author Gareth Stockwell <>
Wed, 22 Sep 2010 15:40:40 +0100
changeset 111 345f1c88c950
parent 98 23e14cbcf117
child 114 19c4533e1567
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixes to syborg-graphicswrapper.vcproj These changes allow syborg-graphicswrapper to link against the hostthreadadapter and khronosapiwrapper libraries built by the graphics.simulator component. The .vcproj file uses relative paths, which requires that the following three packages are laid out as follows: os/ graphics adapt/ graphics.simulator qemu

;* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
;* All rights reserved.
;* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
;* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
;* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
;* at the URL "".
;* Initial Contributors:
;* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
;* Contributors:
;* Description:
		GBLL	__VARIANT_S__       ; indicates that this is platform-specific code
		GBLL	__SYBORG_S__		; indicates which source file this is

        IMPORT	ResetEntry
        AREA |Boot$$Code|, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=6
; Initialise Hardware
;	Determine the hardware configuration
;	Determine the reset reason. If it is wakeup from a low power mode, perform
;		whatever reentry sequence is required and jump back to the kernel.
;	Set up the memory controller so that at least some RAM is available
;	Set R10 to point to the super page or to a temporary version of the super page
;		with at least the following fields valid:
;		iBootTable, iCodeBase, iActiveVariant, iCpuId
;	Initialise the debug serial port
; Enter with:
;	R12 points to TRomHeader
;	R14 = return address (as usual)
; All registers may be modified by this call
	EXPORT	InitialiseHardware
InitialiseHardware	ROUT
		mov		r13, lr							    ; save return address

		adrl	r1, ParameterTable	        ; pass address of parameter table
		bl		InitCpu				        ; initialise CPU/MMU registers
; DoInitialise Hardware
;	Initialise CPU registers
;	Determine the hardware configuration
;	Determine the reset reason. If it is wakeup from a low power mode, perform
;		whatever reentry sequence is required and jump back to the kernel.
;	Set up the memory controller so that at least some RAM is available
;	Set R10 to point to the super page or to a temporary version of the super page
;		with at least the following fields valid:
;		iBootTable, iCodeBase, iActiveVariant, iCpuId
;	In debug builds initialise the debug serial port
; Enter with:
;	R12 points to TRomHeader
;	R13 = return address (as usual)
; All registers may be modified by this call
DoInitialiseHardware	ROUT
; Hardware memory size is 128MB - 32MB reserved for bootloader
		mov		r4, #KHwRamSizeMb

		bl		InitDebugPort

		ldr		r7, =CFG_HWVD					; variant number

		lsl		r10, r4, #20				    ; R10 = top of RAM
		sub		r10, #0x2000				    ; put super page at end for now

; Set up the required super page values
		str		r7, [r10, #SSuperPageBase_iActiveVariant]

		mov		r1, #0
		str		r1, [r10, #SSuperPageBase_iHwStartupReason]	; reset reason (from hardware)

		add		r1, r10, #CpuPageOffset
		str		r1, [r10, #SSuperPageBase_iMachineData]
		bl		GetBootTableAddress
		str		r0, [r10, #SSuperPageBase_iBootTable]		; set the boot function table
		str		r12, [r10, #SSuperPageBase_iCodeBase]		; set the base address of bootstrap code
		mrc		p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 0						; read CPU ID from CP15 (remove if no CP15)
		str		r0, [r10, #SSuperPageBase_iCpuId]

		mov		r0, r13
		add		sp, r10, #CpuBootStackTop		            ; set up a boot stack
		push    {r0}						                ; save return address
		bl		DoInitHw2						            ; any extra CPU-dependent stuff
		ldr		r7, [r10, #SSuperPageBase_iActiveVariant]
		DWORD	r7, "ActiveVariant"

		pop     {pc}						                ; return

DoInitHw2	ROUT
		mrc		p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 0
		mrc		p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 1
		DWORD	r0, "CacheType"
		mrc		p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 2
		DWORD	r0, "TCMType"
		mrc		p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 3
		DWORD	r0, "TLBType"
        bx      lr

