changeset 25 3533d4323edc
equal deleted inserted replaced
24:d189ee25cf9d 25:3533d4323edc
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of notification handler manager
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "emailtrace.h"
    20 #include <ecom/ecom.h> // FinalClose()
    21 //<cmail>
    22 #include "cfsmailclient.h"
    23 //</cmail>
    24 #include <sysutil.h>
    25 //<cmail>
    26 #include <fsmailserver.rsg>
    27 #include "cmailhandlerpluginuids.h"
    28 #include "fsnotificationhandlerbase.h"
    29 #include "FsEmailGlobalDialogsAppUi.h"
    30 #include "FsEmailMessageQueryDialog.h"
    31 #include "FsEmailAuthenticationDialog.h"
    32 //</cmail>
    33 #include "fsnotificationhandlermgrimpl.h"
    34 //<cmail>
    35 #include "FsEmailGlobalDialogsAppUi.h"
    36 //</cmail>
    39 static const TInt64 KMegaByte = 1048576;
    41 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    44 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    45 //
    46 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    47 //
    48 //<cmail> // aAppUi parameter no longer used, created by its own
    49 CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::CFSNotificationHandlerMgr(CFsEmailGlobalDialogsAppUi* aAppUi) :
    50 //</cmail>
    51     CActive( EPriorityStandard ),
    52     iAppUi( aAppUi )
    53     {
    54     FUNC_LOG;
    55     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
    56     }
    58 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    59 //
    60 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 //
    62 void CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::ConstructL()
    63     {
    64     FUNC_LOG;
    65     // Performs the time consuming initialization asynchronously in RunL, in order
    66     // to let the process startup finish quicker
    67     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
    68     User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
    69     SetActive();
    70     }
    72 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 // Finishes the initialization
    74 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    75 //
    76 void CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::RunL()
    77     {
    78     FUNC_LOG;
    79     // Create mail client
    80     iMailClient = CFSMailClient::NewL();
    81     if ( iMailClient == NULL )
    82         {
    83         User::Leave( KErrNoMemory );
    84         }
    86     // Once mail client is created ok, disk space needs to be checked
    87     // and cleaned if necessary
    88     CleanTempFilesIfNeededL();
    90     //<cmail>
    91     // Notification handlers are created next.
    92     // Notice that if a handler cannot be created it does not mean
    93     // that the construction of the manager would be stopped. This
    94     // approach is chosen so that if something goes wrong with
    95     // construction of a handler it can safely leave and get
    96     // destroyed but does not interfere other handlers.
    98     CreateAndStoreHandlerL( KMailIconHandlerUid );
   100     CreateAndStoreHandlerL( KLedHandlerUid );
   102 #ifndef __WINS__
   103     CreateAndStoreHandlerL( KSoundHandlerUid );
   104     // Earlier RefreshData() was called for the soundhandler
   105     // object after creation, but as it does not do anything
   106     // it is not called anymore.
