 		break;
   992         case Print_kind:
   993 		if (s->v.Print.dest)
   994 			VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Print.dest);
   995 		VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, s->v.Print.values);
   996 		break;
   997         case For_kind:
   998 		VISIT(st, expr, s->;
   999 		VISIT(st, expr, s->v.For.iter);
  1000 		VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.For.body);
  1001 		if (s->v.For.orelse)
  1002 			VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.For.orelse);
  1003 		break;
  1004         case While_kind:
  1005 		VISIT(st, expr, s->v.While.test);
  1006 		VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.While.body);
  1007 		if (s->v.While.orelse)
  1008 			VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.While.orelse);
  1009 		break;
  1010         case If_kind:
  1011 		/* XXX if 0: and lookup_yield() hacks */
  1012 		VISIT(st, expr, s->v.If.test);
  1013 		VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.If.body);
  1014 		if (s->v.If.orelse)
  1015 			VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.If.orelse);
  1016 		break;
  1017         case Raise_kind:
  1018 		if (s->v.Raise.type) {
  1019 			VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Raise.type);
  1020 			if (s->v.Raise.inst) {
  1021 				VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Raise.inst);
  1022 				if (s->v.Raise.tback)
  1023 					VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Raise.tback);
  1024 			}
  1025 		}
  1026 		break;
  1027         case TryExcept_kind:
  1028 		VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.TryExcept.body);
  1029 		VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.TryExcept.orelse);
  1030 		VISIT_SEQ(st, excepthandler, s->v.TryExcept.handlers);
  1031 		break;
  1032         case TryFinally_kind:
  1033 		VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.TryFinally.body);
  1034 		VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.TryFinally.finalbody);
  1035 		break;
  1036         case Assert_kind:
  1037 		VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Assert.test);
  1038 		if (s->v.Assert.msg)
  1039 			VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Assert.msg);
  1040 		break;
  1041         case Import_kind:
  1042 		VISIT_SEQ(st, alias, s->v.Import.names);
  1043 		/* XXX Don't have the lineno available inside
  1044 		   visit_alias */
  1045 		if (st->st_cur->ste_unoptimized && !st->st_cur->ste_opt_lineno)
  1046 			st->st_cur->ste_opt_lineno = s->lineno;
  1047 		break;
  1048         case ImportFrom_kind:
  1049 		VISIT_SEQ(st, alias, s->v.ImportFrom.names);
  1050 		/* XXX Don't have the lineno available inside
  1051 		   visit_alias */
  1052 		if (st->st_cur->ste_unoptimized && !st->st_cur->ste_opt_lineno)
  1053 			st->st_cur->ste_opt_lineno = s->lineno;
  1054 		break;
  1055         case Exec_kind:
  1056 		VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Exec.body);
  1057 		if (!st->st_cur->ste_opt_lineno)
  1058 			st->st_cur->ste_opt_lineno = s->lineno;
  1059 		if (s->v.Exec.globals) {
  1060 			st->st_cur->ste_unoptimized |= OPT_EXEC;
  1061 			VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Exec.globals);
  1062 			if (s->v.Exec.locals) 
  1063 				VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Exec.locals);
  1064 		} else {
  1065 			st->st_cur->ste_unoptimized |= OPT_BARE_EXEC;
  1066 		}
  1067 		break;
  1068         case Global_kind: {
  1069 		int i;
  1070 		asdl_seq *seq = s->v.Global.names;
  1071 		for (i = 0; i < asdl_seq_LEN(seq); i++) {
  1072 			identifier name = (identifier)asdl_seq_GET(seq, i);
  1073 			char *c_name = PyString_AS_STRING(name);