; Get a pointer to the list of hardware banks
; The pointer returned should point to a list of hardware banks declared with
; the HW_MAPPING and/or HW_MAPPING_EXT macros. A zero word terminates the list.
; For the direct memory model, all hardware on the system should be mapped here
; and the mapping will set linear address = physical address.
; For the moving or multiple model, only the hardware required to boot the kernel
; and do debug tracing needs to be mapped here. The linear addresses used will
; start at KPrimaryIOBase and step up as required with the order of banks in
; the list being maintained in the linear addresses used.
;	This declares a block of I/O with physical base PB and address range SIZE
;	blocks each of which has a size determined by MULT. The page size used for
;	the mapping is determined by MULT. The linear address base of the mapping
;	will be the next free linear address rounded up to the size specified by
;	The permissions used for the mapping are the standard I/O permissions (BTP_Hw).
;	This declares a block of I/O with physical base PB and address range SIZE
;	blocks each of which has a size determined by MULT. The page size used for
;	the mapping is determined by MULT. The linear address base of the mapping
;	will be the next free linear address rounded up to the size specified by
;	The permissions used for the mapping are determined by a BTP_ENTRY macro
;	immediately following this macro in the HW bank list or by a DCD directive
;	specifying a different standard permission type.
; Configurations without an MMU need not implement this function.
; Enter with :
;		R10 points to super page
;		R12 points to ROM header
;		R13 points to valid stack
; Leave with :
;		R0 = pointer
;		Nothing else modified
	EXPORT	GetHwBanks
GetHwBanks	ROUT
		adr		r0, %FT1
		bx      lr
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBaseSic,			1,	HW_MULT_4K
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBaseRtc,			1,	HW_MULT_4K
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBaseTimer,			1,	HW_MULT_4K	
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBaseKmiKeyboard,		1,	HW_MULT_4K
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBaseKmiPointer,		1,	HW_MULT_4K
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBaseClcd,			1,	HW_MULT_4K
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBaseUart0,			1,	HW_MULT_4K
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBaseUart1,			1,	HW_MULT_4K
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBaseUart2,			1,	HW_MULT_4K
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBaseUart3,    		1,	HW_MULT_4K
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBaseHostFs,    		1,	HW_MULT_4K
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBaseSnap,    		1,	HW_MULT_4K
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBaseNet,			1,	HW_MULT_4K
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBaseNand,    		1,	HW_MULT_4K
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBaseAudio,    		1,	HW_MULT_4K
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBaseWebcamera,    		1,	HW_MULT_4K
		HW_MAPPING		KHwNVMemoryDevice,		1,	HW_MULT_4K
                HW_MAPPING              KHwGraphicsRegBase,             1,      HW_MULT_4K
		HW_MAPPING		KHwBasePlatform,    		8,	HW_MULT_4K
		DCD     0   ; terminator

; Notify an unrecoverable error during the boot process
; Enter with:
;	R14 = address at which fault detected
; Don't return
Fault	ROUT
		b		BasicFaultHandler	; generic handler dumps registers via debug
									; serial port

; Reboot the system
; Enter with:
;		R0 = reboot reason code
; Don't return (of course)
	ALIGN	32, 0
	EXPORT	RestartEntry
RestartEntry	ROUT

; Save R0 parameter in HW dependent register which is preserved over reset
; Put HW specific code here to reset system
	    GETCPSR	r1
		orr		r1, #0xC0
		SETCPSR	r1										; disable interrupts

        ldr     r10, =KSuperPageLinAddr
        adr     r0, Run_Physical
        bl      RomLinearToPhysical                 ; physical address in r0

; Disable MMU
		mrc		p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0		        ; get MMUCR
		bic		r1, #MMUCR_M		                ; clear M bit
		mcr		p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0		        ; set MMUCR
        bx      r0                                  ; jump to the physical address
; Now running from physical address

        mov     r3, #KHwNorFlashBaseAddr            ; r3 = NOR flash image base
; Jump to the NOR flash image
        bx      r3                              