   107 #endif
   109     CreateAndStoreHandlerL( KMtmHandlerUid );
   111     CreateAndStoreHandlerL( KOutofMemoryHandlerUid );
   113     CreateAndStoreHandlerL( KAuthenticationHandlerUid );
   115     CreateAndStoreHandlerL( KMessageQueryHandlerUid );
   117     CreateAndStoreHandlerL( KCMailCpsHandlerUid );
   118     //</cmail>
   120     StartObservingL();
   121     }
   123 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   124 //
   125 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   126 //
   127 void CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::DoCancel()
   128     {
   129     FUNC_LOG;
   130     // Nothing to cancel
   131     }
   133 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   134 //
   135 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   136 //
   137 void CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::CreateAndStoreHandlerL( TInt aImplementationUid )
   138     {
   139     FUNC_LOG;
   140     CFSNotificationHandlerBase* handler = NULL;
   141     TRAPD( error, handler = CFSNotificationHandlerBase::NewL( aImplementationUid, *this ) );
   142     if( handler && (error == KErrNone) )
   143         {
   144         iHandlers.Append( handler );
   145         }
   146     }
   148 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   149 //
   150 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   151 //
   152 //<cmail>
   153 CFSNotificationHandlerMgr* CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::NewL(CFsEmailGlobalDialogsAppUi* aAppUi)
   154 //</cmail>
   155     {
   156     FUNC_LOG;
   157     CFSNotificationHandlerMgr* self = CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::NewLC( aAppUi );
   158     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   159     return self;
   160     }
   162 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   163 //
   164 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   165 //
   166 //<cmail>
   167 CFSNotificationHandlerMgr* CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::NewLC(CFsEmailGlobalDialogsAppUi* aAppUi)
   168 //</cmail>
   169     {
   170     FUNC_LOG;
   171     CFSNotificationHandlerMgr* self = new( ELeave ) CFSNotificationHandlerMgr( aAppUi );
   172     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   173     self->ConstructL();
   174     return self;
   175     }
   177 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 //
   179 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   180 //
   181 CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::~CFSNotificationHandlerMgr()
   182     {
   183     FUNC_LOG;
   184     Cancel();
   186     StopObserving();
   188     iHandlers.ResetAndDestroy();
   190     iHSConnection = NULL;
   192     if( iMailClient )
   193         {
   194         iMailClient->Close();
   195         iMailClient = NULL;
   196         }
   198     iAppUi = NULL;
   200     // Finished using ECom
   201     // ECom used at least in CFSMailHSUpdateHandler
   202     REComSession::FinalClose();
   203     }
   205 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   206 //
   207 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   208 //
   209 void CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::EventL(
   210     TFSMailEvent aEvent,
   211     TFSMailMsgId aMailbox,
   212     TAny* aParam1,
   213     TAny* aParam2,
   214     TAny* aParam3 )
   215     {
   216     FUNC_LOG;
   217     // First we check each event here. This is done so we know
   218     // if something has must be done before passing the event on
   219     // to handlers. For example we may want to register to
   220     // mailbox events.
   222     switch ( aEvent )
   223         {
   224         case TFSEventNewMailbox:
   225             {
   226             iMailClient->SubscribeMailboxEventsL( aMailbox, *this );
   227             iMailClient->GetBrandManagerL().UpdateMailboxNamesL( aMailbox );
   228             break;
   229             }
   230         case TFSEventMailboxDeleted:
   231             {
   232             // Observing has ended when the mailbox is deleted.
   234             // reset mailbox cached values
   235             iPreviousParentFolderId = TFSMailMsgId();
   236             iPreviousMailbox = TFSMailMsgId();
   237             break;
   238             }
   239         case TFSMailboxAvailable: // Flow through
   240         case TFSMailboxUnavailable: // Flow through
   241         case TFSEventMailboxRenamed:
   242             {
   243             break;
   244             }
   245         case TFSEventNewMail:
   246             {
   247             // If this is a pre-installed version and we receive a new mail we
   248             // update the current status of the HS here before passing
   249             // the events to handlers so they don't have to do it. If they
   250             // do it, it is done several times which is not desired.
   251             // The drawback is that by doing it here we might also do it
   252             // in situations where the handlers would actually not need it.
   253             // Possibly the best solution would be to initialize the
   254             // iHSConnection once and then let it observe for changes in
   255             // central repository. Currently that solution is not implemented
   256             // as it would require more time to implement.
   257             }
   258         default:
   259             {
   260             break;
   261             }
   262         }
   265     // Let's pass all events to handlers also.
   266     const TInt handlerCount( iHandlers.Count() );
   267     TInt handlerIndex( 0 );
   269     while ( handlerIndex < handlerCount )
   270         {
   271         // Event is passed to each handler. If one fails the
   272         // event is still passed to others as they are not
   273         // necessarily dependent on the same services. This way
   274         // If one fails the others can still succeed.
