changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-2.6.1/Doc/library/csv.rst	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+:mod:`csv` --- CSV File Reading and Writing
+.. module:: csv
+   :synopsis: Write and read tabular data to and from delimited files.
+.. sectionauthor:: Skip Montanaro <>
+.. versionadded:: 2.3
+.. index::
+   single: csv
+   pair: data; tabular
+The so-called CSV (Comma Separated Values) format is the most common import and
+export format for spreadsheets and databases.  There is no "CSV standard", so
+the format is operationally defined by the many applications which read and
+write it.  The lack of a standard means that subtle differences often exist in
+the data produced and consumed by different applications.  These differences can
+make it annoying to process CSV files from multiple sources.  Still, while the
+delimiters and quoting characters vary, the overall format is similar enough
+that it is possible to write a single module which can efficiently manipulate
+such data, hiding the details of reading and writing the data from the
+The :mod:`csv` module implements classes to read and write tabular data in CSV
+format.  It allows programmers to say, "write this data in the format preferred
+by Excel," or "read data from this file which was generated by Excel," without
+knowing the precise details of the CSV format used by Excel.  Programmers can
+also describe the CSV formats understood by other applications or define their
+own special-purpose CSV formats.
+The :mod:`csv` module's :class:`reader` and :class:`writer` objects read and
+write sequences.  Programmers can also read and write data in dictionary form
+using the :class:`DictReader` and :class:`DictWriter` classes.
+.. note::
+   This version of the :mod:`csv` module doesn't support Unicode input.  Also,
+   there are currently some issues regarding ASCII NUL characters.  Accordingly,
+   all input should be UTF-8 or printable ASCII to be safe; see the examples in
+   section :ref:`csv-examples`. These restrictions will be removed in the future.
+.. seealso::
+   :pep:`305` - CSV File API
+      The Python Enhancement Proposal which proposed this addition to Python.
+.. _csv-contents:
+Module Contents
+The :mod:`csv` module defines the following functions:
+.. function:: reader(csvfile[, dialect='excel'][, fmtparam])
+   Return a reader object which will iterate over lines in the given *csvfile*.
+   *csvfile* can be any object which supports the :term:`iterator` protocol and returns a
+   string each time its :meth:`next` method is called --- file objects and list
+   objects are both suitable.   If *csvfile* is a file object, it must be opened
+   with the 'b' flag on platforms where that makes a difference.  An optional
+   *dialect* parameter can be given which is used to define a set of parameters
+   specific to a particular CSV dialect.  It may be an instance of a subclass of
+   the :class:`Dialect` class or one of the strings returned by the
+   :func:`list_dialects` function.  The other optional *fmtparam* keyword arguments
+   can be given to override individual formatting parameters in the current
+   dialect.  For full details about the dialect and formatting parameters, see
+   section :ref:`csv-fmt-params`.
+   All data read are returned as strings.  No automatic data type conversion is
+   performed.
+   A short usage example::
+      >>> import csv
+      >>> spamReader = csv.reader(open('eggs.csv'), delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
+      >>> for row in spamReader:
+      ...     print ', '.join(row)
+      Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Baked Beans
+      Spam, Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.5
+      The parser is now stricter with respect to multi-line quoted fields. Previously,
+      if a line ended within a quoted field without a terminating newline character, a
+      newline would be inserted into the returned field. This behavior caused problems
+      when reading files which contained carriage return characters within fields.
+      The behavior was changed to return the field without inserting newlines. As a
+      consequence, if newlines embedded within fields are important, the input should
+      be split into lines in a manner which preserves the newline characters.
