changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:ffa851df0825 1:2fb8b9db1c86
     1 #! /usr/bin/env python
     3 # This file contains a class and a main program that perform three
     4 # related (though complimentary) formatting operations on Python
     5 # programs.  When called as "pindent -c", it takes a valid Python
     6 # program as input and outputs a version augmented with block-closing
     7 # comments.  When called as "pindent -d", it assumes its input is a
     8 # Python program with block-closing comments and outputs a commentless
     9 # version.   When called as "pindent -r" it assumes its input is a
    10 # Python program with block-closing comments but with its indentation
    11 # messed up, and outputs a properly indented version.
    13 # A "block-closing comment" is a comment of the form '# end <keyword>'
    14 # where <keyword> is the keyword that opened the block.  If the
    15 # opening keyword is 'def' or 'class', the function or class name may
    16 # be repeated in the block-closing comment as well.  Here is an
    17 # example of a program fully augmented with block-closing comments:
    19 # def foobar(a, b):
    20 #    if a == b:
    21 #        a = a+1
    22 #    elif a < b:
    23 #        b = b-1
    24 #        if b > a: a = a-1
    25 #        # end if
    26 #    else:
    27 #        print 'oops!'
    28 #    # end if
    29 # # end def foobar
    31 # Note that only the last part of an if...elif...else... block needs a
    32 # block-closing comment; the same is true for other compound
    33 # statements (e.g. try...except).  Also note that "short-form" blocks
    34 # like the second 'if' in the example must be closed as well;
    35 # otherwise the 'else' in the example would be ambiguous (remember
    36 # that indentation is not significant when interpreting block-closing
    37 # comments).
    39 # The operations are idempotent (i.e. applied to their own output
    40 # they yield an identical result).  Running first "pindent -c" and
    41 # then "pindent -r" on a valid Python program produces a program that
    42 # is semantically identical to the input (though its indentation may
    43 # be different). Running "pindent -e" on that output produces a
    44 # program that only differs from the original in indentation.
    46 # Other options:
    47 # -s stepsize: set the indentation step size (default 8)
    48 # -t tabsize : set the number of spaces a tab character is worth (default 8)
    49 # -e         : expand TABs into spaces
    50 # file ...   : input file(s) (default standard input)
    51 # The results always go to standard output
    53 # Caveats:
    54 # - comments ending in a backslash will be mistaken for continued lines
    55 # - continuations using backslash are always left unchanged
    56 # - continuations inside parentheses are not extra indented by -r
    57 #   but must be indented for -c to work correctly (this breaks
    58 #   idempotency!)
    59 # - continued lines inside triple-quoted strings are totally garbled
    61 # Secret feature:
    62 # - On input, a block may also be closed with an "end statement" --
    63 #   this is a block-closing comment without the '#' sign.
    65 # Possible improvements:
    66 # - check syntax based on transitions in 'next' table
    67 # - better error reporting
    68 # - better error recovery
    69 # - check identifier after class/def
    71 # The following wishes need a more complete tokenization of the source:
    72 # - Don't get fooled by comments ending in backslash
    73 # - reindent continuation lines indicated by backslash
    74 # - handle continuation lines inside parentheses/braces/brackets
    75 # - handle triple quoted strings spanning lines
    76 # - realign comments
    77 # - optionally do much more thorough reformatting, a la C indent
    79 # Defaults
    80 STEPSIZE = 8
    81 TABSIZE = 8
    82 EXPANDTABS = 0
    84 import re
    85 import sys
    87 next = {}
    88 next['if'] = next['elif'] = 'elif', 'else', 'end'
    89 next['while'] = next['for'] = 'else', 'end'
    90 next['try'] = 'except', 'finally'
    91 next['except'] = 'except', 'else', 'end'
    92 next['else'] = next['finally'] = next['def'] = next['class'] = 'end'
    93 next['end'] = ()
    94 start = 'if', 'while', 'for', 'try', 'def', 'class'
    96 class PythonIndenter:
    98     def __init__(self, fpi = sys.stdin, fpo = sys.stdout,
    99                  indentsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
   100         self.fpi = fpi
   101         self.fpo = fpo
   102         self.indentsize = indentsize
   103         self.tabsize = tabsize
   104         self.lineno = 0
   105         self.expandtabs = expandtabs
   106         self._write = fpo.write
   107         self.kwprog = re.compile(
   108                 r'^\s*(?P<kw>[a-z]+)'
   109                 r'(\s+(?P<id>[a-zA-Z_]\w*))?'
