changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-2.6.1/Tools/msi/	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1297 @@
+# Python MSI Generator
+# (C) 2003 Martin v. Loewis
+# See "FOO" in comments refers to MSDN sections with the title FOO.
+import msilib, schema, sequence, os, glob, time, re, shutil
+from msilib import Feature, CAB, Directory, Dialog, Binary, add_data
+import uisample
+from win32com.client import constants
+from distutils.spawn import find_executable
+from uuids import product_codes
+# Settings can be overridden in below
+# 0 for official releases
+# 1 for intermediate releases by anybody, with
+# a new product code for every package.
+snapshot = 1
+# 1 means that file extension is px, not py,
+# and binaries start with x
+testpackage = 0
+# Location of build tree
+srcdir = os.path.abspath("../..")
+# Text to be displayed as the version in dialogs etc.
+# goes into file name and ProductCode. Defaults to
+# for Snapshot, current_version otherwise
+full_current_version = None
+# Is Tcl available at all?
+have_tcl = True
+# path to PCbuild directory
+# msvcrt version
+MSVCR = "90"
+    from config import *
+except ImportError:
+    pass
+# Extract current version from Include/patchlevel.h
+lines = open(srcdir + "/Include/patchlevel.h").readlines()
+major = minor = micro = level = serial = None
+levels = {
+    }
+for l in lines:
+    if not l.startswith("#define"):
+        continue
+    l = l.split()
+    if len(l) != 3:
+        continue
+    _, name, value = l
+    if name == 'PY_MAJOR_VERSION': major = value
+    if name == 'PY_MINOR_VERSION': minor = value
+    if name == 'PY_MICRO_VERSION': micro = value
+    if name == 'PY_RELEASE_LEVEL': level = levels[value]
+    if name == 'PY_RELEASE_SERIAL': serial = value
+short_version = major+"."+minor
+# See PC/make_versioninfo.c
+FIELD3 = 1000*int(micro) + 10*level + int(serial)
+current_version = "%s.%d" % (short_version, FIELD3)
+# This should never change. The UpgradeCode of this package can be
+# used in the Upgrade table of future packages to make the future
+# package replace this one. See "UpgradeCode Property".
+# upgrade_code gets set to upgrade_code_64 when we have determined
+# that the target is Win64.
+if snapshot:
+    current_version = "%s.%s.%s" % (major, minor, int(time.time()/3600/24))
+    product_code = msilib.gen_uuid()
+    product_code = product_codes[current_version]
+if full_current_version is None:
+    full_current_version = current_version
+extensions = [
+    'bz2.pyd',
+    'pyexpat.pyd',
+    'select.pyd',
+    'unicodedata.pyd',
+    'winsound.pyd',
+    '_elementtree.pyd',
+    '_bsddb.pyd',
+    '_socket.pyd',
+    '_ssl.pyd',
+    '_testcapi.pyd',
+    '_tkinter.pyd',
+    '_msi.pyd',
+    '_ctypes.pyd',
+    '_ctypes_test.pyd',
+    '_sqlite3.pyd',
+    '_hashlib.pyd',
+    '_multiprocessing.pyd'
+# Well-known component UUIDs
+# These are needed for SharedDLLs reference counter; if
+# a different UUID was used for each incarnation of, say,
+# python24.dll, an upgrade would set the reference counter
+# from 1 to 2 (due to what I consider a bug in MSI)
+# Using the same UUID is fine since these files are versioned,
+# so Installer will always keep the newest version.
+# NOTE: All uuids are self generated.
+pythondll_uuid = {
+    "24":"{9B81E618-2301-4035-AC77-75D9ABEB7301}",
+    "25":"{2e41b118-38bd-4c1b-a840-6977efd1b911}",
+    "26":"{34ebecac-f046-4e1c-b0e3-9bac3cdaacfa}",
+    } [major+minor]
+# Compute the name that Sphinx gives to the docfile
+docfile = ""
+if level < 0xf:
+    docfile = '%x%s' % (level, serial)
+docfile = 'python%s%s%s.chm' % (major, minor, docfile)
+# Build the mingw import library, libpythonXY.a
+# This requires 'nm' and 'dlltool' executables on your PATH
+def build_mingw_lib(lib_file, def_file, dll_file, mingw_lib):
+    warning = "WARNING: %s - libpythonXX.a not built"
+    nm = find_executable('nm')
+    dlltool = find_executable('dlltool')
+    if not nm or not dlltool:
+        print warning % "nm and/or dlltool were not found"
+        return False
+    nm_command = '%s -Cs %s' % (nm, lib_file)
+    dlltool_command = "%s --dllname %s --def %s --output-lib %s" % \
+        (dlltool, dll_file, def_file, mingw_lib)
+    export_match = re.compile(r"^_imp__(.*) in python\d+\.dll").match
+    f = open(def_file,'w')
+    print >>f, "LIBRARY %s" % dll_file
+    print >>f, "EXPORTS"
+    nm_pipe = os.popen(nm_command)
+    for line in nm_pipe.readlines():
+        m = export_match(line)
+        if m:
+            print >>f,
+    f.close()
+    exit = nm_pipe.close()
+    if exit:
+        print warning % "nm did not run successfully"
+        return False
+    if os.system(dlltool_command) != 0:
+        print warning % "dlltool did not run successfully"
+        return False
+    return True
+# Target files (.def and .a) go in PCBuild directory
+lib_file = os.path.join(srcdir, PCBUILD, "python%s%s.lib" % (major, minor))
+def_file = os.path.join(srcdir, PCBUILD, "python%s%s.def" % (major, minor))
+dll_file = "python%s%s.dll" % (major, minor)
+mingw_lib = os.path.join(srcdir, PCBUILD, "libpython%s%s.a" % (major, minor))
+have_mingw = build_mingw_lib(lib_file, def_file, dll_file, mingw_lib)
+# Determine the target architechture
+dll_path = os.path.join(srcdir, PCBUILD, dll_file)
+if msilib.pe_type(dll_path) != msilib.pe_type("msisupport.dll"):
+    raise SystemError, "msisupport.dll for incorrect architecture"
+if msilib.Win64:
+    upgrade_code = upgrade_code_64
+    # Bump the last digit of the code by one, so that 32-bit and 64-bit
+    # releases get separate product codes
+    digit = hex((int(product_code[-2],16)+1)%16)[-1]
+    product_code = product_code[:-2] + digit + '}'
+if testpackage:
+    ext = 'px'
+    testprefix = 'x'
+    ext = 'py'
+    testprefix = ''
+if msilib.Win64:
+    SystemFolderName = "[System64Folder]"
+    registry_component = 4|256
+    SystemFolderName = "[SystemFolder]"
+    registry_component = 4
+# condition in which to install pythonxy.dll in system32:
+# a) it is Windows 9x or
+# b) it is NT, the user is privileged, and has chosen per-machine installation
+sys32cond = "(Windows9x or (Privileged and ALLUSERS))"
+def build_database():
+    """Generate an empty database, with just the schema and the
+    Summary information stream."""
+    if snapshot:
+        uc = upgrade_code_snapshot
+    else:
+        uc = upgrade_code
+    if msilib.Win64:
+        productsuffix = " (64-bit)"
+    else:
+        productsuffix = ""
+    # schema represents the installer 2.0 database schema.
