* MGA Millennium (MGA2064W) functions
* MGA Mystique (MGA1064SG) functions
* Copyright 1996 The XFree86 Project, Inc.
* Authors
* Dirk Hohndel
* hohndel@XFree86.Org
* David Dawes
* dawes@XFree86.Org
* Contributors:
* Guy DESBIEF, Aix-en-provence, France
* g.desbief@aix.pacwan.net
* MGA1064SG Mystique register file
#ifndef _MGA_REG_H_
#define _MGA_REG_H_
#define MGAREG_DWGCTL 0x1c00
#define MGAREG_MACCESS 0x1c04
/* the following is a mystique only register */
#define MGAREG_MCTLWTST 0x1c08
#define MGAREG_ZORG 0x1c0c
#define MGAREG_PAT0 0x1c10
#define MGAREG_PAT1 0x1c14
#define MGAREG_PLNWT 0x1c1c
#define MGAREG_BCOL 0x1c20
#define MGAREG_FCOL 0x1c24
#define MGAREG_SRC0 0x1c30
#define MGAREG_SRC1 0x1c34
#define MGAREG_SRC2 0x1c38
#define MGAREG_SRC3 0x1c3c
#define MGAREG_XYSTRT 0x1c40
#define MGAREG_XYEND 0x1c44
#define MGAREG_SHIFT 0x1c50
/* the following is a mystique only register */
#define MGAREG_DMAPAD 0x1c54
#define MGAREG_SGN 0x1c58
#define MGAREG_LEN 0x1c5c
#define MGAREG_AR0 0x1c60
#define MGAREG_AR1 0x1c64
#define MGAREG_AR2 0x1c68
#define MGAREG_AR3 0x1c6c
#define MGAREG_AR4 0x1c70
#define MGAREG_AR5 0x1c74
#define MGAREG_AR6 0x1c78
#define MGAREG_CXBNDRY 0x1c80
#define MGAREG_FXBNDRY 0x1c84
#define MGAREG_YDSTLEN 0x1c88
#define MGAREG_PITCH 0x1c8c
#define MGAREG_YDST 0x1c90
#define MGAREG_YDSTORG 0x1c94
#define MGAREG_YTOP 0x1c98
#define MGAREG_YBOT 0x1c9c
#define MGAREG_CXLEFT 0x1ca0
#define MGAREG_CXRIGHT 0x1ca4
#define MGAREG_FXLEFT 0x1ca8
#define MGAREG_FXRIGHT 0x1cac
#define MGAREG_XDST 0x1cb0
#define MGAREG_DR0 0x1cc0
#define MGAREG_DR1 0x1cc4
#define MGAREG_DR2 0x1cc8
#define MGAREG_DR3 0x1ccc
#define MGAREG_DR4 0x1cd0
#define MGAREG_DR5 0x1cd4
#define MGAREG_DR6 0x1cd8
#define MGAREG_DR7 0x1cdc
#define MGAREG_DR8 0x1ce0
#define MGAREG_DR9 0x1ce4
#define MGAREG_DR10 0x1ce8
#define MGAREG_DR11 0x1cec
#define MGAREG_DR12 0x1cf0
#define MGAREG_DR13 0x1cf4
#define MGAREG_DR14 0x1cf8
#define MGAREG_DR15 0x1cfc
#define MGAREG_SRCORG 0x2cb4
#define MGAREG_DSTORG 0x2cb8
/* add or or this to one of the previous "power registers" to start
the drawing engine */
#define MGAREG_EXEC 0x0100
#define MGAREG_FIFOSTATUS 0x1e10
#define MGAREG_STATUS 0x1e14
#define MGAREG_ICLEAR 0x1e18
#define MGAREG_IEN 0x1e1c
#define MGAREG_VCOUNT 0x1e20
#define MGAREG_Reset 0x1e40
#define MGAREG_OPMODE 0x1e54
/* OPMODE register additives */
