changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-2.6.1/Tools/compiler/	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+"""Generate ast module from specification
+This script generates the ast module from a simple specification,
+which makes it easy to accomodate changes in the grammar.  This
+approach would be quite reasonable if the grammar changed often.
+Instead, it is rather complex to generate the appropriate code.  And
+the Node interface has changed more often than the grammar.
+import fileinput
+import re
+import sys
+from StringIO import StringIO
+SPEC = "ast.txt"
+COMMA = ", "
+def load_boilerplate(file):
+    f = open(file)
+    buf =
+    f.close()
+    i = buf.find('### ''PROLOGUE')
+    j = buf.find('### ''EPILOGUE')
+    pro = buf[i+12:j].strip()
+    epi = buf[j+12:].strip()
+    return pro, epi
+def strip_default(arg):
+    """Return the argname from an 'arg = default' string"""
+    i = arg.find('=')
+    if i == -1:
+        return arg
+    t = arg[:i].strip()
+    return t
+P_NODE = 1
+P_OTHER = 2
+P_NONE = 4
+class NodeInfo:
+    """Each instance describes a specific AST node"""
+    def __init__(self, name, args):
+ = name
+        self.args = args.strip()
+        self.argnames = self.get_argnames()
+        self.argprops = self.get_argprops()
+        self.nargs = len(self.argnames)
+        self.init = []
+    def get_argnames(self):
+        if '(' in self.args:
+            i = self.args.find('(')
+            j = self.args.rfind(')')
+            args = self.args[i+1:j]
+        else:
+            args = self.args
+        return [strip_default(arg.strip())
+                for arg in args.split(',') if arg]
+    def get_argprops(self):
+        """Each argument can have a property like '*' or '!'
+        XXX This method modifies the argnames in place!
+        """
+        d = {}
+        hardest_arg = P_NODE
+        for i in range(len(self.argnames)):
+            arg = self.argnames[i]
+            if arg.endswith('*'):
+                arg = self.argnames[i] = arg[:-1]
+                d[arg] = P_OTHER
+                hardest_arg = max(hardest_arg, P_OTHER)
+            elif arg.endswith('!'):
+                arg = self.argnames[i] = arg[:-1]
+                d[arg] = P_NESTED
+                hardest_arg = max(hardest_arg, P_NESTED)
+            elif arg.endswith('&'):
+                arg = self.argnames[i] = arg[:-1]
+                d[arg] = P_NONE
+                hardest_arg = max(hardest_arg, P_NONE)
+            else:
+                d[arg] = P_NODE
+        self.hardest_arg = hardest_arg
+        if hardest_arg > P_NODE:
+            self.args = self.args.replace('*', '')
+            self.args = self.args.replace('!', '')
+            self.args = self.args.replace('&', '')
+        return d
+    def gen_source(self):
+        buf = StringIO()
+        print >> buf, "class %s(Node):" %
+        self._gen_init(buf)
+        print >> buf
+        self._gen_getChildren(buf)
+        print >> buf
+        self._gen_getChildNodes(buf)
+        print >> buf
+        self._gen_repr(buf)
+, 0)
+        return
+    def _gen_init(self, buf):
+        if self.args:
+            print >> buf, "    def __init__(self, %s, lineno=None):" % self.args
+        else:
+            print >> buf, "    def __init__(self, lineno=None):"
+        if self.argnames:
+            for name in self.argnames:
+                print >> buf, "        self.%s = %s" % (name, name)
+        print >> buf, "        self.lineno = lineno"
+        # Copy the lines in self.init, indented four spaces.  The rstrip()
+        # business is to get rid of the four spaces if line happens to be
+        # empty, so that is happy with the output.
