changeset 25 3533d4323edc
equal deleted inserted replaced
24:d189ee25cf9d 25:3533d4323edc
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: This file implements classes CNcsAifEntry, CNcsAifEditor. 
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include "emailtrace.h"
    21 #include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
    22 #include <s32mem.h>
    23 #include <txtrich.h>
    24 #include <baclipb.h>
    25 #include <PtiDefs.h>
    26 #include <StringLoader.h>
    27 #include <FreestyleEmailUi.rsg>
    29 #include "ncsaifeditor.h"
    30 #include "ncsconstants.h"
    31 #include "ncsaddressinputfield.h"
    32 #include "ncsutility.h"
    33 #include "FreestyleEmailUiUtilities.h"
    34 #include "ncsemailaddressobject.h"
    35 #include "FreestyleEmailUiLayoutData.h"
    36 #include "FSDelayedLoader.h"
    37 #include "FSEmail.pan"
    39 const TChar KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon = ';';
    40 const TChar KCharAddressDelimeterComma = ',';
    41 const TChar KCharSpace = ' ';
    42 const TChar KCharAt = '@';
    44 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    45 // CNcsAifEntry::NewL
    46 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    47 //
    48 CNcsAifEntry* CNcsAifEntry::NewL( const CNcsEmailAddressObject& aAddr )
    49     {
    50     FUNC_LOG;
    51     CNcsAifEntry* self = new (ELeave) CNcsAifEntry;
    52     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    53     self->ConstructL( aAddr );
    54     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    55     return self;
    56     }
    58 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    59 // CNcsAifEntry::NewL
    60 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 //
    62 CNcsAifEntry* CNcsAifEntry::NewL(
    63     const TDesC& aDn, 
    64     const TDesC& aEml,
    65     TBool aDisplayFull )
    66     {
    67     FUNC_LOG;
    68     CNcsAifEntry* self = new ( ELeave ) CNcsAifEntry;
    69     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    70     self->ConstructL( aDn, aEml, aDisplayFull );
    71     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    72     return self;
    73     }
    75 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 // CNcsAifEntry::~CNcsAifEntry
    77 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78 //
    79 CNcsAifEntry::~CNcsAifEntry()
    80     {
    81     FUNC_LOG;
    82     delete iAddress;
    83     delete iDisplayString;
    84     }
    86 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 // CNcsAifEntry::CNcsAifEntry
    88 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    89 //
    90 CNcsAifEntry::CNcsAifEntry() 
    91     {
    92     FUNC_LOG;
    93     }
    95 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96 // CNcsAifEntry::ConstructL
    97 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98 //
    99 void CNcsAifEntry::ConstructL( const TDesC& aDn, const TDesC& aEml, TBool aDisplayFull )
   100     {
   101     FUNC_LOG;
   102     iAddress = CNcsEmailAddressObject::NewL( aDn, aEml );
   103     iAddress->SetDisplayFull( aDisplayFull );
   104     ConstructL();
   105     }
   107 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   108 // CNcsAifEntry::ConstructL
   109 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   110 //
   111 void CNcsAifEntry::ConstructL( const CNcsEmailAddressObject& aAddress )
   112     {
   113     FUNC_LOG;
   114     iAddress = CNcsEmailAddressObject::NewL( aAddress );
   115     ConstructL();
   116     }
   118 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   119 // CNcsAifEntry::ConstructL
   120 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   121 //
   122 void CNcsAifEntry::ConstructL() 
   123     {
   124     FUNC_LOG;
   125     SetDisplayStringL();
   126     }
   128 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   129 // CNcsAifEntry::SetDisplayStringL
   130 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   131 //
   132 void CNcsAifEntry::SetDisplayStringL() 
   133     {
   134     FUNC_LOG;
   135     delete iDisplayString;
   136     iDisplayString = NULL;
   138     const TDesC& dname = iAddress->DisplayName();
   139     const TDesC& email = iAddress->EmailAddress();
   141     TInt dnameLength = dname.Length();
   142     TInt emailLength = email.Length();
   144     TBool displayFull = iAddress->DisplayFull() || iIsDup;
   146     TInt length;
   147     // Show only display name OR email address if showing both is not required
   148     // or if display name doesn't contain anything but the email address
   149     // or if the display name is empty
   150     if ( !displayFull ||
   151          dname == email ||
   152          !dnameLength )
   153         {
   154         length = dnameLength > 0 ? dnameLength : emailLength;
   155         length += KEmailAddressSeparator().Length(); // ';'
   157         iDisplayString = HBufC::NewL( length );
   158         TPtr ptr = iDisplayString->Des();