; Get a pointer to the list of RAM banks
; The pointer returned should point to a list of {BASE; MAXSIZE;} pairs, where
; BASE is the physical base address of the bank and MAXSIZE is the maximum
; amount of RAM which may be present in that bank. MAXSIZE should be a power of
; 2 and BASE should be a multiple of MAXSIZE. The generic code will examine the
; specified range of addresses and determine the actual amount of RAM if any
; present in the bank. The list is terminated by an entry with zero size.
; The pointer returned will usually be to constant data, but could equally well
; point to RAM if dynamic determination of the list is required.
; Enter with :
;		R10 points to super page
;		R12 points to ROM header
;		R13 points to valid stack
; Leave with :
;		R0 = pointer
;		Nothing else modified
	EXPORT	GetRamBanks
GetRamBanks	ROUT
	    push    {r1-r3,lr}
		mov		r0, #KHwRamSizeMb
		lsl		r2, r0, #20			    ; R2 = RAM size in bytes
		mov		r1, #KHwRamBaseAddr		; R1 = base address of usable RAM area
		sub		r2, r1				    ; R2 = size of usable RAM area
		orr		r1, #RAM_VERBATIM   	; prevent testing (overlay would break it)
		mov		r3, #0
		mov		lr, #0					; terminator
		add		r0, r10, #CpuPageOffset	;
		stm	    r0, {r1-r3,lr}			; store single bank descriptor and terminator
		pop     {r1-r3,pc}

; Get a pointer to the list of ROM banks
; The pointer returned should point to a list of entries of SRomBank structures,
; usually declared with the ROM_BANK macro.
; The list is terminated by a zero size entry (four zero words)
; PB = physical base address of bank
; SIZE = size of bank
; LB = linear base if override required - usually set this to 0
; W = bus width (ROM_WIDTH_8, ROM_WIDTH_16, ROM_WIDTH_32)
; T = type (see TRomType enum in kernboot.h)
; RS = random speed
; SS = sequential speed
; Only PB, SIZE, LB are used by the rest of the bootstrap.
; The information given here can be modified by the SetupRomBank call, if
; dynamic detection and sizing of ROMs is required.
; Enter with :
;		R10 points to super page
;		R12 points to ROM header
;		R13 points to valid stack
; Leave with :
;		R0 = pointer
;		Nothing else modified
	EXPORT	GetRomBanks
GetRomBanks	ROUT
        adr		r0, RomBanksFlashTable      ; NOR flash
        bx      lr

		ROM_BANK	KHwNorFlashBaseAddr, KHwNorFlashCodeSize, 0, ROM_WIDTH_32, ERomTypeXIPFlash, 0, 0
		DCD		0,0,0,0			; terminator

; Set up RAM bank
; Do any additional RAM controller initialisation for each RAM bank which wasn't
; done by InitialiseHardware.
; Called twice for each RAM bank :-
;	First with R3 = 0xFFFFFFFF before bank has been probed
;	Then, if RAM is present, with R3 indicating validity of each byte lane, ie
;	R3 bit 0=1 if D0-7 are valid, bit1=1 if D8-15 are valid etc.
; For each call R1 specifies the bank physical base address.
; Enter with :
;		R10 points to super page
;		R12 points to ROM header
;		R13 points to stack
;		R1 = physical base address of bank
;		R3 = width (bottom 4 bits indicate validity of byte lanes)
;			 0xffffffff = preliminary initialise
; Leave with :
;		No registers modified
	EXPORT	SetupRamBank
SetupRamBank	ROUT
		bx      lr

; Set up ROM bank
; Do any required autodetection and autosizing of ROMs and any additional memory
; controller initialisation for each ROM bank which wasn't done by
; InitialiseHardware.
; The first time this function is called R11=0 and R0 points to the list of
; ROM banks returned by the BTF_RomBanks call. This allows any preliminary setup
; before autodetection begins.
; This function is subsequently called once for each ROM bank with R11 pointing
; to the current information held about that ROM bank (SRomBank structure).
; The structure pointed to by R11 should be updated with the size and width
; determined. The size should be set to zero if there is no ROM present in the
; bank.
; Enter with :
;		R10 points to super page
;		R12 points to ROM header
;		R13 points to stack
;		R11 points to SRomBank info for this bank
;		R11 = 0 for preliminary initialise (all banks)
; Leave with :
;		Update SRomBank info with detected size/width
;		Set the size field to 0 if the ROM bank is absent
;		Can modify R0-R4 but not other registers
	EXPORT	SetupRomBank
SetupRomBank	ROUT						    ; only get here if running from ROM
		cmp		r11, #0
		bxeq	lr						        ; don't do anything for preliminary
		ldm	    r11, {r0,r1}				    ; r0 = base, r1 = size
        lsr     r0, pc, #20
        lsl     r0, #20                         ; r0 = image base
   		ldr		r1, [r12, #TRomHeader_iRomSize] ; r1 = size of ROM block
		stm 	r11, {r0,r1}
        bx      lr