+.. function:: writer(csvfile[, dialect='excel'][, fmtparam])
+   Return a writer object responsible for converting the user's data into delimited
+   strings on the given file-like object.  *csvfile* can be any object with a
+   :func:`write` method.  If *csvfile* is a file object, it must be opened with the
+   'b' flag on platforms where that makes a difference.  An optional *dialect*
+   parameter can be given which is used to define a set of parameters specific to a
+   particular CSV dialect.  It may be an instance of a subclass of the
+   :class:`Dialect` class or one of the strings returned by the
+   :func:`list_dialects` function.  The other optional *fmtparam* keyword arguments
+   can be given to override individual formatting parameters in the current
+   dialect.  For full details about the dialect and formatting parameters, see
+   section :ref:`csv-fmt-params`. To make it
+   as easy as possible to interface with modules which implement the DB API, the
+   value :const:`None` is written as the empty string.  While this isn't a
+   reversible transformation, it makes it easier to dump SQL NULL data values to
+   CSV files without preprocessing the data returned from a ``cursor.fetch*`` call.
+   All other non-string data are stringified with :func:`str` before being written.
+   A short usage example::
+      >>> import csv
+      >>> spamWriter = csv.writer(open('eggs.csv', 'w'), delimiter=' ',
+      ...                         quotechar='|', quoting=QUOTE_MINIMAL)
+      >>> spamWriter.writerow(['Spam'] * 5 + ['Baked Beans'])
+      >>> spamWriter.writerow(['Spam', 'Lovely Spam', 'Wonderful Spam'])
+.. function:: register_dialect(name[, dialect][, fmtparam])
+   Associate *dialect* with *name*.  *name* must be a string or Unicode object. The
+   dialect can be specified either by passing a sub-class of :class:`Dialect`, or
+   by *fmtparam* keyword arguments, or both, with keyword arguments overriding
+   parameters of the dialect. For full details about the dialect and formatting
+   parameters, see section :ref:`csv-fmt-params`.
+.. function:: unregister_dialect(name)
+   Delete the dialect associated with *name* from the dialect registry.  An
+   :exc:`Error` is raised if *name* is not a registered dialect name.
+.. function:: get_dialect(name)
+   Return the dialect associated with *name*.  An :exc:`Error` is raised if *name*
+   is not a registered dialect name.
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.5
+      This function now returns an immutable :class:`Dialect`.  Previously an
+      instance of the requested dialect was returned.  Users could modify the
+      underlying class, changing the behavior of active readers and writers.
+.. function:: list_dialects()
+   Return the names of all registered dialects.
+.. function:: field_size_limit([new_limit])
+   Returns the current maximum field size allowed by the parser. If *new_limit* is
+   given, this becomes the new limit.
+   .. versionadded:: 2.5
+The :mod:`csv` module defines the following classes:
+.. class:: DictReader(csvfile[, fieldnames=None[, restkey=None[, restval=None[, dialect='excel'[, *args, **kwds]]]]])
+   Create an object which operates like a regular reader but maps the information
+   read into a dict whose keys are given by the optional  *fieldnames* parameter.
+   If the *fieldnames* parameter is omitted, the values in the first row of the
+   *csvfile* will be used as the fieldnames. If the row read has fewer fields than
+   the fieldnames sequence, the value of *restval* will be used as the default
+   value.  If the row read has more fields than the fieldnames sequence, the
+   remaining data is added as a sequence keyed by the value of *restkey*.  If the
+   row read has fewer fields than the fieldnames sequence, the remaining keys take
+   the value of the optional *restval* parameter.  Any other optional or keyword
+   arguments are passed to the underlying :class:`reader` instance.
+.. class:: DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames[, restval=''[, extrasaction='raise'[, dialect='excel'[, *args, **kwds]]]])
+   Create an object which operates like a regular writer but maps dictionaries onto
+   output rows.  The *fieldnames* parameter identifies the order in which values in
+   the dictionary passed to the :meth:`writerow` method are written to the
+   *csvfile*.  The optional *restval* parameter specifies the value to be written
+   if the dictionary is missing a key in *fieldnames*.  If the dictionary passed to
+   the :meth:`writerow` method contains a key not found in *fieldnames*, the
+   optional *extrasaction* parameter indicates what action to take.  If it is set
+   to ``'raise'`` a :exc:`ValueError` is raised.  If it is set to ``'ignore'``,
+   extra values in the dictionary are ignored.  Any other optional or keyword
+   arguments are passed to the underlying :class:`writer` instance.
