changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-2.6.1/Modules/selectmodule.c	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1883 @@
+/* select - Module containing unix select(2) call.
+   Under Unix, the file descriptors are small integers.
+   Under Win32, select only exists for sockets, and sockets may
+   have any value except INVALID_SOCKET.
+   Under BeOS, we suffer the same dichotomy as Win32; sockets can be anything
+   >= 0.
+#include "Python.h"
+#include <structmember.h>
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+    /* Perform runtime testing for a broken poll on OSX to make it easier
+     * to use the same binary on multiple releases of the OS.
+     */
+/* Windows #defines FD_SETSIZE to 64 if FD_SETSIZE isn't already defined.
+   64 is too small (too many people have bumped into that limit).
+   Here we boost it.
+   Users who want even more than the boosted limit should #define
+   FD_SETSIZE higher before this; e.g., via compiler /D switch.
+#if defined(MS_WINDOWS) && !defined(FD_SETSIZE)
+#define FD_SETSIZE 512
+#if defined(HAVE_POLL_H)
+#include <poll.h>
+#elif defined(HAVE_SYS_POLL_H)
+#include <sys/poll.h>
+#ifdef __sgi
+/* This is missing from unistd.h */
+extern void bzero(void *, int);
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#if defined(PYOS_OS2) && !defined(PYCC_GCC)
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <utils.h>
+#ifdef MS_WINDOWS
+#  include <winsock.h>
+#  define SOCKET int
+#  ifdef __BEOS__
+#    include <net/socket.h>
+#  elif defined(__VMS)
+#    include <socket.h>
+#  endif
+static PyObject *SelectError;
+/* list of Python objects and their file descriptor */
+typedef struct {
+	PyObject *obj;			     /* owned reference */
+	SOCKET fd;
+	int sentinel;			     /* -1 == sentinel */
+} pylist;
+static void
+reap_obj(pylist fd2obj[FD_SETSIZE + 1])
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < FD_SETSIZE + 1 && fd2obj[i].sentinel >= 0; i++) {
+		Py_XDECREF(fd2obj[i].obj);
+		fd2obj[i].obj = NULL;
+	}
+	fd2obj[0].sentinel = -1;
+/* returns -1 and sets the Python exception if an error occurred, otherwise
+   returns a number >= 0
+static int
+seq2set(PyObject *seq, fd_set *set, pylist fd2obj[FD_SETSIZE + 1])
+	int i;
+	int max = -1;
+	int index = 0;
+        int len = -1;
+        PyObject* fast_seq = NULL;
+	PyObject* o = NULL;
+	fd2obj[0].obj = (PyObject*)0;	     /* set list to zero size */
+	FD_ZERO(set);
+        fast_seq=PySequence_Fast(seq, "arguments 1-3 must be sequences");
+        if (!fast_seq)
+            return -1;
+        len = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(fast_seq);
+	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)  {
+		SOCKET v;
+		/* any intervening fileno() calls could decr this refcnt */
+		if (!(o = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(fast_seq, i)))
+                    return -1;
+		Py_INCREF(o);
+		v = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor( o );
+		if (v == -1) goto finally;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+		max = 0;		     /* not used for Win32 */
+#else  /* !_MSC_VER */
+		if (v < 0 || v >= FD_SETSIZE) {
+			PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+				    "filedescriptor out of range in select()");
+			goto finally;
+		}
+		if (v > max)
+			max = v;
+#endif /* _MSC_VER */
+		FD_SET(v, set);
+		/* add object and its file descriptor to the list */
+		if (index >= FD_SETSIZE) {
+			PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+				      "too many file descriptors in select()");
+			goto finally;
+		}
+		fd2obj[index].obj = o;
+		fd2obj[index].fd = v;
+		fd2obj[index].sentinel = 0;
+		fd2obj[++index].sentinel = -1;
+	}
+        Py_DECREF(fast_seq);
+	return max+1;
+  finally:
+	Py_XDECREF(o);
+        Py_DECREF(fast_seq);
+	return -1;
+/* returns NULL and sets the Python exception if an error occurred */
+static PyObject *
+set2list(fd_set *set, pylist fd2obj[FD_SETSIZE + 1])
+	int i, j, count=0;
+	PyObject *list, *o;
+	SOCKET fd;
+	for (j = 0; fd2obj[j].sentinel >= 0; j++) {
+		if (FD_ISSET(fd2obj[j].fd, set))
+			count++;
+	}
+	list = PyList_New(count);
+	if (!list)
+		return NULL;
+	i = 0;
+	for (j = 0; fd2obj[j].sentinel >= 0; j++) {
+		fd = fd2obj[j].fd;
+		if (FD_ISSET(fd, set)) {
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+			if (fd > FD_SETSIZE) {
+				PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError,
+			   "filedescriptor out of range returned in select()");
+				goto finally;
+			}
+			o = fd2obj[j].obj;
+			fd2obj[j].obj = NULL;
+			/* transfer ownership */
+			if (PyList_SetItem(list, i, o) < 0)
+				goto finally;
+			i++;
+		}
+	}
+	return list;
+  finally:
+	Py_DECREF(list);
+	return NULL;
+#if FD_SETSIZE > 1024
+#endif /* FD_SETSIZE > 1024 */
+static PyObject *
+select_select(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+	pylist *rfd2obj, *wfd2obj, *efd2obj;
+#else  /* !SELECT_USES_HEAP */
+	/* XXX: All this should probably be implemented as follows:
+	 * - find the highest descriptor we're interested in
+	 * - add one
+	 * - that's the size
+	 * See: Stevens, APitUE, $12.5.1
+	 */
+	pylist rfd2obj[FD_SETSIZE + 1];
+	pylist wfd2obj[FD_SETSIZE + 1];
+	pylist efd2obj[FD_SETSIZE + 1];
+#endif /* SELECT_USES_HEAP */
+	PyObject *ifdlist, *ofdlist, *efdlist;
+	PyObject *ret = NULL;
+	PyObject *tout = Py_None;
+	fd_set ifdset, ofdset, efdset;
+	double timeout;
+	struct timeval tv, *tvp;
+	long seconds;
+	int imax, omax, emax, max;
+	int n;
+	/* convert arguments */
+	if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, "select", 3, 4,
+			      &ifdlist, &ofdlist, &efdlist, &tout))
+		return NULL;
+	if (tout == Py_None)
+		tvp = (struct timeval *)0;
