changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/libsdl-trunk/README.OS2	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+SDL on OS/2
+Last updated on May. 17, 2006.
+1. How to compile?
+To compile this, you'll need the followings installed:
+- The OS/2 Developer's Toolkit
+- The OpenWatcom compiler 
+  (
+First of all, you have to unzip the file. This will result in a 
+file called "makefile" and a file called "setvars.cmd" in this folder (and some
+more files...).
+Please edit the second, fourth and fifth lines of setvars.cmd file
+to set the folders where the toolkit, the OW compiler and the FSLib are. 
+You won't need NASM yet (The Netwide Assembler), you can leave that line.
+Run setvars.cmd, and you should get a shell in which you can
+compile SDL.
+Check the "makefile" file. There is a line in there which determines if the 
+resulting SDL.DLL will be a 'debug' or a 'release' build. The 'debug' version 
+is full of printf()'s, so if something goes wrong, its output can help a lot
+for debugging.
+Then run "wmake".
+This should create the SDL12.DLL and the corresponding SDL12.LIB file here.
+To test applications, it's a good idea to use the 'debug' build of SDL, and
+redirect the standard output and standard error output to files, to see what
+happens internally in SDL.
+(like: testsprite >stdout.txt 2>stderr.txt)
+To rebuild SDL, use the following commands in this folder:
+wmake clean
+2. How to compile the testapps?
+Once you have SDL12.DLL compiled, navigate into the 'test' folder, copy in 
+there the newly built SDL12.DLL, and copy in there FSLib.DLL.
+Then run "wmake" in there to compile some of the testapps.
+3. What is missing?
+The following things are missing from this SDL implementation:
+- MMX, SSE and 3DNOW! optimized video blitters?
+- HW Video surfaces
+- OpenGL support
+4. Special Keys / Full-Screen support
+There are two special hot-keys implemented:
+- Alt+Home switches between fullscreen and windowed mode
+- Alt+End simulates closing the window (can be used as a Panic key)
+Only the LEFT Alt key will work.
+5. Joysticks on SDL/2
+The Joystick detection only works for standard joysticks (2 buttons, 2 axes
+and the like). Therefore, if you use a non-standard joystick, you should
+specify its features in the SDL_OS2_JOYSTICK environment variable in a batch
+file or CONFIG.SYS, so SDL applications can provide full capability to your
+device. The syntax is:
+So, it you have a Gravis GamePad with 4 axes, 2 buttons, 2 hats and 0 balls,
+the line should be:
+SET SDL_OS2_JOYSTICK=Gravis_GamePad 4 2 2 0
+If you want to add spaces in your joystick name, just surround it with
+quotes or double-quotes:
+SET SDL_OS2_JOYSTICK='Gravis GamePad' 4 2 2 0
+SET SDL_OS2_JOYSTICK="Gravis GamePad" 4 2 2 0
+   Notive However that Balls and Hats are not supported under OS/2, and the
+value will be ignored... but it is wise to define these correctly because 
+in the future those can be supported.
+   Also the number of buttons is limited to 2 when using two joysticks,
+4 when using one joystick with 4 axes, 6 when using a joystick with 3 axes
+and 8 when using a joystick with 2 axes. Notice however these are limitations 
+of the Joystick Port hardware, not OS/2.
+6. Proportional windows
+For some SDL applications it can be handy to have proportional windows, so
+the windows will keep their aspect ratio when resized.
+This can be achieved in two ways:
+- Before starting the given SDL application, set the
+  SDL_USE_PROPORTIONAL_WINDOW environment variable to something, e.g.:
+  dosbox.exe
+- If you have a HOME environment variable set, then SDL will look for a file
+  in there called ".sdl.proportionals". If that file contains the name of the
+  currently running SDL executable, then that process will have proportional
+  windows automatically.
+  Please note that this file is created automatically with default values
+  at the first run.
+7. Audio in SDL applications
+Audio effects are one of the most important features in games. Creating audio
+effects in sync with the game and without hickups and pauses in the audio are
+very important things.
+However there are multithreaded SDL applications that have tight loops as their
+main logic loop. This kills performance in OS/2, and takes too much CPU from
+other threads in the same process, for example from the thread to create the 
+sound effects.
+For this reason, the OS/2 port of SDL can be instructed to run the audio thread
+in high priority, which makes sure that there will be enough time for the 
+processing of the audio data.
+At default, SDL/2 runs the audio thread at ForegroundServer+0 priority. Well 
+written and well behaving SDL applications should work well in this mode.
+For other applications, you can tell SDL/2 to run the audio thread at 
+TimeCritical priority by setting an env.variable before starting the SDL app:
+Please note that this is a bit risky, because if the SDL application runs a
+tight infinite loop in this thread, this will make the whole system 
+unresponsive, so use it with care, and only for applications that need it!
+8. Next steps...
+Things to do:
+- Implement missing stuffs (look for 'TODO' string in source code!)