+    # sequence is the set of standard sequences
+    # (ui/execute, admin/advt/install)
+    db = msilib.init_database("python-%s%s.msi" % (full_current_version, msilib.arch_ext),
+                  schema, ProductName="Python "+full_current_version+productsuffix,
+                  ProductCode=product_code,
+                  ProductVersion=current_version,
+                  Manufacturer=u"Python Software Foundation",
+                  request_uac = True)
+    # The default sequencing of the RemoveExistingProducts action causes
+    # removal of files that got just installed. Place it after
+    # InstallInitialize, so we first uninstall everything, but still roll
+    # back in case the installation is interrupted
+    msilib.change_sequence(sequence.InstallExecuteSequence,
+                           "RemoveExistingProducts", 1510)
+    msilib.add_tables(db, sequence)
+    # We cannot set ALLUSERS in the property table, as this cannot be
+    # reset if the user choses a per-user installation. Instead, we
+    # maintain WhichUsers, which can be "ALL" or "JUSTME". The UI manages
+    # this property, and when the execution starts, ALLUSERS is set
+    # accordingly.
+    add_data(db, "Property", [("UpgradeCode", uc),
+                              ("WhichUsers", "ALL"),
+                              ("ProductLine", "Python%s%s" % (major, minor)),
+                             ])
+    db.Commit()
+    return db
+def remove_old_versions(db):
+    "Fill the upgrade table."
+    start = "%s.%s.0" % (major, minor)
+    # This requests that feature selection states of an older
+    # installation should be forwarded into this one. Upgrading
+    # requires that both the old and the new installation are
+    # either both per-machine or per-user.
+    migrate_features = 1
+    # See "Upgrade Table". We remove releases with the same major and
+    # minor version. For an snapshot, we remove all earlier snapshots. For
+    # a release, we remove all snapshots, and all earlier releases.
+    if snapshot:
+        add_data(db, "Upgrade",
+            [(upgrade_code_snapshot, start,
+              current_version,
+              None,                     # Ignore language
+              migrate_features,
+              None,                     # Migrate ALL features
+              "REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT")])
+        props = "REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT"
+    else:
+        add_data(db, "Upgrade",
+            [(upgrade_code, start, current_version,
+              None, migrate_features, None, "REMOVEOLDVERSION"),
+             (upgrade_code_snapshot, start, "%s.%d.0" % (major, int(minor)+1),
+              None, migrate_features, None, "REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT")])
+    props += ";TARGETDIR;DLLDIR"
+    # Installer collects the product codes of the earlier releases in
+    # these properties. In order to allow modification of the properties,
+    # they must be declared as secure. See "SecureCustomProperties Property"
+    add_data(db, "Property", [("SecureCustomProperties", props)])
+class PyDialog(Dialog):
+    """Dialog class with a fixed layout: controls at the top, then a ruler,
+    then a list of buttons: back, next, cancel. Optionally a bitmap at the
+    left."""
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        """Dialog(database, name, x, y, w, h, attributes, title, first,
+        default, cancel, bitmap=true)"""
+        Dialog.__init__(self, *args)
+        ruler = self.h - 36
+        bmwidth = 152*ruler/328
+        if kw.get("bitmap", True):
+            self.bitmap("Bitmap", 0, 0, bmwidth, ruler, "PythonWin")
+        self.line("BottomLine", 0, ruler, self.w, 0)
+    def title(self, title):
+        "Set the title text of the dialog at the top."
+        # name, x, y, w, h, flags=Visible|Enabled|Transparent|NoPrefix,
+        # text, in VerdanaBold10
+        self.text("Title", 135, 10, 220, 60, 0x30003,
+                  r"{\VerdanaBold10}%s" % title)
+    def back(self, title, next, name = "Back", active = 1):
+        """Add a back button with a given title, the tab-next button,
+        its name in the Control table, possibly initially disabled.
+        Return the button, so that events can be associated"""
+        if active:
+            flags = 3 # Visible|Enabled
+        else:
+            flags = 1 # Visible
+        return self.pushbutton(name, 180, self.h-27 , 56, 17, flags, title, next)
+    def cancel(self, title, next, name = "Cancel", active = 1):
+        """Add a cancel button with a given title, the tab-next button,
+        its name in the Control table, possibly initially disabled.
+        Return the button, so that events can be associated"""
+        if active:
+            flags = 3 # Visible|Enabled
+        else:
+            flags = 1 # Visible
+        return self.pushbutton(name, 304, self.h-27, 56, 17, flags, title, next)
+    def next(self, title, next, name = "Next", active = 1):
+        """Add a Next button with a given title, the tab-next button,
+        its name in the Control table, possibly initially disabled.
+        Return the button, so that events can be associated"""
+        if active:
+            flags = 3 # Visible|Enabled
+        else:
+            flags = 1 # Visible
+        return self.pushbutton(name, 236, self.h-27, 56, 17, flags, title, next)
+    def xbutton(self, name, title, next, xpos):
+        """Add a button with a given title, the tab-next button,
+        its name in the Control table, giving its x position; the
+        y-position is aligned with the other buttons.
+        Return the button, so that events can be associated"""
+        return self.pushbutton(name, int(self.w*xpos - 28), self.h-27, 56, 17, 3, title, next)
+def add_ui(db):
+    x = y = 50
+    w = 370
+    h = 300
+    title = "[ProductName] Setup"
+    # see "Dialog Style Bits"
+    modal = 3      # visible | modal
+    modeless = 1   # visible
+    track_disk_space = 32
+    add_data(db, 'ActionText', uisample.ActionText)
+    add_data(db, 'UIText', uisample.UIText)
+    # Bitmaps
+    if not os.path.exists(srcdir+r"\PC\python_icon.exe"):
+        raise "Run icons.mak in PC directory"
+    add_data(db, "Binary",
+             [("PythonWin", msilib.Binary(r"%s\PCbuild\installer.bmp" % srcdir)), # 152x328 pixels
+              ("py.ico",msilib.Binary(srcdir+r"\PC\py.ico")),
+             ])
+    add_data(db, "Icon",
+             [("python_icon.exe", msilib.Binary(srcdir+r"\PC\python_icon.exe"))])
+    # Scripts
+    # CheckDir sets TargetExists if TARGETDIR exists.
+    # UpdateEditIDLE sets the REGISTRY.tcl component into
+    # the installed/uninstalled state according to both the
+    # Extensions and TclTk features.
+    if os.system("nmake /nologo /c /f msisupport.mak") != 0:
+        raise "'nmake /f msisupport.mak' failed"
+    add_data(db, "Binary", [("Script", msilib.Binary("msisupport.dll"))])
+    # See "Custom Action Type 1"
+    if msilib.Win64:
+        CheckDir = "CheckDir"
+        UpdateEditIDLE = "UpdateEditIDLE"
+    else:
+        CheckDir =  "_CheckDir@4"
+        UpdateEditIDLE = "_UpdateEditIDLE@4"
+    add_data(db, "CustomAction",
+        [("CheckDir", 1, "Script", CheckDir)])
+    if have_tcl:
+        add_data(db, "CustomAction",
+        [("UpdateEditIDLE", 1, "Script", UpdateEditIDLE)])
+    # UI customization properties
+    add_data(db, "Property",
+             # See "DefaultUIFont Property"
+             [("DefaultUIFont", "DlgFont8"),
+              # See "ErrorDialog Style Bit"
+              ("ErrorDialog", "ErrorDlg"),
+              ("Progress1", "Install"),   # modified in maintenance type dlg
+              ("Progress2", "installs"),
+              ("MaintenanceForm_Action", "Repair")])
+    # Fonts, see "TextStyle Table"
+    add_data(db, "TextStyle",
+             [("DlgFont8", "Tahoma", 9, None, 0),
+              ("DlgFontBold8", "Tahoma", 8, None, 1), #bold
+              ("VerdanaBold10", "Verdana", 10, None, 1),
+              ("VerdanaRed9", "Verdana", 9, 255, 0),
+             ])
+    compileargs = r'-Wi "[TARGETDIR]Lib\" -f -x bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|py3_ "[TARGETDIR]Lib"'
+    lib2to3args = r'-c "import lib2to3.pygram, lib2to3.patcomp;lib2to3.patcomp.PatternCompiler()"'
+    # See "CustomAction Table"
+    add_data(db, "CustomAction", [
+        # msidbCustomActionTypeFirstSequence + msidbCustomActionTypeTextData + msidbCustomActionTypeProperty
+        # See "Custom Action Type 51",
+        # "Custom Action Execution Scheduling Options"
+        ("InitialTargetDir", 307, "TARGETDIR",
+         "[WindowsVolume]Python%s%s" % (major, minor)),
+        ("SetDLLDirToTarget", 307, "DLLDIR", "[TARGETDIR]"),
+        ("SetDLLDirToSystem32", 307, "DLLDIR", SystemFolderName),
+        # msidbCustomActionTypeExe + msidbCustomActionTypeSourceFile
+        # See "Custom Action Type 18"
+        ("CompilePyc", 18, "python.exe", compileargs),
+        ("CompilePyo", 18, "python.exe", "-O "+compileargs),
+        ("CompileGrammar", 18, "python.exe", lib2to3args),
+        ])
+    # UI Sequences, see "InstallUISequence Table", "Using a Sequence Table"
+    # Numbers indicate sequence; see for how these action integrate
+    add_data(db, "InstallUISequence",
+             [("PrepareDlg", "Not Privileged or Windows9x or Installed", 140),
+              ("WhichUsersDlg", "Privileged and not Windows9x and not Installed", 141),
+              ("InitialTargetDir", 'TARGETDIR=""', 750),
+              # In the user interface, assume all-users installation if privileged.