+	else if (!PyNumber_Check(tout)) {
+		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+				"timeout must be a float or None");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	else {
+		timeout = PyFloat_AsDouble(tout);
+		if (timeout == -1 && PyErr_Occurred())
+			return NULL;
+		if (timeout > (double)LONG_MAX) {
+			PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError,
+					"timeout period too long");
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		seconds = (long)timeout;
+		timeout = timeout - (double)seconds;
+		tv.tv_sec = seconds;
+		tv.tv_usec = (long)(timeout * 1E6);
+		tvp = &tv;
+	}
+	/* Allocate memory for the lists */
+	rfd2obj = PyMem_NEW(pylist, FD_SETSIZE + 1);
+	wfd2obj = PyMem_NEW(pylist, FD_SETSIZE + 1);
+	efd2obj = PyMem_NEW(pylist, FD_SETSIZE + 1);
+	if (rfd2obj == NULL || wfd2obj == NULL || efd2obj == NULL) {
+		if (rfd2obj) PyMem_DEL(rfd2obj);
+		if (wfd2obj) PyMem_DEL(wfd2obj);
+		if (efd2obj) PyMem_DEL(efd2obj);
+		return PyErr_NoMemory();
+	}
+#endif /* SELECT_USES_HEAP */
+	/* Convert sequences to fd_sets, and get maximum fd number
+	 * propagates the Python exception set in seq2set()
+	 */
+	rfd2obj[0].sentinel = -1;
+	wfd2obj[0].sentinel = -1;
+	efd2obj[0].sentinel = -1;
+	if ((imax=seq2set(ifdlist, &ifdset, rfd2obj)) < 0) 
+		goto finally;
+	if ((omax=seq2set(ofdlist, &ofdset, wfd2obj)) < 0) 
+		goto finally;
+	if ((emax=seq2set(efdlist, &efdset, efd2obj)) < 0) 
+		goto finally;
+	max = imax;
+	if (omax > max) max = omax;
+	if (emax > max) max = emax;
+	n = select(max, &ifdset, &ofdset, &efdset, tvp);
+#ifdef MS_WINDOWS
+	if (n == SOCKET_ERROR) {
+		PyErr_SetExcFromWindowsErr(SelectError, WSAGetLastError());
+	}
+	if (n < 0) {
+		PyErr_SetFromErrno(SelectError);
+	}
+	else if (n == 0) {
+                /* optimization */
+		ifdlist = PyList_New(0);
+		if (ifdlist) {
+			ret = PyTuple_Pack(3, ifdlist, ifdlist, ifdlist);
+			Py_DECREF(ifdlist);
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		/* any of these three calls can raise an exception.  it's more
+		   convenient to test for this after all three calls... but
+		   is that acceptable?
+		*/
+		ifdlist = set2list(&ifdset, rfd2obj);
+		ofdlist = set2list(&ofdset, wfd2obj);
+		efdlist = set2list(&efdset, efd2obj);
+		if (PyErr_Occurred())
+			ret = NULL;
+		else
+			ret = PyTuple_Pack(3, ifdlist, ofdlist, efdlist);
+		Py_DECREF(ifdlist);
+		Py_DECREF(ofdlist);
+		Py_DECREF(efdlist);
+	}
+  finally:
+	reap_obj(rfd2obj);
+	reap_obj(wfd2obj);
+	reap_obj(efd2obj);
+	PyMem_DEL(rfd2obj);
+	PyMem_DEL(wfd2obj);
+	PyMem_DEL(efd2obj);
+#endif /* SELECT_USES_HEAP */
+	return ret;
+#if defined(HAVE_POLL) && !defined(HAVE_BROKEN_POLL)
+ * poll() support
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	PyObject_HEAD
+	PyObject *dict;
+	int ufd_uptodate; 
+	int ufd_len;
+        struct pollfd *ufds;
+} pollObject;
+static PyTypeObject poll_Type;
+/* Update the malloc'ed array of pollfds to match the dictionary 
+   contained within a pollObject.  Return 1 on success, 0 on an error.
+static int
+update_ufd_array(pollObject *self)
+	Py_ssize_t i, pos;
+	PyObject *key, *value;
+        struct pollfd *old_ufds = self->ufds;
+	self->ufd_len = PyDict_Size(self->dict);
+	PyMem_RESIZE(self->ufds, struct pollfd, self->ufd_len);
+	if (self->ufds == NULL) {
+                self->ufds = old_ufds;
+		PyErr_NoMemory();
+		return 0;
+	}
+	i = pos = 0;
+	while (PyDict_Next(self->dict, &pos, &key, &value)) {
+		self->ufds[i].fd = PyInt_AsLong(key);
+		self->ufds[i].events = (short)PyInt_AsLong(value);
+		i++;
+	}
+	self->ufd_uptodate = 1;
+	return 1;
+"register(fd [, eventmask] ) -> None\n\n\
+Register a file descriptor with the polling object.\n\
+fd -- either an integer, or an object with a fileno() method returning an\n\
+      int.\n\
+events -- an optional bitmask describing the type of events to check for");
+static PyObject *
+poll_register(pollObject *self, PyObject *args) 
+	PyObject *o, *key, *value;
+	int fd, events = POLLIN | POLLPRI | POLLOUT;
+	int err;
+	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|i:register", &o, &events)) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(o);
+	if (fd == -1) return NULL;
+	/* Add entry to the internal dictionary: the key is the 
+	   file descriptor, and the value is the event mask. */
+	key = PyInt_FromLong(fd);
+	if (key == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	value = PyInt_FromLong(events);
+	if (value == NULL) {
+		Py_DECREF(key);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	err = PyDict_SetItem(self->dict, key, value);
+	Py_DECREF(key);
+	Py_DECREF(value);
+	if (err < 0)
+		return NULL;
+	self->ufd_uptodate = 0;
+	Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+	return Py_None;
+"modify(fd, eventmask) -> None\n\n\
+Modify an already registered file descriptor.\n\
+fd -- either an integer, or an object with a fileno() method returning an\n\
+      int.\n\
+events -- an optional bitmask describing the type of events to check for");
+static PyObject *
+poll_modify(pollObject *self, PyObject *args)
+	PyObject *o, *key, *value;
+	int fd, events;
+	int err;
+	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oi:modify", &o, &events)) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(o);
+	if (fd == -1) return NULL;
+	/* Modify registered fd */
+	key = PyInt_FromLong(fd);
+	if (key == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	if (PyDict_GetItem(self->dict, key) == NULL) {
+		errno = ENOENT;
+		PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	value = PyInt_FromLong(events);
+	if (value == NULL) {
+		Py_DECREF(key);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	err = PyDict_SetItem(self->dict, key, value);
