Mon, 08 Mar 2010 18:45:03 +0000
changeset 46 b6935a90ca64
parent 1 2fb8b9db1c86
permissions -rw-r--r--
Modify framebuffer and NGA framebuffer to read screen size from board model dtb file. Optimise memory usuage of frame buffer Add example minigui application with hooks to profiler (which writes results to S:\). Modified NGA framebuffer to run its own dfc queue at high priority

#! /usr/bin/env python

# This file contains a class and a main program that perform three
# related (though complimentary) formatting operations on Python
# programs.  When called as "pindent -c", it takes a valid Python
# program as input and outputs a version augmented with block-closing
# comments.  When called as "pindent -d", it assumes its input is a
# Python program with block-closing comments and outputs a commentless
# version.   When called as "pindent -r" it assumes its input is a
# Python program with block-closing comments but with its indentation
# messed up, and outputs a properly indented version.

# A "block-closing comment" is a comment of the form '# end <keyword>'
# where <keyword> is the keyword that opened the block.  If the
# opening keyword is 'def' or 'class', the function or class name may
# be repeated in the block-closing comment as well.  Here is an
# example of a program fully augmented with block-closing comments:

# def foobar(a, b):
#    if a == b:
#        a = a+1
#    elif a < b:
#        b = b-1
#        if b > a: a = a-1
#        # end if
#    else:
#        print 'oops!'
#    # end if
# # end def foobar

# Note that only the last part of an if...elif...else... block needs a
# block-closing comment; the same is true for other compound
# statements (e.g. try...except).  Also note that "short-form" blocks
# like the second 'if' in the example must be closed as well;
# otherwise the 'else' in the example would be ambiguous (remember
# that indentation is not significant when interpreting block-closing
# comments).

# The operations are idempotent (i.e. applied to their own output
# they yield an identical result).  Running first "pindent -c" and
# then "pindent -r" on a valid Python program produces a program that
# is semantically identical to the input (though its indentation may
# be different). Running "pindent -e" on that output produces a
# program that only differs from the original in indentation.

# Other options:
# -s stepsize: set the indentation step size (default 8)
# -t tabsize : set the number of spaces a tab character is worth (default 8)
# -e         : expand TABs into spaces
# file ...   : input file(s) (default standard input)
# The results always go to standard output

# Caveats:
# - comments ending in a backslash will be mistaken for continued lines
# - continuations using backslash are always left unchanged
# - continuations inside parentheses are not extra indented by -r
#   but must be indented for -c to work correctly (this breaks
#   idempotency!)
# - continued lines inside triple-quoted strings are totally garbled

# Secret feature:
# - On input, a block may also be closed with an "end statement" --
#   this is a block-closing comment without the '#' sign.

# Possible improvements:
# - check syntax based on transitions in 'next' table
# - better error reporting
# - better error recovery
# - check identifier after class/def

# The following wishes need a more complete tokenization of the source:
# - Don't get fooled by comments ending in backslash
# - reindent continuation lines indicated by backslash
# - handle continuation lines inside parentheses/braces/brackets
# - handle triple quoted strings spanning lines
# - realign comments
# - optionally do much more thorough reformatting, a la C indent

# Defaults

import re
import sys

next = {}
next['if'] = next['elif'] = 'elif', 'else', 'end'
next['while'] = next['for'] = 'else', 'end'
next['try'] = 'except', 'finally'
next['except'] = 'except', 'else', 'end'
next['else'] = next['finally'] = next['def'] = next['class'] = 'end'
next['end'] = ()
start = 'if', 'while', 'for', 'try', 'def', 'class'

class PythonIndenter:

    def __init__(self, fpi = sys.stdin, fpo = sys.stdout,
                 indentsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
        self.fpi = fpi
        self.fpo = fpo
        self.indentsize = indentsize
        self.tabsize = tabsize
        self.lineno = 0
        self.expandtabs = expandtabs
        self._write = fpo.write
        self.kwprog = re.compile(
        self.endprog = re.compile(
        self.wsprog = re.compile(r'^[ \t]*')
    # end def __init__

    def write(self, line):
        if self.expandtabs:
        # end if
    # end def write

    def readline(self):
        line = self.fpi.readline()
        if line: self.lineno = self.lineno + 1
        # end if
        return line
    # end def readline

    def error(self, fmt, *args):
        if args: fmt = fmt % args
        # end if
        sys.stderr.write('Error at line %d: %s\n' % (self.lineno, fmt))
        self.write('### %s ###\n' % fmt)
    # end def error

