changeset 0 0ce1b5ce9557
child 3 f935d51494d1
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:0ce1b5ce9557
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: Audio Stubs -
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include "MmfHwDeviceStub.h"
    22 #ifdef _DEBUG
    23 #include "e32debug.h"
    25 #define DEBPRN0(str)            RDebug::Print(str, this)
    26 #define DEBPRN1(str, val1)       RDebug::Print(str, this, val1)
    27 #define DEBPRN2(str, val1, val2)       RDebug::Print(str, this, val1, val2)
    28 #else
    29 #define DEBPRN0(str)
    30 #define DEBPRN1(str, val1)
    31 #define DEBPRN2(str, val1, val2)
    32 #endif //_DEBUG
    34 // CONSTANTS
    35 const TUint KBufferLength1 = 0x1000;
    36 const TUint KBufferLength2 = 0x1000;
    37 //const TUint KBufferLength2 = 0x1800; // for creating second buffer with different length than the first buffer.
    38 const TUint KTimerDuration = 200000;
    40 #ifdef __WINSCW__
    41 _LIT(KSample1,"C:\\sample1.wav");
    42 #else
    43 _LIT(KSample1,"Z:\\system\\data\\DevSoundAdaptationStub\\sample1.wav");
    44 #endif // __WINSCW__
    46 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    48 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::CMMFHwDeviceStub
    50 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    51 // might leave.
    52 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 //
    54 CMMFHwDeviceStub::CMMFHwDeviceStub()
    55 : CActive(EPriorityNormal), iHwDeviceState(EHWDeviceIdle), iCurPlayBuffer(NULL),
    56   iCurRecdBuffer(NULL)
    57     {
    58     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    59     }
    61 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::ConstructL
    63 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    64 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    65 //
    66 void CMMFHwDeviceStub::ConstructL()
    67     {
    68     DEBPRN0(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::ConstructL:BEGIN"));
    69     // Create timer
    70     User::LeaveIfError(iTimer.CreateLocal());
    71     DEBPRN0(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::ConstructL:END"));
    72     }
    74 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    75 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::NewL
    76 // Two-phased constructor.
    77 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78 //
    79 CMMFHwDeviceStub* CMMFHwDeviceStub::NewL()
    80     {
    81     CMMFHwDeviceStub* self = new (ELeave)CMMFHwDeviceStub;
    82     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    83     self->ConstructL();
    84     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    85     return self;
    86     }
    88 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    89 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::~CMMFHwDeviceStub
    90 // Destructor
    91 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    92 //
    93 CMMFHwDeviceStub::~CMMFHwDeviceStub()
    94     {
    95     DEBPRN0(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::~CMMFHwDeviceStub:BEGIN"));
    96     // Cancel A/O and close the timer
    97     Cancel();
    98     iTimer.Close();
   100     // Delete buffers
   101     delete iPlayBuffer1;
   102     delete iPlayBuffer2;
   103     delete iRecdBuffer1;
   104     delete iRecdBuffer2;
   106     DEBPRN0(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::~CMMFHwDeviceStub:END"));
   107     }
   109 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   110 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::Start
   111 // Starts playback/record based on aFuncCmd
   112 // (other items were commented in a header).
