changeset 0 0ce1b5ce9557
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/examplecommonisc/IscDriver/src/IscDevice.cpp	Thu Jan 14 07:14:53 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  An example implementation for ISC Driver Reference
+#include <kernel.h>
+#include <kern_priv.h>
+#include <IscDataTransmissionBase.h>
+#include <IscMultiplexerBase.h>
+#include "IscMainRcvBuffer.h"
+#include "IscQueue.h"
+#include "IscSendQueue.h"
+#include "IscDevice.h"
+#include "IscChannel.h"
+#include "IscChannelContainer.h"
+#include "IscTrace.h"
+#ifdef __WINS__
+#include <windows.h>
+_LIT( KIscDriverName, "IscDriver" );
+const TInt KSendDfcPriority( 4 );
+const TInt KNotifyDfcPriority( 5 );
+const TInt KIscInterruptLevelTwo( 2 );
+DIscDataTransmissionBase* DIscDevice::iIscDataTransmissionInterface = NULL;
+DIscMultiplexerBase* DIscDevice::iIscMultiplexerInterface = NULL;
+DIscSendQueue* DIscDevice::iSendQueue=NULL;
+DIscSendQueue* DIscDevice::iTempQueue=NULL;
+DIscSendQueue* DIscDevice::iControlSendQueue=NULL;
+TDfc* DIscDevice::iSendDfc = NULL;
+TDfc* DIscDevice::iNotifyDfc = NULL;
+TInt DIscDevice::iConnectionStatus = EIscConnectionNotOk;
+#ifdef __WINS__
+CRITICAL_SECTION g_IscDTBCriticalSection;
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::DIscDevice
+// C++ default constructor
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C DIscDevice::DIscDevice()
+    :DLogicalDevice(),
+    iSend( NULL ),
+    iTempSend( NULL ),
+    iControlSend( NULL ),
+    iSendFrameParameters( NULL ),
+    iTempFrameParameters( NULL ),
+    iControlFrameParameters( NULL ),
+    iIscMainRcvBuffer( NULL )     
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::DIscDevice()" ) ) );
+    iVersion = TVersion( KMajorVersionNumber, KMinorVersionNumber,
+    KBuildVersionNumber );
+    iParseMask |= KDeviceAllowUnit;
+    iParseMask |= KDeviceAllowInfo;
+#ifdef __WINS__
+     InitializeCriticalSection( &g_IscDTBCriticalSection );
+    }
+// Destructor
+EXPORT_C DIscDevice::~DIscDevice()
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::~DIscDevice()" ) ) );
+    IscChannelContainer::DeActivate();
+    if ( iIscMainRcvBuffer )
+        {
+        delete iIscMainRcvBuffer;
+        iIscMainRcvBuffer = NULL;
+        }
+    iIscDataTransmissionInterface = NULL;
+    iIscMultiplexerInterface = NULL;
+    delete iTempSend;
+    delete iControlSend;
+    delete iSendQueue;
+    delete iTempQueue;
+    delete iControlSendQueue;
+    delete iSendDfc;
+    delete iNotifyDfc;
+#ifdef __WINS__
+     DeleteCriticalSection( &g_IscDTBCriticalSection );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::Install
+// Complete the installation of driver
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt DIscDevice::Install()
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::Install()" ) ) );
+    // Dfc for sending frames
+    iSendDfc = new TDfc( Flush, this, Kern::DfcQue0(), KSendDfcPriority );
+    iNotifyDfc = new TDfc( NotifyConnection, this, Kern::DfcQue0(), KNotifyDfcPriority );        
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( iSendDfc, "IscDriver",EIscMemoryAllocationFailure );
+    //Initialize IscChannelContainer
+    IscChannelContainer::Initialize();
+    // connect to multiplexer and data transmission driver
+    TInt r = InitializeLdd2LddInterface();
+    if ( r != KErrNone )
+        {
+        return r;
+        }
+    return ( SetName( &KIscDriverName ) );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::Initialize
+// Complete the initialization of driver
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DIscDevice::Initialize()
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::Initialize()" ) ) );
+    TInt i( 0 );
+    // Get buffer configuration data from multiplexer
+    TIscConfiguration configData;
+    iIscMultiplexerInterface->GetConfiguration( configData );
+    // Create main buffer  
+    iIscMainRcvBuffer = new DIscMainRcvBuffer( this, configData.mainRcvQueueSize );
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( iIscMainRcvBuffer, "IscDriver",EIscMemoryAllocationFailure );
+    // Do second phase installation    
+    iIscMainRcvBuffer->DoCreate();
+    // Create queue for sending frames
+    iSend = new TUint32*[configData.channelSendQueueSize];
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( iSend, "IscDriver",EIscMemoryAllocationFailure );
+    iSendFrameParameters = new TIscSendFrameInfo*[configData.channelSendQueueSize];
+    for ( i = 0; i < configData.channelSendQueueSize; i++ )
+        {
+        iSendFrameParameters[i] = new TIscSendFrameInfo;
+        }