+	Py_DECREF(key);
+	Py_DECREF(value);
+	if (err < 0)
+		return NULL;
+	self->ufd_uptodate = 0;
+	Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+	return Py_None;
+"unregister(fd) -> None\n\n\
+Remove a file descriptor being tracked by the polling object.");
+static PyObject *
+poll_unregister(pollObject *self, PyObject *o) 
+	PyObject *key;
+	int fd;
+	fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor( o );
+	if (fd == -1) 
+		return NULL;
+	/* Check whether the fd is already in the array */
+	key = PyInt_FromLong(fd);
+	if (key == NULL) 
+		return NULL;
+	if (PyDict_DelItem(self->dict, key) == -1) {
+		Py_DECREF(key);
+		/* This will simply raise the KeyError set by PyDict_DelItem
+		   if the file descriptor isn't registered. */
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	Py_DECREF(key);
+	self->ufd_uptodate = 0;
+	Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+	return Py_None;
+"poll( [timeout] ) -> list of (fd, event) 2-tuples\n\n\
+Polls the set of registered file descriptors, returning a list containing \n\
+any descriptors that have events or errors to report.");
+static PyObject *
+poll_poll(pollObject *self, PyObject *args) 
+	PyObject *result_list = NULL, *tout = NULL;
+	int timeout = 0, poll_result, i, j;
+	PyObject *value = NULL, *num = NULL;
+	if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, "poll", 0, 1, &tout)) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	/* Check values for timeout */
+	if (tout == NULL || tout == Py_None)
+		timeout = -1;
+	else if (!PyNumber_Check(tout)) {
+		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+				"timeout must be an integer or None");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	else {
+		tout = PyNumber_Int(tout);
+		if (!tout)
+			return NULL;
+		timeout = PyInt_AsLong(tout);
+		Py_DECREF(tout);
+		if (timeout == -1 && PyErr_Occurred())
+			return NULL;
+	}
+	/* Ensure the ufd array is up to date */
+	if (!self->ufd_uptodate) 
+		if (update_ufd_array(self) == 0)
+			return NULL;
+	/* call poll() */
+	poll_result = poll(self->ufds, self->ufd_len, timeout);
+	if (poll_result < 0) {
+		PyErr_SetFromErrno(SelectError);
+		return NULL;
+	} 
+	/* build the result list */
+	result_list = PyList_New(poll_result);
+	if (!result_list) 
+		return NULL;
+	else {
+		for (i = 0, j = 0; j < poll_result; j++) {
+ 			/* skip to the next fired descriptor */
+ 			while (!self->ufds[i].revents) {
+ 				i++;
+ 			}
+			/* if we hit a NULL return, set value to NULL
+			   and break out of loop; code at end will
+			   clean up result_list */
+			value = PyTuple_New(2);
+			if (value == NULL)
+				goto error;
+			num = PyInt_FromLong(self->ufds[i].fd);
+			if (num == NULL) {
+				Py_DECREF(value);
+				goto error;
+			}
+			PyTuple_SET_ITEM(value, 0, num);
+			/* The &0xffff is a workaround for AIX.  'revents'
+			   is a 16-bit short, and IBM assigned POLLNVAL
+			   to be 0x8000, so the conversion to int results
+			   in a negative number. See SF bug #923315. */
+			num = PyInt_FromLong(self->ufds[i].revents & 0xffff);
+			if (num == NULL) {
+				Py_DECREF(value);
+				goto error;
+			}
+			PyTuple_SET_ITEM(value, 1, num);
+ 			if ((PyList_SetItem(result_list, j, value)) == -1) {
+				Py_DECREF(value);
+				goto error;
+ 			}
+ 			i++;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	return result_list;
+  error:
+	Py_DECREF(result_list);
+	return NULL;
+static PyMethodDef poll_methods[] = {
+	{"register",	(PyCFunction)poll_register,	
+	 METH_VARARGS,  poll_register_doc},
+	{"modify",	(PyCFunction)poll_modify,
+	 METH_VARARGS,  poll_modify_doc},
+	{"unregister",	(PyCFunction)poll_unregister,
+	 METH_O,        poll_unregister_doc},
+	{"poll",	(PyCFunction)poll_poll,	
+	 METH_VARARGS,  poll_poll_doc},
+	{NULL,		NULL}		/* sentinel */
+static pollObject *
+        pollObject *self;
+	self = PyObject_New(pollObject, &poll_Type);
+	if (self == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	/* ufd_uptodate is a Boolean, denoting whether the 
+	   array pointed to by ufds matches the contents of the dictionary. */
+	self->ufd_uptodate = 0;
+	self->ufds = NULL;
+	self->dict = PyDict_New();
+	if (self->dict == NULL) {
+		Py_DECREF(self);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return self;
+static void
+poll_dealloc(pollObject *self)
+	if (self->ufds != NULL)
+		PyMem_DEL(self->ufds);
+	Py_XDECREF(self->dict);
+  	PyObject_Del(self);
+static PyObject *
+poll_getattr(pollObject *self, char *name)
+	return Py_FindMethod(poll_methods, (PyObject *)self, name);
+static PyTypeObject poll_Type = {
+	/* The ob_type field must be initialized in the module init function
+	 * to be portable to Windows without using C++. */
+	PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
+	"select.poll",		/*tp_name*/
+	sizeof(pollObject),	/*tp_basicsize*/
+	0,			/*tp_itemsize*/
+	/* methods */
+	(destructor)poll_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+	0,			/*tp_print*/
+	(getattrfunc)poll_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
+	0,                      /*tp_setattr*/
+	0,			/*tp_compare*/
+	0,			/*tp_repr*/
+	0,			/*tp_as_number*/
+	0,			/*tp_as_sequence*/
+	0,			/*tp_as_mapping*/
+	0,			/*tp_hash*/
+"Returns a polling object, which supports registering and\n\
+unregistering file descriptors, and then polling them for I/O events.");
+static PyObject *
+select_poll(PyObject *self, PyObject *unused)
+	return (PyObject *)newPollObject();
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ * On some systems poll() sets errno on invalid file descriptors. We test
+ * for this at runtime because this bug may be fixed or introduced between
+ * OS releases.
