changeset 74 eb3d0111f868
child 93 07b904f40417
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/qemu-symbian-svp/plugins/	Thu May 27 00:38:17 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# A simple non volatile memory device nvmemory.dll python wrapper
+# Represents a non volatile memory device register interface for quest OS in QEMU Syborg environment.
+# Gets the following from devicetree (.dtb configuration file) 
+#       drive_size - the size of the non volatile memory array to be created if there is no such thing available when the system is started
+#       sector_size - the size of the sector for the memory device
+#       drive_image_name - the name of the image to be used
+# Creates an empty image of specified size and name if there is not image available when the system is started
+import ctypes
+import qemu
+import sys
+import os
+import array
+class syborg_nvmemorydevice(qemu.devclass):
+    # 256 MB default empty drive size if there is no readymade image available
+    DEFAULT_DRIVE_SIZE = 0x10000000
+    DRIVE_NAME = "qemudrive.img"
+    DRIVE_PATH = "nvmemory"
+    # Memory device registers
+    R_NVMEM_ID                                = 0x0000
+    R_NVMEM_TRANSACTION_OFFSET                = 0x0004
+    R_NVMEM_TRANSACTION_SIZE                  = 0x0008
+    R_NVMEM_TRANSACTION_DIRECTION             = 0x000c
+    R_NVMEM_TRANSACTION_EXECUTE               = 0x0010
+    R_NVMEM_SHARED_MEMORY_BASE                = 0x0014
+    R_NVMEM_NV_MEMORY_SIZE                    = 0x0018
+    R_NVMEM_SHARED_MEMORY_SIZE                = 0x001c
+    R_NVMEM_STATUS                            = 0x0020
+    R_NVMEM_ENABLE                            = 0x0024
+    R_NVMEM_LASTREG                           = 0x0028  # not a register, address of last register
+    NVMEM_TRANSACTION_READ              = 1
+    NVMEM_TRANSACTION_WRITE             = 2
+    # Variables to store the information for current transaction
+    shared_memory_base                  = 0
+    shared_memory_size                  = 0
+    transaction_offset                  = 0
+    transaction_size                    = 0
+    transaction_direction               = 0
+    # Variables to validate transaction
+    transaction_offset_set              = 0
+    transaction_size_set                = 0
+    transaction_direction_set           = 0
+    nvmemory_sector_count                = 0
+    drive_size                          = 0
+    sector_size                         = 0
+    drive_image_name                    = ""
+    def create(self):
+        print "syborg_nvmemorydevice: create\n"
+        # Get properties
+        self.drive_size =["drive_size"]
+        self.sector_size =["sector_size"]
+        self.drive_image_name =["drive_image_name"]
+        print "drive size: ", self.drive_size
+        print "sector size: ", self.sector_size
+        print "drive name: ", self.drive_image_name
+        drive_path_and_name = self.DRIVE_PATH + "\\" + self.drive_image_name 
+        # Save working directory
+        self.working_dir = os.getcwd()
+        # Open the nvmemory library
+        try:
+            self.nvmemlib = ctypes.CDLL("nvmemmory.dll")
+        except:
+            sys.exit("syborg_nvmemorydevice: nvmemmory.dll load failed")
+        # Create an instance of non volatile memory handler class
+        self.obj = self.nvmemlib.nvmem_create( self.sector_size )
+        self.nvmemlib.nvmem_reset( self.obj )
+        # Create drive image path
+        try:
+            print "syborg_nvmemorydevice: Check drive image path\n"
+            os.mkdir( self.DRIVE_PATH )
+        except:
+            # Here we could check why we failed - usually because the path already exists \n"
+            pass
+        try:
+            self.filehandle = drive_path_and_name, os.O_RDWR|os.O_BINARY )
+            os.close( self.filehandle )
+        except:
+            print "syborg_nvmemorydevice: drive image not found - create\n"
+            self.filehandle = open( drive_path_and_name, "wb" )
+            # Initialize file with zeroes. This may take a while
+            temparray = array.array("B", [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])
+            arraylength = temparray.buffer_info()[1] * temparray.itemsize
+            multiplier = self.drive_size / arraylength / 128
+            temparray = temparray * multiplier
+            arraylength = temparray.buffer_info()[1] * temparray.itemsize
+            print "array length: ", arraylength
+            index = 0
+            while index < 128:
+                temparray.tofile(self.filehandle)
+                index = index+1
+        # Create path and get handle to the raw memory array
+        imagepath = self.working_dir + "\\" + drive_path_and_name
+        print "imagepath: ", imagepath
+        self.nvmemhandle = self.nvmemlib.nvmem_open( self.obj, imagepath )