+              ("SetDLLDirToSystem32", 'DLLDIR="" and ' + sys32cond, 751),
+              ("SetDLLDirToTarget", 'DLLDIR="" and not ' + sys32cond, 752),
+              ("SelectDirectoryDlg", "Not Installed", 1230),
+              # XXX no support for resume installations yet
+              #("ResumeDlg", "Installed AND (RESUME OR Preselected)", 1240),
+              ("MaintenanceTypeDlg", "Installed AND NOT RESUME AND NOT Preselected", 1250),
+              ("ProgressDlg", None, 1280)])
+    add_data(db, "AdminUISequence",
+             [("InitialTargetDir", 'TARGETDIR=""', 750),
+              ("SetDLLDirToTarget", 'DLLDIR=""', 751),
+             ])
+    # Execute Sequences
+    add_data(db, "InstallExecuteSequence",
+            [("InitialTargetDir", 'TARGETDIR=""', 750),
+             ("SetDLLDirToSystem32", 'DLLDIR="" and ' + sys32cond, 751),
+             ("SetDLLDirToTarget", 'DLLDIR="" and not ' + sys32cond, 752),
+             ("UpdateEditIDLE", None, 1050),
+             ("CompilePyc", "COMPILEALL", 6800),
+             ("CompilePyo", "COMPILEALL", 6801),
+             ("CompileGrammar", "COMPILEALL", 6802),
+            ])
+    add_data(db, "AdminExecuteSequence",
+            [("InitialTargetDir", 'TARGETDIR=""', 750),
+             ("SetDLLDirToTarget", 'DLLDIR=""', 751),
+             ("CompilePyc", "COMPILEALL", 6800),
+             ("CompilePyo", "COMPILEALL", 6801),
+             ("CompileGrammar", "COMPILEALL", 6802),
+            ])
+    #####################################################################
+    # Standard dialogs: FatalError, UserExit, ExitDialog
+    fatal=PyDialog(db, "FatalError", x, y, w, h, modal, title,
+                 "Finish", "Finish", "Finish")
+    fatal.title("[ProductName] Installer ended prematurely")
+    fatal.back("< Back", "Finish", active = 0)
+    fatal.cancel("Cancel", "Back", active = 0)
+    fatal.text("Description1", 135, 70, 220, 80, 0x30003,
+               "[ProductName] setup ended prematurely because of an error.  Your system has not been modified.  To install this program at a later time, please run the installation again.")
+    fatal.text("Description2", 135, 155, 220, 20, 0x30003,
+               "Click the Finish button to exit the Installer.")
+"Finish", "Cancel", name="Finish")
+    # See "ControlEvent Table". Parameters are the event, the parameter
+    # to the action, and optionally the condition for the event, and the order
+    # of events.
+    c.event("EndDialog", "Exit")
+    user_exit=PyDialog(db, "UserExit", x, y, w, h, modal, title,
+                 "Finish", "Finish", "Finish")
+    user_exit.title("[ProductName] Installer was interrupted")
+    user_exit.back("< Back", "Finish", active = 0)
+    user_exit.cancel("Cancel", "Back", active = 0)
+    user_exit.text("Description1", 135, 70, 220, 80, 0x30003,
+               "[ProductName] setup was interrupted.  Your system has not been modified.  "
+               "To install this program at a later time, please run the installation again.")
+    user_exit.text("Description2", 135, 155, 220, 20, 0x30003,
+               "Click the Finish button to exit the Installer.")
+    c ="Finish", "Cancel", name="Finish")
+    c.event("EndDialog", "Exit")
+    exit_dialog = PyDialog(db, "ExitDialog", x, y, w, h, modal, title,
+                         "Finish", "Finish", "Finish")
+    exit_dialog.title("Completing the [ProductName] Installer")
+    exit_dialog.back("< Back", "Finish", active = 0)
+    exit_dialog.cancel("Cancel", "Back", active = 0)
+    exit_dialog.text("Acknowledgements", 135, 95, 220, 120, 0x30003,
+      "Special Windows thanks to:\n"
+      "    Mark Hammond, without whose years of freely \n"
+      "    shared Windows expertise, Python for Windows \n"
+      "    would still be Python for DOS.")
+    c = exit_dialog.text("warning", 135, 200, 220, 40, 0x30003,
+            "{\\VerdanaRed9}Warning: Python 2.5.x is the last "
+            "Python release for Windows 9x.")
+    c.condition("Hide", "NOT Version9X")
+    exit_dialog.text("Description", 135, 235, 220, 20, 0x30003,
+               "Click the Finish button to exit the Installer.")
+    c ="Finish", "Cancel", name="Finish")
+    c.event("EndDialog", "Return")
+    #####################################################################
+    # Required dialog: FilesInUse, ErrorDlg
+    inuse = PyDialog(db, "FilesInUse",
+                     x, y, w, h,
+                     19,                # KeepModeless|Modal|Visible
+                     title,
+                     "Retry", "Retry", "Retry", bitmap=False)
+    inuse.text("Title", 15, 6, 200, 15, 0x30003,
+               r"{\DlgFontBold8}Files in Use")
+    inuse.text("Description", 20, 23, 280, 20, 0x30003,
+               "Some files that need to be updated are currently in use.")
+    inuse.text("Text", 20, 55, 330, 50, 3,
+               "The following applications are using files that need to be updated by this setup. Close these applications and then click Retry to continue the installation or Cancel to exit it.")
+    inuse.control("List", "ListBox", 20, 107, 330, 130, 7, "FileInUseProcess",
+                  None, None, None)
+    c=inuse.back("Exit", "Ignore", name="Exit")
+    c.event("EndDialog", "Exit")
+"Ignore", "Retry", name="Ignore")
+    c.event("EndDialog", "Ignore")
+    c=inuse.cancel("Retry", "Exit", name="Retry")
+    c.event("EndDialog","Retry")
+    # See "Error Dialog". See "ICE20" for the required names of the controls.