   160         ptr.Append( dname.Length() > 0 ? dname : email );
   161         ptr.Append( KEmailAddressSeparator );
   162         }
   164     // Otherwise, show both display name and email addresss
   165     else 
   166         {
   167         // Display, Name;
   168         length = dnameLength + emailLength + 
   169             KSpace().Length() + 
   170             KEmailAddressDecorationHead().Length() +
   171             KEmailAddressDecorationTail().Length() +
   172             KEmailAddressSeparator().Length();
   174         iDisplayString = HBufC::NewL( length );
   175         TPtr ptr = iDisplayString->Des();
   177         ptr.Append( dname );
   178         ptr.Append( KSpace );
   179         ptr.Append( KEmailAddressDecorationHead );
   180         ptr.Append( email );
   181         ptr.Append( KEmailAddressDecorationTail );
   182         ptr.Append( KEmailAddressSeparator );
   183         }
   184     }
   186 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   187 // CNcsAifEntry::SetDupL
   188 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   189 //
   190 void CNcsAifEntry::SetDupL( TBool aDup ) 
   191     {
   192     FUNC_LOG;
   193     if ( iIsDup != aDup )
   194         {
   195         iIsDup = aDup;
   196         // Display string needs to be recreated unless there's no
   197         // meaningful display name
   198         if ( iAddress->DisplayName().Length() &&
   199              iAddress->DisplayName() != iAddress->EmailAddress() )
   200             {
   201             SetDisplayStringL();
   202             }
   203         }
   204     }
   206 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   207 // CNcsAifEntry::IsSameDN
   208 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   209 //
   210 TBool CNcsAifEntry::IsSameDN( const CNcsAifEntry& entry ) const
   211     {
   212     FUNC_LOG;
   213     const TDesC& ownDn = Address().DisplayName();
   214     const TDesC& otherDn = entry.Address().DisplayName();
   215     return ownDn.Compare( otherDn ) == 0;
   216     }
   218 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   219 // constructor/destructor
   220 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   221 //
   222 CNcsAifEditor::CNcsAifEditor(
   223     MNcsFieldSizeObserver* aSizeObserver, const TDesC& aCaptionText ) 
   224     : CNcsEditor( aSizeObserver, ETrue, ENcsEditorAddress, aCaptionText ), iAddressPopupList( NULL ),
   225     iAddLeftover( ETrue )
   226     {
   227     FUNC_LOG;
   228 	SetEdwinObserver( this );
   229     }
   231 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   232 // second phase constructor
   233 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   234 //
   235 void CNcsAifEditor::ConstructL( const CCoeControl* aParent,
   236         TInt aNumberOfLines,
   237         TInt aTextLimit )
   238     {
   239     FUNC_LOG;
   240     CNcsEditor::ConstructL( aParent, aNumberOfLines, aTextLimit );
   241     iAsyncCallBack = new (ELeave) CAsyncCallBack( CActive::EPriorityStandard );
   242     }
   244 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   245 // destructor
   246 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   247 //
   248 CNcsAifEditor::~CNcsAifEditor()
   249     {
   250     FUNC_LOG;
   251 	iArray.ResetAndDestroy();
   252 	iAddressArray.Reset();
   253 	if ( iAsyncCallBack )
   254 	    {
   255 	    iAsyncCallBack->Cancel();
   256 	    delete iAsyncCallBack;
   257 	    }
   258     }
   261 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   262 // CNcsAifEditor::CursorLineNumber() const
   263 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   264 //
   265 TInt CNcsAifEditor::CursorLineNumber() const
   266     {
   267     FUNC_LOG;
   269     TInt ret = iLayout->GetLineNumber( CursorPos() );
   270     ret++;
   271     return ret;    
   272     }
   274 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   275 // CNcsAifEditor::LineCount() const
   276 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   277 //    
   278 TInt CNcsAifEditor::LineCount() const
   279     {
   280     FUNC_LOG;
   281     TInt lineCount = iLayout->GetLineNumber( TextLength() );
   282     lineCount++;
   283     return lineCount;
   284     }
   286 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   287 // CNcsAifEditor::OfferKeyEventL()
   288 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   289 //
   290 TKeyResponse CNcsAifEditor::OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
   291     TEventCode aType )
   292     {
   293     FUNC_LOG;
   294     TKeyResponse ret = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   296     // check if we are copying
   297     if ( ret == EKeyWasNotConsumed )
   298         {
   299         ret = CopyEntriesToClipboardL( aKeyEvent, aType );
   300         }
   302     // Check if we need to delete a contact
   303     // This is done before select since they key off of the same key code.