+ */
+static int select_have_broken_poll(void)
+	int poll_test;
+	int filedes[2];
+	struct pollfd poll_struct = { 0, POLLIN|POLLPRI|POLLOUT, 0 };
+	/* Create a file descriptor to make invalid */
+	if (pipe(filedes) < 0) {
+		return 1;
+	}
+	poll_struct.fd = filedes[0];
+	close(filedes[0]);
+	close(filedes[1]);
+	poll_test = poll(&poll_struct, 1, 0);
+	if (poll_test < 0) {
+		return 1;
+	} else if (poll_test == 0 && poll_struct.revents != POLLNVAL) {
+		return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+#endif /* __APPLE__ */
+#endif /* HAVE_POLL */
+#ifdef HAVE_EPOLL
+/* **************************************************************************
+ *                      epoll interface for Linux 2.6
+ *
+ * Written by Christian Heimes
+ * Inspired by Twisted's _epoll.pyx and select.poll()
+ */
+#include <sys/epoll.h>
+typedef struct {
+	PyObject_HEAD
+	SOCKET epfd;			/* epoll control file descriptor */
+} pyEpoll_Object;
+static PyTypeObject pyEpoll_Type;
+#define pyepoll_CHECK(op) (PyObject_TypeCheck((op), &pyEpoll_Type))
+static PyObject *
+	PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "I/O operation on closed epoll fd");
+	return NULL;
+static int
+pyepoll_internal_close(pyEpoll_Object *self)
+	int save_errno = 0;
+	if (self->epfd >= 0) {
+		int epfd = self->epfd;
+		self->epfd = -1;
+		if (close(epfd) < 0)
+			save_errno = errno;
+	}
+	return save_errno;
+static PyObject *
+newPyEpoll_Object(PyTypeObject *type, int sizehint, SOCKET fd)
+	pyEpoll_Object *self;
+	if (sizehint == -1) {
+		sizehint = FD_SETSIZE-1;
+	}
+	else if (sizehint < 1) {
+		PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,
+			     "sizehint must be greater zero, got %d",
+			     sizehint);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	assert(type != NULL && type->tp_alloc != NULL);
+	self = (pyEpoll_Object *) type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+	if (self == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	if (fd == -1) {
+		self->epfd = epoll_create(sizehint);
+	}
+	else {
+		self->epfd = fd;
+	}
+	if (self->epfd < 0) {
+		Py_DECREF(self);
+		PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject *
+pyepoll_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+	int sizehint = -1;
+	static char *kwlist[] = {"sizehint", NULL};
+	if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|i:epoll", kwlist,
+					 &sizehint))
+		return NULL;
+	return newPyEpoll_Object(type, sizehint, -1);
+static void
+pyepoll_dealloc(pyEpoll_Object *self)
+	(void)pyepoll_internal_close(self);
+	Py_TYPE(self)->tp_free(self);
+static PyObject*
+pyepoll_close(pyEpoll_Object *self)
+	errno = pyepoll_internal_close(self);
+	if (errno < 0) {
+		PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+"close() -> None\n\
+Close the epoll control file descriptor. Further operations on the epoll\n\
+object will raise an exception.");
+static PyObject*
+pyepoll_get_closed(pyEpoll_Object *self)
+	if (self->epfd < 0)
+	else
+static PyObject*
+pyepoll_fileno(pyEpoll_Object *self)
+	if (self->epfd < 0)
+		return pyepoll_err_closed();
+	return PyInt_FromLong(self->epfd);
+"fileno() -> int\n\
+Return the epoll control file descriptor.");
+static PyObject*
+pyepoll_fromfd(PyObject *cls, PyObject *args)
+	SOCKET fd;
+	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:fromfd", &fd))
+		return NULL;
+	return newPyEpoll_Object((PyTypeObject*)cls, -1, fd);
+"fromfd(fd) -> epoll\n\
+Create an epoll object from a given control fd.");
+static PyObject *
+pyepoll_internal_ctl(int epfd, int op, PyObject *pfd, unsigned int events)
+	struct epoll_event ev;
+	int result;
+	int fd;
+	if (epfd < 0)
+		return pyepoll_err_closed();
+	fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(pfd);
+	if (fd == -1) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	switch(op) {
+	    case EPOLL_CTL_ADD:
+	    case EPOLL_CTL_MOD:
+ = events;
+ = fd;
+		result = epoll_ctl(epfd, op, fd, &ev);
+		break;
+	    case EPOLL_CTL_DEL:
+		/* In kernel versions before 2.6.9, the EPOLL_CTL_DEL
+		 * operation required a non-NULL pointer in event, even
+		 * though this argument is ignored. */
+		result = epoll_ctl(epfd, op, fd, &ev);
+		if (errno == EBADF) {
+			/* fd already closed */
+			result = 0;
+			errno = 0;
+		}
+		break;
+	    default:
+		result = -1;
+		errno = EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (result < 0) {
+		PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+static PyObject *
+pyepoll_register(pyEpoll_Object *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+	PyObject *pfd;
+	unsigned int events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT | EPOLLPRI;
+	static char *kwlist[] = {"fd", "eventmask", NULL};
+	if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|I:register", kwlist,
+					 &pfd, &events)) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return pyepoll_internal_ctl(self->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, pfd, events);
+"register(fd[, eventmask]) -> bool\n\
+Registers a new fd or modifies an already registered fd. register() returns\n\
+True if a new fd was registered or False if the event mask for fd was modified.\n\
+fd is the target file descriptor of the operation.\n\
+events is a bit set composed of the various EPOLL constants; the default\n\
+The epoll interface supports all file descriptors that support poll.");
+static PyObject *
+pyepoll_modify(pyEpoll_Object *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+	PyObject *pfd;
+	unsigned int events;
+	static char *kwlist[] = {"fd", "eventmask", NULL};
+	if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "OI:modify", kwlist,
+					 &pfd, &events)) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return pyepoll_internal_ctl(self->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, pfd, events);
+"modify(fd, eventmask) -> None\n\
+fd is the target file descriptor of the operation\n\
+events is a bit set composed of the various EPOLL constants");
+static PyObject *
+pyepoll_unregister(pyEpoll_Object *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+	PyObject *pfd;
+	static char *kwlist[] = {"fd", NULL};
+	if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O:unregister", kwlist,