+   Note that unlike the :class:`DictReader` class, the *fieldnames* parameter of
+   the :class:`DictWriter` is not optional.  Since Python's :class:`dict` objects
+   are not ordered, there is not enough information available to deduce the order
+   in which the row should be written to the *csvfile*.
+.. class:: Dialect
+   The :class:`Dialect` class is a container class relied on primarily for its
+   attributes, which are used to define the parameters for a specific
+   :class:`reader` or :class:`writer` instance.
+.. class:: excel()
+   The :class:`excel` class defines the usual properties of an Excel-generated CSV
+   file.  It is registered with the dialect name ``'excel'``.
+.. class:: excel_tab()
+   The :class:`excel_tab` class defines the usual properties of an Excel-generated
+   TAB-delimited file.  It is registered with the dialect name ``'excel-tab'``.
+.. class:: Sniffer()
+   The :class:`Sniffer` class is used to deduce the format of a CSV file.
+   The :class:`Sniffer` class provides two methods:
+   .. method:: sniff(sample[, delimiters=None])
+      Analyze the given *sample* and return a :class:`Dialect` subclass
+      reflecting the parameters found.  If the optional *delimiters* parameter
+      is given, it is interpreted as a string containing possible valid
+      delimiter characters.
+   .. method:: has_header(sample)
+      Analyze the sample text (presumed to be in CSV format) and return
+      :const:`True` if the first row appears to be a series of column headers.
+An example for :class:`Sniffer` use::
+   csvfile = open("example.csv")
+   dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(
+   reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect)
+   # ... process CSV file contents here ...
+The :mod:`csv` module defines the following constants:
+.. data:: QUOTE_ALL
+   Instructs :class:`writer` objects to quote all fields.
+.. data:: QUOTE_MINIMAL
+   Instructs :class:`writer` objects to only quote those fields which contain
+   special characters such as *delimiter*, *quotechar* or any of the characters in
+   *lineterminator*.
+   Instructs :class:`writer` objects to quote all non-numeric fields.
+   Instructs the reader to convert all non-quoted fields to type *float*.
+.. data:: QUOTE_NONE
+   Instructs :class:`writer` objects to never quote fields.  When the current
+   *delimiter* occurs in output data it is preceded by the current *escapechar*
+   character.  If *escapechar* is not set, the writer will raise :exc:`Error` if
+   any characters that require escaping are encountered.
+   Instructs :class:`reader` to perform no special processing of quote characters.
+The :mod:`csv` module defines the following exception:
+.. exception:: Error
+   Raised by any of the functions when an error is detected.
+.. _csv-fmt-params:
+Dialects and Formatting Parameters
+To make it easier to specify the format of input and output records, specific
+formatting parameters are grouped together into dialects.  A dialect is a
+subclass of the :class:`Dialect` class having a set of specific methods and a
+single :meth:`validate` method.  When creating :class:`reader` or
+:class:`writer` objects, the programmer can specify a string or a subclass of
+the :class:`Dialect` class as the dialect parameter.  In addition to, or instead
+of, the *dialect* parameter, the programmer can also specify individual
+formatting parameters, which have the same names as the attributes defined below
+for the :class:`Dialect` class.
+Dialects support the following attributes:
+.. attribute:: Dialect.delimiter
+   A one-character string used to separate fields.  It defaults to ``','``.
+.. attribute:: Dialect.doublequote
+   Controls how instances of *quotechar* appearing inside a field should be
+   themselves be quoted.  When :const:`True`, the character is doubled. When
+   :const:`False`, the *escapechar* is used as a prefix to the *quotechar*.  It
+   defaults to :const:`True`.