   304     if ( ret == EKeyWasNotConsumed )
   305         {
   306         ret = HandleContactDeletionL( aKeyEvent, aType );
   307         }
   309     // Check if we need to highlight a contact
   310     if ( ret == EKeyWasNotConsumed )
   311         {
   312         ret = SetEditorSelectionL( aKeyEvent, aType );
   313         }
   315     //when press a key down, record the coursor position
   316     if ( aType == EEventKeyDown )
   317     	{
   318     	iLastTimeCursorPos = CursorPos();
   319     	}
   321     if ( ret == EKeyWasNotConsumed )
   322         {
   323         // enter completes the address entry
   324         if( aType == EEventKey && (aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyEnter || 
   325         	aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyEnter) )
   326         	{
   327         	// make sure there is really some text inputted 
   328             TInt cursorPos( CursorPos() );
   330             TCursorSelection selection = NonEntryTextAtPos( cursorPos );
   332             TInt length( selection.Length() );
   334             HBufC* text = HBufC::NewLC( length );
   335             TPtr ptr = text->Des();
   336             Text()->Extract( ptr, selection.LowerPos(), length );
   337             ptr.Trim();
   339             // complete the entry by adding a semicolon, 
   340             // address will be added in HandleTextUpdateL
   341             if( ptr.Length() > 0 )
   342             	{            
   343 				Text()->InsertL( cursorPos, KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon );
   344 				HandleTextChangedL();
   345 				SetCursorPosL( cursorPos + 1, EFalse );
   346             	}
   348             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );            
   349         	}
   350         iTextSelection = Selection();        
   351         ret = CNcsEditor::OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
   352         }
   354     return ret;
   355     }
   357 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   358 // CNcsAifEditor::HandleEdwinEventL()
   359 // This function gets called if a character is entered through the FEP.
   360 // Otherwise the character entry is added through OfferKeyEvent
   361 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   362 //
   363 void CNcsAifEditor::HandleEdwinEventL( CEikEdwin* /*aEdwin*/,
   364     TEdwinEvent aEventType )
   365     {
   366     FUNC_LOG;
   367     if ( aEventType == MEikEdwinObserver::EEventTextUpdate )
   368         {
   369         // Remove any invalid entries. This is needed when entries have been marked
   370         // and have got replaced with some key event handled by FEP.
   371         CheckAndRemoveInvalidEntriesL();
   373         // Make a deferred call to HandleTextUpdateL() because it may result in
   374         // changing the text field contents, and doing so directly within HandleEdwinEventL
   375         // causes problems for the FEP in some special cases.
   376         HandleTextUpdateDeferred();
   377         }
   378     else if ( aEventType == MEikEdwinObserver::EEventNavigation )
   379         {
   380         iTextSelection = Selection();
   381         HandleNavigationEventL();
   382         }
   383     }
   385 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   386 // CNcsAifEditor::SetEditorSelectionL()
   387 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   388 //   
   389 TKeyResponse CNcsAifEditor::SetEditorSelectionL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
   390     TEventCode aType )
   391     {
   392     FUNC_LOG;
   393     TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   394     CNcsAifEntry* entry = NULL;
   395     TCursorSelection selection = Selection();
   397     // Moving to a new line is a special case.
   398     // We need to offer the key to the editor control first so it can
   399     // move the cursor for us.  Then we check if it's in an entry.