+					 &pfd)) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return pyepoll_internal_ctl(self->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, pfd, 0);
+"unregister(fd) -> None\n\
+fd is the target file descriptor of the operation.");
+static PyObject *
+pyepoll_poll(pyEpoll_Object *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+	double dtimeout = -1.;
+	int timeout;
+	int maxevents = -1;
+	int nfds, i;
+	PyObject *elist = NULL, *etuple = NULL;
+	struct epoll_event *evs = NULL;
+	static char *kwlist[] = {"timeout", "maxevents", NULL};
+	if (self->epfd < 0)
+		return pyepoll_err_closed();
+	if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|di:poll", kwlist,
+					 &dtimeout, &maxevents)) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (dtimeout < 0) {
+		timeout = -1;
+	}
+	else if (dtimeout * 1000.0 > INT_MAX) {
+		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError,
+				"timeout is too large");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	else {
+		timeout = (int)(dtimeout * 1000.0);
+	}
+	if (maxevents == -1) {
+		maxevents = FD_SETSIZE-1;
+	}
+	else if (maxevents < 1) {
+		PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,
+			     "maxevents must be greater than 0, got %d",
+			     maxevents);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	evs = PyMem_New(struct epoll_event, maxevents);
+	if (evs == NULL) {
+		Py_DECREF(self);
+		PyErr_NoMemory();
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	nfds = epoll_wait(self->epfd, evs, maxevents, timeout);
+	if (nfds < 0) {
+		PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	elist = PyList_New(nfds);
+	if (elist == NULL) {
+		goto error;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) {
+		etuple = Py_BuildValue("iI", evs[i].data.fd, evs[i].events);
+		if (etuple == NULL) {
+			Py_CLEAR(elist);
+			goto error;
+		}
+		PyList_SET_ITEM(elist, i, etuple);
+	}
+    error:
+	PyMem_Free(evs);
+	return elist;
+"poll([timeout=-1[, maxevents=-1]]) -> [(fd, events), (...)]\n\
+Wait for events on the epoll file descriptor for a maximum time of timeout\n\
+in seconds (as float). -1 makes poll wait indefinitely.\n\
+Up to maxevents are returned to the caller.");
+static PyMethodDef pyepoll_methods[] = {
+	{"fromfd",	(PyCFunction)pyepoll_fromfd,
+	 METH_VARARGS | METH_CLASS, pyepoll_fromfd_doc},
+	{"close",	(PyCFunction)pyepoll_close,	METH_NOARGS,
+	 pyepoll_close_doc},
+	{"fileno",	(PyCFunction)pyepoll_fileno,	METH_NOARGS,
+	 pyepoll_fileno_doc},
+	{"modify",	(PyCFunction)pyepoll_modify,
+	 METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS,	pyepoll_modify_doc},
+	{"register",	(PyCFunction)pyepoll_register,
+	 METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS,	pyepoll_register_doc},
+	{"unregister",	(PyCFunction)pyepoll_unregister,
+	 METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS,	pyepoll_unregister_doc},
+	{"poll",	(PyCFunction)pyepoll_poll,
+	 METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS,	pyepoll_poll_doc},
+static PyGetSetDef pyepoll_getsetlist[] = {
+	{"closed", (getter)pyepoll_get_closed, NULL,
+	 "True if the epoll handler is closed"},
+	{0},
+Returns an epolling object\n\
+sizehint must be a positive integer or -1 for the default size. The\n\
+sizehint is used to optimize internal data structures. It doesn't limit\n\
+the maximum number of monitored events.");
+static PyTypeObject pyEpoll_Type = {
+	PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
+	"select.epoll",					/* tp_name */
+	sizeof(pyEpoll_Object),				/* tp_basicsize */
+	0,						/* tp_itemsize */
+	(destructor)pyepoll_dealloc,			/* tp_dealloc */
+	0,						/* tp_print */
+	0,						/* tp_getattr */
+	0,						/* tp_setattr */
+	0,						/* tp_compare */
+	0,						/* tp_repr */
+	0,						/* tp_as_number */
+	0,						/* tp_as_sequence */
+	0,						/* tp_as_mapping */
+	0,						/* tp_hash */
+	0,              				/* tp_call */
+	0,						/* tp_str */
+	PyObject_GenericGetAttr,			/* tp_getattro */
+	0,						/* tp_setattro */
+	0,						/* tp_as_buffer */
+	Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,				/* tp_flags */
+	pyepoll_doc,					/* tp_doc */
+	0,						/* tp_traverse */
+	0,						/* tp_clear */
+	0,						/* tp_richcompare */
+	0,						/* tp_weaklistoffset */
+	0,						/* tp_iter */
+	0,						/* tp_iternext */
+	pyepoll_methods,				/* tp_methods */
+	0,						/* tp_members */
+	pyepoll_getsetlist,				/* tp_getset */
+	0,						/* tp_base */
+	0,						/* tp_dict */
+	0,						/* tp_descr_get */
+	0,						/* tp_descr_set */
+	0,						/* tp_dictoffset */
+	0,						/* tp_init */
+	0,						/* tp_alloc */
+	pyepoll_new,					/* tp_new */
+	0,						/* tp_free */
+#endif /* HAVE_EPOLL */
+/* **************************************************************************
+ *                      kqueue interface for BSD
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000 Doug White, 2006 James Knight, 2007 Christian Heimes
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ */
+#include <sys/event.h>
+"kevent(ident, filter=KQ_FILTER_READ, flags=KQ_ADD, fflags=0, data=0, udata=0)\n\
+This object is the equivalent of the struct kevent for the C API.\n\
+See the kqueue manpage for more detailed information about the meaning\n\
+of the arguments.\n\
+One minor note: while you might hope that udata could store a\n\
+reference to a python object, it cannot, because it is impossible to\n\
+keep a proper reference count of the object once it's passed into the\n\
+kernel. Therefore, I have restricted it to only storing an integer.  I\n\
+recommend ignoring it and simply using the 'ident' field to key off\n\
+of. You could also set up a dictionary on the python side to store a\n\
+udata->object mapping.");
+typedef struct {
+	PyObject_HEAD
+	struct kevent e;
+} kqueue_event_Object;
+static PyTypeObject kqueue_event_Type;
+#define kqueue_event_Check(op) (PyObject_TypeCheck((op), &kqueue_event_Type))
+typedef struct {
+	PyObject_HEAD
+	SOCKET kqfd;		/* kqueue control fd */
+} kqueue_queue_Object;
+static PyTypeObject kqueue_queue_Type;
+#define kqueue_queue_Check(op) (PyObject_TypeCheck((op), &kqueue_queue_Type))
+/* Unfortunately, we can't store python objects in udata, because
+ * kevents in the kernel can be removed without warning, which would
+ * forever lose the refcount on the object stored with it.