   110                 r'[^\w]')
   111         self.endprog = re.compile(
   112                 r'^\s*#?\s*end\s+(?P<kw>[a-z]+)'
   113                 r'(\s+(?P<id>[a-zA-Z_]\w*))?'
   114                 r'[^\w]')
   115         self.wsprog = re.compile(r'^[ \t]*')
   116     # end def __init__
   118     def write(self, line):
   119         if self.expandtabs:
   120             self._write(line.expandtabs(self.tabsize))
   121         else:
   122             self._write(line)
   123         # end if
   124     # end def write
   126     def readline(self):
   127         line = self.fpi.readline()
   128         if line: self.lineno = self.lineno + 1
   129         # end if
   130         return line
   131     # end def readline
   133     def error(self, fmt, *args):
   134         if args: fmt = fmt % args
   135         # end if
   136         sys.stderr.write('Error at line %d: %s\n' % (self.lineno, fmt))
   137         self.write('### %s ###\n' % fmt)
   138     # end def error
   140     def getline(self):
   141         line = self.readline()
   142         while line[-2:] == '\\\n':
   143             line2 = self.readline()
   144             if not line2: break
   145             # end if
   146             line = line + line2
   147         # end while
   148         return line
   149     # end def getline
   151     def putline(self, line, indent = None):
   152         if indent is None:
   153             self.write(line)
   154             return
   155         # end if
   156         tabs, spaces = divmod(indent*self.indentsize, self.tabsize)
   157         i = 0
   158         m = self.wsprog.match(line)
   159         if m: i = m.end()
   160         # end if
   161         self.write('\t'*tabs + ' '*spaces + line[i:])
   162     # end def putline
   164     def reformat(self):
   165         stack = []
   166         while 1:
   167             line = self.getline()
   168             if not line: break      # EOF
   169             # end if
   170             m = self.endprog.match(line)
   171             if m:
   172                 kw = 'end'
   173                 kw2 ='kw')
   174                 if not stack:
   175                     self.error('unexpected end')
   176                 elif stack[-1][0] != kw2:
   177                     self.error('unmatched end')
   178                 # end if
   179                 del stack[-1:]
   180                 self.putline(line, len(stack))
   181                 continue
   182             # end if
   183             m = self.kwprog.match(line)
   184             if m:
   185                 kw ='kw')
   186                 if kw in start:
   187                     self.putline(line, len(stack))
   188                     stack.append((kw, kw))
   189                     continue
   190                 # end if
   191                 if next.has_key(kw) and stack:
   192                     self.putline(line, len(stack)-1)
   193                     kwa, kwb = stack[-1]
   194                     stack[-1] = kwa, kw
   195                     continue
   196                 # end if
   197             # end if
   198             self.putline(line, len(stack))
   199         # end while
   200         if stack:
   201             self.error('unterminated keywords')
   202             for kwa, kwb in stack:
   203                 self.write('\t%s\n' % kwa)
   204             # end for
   205         # end if
   206     # end def reformat
   208     def delete(self):
   209         begin_counter = 0
   210         end_counter = 0
   211         while 1:
   212             line = self.getline()
   213             if not line: break      # EOF
   214             # end if
   215             m = self.endprog.match(line)
   216             if m:
   217                 end_counter = end_counter + 1
   218                 continue
   219             # end if
   220             m = self.kwprog.match(line)
   221             if m:
   222                 kw ='kw')
   223                 if kw in start:
   224                     begin_counter = begin_counter + 1
   225                 # end if
   226             # end if
   227             self.putline(line)
   228         # end while
   229         if begin_counter - end_counter < 0:
   230             sys.stderr.write('Warning: input contained more end tags than expected\n')
   231         elif begin_counter - end_counter > 0:
   232             sys.stderr.write('Warning: input contained less end tags than expected\n')
   233         # end if
   234     # end def delete
   236     def complete(self):
   237         self.indentsize = 1
   238         stack = []
   239         todo = []
   240         thisid = ''
   241         current, firstkw, lastkw, topid = 0, '', '', ''
   242         while 1:
   243             line = self.getline()
   244             i = 0
   245             m = self.wsprog.match(line)
   246             if m: i = m.end()
   247             # end if
   248             m = self.endprog.match(line)
   249             if m:
   250                 thiskw = 'end'
   251                 endkw ='kw')
   252                 thisid ='id')
   253             else:
   254                 m = self.kwprog.match(line)
   255                 if m:
   256                     thiskw ='kw')
   257                     if not next.has_key(thiskw):
   258                         thiskw = ''
   259                     # end if
