Mon, 08 Mar 2010 18:45:03 +0000
changeset 46 b6935a90ca64
parent 1 2fb8b9db1c86
permissions -rw-r--r--
Modify framebuffer and NGA framebuffer to read screen size from board model dtb file. Optimise memory usuage of frame buffer Add example minigui application with hooks to profiler (which writes results to S:\). Modified NGA framebuffer to run its own dfc queue at high priority

"""Shared support for scanning document type declarations in HTML and XHTML.

This module is used as a foundation for the HTMLParser and sgmllib
modules (indirectly, for htmllib as well).  It has no documented
public API and should not be used directly.


import re

_declname_match = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z][-_.a-zA-Z0-9]*\s*').match
_declstringlit_match = re.compile(r'(\'[^\']*\'|"[^"]*")\s*').match
_commentclose = re.compile(r'--\s*>')
_markedsectionclose = re.compile(r']\s*]\s*>')

# An analysis of the MS-Word extensions is available at

_msmarkedsectionclose = re.compile(r']\s*>')

del re

class ParserBase:
    """Parser base class which provides some common support methods used
    by the SGML/HTML and XHTML parsers."""

    def __init__(self):
        if self.__class__ is ParserBase:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "markupbase.ParserBase must be subclassed")

    def error(self, message):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "subclasses of ParserBase must override error()")

    def reset(self):
        self.lineno = 1
        self.offset = 0

    def getpos(self):
        """Return current line number and offset."""
        return self.lineno, self.offset

    # Internal -- update line number and offset.  This should be
    # called for each piece of data exactly once, in order -- in other
    # words the concatenation of all the input strings to this
    # function should be exactly the entire input.
    def updatepos(self, i, j):
        if i >= j:
            return j
        rawdata = self.rawdata
        nlines = rawdata.count("\n", i, j)
        if nlines:
            self.lineno = self.lineno + nlines
            pos = rawdata.rindex("\n", i, j) # Should not fail
            self.offset = j-(pos+1)
            self.offset = self.offset + j-i
        return j

    _decl_otherchars = ''

    # Internal -- parse declaration (for use by subclasses).
    def parse_declaration(self, i):
        # This is some sort of declaration; in "HTML as
        # deployed," this should only be the document type
        # declaration ("<!DOCTYPE html...>").
        # ISO 8879:1986, however, has more complex
        # declaration syntax for elements in <!...>, including:
        # --comment--
        # [marked section]
        # name in the following list: ENTITY, DOCTYPE, ELEMENT,
        rawdata = self.rawdata
        j = i + 2
        assert rawdata[i:j] == "<!", "unexpected call to parse_declaration"
        if rawdata[j:j+1] == ">":
            # the empty comment <!>
            return j + 1
        if rawdata[j:j+1] in ("-", ""):
            # Start of comment followed by buffer boundary,
            # or just a buffer boundary.
            return -1
        # A simple, practical version could look like: ((name|stringlit) S*) + '>'
        n = len(rawdata)
        if rawdata[j:j+2] == '--': #comment
            # Locate --.*-- as the body of the comment
            return self.parse_comment(i)
        elif rawdata[j] == '[': #marked section
            # Locate [statusWord [...arbitrary SGML...]] as the body of the marked section
            # Where statusWord is one of TEMP, CDATA, IGNORE, INCLUDE, RCDATA
            # Note that this is extended by Microsoft Office "Save as Web" function
            # to include [if...] and [endif].
            return self.parse_marked_section(i)
        else: #all other declaration elements
            decltype, j = self._scan_name(j, i)
        if j < 0:
            return j
        if decltype == "doctype":
            self._decl_otherchars = ''
        while j < n:
            c = rawdata[j]
            if c == ">":
                # end of declaration syntax
                data = rawdata[i+2:j]
                if decltype == "doctype":
                return j + 1
            if c in "\"'":
                m = _declstringlit_match(rawdata, j)
                if not m:
                    return -1 # incomplete
                j = m.end()
            elif c in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ":
                name, j = self._scan_name(j, i)
            elif c in self._decl_otherchars:
                j = j + 1
            elif c == "[":
                # this could be handled in a separate doctype parser
                if decltype == "doctype":
                    j = self._parse_doctype_subset(j + 1, i)
                elif decltype in ("attlist", "linktype", "link", "element"):
                    # must tolerate []'d groups in a content model in an element declaration
                    # also in data attribute specifications of attlist declaration
                    # also link type declaration subsets in linktype declarations
                    # also link attribute specification lists in link declarations
                    self.error("unsupported '[' char in %s declaration" % decltype)
                    self.error("unexpected '[' char in declaration")
                    "unexpected %r char in declaration" % rawdata[j])
            if j < 0:
                return j
        return -1 # incomplete

