Modify framebuffer and NGA framebuffer to read screen size from board model dtb file. Optimise memory usuage of frame buffer
Add example minigui application with hooks to profiler (which writes results to S:\). Modified NGA framebuffer to run its own dfc queue at high priority
:mod:`SimpleHTTPServer` --- Simple HTTP request handler
.. module:: SimpleHTTPServer
:synopsis: This module provides a basic request handler for HTTP servers.
.. sectionauthor:: Moshe Zadka <>
.. note::
The :mod:`SimpleHTTPServer` module has been merged into :mod:`http.server` in
Python 3.0. The :term:`2to3` tool will automatically adapt imports when
converting your sources to 3.0.
The :mod:`SimpleHTTPServer` module defines a single class,
:class:`SimpleHTTPRequestHandler`, which is interface-compatible with
The :mod:`SimpleHTTPServer` module defines the following class:
.. class:: SimpleHTTPRequestHandler(request, client_address, server)
This class serves files from the current directory and below, directly
mapping the directory structure to HTTP requests.
A lot of the work, such as parsing the request, is done by the base class
:class:`BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler`. This class implements the
:func:`do_GET` and :func:`do_HEAD` functions.
The following are defined as class-level attributes of
.. attribute:: server_version
This will be ``"SimpleHTTP/" + __version__``, where ``__version__`` is
defined at the module level.
.. attribute:: extensions_map
A dictionary mapping suffixes into MIME types. The default is
signified by an empty string, and is considered to be
``application/octet-stream``. The mapping is used case-insensitively,
and so should contain only lower-cased keys.
The :class:`SimpleHTTPRequestHandler` class defines the following methods:
.. method:: do_HEAD()
This method serves the ``'HEAD'`` request type: it sends the headers it
would send for the equivalent ``GET`` request. See the :meth:`do_GET`
method for a more complete explanation of the possible headers.
.. method:: do_GET()
The request is mapped to a local file by interpreting the request as a
path relative to the current working directory.
If the request was mapped to a directory, the directory is checked for a
file named ``index.html`` or ``index.htm`` (in that order). If found, the
file's contents are returned; otherwise a directory listing is generated
by calling the :meth:`list_directory` method. This method uses
:func:`os.listdir` to scan the directory, and returns a ``404`` error
response if the :func:`listdir` fails.
If the request was mapped to a file, it is opened and the contents are
returned. Any :exc:`IOError` exception in opening the requested file is
mapped to a ``404``, ``'File not found'`` error. Otherwise, the content
type is guessed by calling the :meth:`guess_type` method, which in turn
uses the *extensions_map* variable.
A ``'Content-type:'`` header with the guessed content type is output,
followed by a ``'Content-Length:'`` header with the file's size and a
``'Last-Modified:'`` header with the file's modification time.
Then follows a blank line signifying the end of the headers, and then the
contents of the file are output. If the file's MIME type starts with
``text/`` the file is opened in text mode; otherwise binary mode is used.
For example usage, see the implementation of the :func:`test` function.
.. versionadded:: 2.5
The ``'Last-Modified'`` header.
.. seealso::
Module :mod:`BaseHTTPServer`
Base class implementation for Web server and request handler.