#define MGAOPM_DMA_GENERAL (0x00 << 2)
#define MGAOPM_DMA_BLIT (0x01 << 2)
#define MGAOPM_DMA_VECTOR (0x10 << 2)
/* DWGCTL register additives */
/* Lines */
#define MGADWG_LINE_OPEN 0x00
#define MGADWG_LINE_CLOSE 0x02
/* Trapezoids */
#define MGADWG_TRAP 0x04
/* BitBlts */
#define MGADWG_BITBLT 0x08
#define MGADWG_FBITBLT 0x0c
#define MGADWG_ILOAD 0x09
#define MGADWG_IDUMP 0x0a
/* atype access to WRAM */
#define MGADWG_RPL ( 0x00 << 4 )
#define MGADWG_RSTR ( 0x01 << 4 )
#define MGADWG_ZI ( 0x03 << 4 )
#define MGADWG_BLK ( 0x04 << 4 )
#define MGADWG_I ( 0x07 << 4 )
/* specifies whether bit blits are linear or xy */
#define MGADWG_LINEAR ( 0x01 << 7 )
/* z drawing mode. use MGADWG_NOZCMP for always */
#define MGADWG_NOZCMP ( 0x00 << 8 )
#define MGADWG_ZE ( 0x02 << 8 )
#define MGADWG_ZNE ( 0x03 << 8 )
#define MGADWG_ZLT ( 0x04 << 8 )
#define MGADWG_ZLTE ( 0x05 << 8 )
#define MGADWG_GT ( 0x06 << 8 )
#define MGADWG_GTE ( 0x07 << 8 )
/* use this to force colour expansion circuitry to do its stuff */
#define MGADWG_SOLID ( 0x01 << 11 )
/* ar register at zero */
#define MGADWG_ARZERO ( 0x01 << 12 )
#define MGADWG_SGNZERO ( 0x01 << 13 )
#define MGADWG_SHIFTZERO ( 0x01 << 14 )
/* See table on 4-43 for bop ALU operations */
/* See table on 4-44 for translucidity masks */
#define MGADWG_BMONOLEF ( 0x00 << 25 )
#define MGADWG_BMONOWF ( 0x04 << 25 )
#define MGADWG_BPLAN ( 0x01 << 25 )
/* note that if bfcol is specified and you're doing a bitblt, it causes
a fbitblt to be performed, so check that you obey the fbitblt rules */
#define MGADWG_BFCOL ( 0x02 << 25 )
#define MGADWG_BUYUV ( 0x0e << 25 )
#define MGADWG_BU32BGR ( 0x03 << 25 )
#define MGADWG_BU32RGB ( 0x07 << 25 )
#define MGADWG_BU24BGR ( 0x0b << 25 )
#define MGADWG_BU24RGB ( 0x0f << 25 )
#define MGADWG_REPLACE 0x000C0000 /* From Linux kernel sources */
#define MGADWG_PATTERN ( 0x01 << 29 )
#define MGADWG_TRANSC ( 0x01 << 30 )
#define MGADWG_NOCLIP ( 0x01 << 31 )
#define MGAREG_MISC_WRITE 0x3c2
#define MGAREG_MISC_READ 0x3cc
#define MGAREG_MISC_IOADSEL (0x1 << 0)
#define MGAREG_MISC_RAMMAPEN (0x1 << 1)
#define MGAREG_MISC_CLK_SEL_VGA25 (0x0 << 2)
#define MGAREG_MISC_CLK_SEL_VGA28 (0x1 << 2)
#define MGAREG_MISC_CLK_SEL_MGA_PIX (0x2 << 2)
#define MGAREG_MISC_CLK_SEL_MGA_MSK (0x3 << 2)
#define MGAREG_MISC_VIDEO_DIS (0x1 << 4)
#define MGAREG_MISC_HIGH_PG_SEL (0x1 << 5)
/* MMIO VGA registers */
#define MGAREG_CRTC_INDEX 0x1fd4