    # Internal -- parse a marked section
    # Override this to handle MS-word extension syntax <![if word]>content<![endif]>
    def parse_marked_section(self, i, report=1):
        rawdata= self.rawdata
        assert rawdata[i:i+3] == '<![', "unexpected call to parse_marked_section()"
        sectName, j = self._scan_name( i+3, i )
        if j < 0:
            return j
        if sectName in ("temp", "cdata", "ignore", "include", "rcdata"):
            # look for standard ]]> ending
            match=, i+3)
        elif sectName in ("if", "else", "endif"):
            # look for MS Office ]> ending
            match=, i+3)
            self.error('unknown status keyword %r in marked section' % rawdata[i+3:j])
        if not match:
            return -1
        if report:
            j = match.start(0)
            self.unknown_decl(rawdata[i+3: j])
        return match.end(0)

    # Internal -- parse comment, return length or -1 if not terminated
    def parse_comment(self, i, report=1):
        rawdata = self.rawdata
        if rawdata[i:i+4] != '<!--':
            self.error('unexpected call to parse_comment()')
        match =, i+4)
        if not match:
            return -1
        if report:
            j = match.start(0)
            self.handle_comment(rawdata[i+4: j])
        return match.end(0)

    # Internal -- scan past the internal subset in a <!DOCTYPE declaration,
    # returning the index just past any whitespace following the trailing ']'.
    def _parse_doctype_subset(self, i, declstartpos):
        rawdata = self.rawdata
        n = len(rawdata)
        j = i
        while j < n:
            c = rawdata[j]
            if c == "<":
                s = rawdata[j:j+2]
                if s == "<":
                    # end of buffer; incomplete
                    return -1
                if s != "<!":
                    self.updatepos(declstartpos, j + 1)
                    self.error("unexpected char in internal subset (in %r)" % s)
                if (j + 2) == n:
                    # end of buffer; incomplete
                    return -1
                if (j + 4) > n:
                    # end of buffer; incomplete
                    return -1
                if rawdata[j:j+4] == "<!--":
                    j = self.parse_comment(j, report=0)
                    if j < 0:
                        return j
                name, j = self._scan_name(j + 2, declstartpos)
                if j == -1:
                    return -1
                if name not in ("attlist", "element", "entity", "notation"):
                    self.updatepos(declstartpos, j + 2)
                        "unknown declaration %r in internal subset" % name)
                # handle the individual names
                meth = getattr(self, "_parse_doctype_" + name)
                j = meth(j, declstartpos)
                if j < 0:
                    return j
            elif c == "%":
                # parameter entity reference
                if (j + 1) == n:
                    # end of buffer; incomplete
                    return -1
                s, j = self._scan_name(j + 1, declstartpos)
                if j < 0:
                    return j
                if rawdata[j] == ";":
                    j = j + 1
            elif c == "]":
                j = j + 1
                while j < n and rawdata[j].isspace():
                    j = j + 1
                if j < n:
                    if rawdata[j] == ">":
                        return j
                    self.updatepos(declstartpos, j)
                    self.error("unexpected char after internal subset")
                    return -1
            elif c.isspace():
                j = j + 1
                self.updatepos(declstartpos, j)
                self.error("unexpected char %r in internal subset" % c)
        # end of buffer reached
        return -1

