changeset 0 0ce1b5ce9557
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:0ce1b5ce9557
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Hardware Resource Manager stub plugins fmtx plugin 
    15 *                implementation.
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include <hwrmfmtxcommands.h>
    22 #include "FmtxPlugin.h"
    23 #include "PluginTimer.h"
    24 #include "Trace.h"
    26 const TUint32 KFmTxStubPluginFreqMax  = 107900; // KHz
    27 const TUint32 KFmTxStubPluginFreqMin  = 88100; // KHz
    28 const TUint32 KFmTxStubPluginStepSize = 50; // KHz
    29 const TInt KMaxLengthMarker = 63;
    31 #ifdef PUBLISH_STATE_INFO
    32 const TUid KPSUidHWResourceNotification = {0x101F7A01}; // HWRM private PS Uid
    33 #endif /* PUBLISH_STATE_INFO */
    36 CFmtxPlugin* CFmtxPlugin::NewL()
    37     {
    38     COMPONENT_TRACE(( _L("CFmtxPlugin::NewL()") ));
    40     CFmtxPlugin* self = new(ELeave) CFmtxPlugin();
    41     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    42     self->ConstructL();
    43     CleanupStack::Pop();
    44     return self;
    45     }
    48 CFmtxPlugin::~CFmtxPlugin()
    49     {
    50     COMPONENT_TRACE(( _L("CFmtxPlugin::~CFmtxPlugin()") ));
    52     iTimers.ResetAndDestroy();
    53 #ifdef PUBLISH_STATE_INFO
    54     iCmdProperty.Close();
    55     iDataProperty.Close();
    56 #endif /* PUBLISH_STATE_INFO */
    57     }
    60 CFmtxPlugin::CFmtxPlugin() : iLastCommand(HWRMFmTxCommand::ENoCommandId),
    61                              iHwState(HWRMFmTxCommand::EFmTxHwStateOff),
    62                              iClearFrequency(KFmTxStubPluginFreqMin)
    63     {
    64     COMPONENT_TRACE(( _L("CFmtxPlugin::CFmtxPlugin()") ));
    65     }
    68 void CFmtxPlugin::ConstructL()
    69     {
    70     COMPONENT_TRACE(( _L("CFmtxPlugin::ConstructL") ));
    72 #ifdef PUBLISH_STATE_INFO
    73     RProperty::Define(KPSUidHWResourceNotification, KHWRMTestFmtxCommand, RProperty::EInt);
    74     RProperty::Define(KPSUidHWResourceNotification, KHWRMTestFmtxDataPckg, RProperty::EByteArray, 512);
    75     iCmdProperty.Attach(KPSUidHWResourceNotification, KHWRMTestFmtxCommand);
    76     iDataProperty.Attach(KPSUidHWResourceNotification, KHWRMTestFmtxDataPckg);
    77 #endif /* PUBLISH_STATE_INFO */
    78     }
    81 TInt CFmtxPlugin::CheckFrequencyWithinRange(TDesC8& aData)
    82 	{
    83 	HWRMFmTxCommand::TSetFrequencyPackage pckg;
    84 	pckg.Copy(aData);
    85 	TInt frequency = pckg();
    87 	if ( frequency < KFmTxStubPluginFreqMin ||
    88 		 frequency > KFmTxStubPluginFreqMax )
    89 		{
    90 		COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("CFmtxPlugin::CheckFrequencyWithinRange, frequency %d is out of range"), frequency));
    91 		return KErrArgument;
    92 		}
    93 	else
    94 		{
    95 		iFrequency = frequency;
    96 		return KErrNone;
    97 		}
    98 	}
   101 void CFmtxPlugin::ProcessCommandL(const TInt aCommandId,
   102                                   const TUint8 aTransId,
   103                                   TDesC8& aData)
   104     {
   105     COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("CFmtxPlugin::ProcessCommandL, command: 0x%x, TransId: 0x%x"), aCommandId, aTransId));
   107     TInt retVal(KErrNone);
   109     switch (aCommandId)
   110         {
   111         case HWRMFmTxCommand::ETxOnCmdId:
   112             {
   113             COMPONENT_TRACE(_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Processed ETxOnCmdId"));
   115             // check TSetFrequencyPackage param
   116 			if ( iHwState != HWRMFmTxCommand::EFmTxHwStateOff )
   117 				{
   118 				retVal = KErrInUse;
   119 				}
   120 			else
   121 			    {
   122 			    retVal = CheckFrequencyWithinRange(aData);
   123 			    }
   124 			}
   125             break;
   127         case HWRMFmTxCommand::ETxOffCmdId:
   128             {
   129             COMPONENT_TRACE(_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Processed ETxOffCmdId"));
   131 			if ( iHwState == HWRMFmTxCommand::EFmTxHwStateOff )
   132 				{
   133 				retVal = KErrNotReady;
   134 				}
   135             }
   136             break;