   260                     if thiskw in ('def', 'class'):
   261                         thisid ='id')
   262                     else:
   263                         thisid = ''
   264                     # end if
   265                 elif line[i:i+1] in ('\n', '#'):
   266                     todo.append(line)
   267                     continue
   268                 else:
   269                     thiskw = ''
   270                 # end if
   271             # end if
   272             indent = len(line[:i].expandtabs(self.tabsize))
   273             while indent < current:
   274                 if firstkw:
   275                     if topid:
   276                         s = '# end %s %s\n' % (
   277                                 firstkw, topid)
   278                     else:
   279                         s = '# end %s\n' % firstkw
   280                     # end if
   281                     self.putline(s, current)
   282                     firstkw = lastkw = ''
   283                 # end if
   284                 current, firstkw, lastkw, topid = stack[-1]
   285                 del stack[-1]
   286             # end while
   287             if indent == current and firstkw:
   288                 if thiskw == 'end':
   289                     if endkw != firstkw:
   290                         self.error('mismatched end')
   291                     # end if
   292                     firstkw = lastkw = ''
   293                 elif not thiskw or thiskw in start:
   294                     if topid:
   295                         s = '# end %s %s\n' % (
   296                                 firstkw, topid)
   297                     else:
   298                         s = '# end %s\n' % firstkw
   299                     # end if
   300                     self.putline(s, current)
   301                     firstkw = lastkw = topid = ''
   302                 # end if
   303             # end if
   304             if indent > current:
   305                 stack.append((current, firstkw, lastkw, topid))
   306                 if thiskw and thiskw not in start:
   307                     # error
   308                     thiskw = ''
   309                 # end if
   310                 current, firstkw, lastkw, topid = \
   311                          indent, thiskw, thiskw, thisid
   312             # end if
   313             if thiskw:
   314                 if thiskw in start:
   315                     firstkw = lastkw = thiskw
   316                     topid = thisid
   317                 else:
   318                     lastkw = thiskw
   319                 # end if
   320             # end if
   321             for l in todo: self.write(l)
   322             # end for
   323             todo = []
   324             if not line: break
   325             # end if
   326             self.write(line)
   327         # end while
   328     # end def complete
   330 # end class PythonIndenter
   332 # Simplified user interface
   333 # - xxx_filter(input, output): read and write file objects
   334 # - xxx_string(s): take and return string object
   335 # - xxx_file(filename): process file in place, return true iff changed
   337 def complete_filter(input = sys.stdin, output = sys.stdout,
   338                     stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
   339     pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
   340     pi.complete()
   341 # end def complete_filter
   343 def delete_filter(input= sys.stdin, output = sys.stdout,
   344                         stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
   345     pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
   346     pi.delete()
   347 # end def delete_filter
   349 def reformat_filter(input = sys.stdin, output = sys.stdout,
   350                     stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
   351     pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
   352     pi.reformat()
   353 # end def reformat_filter
   355 class StringReader:
   356     def __init__(self, buf):
   357         self.buf = buf
   358         self.pos = 0
   359         self.len = len(self.buf)
   360     # end def __init__
   361     def read(self, n = 0):
   362         if n <= 0:
   363             n = self.len - self.pos
   364         else:
   365             n = min(n, self.len - self.pos)
   366         # end if
   367         r = self.buf[self.pos : self.pos + n]
   368         self.pos = self.pos + n
   369         return r
   370     # end def read
   371     def readline(self):
   372         i = self.buf.find('\n', self.pos)
   373         return + 1 - self.pos)
   374     # end def readline
   375     def readlines(self):
   376         lines = []
   377         line = self.readline()
   378         while line:
   379             lines.append(line)
   380             line = self.readline()
   381         # end while
   382         return lines
   383     # end def readlines
   384     # seek/tell etc. are left as an exercise for the reader
   385 # end class StringReader
   387 class StringWriter:
   388     def __init__(self):
   389         self.buf = ''
   390     # end def __init__
   391     def write(self, s):
   392         self.buf = self.buf + s
   393     # end def write
   394     def getvalue(self):
   395         return self.buf
   396     # end def getvalue
   397 # end class StringWriter