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( iSendFrameParameters, "IscDriver",EIscMemoryAllocationFailure );
+    iSendQueue = new DIscSendQueue( iSend, iSendFrameParameters, configData.channelSendQueueSize );
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( iSendQueue, "IscDriver",EIscMemoryAllocationFailure );
+    // create temporary queue
+    iTempSend = new TUint32*[configData.channelSendQueueSize];
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( iTempSend, "IscDriver",EIscMemoryAllocationFailure );
+    iTempFrameParameters = new TIscSendFrameInfo*[configData.channelSendQueueSize];
+    for ( i =0; i < configData.channelSendQueueSize; i++ )
+        {
+        iTempFrameParameters[i] = new TIscSendFrameInfo;
+        }
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( iTempFrameParameters, "IscDriver",EIscMemoryAllocationFailure );
+    iTempQueue = new DIscSendQueue( iTempSend, iTempFrameParameters, configData.channelSendQueueSize );
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( iTempQueue, "IscDriver",EIscMemoryAllocationFailure );
+    // Create send queue for control channel
+    iControlSend = new TUint32*[configData.channelSendQueueSize];
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( iControlSend, "IscDriver",EIscMemoryAllocationFailure );
+    iControlFrameParameters = new TIscSendFrameInfo*[configData.channelSendQueueSize];
+    for ( i = 0; i < configData.channelSendQueueSize; i++ )
+        {
+        iControlFrameParameters[i] = new TIscSendFrameInfo;
+        }
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( iControlFrameParameters, "IscDriver",EIscMemoryAllocationFailure );
+    iControlSendQueue = new DIscSendQueue( iControlSend, iControlFrameParameters, configData.channelSendQueueSize );
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( iControlSendQueue, "IscDriver",EIscMemoryAllocationFailure );
+    iIscDataTransmissionInterface->AllocBuffers( configData.bufferConfig );
+    iConnectionStatus = iIscDataTransmissionInterface->ConnectionStatus();
+    iIscMultiplexerInterface->NotifyConnectionStatus( iConnectionStatus );
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::Initialize - return void" ) ) );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::GetCaps
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void DIscDevice::GetCaps( 
+    TDes8& /*aDes*/ ) const
+    {
+    // GetCaps implemented to keep compiler happy
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DEcsDevice::Create
+// From DLogicalDevice
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt DIscDevice::Create( 
+    DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel )
+    {
+    aChannel=new DIscChannel( this );
+    return aChannel?KErrNone:KErrNoMemory;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::Receive
+// Frames coming from Domestic OS
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void DIscDevice::Receive( 
+    TDesC8* aData ) const
+    {
+    DIscMainRcvBuffer::MsgReceive( aData );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::ReserveMemoryBlock
+// Get message block from buffers allocated in IscDataTransmissionBase.dll
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void DIscDevice::ReserveMemoryBlock( TDes8*& aPtr, TUint16 aSize )
+    {
+    iIscDataTransmissionInterface->ReserveMemoryBlock( aPtr, aSize );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::ReleaseMemoryBlock
+// Release memory block allocated with ReserveMemoryBlock
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void DIscDevice::ReleaseMemoryBlock( 
+    TDes8* aPtr )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::ReleaseMemoryBlock(0x%x)" ), aPtr ) );
+    if ( iIscDataTransmissionInterface )
+        {
+        iIscDataTransmissionInterface->ReleaseMemoryBlock( aPtr );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::NotifyConnectionStatus
+// Connection status change function
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void DIscDevice::NotifyConnectionStatus( const TInt aStatus )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::NotifyConnectionStatus(0x%x)" ), aStatus ) );
+    if ( iConnectionStatus != aStatus )
+        {
+        iConnectionStatus = aStatus;
+		if ( NKern::CurrentContext() == NKern::EInterrupt )
+			{
+			iNotifyDfc->Add();
+			}
+		else
+			{
+		    iNotifyDfc->Enque();
+		    }
+        }
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::NotifyConnectionStatus() return" ) ) );    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::NotifyConnection
+// Connection status change DFC function.