   400     if ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyUpArrow || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDownArrow )
   401         {
   402         CompleteEntryL();
   404         response = CNcsEditor::OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent,aType );
   405         if ( response == EKeyWasConsumed ) 
   406             {
   407             // We're moving to a new line.
   408             entry = GetEntryAt( CursorPos() );
   409             if ( entry )
   410                 {
   411                 SetSelectionL( entry->iCursorPos, entry->iAnchorPos );
   412                 }
   413             }
   414         }
   415     // Check if the cursor is in any of the addresses
   416     else if( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyLeftArrow || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyBackspace ) 
   417         {
   418         // We're moving left, but haven't yet.
   419         entry = GetEntryAt( CursorPos(), EDirectionLeft );
   420         if ( entry )
   421             {
   422             if ( selection.Length() && aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyLeftArrow)
   423                 {
   424                 // Adds or removes the entry from the current selection.
   425                 SetSelectionL( entry->LowerPos(), selection.iAnchorPos );
   426                 response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   427                 }
   428             else if ( !selection.Length() )
   429                 {
   430                 SetSelectionL( entry->LowerPos(), entry->HigherPos() );
   431                 response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   432                 }
   433             }
   434         }
   435     else if( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyRightArrow || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDelete )
   436         {
   437         // We're moving right, but haven't yet.
   438         entry = GetEntryAt( CursorPos(), EDirectionRight );
   439         if ( entry )
   440             {
   441             if ( selection.Length() && aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyRightArrow  )
   442                 {
   443                 // Adds or removes the entry form the current selection.
   444                 SetSelectionL( entry->HigherPos(), selection.iAnchorPos );
   445                 response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   446                 }
   447             else if ( !selection.Length() )
   448                 {
   449                 SetSelectionL( entry->HigherPos(), entry->LowerPos() );
   450                 response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   451                 }
   452             }
   453         }
   454     // to fix problems with updating CBA when hash key is pressed and hold
   455     else if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyHash ) 
   456         {
   457         iAddressPopupList->ClosePopupContactListL();
   458         }
   460     // Close the address popup if we handled the event
   461     if ( response == EKeyWasConsumed )
   462         {
   463         iAddressPopupList->ClosePopupContactListL();
   464         }
   466     return response;
   467     }
   469 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   470 // CNcsAifEditor::HandleContactDeletionL()
   471 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   472 //
   473 TKeyResponse CNcsAifEditor::HandleContactDeletionL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
   474     TEventCode aType )
   475     {
   476     FUNC_LOG;
   477     TKeyResponse response  = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   478     if ( SelectionLength() && aType == EEventKey 
   479         && IsCharacterKey( aKeyEvent ) )
   480         {
   481         // Delete highlighted entries.
   482         TCursorSelection selection = Selection();
   483         TBool entryDeleted = EFalse;
   484         for ( TInt ii = iArray.Count() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii )
   485             {
   486             if ( iArray[ii]->LowerPos() >= selection.LowerPos() &&
   487                 iArray[ii]->HigherPos() <= selection.HigherPos() )
   488                 {
   489                 delete iArray[ii];
   490                 iArray.Remove( ii );
   491                 entryDeleted = ETrue;
   492                 }
   493             }
   495         if ( entryDeleted )
   496             {
   497             // Check that duplicate entries are correctly marked.
   498             UpdateDuplicateEntryMarkingsL();
   500             // Set the cursor after the entry before the ones we just deleted
   501             CNcsAifEntry* entry = NULL;
   502             for ( TInt ii = iArray.Count() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii )
   503                 {
   504                 if ( iArray[ii]->HigherPos() <= selection.LowerPos() )
   505                     {
   506                     entry = iArray[ii];
   507                     break;
   508                     }
   509                 }
   511             ClearSelectionL();
   513             RepositionEntriesL( entry );
   515             // The key event is set consumed only on delete and backpace
   516             // events, other events need to be forwarded to the editor.