   113 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   114 TInt CMMFHwDeviceStub::Start(TDeviceFunc aFuncCmd, TDeviceFlow /*aFlowCmd*/)
   115     {
   116     DEBPRN0(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::Start:BEGIN"));
   117     TInt status(KErrNone);
   118     switch(aFuncCmd)
   119         {
   120         case EDevDecode:
   121             iCurPlayBuffer = NULL;
   123             // Initialize buffers
   124             TRAP(status, InitializePlayBufferL());
   125             if (status != KErrNone)
   126                 return status;
   128             // Reset buffers rendered count to zero only if not pause-continue
   129             if (iHwDeviceState == EHWDeviceIdle)
   130                 iCount = 0;
   131             // Initialize attributes
   132             iHwDeviceState = EHWDevicePlay;
   133             iLastBufferReceived = EFalse;
   134             // If not already active, launch timer
   135             if (!IsActive())
   136                 {
   137                 iTimer.After(iStatus,TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(KTimerDuration) );
   138                 SetActive();
   139                 }
   140             break;
   141         case EDevEncode:
   142             iCurRecdBuffer = NULL;
   144             // Initialize buffers
   145             TRAP(status, InitializeRecdBufferL());
   146             if (status != KErrNone)
   147                 return status;
   149             // Reset buffers rendered count to zero only if not pause-continue
   150             if (iHwDeviceState == EHWDeviceIdle)
   151                 iCount = 0;
   152             // Initialize attributes
   153             iHwDeviceState = EHWDeviceRecord;
   154             // If not already active, launch timer
   155             if (!IsActive())
   156                 {
   157                 iTimer.After(iStatus,TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(KTimerDuration) );
   158                 SetActive();
   159                 }
   160             break;
   161         default:
   162             status = KErrNotSupported;
   163             break;
   164         };
   165     DEBPRN0(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::Start:END"));
   166     return status;
   167     }
   169 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   170 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::Stop
   171 // Stops current operation.
   172 // (other items were commented in a header).
   173 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   174 TInt CMMFHwDeviceStub::Stop()
   175     {
   176     DEBPRN0(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::Stop"));
   177     TInt status(KErrNone);
   178     // Cancel any outstanding requests
   179     Cancel();
   180     // Reset attributes
   181     iHwDeviceState = EHWDeviceIdle;
   182     iLastBufferReceived = EFalse;
   183     iCurPlayBuffer = NULL;
   184     iCurRecdBuffer = NULL;
   185     // Notify observer Stopped
   186     iObserver->Stopped();
   187     return status;
   188     }
   190 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   191 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::Pause
   192 // Pauses current operation.
   193 // (other items were commented in a header).
   194 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   195 TInt CMMFHwDeviceStub::Pause()
   196     {
   197     DEBPRN0(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::Pause"));
   198     TInt status(KErrNone);
   200     // Fix to WAV recording issue.
   201     // Proper way to stop this A/O is by letting the data path to call back
   202     // Stop() after detecting last buffer.
   203 //  Cancel();
   204     return status;
   205     }
   207 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   208 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::Init
   209 // Initializes CMMFHwDevice.
   210 // (other items were commented in a header).
   211 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   212 TInt CMMFHwDeviceStub::Init(THwDeviceInitParams& aDevInfo)
   213     {
   214     DEBPRN0(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::Init"));
   215     TInt status(KErrNone);
   216     iObserver = aDevInfo.iHwDeviceObserver;
   217     return status;
   218     }
   220 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   221 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::CustomInterface
   222 // Returns a pointer to CustomInterface.
   223 // (other items were commented in a header).
   224 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 TAny* CMMFHwDeviceStub::CustomInterface(TUid /*aInterfaceId*/)
   226     {
   227     return NULL;
   228     }
   230 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   231 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::ThisHwBufferFilled
   232 // Returns a pointer to CustomInterface.
   233 // (other items were commented in a header).
   234 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   235 TInt CMMFHwDeviceStub::ThisHwBufferFilled(CMMFBuffer& aFillBufferPtr)
   236     {
   237     DEBPRN2(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::ThisHwBufferFilled:Addr[0x%x]Count[%d]"), iCurPlayBuffer, ++iCount);
   238     TInt status(KErrNotReady);
   239     if (iHwDeviceState == EHWDevicePlay)
   240         {
   241         status = KErrNone;
   242         if (aFillBufferPtr.LastBuffer())
   243             {
   244             iLastBufferReceived = ETrue;
   245             DEBPRN0(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::ThisHwBufferFilled[LastBuffer]"));
   246             }
   248         // If not already active, launch timer
   249         if (!IsActive())
   250             {
   251             iTimer.After(iStatus,TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(KTimerDuration) );
   252             SetActive();
   253             }
   254         }
   255     return status;
   256     }
   258 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   259 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::ThisHwBufferEmptied
   260 // Called by client when data is available during recording.