   275         TRAP_IGNORE(
   276             iHandlers[handlerIndex]->EventL( aEvent,
   277                                              aMailbox,
   278                                              aParam1,
   279                                              aParam2,
   280                                              aParam3 ) );
   281         ++handlerIndex;
   282         }
   283     }
   285 CFSMailClient& CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::MailClient() const
   286     {
   287     FUNC_LOG;
   288     // Instance of this class does not exist without the
   289     // mail client so it is safe to return a reference to the
   290     // pointed object.
   291     return *iMailClient;
   292     }
   294 CFSNotificationHandlerHSConnection* CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::HSConnection() const
   295     {
   296     FUNC_LOG;
   297     return iHSConnection;
   298     }
   300 void CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::IncreaseDialogCount()
   301     {
   302     FUNC_LOG;
   303     iDialogCount++;
   304     }
   306 void CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::DecreaseDialogCount()
   307     {
   308     FUNC_LOG;
   309     iDialogCount--;
   310     }
   312 TInt CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::GetDialogCount()
   313     {
   314     FUNC_LOG;
   315     return iDialogCount;
   316     }
   318 //<cmail>
   319 void CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::MessageQueryL( TDesC& aMailboxName,
   320                                                TRequestStatus& aStatus,
   321                                                const TDesC& aCustomMessageText,
   322                                                TFsEmailNotifierSystemMessageType aMessageType )
   323     {
   324     FUNC_LOG;
   325     CFsEmailMessageQueryDialog* dialog =
   326             CFsEmailMessageQueryDialog::NewLC(
   327                 aStatus, aMailboxName, aMessageType, aCustomMessageText );
   328     // RunLD pops dialog from cleanup stack
   329     dialog->RunLD();
   330     }
   331 //</cmail>
   333 TInt CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::AuthenticateL( TDes& aPassword,
   334                                                TDesC& aMailboxName,
   335                                                TRequestStatus& aStatus )
   336     {
   337     FUNC_LOG;
   338     CFsEmailAuthenticationDialog* dialog = CFsEmailAuthenticationDialog::NewL( aStatus, aMailboxName, aPassword );
   339     TRAPD( err, dialog->ExecuteLD( R_FS_MSERVER_DIALOG_AUTHENTICATION ) );
   340     return err;
   341     }
   344 TFSFolderType CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::GetFolderTypeL( TFSMailMsgId& aMailbox, TFSMailMsgId* parentFolderId )
   345     {
   346     TFSFolderType folderType( EFSInbox );
   347     if ( parentFolderId )
   348         {
   349         if ( (*parentFolderId) == iPreviousParentFolderId && 
   350              aMailbox == iPreviousMailbox )
   351             {
   352             // we assume that folder with some id does not change 
   353             // its type during mail synchronization
   354             folderType = iPreviousParentFolderType;
   355             }
   356         else
   357             {
   358             iPreviousParentFolderId = (*parentFolderId);
   359             // Get the parent folder object
   360             CFSMailFolder* parentFolder = iMailClient->GetFolderByUidL(
   361                     aMailbox, *parentFolderId );
   362             if ( parentFolder )
   363                 {
   364                 folderType = parentFolder->GetFolderType();
   365                 iPreviousParentFolderType = folderType;
   366                 delete parentFolder;
   367                 parentFolder = NULL;
   368                 }
   369             }
   370         }
   372     return folderType;
   373     }
   374 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   375 //
   376 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   377 //
   378 void CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::StartObservingL()
   379     {
   380     FUNC_LOG;
   381     iMailClient->AddObserverL( *this );
   383     RPointerArray<CFSMailBox> mailBoxList;
   384     // Null id given as a plugin id. mailboxes of all plugins retrieved.
   385     // Notice that ownership of the mailboxes is not passed to here.