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DIscDevice::NotifyConnection( TAny* )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::NotifyConnection(0x%x)" ), iConnectionStatus ) );
+    iIscMultiplexerInterface->NotifyConnectionStatus( iConnectionStatus );
+    DIscChannel* tempPtr = NULL;
+    for ( TUint16 i = KIscFirstChannel; i < KIscNumberOfUnits; i++ )
+        {
+        for ( TUint16 ii( 0 ); ii < KIscMaxNumberOfChannelSharers; ii++ )
+            {
+            tempPtr = IscChannelContainer::Channel( i, ii );
+            if ( tempPtr )
+                { 
+                tempPtr->NotifyConnectionStatus( iConnectionStatus );
+                tempPtr = NULL;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::NotifyConnection() return" ) ) );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::ULFlowControl
+// Function to notify client about uplink flow control status
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void DIscDevice::ULFlowControl( 
+    const TInt aULFlowStatus,
+    const TUint16 aChannelId,
+    const TAny* aChannelPtr )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::ULFlowControl(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)" ), aULFlowStatus, aChannelId, aChannelPtr ) );
+    DIscChannel* tempPtr = NULL;
+    TBool channelFound(EFalse);
+    if ( !aChannelPtr )
+        {
+        // All channels.
+        for ( TUint16 i(0); i < KIscMaxNumberOfChannelSharers; i++ )
+            {
+            tempPtr = IscChannelContainer::Channel( aChannelId, i );
+            if ( tempPtr )
+                {
+                tempPtr->NotifyFlowControl( aULFlowStatus );
+                tempPtr = NULL;
+                channelFound = ETrue;
+                }
+            else
+            	{
+            	//Do nothing	
+            	}
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Single channel.
+        for ( TUint16 i(0); i < KIscMaxNumberOfChannelSharers; i++ )
+            {
+            tempPtr = IscChannelContainer::Channel( aChannelId, i );
+            if ( tempPtr == ( DIscChannel* )aChannelPtr )
+                {
+                tempPtr->NotifyFlowControl( aULFlowStatus );
+                tempPtr = NULL;
+                channelFound = ETrue;
+                break;
+                }
+            else
+            	{
+            	//Do nothing	
+            	}                
+            }            
+        }
+    if ( channelFound == EFalse )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::IsPending
+// Function to check if asycnhronous request is active
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt DIscDevice::IsPending( 
+    const TUint16 aReqNumber, 
+    const TAny* aChannelPtr )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::IsPending(0x%x, 0x%x)" ), aReqNumber, aChannelPtr ) );
+    DIscChannel* tempPtr = ( DIscChannel* )aChannelPtr;
+    TInt error = IscChannelContainer::ValidateChannel( tempPtr );
+    if( error == KErrNone )
+    	{
+    	error = tempPtr->IsPending( aReqNumber );
+    	}
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::IsPending - return %d" ), error ) );	
+   	return error;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::DLFlowControl
+// Notify multiplexer about down link flow control
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DIscDevice::DLFlowControlNotify( 
+    const TInt aDLFlowStatus,
+    const TUint16 aChannel,
+    const TAny* aChannelPtr )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::DLFlowControlNotify(0x%x, 0x%x)" ), aDLFlowStatus, aChannel ) );
+    if ( aChannel >= KIscFirstChannel 
+        && aChannel < KIscNumberOfUnits )
+        {        
+        if ( aDLFlowStatus == EIscFlowControlOn )
+            {
+            iIscMultiplexerInterface->DLFlowControl( EIscFlowControlOn, aChannel, aChannelPtr );
+            }        
+        else
+            {
+            iIscMultiplexerInterface->DLFlowControl( EIscFlowControlOff, aChannel, aChannelPtr );            
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        if ( aChannel == 0x00 )
+            {
+            // control channel, no flow control used
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // should never came here
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::InitializeLdd2LddInterface
+// Function to connect to DataTransmission and Multiplexer ldds
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt DIscDevice::InitializeLdd2LddInterface()
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::InitializeLdd2LddInterface()" ) ) );
+    // Find pointer to second level LDD.