+ */
+#define KQ_OFF(x) offsetof(kqueue_event_Object, x)
+static struct PyMemberDef kqueue_event_members[] = {
+	{"ident",	T_UINT,		KQ_OFF(e.ident)},
+	{"filter",	T_SHORT,	KQ_OFF(e.filter)},
+	{"flags",	T_USHORT,	KQ_OFF(e.flags)},
+	{"fflags",	T_UINT,		KQ_OFF(e.fflags)},
+	{"data",	T_INT,		KQ_OFF(},
+	{"udata",	T_INT,		KQ_OFF(e.udata)},
+	{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+#undef KQ_OFF
+static PyObject *
+kqueue_event_repr(kqueue_event_Object *s)
+	char buf[1024];
+	PyOS_snprintf(
+		buf, sizeof(buf),
+		"<select.kevent ident=%lu filter=%d flags=0x%x fflags=0x%x "
+		"data=0x%lx udata=%p>",
+		(unsigned long)(s->e.ident), s->e.filter, s->e.flags,
+		s->e.fflags, (long)(s->, s->e.udata);
+	return PyString_FromString(buf);
+static int
+kqueue_event_init(kqueue_event_Object *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+	PyObject *pfd;
+	static char *kwlist[] = {"ident", "filter", "flags", "fflags",
+				 "data", "udata", NULL};
+	EV_SET(&(self->e), 0, EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD, 0, 0, 0); /* defaults */
+	if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|hhiii:kevent", kwlist,
+		&pfd, &(self->e.filter), &(self->e.flags),
+		&(self->e.fflags), &(self->, &(self->e.udata))) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	self->e.ident = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(pfd);
+	if (self->e.ident == -1) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static PyObject *
+kqueue_event_richcompare(kqueue_event_Object *s, kqueue_event_Object *o,
+			 int op)
+	int result = 0;
+	if (!kqueue_event_Check(o)) {
+		if (op == Py_EQ || op == Py_NE) {
+                	PyObject *res = op == Py_EQ ? Py_False : Py_True;
+			Py_INCREF(res);
+			return res;
+		}
+		PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
+			"can't compare %.200s to %.200s",
+			Py_TYPE(s)->tp_name, Py_TYPE(o)->tp_name);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (((result = s->e.ident - o->e.ident) == 0) &&
+	    ((result = s->e.filter - o->e.filter) == 0) &&
+	    ((result = s->e.flags - o->e.flags) == 0) &&
+	    ((result = s->e.fflags - o->e.fflags) == 0) &&
+	    ((result = s-> - o-> == 0) &&
+	    ((result = s->e.udata - o->e.udata) == 0)
+	   ) {
+		result = 0;
+	}
+	switch (op) {
+	    case Py_EQ:
+		result = (result == 0);
+		break;
+	    case Py_NE:
+		result = (result != 0);
+		break;
+	    case Py_LE:
+		result = (result <= 0);
+		break;
+	    case Py_GE:
+		result = (result >= 0);
+		break;
+	    case Py_LT:
+		result = (result < 0);
+		break;
+	    case Py_GT:
+		result = (result > 0);
+		break;
+	}
+	return PyBool_FromLong(result);
+static PyTypeObject kqueue_event_Type = {
+	PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
+	"select.kevent",				/* tp_name */
+	sizeof(kqueue_event_Object),			/* tp_basicsize */
+	0,						/* tp_itemsize */
+	0,						/* tp_dealloc */
+	0,						/* tp_print */
+	0,						/* tp_getattr */
+	0,						/* tp_setattr */
+	0,						/* tp_compare */
+	(reprfunc)kqueue_event_repr,			/* tp_repr */
+	0,						/* tp_as_number */
+	0,						/* tp_as_sequence */
+	0,						/* tp_as_mapping */
+	0,						/* tp_hash */
+	0,              				/* tp_call */
+	0,						/* tp_str */
+	0,						/* tp_getattro */
+	0,						/* tp_setattro */
+	0,						/* tp_as_buffer */
+	Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,				/* tp_flags */
+	kqueue_event_doc,				/* tp_doc */
+	0,						/* tp_traverse */
+	0,						/* tp_clear */
+	(richcmpfunc)kqueue_event_richcompare,		/* tp_richcompare */
+	0,						/* tp_weaklistoffset */
+	0,						/* tp_iter */
+	0,						/* tp_iternext */
+	0,						/* tp_methods */
+	kqueue_event_members,				/* tp_members */
+	0,						/* tp_getset */
+	0,						/* tp_base */
+	0,						/* tp_dict */
+	0,						/* tp_descr_get */
+	0,						/* tp_descr_set */
+	0,						/* tp_dictoffset */
+	(initproc)kqueue_event_init,			/* tp_init */
+	0,						/* tp_alloc */
+	0,						/* tp_new */
+	0,						/* tp_free */
+static PyObject *
+	PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "I/O operation on closed kqueue fd");
+	return NULL;
+static int
+kqueue_queue_internal_close(kqueue_queue_Object *self)
+	int save_errno = 0;
+	if (self->kqfd >= 0) {
+		int kqfd = self->kqfd;
+		self->kqfd = -1;
+		if (close(kqfd) < 0)
+			save_errno = errno;
+	}
+	return save_errno;
+static PyObject *
+newKqueue_Object(PyTypeObject *type, SOCKET fd)
+	kqueue_queue_Object *self;
+	assert(type != NULL && type->tp_alloc != NULL);
+	self = (kqueue_queue_Object *) type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+	if (self == NULL) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (fd == -1) {
+		self->kqfd = kqueue();
+	}
+	else {
+		self->kqfd = fd;
+	}
+	if (self->kqfd < 0) {
+		Py_DECREF(self);
+		PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject *
+kqueue_queue_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+	if ((args != NULL && PyObject_Size(args)) ||
+			(kwds != NULL && PyObject_Size(kwds))) {
+		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+				"select.kqueue doesn't accept arguments");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return newKqueue_Object(type, -1);
+static void
+kqueue_queue_dealloc(kqueue_queue_Object *self)
+	kqueue_queue_internal_close(self);
+	Py_TYPE(self)->tp_free(self);
+static PyObject*
+kqueue_queue_close(kqueue_queue_Object *self)
+	errno = kqueue_queue_internal_close(self);
+	if (errno < 0) {
+		PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+"close() -> None\n\
+Close the kqueue control file descriptor. Further operations on the kqueue\n\
+object will raise an exception.");
+static PyObject*
+kqueue_queue_get_closed(kqueue_queue_Object *self)
+	if (self->kqfd < 0)
+	else
+static PyObject*
+kqueue_queue_fileno(kqueue_queue_Object *self)
+	if (self->kqfd < 0)
+		return kqueue_queue_err_closed();
+	return PyInt_FromLong(self->kqfd);
+"fileno() -> int\n\
+Return the kqueue control file descriptor.");
+static PyObject*
+kqueue_queue_fromfd(PyObject *cls, PyObject *args)
+	SOCKET fd;
+	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:fromfd", &fd))
+		return NULL;
+	return newKqueue_Object((PyTypeObject*)cls, fd);
+"fromfd(fd) -> kqueue\n\
+Create a kqueue object from a given control fd.");
+static PyObject *
+kqueue_queue_control(kqueue_queue_Object *self, PyObject *args)
+	int nevents = 0;
+	int gotevents = 0;
+	int nchanges = 0;
+	int i = 0;
+	PyObject *otimeout = NULL;
+	PyObject *ch = NULL;
+	PyObject *it = NULL, *ei = NULL;
+	PyObject *result = NULL;
+	struct kevent *evl = NULL;
+	struct kevent *chl = NULL;
+	struct timespec timeoutspec;
+	struct timespec *ptimeoutspec;
+	if (self->kqfd < 0)
+		return kqueue_queue_err_closed();
+	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oi|O:control", &ch, &nevents, &otimeout))