   517             if ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDelete || 
   518                  aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyBackspace )
   519                 {
   520                 response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   521                 }
   522             }
   523         }
   524     return response;
   525     }
   527 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   528 // CNcsAifEditor::DoCharChangeL
   529 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   530 //
   531 void CNcsAifEditor::DoCharChangeL()
   532 	{
   533     FUNC_LOG;
   534 	RecalculateEntryPositions();
   536 	TChar previousChar = CharAtPos( CursorPos() - 1 );
   537 	TBool sentinel = ( previousChar == KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon || 
   538 	    previousChar == KCharAddressDelimeterComma );
   539 	if ( sentinel )
   540         {
   541         // if comma was pressed we replace it with semicolon
   542 		if ( previousChar == KCharAddressDelimeterComma )
   543             {
   544 			CPlainText* text = Text();
   545 			text->DeleteL( CursorPos() - 1, 1 );
   546 			text->InsertL( CursorPos() - 1, KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon );
   547             }
   548 		ParseNewAddressL();
   549         }
   550 	UpdateAddressAutoCompletionL();
   551 	}
   553 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   554 // CNcsAddressInputField::CharAtPos
   555 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   556 //
   557 TChar CNcsAifEditor::CharAtPos( TInt aPos ) const
   558     {
   559     FUNC_LOG;
   560 	if ( aPos >= 0 && aPos < TextLength() )
   561         {
   562 		TBuf<1> buf;
   563 		Text()->Extract( buf, aPos, 1 );
   564 		return buf[0];
   565         }
   566 	else
   567         {
   568 		return 0;
   569         }
   570     }
   572 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   573 // CNcsAifEditor::SetAddressesL()
   574 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   575 //
   576 void CNcsAifEditor::SetAddressesL( const RPointerArray<CNcsEmailAddressObject>& aAddresses )
   577     {
   578     FUNC_LOG;
   579     iArray.Reset();
   580     AppendAddressesL( aAddresses );
   581     }
   583 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   584 // CNcsAifEditor::AppendAddressesL()
   585 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   586 //
   587 void CNcsAifEditor::AppendAddressesL( const RPointerArray<CNcsEmailAddressObject>& aAddresses )
   588     {
   589     FUNC_LOG;
   590     // First, add all the addresses without updating the editor text contents 
   591     for ( TInt i=0 ; i<aAddresses.Count() ; i++ )
   592         {
   593         AddAddressL( *aAddresses[i], EFalse );
   594         }
   595     // Update editor text content after all the items have been added
   596     RepositionEntriesL( NULL );
   597     }
   599 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   600 // CNcsAifEditor::GetAddressesL()
   601 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   602 //   
   603 const RPointerArray<CNcsEmailAddressObject>& CNcsAifEditor::GetAddressesL()
   604     {
   605 	// Clear the existing array since it may be out of sync
   606 	iAddressArray.Reset();
   608 	for ( TInt i=0 ; i<iArray.Count() ; i++ ) 
   609         {
   610 		iAddressArray.AppendL(&iArray[i]->Address());
   611         }
   613 	return iAddressArray;
   614     }
   616 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   617 // CNcsAifEditor::GetEntryAt()
   618 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   619 //   
   620 CNcsAifEntry* CNcsAifEditor::GetEntryAt( 
   621     TInt aPos, 
   622     TEntryDirection aDirection ) const
   623     {
   624     FUNC_LOG;
   625     const TChar KSpace( ' ' );
   627 	for( TInt i = 0; i < iArray.Count(); i++ )
   628         {
   629         CNcsAifEntry* entry = iArray[i];
   630         if ( aDirection == EDirectionNone )
   631             {
   632             // no direction, check if cursor is on entry
   633             if ( entry->Includes( aPos ) )
   634                 {
   635                 return entry;
   636                 }
   637             }
   638         else if ( aDirection == EDirectionRight )
   639             {
   640             // direction to the righ. check if cursor is on entry or
   641             // entry is immediately to the right of the cursor
   642             if ( entry->Includes( aPos ) )
   643                 {
   644                 return entry;
   645                 }
   647             if ( entry->Start() >= aPos && entry->Start() - aPos <= 1 &&
   648                 CharAtPos( aPos ) == KSpace )
   649                 {
   650                 return entry;
   651                 }
   652             }
