changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-2.6.1/Doc/c-api/sys.rst	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+.. highlightlang:: c
+.. _os:
+Operating System Utilities
+.. cfunction:: int Py_FdIsInteractive(FILE *fp, const char *filename)
+   Return true (nonzero) if the standard I/O file *fp* with name *filename* is
+   deemed interactive.  This is the case for files for which ``isatty(fileno(fp))``
+   is true.  If the global flag :cdata:`Py_InteractiveFlag` is true, this function
+   also returns true if the *filename* pointer is *NULL* or if the name is equal to
+   one of the strings ``'<stdin>'`` or ``'???'``.
+.. cfunction:: long PyOS_GetLastModificationTime(char *filename)
+   Return the time of last modification of the file *filename*. The result is
+   encoded in the same way as the timestamp returned by the standard C library
+   function :cfunc:`time`.
+.. cfunction:: void PyOS_AfterFork()
+   Function to update some internal state after a process fork; this should be
+   called in the new process if the Python interpreter will continue to be used.
+   If a new executable is loaded into the new process, this function does not need
+   to be called.
+.. cfunction:: int PyOS_CheckStack()
+   Return true when the interpreter runs out of stack space.  This is a reliable
+   check, but is only available when :const:`USE_STACKCHECK` is defined (currently
+   on Windows using the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler).  :const:`USE_STACKCHECK`
+   will be defined automatically; you should never change the definition in your
+   own code.
+.. cfunction:: PyOS_sighandler_t PyOS_getsig(int i)
+   Return the current signal handler for signal *i*.  This is a thin wrapper around
+   either :cfunc:`sigaction` or :cfunc:`signal`.  Do not call those functions
+   directly! :ctype:`PyOS_sighandler_t` is a typedef alias for :ctype:`void
+   (\*)(int)`.
+.. cfunction:: PyOS_sighandler_t PyOS_setsig(int i, PyOS_sighandler_t h)
+   Set the signal handler for signal *i* to be *h*; return the old signal handler.
+   This is a thin wrapper around either :cfunc:`sigaction` or :cfunc:`signal`.  Do
+   not call those functions directly!  :ctype:`PyOS_sighandler_t` is a typedef
+   alias for :ctype:`void (\*)(int)`.
+.. _systemfunctions:
+System Functions
+These are utility functions that make functionality from the :mod:`sys` module
+accessible to C code.  They all work with the current interpreter thread's
+:mod:`sys` module's dict, which is contained in the internal thread state structure.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *PySys_GetObject(char *name)
+   Return the object *name* from the :mod:`sys` module or *NULL* if it does
+   not exist, without setting an exception.
+.. cfunction:: FILE *PySys_GetFile(char *name, FILE *def)
+   Return the :ctype:`FILE*` associated with the object *name* in the
+   :mod:`sys` module, or *def* if *name* is not in the module or is not associated
+   with a :ctype:`FILE*`.
+.. cfunction:: int PySys_SetObject(char *name, PyObject *v)
+   Set *name* in the :mod:`sys` module to *v* unless *v* is *NULL*, in which
+   case *name* is deleted from the sys module. Returns ``0`` on success, ``-1``
+   on error.
+.. cfunction:: void PySys_ResetWarnOptions(void)
+   Reset :data:`sys.warnoptions` to an empty list.
+.. cfunction:: void PySys_AddWarnOption(char *s)
+   Append *s* to :data:`sys.warnoptions`.
+.. cfunction:: void PySys_SetPath(char *path)
+   Set :data:`sys.path` to a list object of paths found in *path* which should
+   be a list of paths separated with the platform's search path delimiter
+   (``:`` on Unix, ``;`` on Windows).
+.. cfunction:: void PySys_WriteStdout(const char *format, ...)
+   Write the output string described by *format* to :data:`sys.stdout`.  No
+   exceptions are raised, even if truncation occurs (see below).
+   *format* should limit the total size of the formatted output string to
+   1000 bytes or less -- after 1000 bytes, the output string is truncated.
+   In particular, this means that no unrestricted "%s" formats should occur;
+   these should be limited using "%.<N>s" where <N> is a decimal number
+   calculated so that <N> plus the maximum size of other formatted text does not
+   exceed 1000 bytes.  Also watch out for "%f", which can print hundreds of
+   digits for very large numbers.
+   If a problem occurs, or :data:`sys.stdout` is unset, the formatted message
+   is written to the real (C level) *stdout*.
+.. cfunction:: void PySys_WriteStderr(const char *format, ...)
+   As above, but write to :data:`sys.stderr` or *stderr* instead.
+.. _processcontrol:
+Process Control
+.. cfunction:: void Py_FatalError(const char *message)
+   .. index:: single: abort()
+   Print a fatal error message and kill the process.  No cleanup is performed.
+   This function should only be invoked when a condition is detected that would
+   make it dangerous to continue using the Python interpreter; e.g., when the
+   object administration appears to be corrupted.  On Unix, the standard C library
+   function :cfunc:`abort` is called which will attempt to produce a :file:`core`
+   file.
+.. cfunction:: void Py_Exit(int status)
+   .. index::
+      single: Py_Finalize()
+      single: exit()
+   Exit the current process.  This calls :cfunc:`Py_Finalize` and then calls the
+   standard C library function ``exit(status)``.
+.. cfunction:: int Py_AtExit(void (*func) ())
+   .. index::
+      single: Py_Finalize()
+      single: cleanup functions
+   Register a cleanup function to be called by :cfunc:`Py_Finalize`.  The cleanup
+   function will be called with no arguments and should return no value.  At most
+   32 cleanup functions can be registered.  When the registration is successful,
+   :cfunc:`Py_AtExit` returns ``0``; on failure, it returns ``-1``.  The cleanup
+   function registered last is called first. Each cleanup function will be called
+   at most once.  Since Python's internal finalization will have completed before
+   the cleanup function, no Python APIs should be called by *func*.