    # Internal -- scan past <!ELEMENT declarations
    def _parse_doctype_element(self, i, declstartpos):
        name, j = self._scan_name(i, declstartpos)
        if j == -1:
            return -1
        # style content model; just skip until '>'
        rawdata = self.rawdata
        if '>' in rawdata[j:]:
            return rawdata.find(">", j) + 1
        return -1

    # Internal -- scan past <!ATTLIST declarations
    def _parse_doctype_attlist(self, i, declstartpos):
        rawdata = self.rawdata
        name, j = self._scan_name(i, declstartpos)
        c = rawdata[j:j+1]
        if c == "":
            return -1
        if c == ">":
            return j + 1
        while 1:
            # scan a series of attribute descriptions; simplified:
            #   name type [value] [#constraint]
            name, j = self._scan_name(j, declstartpos)
            if j < 0:
                return j
            c = rawdata[j:j+1]
            if c == "":
                return -1
            if c == "(":
                # an enumerated type; look for ')'
                if ")" in rawdata[j:]:
                    j = rawdata.find(")", j) + 1
                    return -1
                while rawdata[j:j+1].isspace():
                    j = j + 1
                if not rawdata[j:]:
                    # end of buffer, incomplete
                    return -1
                name, j = self._scan_name(j, declstartpos)
            c = rawdata[j:j+1]
            if not c:
                return -1
            if c in "'\"":
                m = _declstringlit_match(rawdata, j)
                if m:
                    j = m.end()
                    return -1
                c = rawdata[j:j+1]
                if not c:
                    return -1
            if c == "#":
                if rawdata[j:] == "#":
                    # end of buffer
                    return -1
                name, j = self._scan_name(j + 1, declstartpos)
                if j < 0:
                    return j
                c = rawdata[j:j+1]
                if not c:
                    return -1
            if c == '>':
                # all done
                return j + 1

    # Internal -- scan past <!NOTATION declarations
    def _parse_doctype_notation(self, i, declstartpos):
        name, j = self._scan_name(i, declstartpos)
        if j < 0:
            return j
        rawdata = self.rawdata
        while 1:
            c = rawdata[j:j+1]
            if not c:
                # end of buffer; incomplete
                return -1
            if c == '>':
                return j + 1
            if c in "'\"":
                m = _declstringlit_match(rawdata, j)
                if not m:
                    return -1
                j = m.end()
                name, j = self._scan_name(j, declstartpos)
                if j < 0:
                    return j

    # Internal -- scan past <!ENTITY declarations
    def _parse_doctype_entity(self, i, declstartpos):
        rawdata = self.rawdata
        if rawdata[i:i+1] == "%":
            j = i + 1
            while 1:
                c = rawdata[j:j+1]
                if not c:
                    return -1
                if c.isspace():
                    j = j + 1
            j = i
        name, j = self._scan_name(j, declstartpos)
        if j < 0:
            return j
        while 1:
            c = self.rawdata[j:j+1]
            if not c:
                return -1
            if c in "'\"":
                m = _declstringlit_match(rawdata, j)
                if m:
                    j = m.end()
                    return -1    # incomplete
            elif c == ">":
                return j + 1
                name, j = self._scan_name(j, declstartpos)
                if j < 0:
                    return j

    # Internal -- scan a name token and the new position and the token, or
    # return -1 if we've reached the end of the buffer.
    def _scan_name(self, i, declstartpos):
        rawdata = self.rawdata
        n = len(rawdata)
        if i == n:
            return None, -1
        m = _declname_match(rawdata, i)
        if m:
            s =
            name = s.strip()
            if (i + len(s)) == n:
                return None, -1  # end of buffer
            return name.lower(), m.end()
            self.updatepos(declstartpos, i)
            self.error("expected name token at %r"
                       % rawdata[declstartpos:declstartpos+20])

    # To be overridden -- handlers for unknown objects
    def unknown_decl(self, data):