   386     iMailClient->ListMailBoxes( TFSMailMsgId(), mailBoxList );
   388     TInt mailBoxCount( mailBoxList.Count() );
   389     TInt mailboxIndexer( 0 );
   390     while ( mailboxIndexer < mailBoxCount )
   391         {
   393         // Here could be prevented the observing of mailboxes
   394         // that don't contain inbox but it is probably rather
   395         // improbable and it also would complicate the implementation.
   396         // So not implemented.
   397         TFSMailMsgId currentMailboxId(
   398             mailBoxList[mailboxIndexer]->GetId() );
   399         TInt error = KErrNone;
   400         TRAP( error, iMailClient->SubscribeMailboxEventsL( currentMailboxId,
   401                                                            *this ) );
   403         // Although an error would occur in subscribing to some mailbox
   404         // the execution is still continued so that one mailbox won't
   405         // prevent mail server from using the other mailboxes.
   407         ++mailboxIndexer;
   408         }
   410     mailBoxList.ResetAndDestroy();
   411     }
   413 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   414 //
   415 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   416 //
   417 void CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::StopObserving()
   418     {
   419     FUNC_LOG;
   421     // Removeobserver is also called for each mailbox
   422     // We should be an observer for each mailbox so this should not
   423     // bring up any problems normally.
   425     RPointerArray<CFSMailBox> mailBoxList;
   426     // Null id given as a plugin id. mailboxes of all plugins retrieved.
   427     // Notice that ownership of the mailboxes is not passed to here.
   428     iMailClient->ListMailBoxes( TFSMailMsgId(), mailBoxList );
   430     TInt mailBoxCount( mailBoxList.Count() );
   431     TInt mailboxIndexer( 0 );
   432     while ( mailboxIndexer < mailBoxCount )
   433         {
   434         TFSMailMsgId currentMailboxId(
   435             mailBoxList[mailboxIndexer]->GetId() );
   436         iMailClient->UnsubscribeMailboxEvents( currentMailboxId,
   437                                                *this );
   439         ++mailboxIndexer;
   440         }
   442     mailBoxList.ResetAndDestroy();
   445     iMailClient->RemoveObserver( *this );
   447     }
   449 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   450 // Function cleans up downloaded files of mailboxes if disk space is low
   451 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   452 //
   453 void CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::CleanTempFilesIfNeededL()
   454     {
   455     FUNC_LOG;
   456     RFs fsSession;
   457     User::LeaveIfError(fsSession.Connect());
   458     CleanupClosePushL(fsSession);
   459     // Check whether disk space is below 3MB, in that case start cleaning up
   460     // downloaded attachments from mailboxes.
   461     if ( SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &fsSession, 3*KMegaByte, EDriveC ) )
   462         {
   463         RPointerArray<CFSMailBox> mailBoxList;
   464         // Null id given as a plugin id. mailboxes of all plugins retrieved.
   465         // Notice that ownership of the mailboxes is not passed to here.
   466         iMailClient->ListMailBoxes( TFSMailMsgId(), mailBoxList );
   467         for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < mailBoxList.Count() ; ++i )
   468             {
   469             TRAP_IGNORE( mailBoxList[i]->RemoveDownLoadedAttachmentsL() );
   470             }
   471         mailBoxList.ResetAndDestroy();
   472         }
   473     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &fsSession );
   474     }
   477 //<cmail>
   478 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   479 // CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::SendAppUiToBackground()
   480 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   481 //
   482 void CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::SendAppUiToBackground()
   483     {
   484     FUNC_LOG;
   485     if(iAppUi)
   486         iAppUi->SendToBackground();
   487     }
   489 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   490 // CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::BringAppUiToForeground()
   491 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   492 //
   493 void CFSNotificationHandlerMgr::BringAppUiToForeground()
   494     {
   495     FUNC_LOG;
   496     if(iAppUi)
   497         iAppUi->BringToForeground();
   498     }
   499 //</cmail>
   501 // End of file