--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/examplecommonisc/IscDriver/inc/IscChannel.h Thu Jan 14 07:14:53 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <kernel.h>
+#include <IscMultiplexerBase.h> // TIscFrameInfo
+const TInt KMajorVersionNumber = 1;
+const TInt KMinorVersionNumber = 0;
+const TInt KBuildVersionNumber = 1;
+const TUint8 KBehaviormask = 15; //bits 00001111
+const TInt KIscEmptyMyBuffersDfcPriority( 4 );
+class DIscDevice;
+class DIscQueue;
+class IscChannelContainer;
+* Handles all interraction with the user-side
+* @lib IscDriver.LIB
+* @since 2.8
+class DIscChannel : public DLogicalChannel
+ {
+ public: // Constructors and destructor
+ /**
+ * C++ default constructor.
+ * @param pointer to owner device
+ */
+ IMPORT_C DIscChannel( DLogicalDevice* aDevice );
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ ~DIscChannel();
+ public: // Functions from base classes
+ /**
+ * Secondary initialization of channel.
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param TInt aUnit Channel number
+ * @param const TDesC8* anInfo pointer to a descriptor containing extra
+ * information for the device.
+ * @param const TVersion& aVer reference containing the version being
+ * requested by the thread which is opening this channel
+ * @return virtual TInt KErrNone if succesful. KErrAlreadyExist if channel already open
+ */
+ virtual TInt DoCreate( TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer );
+ /**
+ * Message handling ( kernel server context ).
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param aMsg Thread message to get parameters from user side
+ * @return void
+ */
+ virtual void HandleMsg( TMessageBase* aMsg );
+ /**
+ * Message handling ( user thread context ).
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param aReqNo request number called from IscApi
+ * @param a1 pointer array to get parameters from user side
+ * @param a2 not used in ISC
+ * @return TInt KErrNone if succesful
+ */
+ TInt Request( TInt aReqNo, TAny* a1, TAny* a2 );
+ public: // New functions
+ /**
+ * Function to complete clients pending asynchronous request
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param TInt aOperation asynchronous operation to complete
+ * @param TInt aCompleteStatus status of request to be completed
+ * @return void
+ */
+ void CompleteRequest( TInt aOperation, TInt aCompleteStatus );
+ /**
+ * Stores the incoming frame to channels receive queue
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param TDesC8* aData pointer to storable frame
+ * @return void
+ */
+ void StoreFrame( TDesC8* aData );
+ /**
+ * Goes through channel's queue and delivers possible frame to client
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @return void
+ */
+ void EmptyBuffers();
+ /**
+ * Notify user side client that uplink flow control is on/off
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param const TInt aFlowControlStatus EIscFlowControlOn / EIscFlowControlOff
+ * @return void
+ */
+ void NotifyFlowControl( const TInt aFlowControlStatus );
+ /**
+ * Notify user side client that status of connection between Symbian side and the Domestic OS has changed
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param const TInt aConnectionStatus EIscConnectionOk / EIscConnectionNotOk
+ * @return void
+ */
+ void NotifyConnectionStatus( const TInt aConnectionStatus );
+ /**
+ * Check if asynchronous request is active
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param const TUint16 aReqNumber Number of request
+ * @return TInt KRequestPending if request active. Otherwise KErrNone
+ */
+ TInt IsPending( const TUint16 aReqNumber );
+ /**
+ * Copy data from user buffer to kernel side buffer by multiplexer
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param aUserBuffer pointer to source descriptor
+ * @param aKernelBuffer pointer to destination descriptor
+ * @param aOffset Offset of the source buffer
+ * @return KErrNone if successful
+ */
+ TInt CopyFromUserBuffer( const TDesC8& aUserBuffer,
+ TDes8& aKernelBuffer,
+ TInt aOffset );
+ /**
+ * Writes data/frames to clients buffer
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param aDest pointer to destination descriptor
+ * @param aSrc pointer to source descriptor
+ * @param aOffset Offset on where to start writing to target descriptor
+ * @return TInt
+ */
+ TInt ThreadWrite( TAny* aDest, const TDesC8* aSrc, TInt aOffset );
+ /**
+ * Delete send frames / receive queue for channel in question
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @return void
+ */
+ void ResetBuffers();
+ /**
+ * Returns the channel number.