   653         else if ( aDirection == EDirectionLeft )
   654             {
   655             // direction to the left. decrease cursor by one and check if it
   656             // is on entry or if entry is immediately to the left of the cursor
   657             if ( entry->Includes( aPos - 1 ) )
   658                 {
   659                 return entry;
   660                 }
   662             if ( aPos >= entry->End() && aPos - entry->End() <= 1 &&
   663                 CharAtPos( aPos - 1 ) == KSpace )
   664                 {
   665                 return entry;
   666                 }
   667             }
   668         }
   669 	return NULL;
   670     }
   672 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   673 // CNcsAifEditor::GetPreviousEntryFrom()
   674 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   675 //
   676 CNcsAifEntry* CNcsAifEditor::GetPreviousEntryFrom( TInt aPos ) const
   677     {
   678     FUNC_LOG;
   679     CNcsAifEntry* entry = NULL;
   681     for( TInt i = 0 ; i < iArray.Count() ; i++ )
   682         {
   683         if ( iArray[i]->End() < aPos )
   684             {
   685             entry = iArray[i];
   686             }
   687         else
   688             {
   689             break;
   690             }
   691         }
   693     return entry;
   694     }
   696 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   697 // CNcsAifEditor::CheckAddressWhenFocusLostL()
   698 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   699 //
   700 void CNcsAifEditor::CheckAddressWhenFocusLostL()
   701     {
   702     FUNC_LOG;
   703 	ParseNewAddressL();
   704     }
   706 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   707 // CNcsAifEditor::ParseNewAddressL()
   708 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   709 //
   710 void CNcsAifEditor::ParseNewAddressL()
   711 	{
   712     FUNC_LOG;
   713 	HBufC* text = GetNonEntryTextLC();
   714 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( text, Panic(EFSEmailUiNullPointerException) );
   716 	if ( text->Length() )
   717 		{
   718         // if changing focus leftover text is parsed to email
   719         // object - we don't need to add it anymore
   720         iAddLeftover = EFalse;
   721         // check if there is a name for the email address
   722         HBufC* name = CFsDelayedLoader::InstanceL()->GetContactHandlerL()->GetLastSearchNameL( *text );
   723 	if ( name )
   724 		{
   725             CleanupStack::PushL( name );
   726 		AddAddressL( *name, *text, ETrue );
   727 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( name );
   728 		}
   729 	else
   730 		{
   731 		AddAddressL( KNullDesC, *text );
   732 		}
   733 	    }
   735 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(text);
   736 	}
   738 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   739 // CNcsAifEditor::GetNonEntryTextL()
   740 // This will extract any text that was entered that is not
   741 // part of any existing entries
   742 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   743 //
   744 HBufC* CNcsAifEditor::GetNonEntryTextLC() const
   745     {
   746     FUNC_LOG;
   748     // "non-entry text" starts after last "entry"
   749     TInt start( 0 );
   750     if ( iArray.Count() > 0 )
   751         {
   752         start = iArray[iArray.Count() - 1]->End();
   753         }
   754     TInt length( TextLength() - start );
   756     // Allocate space and extract it
   757     HBufC* text = HBufC::NewLC( length );
   758     TPtr ptr = text->Des();
   759     Text()->Extract( ptr, start, length );
   761     // Wipe out possible delimiter
   762     TInt pos = ptr.Locate( KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon );
   763     if ( pos != KErrNotFound )
   764         {
   765         ptr.Delete( pos, 1 );
   766         }
   768     // Remove unnecessary whitespaces
   769     ptr.Trim();
   771     INFO_1("non-entry text == %S", text);
   772     return text;
   773     }
   775 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   776 // CNcsAifEditor::CopyEntriesToClipBoardL
   777 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   778 //
   779 TKeyResponse CNcsAifEditor::CopyEntriesToClipboardL(
   780     const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
   781     TEventCode aType )
   782     {
   783     FUNC_LOG;
   784     TKeyResponse ret = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   785     // check that we are copying
   786     TBool copyKeyEvent = ( aType == EEventKey && aKeyEvent.iCode == 3 &&
   787                            aKeyEvent.iModifiers & EModifierCtrl &&
   788                            aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EPtiKeyQwertyC );
   789     TBool cutKeyEvent = ( aType == EEventKey && aKeyEvent.iCode == 24 &&
