changeset 0 0ce1b5ce9557
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/srsfenginestub/recognitionhwdevice/src/asrsrecognitionhwdevice.h	Thu Jan 14 07:14:53 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:     HW Device for speech recognition
+#include <asrshwdevice.h>
+class CSDModelBank;
+class CSIModelBank;
+class CRecognitionAlgorithm;
+*  Observer for recognition HW device
+*  @lib asrsrecognitionhwdevice.lib
+*  @since 2.8
+class MASRSRecognitionHwDeviceObserver 
+    {
+    public: // New functions
+        /**
+        * Called by the hardware device when the InitializeL() method has completed.
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param aError Initialization result code. 
+        *               KErrNone if successful otherwise a system-wide error code.
+        * @return none
+        */
+        virtual void MarhdoInitializationComplete( TInt aError ) = 0;
+        /**
+        * Called by the hardware device when the  InitializeL() method has completed.
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param aError Initialization result code. 
+        *               KErrNone if successful otherwise a system-wide error code.
+        * @return none
+        */
+        virtual void MarhdoInitRecognizerFEComplete( TInt aError ) = 0;
+        /**
+        * Called by the hardware device when backend initialization is completed.
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param aError Initialization result code. 
+        *               KErrNone if successful otherwise a system-wide error code.
+        * @return none
+        */
+        virtual void MarhdoInitRecognizerBEComplete( TInt aError ) = 0;
+        /**
+        * Called by the hardware device when recognition result is available.
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param aError Recognition result code. KErrNone if successful.  
+        *               KErrRejected if the recognition result is rejected, 
+        *               otherwise a system-wide error code
+        * @return none
+        */ 
+        virtual void MarhdoRecognitionComplete( TInt aError ) = 0;
+        /**
+        * Called by the hardware device when end-of-utterance is detected by the 
+        * acoustic frontend. This method must be called before MarhdoRecognitionComplete().
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param aError Recognition result code. KErrNone if successful, otherwise KErrTooLong, 
+        *               KErrTooShort, KErrAsrSpeechTooEarly, KErrNoSpeech
+        * @return none
+        */
+        virtual void MarhdoEouDetected( TInt aError ) = 0;
+        /**
+        * Called by the hardware device when a feature vector is extracted by acoustic frontend.
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param aFV A buffer containing a feature vector.
+        * @param aSNR Signal-to-noise ratio.
+        * @param aPosition Indicates whether this is the first, subsequent or last feature vector in a series.
+        * @return none
+        */
+        virtual void MarhdoFeatureVector( const TDesC8& aFV, TInt32 aSNR, TInt32 aPosition ) = 0;
+        /**
+        * Called by the hardware device to request for utterance data. 
+        * The response to the request is sent in SendSpeechData().
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param none
+        * @return none
+        */
+        virtual void MarhdoRequestSpeechData () = 0;
+    };
+*  Recognition HW Device
+*  @lib asrsrecognitionhwdevice.lib
+*  @since 2.8
+class CASRSRecognitionHwDevice : public CASRSHwDevice
+    {
+    public:  // Constructors and destructor
+        /**
+        * Two-phased constructor.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C static CASRSRecognitionHwDevice* NewL( MASRSRecognitionHwDeviceObserver& aObserver );
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C virtual ~CASRSRecognitionHwDevice();
+    public: // New functions
+        /**
+        * This method initializes the backend of the recognition Hw device.
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param aRecognitionData A recognition data generated by grammar compilation.
+        * @param aModels A model bank containing acoustic models 
+        * @return none
+        */
+        IMPORT_C void InitRecognizerBEL( const TDesC8& aRecognitionData, 
+                               const CSIModelBank& aModels );
+        /**
+        * This method initialize the frontend of the recognition Hwdevice
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param none
+        * @return none
+        */  
+        IMPORT_C void InitRecognizerFEL( TBool aSendFeatureVectors = EFalse );
+        /**
+        * Sets the maximum number of entries wanted in the ranked list of recognition results. 
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param aNBest The n-best number.
+        * @return none
+        */ 
+    	IMPORT_C void SetNBest( TUint32 aNBest );
+    	/**
+        * Sets the rejection threshold. 
+        * @since 3.2
+        * @param aRejection Rejection threshold value.
+        * @return none
+        */ 
+    	IMPORT_C void SetRejection( TUint32 aRejection );
+    	/**
+        * Gets the rejection threshold. 
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param none
+        * @return Rejection threshold value.
+        */ 
+    	IMPORT_C TUint32 GetRejection();
+        /**
+        * Start recognition
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param aNBestList At the end of recognition, this object will contain Nbest list IDs.
+        * @param aScore At the end of recognition, this object will contain scores for Nbest list.
+        * @param aSendFeatureVectors ETrue send feature vector to client, EFalse do not send feature vector to client.
+        * @return none
+        */ 
+        IMPORT_C void StartRecognitionL( RArray<TUint>& aNBestList, RArray<TInt>& aScore );
+        /**
+        * Stop a started recognition process.
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param none
+        * @return none
+        */ 
+        IMPORT_C void StopRecognition();
+        /**
+        * Use to send utterance data
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param aBuffer Buffer containing utterance data.
+        * @param aEnd End of utterance data indicator. ETrue indicates end of data or no data.
+        * @return none
+        */ 
+        IMPORT_C void SendSpeechData( TPtrC8& aBuffer, TBool aEnd );
+    public: // Functions from base classes
+        /**
+        * From CASRSHwDevice Use to initilize HW device
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param none
+        * @return none
+        */
+        IMPORT_C virtual void InitializeL();
+        /**
+        * From CASRSHwDevice Use to clear HW device
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param none
+        * @return none
+        */
+        IMPORT_C virtual void Clear();
+		/**
+        * From CASRSHwDevice Use to get custom interface
+        * @since 2.8
+        * @param aInterfaceId Identifier of the intercace implementation
+        * @return Pointer to the interface implementation or NULL.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C virtual TAny* CustomInterface( TUid aInterfaceId );
+    private:
+        /**
+        * C++ default constructor.
+        */
+        CASRSRecognitionHwDevice();
+        /**
+        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
+        */
+        void ConstructL( MASRSRecognitionHwDeviceObserver& aObserver );
+    private:    // Data
+        // Actual implementation of recognition
+        CRecognitionAlgorithm* iRecAlgorithm;
+        // Reserved pointer for future extension
+        TAny* iReserved;
+    };
+// End of File