+   On output, if *doublequote* is :const:`False` and no *escapechar* is set,
+   :exc:`Error` is raised if a *quotechar* is found in a field.
+.. attribute:: Dialect.escapechar
+   A one-character string used by the writer to escape the *delimiter* if *quoting*
+   is set to :const:`QUOTE_NONE` and the *quotechar* if *doublequote* is
+   :const:`False`. On reading, the *escapechar* removes any special meaning from
+   the following character. It defaults to :const:`None`, which disables escaping.
+.. attribute:: Dialect.lineterminator
+   The string used to terminate lines produced by the :class:`writer`. It defaults
+   to ``'\r\n'``.
+   .. note::
+      The :class:`reader` is hard-coded to recognise either ``'\r'`` or ``'\n'`` as
+      end-of-line, and ignores *lineterminator*. This behavior may change in the
+      future.
+.. attribute:: Dialect.quotechar
+   A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such
+   as the *delimiter* or *quotechar*, or which contain new-line characters.  It
+   defaults to ``'"'``.
+.. attribute:: Dialect.quoting
+   Controls when quotes should be generated by the writer and recognised by the
+   reader.  It can take on any of the :const:`QUOTE_\*` constants (see section
+   :ref:`csv-contents`) and defaults to :const:`QUOTE_MINIMAL`.
+.. attribute:: Dialect.skipinitialspace
+   When :const:`True`, whitespace immediately following the *delimiter* is ignored.
+   The default is :const:`False`.
+Reader Objects
+Reader objects (:class:`DictReader` instances and objects returned by the
+:func:`reader` function) have the following public methods:
+.. method::
+   Return the next row of the reader's iterable object as a list, parsed according
+   to the current dialect.
+Reader objects have the following public attributes:
+.. attribute:: csvreader.dialect
+   A read-only description of the dialect in use by the parser.
+.. attribute:: csvreader.line_num
+   The number of lines read from the source iterator. This is not the same as the
+   number of records returned, as records can span multiple lines.
+   .. versionadded:: 2.5
+DictReader objects have the following public attribute:
+.. attribute:: csvreader.fieldnames
+   If not passed as a parameter when creating the object, this attribute is
+   initialized upon first access or when the first record is read from the
+   file.
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.6
+Writer Objects
+:class:`Writer` objects (:class:`DictWriter` instances and objects returned by
+the :func:`writer` function) have the following public methods.  A *row* must be
+a sequence of strings or numbers for :class:`Writer` objects and a dictionary
+mapping fieldnames to strings or numbers (by passing them through :func:`str`
+first) for :class:`DictWriter` objects.  Note that complex numbers are written
+out surrounded by parens. This may cause some problems for other programs which
+read CSV files (assuming they support complex numbers at all).
+.. method:: csvwriter.writerow(row)
+   Write the *row* parameter to the writer's file object, formatted according to
+   the current dialect.
+.. method:: csvwriter.writerows(rows)
+   Write all the *rows* parameters (a list of *row* objects as described above) to
+   the writer's file object, formatted according to the current dialect.
+Writer objects have the following public attribute:
+.. attribute:: csvwriter.dialect
+   A read-only description of the dialect in use by the writer.