   261 // (other items were commented in a header).
   262 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   263 TInt CMMFHwDeviceStub::ThisHwBufferEmptied(CMMFBuffer& aEmptyBufferPtr)
   264     {
   265     DEBPRN1(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::ThisHwBufferEmptied[%d]"), ++iCount);
   266     TInt status(KErrNotReady);
   267     if (iHwDeviceState == EHWDeviceRecord)
   268         {
   269         status = KErrNone;
   271         // Fix to WAV recording issue.
   272         // In case of real DevSound adaptation implementation, the
   273         // CMMFSwCodecRecordDataPath sets the last buffer parameter when no
   274         // more data is in the buffer to process. In case of the stub, this
   275         // never gets set as the s/w codec is not involved - we are simply
   276         // copying same fixed 4k block of data over and over again. So, on
   277         // pause or stop we need to indicate to the data path that we no
   278         // longer need processing of data by manually setting last buffer
   279         // parameter and resetting requested data size to 0.
   280         if (aEmptyBufferPtr.LastBuffer())
   281             {
   282             iRecdBuffer1->SetLastBuffer(ETrue);
   283             iRecdBuffer1->SetRequestSizeL(0);
   284             iRecdBuffer2->SetLastBuffer(ETrue);
   285             iRecdBuffer2->SetRequestSizeL(0);
   286             }
   288         // If not already active, launch timer
   289         if (!IsActive())
   290             {
   291             iTimer.After(iStatus,TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(KTimerDuration) );
   292             SetActive();
   293             }
   294         }
   296     return status;
   297     }
   299 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   300 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::SetConfig
   301 // Configures CMMFHwDevice.
   302 // (other items were commented in a header).
   303 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   304 TInt CMMFHwDeviceStub::SetConfig(TTaskConfig& /*aConfig*/)
   305     {
   306     DEBPRN0(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::SetConfig"));
   307     TInt status(KErrNone);
   308     return status;
   309     }
   311 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   312 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::StopAndDeleteCodec
   313 // Stops and deletes codec.
   314 // (other items were commented in a header).
   315 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   316 TInt CMMFHwDeviceStub::StopAndDeleteCodec()
   317     {
   318     DEBPRN0(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::StopAndDeleteCodec"));
   319     TInt status(KErrNone);
   320     Stop();
   321     return status;
   322     }
   324 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   325 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::DeleteCodec
   326 // Deletes codec.
   327 // (other items were commented in a header).
   328 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   329 TInt CMMFHwDeviceStub::DeleteCodec()
   330     {
   331     DEBPRN0(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::DeleteCodec"));
   332     TInt status(KErrNone);
   333     Stop();
   334     return status;
   335     }
   338 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   339 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::RunL
   340 // Called by CActive object framework when local timer times out.
   341 // (other items were commented in a header).
   342 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   343 void CMMFHwDeviceStub::RunL()
   344     {
   345     DEBPRN1(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::RunL:iHwDevState[%d]"), iHwDeviceState);
   346     switch(iHwDeviceState)
   347         {
   348         case EHWDevicePlay:
   349             // If last buffer is received, send error
   350             if (iLastBufferReceived)
   351                 {
   352                 iObserver->Error(KErrUnderflow);
   353                 Stop();
   354                 }
   355             else
   356                 {
   357                 SetActivePlayBufferL();
   358                 iObserver->FillThisHwBuffer(*iCurPlayBuffer);
   359                 }
   360             break;
   361         case EHWDeviceRecord:
   362             SetActiveRecdBufferL();
   363             iObserver->EmptyThisHwBuffer(*iCurRecdBuffer);
   364             break;
   365         default:
   366             break;
   367         }
   368     }
   370 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   371 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::DoCancel