   138         case HWRMFmTxCommand::ESetTxFrequencyCmdId:
   139             {
   140             COMPONENT_TRACE(_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Processed ESetTxFrequencyCmdId"));
   142 			if ( iHwState == HWRMFmTxCommand::EFmTxHwStateOn )
   143 				{
   144             	// check TSetFrequencyPackage param
   145 				retVal = CheckFrequencyWithinRange(aData);
   146 				}
   147 			else
   148 				{
   149 				COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: HW isn't ready, iHwState = %d"), iHwState));
   150 				retVal = KErrNotReady;
   151 				}			
   152             }
   153             break;
   155         case HWRMFmTxCommand::ETxScanRequestCmdId:
   156         	{
   157         	COMPONENT_TRACE(_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Processed ETxScanRequestCmdId"));
   159 			if ( iHwState == HWRMFmTxCommand::EFmTxHwStateOn )
   160 				{        	
   161         		// check TScanRequestPackage param        	
   162         		HWRMFmTxCommand::TScanRequestPackage pckg;
   163 				pckg.Copy(aData);        	
   164 				TUint channelsRequested = pckg();			
   165                 if( channelsRequested > 10 )
   166                     {
   167                     // Should not come here because input verified in client end
   168                     retVal = KErrArgument;
   169                     }
   170 				iChannelsRequested = ( channelsRequested <= 10 ) ? channelsRequested : 10;
   171 				}
   172 			else
   173 				{
   174 				COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: HW isn't ready, iHwState = %d"), iHwState));
   175 				retVal = KErrNotReady;
   176 				}
   177         	}
   178         	break;
   180         case HWRMFmTxCommand::EGetTxFrequencyRangeCmdId:
   181         	{
   182         	COMPONENT_TRACE(_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Processed EGetTxFrequencyRangeCmdId"));
   184         	// No params to check
   185         	}
   186         	break;        
   188         case HWRMFmTxCommand::ESetTxRdsPsCmdId:
   189         	{
   190         	COMPONENT_TRACE(_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Processed ESetTxRdsPsCmdId"));
   192 			if ( iHwState == HWRMFmTxCommand::EFmTxHwStateOn )
   193 				{
   194 				// check TRdsPsPackage param
   195 				}
   196 			else
   197 				{
   198 				COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: HW isn't ready, iHwState = %d"), iHwState));
   199 				retVal = KErrNotReady;
   200 				}
   201         	}
   202         	break;        
   204         case HWRMFmTxCommand::ESetTxRdsPtyCmdId:
   205         	{
   206         	COMPONENT_TRACE(_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Processed ESetTxRdsPtyCmdId"));
   208 			if ( iHwState == HWRMFmTxCommand::EFmTxHwStateOn )
   209 				{
   210 				// Check TRdsPtyPackage param
   211         		HWRMFmTxCommand::TRdsPtyPackage pckg;
   212 				pckg.Copy(aData);        	
   213 				TInt programType = pckg();			
   214                 const TInt KRdsPtyFirst = 0;
   215                 const TInt KRdsPtyLast = 31;
   217                 if( programType < KRdsPtyFirst || programType > KRdsPtyLast )
   218                     {
   219                     // Should not come here because input verified in client end
   220                     retVal = KErrArgument;
   221                     }
   222 				}
   223 			else
   224 				{
   225 				COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: HW isn't ready, iHwState = %d"), iHwState));
   226 				retVal = KErrNotReady;
   227 				}        	
   228         	}
   229         	break;        	        
   231         case HWRMFmTxCommand::ESetTxRdsPtynCmdId:
   232         	{
   233         	COMPONENT_TRACE(_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Processed ESetTxRdsPtynCmdId"));
   235 			if ( iHwState == HWRMFmTxCommand::EFmTxHwStateOn )
   236 				{
   237         		// Check TRdsPtynPackage param
   238         		HWRMFmTxCommand::TRdsPtynPackage pckg;
   239 				pckg.Copy(aData);        	
   240 				HWRMFmTxCommand::TRdsPtyn prgTypeName = pckg();			
   241                 const TInt KMaxRdsPtynLength = 8;
   242                 if( prgTypeName.Length() > KMaxRdsPtynLength )