  1074 			long cur = symtable_lookup(st, name);
  1075 			if (cur < 0)
  1076 				return 0;
  1077 			if (cur & (DEF_LOCAL | USE)) {
  1078 				char buf[256];
  1079 				if (cur & DEF_LOCAL) 
  1080 					PyOS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
  1081 						      GLOBAL_AFTER_ASSIGN,
  1082 						      c_name);
  1083 				else
  1084 					PyOS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
  1085 						      GLOBAL_AFTER_USE,
  1086 						      c_name);
  1087 				if (!symtable_warn(st, buf, s->lineno))
  1088                                     return 0;
  1089 			}
  1090 			if (!symtable_add_def(st, name, DEF_GLOBAL))
  1091 				return 0;
  1092 		}
  1093 		break;
  1094 	}
  1095         case Expr_kind:
  1096 		VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Expr.value);
  1097 		break;
  1098         case Pass_kind:
  1099         case Break_kind:
  1100         case Continue_kind:
  1101 		/* nothing to do here */
  1102 		break;
  1103         case With_kind:
  1104 		if (!symtable_new_tmpname(st))
  1105 			return 0;
  1106                 VISIT(st, expr, s->v.With.context_expr);
  1107                 if (s->v.With.optional_vars) {
  1108 			if (!symtable_new_tmpname(st))
  1109 				return 0;
  1110                         VISIT(st, expr, s->v.With.optional_vars);
  1111                 }
  1112                 VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.With.body);
  1113                 break;
  1114 	}
  1115 	return 1;
  1116 }
  1118 static int 
  1119 symtable_visit_expr(struct symtable *st, expr_ty e)
  1120 {
  1121 	switch (e->kind) {
  1122         case BoolOp_kind:
  1123 		VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, e->v.BoolOp.values);
  1124 		break;
  1125         case BinOp_kind:
  1126 		VISIT(st, expr, e->v.BinOp.left);
  1127 		VISIT(st, expr, e->v.BinOp.right);
  1128 		break;
  1129         case UnaryOp_kind:
  1130 		VISIT(st, expr, e->v.UnaryOp.operand);
  1131 		break;
  1132         case Lambda_kind: {
  1133 		if (!GET_IDENTIFIER(lambda) ||
  1134 		    !symtable_add_def(st, lambda, DEF_LOCAL))
  1135 			return 0;
  1136 		if (e->v.Lambda.args->defaults)
  1137 			VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, e->v.Lambda.args->defaults);
  1138 		/* XXX how to get line numbers for expressions */
  1139 		if (!symtable_enter_block(st, lambda,
  1140                                           FunctionBlock, (void *)e, 0))
  1141 			return 0;
  1142 		VISIT_IN_BLOCK(st, arguments, e->v.Lambda.args, (void*)e);
  1143 		VISIT_IN_BLOCK(st, expr, e->v.Lambda.body, (void*)e);
  1144 		if (!symtable_exit_block(st, (void *)e))
  1145 			return 0;
  1146 		break;
  1147 	}
  1148 	case IfExp_kind:
  1149 		VISIT(st, expr, e->v.IfExp.test);
  1150 		VISIT(st, expr, e->v.IfExp.body);
  1151 		VISIT(st, expr, e->v.IfExp.orelse);
  1152 		break;
  1153         case Dict_kind:
  1154 		VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, e->v.Dict.keys);
  1155 		VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, e->v.Dict.values);
  1156 		break;
  1157         case ListComp_kind:
  1158 		if (!symtable_new_tmpname(st))
  1159 			return 0;
  1160 		VISIT(st, expr, e->v.ListComp.elt);
  1161 		VISIT_SEQ(st, comprehension, e->v.ListComp.generators);
  1162 		break;
  1163         case GeneratorExp_kind:
  1164 		if (!symtable_visit_genexp(st, e))
  1165 			return 0;
  1166 		break;
  1167         case Yield_kind:
  1168 		if (e->v.Yield.value)
  1169 			VISIT(st, expr, e->v.Yield.value);
  1170                 st->st_cur->ste_generator = 1;
  1171 		if (st->st_cur->ste_returns_value) {
  1172 			PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
