changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-2.6.1/Doc/library/popen2.rst	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+:mod:`popen2` --- Subprocesses with accessible I/O streams
+.. module:: popen2
+   :synopsis: Subprocesses with accessible standard I/O streams.
+   :deprecated:
+.. sectionauthor:: Drew Csillag <>
+.. deprecated:: 2.6
+   This module is obsolete.  Use the :mod:`subprocess` module.  Check 
+   especially the :ref:`subprocess-replacements` section.
+This module allows you to spawn processes and connect to their
+input/output/error pipes and obtain their return codes under Unix and Windows.
+The :mod:`subprocess` module provides more powerful facilities for spawning new
+processes and retrieving their results.  Using the :mod:`subprocess` module is
+preferable to using the :mod:`popen2` module.
+The primary interface offered by this module is a trio of factory functions.
+For each of these, if *bufsize* is specified,  it specifies the buffer size for
+the I/O pipes.  *mode*, if provided, should be the string ``'b'`` or ``'t'``; on
+Windows this is needed to determine whether the file objects should be opened in
+binary or text mode.  The default value for *mode* is ``'t'``.
+On Unix, *cmd* may be a sequence, in which case arguments will be passed
+directly to the program without shell intervention (as with :func:`os.spawnv`).
+If *cmd* is a string it will be passed to the shell (as with :func:`os.system`).
+The only way to retrieve the return codes for the child processes is by using
+the :meth:`poll` or :meth:`wait` methods on the :class:`Popen3` and
+:class:`Popen4` classes; these are only available on Unix.  This information is
+not available when using the :func:`popen2`, :func:`popen3`, and :func:`popen4`
+functions, or the equivalent functions in the :mod:`os` module. (Note that the
+tuples returned by the :mod:`os` module's functions are in a different order
+from the ones returned by the :mod:`popen2` module.)
+.. function:: popen2(cmd[, bufsize[, mode]])
+   Executes *cmd* as a sub-process.  Returns the file objects ``(child_stdout,
+   child_stdin)``.
+.. function:: popen3(cmd[, bufsize[, mode]])
+   Executes *cmd* as a sub-process.  Returns the file objects ``(child_stdout,
+   child_stdin, child_stderr)``.
+.. function:: popen4(cmd[, bufsize[, mode]])
+   Executes *cmd* as a sub-process.  Returns the file objects
+   ``(child_stdout_and_stderr, child_stdin)``.
+   .. versionadded:: 2.0
+On Unix, a class defining the objects returned by the factory functions is also
+available.  These are not used for the Windows implementation, and are not
+available on that platform.
+.. class:: Popen3(cmd[, capturestderr[, bufsize]])
+   This class represents a child process.  Normally, :class:`Popen3` instances are
+   created using the :func:`popen2` and :func:`popen3` factory functions described
+   above.
+   If not using one of the helper functions to create :class:`Popen3` objects, the
+   parameter *cmd* is the shell command to execute in a sub-process.  The
+   *capturestderr* flag, if true, specifies that the object should capture standard
+   error output of the child process. The default is false.  If the *bufsize*
+   parameter is specified, it specifies the size of the I/O buffers to/from the
+   child process.
+.. class:: Popen4(cmd[, bufsize])
+   Similar to :class:`Popen3`, but always captures standard error into the same
+   file object as standard output.  These are typically created using
+   :func:`popen4`.
+   .. versionadded:: 2.0
+.. _popen3-objects:
+Popen3 and Popen4 Objects
+Instances of the :class:`Popen3` and :class:`Popen4` classes have the following
+.. method:: Popen3.poll()
+   Returns ``-1`` if child process hasn't completed yet, or its status code
+   (see :meth:`wait`) otherwise.
+.. method:: Popen3.wait()
+   Waits for and returns the status code of the child process.  The status code
+   encodes both the return code of the process and information about whether it
+   exited using the :cfunc:`exit` system call or died due to a signal.  Functions
+   to help interpret the status code are defined in the :mod:`os` module; see
+   section :ref:`os-process` for the :func:`W\*` family of functions.
+The following attributes are also available:
+.. attribute:: Popen3.fromchild
+   A file object that provides output from the child process.  For :class:`Popen4`
+   instances, this will provide both the standard output and standard error
+   streams.
+.. attribute:: Popen3.tochild
+   A file object that provides input to the child process.
+.. attribute:: Popen3.childerr
+   A file object that provides error output from the child process, if
+   *capturestderr* was true for the constructor, otherwise ``None``.  This will
+   always be ``None`` for :class:`Popen4` instances.
+.. attribute::
+   The process ID of the child process.
+.. _popen2-flow-control:
+Flow Control Issues
+Any time you are working with any form of inter-process communication, control
+flow needs to be carefully thought out.  This remains the case with the file
+objects provided by this module (or the :mod:`os` module equivalents).
+When reading output from a child process that writes a lot of data to standard
+error while the parent is reading from the child's standard output, a deadlock
+can occur.  A similar situation can occur with other combinations of reads and
+writes.  The essential factors are that more than :const:`_PC_PIPE_BUF` bytes
+are being written by one process in a blocking fashion, while the other process
+is reading from the first process, also in a blocking fashion.
+.. Example explanation and suggested work-arounds substantially stolen
+   from Martin von Löwis:
+There are several ways to deal with this situation.
+The simplest application change, in many cases, will be to follow this model in
+the parent process::
+   import popen2
+   r, w, e = popen2.popen3('python')
+   e.readlines()
+   r.readlines()
+   r.close()
+   e.close()
+   w.close()
+with code like this in the child::
+   import os
+   import sys
+   # note that each of these print statements
+   # writes a single long string
+   print >>sys.stderr, 400 * 'this is a test\n'
+   os.close(sys.stderr.fileno())
+   print >>sys.stdout, 400 * 'this is another test\n'
+In particular, note that ``sys.stderr`` must be closed after writing all data,
+or :meth:`readlines` won't return.  Also note that :func:`os.close` must be
+used, as ``sys.stderr.close()`` won't close ``stderr`` (otherwise assigning to
+``sys.stderr`` will silently close it, so no further errors can be printed).
+Applications which need to support a more general approach should integrate I/O
+over pipes with their :func:`select` loops, or use separate threads to read each
+of the individual files provided by whichever :func:`popen\*` function or
+:class:`Popen\*` class was used.
+.. seealso::
+   Module :mod:`subprocess`
+      Module for spawning and managing subprocesses.