#define MGAREG_CRTC_DATA 0x1fd5
#define MGAREG_CRTCEXT_DATA 0x1fdf
/* MGA bits for registers PCI_OPTION_REG */
#define MGA1064_OPT_SYS_CLK_PCI ( 0x00 << 0 )
#define MGA1064_OPT_SYS_CLK_PLL ( 0x01 << 0 )
#define MGA1064_OPT_SYS_CLK_EXT ( 0x02 << 0 )
#define MGA1064_OPT_SYS_CLK_MSK ( 0x03 << 0 )
#define MGA1064_OPT_SYS_CLK_DIS ( 0x01 << 2 )
#define MGA1064_OPT_G_CLK_DIV_1 ( 0x01 << 3 )
#define MGA1064_OPT_M_CLK_DIV_1 ( 0x01 << 4 )
#define MGA1064_OPT_SYS_PLL_PDN ( 0x01 << 5 )
#define MGA1064_OPT_VGA_ION ( 0x01 << 8 )
/* MGA registers in PCI config space */
#define PCI_MGA_INDEX 0x44
#define PCI_MGA_DATA 0x48
#define PCI_MGA_OPTION2 0x50
#define PCI_MGA_OPTION3 0x54
#define RAMDAC_OFFSET 0x3c00
/* TVP3026 direct registers */
#define TVP3026_INDEX 0x00
#define TVP3026_WADR_PAL 0x00
#define TVP3026_COL_PAL 0x01
#define TVP3026_PIX_RD_MSK 0x02
#define TVP3026_RADR_PAL 0x03
#define TVP3026_CUR_COL_ADDR 0x04
#define TVP3026_CUR_COL_DATA 0x05
#define TVP3026_DATA 0x0a
#define TVP3026_CUR_RAM 0x0b
#define TVP3026_CUR_XLOW 0x0c
#define TVP3026_CUR_XHI 0x0d
#define TVP3026_CUR_YLOW 0x0e
#define TVP3026_CUR_YHI 0x0f
/* TVP3026 indirect registers */
#define TVP3026_SILICON_REV 0x01
#define TVP3026_CURSOR_CTL 0x06
#define TVP3026_LATCH_CTL 0x0f
#define TVP3026_TRUE_COLOR_CTL 0x18
#define TVP3026_MUX_CTL 0x19
#define TVP3026_CLK_SEL 0x1a
#define TVP3026_PAL_PAGE 0x1c
#define TVP3026_GEN_CTL 0x1d
#define TVP3026_MISC_CTL 0x1e
#define TVP3026_GEN_IO_CTL 0x2a
#define TVP3026_GEN_IO_DATA 0x2b
#define TVP3026_PLL_ADDR 0x2c
#define TVP3026_PIX_CLK_DATA 0x2d
#define TVP3026_MEM_CLK_DATA 0x2e
#define TVP3026_LOAD_CLK_DATA 0x2f
#define TVP3026_KEY_RED_LOW 0x32
#define TVP3026_KEY_RED_HI 0x33
#define TVP3026_KEY_GREEN_LOW 0x34
#define TVP3026_KEY_GREEN_HI 0x35
#define TVP3026_KEY_BLUE_LOW 0x36
#define TVP3026_KEY_BLUE_HI 0x37
#define TVP3026_KEY_CTL 0x38
#define TVP3026_MCLK_CTL 0x39
#define TVP3026_SENSE_TEST 0x3a
#define TVP3026_TEST_DATA 0x3b
#define TVP3026_CRC_LSB 0x3c
#define TVP3026_CRC_MSB 0x3d
#define TVP3026_CRC_CTL 0x3e
#define TVP3026_ID 0x3f
#define TVP3026_RESET 0xff
/* MGA1064 DAC Register file */
/* MGA1064 direct registers */
#define MGA1064_INDEX 0x00
#define MGA1064_WADR_PAL 0x00
#define MGA1064_COL_PAL 0x01
#define MGA1064_PIX_RD_MSK 0x02
#define MGA1064_RADR_PAL 0x03
#define MGA1064_DATA 0x0a
#define MGA1064_CUR_XLOW 0x0c
#define MGA1064_CUR_XHI 0x0d