   790                           aKeyEvent.iModifiers & EModifierCtrl &&
   791                           aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EPtiKeyQwertyX );
   792     if ( copyKeyEvent || cutKeyEvent ) 
   793         {
   794         RPointerArray<CNcsAifEntry> entries;
   795         CleanupClosePushL( entries );
   796         FindSelectedEntriesL( entries );
   797         if ( entries.Count() > 0 )
   798             {
   799             CancelFepTransaction();
   800             HBufC* formattedText = GetFormattedAddressListLC( entries, EFalse );
   801             TFsEmailUiUtility::CopyToClipboardL( *formattedText );
   802             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( formattedText );
   804             if ( !cutKeyEvent )
   805                 { // cutting needs more handling
   806                 ret = EKeyWasConsumed;
   807                 }
   808             }
   809         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &entries );
   810         }
   811     return ret;
   812     }
   814 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   815 // CNcsAifEditor::FindSelectedEntriesL( )
   816 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   817 //
   818 void CNcsAifEditor::FindSelectedEntriesL( RPointerArray<CNcsAifEntry>& aEntries )
   819     {
   820     FUNC_LOG;
   821     TCursorSelection selection = Selection();
   822     TInt count = iArray.Count();
   823     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iArray.Count(); i++ )
   824         {
   825         CNcsAifEntry* entry = iArray[i];
   826         if ( entry->Start() >= selection.LowerPos() &&
   827              entry->End() <= selection.HigherPos() )
   828             {
   829             aEntries.AppendL( entry );
   830             }
   831         }
   832     }
   834 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   835 // CNcsAifEditor::EmailAddressIndexNameBySelection( )
   836 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   837 //
   838 const CNcsEmailAddressObject* CNcsAifEditor::EmailAddressObjectBySelection() const
   839     {
   840     FUNC_LOG;
   841 	// Find the contact the cursor is in
   842 	const CNcsAifEntry* aEntry = GetEntryAt(CursorPos());
   843 	ASSERT(aEntry != NULL);
   844 	return &aEntry->Address();
   845     }
   847 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   848 // CNcsAifEditor::AddAddressL()
   849 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   850 //
   851 void CNcsAifEditor::AddAddressL( const CNcsEmailAddressObject& aAddress, TBool aUpdateEditorText /*= ETrue*/ )
   852     {
   853     FUNC_LOG;
   854     CNcsAifEntry* entry = CNcsAifEntry::NewL( aAddress );
   855     CleanupStack::PushL( entry );
   856     AddAddressL( entry, aUpdateEditorText );
   857     CleanupStack::Pop( entry );
   858     }
   860 void CNcsAifEditor::AddAddressL( 
   861     const TDesC& aDisplayName, 
   862     const TDesC& aEmail,
   863     TBool aDisplayFull /*= EFalse*/,
   864     TBool aUpdateEditorText /*= ETrue*/ )
   865     {
   866     FUNC_LOG;
   867     CNcsAifEntry* entry = CNcsAifEntry::NewL( aDisplayName, aEmail, aDisplayFull );
   868     CleanupStack::PushL( entry );
   869 	AddAddressL( entry, aUpdateEditorText );
   870 	CleanupStack::Pop( entry );
   871     }
   873 void CNcsAifEditor::AddAddressL( CNcsAifEntry* aNewEntry, TBool aUpdateEditorText )
   874     {
   875     FUNC_LOG;
   876 	TInt idx;
   878 	// Check for duplicate display names
   879 	for ( idx=0 ; idx<iArray.Count() ; idx++ ) 
   880         {
   881 		if ( iArray[idx]->IsSameDN(*aNewEntry) ) 
   882             {
   883 			iArray[idx]->SetDupL();
   884 			aNewEntry->SetDupL();
   885             }
   886         }
   888 	// Find the location where we need to insert the address.
   889 	// Browse from back to forth to make last index as default index. 
   890 	// This ensures items remain in correct order when populating field from
   891 	// existing message.
   892 	TInt cursorPos = CursorPos();
   893     // if we are at the end of editor the address was
   894     // added from MRU list or separator was typed in
   895     if ( cursorPos == Text()->DocumentLength() )
   896         {
   897         iAddLeftover = EFalse;
   898         }
   900 	for ( idx = iArray.Count() ; idx > 0 ; idx-- ) 
   901         {
   902 		if ( cursorPos >= iArray[idx-1]->End() ) break;
   903         }
   904 	if ( idx == iArray.Count() ) 
   905         {
   906 		// Tack the address onto the end of the array
   907 		iArray.AppendL( aNewEntry );
   908         }
   909 	else
   910         {
   911 		iArray.InsertL( aNewEntry, idx );
   912         }
   914 	if ( aUpdateEditorText )
   915 	    {
   916 	    // Trap because we must not leave after we have taken the ownership of aNewEntry.