; Reserve physical memory
; Reserve any physical RAM needed for platform-specific purposes before the
; bootstrap begins allocating RAM for page tables/kernel data etc.
; There are two methods for this:
;	1.	The function ExciseRamArea may be used. This will remove a contiguous
;		region of physical RAM from the RAM bank list. That region will never
;		again be identified as RAM.
;	2.	A list of excluded physical address ranges may be written at [R11].
;		This should be a list of (base,size) pairs terminated by a (0,0) entry.
;		This RAM will still be identified as RAM by the kernel but will not
;		be allocated by the bootstrap and will subsequently be marked as
;		allocated by the kernel immediately after boot.
; Enter with :
;		R10 points to super page
;		R11 indicates where preallocated RAM list should be written.
;		R12 points to ROM header
;		R13 points to stack
; Leave with :
;		R0-R3 may be modified. Other registers should be preserved.
	EXPORT	ReservePhysicalMemory
ReservePhysicalMemory	ROUT
		bx      lr

; Do final platform-specific initialisation before booting the kernel
; Typical uses for this call would be:
;	1.	Mapping cache flushing areas
;	2.	Setting up pointers to routines in the bootstrap which are used by
;		the variant or drivers (eg idle code).
; Enter with :
;		R10 points to super page
;		R11 points to TRomImageHeader for the kernel
;		R12 points to ROM header
;		R13 points to stack
; Leave with :
;		R0-R9 may be modified. Other registers should be preserved.
	EXPORT	FinalInitialise
FinalInitialise ROUT
		bx      lr

; Debug port write routine associated with debug port in the super page
; Enter with :
;		R0  character to be written
;		R12 points to rom header
;		R13 points to valid stack
; Leave with :
;		nothing modified 
	IF	CFG_DebugBootRom
		push    {r1,lr}
		bl		GetDebugPortBase			; r1 = base address of UART registers
		str		r0, [r1, #4]				; Store to data register

		pop     {r1,pc}
		bx      lr

; Initialise the debug port
; Enter with :
;		R12 points to ROM header
;		There is no valid stack
; Leave with :
;		R0-R2 modified
;		Other registers unmodified
InitDebugPort	ROUT
		GET_ADDRESS	r1, KHwBaseUart0, KHwLinBaseUart0
		ldr		r0,[r1, #0]		
		bx		lr

; Get the base address of the debug UART
; Enter with :
;		R12 points to ROM header
;		There may be no stack
; Leave with :
;		R1 = base address of port, 0 for JTAG
;		Z flag set for JTAG, clear for non-JTAG
;		No other registers modified
GetDebugPortBase	ROUT
		ldr		r1, [r12, #TRomHeader_iDebugPort]
		cmp		r1, #42							; JTAG?
		movseq	r1, #0
		bxeq	lr							    ; yes - return 0 and set Z
		cmp		r1, #1
        blo     GetUartPort0          
        beq     GetUartPort1
		cmp		r1, #3
        blo     GetUartPort2
		beq		GetUartPort3
		GET_ADDRESS	r1, KHwBaseUart0, KHwLinBaseUart0
		movs	r1, r1							; clear Z
		bx      lr

		GET_ADDRESS	r1, KHwBaseUart1, KHwLinBaseUart1
		movs	r1, r1							; clear Z
		bx      lr

		GET_ADDRESS	r1, KHwBaseUart2, KHwLinBaseUart2
		movs	r1, r1							; clear Z
		bx      lr