   243                     {
   244                     // Should not come here because input verified in client end
   245                     retVal = KErrArgument;
   246                     }
   247 				}
   248 			else
   249 				{
   250 				COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: HW isn't ready, iHwState = %d"), iHwState));
   251 				retVal = KErrNotReady;
   252 				}        	
   253         	}
   254         	break;
   256         case HWRMFmTxCommand::ESetTxRdsMsCmdId:
   257         	{
   258         	COMPONENT_TRACE(_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Processed ESetTxRdsMsCmdId"));
   260 			if ( iHwState == HWRMFmTxCommand::EFmTxHwStateOn )
   261 				{
   262         		// No params to check
   263 				}
   264 			else
   265 				{
   266 				COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: HW isn't ready, iHwState = %d"), iHwState));
   267 				retVal = KErrNotReady;
   268 				}         	
   269         	}
   270         	break;        
   272         case HWRMFmTxCommand::ESetTxRdsLangIdCmdId:
   273         	{
   274         	COMPONENT_TRACE(_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Processed ESetTxRdsLangIdCmdId"));
   276 			if ( iHwState == HWRMFmTxCommand::EFmTxHwStateOn )
   277 				{
   278         		// Check TRdsLangIdPackage param
   279         		HWRMFmTxCommand::TRdsLangIdPackage pckg;
   280 				pckg.Copy(aData);        	
   281 				TInt languageId = pckg();
   282                 const TInt KRdsLanguageFirst = 0x00;
   283                 const TInt KRdsLanguageLast = 0x7F;
   285                 if( languageId < KRdsLanguageFirst || languageId > KRdsLanguageLast )
   286                     {
   287                     // Should not come here because input verified in client end
   288                     User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   289                     }
   290 				}
   291 			else
   292 				{
   293 				COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: HW isn't ready, iHwState = %d"), iHwState));
   294 				retVal = KErrNotReady;
   295 				}           	
   296         	}
   297         	break;        
   299         case HWRMFmTxCommand::ESetTxRtCmdId:
   300         	{
   301         	COMPONENT_TRACE(_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Processed ESetTxRtCmdId"));
   303 			if ( iHwState == HWRMFmTxCommand::EFmTxHwStateOn )
   304 				{
   305         		// Check TRtPackage params
   306 	            HWRMFmTxCommand::TRtPackage pckg;
   307 	            pckg.Copy(aData);
   308                 HWRMFmTxCommand::TRtData rtData = pckg();
   310 	            if( rtData.iTag1.iContentType > KMaxLengthMarker || rtData.iTag2.iContentType > KMaxLengthMarker ||
   311                     rtData.iTag1.iLengthMarker > KMaxLengthMarker || rtData.iTag2.iLengthMarker > KMaxLengthMarker )
   312                     {
   313                     retVal = KErrArgument;
   314                     }
   315 				}
   316 			else
   317 				{
   318 				COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: HW isn't ready, iHwState = %d"), iHwState));
   319 				retVal = KErrNotReady;
   320 				}            	
   321         	}
   322         	break;        
   324         case HWRMFmTxCommand::EClearTxRtCmdId:
   325         	{
   326         	COMPONENT_TRACE(_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Processed EClearTxRtCmdId"));
   328 			if ( iHwState != HWRMFmTxCommand::EFmTxHwStateOn )			
   329 				{
   330 				COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: HW isn't ready, iHwState = %d"), iHwState));
   331 				retVal = KErrNotReady;
   332 				}             	        	
   333 			// No params to check
   334         	}
   335         	break;
   337 		case HWRMFmTxCommand::ENoCommandId:   // fall through
   338         default :
   339             {
   340             COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Unknown Command: 0x%x"), aCommandId));
   341             }
   342             break;
   343         }
   345     // Check for concurrent requests. Scan request (ETxScanRequestCmdId) may precede
   346     // set frequency (ESetTxFrequencyCmdId), because it is handled as a split command.