+    DObjectCon* lDevices = Kern::Containers()[ ELogicalDevice ];
+    TKName driverName;
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( lDevices, "IscDriver", EIscLogicalDevicesNotFound );
+    TInt err( KErrNone );
+    //TInt driverHandle( KErrNone ); // API change in SOS9.2 WK08
+	TFindHandle driverHandle;
+    // Find pointer to ISC Multiplexer.
+    err = lDevices->FindByName( driverHandle, KIscMultiplexerName, driverName );
+    if( KErrNone != err )
+        {
+        C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::InitializeLdd2LddInterface() ISC Multiplexer Not Found!" ) ) );
+        ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, "IscDriver" ,EIscMultiplexerNotFound );
+        }
+    iIscMultiplexerInterface = static_cast<DIscMultiplexerBase*>( lDevices->At( driverHandle ) );
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( iIscMultiplexerInterface, "IscDriver", EIscMultiplexerNotFound );
+    //TInt secondDriverHandle( KErrNone );  // API change in SOS9.2 WK08
+	TFindHandle secondDriverHandle;
+    // Find pointer to Data Transmission Plugin.
+    err = lDevices->FindByName( secondDriverHandle, KIscDataTransmissionDriverName, driverName );
+    if( KErrNone != err )
+        {
+        C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::InitializeLdd2LddInterface() Data Transmission Plug-In Not Found!" ) ) );
+        ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, "IscDriver", EIscDataTransmissionDriverNotFound );
+        }
+    iIscDataTransmissionInterface = static_cast<DIscDataTransmissionBase*>( lDevices->At( secondDriverHandle ) );
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( iIscDataTransmissionInterface, "IscDriver", EIscDataTransmissionDriverNotFound );
+    iIscDataTransmissionInterface->Connect( this );
+    iIscMultiplexerInterface->Connect( this );
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::InitializeLdd2LddInterface - return 0x%x" ), err ) );
+    return err;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::QueueFrame
+// Queue frames that will be sent to Domestic OS
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt DIscDevice::QueueFrame( 
+    const TUint16 aChannelId,
+    const TDesC8* aFrame,
+    const TAny* aChannelPtr,
+    TAny* aFrameInfo )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::QueueFrame(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)" ), aChannelId, aFrame, aChannelPtr, aFrameInfo ) );
+    TInt error = KErrNone;
+    // control channel frame ( highest priority )
+    if ( aChannelId == KIscControlChannel )
+        {
+        C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::QueueFrame control frame queue" ) ) );
+        //add to control frame queue
+        error = iControlSendQueue->Add( ( TDes8* )aFrame, aChannelId, ( DIscChannel* )aChannelPtr, aFrameInfo );
+        }
+    else
+        {        
+        C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::QueueFrame send queue" ) ) );
+        // add to send queue
+        error = iSendQueue->Add( ( TDes8* )aFrame, aChannelId, ( DIscChannel* )aChannelPtr, aFrameInfo );
+        }
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::QueueFrame - return 0x%x" ), error ) );
+    return error;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::CancelSending
+// Cancels sending of frames to Domestic OS
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt DIscDevice::CancelSending( const TUint16 aChannelId, const TAny* aChannelPtr )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::CancelSending - Caller is channel: %d (0x%x)" ), aChannelId, aChannelPtr ) );
+    TInt error( KErrNotFound );
+    TInt irqLevel( 0 );
+    TInt counterA( 0 );
+    TInt counterB( 0 );
+    TIscSendFrameInfo* temp = NULL;
+    TDes8* frame = NULL;
+    irqLevel = DisableIrqs();
+    if ( KIscControlChannel == aChannelId )
+        {
+        // empty control send queue
+        while ( !iControlSendQueue->Empty() )
+            {
+            temp = iControlSendQueue->GetFirstFrameInfo();
+            frame = ( TDes8* )iControlSendQueue->RemoveFirst();
+            if ( temp && frame )
+                {
+                if ( temp->iChannelId == aChannelId && 
+                     temp->iChannelPtr == ( DIscChannel* )aChannelPtr )
+                    {
+                    // sender found, no need to store the frame
+                    counterB++;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    iTempQueue->Add( frame, temp->iChannelId, temp->iChannelPtr, temp->iFrameInfo );
+                    }
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // should never came here