		GET_ADDRESS	r1, KHwBaseUart3, KHwLinBaseUart3
		movs	r1, r1							; clear Z
		bx      lr

; Return parameter specified by R0 (see TBootParam enum)
; Enter with :
;		R0 = parameter number
; Leave with :
;		If parameter value is supplied, R0 = value and N flag clear
;		If parameter value is not supplied, N flag set. In this case the
;		parameter may be defaulted or the system may fault.
;		R0, R1 modified. No other registers modified.
GetParameters ROUT
		adr		r1, ParameterTable
		b		FindParameter

		DCD		-1								; terminator

GetBootTableAddress	ROUT
		adr		r0, SyborgBootTable
        bx      lr

		DCD	DoWriteC					; output a debug character
		DCD	GetRamBanks					; get list of RAM banks
		DCD	SetupRamBank				; set up a RAM bank
		DCD	GetRomBanks					; get list of ROM banks
		DCD	SetupRomBank				; set up a ROM bank
		DCD	GetHwBanks					; get list of HW banks
		DCD	ReservePhysicalMemory		; reserve physical RAM if required
		DCD	GetParameters				; get addresses for direct memory model
		DCD	FinalInitialise				; Final initialisation before booting the kernel
		DCD	HandleAllocRequest			; allocate memory (usually in generic code)
		DCD	GetPdeValue					; usually in generic code
		DCD	GetPteValue					; usually in generic code
		DCD	PageTableUpdate				; usually in generic code
		DCD	EnableMmu					; Enable the MMU (usually in generic code)

; These entries specify the standard MMU permissions for various areas
	IF  CFG_MMMultiple
;	IF  CFG_MMFlexible
		BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, MEMORY_FULLY_CACHED,       	0,  1,  0,  0   ; kernel data/stack/heap
		BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, MEMORY_FULLY_CACHED,       	0,  1,  0,  0   ; super page/CPU page
		BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, MEMORY_FULLY_CACHED,  	0,  1,  0,  0   ; page directory/tables
		BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RONO, MEMORY_FULLY_CACHED,       	1,  1,  0,  0   ; exception vectors
		BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, MEMORY_STRONGLY_ORDERED,      0,  1,  0,  0   ; hardware registers
		DCD         0                                                           ; unused (minicache flush)
		DCD         0                                                           ; unused (maincache flush)
		BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, MEMORY_FULLY_CACHED,       	0,  1,  0,  0   ; page table info
		BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RONO, MEMORY_STRONGLY_ORDERED,      1,  1,  0,  0   ; temporary identity mapping
		BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, UNC_PERM,  MEMORY_STRONGLY_ORDERED,      0,  1,  0,  0   ; uncached
		BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RORO, CACHE_WBWA,       1,  1,  0,  0       ; ROM
	        BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, CACHE_WBWA,       0,  1,  0,  0       ; kernel data/stack/heap
	        BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, CACHE_WBWA,       0,  1,  0,  0       ; super page/CPU page
		BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, CACHE_WBWA,		0,  1,  0,  0       ; page directory/tables
	        BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RONO, CACHE_WTRA,       1,  1,  0,  0       ; exception vectors
		BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, CACHE_SO,         0,  1,  0,  0       ; hardware registers
		DCD			0										; unused (minicache flush)
		DCD			0										; unused (maincache flush)
	        BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, CACHE_WBWA,       0,  1,  0,  0       ; page table info
	        BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWRW, CACHE_WBWA,       1,  1,  0,  0       ; user RAM
		BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RONO, CACHE_SO,         1,  1,  0,  0       ; temporary identity mapping
	        BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, UNC_PERM,  CACHE_SO,         0,  1,  0,  0       ; uncached
	IF CFG_MMMoving
		BTP_ENTRY	CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, CACHE_WB		; kernel data/stack/heap
		BTP_ENTRY	CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, CACHE_WT		; page directory/tables
		DCD			0										; unused (minicache flush)
		DCD			0										; unused (maincache flush)
		BTP_ENTRY	CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RORO, CACHE_NCNB	; temporary identity mapping