   372 // From CActive. Called by Framework when this instance is active and is
   373 // cancelled
   374 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   375 void CMMFHwDeviceStub::DoCancel()
   376     {
   377     DEBPRN0(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::DoCancel"));
   378     iTimer.Cancel();
   379     }
   381 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   382 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::Error
   383 // From CActive. Called by Framework when RunL Leaves
   384 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   385 TInt CMMFHwDeviceStub::Error(TInt /*aError*/)
   386     {
   387     return KErrNone;
   388     }
   390 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   391 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::InitializePlayBufferL
   392 // Initializes buffer(s) used for playback
   393 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   394 void CMMFHwDeviceStub::InitializePlayBufferL()
   395     {
   396     if (!iPlayBuffer1)
   397         {
   398         // Create buffers
   399         iPlayBuffer1 = CMMFDataBuffer::NewL(KBufferLength1);
   400         }
   401     if (!iPlayBuffer2)
   402         {
   403         // Create buffers
   404         iPlayBuffer2 = CMMFDataBuffer::NewL(KBufferLength2);
   405         }
   406     }
   408 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   409 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::InitializeRecdBufferL
   410 // Initializes buffer(s) used for recording
   411 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   412 void CMMFHwDeviceStub::InitializeRecdBufferL()
   413     {
   414     if (!iRecdBuffer1)
   415         {
   416         DEBPRN0(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::InitializeRecdBufferL:Creating buffer..."));
   417         // Create buffers
   418         iRecdBuffer1 = CMMFDataBuffer::NewL(KBufferLength1);
   419         }
   421     if (!iRecdBuffer2)
   422         {
   423         DEBPRN0(_L("CMMFHwDeviceStub[0x%x]::InitializeRecdBufferL:Creating buffer..."));
   424         // Create buffers
   425         iRecdBuffer2 = CMMFDataBuffer::NewL(KBufferLength2);
   426         }
   428     iPosition = 0;
   430     }
   432 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   433 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::SetActiveRecdBufferL
   434 // Reads data from the input file to the buffer
   435 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   436 void CMMFHwDeviceStub::SetActiveRecdBufferL()
   437     {
   438     if ( !iCurRecdBuffer || ( iCurRecdBuffer == iRecdBuffer2 ) )
   439         {
   440         iCurRecdBuffer = iRecdBuffer1;
   441         }
   442     else
   443         {
   444         iCurRecdBuffer = iRecdBuffer2;
   445         }
   447     if ( !iCurRecdBuffer->LastBuffer() )
   448         {
   449         RFs rFs;
   450         RFile rFile;
   451         User::LeaveIfError(rFs.Connect());
   452         User::LeaveIfError(rFile.Open(rFs, KSample1, EFileRead));
   454         TInt size;
   455         User::LeaveIfError(rFile.Size(size));
   456         TInt bufLength( iCurRecdBuffer->Data().MaxLength() );
   457         if (iPosition > (size - bufLength))
   458             {
   459             iPosition = 0; //rewind file position index to the beginning
   460             }
   461         // Assumption, file size is more than iCurRecdBuffer->Data().MaxLength()
   462         User::LeaveIfError(rFile.Read(iPosition,
   463                                       iCurRecdBuffer->Data(),
   464                                       bufLength) );
   465         iCurRecdBuffer->SetRequestSizeL(bufLength);
   466         iCurRecdBuffer->SetLastBuffer(EFalse);
   467         rFile.Close();
   468         rFs.Close();
   470         iPosition += bufLength;
   471         }
   472     }
   474 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   475 // CMMFHwDeviceStub::SetActivePlayBufferL
   476 // Reads data from the input file to the buffer
   477 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   478 void CMMFHwDeviceStub::SetActivePlayBufferL()
   479     {
   480     if ( !iCurPlayBuffer || ( iCurPlayBuffer == iPlayBuffer2 ) )
   481         {
   482         iCurPlayBuffer = iPlayBuffer1;
   483         }
   484     else
   485         {
   486         iCurPlayBuffer = iPlayBuffer2;
   487         }
   488     iCurPlayBuffer->SetRequestSizeL(iCurPlayBuffer->Data().MaxLength());
   489     iCurPlayBuffer->Data().SetLength(0);
   490     iCurPlayBuffer->SetLastBuffer(EFalse);
   491     }
   493 //End of File