+        for line in self.init:
+            print >> buf, ("    " + line).rstrip()
+    def _gen_getChildren(self, buf):
+        print >> buf, "    def getChildren(self):"
+        if len(self.argnames) == 0:
+            print >> buf, "        return ()"
+        else:
+            if self.hardest_arg < P_NESTED:
+                clist = COMMA.join(["self.%s" % c
+                                    for c in self.argnames])
+                if self.nargs == 1:
+                    print >> buf, "        return %s," % clist
+                else:
+                    print >> buf, "        return %s" % clist
+            else:
+                if len(self.argnames) == 1:
+                    print >> buf, "        return tuple(flatten(self.%s))" % self.argnames[0]
+                else:
+                    print >> buf, "        children = []"
+                    template = "        children.%s(%sself.%s%s)"
+                    for name in self.argnames:
+                        if self.argprops[name] == P_NESTED:
+                            print >> buf, template % ("extend", "flatten(",
+                                                      name, ")")
+                        else:
+                            print >> buf, template % ("append", "", name, "")
+                    print >> buf, "        return tuple(children)"
+    def _gen_getChildNodes(self, buf):
+        print >> buf, "    def getChildNodes(self):"
+        if len(self.argnames) == 0:
+            print >> buf, "        return ()"
+        else:
+            if self.hardest_arg < P_NESTED:
+                clist = ["self.%s" % c
+                         for c in self.argnames
+                         if self.argprops[c] == P_NODE]
+                if len(clist) == 0:
+                    print >> buf, "        return ()"
+                elif len(clist) == 1:
+                    print >> buf, "        return %s," % clist[0]
+                else:
+                    print >> buf, "        return %s" % COMMA.join(clist)
+            else:
+                print >> buf, "        nodelist = []"
+                template = "        nodelist.%s(%sself.%s%s)"
+                for name in self.argnames:
+                    if self.argprops[name] == P_NONE:
+                        tmp = ("        if self.%s is not None:\n"
+                               "            nodelist.append(self.%s)")
+                        print >> buf, tmp % (name, name)
+                    elif self.argprops[name] == P_NESTED:
+                        print >> buf, template % ("extend", "flatten_nodes(",
+                                                  name, ")")
+                    elif self.argprops[name] == P_NODE:
+                        print >> buf, template % ("append", "", name, "")
+                print >> buf, "        return tuple(nodelist)"
+    def _gen_repr(self, buf):
+        print >> buf, "    def __repr__(self):"
+        if self.argnames:
+            fmt = COMMA.join(["%s"] * self.nargs)
+            if '(' in self.args:
+                fmt = '(%s)' % fmt
+            vals = ["repr(self.%s)" % name for name in self.argnames]
+            vals = COMMA.join(vals)
+            if self.nargs == 1:
+                vals = vals + ","
+            print >> buf, '        return "%s(%s)" %% (%s)' % \
+                  (, fmt, vals)
+        else:
+            print >> buf, '        return "%s()"' %
+rx_init = re.compile('init\((.*)\):')
+def parse_spec(file):
+    classes = {}
+    cur = None
+    for line in fileinput.input(file):
+        if line.strip().startswith('#'):
+            continue
+        mo =
+        if mo is None:
+            if cur is None:
+                # a normal entry
+                try:
+                    name, args = line.split(':')
+                except ValueError:
+                    continue
+                classes[name] = NodeInfo(name, args)
+                cur = None
+            else:
+                # some code for the __init__ method
+                cur.init.append(line)
+        else:
+            # some extra code for a Node's __init__ method
+            name =
+            cur = classes[name]
+    return sorted(classes.values(), key=lambda n:
+def main():
+    prologue, epilogue = load_boilerplate(sys.argv[-1])
+    print prologue
+    print
+    classes = parse_spec(SPEC)
+    for info in classes:
+        print info.gen_source()
+    print epilogue
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
+    sys.exit(0)
+"""Python abstract syntax node definitions
+This file is automatically generated by Tools/compiler/
+from consts import CO_VARARGS, CO_VARKEYWORDS
+def flatten(seq):
+    l = []
+    for elt in seq:
+        t = type(elt)
+        if t is tuple or t is list:
+            for elt2 in flatten(elt):
+                l.append(elt2)
+        else:
+            l.append(elt)
+    return l
+def flatten_nodes(seq):
+    return [n for n in flatten(seq) if isinstance(n, Node)]
+nodes = {}
+class Node:
+    """Abstract base class for ast nodes."""
+    def getChildren(self):
+        pass # implemented by subclasses
+    def __iter__(self):
+        for n in self.getChildren():
+            yield n
+    def asList(self): # for backwards compatibility
+        return self.getChildren()
+    def getChildNodes(self):
+        pass # implemented by subclasses
+class EmptyNode(Node):
+    pass
+class Expression(Node):
+    # Expression is an artificial node class to support "eval"
+    nodes["expression"] = "Expression"
+    def __init__(self, node):
+        self.node = node
+    def getChildren(self):
+        return self.node,
+    def getChildNodes(self):
+        return self.node,
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "Expression(%s)" % (repr(self.node))
+for name, obj in globals().items():
+    if isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, Node):
+        nodes[name.lower()] = obj