  1174 		        PyErr_SyntaxLocation(st->st_filename,
  1175 			             e->lineno);
  1176 			return 0;
  1177 		}
  1178 		break;
  1179         case Compare_kind:
  1180 		VISIT(st, expr, e->v.Compare.left);
  1181 		VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, e->v.Compare.comparators);
  1182 		break;
  1183         case Call_kind:
  1184 		VISIT(st, expr, e->v.Call.func);
  1185 		VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, e->v.Call.args);
  1186 		VISIT_SEQ(st, keyword, e->v.Call.keywords);
  1187 		if (e->v.Call.starargs)
  1188 			VISIT(st, expr, e->v.Call.starargs);
  1189 		if (e->v.Call.kwargs)
  1190 			VISIT(st, expr, e->v.Call.kwargs);
  1191 		break;
  1192         case Repr_kind:
  1193 		VISIT(st, expr, e->v.Repr.value);
  1194 		break;
  1195         case Num_kind:
  1196         case Str_kind:
  1197 		/* Nothing to do here. */
  1198 		break;
  1199 	/* The following exprs can be assignment targets. */
  1200         case Attribute_kind:
  1201 		VISIT(st, expr, e->v.Attribute.value);
  1202 		break;
  1203         case Subscript_kind:
  1204 		VISIT(st, expr, e->v.Subscript.value);
  1205 		VISIT(st, slice, e->v.Subscript.slice);
  1206 		break;
  1207         case Name_kind:
  1208 		if (!symtable_add_def(st, e->, 
  1209 				      e->v.Name.ctx == Load ? USE : DEF_LOCAL))
  1210 			return 0;
  1211 		break;
  1212 	/* child nodes of List and Tuple will have expr_context set */
  1213         case List_kind:
  1214 		VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, e->v.List.elts);
  1215 		break;
  1216         case Tuple_kind:
  1217 		VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, e->v.Tuple.elts);
  1218 		break;
  1219 	}
  1220 	return 1;
  1221 }
  1223 static int
  1224 symtable_implicit_arg(struct symtable *st, int pos)
  1225 {
  1226 	PyObject *id = PyString_FromFormat(".%d", pos);
  1227 	if (id == NULL)
  1228 		return 0;
  1229 	if (!symtable_add_def(st, id, DEF_PARAM)) {
  1230 		Py_DECREF(id);
  1231 		return 0;
  1232 	}
  1233 	Py_DECREF(id);
  1234 	return 1;
  1235 }
  1237 static int 
  1238 symtable_visit_params(struct symtable *st, asdl_seq *args, int toplevel)
  1239 {
  1240 	int i;
  1242         /* go through all the toplevel arguments first */
  1243 	for (i = 0; i < asdl_seq_LEN(args); i++) {
  1244 		expr_ty arg = (expr_ty)asdl_seq_GET(args, i);
  1245 		if (arg->kind == Name_kind) {
  1246 			assert(arg->v.Name.ctx == Param ||
  1247                                (arg->v.Name.ctx == Store && !toplevel));
  1248 			if (!symtable_add_def(st, arg->, DEF_PARAM))
  1249 				return 0;
  1250 		}
  1251 		else if (arg->kind == Tuple_kind) {
  1252 			assert(arg->v.Tuple.ctx == Store);
  1253 			if (toplevel) {
  1254 				if (!symtable_implicit_arg(st, i))
  1255 					return 0;
  1256 			}
  1257 		}
  1258 		else {
  1259 		        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
  1260 					"invalid expression in parameter list");
  1261 		        PyErr_SyntaxLocation(st->st_filename,
  1262 				             st->st_cur->ste_lineno);
  1263 			return 0;
  1264 		}
  1265 	}
  1267 	if (!toplevel) {
  1268 		if (!symtable_visit_params_nested(st, args))
  1269 			return 0;
  1270 	}
  1272 	return 1;
  1273 }
  1275 static int
  1276 symtable_visit_params_nested(struct symtable *st, asdl_seq *args)
  1277 {
  1278 	int i;
  1279 	for (i = 0; i < asdl_seq_LEN(args); i++) {
  1280 		expr_ty arg = (expr_ty)asdl_seq_GET(args, i);
  1281 		if (arg->kind == Tuple_kind &&
  1282 		    !symtable_visit_params(st, arg->v.Tuple.elts, 0))
  1283 			return 0;
  1284 	}
  1286 	return 1;
  1287 }
  1289 static int 
  1290 symtable_visit_arguments(struct symtable *st, arguments_ty a)
