changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-win32-2.6.1/lib/	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+"""Utilities for comparing files and directories.
+    dircmp
+    cmp(f1, f2, shallow=1) -> int
+    cmpfiles(a, b, common) -> ([], [], [])
+import os
+import stat
+from itertools import ifilter, ifilterfalse, imap, izip
+__all__ = ["cmp","dircmp","cmpfiles"]
+_cache = {}
+def cmp(f1, f2, shallow=1):
+    """Compare two files.
+    Arguments:
+    f1 -- First file name
+    f2 -- Second file name
+    shallow -- Just check stat signature (do not read the files).
+               defaults to 1.
+    Return value:
+    True if the files are the same, False otherwise.
+    This function uses a cache for past comparisons and the results,
+    with a cache invalidation mechanism relying on stale signatures.
+    """
+    s1 = _sig(os.stat(f1))
+    s2 = _sig(os.stat(f2))
+    if s1[0] != stat.S_IFREG or s2[0] != stat.S_IFREG:
+        return False
+    if shallow and s1 == s2:
+        return True
+    if s1[1] != s2[1]:
+        return False
+    result = _cache.get((f1, f2))
+    if result and (s1, s2) == result[:2]:
+        return result[2]
+    outcome = _do_cmp(f1, f2)
+    _cache[f1, f2] = s1, s2, outcome
+    return outcome
+def _sig(st):
+    return (stat.S_IFMT(st.st_mode),
+            st.st_size,
+            st.st_mtime)
+def _do_cmp(f1, f2):
+    bufsize = BUFSIZE
+    fp1 = open(f1, 'rb')
+    fp2 = open(f2, 'rb')
+    while True:
+        b1 =
+        b2 =
+        if b1 != b2:
+            return False
+        if not b1:
+            return True
+# Directory comparison class.
+class dircmp:
+    """A class that manages the comparison of 2 directories.
+    dircmp(a,b,ignore=None,hide=None)
+      A and B are directories.
+      IGNORE is a list of names to ignore,
+        defaults to ['RCS', 'CVS', 'tags'].
+      HIDE is a list of names to hide,
+        defaults to [os.curdir, os.pardir].
+    High level usage:
+      x = dircmp(dir1, dir2)
+ -> prints a report on the differences between dir1 and dir2
+       or
+      x.report_partial_closure() -> prints report on differences between dir1
+            and dir2, and reports on common immediate subdirectories.
+      x.report_full_closure() -> like report_partial_closure,
+            but fully recursive.
+    Attributes:
+     left_list, right_list: The files in dir1 and dir2,
+        filtered by hide and ignore.
+     common: a list of names in both dir1 and dir2.
+     left_only, right_only: names only in dir1, dir2.
+     common_dirs: subdirectories in both dir1 and dir2.
+     common_files: files in both dir1 and dir2.
+     common_funny: names in both dir1 and dir2 where the type differs between
+        dir1 and dir2, or the name is not stat-able.
+     same_files: list of identical files.
+     diff_files: list of filenames which differ.
+     funny_files: list of files which could not be compared.
+     subdirs: a dictionary of dircmp objects, keyed by names in common_dirs.
+     """
+    def __init__(self, a, b, ignore=None, hide=None): # Initialize
+        self.left = a
+        self.right = b
+        if hide is None:
+            self.hide = [os.curdir, os.pardir] # Names never to be shown
+        else:
+            self.hide = hide
+        if ignore is None:
+            self.ignore = ['RCS', 'CVS', 'tags'] # Names ignored in comparison
+        else:
+            self.ignore = ignore
+    def phase0(self): # Compare everything except common subdirectories
+        self.left_list = _filter(os.listdir(self.left),
+                                 self.hide+self.ignore)
+        self.right_list = _filter(os.listdir(self.right),
+                                  self.hide+self.ignore)
+        self.left_list.sort()
+        self.right_list.sort()
+    def phase1(self): # Compute common names
+        a = dict(izip(imap(os.path.normcase, self.left_list), self.left_list))
+        b = dict(izip(imap(os.path.normcase, self.right_list), self.right_list))
+        self.common = map(a.__getitem__, ifilter(b.__contains__, a))
+        self.left_only = map(a.__getitem__, ifilterfalse(b.__contains__, a))
+        self.right_only = map(b.__getitem__, ifilterfalse(a.__contains__, b))
+    def phase2(self): # Distinguish files, directories, funnies
+        self.common_dirs = []
+        self.common_files = []
+        self.common_funny = []
+        for x in self.common:
+            a_path = os.path.join(self.left, x)
+            b_path = os.path.join(self.right, x)
+            ok = 1
+            try:
+                a_stat = os.stat(a_path)
+            except os.error, why:
+                # print 'Can\'t stat', a_path, ':', why[1]
+                ok = 0
+            try:
+                b_stat = os.stat(b_path)
+            except os.error, why:
+                # print 'Can\'t stat', b_path, ':', why[1]
+                ok = 0
+            if ok:
+                a_type = stat.S_IFMT(a_stat.st_mode)
+                b_type = stat.S_IFMT(b_stat.st_mode)
+                if a_type != b_type:
+                    self.common_funny.append(x)
+                elif stat.S_ISDIR(a_type):
+                    self.common_dirs.append(x)
+                elif stat.S_ISREG(a_type):
+                    self.common_files.append(x)
+                else:
+                    self.common_funny.append(x)
+            else:
+                self.common_funny.append(x)
+    def phase3(self): # Find out differences between common files
+        xx = cmpfiles(self.left, self.right, self.common_files)
+        self.same_files, self.diff_files, self.funny_files = xx
+    def phase4(self): # Find out differences between common subdirectories
+        # A new dircmp object is created for each common subdirectory,
+        # these are stored in a dictionary indexed by filename.