+- Finish video driver (the 'wincommon' can be a good example for missing
+  things like application icon and so on...)
+- Enable MMX/SSE/SSE2 acceleration functions
+- Rewrite CDROM support using DOS Ioctl for better support.
+9. Contacts
+   You can contact the developers for bugs:
+   Area					Developer		email
+   General (Audio/Video/System)		Doodle
+   CDROM and Joystick			Caetano
+   Notice however that SDL/2 is 'in development' stage so ... if you want to help,
+please, be our guest and contact us!
+10. Changelog of the OS/2 port
+Version 1.2.10 - 2006-05-17  - Doodle
+ - Small modifications for v1.2.10 release
+ - Changed DLL name to include version info (currently SDL12.dll)
+Version 1.2 - 2006-05-01  - Doodle
+ - Modified makefile system to have only one makefile
+ - Included FSLib headers, DLL and LIB file
+Version 1.2 - 2006-02-26  - Doodle
+ - Updated the official SDL version with the OS/2 specific changes.
+ - Added support for real unicode keycode conversion.
+Version 1.2.7 - 2006-01-20  - Doodle
+ - Added support for selectively using timecritical priority for
+   audio threads by SDL_USE_TIMECRITICAL_AUDIO environment variable.
+   (e.g.: 
+    dosbox.exe
+   )
+Version 1.2.7 - 2005-12-22  - Doodle
+ - Added support for proportional SDL windows.
+   There are two ways to have proportional (aspect-keeping) windows for
+   a given SDL application: Either set the SDL_USE_PROPORTIONAL_WINDOW
+   environment variable to something before starting the application
+   (e.g.: 
+    dosbox.exe
+   )
+   or, if you have the HOME environment variable set, then SDL12.DLL will
+   create a file in that directory called .sdl.proportionals, and you can
+   put there the name of executable files that will be automatically made
+   proportional.
+Version 1.2.7 - 2005-10-14  - Doodle
+ - Enabled Exception handler code in FSLib to be able to restore original
+   desktop video mode in case the application crashes.
+ - Added the missing FSLib_Uninitialize() call into SDL.
+   (The lack of it did not cause problems, but it's cleaner this way.)
+ - Fixed a mouse problem in Fullscreen mode where any mouse click
+   re-centered the mouse.
+Version 1.2.7 - 2005-10-09  - Doodle
+ - Implemented window icon support
+Version 1.2.7 - 2005-10-03  - Doodle
+ - Reworked semaphore support again
+ - Tuned thread priorities
+Version 1.2.7 - 2005-10-02  - Doodle
+ - Added support for custom mouse pointers
+ - Fixed WM_CLOSE processing: give a chance to SDL app to ask user...
+ - Added support for MMX-accelerated audio mixers
+ - Other small fixes
+Version 1.2.7 - 2005-09-12  - Doodle
+ - Small fixes for DosBox incorporated into public release
+ - Fixed semaphore support (SDL_syssem.c)
+ - Fixed FSLib to have good clipping in scaled window mode,
+   and to prevent occasional desktop freezes.
+Version 1.2.7 - 2004-09-08a - Caetano
+	- Improved joystick support (general verifications about hardware).
+	- Added support up to 8 buttons in 2 axes joysticks and 6 buttons in 3 axes joysticks.
+	- Added support to environment variable SDL_OS2_JOYSTICK to specify a joystick.
+	- Improved Joystick test to handle every type of joystick and display only relevant information.
+	- Merged with Doodle 2004-09-08
+	- Little tid up in README.OS2
+	- Added explanation about SDL_OS2_JOYSTICK environment variable on README.OS2
+Version 1.2.7 - 2004-09-07 - Caetano
+	- Merged with changes in headers for GCC compiling.
+	- Added Joystick support using basic IBM GAME$ support, allowing it to work with all joystick drivers since OS/2 2.1.
+	- Improved joystick detection (hacked!). OS/2 do not allow real joystick detection, so... 
+	- Modified makefile in test to compile "testjoystick". Anyway, it's useless, since it seems to cause a lot of trouble in OS/2 (because os video routines, not Joystick support).
+	- Created separated Joystick test program to test only joystick functions.
+	- Improved joystick auto-centering.
+	- Improved the coordinate correction routine to use two scale factors for each axis.
+Version 1.2.7 - 2004-07-05 - Caetano
+	- Corrected the time returned by status in CDROM support (it was incorrect)
+	- Added the testcdrom.c and corrected the linking directive (it was causing an error)
+Version 1.2.7 - 2004-07-02a - Caetano
+	- Corrected a little problem in a comment at SDL-1.2.7\test\torturethread.c, line 18 (missing */, nested comment)
+	- Added CDROM support to tree (SDL-1.2.7\src\cdrom\os2\SDL_syscdrom.c)
+	- Modified makefile (SDL-1.2.7\src\makefiles.wat and SDL-1.2.7\watcom.mif) to build with CDROM support
+	- Added the "extra" SDL_types.h forgotten in 2004-07-02 version.