+    error = Dialog(db, "ErrorDlg",
+                   50, 10, 330, 101,
+                   65543,       # Error|Minimize|Modal|Visible
+                   title,
+                   "ErrorText", None, None)
+    error.text("ErrorText", 50,9,280,48,3, "")
+    error.control("ErrorIcon", "Icon", 15, 9, 24, 24, 5242881, None, "py.ico", None, None)
+    error.pushbutton("N",120,72,81,21,3,"No",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorNo")
+    error.pushbutton("Y",240,72,81,21,3,"Yes",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorYes")
+    error.pushbutton("A",0,72,81,21,3,"Abort",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorAbort")
+    error.pushbutton("C",42,72,81,21,3,"Cancel",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorCancel")
+    error.pushbutton("I",81,72,81,21,3,"Ignore",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorIgnore")
+    error.pushbutton("O",159,72,81,21,3,"Ok",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorOk")
+    error.pushbutton("R",198,72,81,21,3,"Retry",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorRetry")
+    #####################################################################
+    # Global "Query Cancel" dialog
+    cancel = Dialog(db, "CancelDlg", 50, 10, 260, 85, 3, title,
+                    "No", "No", "No")
+    cancel.text("Text", 48, 15, 194, 30, 3,
+                "Are you sure you want to cancel [ProductName] installation?")
+    cancel.control("Icon", "Icon", 15, 15, 24, 24, 5242881, None,
+                   "py.ico", None, None)
+    c=cancel.pushbutton("Yes", 72, 57, 56, 17, 3, "Yes", "No")
+    c.event("EndDialog", "Exit")
+    c=cancel.pushbutton("No", 132, 57, 56, 17, 3, "No", "Yes")
+    c.event("EndDialog", "Return")
+    #####################################################################
+    # Global "Wait for costing" dialog
+    costing = Dialog(db, "WaitForCostingDlg", 50, 10, 260, 85, modal, title,
+                     "Return", "Return", "Return")
+    costing.text("Text", 48, 15, 194, 30, 3,
+                 "Please wait while the installer finishes determining your disk space requirements.")
+    costing.control("Icon", "Icon", 15, 15, 24, 24, 5242881, None,
+                    "py.ico", None, None)
+    c = costing.pushbutton("Return", 102, 57, 56, 17, 3, "Return", None)
+    c.event("EndDialog", "Exit")
+    #####################################################################
+    # Preparation dialog: no user input except cancellation
+    prep = PyDialog(db, "PrepareDlg", x, y, w, h, modeless, title,
+                    "Cancel", "Cancel", "Cancel")
+    prep.text("Description", 135, 70, 220, 40, 0x30003,
+              "Please wait while the Installer prepares to guide you through the installation.")
+    prep.title("Welcome to the [ProductName] Installer")
+    c=prep.text("ActionText", 135, 110, 220, 20, 0x30003, "Pondering...")
+    c.mapping("ActionText", "Text")
+    c=prep.text("ActionData", 135, 135, 220, 30, 0x30003, None)
+    c.mapping("ActionData", "Text")
+    prep.back("Back", None, active=0)
+"Next", None, active=0)
+    c=prep.cancel("Cancel", None)
+    c.event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg")
+    #####################################################################
+    # Target directory selection
+    seldlg = PyDialog(db, "SelectDirectoryDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title,
+                    "Next", "Next", "Cancel")
+    seldlg.title("Select Destination Directory")
+    c = seldlg.text("Existing", 135, 25, 235, 30, 0x30003,
+                    "{\VerdanaRed9}This update will replace your existing [ProductLine] installation.")
+    c.condition("Hide", 'REMOVEOLDVERSION="" and REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT=""')
+    seldlg.text("Description", 135, 50, 220, 40, 0x30003,
+               "Please select a directory for the [ProductName] files.")
+    seldlg.back("< Back", None, active=0)
+    c ="Next >", "Cancel")
+    c.event("DoAction", "CheckDir", "TargetExistsOk<>1", order=1)
+    # If the target exists, but we found that we are going to remove old versions, don't bother
+    # confirming that the target directory exists. Strictly speaking, we should determine that
+    # the target directory is indeed the target of the product that we are going to remove, but
+    # I don't know how to do that.
+    c.event("SpawnDialog", "ExistingDirectoryDlg", 'TargetExists=1 and REMOVEOLDVERSION="" and REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT=""', 2)
+    c.event("SetTargetPath", "TARGETDIR", 'TargetExists=0 or REMOVEOLDVERSION<>"" or REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT<>""', 3)
+    c.event("SpawnWaitDialog", "WaitForCostingDlg", "CostingComplete=1", 4)
+    c.event("NewDialog", "SelectFeaturesDlg", 'TargetExists=0 or REMOVEOLDVERSION<>"" or REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT<>""', 5)
+    c = seldlg.cancel("Cancel", "DirectoryCombo")
+    c.event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg")
+    seldlg.control("DirectoryCombo", "DirectoryCombo", 135, 70, 172, 80, 393219,
+                   "TARGETDIR", None, "DirectoryList", None)
+    seldlg.control("DirectoryList", "DirectoryList", 135, 90, 208, 136, 3, "TARGETDIR",
+                   None, "PathEdit", None)
+    seldlg.control("PathEdit", "PathEdit", 135, 230, 206, 16, 3, "TARGETDIR", None, "Next", None)
+    c = seldlg.pushbutton("Up", 306, 70, 18, 18, 3, "Up", None)
+    c.event("DirectoryListUp", "0")
+    c = seldlg.pushbutton("NewDir", 324, 70, 30, 18, 3, "New", None)
+    c.event("DirectoryListNew", "0")
+    #####################################################################
+    # SelectFeaturesDlg
+    features = PyDialog(db, "SelectFeaturesDlg", x, y, w, h, modal|track_disk_space,
+                        title, "Tree", "Next", "Cancel")
+    features.title("Customize [ProductName]")
+    features.text("Description", 135, 35, 220, 15, 0x30003,
+                  "Select the way you want features to be installed.")
+    features.text("Text", 135,45,220,30, 3,
+                  "Click on the icons in the tree below to change the way features will be installed.")
+    c=features.back("< Back", "Next")
+    c.event("NewDialog", "SelectDirectoryDlg")
+"Next >", "Cancel")
+    c.mapping("SelectionNoItems", "Enabled")
+    c.event("SpawnDialog", "DiskCostDlg", "OutOfDiskSpace=1", order=1)
+    c.event("EndDialog", "Return", "OutOfDiskSpace<>1", order=2)
+    c=features.cancel("Cancel", "Tree")
+    c.event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg")
+    # The browse property is not used, since we have only a single target path (selected already)
+    features.control("Tree", "SelectionTree", 135, 75, 220, 95, 7, "_BrowseProperty",
+                     "Tree of selections", "Back", None)
+    #c=features.pushbutton("Reset", 42, 243, 56, 17, 3, "Reset", "DiskCost")
+    #c.mapping("SelectionNoItems", "Enabled")
+    #c.event("Reset", "0")
+    features.control("Box", "GroupBox", 135, 170, 225, 90, 1, None, None, None, None)
+    c=features.xbutton("DiskCost", "Disk &Usage", None, 0.10)
+    c.mapping("SelectionNoItems","Enabled")
+    c.event("SpawnDialog", "DiskCostDlg")
+    c=features.xbutton("Advanced", "Advanced", None, 0.30)
+    c.event("SpawnDialog", "AdvancedDlg")
+    c=features.text("ItemDescription", 140, 180, 210, 30, 3,
+                  "Multiline description of the currently selected item.")
+    c.mapping("SelectionDescription","Text")
+    c=features.text("ItemSize", 140, 210, 210, 45, 3,
+                    "The size of the currently selected item.")
+    c.mapping("SelectionSize", "Text")
+    #####################################################################
+    # Disk cost
+    cost = PyDialog(db, "DiskCostDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title,
+                    "OK", "OK", "OK", bitmap=False)
+    cost.text("Title", 15, 6, 200, 15, 0x30003,
+              "{\DlgFontBold8}Disk Space Requirements")
+    cost.text("Description", 20, 20, 280, 20, 0x30003,
+              "The disk space required for the installation of the selected features.")