+                TRACE_ASSERT_ALWAYS;
+                }
+            counterA++;
+            temp = NULL;
+            frame = NULL;
+            }  
+        while ( !iTempQueue->Empty() )
+            {
+            temp = iTempQueue->GetFirstFrameInfo();
+            frame = ( TDes8* )iTempQueue->RemoveFirst();
+            if ( temp && frame )
+                {
+                iControlSendQueue->Add( frame, temp->iChannelId, temp->iChannelPtr, temp->iFrameInfo );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // should never came here
+                TRACE_ASSERT_ALWAYS;
+                }
+            temp = NULL;
+            frame = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // empty normal send queue
+        while ( !iSendQueue->Empty() )
+            {
+            temp = iSendQueue->GetFirstFrameInfo();
+            frame = ( TDes8* )iSendQueue->RemoveFirst();
+            if ( temp && frame )
+                {
+                if ( temp->iChannelId == aChannelId  && 
+                     temp->iChannelPtr == ( DIscChannel* )aChannelPtr )            
+                    {
+                    // sender found, no need to store frame
+                    counterB++;                
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    iTempQueue->Add( frame, temp->iChannelId, temp->iChannelPtr, temp->iFrameInfo );
+                    }
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // should never came here
+                TRACE_ASSERT_ALWAYS;
+                }
+            counterA++;
+            temp = NULL;
+            frame = NULL;
+            }  
+        while ( !iTempQueue->Empty() )
+            {
+            temp = iTempQueue->GetFirstFrameInfo();
+            frame = ( TDes8* )iTempQueue->RemoveFirst();
+            if ( temp && frame )
+                {
+                iSendQueue->Add( frame, temp->iChannelId, temp->iChannelPtr, temp->iFrameInfo );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // should never came here
+                TRACE_ASSERT_ALWAYS;
+                }
+            temp = NULL;
+            frame = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+    RestoreIrqs( irqLevel );
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::CancelSending() - Frames in queue: Before: %d, After: %d" ), counterA, ( counterA-counterB ) ) );
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::CancelSending() - So channel 0x%x 0x%x had %d pending messages!" ), aChannelId, aChannelPtr, counterB ) );
+    // if there weren't any frames that were cancelled return KErrNotFound, otherwise return KErrNone
+    if ( counterB > 0 )
+        {        
+        error = KErrNone;
+        }
+    return error;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::FlushQueues
+// Adds Dfc to empty queues
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void DIscDevice::FlushQueues()
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::FlushQueues()" ) ) );
+    if ( NKern::CurrentContext() == NKern::EInterrupt )
+		{
+		iSendDfc->Add();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+	    iSendDfc->Enque();
+	    }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::CompleteRequest
+// Function to complete user side asynchronous request
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This method has been modified to allow channel sharing between application.
+// The completion routine uses directly a pointer on a DLogicalChannel instead of a channel index
+EXPORT_C void DIscDevice::CompleteRequest( 
+    TUint16 aOperation, 
+    TInt aCompleteStatus,
+    const TAny* aChannelPtr )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::CompleteRequest(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)" ), aOperation, aCompleteStatus, aChannelPtr ) ); 
+    DIscChannel* tempPtr = ( DIscChannel* )aChannelPtr;
+    TInt error = IscChannelContainer::ValidateChannel( tempPtr );
+    if( error == KErrNone )
+    	{
+    	tempPtr->CompleteRequest( aOperation, aCompleteStatus );
+    	}	
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::CompleteRequest - return void" ) ) );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::CopyFromUserBuffer
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt DIscDevice::CopyFromUserBuffer( 
+    const TDesC8& aUserBuffer, 
+    TDes8& aKernelBuffer, 
+    const TAny* aChannelPtr,
+    const TInt aOffset )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::CopyFromUserBuffer(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)" ), &aUserBuffer, &aKernelBuffer, aChannelPtr, aOffset ) );
+    // Check if channel pointer is valid.
