Modify framebuffer and NGA framebuffer to read screen size from board model dtb file. Optimise memory usuage of frame buffer
Add example minigui application with hooks to profiler (which writes results to S:\). Modified NGA framebuffer to run its own dfc queue at high priority
#ifdef __ASSEMBLY__
#define ASM_CONST_LL(x) (x)
#define ASM_CONST_LL(x) (x##ULL)
#define TEST_ADDR_1 ASM_CONST_LL(0xdeadbeef00000000)
#define TEST_SIZE_1 ASM_CONST_LL(0x100000)
#define TEST_ADDR_2 ASM_CONST_LL(123456789)
#define TEST_SIZE_2 ASM_CONST_LL(010000)
#define TEST_VALUE_1 0xdeadbeef
#define TEST_VALUE_2 123456789
#define PHANDLE_1 0x2000
#define PHANDLE_2 0x2001
#define TEST_STRING_1 "hello world"
#define TEST_STRING_2 "nastystring: \a\b\t\n\v\f\r\\\""
#define TEST_STRING_3 "\xde\xad\xbe\xef"
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
extern struct fdt_header _test_tree1;
extern struct fdt_header _truncated_property;
extern struct fdt_header _bad_node_char;
extern struct fdt_header _bad_node_format;
extern struct fdt_header _bad_prop_char;
#endif /* ! __ASSEMBLY */