+    cost.text("Text", 20, 53, 330, 60, 3,
+              "The highlighted volumes (if any) do not have enough disk space "
+              "available for the currently selected features.  You can either "
+              "remove some files from the highlighted volumes, or choose to "
+              "install less features onto local drive(s), or select different "
+              "destination drive(s).")
+    cost.control("VolumeList", "VolumeCostList", 20, 100, 330, 150, 393223,
+                 None, "{120}{70}{70}{70}{70}", None, None)
+    cost.xbutton("OK", "Ok", None, 0.5).event("EndDialog", "Return")
+    #####################################################################
+    # WhichUsers Dialog. Only available on NT, and for privileged users.
+    # This must be run before FindRelatedProducts, because that will
+    # take into account whether the previous installation was per-user
+    # or per-machine. We currently don't support going back to this
+    # dialog after "Next" was selected; to support this, we would need to
+    # find how to reset the ALLUSERS property, and how to re-run
+    # FindRelatedProducts.
+    # On Windows9x, the ALLUSERS property is ignored on the command line
+    # and in the Property table, but installer fails according to the documentation
+    # if a dialog attempts to set ALLUSERS.
+    whichusers = PyDialog(db, "WhichUsersDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title,
+                        "AdminInstall", "Next", "Cancel")
+    whichusers.title("Select whether to install [ProductName] for all users of this computer.")
+    # A radio group with two options: allusers, justme
+    g = whichusers.radiogroup("AdminInstall", 135, 60, 235, 80, 3,
+                              "WhichUsers", "", "Next")
+    g.condition("Disable", "VersionNT=600") # Not available on Vista and Windows 2008
+    g.add("ALL", 0, 5, 150, 20, "Install for all users")
+    g.add("JUSTME", 0, 25, 235, 20, "Install just for me (not available on Windows Vista)")
+    whichusers.back("Back", None, active=0)
+    c ="Next >", "Cancel")
+    c.event("[ALLUSERS]", "1", 'WhichUsers="ALL"', 1)
+    c.event("EndDialog", "Return", order = 2)
+    c = whichusers.cancel("Cancel", "AdminInstall")
+    c.event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg")
+    #####################################################################
+    # Advanced Dialog.
+    advanced = PyDialog(db, "AdvancedDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title,
+                        "CompilePyc", "Ok", "Ok")
+    advanced.title("Advanced Options for [ProductName]")
+    # A radio group with two options: allusers, justme
+    advanced.checkbox("CompilePyc", 135, 60, 230, 50, 3,
+                      "COMPILEALL", "Compile .py files to byte code after installation", "Ok")
+    c = advanced.cancel("Ok", "CompilePyc", name="Ok") # Button just has location of cancel button.
+    c.event("EndDialog", "Return")
+    #####################################################################
+    # Existing Directory dialog
+    dlg = Dialog(db, "ExistingDirectoryDlg", 50, 30, 200, 80, modal, title,
+                   "No", "No", "No")
+    dlg.text("Title", 10, 20, 180, 40, 3,
+             "[TARGETDIR] exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite existing files?")
+    c=dlg.pushbutton("Yes", 30, 60, 55, 17, 3, "Yes", "No")
+    c.event("[TargetExists]", "0", order=1)
+    c.event("[TargetExistsOk]", "1", order=2)
+    c.event("EndDialog", "Return", order=3)
+    c=dlg.pushbutton("No", 115, 60, 55, 17, 3, "No", "Yes")
+    c.event("EndDialog", "Return")
+    #####################################################################
+    # Installation Progress dialog (modeless)
+    progress = PyDialog(db, "ProgressDlg", x, y, w, h, modeless, title,
+                        "Cancel", "Cancel", "Cancel", bitmap=False)
+    progress.text("Title", 20, 15, 200, 15, 0x30003,
+                  "{\DlgFontBold8}[Progress1] [ProductName]")
+    progress.text("Text", 35, 65, 300, 30, 3,
+                  "Please wait while the Installer [Progress2] [ProductName]. "
+                  "This may take several minutes.")
+    progress.text("StatusLabel", 35, 100, 35, 20, 3, "Status:")
+    c=progress.text("ActionText", 70, 100, w-70, 20, 3, "Pondering...")
+    c.mapping("ActionText", "Text")
+    #c=progress.text("ActionData", 35, 140, 300, 20, 3, None)
+    #c.mapping("ActionData", "Text")
+    c=progress.control("ProgressBar", "ProgressBar", 35, 120, 300, 10, 65537,
+                       None, "Progress done", None, None)
+    c.mapping("SetProgress", "Progress")
+    progress.back("< Back", "Next", active=False)
+"Next >", "Cancel", active=False)
+    progress.cancel("Cancel", "Back").event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg")
+    # Maintenance type: repair/uninstall
+    maint = PyDialog(db, "MaintenanceTypeDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title,
+                     "Next", "Next", "Cancel")
+    maint.title("Welcome to the [ProductName] Setup Wizard")
+    maint.text("BodyText", 135, 63, 230, 42, 3,
+               "Select whether you want to repair or remove [ProductName].")
+    g=maint.radiogroup("RepairRadioGroup", 135, 108, 230, 60, 3,
+                        "MaintenanceForm_Action", "", "Next")
+    g.add("Change", 0, 0, 200, 17, "&Change [ProductName]")
+    g.add("Repair", 0, 18, 200, 17, "&Repair [ProductName]")
+    g.add("Remove", 0, 36, 200, 17, "Re&move [ProductName]")
+    maint.back("< Back", None, active=False)
+"Finish", "Cancel")
+    # Change installation: Change progress dialog to "Change", then ask
+    # for feature selection
+    c.event("[Progress1]", "Change", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Change"', 1)
+    c.event("[Progress2]", "changes", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Change"', 2)
+    # Reinstall: Change progress dialog to "Repair", then invoke reinstall
+    # Also set list of reinstalled features to "ALL"
+    c.event("[REINSTALL]", "ALL", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Repair"', 5)
+    c.event("[Progress1]", "Repairing", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Repair"', 6)
+    c.event("[Progress2]", "repairs", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Repair"', 7)
+    c.event("Reinstall", "ALL", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Repair"', 8)
+    # Uninstall: Change progress to "Remove", then invoke uninstall
+    # Also set list of removed features to "ALL"
+    c.event("[REMOVE]", "ALL", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Remove"', 11)
+    c.event("[Progress1]", "Removing", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Remove"', 12)
+    c.event("[Progress2]", "removes", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Remove"', 13)
+    c.event("Remove", "ALL", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Remove"', 14)
+    # Close dialog when maintenance action scheduled
+    c.event("EndDialog", "Return", 'MaintenanceForm_Action<>"Change"', 20)
+    c.event("NewDialog", "SelectFeaturesDlg", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Change"', 21)
+    maint.cancel("Cancel", "RepairRadioGroup").event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg")
+# See "Feature Table". The feature level is 1 for all features,
+# and the feature attributes are 0 for the DefaultFeature, and
+# FollowParent for all other features. The numbers are the Display
+# column.
+def add_features(db):
+    # feature attributes:
+    # msidbFeatureAttributesFollowParent == 2
+    # msidbFeatureAttributesDisallowAdvertise == 8
+    # Features that need to be installed with together with the main feature
+    # (i.e. additional Python libraries) need to follow the parent feature.