+        if( self.nvmemhandle < 0 ):
+            error_msg = "syborg_nvmemorydevice: nvmem_open error: ", self.nvmemhandle
+            sys.exit( error_msg )
+        # Initialize callback and get memory sector count
+        self.initialize_nvmem_callback()
+        self.nvmemory_sector_count = self.nvmemlib.nvmem_get_sector_count( self.obj, self.nvmemhandle )
+        print "syborg_nvmemorydevice: created\n"
+    def updateIrq(self,new_value):
+        self.set_irq_level(0, new_value)
+    def nvmem_request_callback(self, result):
+        #print "graphics_request_callback: " , result
+        self.status_reg = result
+        self.updateIrq(1)
+        return 0
+    def initialize_nvmem_callback(self):
+        self.CALLBACKFUNC = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int)
+        self.nvmem_callback = self.CALLBACKFUNC(self.nvmem_request_callback)
+        self.nvmemlib.nvmem_set_callback( self.obj, self.nvmem_callback )
+    def read_reg(self, offset):
+        offset >>= 2
+        #print "read register: 0x%x" % (offset) 
+        if offset == self.R_NVMEM_ID:
+            return 0xDEADBEEF
+        elif offset == self.R_NVMEM_TRANSACTION_OFFSET:
+            return self.transaction_offset
+        elif offset == self.R_NVMEM_TRANSACTION_SIZE:
+            return self.transaction_size
+        elif offset == self.R_NVMEM_TRANSACTION_DIRECTION:
+            return self.transaction_direction
+        elif offset == self.R_NVMEM_SHARED_MEMORY_BASE:
+            return self.shared_memory_base
+        elif offset == self.R_NVMEM_SHARED_MEMORY_SIZE:
+            return self.shared_memory_size
+        elif offset == self.R_NVMEM_NV_MEMORY_SIZE:
+            return self.nvmemory_sector_count
+        elif offset == self.R_NVMEM_STATUS:
+            self.updateIrq(0)
+            return self.status_reg
+        else:
+            reg_read_error = "syborg_nvmemorydevice: Illegal register read at: ", offset 
+            sys.exit( reg_read_error )
+    def write_reg(self, offset, value):
+        offset >>= 2
+        #print "write register: 0x%x value: 0x%x" % (offset, value) 
+        if offset == self.R_NVMEM_TRANSACTION_OFFSET:
+            self.transaction_offset = value
+            self.transaction_offset_set = 1
+        elif offset == self.R_NVMEM_TRANSACTION_SIZE:
+            self.transaction_size = value
+            self.transaction_size_set = 1
+        elif offset == self.R_NVMEM_TRANSACTION_DIRECTION:
+            self.transaction_direction = value
+            self.transaction_direction_set = 1
+        elif offset == self.R_NVMEM_TRANSACTION_EXECUTE:
+            if( (self.transaction_offset_set == 0) | (self.transaction_size_set == 0) | (self.transaction_direction_set == 0) ):
+                error_msg = "syborg_nvmemorydevice: Illegal transaction! All the required parameters are not set" 
+                sys.exit( error_msg )
+            elif(self.transaction_size == 0 ):
+                error_msg = "syborg_nvmemorydevice: Zero size transaction issued!" 
+                sys.exit( error_msg )
+            else:
+                if( self.transaction_direction == self.NVMEM_TRANSACTION_READ ):
+                    self.nvmemlib.nvmem_read(  self.obj, self.nvmemory_sharedmemory_host_address, self.nvmemhandle, self.transaction_offset, self.transaction_size )
+                elif( self.transaction_direction == self.NVMEM_TRANSACTION_WRITE ):
+                    self.nvmemlib.nvmem_write(  self.obj, self.nvmemory_sharedmemory_host_address, self.nvmemhandle, self.transaction_offset, self.transaction_size )
+                else:
+                    error_msg = "syborg_nvmemorydevice: Transaction direction not set!" 
+                    sys.exit( error_msg )
+                self.transaction_offset_set = 0
+                self.transaction_size_set = 0
+                self.transaction_direction_set = 0
+        elif offset == self.R_NVMEM_SHARED_MEMORY_BASE:
+            self.shared_memory_base = value
+        elif offset == self.R_NVMEM_SHARED_MEMORY_SIZE:
+            self.shared_memory_size = value
+        elif offset == self.R_NVMEM_ENABLE:
+            if( value > 0 ):
+                self.nvmemory_memregion = qemu.memregion( self.shared_memory_base, self.shared_memory_size )
+                self.nvmemory_sharedmemory_host_address = self.nvmemory_memregion.region_host_addr()
+                print"syborg_nvmemorydevice: host addr: 0x%08x" % (self.nvmemory_sharedmemory_host_address)
+        else:
+            reg_write_error = "syborg_nvmemorydevice: Illegal register write to: ", offset 
+            sys.exit( reg_write_error )
+    # Device class properties
+    regions = [qemu.ioregion(0x1000, readl=read_reg, writel=write_reg)]
+    irqs = 1
+    name = "syborg,nvmemorydevice"
+    properties = {"drive_size":DEFAULT_DRIVE_SIZE, "sector_size":DEVICE_SECTOR_SIZE, "drive_image_name":DRIVE_NAME}