    def getline(self):
        line = self.readline()
        while line[-2:] == '\\\n':
            line2 = self.readline()
            if not line2: break
            # end if
            line = line + line2
        # end while
        return line
    # end def getline

    def putline(self, line, indent = None):
        if indent is None:
        # end if
        tabs, spaces = divmod(indent*self.indentsize, self.tabsize)
        i = 0
        m = self.wsprog.match(line)
        if m: i = m.end()
        # end if
        self.write('\t'*tabs + ' '*spaces + line[i:])
    # end def putline

    def reformat(self):
        stack = []
        while 1:
            line = self.getline()
            if not line: break      # EOF
            # end if
            m = self.endprog.match(line)
            if m:
                kw = 'end'
                kw2 ='kw')
                if not stack:
                    self.error('unexpected end')
                elif stack[-1][0] != kw2:
                    self.error('unmatched end')
                # end if
                del stack[-1:]
                self.putline(line, len(stack))
            # end if
            m = self.kwprog.match(line)
            if m:
                kw ='kw')
                if kw in start:
                    self.putline(line, len(stack))
                    stack.append((kw, kw))
                # end if
                if next.has_key(kw) and stack:
                    self.putline(line, len(stack)-1)
                    kwa, kwb = stack[-1]
                    stack[-1] = kwa, kw
                # end if
            # end if
            self.putline(line, len(stack))
        # end while
        if stack:
            self.error('unterminated keywords')
            for kwa, kwb in stack:
                self.write('\t%s\n' % kwa)
            # end for
        # end if
    # end def reformat

    def delete(self):
        begin_counter = 0
        end_counter = 0
        while 1:
            line = self.getline()
            if not line: break      # EOF
            # end if
            m = self.endprog.match(line)
            if m:
                end_counter = end_counter + 1
            # end if
            m = self.kwprog.match(line)
            if m:
                kw ='kw')
                if kw in start:
                    begin_counter = begin_counter + 1
                # end if
            # end if
        # end while
        if begin_counter - end_counter < 0:
            sys.stderr.write('Warning: input contained more end tags than expected\n')
        elif begin_counter - end_counter > 0:
            sys.stderr.write('Warning: input contained less end tags than expected\n')
        # end if
    # end def delete

    def complete(self):
        self.indentsize = 1
        stack = []
        todo = []
        thisid = ''
        current, firstkw, lastkw, topid = 0, '', '', ''
        while 1:
            line = self.getline()
            i = 0
            m = self.wsprog.match(line)
            if m: i = m.end()
            # end if
            m = self.endprog.match(line)
            if m:
                thiskw = 'end'
                endkw ='kw')
                thisid ='id')
                m = self.kwprog.match(line)
                if m:
                    thiskw ='kw')
                    if not next.has_key(thiskw):
                        thiskw = ''
                    # end if
                    if thiskw in ('def', 'class'):
                        thisid ='id')
                        thisid = ''
                    # end if
                elif line[i:i+1] in ('\n', '#'):
                    thiskw = ''
                # end if
            # end if
            indent = len(line[:i].expandtabs(self.tabsize))
            while indent < current:
                if firstkw:
                    if topid:
                        s = '# end %s %s\n' % (
                                firstkw, topid)
                        s = '# end %s\n' % firstkw
                    # end if
                    self.putline(s, current)
                    firstkw = lastkw = ''
                # end if
                current, firstkw, lastkw, topid = stack[-1]
                del stack[-1]
            # end while
            if indent == current and firstkw:
                if thiskw == 'end':
                    if endkw != firstkw:
                        self.error('mismatched end')
                    # end if
                    firstkw = lastkw = ''
                elif not thiskw or thiskw in start:
                    if topid:
                        s = '# end %s %s\n' % (
                                firstkw, topid)
                        s = '# end %s\n' % firstkw
                    # end if
                    self.putline(s, current)
                    firstkw = lastkw = topid = ''
                # end if
            # end if
            if indent > current:
                stack.append((current, firstkw, lastkw, topid))
                if thiskw and thiskw not in start:
                    # error
                    thiskw = ''
                # end if
                current, firstkw, lastkw, topid = \
                         indent, thiskw, thiskw, thisid
            # end if
            if thiskw:
                if thiskw in start:
                    firstkw = lastkw = thiskw
                    topid = thisid
                    lastkw = thiskw
                # end if
            # end if
            for l in todo: self.write(l)
            # end for
            todo = []
            if not line: break
            # end if
        # end while
    # end def complete