+    # Features that have no advertisement trigger (e.g. the test suite)
+    # must not support advertisement
+    global default_feature, tcltk, htmlfiles, tools, testsuite, ext_feature, private_crt
+    default_feature = Feature(db, "DefaultFeature", "Python",
+                              "Python Interpreter and Libraries",
+                              1, directory = "TARGETDIR")
+    shared_crt = Feature(db, "SharedCRT", "MSVCRT", "C Run-Time (system-wide)", 0,
+                         level=0)
+    private_crt = Feature(db, "PrivateCRT", "MSVCRT", "C Run-Time (private)", 0,
+                          level=0)
+    add_data(db, "Condition", [("SharedCRT", 1, sys32cond),
+                               ("PrivateCRT", 1, "not "+sys32cond)])
+    # We don't support advertisement of extensions
+    ext_feature = Feature(db, "Extensions", "Register Extensions",
+                          "Make this Python installation the default Python installation", 3,
+                         parent = default_feature, attributes=2|8)
+    if have_tcl:
+        tcltk = Feature(db, "TclTk", "Tcl/Tk", "Tkinter, IDLE, pydoc", 5,
+                    parent = default_feature, attributes=2)
+    htmlfiles = Feature(db, "Documentation", "Documentation",
+                        "Python HTMLHelp File", 7, parent = default_feature)
+    tools = Feature(db, "Tools", "Utility Scripts",
+                    "Python utility scripts (Tools/", 9,
+                    parent = default_feature, attributes=2)
+    testsuite = Feature(db, "Testsuite", "Test suite",
+                        "Python test suite (Lib/test/)", 11,
+                        parent = default_feature, attributes=2|8)
+def extract_msvcr90():
+    # Find the redistributable files
+    if msilib.Win64:
+        arch = "amd64"
+    else:
+        arch = "x86"
+    dir = os.path.join(os.environ['VS90COMNTOOLS'], r"..\..\VC\redist\%s\Microsoft.VC90.CRT" % arch)
+    result = []
+    installer = msilib.MakeInstaller()
+    # omit msvcm90 and msvcp90, as they aren't really needed
+    files = ["Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest", "msvcr90.dll"]
+    for f in files:
+        path = os.path.join(dir, f)
+        kw = {'src':path}
+        if f.endswith('.dll'):
+            kw['version'] = installer.FileVersion(path, 0)
+            kw['language'] = installer.FileVersion(path, 1)
+        result.append((f, kw))
+    return result
+def generate_license():
+    import shutil, glob
+    out = open("LICENSE.txt", "w")
+    shutil.copyfileobj(open(os.path.join(srcdir, "LICENSE")), out)
+    shutil.copyfileobj(open("crtlicense.txt"), out)
+    for name, pat, file in (("bzip2","bzip2-*", "LICENSE"),
+                      ("Berkeley DB", "db-*", "LICENSE"),
+                      ("openssl", "openssl-*", "LICENSE"),
+                      ("Tcl", "tcl8*", "license.terms"),
+                      ("Tk", "tk8*", "license.terms"),
+                      ("Tix", "tix-*", "license.terms")):
+        out.write("\nThis copy of Python includes a copy of %s, which is licensed under the following terms:\n\n" % name)
+        dirs = glob.glob(srcdir+"/../"+pat)
+        if not dirs:
+            raise ValueError, "Could not find "+srcdir+"/../"+pat
+        if len(dirs) > 2:
+            raise ValueError, "Multiple copies of "+pat
+        dir = dirs[0]
+        shutil.copyfileobj(open(os.path.join(dir, file)), out)
+    out.close()
+class PyDirectory(Directory):
+    """By default, all components in the Python installer
+    can run from source."""
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        if not kw.has_key("componentflags"):
+            kw['componentflags'] = 2 #msidbComponentAttributesOptional
+        Directory.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
+# See "File Table", "Component Table", "Directory Table",
+# "FeatureComponents Table"
+def add_files(db):
+    cab = CAB("python")
+    tmpfiles = []
+    # Add all executables, icons, text files into the TARGETDIR component
+    root = PyDirectory(db, cab, None, srcdir, "TARGETDIR", "SourceDir")
+    default_feature.set_current()
+    if not msilib.Win64:
+        root.add_file("%s/w9xpopen.exe" % PCBUILD)
+    root.add_file("README.txt", src="README")
+    root.add_file("NEWS.txt", src="Misc/NEWS")
+    generate_license()
+    root.add_file("LICENSE.txt", src=os.path.abspath("LICENSE.txt"))
+    root.start_component("python.exe", keyfile="python.exe")
+    root.add_file("%s/python.exe" % PCBUILD)
+    root.start_component("pythonw.exe", keyfile="pythonw.exe")
+    root.add_file("%s/pythonw.exe" % PCBUILD)
+    # msidbComponentAttributesSharedDllRefCount = 8, see "Component Table"
+    dlldir = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, srcdir, "DLLDIR", ".")
+    pydll = "python%s%s.dll" % (major, minor)
+    pydllsrc = os.path.join(srcdir, PCBUILD, pydll)
+    dlldir.start_component("DLLDIR", flags = 8, keyfile = pydll, uuid = pythondll_uuid)
+    installer = msilib.MakeInstaller()
+    pyversion = installer.FileVersion(pydllsrc, 0)
+    if not snapshot:
+        # For releases, the Python DLL has the same version as the
+        # installer package.
+        assert pyversion.split(".")[:3] == current_version.split(".")
+    dlldir.add_file("%s/python%s%s.dll" % (PCBUILD, major, minor),
+                    version=pyversion,
+                    language=installer.FileVersion(pydllsrc, 1))
+    DLLs = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, srcdir + "/" + PCBUILD, "DLLs", "DLLS|DLLs")
+    # msvcr90.dll: Need to place the DLL and the manifest into the root directory,
+    # plus another copy of the manifest in the DLLs directory, with the manifest
+    # pointing to the root directory
+    root.start_component("msvcr90", feature=private_crt)
+    # Results are ID,keyword pairs
+    manifest, crtdll = extract_msvcr90()
+    root.add_file(manifest[0], **manifest[1])
+    root.add_file(crtdll[0], **crtdll[1])
+    # Copy the manifest
+    # Actually, don't do that anymore - no DLL in DLLs should have a manifest
+    # dependency on msvcr90.dll anymore, so this should not be necessary
+    #manifest_dlls = manifest[0]+".root"
+    #open(manifest_dlls, "w").write(open(manifest[1]['src']).read().replace("msvcr","../msvcr"))
+    #DLLs.start_component("msvcr90_dlls", feature=private_crt)
+    #DLLs.add_file(manifest[0], src=os.path.abspath(manifest_dlls))
+    # Now start the main component for the DLLs directory;
+    # no regular files have been added to the directory yet.
+    DLLs.start_component()
+    # Check if _ctypes.pyd exists
+    have_ctypes = os.path.exists(srcdir+"/%s/_ctypes.pyd" % PCBUILD)
+    if not have_ctypes:
+        print "WARNING: _ctypes.pyd not found, ctypes will not be included"
+        extensions.remove("_ctypes.pyd")
+    # Add all .py files in Lib, except lib-tk, test
+    dirs={}
+    pydirs = [(root,"Lib")]
+    while pydirs:
+        # Commit every now and then, or else installer will complain
+        db.Commit()
+        parent, dir = pydirs.pop()
+        if dir == ".svn" or dir.startswith("plat-"):
+            continue
+        elif dir in ["lib-tk", "idlelib", "Icons"]:
+            if not have_tcl:
+                continue
+            tcltk.set_current()
+        elif dir in ['test', 'tests', 'data', 'output']:
+            # test: Lib, Lib/email, Lib/bsddb, Lib/ctypes, Lib/sqlite3
+            # tests: Lib/distutils
+            # data: Lib/email/test
+            # output: Lib/test
+            testsuite.set_current()
+        elif not have_ctypes and dir == "ctypes":
+            continue
+        else:
+            default_feature.set_current()
+        lib = PyDirectory(db, cab, parent, dir, dir, "%s|%s" % (parent.make_short(dir), dir))
+        # Add additional files
+        dirs[dir]=lib
+        lib.glob("*.txt")
+        if dir=='site-packages':
+            lib.add_file("README.txt", src="README")
+            continue
+        files = lib.glob("*.py")
+        files += lib.glob("*.pyw")
+        if files:
+            # Add an entry to the RemoveFile table to remove bytecode files.