   347     if ( iLastCommand != HWRMFmTxCommand::ENoCommandId &&
   348          !(iLastCommand == HWRMFmTxCommand::ETxScanRequestCmdId && aCommandId == HWRMFmTxCommand::ESetTxFrequencyCmdId) )
   349     	{
   350 		COMPONENT_TRACE(_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Not ready due to concurrent command"));
   351     	retVal = KErrNotReady;
   352     	}
   353 	iLastCommand = static_cast<HWRMFmTxCommand::TFmTxCmd>(aCommandId);
   355     TInt timeout(500); // microseconds
   357     // Increase timeout for scan requests
   358     if (HWRMFmTxCommand::ETxScanRequestCmdId == aCommandId)
   359     	{
   360     	timeout = 2*1000*1000; // 2 seconds
   361     	}
   363 #ifdef PUBLISH_STATE_INFO
   364     // publish
   365     iCmdProperty.Set(aCommandId);
   366     iDataProperty.Set(aData);
   367 #endif /* PUBLISH_STATE_INFO */
   369     // create new timer
   370     CPluginTimer* timer = CPluginTimer::NewL(timeout, iResponseCallback, aCommandId, aTransId, retVal, this);
   371     CleanupStack::PushL(timer);
   372     iTimers.AppendL(timer);
   373     CleanupStack::Pop(timer);
   375     COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Processing command - return")));
   376     }
   379 void CFmtxPlugin::CancelCommandL(const TUint8 aTransId,
   380 #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(COMPONENT_TRACE_FLAG)
   381                                  const TInt aCommandId)
   382 #else
   383                                  const TInt /*aCommandId*/)
   384 #endif
   385     {
   386     COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Cancelling command: 0x%x, TransId: 0x%x"), aCommandId, aTransId));
   387     COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Cancelling command - iTimers.Count(): %d "), iTimers.Count()));
   389     for( TInt i = 0; i < iTimers.Count(); i++ )
   390         {
   391         if ( iTimers[i]->TransId() == aTransId )
   392             {
   393             delete iTimers[i];
   394             iTimers.Remove(i);
   395             COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Cancelling command - Removed command: 0x%x, TransId: 0x%x"), aCommandId, aTransId));
   396             break;
   397             }
   398         }
   400     if ( iTimers.Count() == 0 )
   401     	{
   402     	// no more commands on-going
   403     	iLastCommand = HWRMFmTxCommand::ENoCommandId;
   404     	}
   405     }
   407 void CFmtxPlugin::GenericTimerFired(MHWRMPluginCallback* aService,
   408                                     TInt aCommandId,
   409                                     const TUint8 aTransId,
   410                                     TInt aRetVal)
   411     {
   412     COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: GenericTimerFired (0x%x, 0x%x, %d)"), aCommandId, aTransId, aRetVal));
   414     __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aService != NULL, User::Invariant() );
   416 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   418 	HWRMFmTxCommand::TFmTxHwState tempState = HWRMFmTxCommand::EFmTxHwStateOff;
   420     switch (aCommandId)
   421         {
   422         case HWRMFmTxCommand::EGetTxFrequencyRangeCmdId:
   423         	{
   424 			COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Returning freq range")));
   425 			HWRMFmTxCommand::TFrequencyRangeData freqRange;
   426 			freqRange.iErrorCode = KErrNone;
   427 			freqRange.iMinFrequency = KFmTxStubPluginFreqMin;
   428 			freqRange.iMaxFrequency = KFmTxStubPluginFreqMax;
   429 			freqRange.iStepSize = KFmTxStubPluginStepSize;
   430     		HWRMFmTxCommand::TFrequencyRangePackage freqRangePckg(freqRange);
   431     		TRAP(err, aService->ProcessResponseL(aCommandId, aTransId, freqRangePckg)); 
   432         	}
   433         	break;
   435         case HWRMFmTxCommand::ETxScanRequestCmdId:
   436         	{
   437 			HWRMFmTxCommand::TScanResponseData scanData;
   438 			scanData.iErrorCode = aRetVal;
