* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of DIscMultiplexerBase class
#include <IscDefinitions.h>
#include <IscDevice.h>
#include "IscMultiplexerBase.h"
#include "IscTrace.h"
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::DIscMultiplexerBase
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C DIscMultiplexerBase::DIscMultiplexerBase()
:iDevice( NULL )
C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::DIscMultiplexerBase()" ) ) );
C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::DIscMultiplexerBase - return 0x%x" ) ) );
// Destructor
EXPORT_C DIscMultiplexerBase::~DIscMultiplexerBase()
C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::~DIscMultiplexerBase()" ) ) );
C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::~DIscMultiplexerBase - return 0x%x" ) ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::CustomFunction
// API extension function
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt DIscMultiplexerBase::CustomFunction(
const TUint16,
const TUint16 aOperation,
TAny* ,
const TAny* aChannelPtr )
EXPORT_C TInt DIscMultiplexerBase::CustomFunction(
const TUint16 aChannelId,
const TUint16 aOperation,
TAny* aParameters,
const TAny* aChannelPtr )
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::CustomFunction(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)" ), aChannelId, aOperation, aParameters, aChannelPtr ) );
CompleteRequest( aOperation, KErrNotSupported, aChannelPtr );
return KErrNotSupported;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::GetChannelInfo
// Get information on specified channel
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt DIscMultiplexerBase::GetChannelInfo(
const TUint16,
TDes8& )
EXPORT_C TInt DIscMultiplexerBase::GetChannelInfo(
const TUint16 aChannelNumber,
TDes8& aInfo )
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::GetChannelInfo(0x%x, 0x%x)" ), aChannelNumber, &aInfo ) );
return KErrNotSupported;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::CompleteRequest
// Complete specified asynchronous request
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method has been modified to allow channel sharing between application.
// The completion routine uses directly a pointer on a DLogicalChannel instead of a channel index
EXPORT_C void DIscMultiplexerBase::CompleteRequest(
TUint16 aReqNumber,
TInt aStatus,
const TAny* aChannelPtr )
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::CompleteRequest(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)" ), aReqNumber, aStatus, aChannelPtr ) );
iDevice->CompleteRequest( aReqNumber, aStatus, aChannelPtr );
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::CompleteRequest - return void" ) ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::IsPending
// Check if specified request is pending in ISC Driver
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt DIscMultiplexerBase::IsPending(
const TUint16 aReqNumber,
const TAny* aChannelPtr )
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::IsPending(0x%x, 0x%x)" ), aReqNumber, aChannelPtr ) );
return iDevice->IsPending( aReqNumber, aChannelPtr );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::QueueFrame
// Queue frame for sending
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt DIscMultiplexerBase::QueueFrame(
const TUint16 aChannelId,
const TDesC8* aFrame,
const TAny* aChannelPtr,
TAny* aFrameInfo )
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::QueueFrame(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)" ), aChannelId, aFrame, aChannelPtr, aFrameInfo ) );
TInt error( KErrNone );
if ( !aFrame )
error = KErrBadDescriptor;
error = iDevice->QueueFrame( aChannelId, aFrame, aChannelPtr, aFrameInfo );
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::FlushQueue
// Start sending the frames
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void DIscMultiplexerBase::FlushQueues()
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::FlushQueue()" ) ) );
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::FlushQueue - return void" ) ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::ULFlowControl
// Notify flow control changes to ISC Driver
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void DIscMultiplexerBase::ULFlowControl(
const TInt aULFlowStatus,
TUint16 aChannelId,
TAny* aChannelPtr )
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::ULFlowControl(0x%x, 0x%x)" ), aULFlowStatus, aChannelPtr ) );
iDevice->ULFlowControl( aULFlowStatus, aChannelId, aChannelPtr );
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::ULFlowControl - return void" ) ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::ReserveMemoryBlock
// Reserve memory block
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void DIscMultiplexerBase::ReserveMemoryBlock(
TDes8*& aPtr,
const TUint16 aSize )
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::ReserveMemoryBlock(0x%x, 0x%x)" ), aPtr, aSize ) );
iDevice->ReserveMemoryBlock( aPtr,aSize );
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::ReserveMemoryBlock - return void" ) ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::ReleaseMemoryBlock
// Release the reserved memory block
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void DIscMultiplexerBase::ReleaseMemoryBlock(
TDes8* aPtr )
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::ReleaseMemoryBlock(0x%x)" ), aPtr ) );
iDevice->ReleaseMemoryBlock( aPtr );
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::ReleaseMemoryBlock - return void" ) ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::CopyFromUserBuffer
// Due to GetThreadPtr this method will be deprecated in the future.
// It is preffered to use GetThreadPtr instead.
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt DIscMultiplexerBase::CopyFromUserBuffer(
const TDesC8& aUserBuffer,
TDes8& aKernelBuffer,
const TAny* aChannelPtr,
const TInt aOffset )
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::CopyFromUserBuffer(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)" ), &aUserBuffer, &aKernelBuffer, aChannelPtr, aOffset ) );
return iDevice->CopyFromUserBuffer( aUserBuffer, aKernelBuffer, aChannelPtr, aOffset );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::CopyToUserBuffer
// Due to GetThreadPtr this method will be deprecated in the future.
// It is preffered to use GetThreadPtr instead.
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt DIscMultiplexerBase::CopyToUserBuffer(
TAny* aUserBuffer,
const TDesC8& aKernelBuffer,
const TAny* aChannelPtr,
const TInt aOffset )
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::CopyToUserBuffer(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)" ), aUserBuffer, &aKernelBuffer, aChannelPtr, aOffset ) );
return iDevice->CopyToUserBuffer( aUserBuffer, aKernelBuffer, aChannelPtr, aOffset );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::GetThreadPtr
// Returns user side thread pointer no owenership is given.
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C DThread* DIscMultiplexerBase::GetThreadPtr( const TAny* aChannelPtr )
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::DIscMultiplexerBase::GetThreadPtr(0x%x)" ), aChannelPtr ) );
TRACE_ASSERT( aChannelPtr );
return iDevice->GetThreadPtr( aChannelPtr );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::CancelSending
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt DIscMultiplexerBase::CancelSending(
const TUint16 aChannelId,
const TAny* aChannelPtr )
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::CancelSending(0x%x, 0x%x)" ), aChannelId, aChannelPtr ) );
return iDevice->CancelSending( aChannelId, aChannelPtr );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::Connect
// Connect ISC Driver to ISC Multiplexer
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void DIscMultiplexerBase::Connect(
DIscDevice* aDevice )
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::Connect(0x%x)" ), aDevice ) );
ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( aDevice, "IscMultiplexerBase",EIscNullIscDriverPointer );
iDevice = aDevice;
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::Connect - return void" ) ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::SetInitializationParameters
// Initialization string to multiplexer in case if needed before datatransmission driver has been initialized
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void DIscMultiplexerBase::SetInitializationParameters( const TDesC8&)
EXPORT_C void DIscMultiplexerBase::SetInitializationParameters( const TDesC8& aParameters )
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::SetInitializationParameters not supported(0x%x)" ), &aParameters ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DIscMultiplexerBase::Install
// Install from DLogicalDevice
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt DIscMultiplexerBase::Install()
A_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::Install()" ) ) );
SetName( &KIscMultiplexerName );
TInt r = Install2ndPhase();
C_TRACE( ( _T( "DIscMultiplexerBase::Install - return 0x%x" ), r ) );
return r;
// ================= E32Dll ==============
// E32Dll
// Dll entry point.
// Returns: TInt Invariably return KErrNone.
#if defined( __WINSCW__ )
return NULL;
// End of File