   399 def complete_string(source, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
   400     input = StringReader(source)
   401     output = StringWriter()
   402     pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
   403     pi.complete()
   404     return output.getvalue()
   405 # end def complete_string
   407 def delete_string(source, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
   408     input = StringReader(source)
   409     output = StringWriter()
   410     pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
   411     pi.delete()
   412     return output.getvalue()
   413 # end def delete_string
   415 def reformat_string(source, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
   416     input = StringReader(source)
   417     output = StringWriter()
   418     pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
   419     pi.reformat()
   420     return output.getvalue()
   421 # end def reformat_string
   423 def complete_file(filename, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
   424     source = open(filename, 'r').read()
   425     result = complete_string(source, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
   426     if source == result: return 0
   427     # end if
   428     import os
   429     try: os.rename(filename, filename + '~')
   430     except os.error: pass
   431     # end try
   432     f = open(filename, 'w')
   433     f.write(result)
   434     f.close()
   435     return 1
   436 # end def complete_file
   438 def delete_file(filename, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
   439     source = open(filename, 'r').read()
   440     result = delete_string(source, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
   441     if source == result: return 0
   442     # end if
   443     import os
   444     try: os.rename(filename, filename + '~')
   445     except os.error: pass
   446     # end try
   447     f = open(filename, 'w')
   448     f.write(result)
   449     f.close()
   450     return 1
   451 # end def delete_file
   453 def reformat_file(filename, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
   454     source = open(filename, 'r').read()
   455     result = reformat_string(source, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
   456     if source == result: return 0
   457     # end if
   458     import os
   459     try: os.rename(filename, filename + '~')
   460     except os.error: pass
   461     # end try
   462     f = open(filename, 'w')
   463     f.write(result)
   464     f.close()
   465     return 1
   466 # end def reformat_file
   468 # Test program when called as a script
   470 usage = """
   471 usage: pindent (-c|-d|-r) [-s stepsize] [-t tabsize] [-e] [file] ...
   472 -c         : complete a correctly indented program (add #end directives)
   473 -d         : delete #end directives
   474 -r         : reformat a completed program (use #end directives)
   475 -s stepsize: indentation step (default %(STEPSIZE)d)
   476 -t tabsize : the worth in spaces of a tab (default %(TABSIZE)d)
   477 -e         : expand TABs into spaces (defailt OFF)
   478 [file] ... : files are changed in place, with backups in file~
   479 If no files are specified or a single - is given,
   480 the program acts as a filter (reads stdin, writes stdout).
   481 """ % vars()
   483 def error_both(op1, op2):
   484     sys.stderr.write('Error: You can not specify both '+op1+' and -'+op2[0]+' at the same time\n')
   485     sys.stderr.write(usage)
   486     sys.exit(2)
   487 # end def error_both
   489 def test():
   490     import getopt
   491     try:
   492         opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'cdrs:t:e')
   493     except getopt.error, msg:
   494         sys.stderr.write('Error: %s\n' % msg)
   495         sys.stderr.write(usage)
   496         sys.exit(2)
   497     # end try
   498     action = None
   499     stepsize = STEPSIZE
   500     tabsize = TABSIZE
   501     expandtabs = EXPANDTABS
   502     for o, a in opts:
   503         if o == '-c':
   504             if action: error_both(o, action)
   505             # end if
   506             action = 'complete'
   507         elif o == '-d':
   508             if action: error_both(o, action)
   509             # end if
   510             action = 'delete'
   511         elif o == '-r':
   512             if action: error_both(o, action)
   513             # end if
   514             action = 'reformat'
   515         elif o == '-s':
   516             stepsize = int(a)
   517         elif o == '-t':
   518             tabsize = int(a)
   519         elif o == '-e':
   520             expandtabs = 1
   521         # end if
   522     # end for
   523     if not action:
   524         sys.stderr.write(
   525                 'You must specify -c(omplete), -d(elete) or -r(eformat)\n')
   526         sys.stderr.write(usage)
   527         sys.exit(2)
   528     # end if
   529     if not args or args == ['-']:
   530         action = eval(action + '_filter')
   531         action(sys.stdin, sys.stdout, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
   532     else:
   533         action = eval(action + '_file')
   534         for filename in args:
   535             action(filename, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
   536         # end for
   537     # end if
   538 # end def test
   540 if __name__ == '__main__':
   541     test()
   542 # end if