# end class PythonIndenter

# Simplified user interface
# - xxx_filter(input, output): read and write file objects
# - xxx_string(s): take and return string object
# - xxx_file(filename): process file in place, return true iff changed

def complete_filter(input = sys.stdin, output = sys.stdout,
                    stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
    pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
# end def complete_filter

def delete_filter(input= sys.stdin, output = sys.stdout,
                        stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
    pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
# end def delete_filter

def reformat_filter(input = sys.stdin, output = sys.stdout,
                    stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
    pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
# end def reformat_filter

class StringReader:
    def __init__(self, buf):
        self.buf = buf
        self.pos = 0
        self.len = len(self.buf)
    # end def __init__
    def read(self, n = 0):
        if n <= 0:
            n = self.len - self.pos
            n = min(n, self.len - self.pos)
        # end if
        r = self.buf[self.pos : self.pos + n]
        self.pos = self.pos + n
        return r
    # end def read
    def readline(self):
        i = self.buf.find('\n', self.pos)
        return + 1 - self.pos)
    # end def readline
    def readlines(self):
        lines = []
        line = self.readline()
        while line:
            line = self.readline()
        # end while
        return lines
    # end def readlines
    # seek/tell etc. are left as an exercise for the reader
# end class StringReader

class StringWriter:
    def __init__(self):
        self.buf = ''
    # end def __init__
    def write(self, s):
        self.buf = self.buf + s
    # end def write
    def getvalue(self):
        return self.buf
    # end def getvalue
# end class StringWriter

def complete_string(source, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
    input = StringReader(source)
    output = StringWriter()
    pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
    return output.getvalue()
# end def complete_string

def delete_string(source, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
    input = StringReader(source)
    output = StringWriter()
    pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
    return output.getvalue()
# end def delete_string

def reformat_string(source, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
    input = StringReader(source)
    output = StringWriter()
    pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
    return output.getvalue()
# end def reformat_string

def complete_file(filename, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
    source = open(filename, 'r').read()
    result = complete_string(source, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
    if source == result: return 0
    # end if
    import os
    try: os.rename(filename, filename + '~')
    except os.error: pass
    # end try
    f = open(filename, 'w')
    return 1
# end def complete_file

def delete_file(filename, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
    source = open(filename, 'r').read()
    result = delete_string(source, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
    if source == result: return 0
    # end if
    import os
    try: os.rename(filename, filename + '~')
    except os.error: pass
    # end try
    f = open(filename, 'w')
    return 1
# end def delete_file

def reformat_file(filename, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE, expandtabs = EXPANDTABS):
    source = open(filename, 'r').read()
    result = reformat_string(source, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
    if source == result: return 0
    # end if
    import os
    try: os.rename(filename, filename + '~')
    except os.error: pass
    # end try
    f = open(filename, 'w')
    return 1
# end def reformat_file

# Test program when called as a script

usage = """
usage: pindent (-c|-d|-r) [-s stepsize] [-t tabsize] [-e] [file] ...
-c         : complete a correctly indented program (add #end directives)
-d         : delete #end directives
-r         : reformat a completed program (use #end directives)
-s stepsize: indentation step (default %(STEPSIZE)d)
-t tabsize : the worth in spaces of a tab (default %(TABSIZE)d)
-e         : expand TABs into spaces (defailt OFF)
[file] ... : files are changed in place, with backups in file~
If no files are specified or a single - is given,
the program acts as a filter (reads stdin, writes stdout).
""" % vars()

def error_both(op1, op2):
    sys.stderr.write('Error: You can not specify both '+op1+' and -'+op2[0]+' at the same time\n')
# end def error_both

def test():
    import getopt
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'cdrs:t:e')
    except getopt.error, msg:
        sys.stderr.write('Error: %s\n' % msg)
    # end try
    action = None
    stepsize = STEPSIZE
    tabsize = TABSIZE
    expandtabs = EXPANDTABS
    for o, a in opts:
        if o == '-c':
            if action: error_both(o, action)
            # end if
            action = 'complete'
        elif o == '-d':
            if action: error_both(o, action)
            # end if
            action = 'delete'
        elif o == '-r':
            if action: error_both(o, action)
            # end if
            action = 'reformat'
        elif o == '-s':
            stepsize = int(a)
        elif o == '-t':
            tabsize = int(a)
        elif o == '-e':
            expandtabs = 1
        # end if
    # end for
    if not action:
                'You must specify -c(omplete), -d(elete) or -r(eformat)\n')
    # end if
    if not args or args == ['-']:
        action = eval(action + '_filter')
        action(sys.stdin, sys.stdout, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
        action = eval(action + '_file')
        for filename in args:
            action(filename, stepsize, tabsize, expandtabs)
        # end for
    # end if
# end def test

if __name__ == '__main__':
# end if