* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: ocr engine thread definitions
#include "ocrsharedata.h"
class CFbsBitmap;
/** Global function type definitions */
typedef TBool (*IsCanceled)( void );
typedef TBool (*RecogProgress)(TUint aPercentage);
/** Internal error code definition */
const TInt KErrEngineOK ( 0 ); //no error
const TInt KErrEngineBadImage ( -1001 ); //bad image or unsupported format
const TInt KErrEngineBadLanguage ( -1002 ); //unsupported language
const TInt KErrEngineBadRgn ( -1003 ); //bad layout region
const TInt KErrEngineNoMemory ( -1004 ); //no enough memory
const TInt KErrEngineBadParam ( -1005 ); //wrong parameter
const TInt KErrEngineNotSetLang ( -1006 ); //not set any language
const TInt KErrEngineBadDicFile ( -1007 ); //bad dictionary files
const TInt KErrEngineGeneral ( -1100 ); //the other errors
/** Number of interfaces defined in the engine DLLs */
const TInt KNumOfInterfaces ( 14 );
/** Implementation interfaces definitions */
enum TImplementationIds
EExitEngine = 1,
* Version of 3rd party ocr engines
* @lib ocrsrv.lib
* @since S60 v3.1
class TEngineVersion
* Major version
TInt8 iMajor;
* Minor version
TInt8 iMinor;
* Build number
TInt16 iBuild;
/** type definition of the interfaces */
typedef TInt (*TLibFuncInitEngine)(IsCanceled aFuncIsCanceled, TAny* aParam);
typedef void (*TLibFuncExitEngine)( void );
typedef TInt (*TLibFuncLayout)(const CFbsBitmap* aImage, const TOCRLayoutSetting aSettings, HBufC8** aBinImage, TOCRBlockInfo** aBlock, TInt* aBlockCount);
typedef TInt (*TLibFuncRecognize)(HBufC8* aBinImage, const TOCRRecognizeSetting aSettings, TOCRBlockInfo* aBlock, const TInt aBlockCount, TOCRTextRgnInfo** aTextRgn, RecogProgress aFuncRecogProgress);
typedef void (*TLibFuncFreeBinImage)(HBufC8* aBinImage);
typedef void (*TLibFuncFreeBlocks)(TOCRBlockInfo* aBlock);
typedef void (*TLibFuncFreeTextRgns)(TOCRTextRgnInfo *aTextRgn,const TInt aBlockCount);
typedef TEngineVersion (*TLibFuncGetVersion)( void );
typedef TInt (*TLibFuncSetActiveLanguage)(RArray<TInt> iLanguages);
typedef TInt (*TLibFuncGetInstalledLanguages)(RArray<TInt>& aLanguages);
typedef TInt (*TLibFuncRefresh)( void );
typedef TBool (*TLibFuncIsLanguageSupported)(const TLanguage aLanguage);
typedef TInt (*TLibFuncRecognizeBlock)(const CFbsBitmap* aImage, TOCRLayoutBlockInfo aLayoutInfo, TOCRTextRgnInfo** aTextRgn, RecogProgress aFuncRecogProgress);
typedef TInt (*TLibFuncRecognizeSpecialRegion)(const CFbsBitmap* aImage, TRegionInfo aRegionInfo, TOCRTextRgnInfo** aTextRgn, RecogProgress aFuncRecogProgress);
* Thread for Ocr process
* Definition of the child thread of the engine
* @lib ocrsrv.lib
* @since S60 v3.1
class EngineThread
* Thread entry function
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aData Thread parameter
* @return KErrNone if no error
static TInt ThreadFunction(TAny* aData);
* Request Processor
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aShareData Pointer to the shared data
* @return None
static void ProcessRequestL(CShareData* aShareData);
* Inform main thread that request is completed
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aShareData Pointer to the shared data
* @param aCmd A specified command
* @param aErrCode An error code
* @return None
static void CompleteRequest(CShareData* aShareData, TEngineCmd aCmd, TInt aErrCode);
* Reset the vendor engine and release all memory allocated
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aShareData Pointer to the shared data
* @param aLibrary A reference to the loaded library
* @return None
static void ResetVendorEngine(CShareData* aShareData, const RLibrary& aLibrary);
* Get the cancel flag
* @since S60 v3.1
* @return ETrue if cancal flag is on; otherwise EFalse
static TBool GetCancelFlag();
* Get the progress information from the engine
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aPercentage A percentage of recognition progress
* @return KErrNone if no error
static TInt RecognizeProgress(TUint aPercentage);
* Check and convert the engine error to system level error msg
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aError Vendor error code
* @return None
static void CheckError(TInt& aError);
* Handle engine command
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aLibrary A handle to the engine library
* @param aCommand A command to be handled
* @param aData Pointer to the shared data
* @return None
static TBool HandleCommandL(const RLibrary& aLibrary, TEngineCmd aCommand, CShareData* aData);
* Handle engine command - Layout Analysis
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aLibrary A handle to the engine library
* @param aCommand A command to be handled
* @param aData Pointer to the shared data
* @return None
static void HandleLayoutAnalysis(const RLibrary& aLibrary, CShareData* aData);
* Handle engine command - Recognition
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aLibrary A handle to the engine library
* @param aCommand A command to be handled
* @param aData Pointer to the shared data
* @return None
static void HandleRecognition(const RLibrary& aLibrary, CShareData* aData);
* Handle engine command - Block Recognition
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aLibrary A handle to the engine library
* @param aCommand A command to be handled
* @param aData Pointer to the shared data
* @return None
static void HandleBlockRecognition(const RLibrary& aLibrary, CShareData* aData);
* Handle engine command - Special Region Recognition
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aLibrary A handle to the engine library
* @param aCommand A command to be handled
* @param aData Pointer to the shared data
* @return None
static void HandleSpecialRegionRecognition(const RLibrary& aLibrary, CShareData* aData);
* Handle engine command - Getting Language
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aLibrary A handle to the engine library
* @param aCommand A command to be handled
* @param aData Pointer to the shared data
* @return None
static void HandleGettingLanguage(const RLibrary& aLibrary, CShareData* aData);
* Handle engine command - Setting Language
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aLibrary A handle to the engine library
* @param aCommand A command to be handled
* @param aData Pointer to the shared data
* @return None
static void HandleSettingLanguage(const RLibrary& aLibrary, CShareData* aData);
* Handle engine command - Refresh Database
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aLibrary A handle to the engine library
* @param aCommand A command to be handled
* @param aData Pointer to the shared data
* @return None
static void HandleRefreshDatabase(const RLibrary& aLibrary, CShareData* aData);
#endif // OCRTHREAD_H
// End of File