+		return NULL;
+	if (nevents < 0) {
+		PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,
+			"Length of eventlist must be 0 or positive, got %d",
+			nchanges);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (ch != NULL && ch != Py_None) {
+		it = PyObject_GetIter(ch);
+		if (it == NULL) {
+			PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+					"changelist is not iterable");
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		nchanges = PyObject_Size(ch);
+		if (nchanges < 0) {
+			return NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	if (otimeout == Py_None || otimeout == NULL) {
+		ptimeoutspec = NULL;
+	}
+	else if (PyNumber_Check(otimeout)) {
+		double timeout;
+		long seconds;
+		timeout = PyFloat_AsDouble(otimeout);
+		if (timeout == -1 && PyErr_Occurred())
+			return NULL;
+		if (timeout > (double)LONG_MAX) {
+			PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError,
+					"timeout period too long");
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		if (timeout < 0) {
+			PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+					"timeout must be positive or None");
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		seconds = (long)timeout;
+		timeout = timeout - (double)seconds;
+		timeoutspec.tv_sec = seconds;
+		timeoutspec.tv_nsec = (long)(timeout * 1E9);
+		ptimeoutspec = &timeoutspec;
+	}
+	else {
+		PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
+			"timeout argument must be an number "
+			"or None, got %.200s",
+			Py_TYPE(otimeout)->tp_name);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (nchanges) {
+		chl = PyMem_New(struct kevent, nchanges);
+		if (chl == NULL) {
+			PyErr_NoMemory();
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		while ((ei = PyIter_Next(it)) != NULL) {
+			if (!kqueue_event_Check(ei)) {
+				Py_DECREF(ei);
+				PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+					"changelist must be an iterable of "
+				 	"select.kevent objects");
+				goto error;
+			} else {
+				chl[i] = ((kqueue_event_Object *)ei)->e;
+			}
+			Py_DECREF(ei);
+		}
+	}
+	Py_CLEAR(it);
+	/* event list */
+	if (nevents) {
+		evl = PyMem_New(struct kevent, nevents);
+		if (evl == NULL) {
+			PyErr_NoMemory();
+			return NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	gotevents = kevent(self->kqfd, chl, nchanges,
+			   evl, nevents, ptimeoutspec);
+	if (gotevents == -1) {
+		PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_OSError);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	result = PyList_New(gotevents);
+	if (result == NULL) {
+		goto error;
+	}
+	for (i=0; i < gotevents; i++) {
+		kqueue_event_Object *ch;
+		ch = PyObject_New(kqueue_event_Object, &kqueue_event_Type);
+		if (ch == NULL) {
+			goto error;
+		}
+		ch->e = evl[i];
+		PyList_SET_ITEM(result, i, (PyObject *)ch);
+	}
+	PyMem_Free(chl);
+	PyMem_Free(evl);
+	return result;
+    error:
+	PyMem_Free(chl);
+	PyMem_Free(evl);
+	Py_XDECREF(result);
+	Py_XDECREF(it);
+	return NULL;
+"control(changelist, max_events[, timeout=None]) -> eventlist\n\
+Calls the kernel kevent function.\n\
+- changelist must be a list of kevent objects describing the changes\n\
+  to be made to the kernel's watch list or None.\n\
+- max_events lets you specify the maximum number of events that the\n\
+  kernel will return.\n\
+- timeout is the maximum time to wait in seconds, or else None,\n\
+  to wait forever. timeout accepts floats for smaller timeouts, too.");
+static PyMethodDef kqueue_queue_methods[] = {
+	{"fromfd",	(PyCFunction)kqueue_queue_fromfd,
+	 METH_VARARGS | METH_CLASS, kqueue_queue_fromfd_doc},
+	{"close",	(PyCFunction)kqueue_queue_close,	METH_NOARGS,
+	 kqueue_queue_close_doc},
+	{"fileno",	(PyCFunction)kqueue_queue_fileno,	METH_NOARGS,
+	 kqueue_queue_fileno_doc},
+	{"control",	(PyCFunction)kqueue_queue_control,
+	 METH_VARARGS ,	kqueue_queue_control_doc},
+static PyGetSetDef kqueue_queue_getsetlist[] = {
+	{"closed", (getter)kqueue_queue_get_closed, NULL,
+	 "True if the kqueue handler is closed"},
+	{0},
+"Kqueue syscall wrapper.\n\
+For example, to start watching a socket for input:\n\
+>>> kq = kqueue()\n\
+>>> sock = socket()\n\
+>>> sock.connect((host, port))\n\
+>>> kq.control([kevent(sock, KQ_FILTER_WRITE, KQ_EV_ADD)], 0)\n\
+To wait one second for it to become writeable:\n\
+>>> kq.control(None, 1, 1000)\n\
+To stop listening:\n\
+>>> kq.control([kevent(sock, KQ_FILTER_WRITE, KQ_EV_DELETE)], 0)");
+static PyTypeObject kqueue_queue_Type = {
+	PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
+	"select.kqueue",				/* tp_name */
+	sizeof(kqueue_queue_Object),			/* tp_basicsize */
+	0,						/* tp_itemsize */
+	(destructor)kqueue_queue_dealloc,		/* tp_dealloc */
+	0,						/* tp_print */
+	0,						/* tp_getattr */
+	0,						/* tp_setattr */
+	0,						/* tp_compare */
+	0,						/* tp_repr */
+	0,						/* tp_as_number */
+	0,						/* tp_as_sequence */
+	0,						/* tp_as_mapping */
+	0,						/* tp_hash */
+	0,              				/* tp_call */
+	0,						/* tp_str */
+	0,						/* tp_getattro */
+	0,						/* tp_setattro */
+	0,						/* tp_as_buffer */
+	Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,				/* tp_flags */
+	kqueue_queue_doc,				/* tp_doc */
+	0,						/* tp_traverse */
+	0,						/* tp_clear */
+	0,						/* tp_richcompare */
+	0,						/* tp_weaklistoffset */
+	0,						/* tp_iter */
+	0,						/* tp_iternext */
+	kqueue_queue_methods,				/* tp_methods */
+	0,						/* tp_members */
+	kqueue_queue_getsetlist,			/* tp_getset */
+	0,						/* tp_base */
+	0,						/* tp_dict */
+	0,						/* tp_descr_get */
+	0,						/* tp_descr_set */
+	0,						/* tp_dictoffset */
+	0,						/* tp_init */
+	0,						/* tp_alloc */
+	kqueue_queue_new,				/* tp_new */
+	0,						/* tp_free */
+#endif /* HAVE_KQUEUE */
+/* ************************************************************************ */
+"select(rlist, wlist, xlist[, timeout]) -> (rlist, wlist, xlist)\n\
+Wait until one or more file descriptors are ready for some kind of I/O.\n\
+The first three arguments are sequences of file descriptors to be waited for:\n\
+rlist -- wait until ready for reading\n\
+wlist -- wait until ready for writing\n\
+xlist -- wait for an ``exceptional condition''\n\
+If only one kind of condition is required, pass [] for the other lists.\n\
+A file descriptor is either a socket or file object, or a small integer\n\
+gotten from a fileno() method call on one of those.\n\
+The optional 4th argument specifies a timeout in seconds; it may be\n\
+a floating point number to specify fractions of seconds.  If it is absent\n\
+or None, the call will never time out.\n\
+The return value is a tuple of three lists corresponding to the first three\n\