  1291 {
  1292 	/* skip default arguments inside function block
  1293 	   XXX should ast be different?
  1294 	*/
  1295 	if (a->args && !symtable_visit_params(st, a->args, 1))
  1296 		return 0;
  1297 	if (a->vararg) {
  1298 		if (!symtable_add_def(st, a->vararg, DEF_PARAM))
  1299 			return 0;
  1300 		st->st_cur->ste_varargs = 1;
  1301 	}
  1302 	if (a->kwarg) {
  1303 		if (!symtable_add_def(st, a->kwarg, DEF_PARAM))
  1304 			return 0;
  1305 		st->st_cur->ste_varkeywords = 1;
  1306 	}
  1307 	if (a->args && !symtable_visit_params_nested(st, a->args))
  1308 		return 0;
  1309 	return 1;
  1310 }
  1313 static int 
  1314 symtable_visit_excepthandler(struct symtable *st, excepthandler_ty eh)
  1315 {
  1316 	if (eh->v.ExceptHandler.type)
  1317 		VISIT(st, expr, eh->v.ExceptHandler.type);
  1318 	if (eh->
  1319 		VISIT(st, expr, eh->;
  1320 	VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, eh->v.ExceptHandler.body);
  1321 	return 1;
  1322 }
  1325 static int 
  1326 symtable_visit_alias(struct symtable *st, alias_ty a)
  1327 {
  1328 	/* Compute store_name, the name actually bound by the import
  1329 	   operation.  It is diferent than a->name when a->name is a
  1330 	   dotted package name (e.g. spam.eggs) 
  1331 	*/
  1332 	PyObject *store_name;
  1333 	PyObject *name = (a->asname == NULL) ? a->name : a->asname;
  1334 	const char *base = PyString_AS_STRING(name);
  1335 	char *dot = strchr(base, '.');
  1336 	if (dot) {
  1337 		store_name = PyString_FromStringAndSize(base, dot - base);
  1338 		if (!store_name)
  1339 			return 0;
  1340 	}
  1341 	else {
  1342 		store_name = name;
  1343 		Py_INCREF(store_name);
  1344 	}
  1345 	if (strcmp(PyString_AS_STRING(name), "*")) {
  1346 		int r = symtable_add_def(st, store_name, DEF_IMPORT); 
  1347 		Py_DECREF(store_name);
  1348 		return r;
  1349 	}
  1350 	else {
  1351             if (st->st_cur->ste_type != ModuleBlock) {
  1352                 int lineno = st->st_cur->ste_lineno;
  1353                 if (!symtable_warn(st, IMPORT_STAR_WARNING, lineno)) {
  1354                     Py_DECREF(store_name);
  1355                     return 0;
  1356 		}
  1357             }
  1358 	    st->st_cur->ste_unoptimized |= OPT_IMPORT_STAR;
  1359 	    Py_DECREF(store_name);
  1360 	    return 1;
  1361 	}
  1362 }
  1365 static int 
  1366 symtable_visit_comprehension(struct symtable *st, comprehension_ty lc)
  1367 {
  1368 	VISIT(st, expr, lc->target);
  1369 	VISIT(st, expr, lc->iter);
  1370 	VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, lc->ifs);
  1371 	return 1;
  1372 }
  1375 static int 
  1376 symtable_visit_keyword(struct symtable *st, keyword_ty k)
  1377 {
  1378 	VISIT(st, expr, k->value);
  1379 	return 1;
  1380 }
  1383 static int 
  1384 symtable_visit_slice(struct symtable *st, slice_ty s)
  1385 {
  1386 	switch (s->kind) {
  1387 	case Slice_kind:
  1388 		if (s->v.Slice.lower)
  1389 			VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Slice.lower)
  1390 		if (s->v.Slice.upper)
  1391 			VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Slice.upper)
  1392 		if (s->v.Slice.step)
  1393 			VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Slice.step)
  1394 		break;
  1395 	case ExtSlice_kind:
  1396 		VISIT_SEQ(st, slice, s->v.ExtSlice.dims)
  1397 		break;
  1398 	case Index_kind:
  1399 		VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Index.value)
  1400 		break;
  1401 	case Ellipsis_kind:
  1402 		break;
  1403 	}
  1404 	return 1;
  1405 }
  1407 static int 
  1408 symtable_visit_genexp(struct symtable *st, expr_ty e)
  1409 {
  1410 	comprehension_ty outermost = ((comprehension_ty)
  1411 			 (asdl_seq_GET(e->v.GeneratorExp.generators, 0)));
  1412 	/* Outermost iterator is evaluated in current scope */
  1413 	VISIT(st, expr, outermost->iter);
  1414 	/* Create generator scope for the rest */
  1415 	if (!GET_IDENTIFIER(genexpr) ||
  1416 	    !symtable_enter_block(st, genexpr, FunctionBlock, (void *)e, 0)) {
  1417 		return 0;
  1418 	}
  1419 	st->st_cur->ste_generator = 1;
  1420 	/* Outermost iter is received as an argument */
  1421 	if (!symtable_implicit_arg(st, 0)) {
  1422 		symtable_exit_block(st, (void *)e);
  1423 		return 0;
  1424 	}
  1425 	VISIT_IN_BLOCK(st, expr, outermost->target, (void*)e);
  1426 	VISIT_SEQ_IN_BLOCK(st, expr, outermost->ifs, (void*)e);
  1427 	VISIT_SEQ_TAIL_IN_BLOCK(st, comprehension,
  1428 				e->v.GeneratorExp.generators, 1, (void*)e);
  1429 	VISIT_IN_BLOCK(st, expr, e->v.GeneratorExp.elt, (void*)e);
  1430 	return symtable_exit_block(st, (void *)e);
  1431 }