+            lib.remove_pyc()
+        if dir.endswith('.egg-info'):
+            lib.add_file('entry_points.txt')
+            lib.add_file('PKG-INFO')
+            lib.add_file('top_level.txt')
+            lib.add_file('zip-safe')
+            continue
+        if dir=='test' and parent.physical=='Lib':
+            lib.add_file("185test.db")
+            lib.add_file("")
+            lib.add_file("cfgparser.1")
+            lib.add_file("sgml_input.html")
+            lib.add_file("test.xml")
+            lib.add_file("test.xml.out")
+            lib.add_file("testtar.tar")
+            lib.add_file("test_difflib_expect.html")
+            lib.add_file("check_soundcard.vbs")
+            lib.add_file("empty.vbs")
+            lib.glob("*.uue")
+            lib.glob("*.pem")
+            lib.glob("*.pck")
+            lib.add_file("readme.txt", src="README")
+        if dir=='decimaltestdata':
+            lib.glob("*.decTest")
+        if dir=='output':
+            lib.glob("test_*")
+        if dir=='idlelib':
+            lib.glob("*.def")
+            lib.add_file("idle.bat")
+        if dir=="Icons":
+            lib.glob("*.gif")
+            lib.add_file("idle.icns")
+        if dir=="command" and parent.physical=="distutils":
+            lib.glob("wininst*.exe")
+        if dir=="setuptools":
+            lib.add_file("cli.exe")
+            lib.add_file("gui.exe")
+        if dir=="lib2to3":
+            lib.removefile("pickle", "*.pickle")
+        if dir=="data" and parent.physical=="test" and parent.basedir.physical=="email":
+            # This should contain all non-.svn files listed in subversion
+            for f in os.listdir(lib.absolute):
+                if f.endswith(".txt") or f==".svn":continue
+                if f.endswith(".au") or f.endswith(".gif"):
+                    lib.add_file(f)
+                else:
+                    print "WARNING: New file %s in email/test/data" % f
+        for f in os.listdir(lib.absolute):
+            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(lib.absolute, f)):
+                pydirs.append((lib, f))
+    # Add DLLs
+    default_feature.set_current()
+    lib = DLLs
+    lib.add_file("py.ico", src=srcdir+"/PC/py.ico")
+    lib.add_file("pyc.ico", src=srcdir+"/PC/pyc.ico")
+    dlls = []
+    tclfiles = []
+    for f in extensions:
+        if f=="_tkinter.pyd":
+            continue
+        if not os.path.exists(srcdir + "/" + PCBUILD + "/" + f):
+            print "WARNING: Missing extension", f
+            continue
+        dlls.append(f)
+        lib.add_file(f)
+    # Add sqlite
+    if msilib.msi_type=="Intel64;1033":
+        sqlite_arch = "/ia64"
+    elif msilib.msi_type=="x64;1033":
+        sqlite_arch = "/amd64"
+        tclsuffix = "64"
+    else:
+        sqlite_arch = ""
+        tclsuffix = ""
+    lib.add_file("sqlite3.dll")
+    if have_tcl:
+        if not os.path.exists("%s/%s/_tkinter.pyd" % (srcdir, PCBUILD)):
+            print "WARNING: Missing _tkinter.pyd"
+        else:
+            lib.start_component("TkDLLs", tcltk)
+            lib.add_file("_tkinter.pyd")
+            dlls.append("_tkinter.pyd")
+            tcldir = os.path.normpath(srcdir+("/../tcltk%s/bin" % tclsuffix))
+            for f in glob.glob1(tcldir, "*.dll"):
+                lib.add_file(f, src=os.path.join(tcldir, f))
+    # check whether there are any unknown extensions
+    for f in glob.glob1(srcdir+"/"+PCBUILD, "*.pyd"):
+        if f.endswith("_d.pyd"): continue # debug version
+        if f in dlls: continue
+        print "WARNING: Unknown extension", f
+    # Add headers
+    default_feature.set_current()
+    lib = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, "include", "include", "INCLUDE|include")
+    lib.glob("*.h")
+    lib.add_file("pyconfig.h", src="../PC/pyconfig.h")
+    # Add import libraries
+    lib = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, PCBUILD, "libs", "LIBS|libs")
+    for f in dlls:
+        lib.add_file(f.replace('pyd','lib'))
+    lib.add_file('python%s%s.lib' % (major, minor))
+    # Add the mingw-format library
+    if have_mingw:
+        lib.add_file('libpython%s%s.a' % (major, minor))
+    if have_tcl:
+        # Add Tcl/Tk
+        tcldirs = [(root, '../tcltk%s/lib' % tclsuffix, 'tcl')]
+        tcltk.set_current()
+        while tcldirs:
+            parent, phys, dir = tcldirs.pop()
+            lib = PyDirectory(db, cab, parent, phys, dir, "%s|%s" % (parent.make_short(dir), dir))
+            if not os.path.exists(lib.absolute):
+                continue
+            for f in os.listdir(lib.absolute):
+                if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(lib.absolute, f)):
+                    tcldirs.append((lib, f, f))
+                else:
+                    lib.add_file(f)
+    # Add tools
+    tools.set_current()
+    tooldir = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, "Tools", "Tools", "TOOLS|Tools")
+    for f in ['i18n', 'pynche', 'Scripts', 'versioncheck', 'webchecker']:
+        lib = PyDirectory(db, cab, tooldir, f, f, "%s|%s" % (tooldir.make_short(f), f))
+        lib.glob("*.py")
+        lib.glob("*.pyw", exclude=['pydocgui.pyw'])
+        lib.remove_pyc()
+        lib.glob("*.txt")
+        if f == "pynche":
+            x = PyDirectory(db, cab, lib, "X", "X", "X|X")
+            x.glob("*.txt")
+        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(lib.absolute, "README")):
+            lib.add_file("README.txt", src="README")
+        if f == 'Scripts':
+            lib.add_file("", src="2to3")
+            if have_tcl:
+                lib.start_component("pydocgui.pyw", tcltk, keyfile="pydocgui.pyw")
+                lib.add_file("pydocgui.pyw")
+    # Add documentation
+    htmlfiles.set_current()
+    lib = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, "Doc", "Doc", "DOC|Doc")
+    lib.start_component("documentation", keyfile=docfile)
+    lib.add_file(docfile, src="build/htmlhelp/"+docfile)
+    cab.commit(db)
+    for f in tmpfiles:
+        os.unlink(f)
+# See "Registry Table", "Component Table"
+def add_registry(db):
+    # File extensions, associated with the REGISTRY.def component
+    # IDLE verbs depend on the tcltk feature.
+    # msidbComponentAttributesRegistryKeyPath = 4
+    # -1 for Root specifies "dependent on ALLUSERS property"
+    tcldata = []
+    if have_tcl:
+        tcldata = [
+            ("REGISTRY.tcl", msilib.gen_uuid(), "TARGETDIR", registry_component, None,
+             "py.IDLE")]
+    add_data(db, "Component",
+             # msidbComponentAttributesRegistryKeyPath = 4
+             [("REGISTRY", msilib.gen_uuid(), "TARGETDIR", registry_component, None,
+               "InstallPath"),
+              ("REGISTRY.doc", msilib.gen_uuid(), "TARGETDIR", registry_component, None,
+               "Documentation"),
+              ("REGISTRY.def", msilib.gen_uuid(), "TARGETDIR", registry_component,
+               None, None)] + tcldata)
+    # See "FeatureComponents Table".
+    # The association between TclTk and pythonw.exe is necessary to make ICE59
+    # happy, because the installer otherwise believes that the IDLE and PyDoc
+    # shortcuts might get installed without pythonw.exe being install. This
+    # is not true, since installing TclTk will install the default feature, which
+    # will cause pythonw.exe to be installed.