+arguments; each contains the subset of the corresponding file descriptors\n\
+that are ready.\n\
+On Windows and OpenVMS, only sockets are supported; on Unix, all file\n\
+descriptors can be used.");
+static PyMethodDef select_methods[] = {
+	{"select",	select_select,	METH_VARARGS,	select_doc},
+#ifdef HAVE_POLL
+	{"poll",	select_poll,	METH_NOARGS,	poll_doc},
+#endif /* HAVE_POLL */
+	{0,  	0},	/* sentinel */
+"This module supports asynchronous I/O on multiple file descriptors.\n\
+On Windows and OpenVMS, only sockets are supported; on Unix, all file descriptors.");
+	PyObject *m;
+	m = Py_InitModule3("select", select_methods, module_doc);
+	if (m == NULL)
+		return;
+	SelectError = PyErr_NewException("select.error", NULL, NULL);
+	Py_INCREF(SelectError);
+	PyModule_AddObject(m, "error", SelectError);
+#if defined(HAVE_POLL)
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+	if (select_have_broken_poll()) {
+		if (PyObject_DelAttrString(m, "poll") == -1) {
+			PyErr_Clear();
+		}
+	} else {
+	{
+		Py_TYPE(&poll_Type) = &PyType_Type;
+		PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "POLLIN", POLLIN);
+		PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "POLLPRI", POLLPRI);
+		PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "POLLOUT", POLLOUT);
+		PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "POLLERR", POLLERR);
+		PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "POLLHUP", POLLHUP);
+		PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "POLLNVAL", POLLNVAL);
+		PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "POLLRDNORM", POLLRDNORM);
+		PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "POLLRDBAND", POLLRDBAND);
+		PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "POLLWRNORM", POLLWRNORM);
+		PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "POLLWRBAND", POLLWRBAND);
+#ifdef POLLMSG
+		PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "POLLMSG", POLLMSG);
+	}
+#endif /* HAVE_POLL */
+#ifdef HAVE_EPOLL
+	Py_TYPE(&pyEpoll_Type) = &PyType_Type;
+	if (PyType_Ready(&pyEpoll_Type) < 0)
+		return;
+	Py_INCREF(&pyEpoll_Type);
+	PyModule_AddObject(m, "epoll", (PyObject *) &pyEpoll_Type);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "EPOLLIN", EPOLLIN);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "EPOLLOUT", EPOLLOUT);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "EPOLLPRI", EPOLLPRI);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "EPOLLERR", EPOLLERR);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "EPOLLHUP", EPOLLHUP);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "EPOLLET", EPOLLET);
+	/* Kernel 2.6.2+ */
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "EPOLLONESHOT", EPOLLONESHOT);
+	/* PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "EPOLL_RDHUP", EPOLLRDHUP); */
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "EPOLLRDNORM", EPOLLRDNORM);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "EPOLLRDBAND", EPOLLRDBAND);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "EPOLLWRNORM", EPOLLWRNORM);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "EPOLLWRBAND", EPOLLWRBAND);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "EPOLLMSG", EPOLLMSG);
+#endif /* HAVE_EPOLL */
+	kqueue_event_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+	Py_TYPE(&kqueue_event_Type) = &PyType_Type;
+	if(PyType_Ready(&kqueue_event_Type) < 0)
+		return;
+	Py_INCREF(&kqueue_event_Type);
+	PyModule_AddObject(m, "kevent", (PyObject *)&kqueue_event_Type);
+	Py_TYPE(&kqueue_queue_Type) = &PyType_Type;
+	if(PyType_Ready(&kqueue_queue_Type) < 0)
+		return;
+	Py_INCREF(&kqueue_queue_Type);
+	PyModule_AddObject(m, "kqueue", (PyObject *)&kqueue_queue_Type);
+	/* event filters */
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_FILTER_READ", EVFILT_READ);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_FILTER_WRITE", EVFILT_WRITE);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_FILTER_AIO", EVFILT_AIO);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_FILTER_VNODE", EVFILT_VNODE);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_FILTER_PROC", EVFILT_PROC);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_FILTER_NETDEV", EVFILT_NETDEV);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_FILTER_SIGNAL", EVFILT_SIGNAL);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_FILTER_TIMER", EVFILT_TIMER);
+	/* event flags */
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_EV_ADD", EV_ADD);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_EV_DELETE", EV_DELETE);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_EV_ENABLE", EV_ENABLE);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_EV_DISABLE", EV_DISABLE);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_EV_ONESHOT", EV_ONESHOT);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_EV_CLEAR", EV_CLEAR);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_EV_SYSFLAGS", EV_SYSFLAGS);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_EV_FLAG1", EV_FLAG1);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_EV_EOF", EV_EOF);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_EV_ERROR", EV_ERROR);
+	/* READ WRITE filter flag */
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_LOWAT", NOTE_LOWAT);
+	/* VNODE filter flags  */
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_DELETE", NOTE_DELETE);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_WRITE", NOTE_WRITE);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_EXTEND", NOTE_EXTEND);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_ATTRIB", NOTE_ATTRIB);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_LINK", NOTE_LINK);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_RENAME", NOTE_RENAME);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_REVOKE", NOTE_REVOKE);
+	/* PROC filter flags  */
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_EXIT", NOTE_EXIT);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_FORK", NOTE_FORK);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_EXEC", NOTE_EXEC);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_PCTRLMASK", NOTE_PCTRLMASK);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_PDATAMASK", NOTE_PDATAMASK);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_TRACK", NOTE_TRACK);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_CHILD", NOTE_CHILD);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_TRACKERR", NOTE_TRACKERR);
+	/* NETDEV filter flags */
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_LINKUP", NOTE_LINKUP);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_LINKDOWN", NOTE_LINKDOWN);
+	PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "KQ_NOTE_LINKINV", NOTE_LINKINV);
+#endif /* HAVE_KQUEUE */