+        # The hide and ignore properties are inherited from the parent
+        self.subdirs = {}
+        for x in self.common_dirs:
+            a_x = os.path.join(self.left, x)
+            b_x = os.path.join(self.right, x)
+            self.subdirs[x]  = dircmp(a_x, b_x, self.ignore, self.hide)
+    def phase4_closure(self): # Recursively call phase4() on subdirectories
+        self.phase4()
+        for sd in self.subdirs.itervalues():
+            sd.phase4_closure()
+    def report(self): # Print a report on the differences between a and b
+        # Output format is purposely lousy
+        print 'diff', self.left, self.right
+        if self.left_only:
+            self.left_only.sort()
+            print 'Only in', self.left, ':', self.left_only
+        if self.right_only:
+            self.right_only.sort()
+            print 'Only in', self.right, ':', self.right_only
+        if self.same_files:
+            self.same_files.sort()
+            print 'Identical files :', self.same_files
+        if self.diff_files:
+            self.diff_files.sort()
+            print 'Differing files :', self.diff_files
+        if self.funny_files:
+            self.funny_files.sort()
+            print 'Trouble with common files :', self.funny_files
+        if self.common_dirs:
+            self.common_dirs.sort()
+            print 'Common subdirectories :', self.common_dirs
+        if self.common_funny:
+            self.common_funny.sort()
+            print 'Common funny cases :', self.common_funny
+    def report_partial_closure(self): # Print reports on self and on subdirs
+        for sd in self.subdirs.itervalues():
+            print
+    def report_full_closure(self): # Report on self and subdirs recursively
+        for sd in self.subdirs.itervalues():
+            print
+            sd.report_full_closure()
+    methodmap = dict(subdirs=phase4,
+                     same_files=phase3, diff_files=phase3, funny_files=phase3,
+                     common_dirs = phase2, common_files=phase2, common_funny=phase2,
+                     common=phase1, left_only=phase1, right_only=phase1,
+                     left_list=phase0, right_list=phase0)
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        if attr not in self.methodmap:
+            raise AttributeError, attr
+        self.methodmap[attr](self)
+        return getattr(self, attr)
+def cmpfiles(a, b, common, shallow=1):
+    """Compare common files in two directories.
+    a, b -- directory names
+    common -- list of file names found in both directories
+    shallow -- if true, do comparison based solely on stat() information
+    Returns a tuple of three lists:
+      files that compare equal
+      files that are different
+      filenames that aren't regular files.
+    """
+    res = ([], [], [])
+    for x in common:
+        ax = os.path.join(a, x)
+        bx = os.path.join(b, x)
+        res[_cmp(ax, bx, shallow)].append(x)
+    return res
+# Compare two files.
+# Return:
+#       0 for equal
+#       1 for different
+#       2 for funny cases (can't stat, etc.)
+def _cmp(a, b, sh, abs=abs, cmp=cmp):
+    try:
+        return not abs(cmp(a, b, sh))
+    except os.error:
+        return 2
+# Return a copy with items that occur in skip removed.
+def _filter(flist, skip):
+    return list(ifilterfalse(skip.__contains__, flist))
+# Demonstration and testing.
+def demo():
+    import sys
+    import getopt
+    options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'r')
+    if len(args) != 2:
+        raise getopt.GetoptError('need exactly two args', None)
+    dd = dircmp(args[0], args[1])
+    if ('-r', '') in options:
+        dd.report_full_closure()
+    else:
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    demo()