+ * @since 3.0
+ * @return TUint16, the number of the channel.
+ */
+ inline TUint16 GetChannelNumber(){return iChannelNumber;};
+ /**
+ * Returns a reference to user side thread of this channel.
+ * @since 3.0
+ * @param None
+ * @return DThread*, user side thread ownership is not given.
+ */
+ inline DThread* GetDThread()
+ {
+ return iThread;
+ };
+ protected:
+ // None
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Call from user side comes to this function
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param TInt aFunction request number
+ * @param TAny* a1 pointer to array including info about request
+ * @param TAny* a2 not used
+ * @return TInt KErrNone if succesful
+ */
+ TInt HandleRequest( TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2 );
+ /**
+ * Handles channel destruction.
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param void
+ * @return void
+ */
+ void ChannelDestruction();
+ /**
+ * Handles asynchronous client requests
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param TInt aFunction request number
+ * @param TAny* a1 pointer to array including info about request
+ * @return void
+ */
+ void HandleAsyncRequest( TInt aFunction, TAny* a1 );
+ /**
+ * Handles synchronous client requests
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param TInt aFunction
+ * @param TAny* a1 pointer to array including info about request
+ * @return TInt
+ */
+ TInt HandleSyncRequest( TInt aFunction, TAny* a1 );
+ /**
+ * Cancels active request
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param TInt aFunction request number
+ * @param TAny* a1 not used
+ * @return TInt
+ */
+ TInt HandleCancelRequest( TInt aFunction, TAny* a1 );
+ /**
+ * Copies several data frames to clients buffer if needed before compliting receive request
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param TDes8* aPtr pointer to frame
+ * @param TIscFrameInfo& aInfo info needed in frame combining
+ * @return void
+ */
+ void HandleConcatenatedDataFrame( TDes8* aPtr, TIscFrameInfo& aInfo );
+ /**
+ * Copies several frames to clients buffer if needed before compliting receive request
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param TDes8* aPtr pointer to frame
+ * @param TIscFrameInfo& aInfo info needed in frame combining
+ * @return void
+ */
+ void HandleConcatenatedFrame( TDes8* aPtr, TIscFrameInfo& aInfo );
+ /**
+ * Initialization complete dfc
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @param TAny* aPtr pointer to channel
+ * @return static void.
+ */
+ static void InitializeComplete( TAny* aPtr );
+ /**
+ * Completes the multiplexer initialization
+ * @since 2.8
+ * @return void
+ */
+ void DoMultiplexerInitialize();
+ private: // Data
+ TDfc* iInitializeDfc;
+ TPtr8* iDataTransmissionIniData;
+ TPtr8* iMultiplexerIniData;
+ TUint8* iMultiplexerBuffer;
+ TUint8* iDataTransmissionBuffer;
+ DIscDevice* iIscDevice;
+ TPtr8* iIscConnectionStatusPtr;
+ TPtr8* iIscFlowControlStatusPtr;
+ //Store of Isc requests
+ TRequestStatus* iIscRequests[ EIscAsyncLast ];
+ // Pointers to client message buffers
+ TPtr8* iReceiveBufPtr;
+ TPtr8* iDataReceiveBufPtr;
+ TPtr8* iNeededBufLen;
+ TPtr8* iNeededDataBufLen;
+ TUint16 iChannelNumber;
+ TBool iChannelOpen;
+ // Queue for incoming frames
+ TUint32** iFrameRx;
+ DIscQueue* iFrameRxQueue;
+ // Queue for incoming data frames
+ TUint32** iDataFrameRx;
+ DIscQueue* iDataFrameRxQueue;
+ TInt iULFlowControlStatus;
+ TInt iDLFlowControlStatus;
+ // Stores the last notified uplink flowcontrol status.
+ TInt iLastNotifiedULFlowstatus;
+ TUint16 iIscChannelHighWaterMark;
+ TUint16 iIscChannelLowWaterMark;
+ TBool iOverFlow;
+ TBool iClientPanic;
+ TInt iDataTransmissionErrorCode;
+ DThread* iThread;
+ };
+#endif // DISCCHANNEL_H
+// End of File