+    DIscChannel* tempPtr = ( DIscChannel* )aChannelPtr;
+    TInt error = IscChannelContainer::ValidateChannel( tempPtr );
+    if( error == KErrNone )
+    	{
+    	error = tempPtr->CopyFromUserBuffer( aUserBuffer, aKernelBuffer, aOffset );	
+    	}
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::CopyFromUserBuffer - return %d" ), error ) );	
+   	return error;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::CopyToUserBuffer
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt DIscDevice::CopyToUserBuffer( 
+    TAny* aUserBuffer, 
+    const TDesC8& aKernelBuffer, 
+    const TAny* aChannelPtr,
+    const TInt aOffset )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::CopyToUserBuffer(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)" ), aUserBuffer, &aKernelBuffer, aChannelPtr ) );
+    DIscChannel* tempPtr = ( DIscChannel* )aChannelPtr;
+    TInt error = IscChannelContainer::ValidateChannel( tempPtr );
+    if( KErrNone == error )
+    	{
+    	error = tempPtr->ThreadWrite( aUserBuffer, &aKernelBuffer, aOffset );
+    	}
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::CopyToUserBuffer - return %d" ), error ) );	
+   	return error;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscMultiplexerBase::GetThreadPtr
+// Returns user side thread. Ownership is not given.
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C DThread* DIscDevice::GetThreadPtr( const TAny* aChannelPtr )
+	{
+	C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::GetThreadPtr(0x%x)" ), aChannelPtr ) );
+    DIscChannel* tempPtr = ( DIscChannel* )aChannelPtr;
+    TInt error = IscChannelContainer::ValidateChannel( tempPtr );
+	DThread* tmp = NULL;
+	if( KErrNone == error )
+		{
+		tmp = tempPtr->GetDThread();	
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::GetThreadPtr failed return NULL" ) ) );	    				
+		}
+	C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::GetThreadPtr return 0x%x" ), tmp ) );	    	
+   	return tmp;
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::Flush
+// Dfc to empty control channel and other send queues
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DIscDevice::Flush( TAny* aPtr )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::Flush(0x%x)" ), aPtr ) );
+    DIscDevice* device = ( DIscDevice* )aPtr;
+    TDes8* frame = NULL;
+    TIscSendFrameInfo* temp = NULL;
+    TInt irqLevel(0);
+    // If transmission is asynchronous and there can't be
+    // several requests at the same time
+    if ( !iIscDataTransmissionInterface->IsWritePending() )
+        {
+        irqLevel = DisableIrqs();
+        if ( !iControlSendQueue->Empty() )
+            {
+            temp = iControlSendQueue->GetFirstFrameInfo();
+            frame = ( TDes8* )iControlSendQueue->RemoveFirst();
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            temp = iSendQueue->GetFirstFrameInfo();
+            frame = ( TDes8* )iSendQueue->RemoveFirst();
+            }
+        RestoreIrqs( irqLevel );
+        C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::Flush after RESTOREIRQS" ) ) );    
+        if ( frame )    
+            iIscDataTransmissionInterface->SendFrame( *frame, device->iSendDfc, temp->iFrameInfo );
+        }
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscDevice::Flush - return 0x0" ) ) );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::ConnectionStatus
+// Function to tell current status of connection to Domestic OS
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt DIscDevice::ConnectionStatus()
+    {
+    return iConnectionStatus;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::DisableIrqs
+// Function to disable interrupts
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt DIscDevice::DisableIrqs()
+    {
+#ifndef __WINS__
+    return NKern::DisableInterrupts( KIscInterruptLevelTwo );
+#else //__WINS__
+    EnterCriticalSection( &g_IscDTBCriticalSection );
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DIscDevice::RestoreIrqs
+// Function to restore interrupts
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef __WINS__
+void DIscDevice::RestoreIrqs( 
+    TInt aLevel )
+    {
+    NKern::RestoreInterrupts( aLevel );
+#else //__WINS__
+void DIscDevice::RestoreIrqs( 
+    TInt )
+	{
+    LeaveCriticalSection( &g_IscDTBCriticalSection );
+    }
+// ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// E32Dll
+// Epoc Kernel Architecture 2 style entry point
+// ( other items were commented in a header ).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    DLogicalDevice* device = new DIscDevice;
+    if ( !device )
+        {
+        ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0,"IscDriver",EIscPanicCreateLogicalDevice );
+        }
+    return device;
+    }
+//  End of File