+.. _csv-examples:
+The simplest example of reading a CSV file::
+   import csv
+   reader = csv.reader(open("some.csv", "rb"))
+   for row in reader:
+       print row
+Reading a file with an alternate format::
+   import csv
+   reader = csv.reader(open("passwd", "rb"), delimiter=':', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
+   for row in reader:
+       print row
+The corresponding simplest possible writing example is::
+   import csv
+   writer = csv.writer(open("some.csv", "wb"))
+   writer.writerows(someiterable)
+Registering a new dialect::
+   import csv
+   csv.register_dialect('unixpwd', delimiter=':', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
+   reader = csv.reader(open("passwd", "rb"), 'unixpwd')
+A slightly more advanced use of the reader --- catching and reporting errors::
+   import csv, sys
+   filename = "some.csv"
+   reader = csv.reader(open(filename, "rb"))
+   try:
+       for row in reader:
+           print row
+   except csv.Error, e:
+       sys.exit('file %s, line %d: %s' % (filename, reader.line_num, e))
+And while the module doesn't directly support parsing strings, it can easily be
+   import csv
+   for row in csv.reader(['one,two,three']):
+       print row
+The :mod:`csv` module doesn't directly support reading and writing Unicode, but
+it is 8-bit-clean save for some problems with ASCII NUL characters.  So you can
+write functions or classes that handle the encoding and decoding for you as long
+as you avoid encodings like UTF-16 that use NULs.  UTF-8 is recommended.
+:func:`unicode_csv_reader` below is a :term:`generator` that wraps :class:`csv.reader`
+to handle Unicode CSV data (a list of Unicode strings).  :func:`utf_8_encoder`
+is a :term:`generator` that encodes the Unicode strings as UTF-8, one string (or row) at
+a time.  The encoded strings are parsed by the CSV reader, and
+:func:`unicode_csv_reader` decodes the UTF-8-encoded cells back into Unicode::
+   import csv
+   def unicode_csv_reader(unicode_csv_data, dialect=csv.excel, **kwargs):
+       # doesn't do Unicode; encode temporarily as UTF-8:
+       csv_reader = csv.reader(utf_8_encoder(unicode_csv_data),
+                               dialect=dialect, **kwargs)
+       for row in csv_reader:
+           # decode UTF-8 back to Unicode, cell by cell:
+           yield [unicode(cell, 'utf-8') for cell in row]
+   def utf_8_encoder(unicode_csv_data):
+       for line in unicode_csv_data:
+           yield line.encode('utf-8')
+For all other encodings the following :class:`UnicodeReader` and
+:class:`UnicodeWriter` classes can be used. They take an additional *encoding*
+parameter in their constructor and make sure that the data passes the real
+reader or writer encoded as UTF-8::
+   import csv, codecs, cStringIO
+   class UTF8Recoder:
+       """
+       Iterator that reads an encoded stream and reencodes the input to UTF-8
+       """
+       def __init__(self, f, encoding):
+           self.reader = codecs.getreader(encoding)(f)
+       def __iter__(self):
+           return self
+       def next(self):
+           return"utf-8")
+   class UnicodeReader:
+       """
+       A CSV reader which will iterate over lines in the CSV file "f",
+       which is encoded in the given encoding.
+       """
+       def __init__(self, f, dialect=csv.excel, encoding="utf-8", **kwds):
+           f = UTF8Recoder(f, encoding)
+           self.reader = csv.reader(f, dialect=dialect, **kwds)
+       def next(self):
+           row =
+           return [unicode(s, "utf-8") for s in row]
+       def __iter__(self):
+           return self
+   class UnicodeWriter:
+       """
+       A CSV writer which will write rows to CSV file "f",
+       which is encoded in the given encoding.
+       """
+       def __init__(self, f, dialect=csv.excel, encoding="utf-8", **kwds):
+           # Redirect output to a queue
+           self.queue = cStringIO.StringIO()
+           self.writer = csv.writer(self.queue, dialect=dialect, **kwds)
+  = f
+           self.encoder = codecs.getincrementalencoder(encoding)()
+       def writerow(self, row):
+           self.writer.writerow([s.encode("utf-8") for s in row])
+           # Fetch UTF-8 output from the queue ...
+           data = self.queue.getvalue()
+           data = data.decode("utf-8")
+           # ... and reencode it into the target encoding
+           data = self.encoder.encode(data)
+           # write to the target stream
+           # empty queue
+           self.queue.truncate(0)
+       def writerows(self, rows):
+           for row in rows:
+               self.writerow(row)