#define MGA1064_CUR_YLOW 0x0e
#define MGA1064_CUR_YHI 0x0f
/* MGA1064 indirect registers */
#define MGA1064_CURSOR_BASE_ADR_LOW 0x04
#define MGA1064_CURSOR_BASE_ADR_HI 0x05
#define MGA1064_CURSOR_CTL 0x06
#define MGA1064_CURSOR_COL0_RED 0x08
#define MGA1064_CURSOR_COL0_GREEN 0x09
#define MGA1064_CURSOR_COL0_BLUE 0x0a
#define MGA1064_CURSOR_COL1_RED 0x0c
#define MGA1064_CURSOR_COL1_GREEN 0x0d
#define MGA1064_CURSOR_COL1_BLUE 0x0e
#define MGA1064_CURSOR_COL2_RED 0x010
#define MGA1064_CURSOR_COL2_GREEN 0x011
#define MGA1064_CURSOR_COL2_BLUE 0x012
#define MGA1064_VREF_CTL 0x018
#define MGA1064_MUL_CTL 0x19
#define MGA1064_MUL_CTL_8bits 0x0
#define MGA1064_MUL_CTL_15bits 0x01
#define MGA1064_MUL_CTL_16bits 0x02
#define MGA1064_MUL_CTL_24bits 0x03
#define MGA1064_MUL_CTL_32bits 0x04
#define MGA1064_MUL_CTL_2G8V16bits 0x05
#define MGA1064_MUL_CTL_G16V16bits 0x06
#define MGA1064_MUL_CTL_32_24bits 0x07
#define MGA1064_PIX_CLK_CTL 0x1a
#define MGA1064_PIX_CLK_CTL_CLK_DIS ( 0x01 << 2 )
#define MGA1064_PIX_CLK_CTL_CLK_POW_DOWN ( 0x01 << 3 )
#define MGA1064_PIX_CLK_CTL_SEL_PCI ( 0x00 << 0 )
#define MGA1064_PIX_CLK_CTL_SEL_PLL ( 0x01 << 0 )
#define MGA1064_PIX_CLK_CTL_SEL_EXT ( 0x02 << 0 )
#define MGA1064_PIX_CLK_CTL_SEL_MSK ( 0x03 << 0 )
#define MGA1064_GEN_CTL 0x1d
#define MGA1064_MISC_CTL 0x1e
#define MGA1064_MISC_CTL_DAC_POW_DN ( 0x01 << 0 )
#define MGA1064_MISC_CTL_VGA ( 0x01 << 1 )
#define MGA1064_MISC_CTL_DIS_CON ( 0x03 << 1 )
#define MGA1064_MISC_CTL_MAFC ( 0x02 << 1 )
#define MGA1064_MISC_CTL_VGA8 ( 0x01 << 3 )
#define MGA1064_MISC_CTL_DAC_RAM_CS ( 0x01 << 4 )
#define MGA1064_GEN_IO_CTL 0x2a
#define MGA1064_GEN_IO_DATA 0x2b
#define MGA1064_SYS_PLL_M 0x2c
#define MGA1064_SYS_PLL_N 0x2d
#define MGA1064_SYS_PLL_P 0x2e
#define MGA1064_SYS_PLL_STAT 0x2f
#define MGA1064_ZOOM_CTL 0x38
#define MGA1064_SENSE_TST 0x3a
#define MGA1064_CRC_LSB 0x3c
#define MGA1064_CRC_MSB 0x3d
#define MGA1064_CRC_CTL 0x3e
#define MGA1064_COL_KEY_MSK_LSB 0x40
#define MGA1064_COL_KEY_MSK_MSB 0x41
#define MGA1064_COL_KEY_LSB 0x42
#define MGA1064_COL_KEY_MSB 0x43
#define MGA1064_PIX_PLLA_M 0x44
#define MGA1064_PIX_PLLA_N 0x45
#define MGA1064_PIX_PLLA_P 0x46
#define MGA1064_PIX_PLLB_M 0x48
#define MGA1064_PIX_PLLB_N 0x49
#define MGA1064_PIX_PLLB_P 0x4a
#define MGA1064_PIX_PLLC_M 0x4c
#define MGA1064_PIX_PLLC_N 0x4d
#define MGA1064_PIX_PLLC_P 0x4e
#define MGA1064_PIX_PLL_STAT 0x4f