   439 			if ( aRetVal == KErrNone )
   440 				{
   441 				if ( (iClearFrequency += KFmTxStubPluginStepSize) > KFmTxStubPluginFreqMax )
   442 					{
   443 					iClearFrequency = KFmTxStubPluginFreqMin;
   444 					}
   445 				scanData.iErrorCode = KErrNone;
   446     			scanData.iFrequenciesFound = iChannelsRequested;
   447     			TUint32 clearFrequency = iClearFrequency;
   448     			for(TInt i=0; i<iChannelsRequested; i++)
   449     			    {
   450     			    scanData.iChannels.Copy(&clearFrequency,i+1);
   451     				if ( (clearFrequency += KFmTxStubPluginStepSize) > KFmTxStubPluginFreqMax )
   452     					{
   453     					clearFrequency = KFmTxStubPluginFreqMin;
   454     					}
   455     			    }
   456     			COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Returning 1 clear frequency")));
   457 				}
   458 			else
   459 				{
   460 				scanData.iFrequenciesFound = 0;
   461 				COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Returning 0 clear frequencies")));
   462 				}			
   463     		HWRMFmTxCommand::TScanResponsePackage scanPckg(scanData);
   464     		TRAP(err, aService->ProcessResponseL(aCommandId, aTransId, scanPckg)); 
   465     		}
   466         	break;
   468         case HWRMFmTxCommand::ETxOnCmdId:           // fall through
   469         case HWRMFmTxCommand::ESetTxFrequencyCmdId: 
   470         	tempState = HWRMFmTxCommand::EFmTxHwStateOn; // fall through
   471         case HWRMFmTxCommand::ETxOffCmdId:          
   472         	{
   473         	if ( aRetVal == KErrNone)
   474         		{
   475         		iHwState = tempState;
   477 				if ( iStatusIndTransId ) // if request successful, and status indication has been requested
   478 	        		{	
   479     	    		// also send frequency/state changed indications for these
   480  					COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: sending status indication")));
   481  					HWRMFmTxCommand::TFmTxStatusData statusData;
   482  					statusData.state     = tempState;
   483 					statusData.frequency = iFrequency;
   484 		    		HWRMFmTxCommand::TStatusIndicationPackage statusIndPckg(statusData);
   485 		    		TInt tempTransId = iStatusIndTransId; // status indication may be reissued immediately...
   486 	    			iStatusIndTransId = 0;                // null here first
   487 					TRAP(err, aService->ProcessResponseL(HWRMFmTxCommand::ETxStatusIndId, tempTransId, statusIndPckg)); 
   488 					if ( err != KErrNone )
   489 						{
   490 						COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Error sending status indication")));
   491 						}
   492 					}
   493 				}
   494         	} // fall through
   496         case HWRMFmTxCommand::ESetTxRdsPsCmdId:
   497         case HWRMFmTxCommand::ESetTxRtCmdId:
   498         default :
   499             {
   500             COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Returning error code %d, Command: 0x%x"), aRetVal, aCommandId));
   501     		HWRMFmTxCommand::TErrorCodeResponsePackage retvalPackage(aRetVal);
   502     		TRAP(err, aService->ProcessResponseL(aCommandId, aTransId, retvalPackage));          
   503             }
   504             break;
   505         }
   507     if ( err != KErrNone )
   508         {
   509         COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: Error in ProcessResponseL: %d"), err));
   510         }
   512     // delete obsolete timers
   513     for( TInt i = (iTimers.Count()-1); i > -1 ; i-- )
   514         {
   515         if ( !iTimers[i]->IsActive() )
   516             {
   517             delete iTimers[i];
   518             iTimers.Remove(i);
   519             COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("HWRM FmtxPlugin: GenericTimerFired - Removed obsolete timer")));
   520             }
   521         }
   523     if ( iTimers.Count() == 0 )
   524     	{
   525     	// no more commands on-going
   526     	iLastCommand = HWRMFmTxCommand::ENoCommandId;
   527     	}
   528     }