+    # REGISTRY.tcl is not associated with any feature, as it will be requested
+    # through a custom action
+    tcldata = []
+    if have_tcl:
+        tcldata = [(, "pythonw.exe")]
+    add_data(db, "FeatureComponents",
+             [(, "REGISTRY"),
+              (, "REGISTRY.doc"),
+              (, "REGISTRY.def")] +
+              tcldata
+              )
+    # Extensions are not advertised. For advertised extensions,
+    # we would need separate binaries that install along with the
+    # extension.
+    pat = r"Software\Classes\%sPython.%sFile\shell\%s\command"
+    ewi = "Edit with IDLE"
+    pat2 = r"Software\Classes\%sPython.%sFile\DefaultIcon"
+    pat3 = r"Software\Classes\%sPython.%sFile"
+    pat4 = r"Software\Classes\%sPython.%sFile\shellex\DropHandler"
+    tcl_verbs = []
+    if have_tcl:
+        tcl_verbs=[
+             ("py.IDLE", -1, pat % (testprefix, "", ewi), "",
+              r'"[TARGETDIR]pythonw.exe" "[TARGETDIR]Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw" -n -e "%1"',
+              "REGISTRY.tcl"),
+             ("pyw.IDLE", -1, pat % (testprefix, "NoCon", ewi), "",
+              r'"[TARGETDIR]pythonw.exe" "[TARGETDIR]Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw" -n -e "%1"',
+              "REGISTRY.tcl"),
+        ]
+    add_data(db, "Registry",
+            [# Extensions
+             ("py.ext", -1, r"Software\Classes\."+ext, "",
+              "Python.File", "REGISTRY.def"),
+             ("pyw.ext", -1, r"Software\Classes\."+ext+'w', "",
+              "Python.NoConFile", "REGISTRY.def"),
+             ("pyc.ext", -1, r"Software\Classes\."+ext+'c', "",
+              "Python.CompiledFile", "REGISTRY.def"),
+             ("pyo.ext", -1, r"Software\Classes\."+ext+'o', "",
+              "Python.CompiledFile", "REGISTRY.def"),
+             # MIME types
+             ("py.mime", -1, r"Software\Classes\."+ext, "Content Type",
+              "text/plain", "REGISTRY.def"),
+             ("pyw.mime", -1, r"Software\Classes\."+ext+'w', "Content Type",
+              "text/plain", "REGISTRY.def"),
+             #Verbs
+             ("", -1, pat % (testprefix, "", "open"), "",
+              r'"[TARGETDIR]python.exe" "%1" %*', "REGISTRY.def"),
+             ("", -1, pat % (testprefix, "NoCon", "open"), "",
+              r'"[TARGETDIR]pythonw.exe" "%1" %*', "REGISTRY.def"),
+             ("", -1, pat % (testprefix, "Compiled", "open"), "",
+              r'"[TARGETDIR]python.exe" "%1" %*', "REGISTRY.def"),
+             ] + tcl_verbs + [
+             #Icons
+             ("py.icon", -1, pat2 % (testprefix, ""), "",
+              r'[DLLs]py.ico', "REGISTRY.def"),
+             ("pyw.icon", -1, pat2 % (testprefix, "NoCon"), "",
+              r'[DLLs]py.ico', "REGISTRY.def"),
+             ("pyc.icon", -1, pat2 % (testprefix, "Compiled"), "",
+              r'[DLLs]pyc.ico', "REGISTRY.def"),
+             # Descriptions
+             ("py.txt", -1, pat3 % (testprefix, ""), "",
+              "Python File", "REGISTRY.def"),
+             ("pyw.txt", -1, pat3 % (testprefix, "NoCon"), "",
+              "Python File (no console)", "REGISTRY.def"),
+             ("pyc.txt", -1, pat3 % (testprefix, "Compiled"), "",
+              "Compiled Python File", "REGISTRY.def"),
+             # Drop Handler
+             ("py.drop", -1, pat4 % (testprefix, ""), "",
+              "{60254CA5-953B-11CF-8C96-00AA00B8708C}", "REGISTRY.def"),
+             ("pyw.drop", -1, pat4 % (testprefix, "NoCon"), "",
+              "{60254CA5-953B-11CF-8C96-00AA00B8708C}", "REGISTRY.def"),
+             ("pyc.drop", -1, pat4 % (testprefix, "Compiled"), "",
+              "{60254CA5-953B-11CF-8C96-00AA00B8708C}", "REGISTRY.def"),
+            ])
+    # Registry keys
+    prefix = r"Software\%sPython\PythonCore\%s" % (testprefix, short_version)
+    add_data(db, "Registry",
+             [("InstallPath", -1, prefix+r"\InstallPath", "", "[TARGETDIR]", "REGISTRY"),
+              ("InstallGroup", -1, prefix+r"\InstallPath\InstallGroup", "",
+               "Python %s" % short_version, "REGISTRY"),
+              ("PythonPath", -1, prefix+r"\PythonPath", "",
+               r"[TARGETDIR]Lib;[TARGETDIR]DLLs;[TARGETDIR]Lib\lib-tk", "REGISTRY"),
+              ("Documentation", -1, prefix+r"\Help\Main Python Documentation", "",
+               "[TARGETDIR]Doc\\"+docfile , "REGISTRY.doc"),
+              ("Modules", -1, prefix+r"\Modules", "+", None, "REGISTRY"),
+              ("AppPaths", -1, r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Python.exe",
+               "", r"[TARGETDIR]Python.exe", "REGISTRY.def"),
+              ("DisplayIcon", -1,
+               r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%s" % product_code,
+               "DisplayIcon", "[TARGETDIR]python.exe", "REGISTRY.def")
+              ])
+    # Shortcuts, see "Shortcut Table"
+    add_data(db, "Directory",
+             [("ProgramMenuFolder", "TARGETDIR", "."),
+              ("MenuDir", "ProgramMenuFolder", "PY%s%s|%sPython %s.%s" % (major,minor,testprefix,major,minor))])
+    add_data(db, "RemoveFile",
+             [("MenuDir", "TARGETDIR", None, "MenuDir", 2)])
+    tcltkshortcuts = []
+    if have_tcl:
+        tcltkshortcuts = [
+              ("IDLE", "MenuDir", "IDLE|IDLE (Python GUI)", "pythonw.exe",
+     , r'"[TARGETDIR]Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw"', None, None, "python_icon.exe", 0, None, "TARGETDIR"),
+              ("PyDoc", "MenuDir", "MODDOCS|Module Docs", "pythonw.exe",
+     , r'"[TARGETDIR]Tools\scripts\pydocgui.pyw"', None, None, "python_icon.exe", 0, None, "TARGETDIR"),
+              ]
+    add_data(db, "Shortcut",
+             tcltkshortcuts +
+             [# Advertised shortcuts: targets are features, not files
+              ("Python", "MenuDir", "PYTHON|Python (command line)", "python.exe",
+     , None, None, None, "python_icon.exe", 2, None, "TARGETDIR"),
+              # Advertising the Manual breaks on (some?) Win98, and the shortcut lacks an
+              # icon first.
+              #("Manual", "MenuDir", "MANUAL|Python Manuals", "documentation",
+              #, None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
+              ## Non-advertised shortcuts: must be associated with a registry component
+              ("Manual", "MenuDir", "MANUAL|Python Manuals", "REGISTRY.doc",
+               "[#%s]" % docfile, None,
+               None, None, None, None, None, None),
+              ("Uninstall", "MenuDir", "UNINST|Uninstall Python", "REGISTRY",
+               SystemFolderName+"msiexec",  "/x%s" % product_code,
+               None, None, None, None, None, None),
+              ])
+    db.Commit()
+db = build_database()
+    add_features(db)
+    add_ui(db)
+    add_files(db)
+    add_registry(db)
+    remove_old_versions(db)
+    db.Commit()
+    del db