changeset 0 0ce1b5ce9557
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/btaudioadaptation_stub/inc/btaudiostreaminputadaptation.h	Thu Jan 14 07:14:53 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  This header specifies the implementation of BT Audio Adaptation API. 
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include "btaudiostreaminputbase.h" 
+ *  This class implements the interface specified by CBTAudioStreamInputBase. 
+ *
+ *  This class contains the stub implementation of the CAudioStreamInputAdaptation, 
+ *  that inherits from CBTAudioStreamInputBase. 
+ *  
+ *  To the user it seems as if he's operating with the base class, because he calls, 
+ *  but in practice the class he uses is an instance of this class. 
+ *
+ *  @lib btaudioadaptation.lib
+ *  @since S60 v3.1 
+ */
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CBTAudioStreamInputAdaptation) : public CBTAudioStreamInputBase 
+    {
+    public:  
+    static CBTAudioStreamInputAdaptation* NewL( MBTAudioStreamObserver& aStreamObserver, MBTAudioErrorObserver& aErrorObserver );
+    virtual ~CBTAudioStreamInputAdaptation();
+    public: 
+    /**
+     * From CBTAudioStreamInputBase.
+     * This method is called when the client has processed the buffer it got 
+     * from the Receive method. 
+     * 
+     * See BT Audio Adaptation API and BT Audio Adaptation Design specifications 
+     * for detailed explanation. 
+     *
+     * @since S60 v3.1
+     * @param aBuffer refers to the buffer that was received earlier in the Receive method. 
+     * @return  void
+     */
+        IMPORT_C void BufferEmptied( const TDesC8& aBuffer );
+    /**
+     * From CBTAudioStreamInputBase.
+     * This method is for connecting to the audio subsystem. 
+     *
+     * See BT Audio Adaptation API and BT Audio Adaptation Design specifications 
+     * for detailed explanation. 
+     *
+     * @since S60 v3.1
+     * @param void. 
+     * @return a Symbian OS wide error code. 
+     */
+        IMPORT_C TInt Connect();
+    /**
+     * From CBTAudioStreamInputBase.
+     * This method is for disconnecting from the audio subsystem. 
+     *
+     * See BT Audio Adaptation API and BT Audio Adaptation Design specifications 
+     * for detailed explanation. 
+     *
+     * @since S60 v3.1
+     * @param void. 
+     * @return void
+     */
+        IMPORT_C void Disconnect();
+    /**
+     * From CBTAudioStreamInputBase.
+     * This method is for passing the custom interfaces that are 
+     * needed sometimes for configuring the hardware encoder. 
+     *
+     * See BT Audio Adaptation API and BT Audio Adaptation Design specifications 
+     * for detailed explanation. 
+     *
+     * @since S60 v3.1
+     * @param aInterfaceId specifies the id of custom interface that the client 
+     *        wants to get. 
+     * @return  A pointer to the requested interface. Client must cast it into a correct class. 
+     */
+        IMPORT_C TAny* EncoderInterface(TUid aInterfaceId);
+    /**
+     * From CBTAudioStreamInputBase.
+     * This method is for choosing the encoder for the audio data. 
+     *
+     * See BT Audio Adaptation API and BT Audio Adaptation Design specifications 
+     * for detailed explanation. 
+     *
+     * @since S60 v3.1
+     * @param aDesiredFourCC specifies the encoder that the client wants to use. 
+     * @return a Symbian OS wide error code. 
+     */
+        IMPORT_C TInt SetFormat(TFourCC aDesiredFourCC);
+    /**
+     * From CBTAudioStreamInputBase.
+     * This method is for starting the recording from the audio subsystem. 
+     *
+     * See BT Audio Adaptation API and BT Audio Adaptation Design specifications 
+     * for detailed explanation. 
+     *
+     * @since S60 v3.1
+     * @param void. 
+     * @return a Symbian OS wide error code. 
+     */
+        IMPORT_C TInt Start();
+    /**
+     * From CBTAudioStreamInputBase.
+     * This method is for stopping the recording from the audio subsystem. 
+     *
+     * See BT Audio Adaptation API and BT Audio Adaptation Design specifications 
+     * for detailed explanation. 
+     *
+     * @since S60 v3.1
+     * @param void. 
+     * @return a Symbian OS wide error code. 
+     */
+        IMPORT_C void Stop();
+    private:
+        CBTAudioStreamInputAdaptation(MBTAudioStreamObserver& aStreamObserver, MBTAudioErrorObserver& aErrorObserver);
+        void ConstructL();
+        void RunL(); 
+        void DoCancel();
+   }; 