   917 	    // Otherwise douple deletion might happen.
   918 	    TRAP_IGNORE( RepositionEntriesL( aNewEntry ) );
   919 	    }
   920     }
   922 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   923 // CNcsAifEditor::RecalculateEntryPositions()
   924 // The text has changed, so recalculate the positions of the items.
   925 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   926 //	
   927 void CNcsAifEditor::RecalculateEntryPositions()
   928 	{
   929     FUNC_LOG;
   930 	// We only need to worry about items right of the cursor
   931 	TInt pos = CursorPos();
   932 	TInt error = KErrNone;
   934 	// Find the first item to the right of the cursor
   935 	TInt idx = 0;
   936 	for ( idx = 0; idx < iArray.Count(); idx++ )
   937 		{
   938 		if ( ( iArray[idx]->Includes( iLastTimeCursorPos ) ) 
   939 				 || ( iArray[idx]->Start() >= iLastTimeCursorPos ) )   
   940 			{
   941 			break;
   942 			}
   943 		}	
   945    	// If no entry was to the right of the cursor position
   946 	// then the new text was added at the end of the text.
   947 	// Don't do anything
   948 	if ( idx == iArray.Count() )
   949 		{
   950 		return;
   951 		}
   953 	// Find the location of the first entry to the right
   954 	// of the cursor using a display string match
   955 	pos = Min( iArray[idx]->Start(), pos );
   956 	TRAP( error, pos = FindTextL( &iArray[idx]->DisplayString(), pos,
   957 	    CEikEdwin::EFindCaseSensitive | CEikEdwin::ENoBusyMessage ) );
   958 	ASSERT( KErrNone == error && KErrNotFound != pos );
   960 	// Now reposition all entries to the right
   961 	for ( ; idx<iArray.Count(); idx++ ) 
   962 		{
   963 		pos = iArray[idx]->SetPos( pos );
   964 		pos++; // for whitespace
   965 		}
   966 	}
   968 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   969 // CNcsAifEditor::RepositionEntriesL()
   970 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   971 //
   972 void CNcsAifEditor::RepositionEntriesL( const CNcsAifEntry* aPosEntry )
   973 	{
   974     FUNC_LOG;
   975 	TInt pos = 0;
   976 	CNcsAifEntry* entry;
   977 	for ( TInt i=0 ; i<iArray.Count() ; i++ ) 
   978 		{
   979 		entry = iArray[i];
   980 		pos = entry->SetPos( pos );
   981 		pos++; // for whitespace
   982 		}
   984   // Reset the text
   985 	HBufC* text = NULL;
   986 	text = GetFormattedAddressListLC( iArray );
   987 	// fix for dissapearing text PWAN-82DNEJ	
   988 	SetCursorPosL( 0, EFalse ); //In case the cursor pos is invalid
   990     if ( iAddLeftover )
   991         {
   992         TInt lengthBefore = Text()->DocumentLength();
   993         HBufC* textBefore = HBufC::NewLC( lengthBefore );
   994         TPtr ptrBefore = textBefore->Des();
   995         Text()->Extract( ptrBefore, 0, lengthBefore );
   996         ptrBefore.Trim();
   997         // find text after last semicolon
   998         TInt colon = ptrBefore.LocateReverseF( 
   999                 KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon ) + 1;
  1000         TPtrC leftover = ptrBefore.Mid( colon );
  1001         HBufC* newText = HBufC::NewLC( text->Length() + leftover.Length() );
  1002         TPtr newTextPtr = newText->Des();
  1003         // add all email addresses
  1004         newTextPtr.Append( text->Des() );
  1005         // add the text that was after last email object
  1006         newTextPtr.Append( leftover );
  1008         SetTextL( newText );
  1009         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( newText );
  1010         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textBefore );
  1011         }
  1012     else
  1013         {
  1014         SetTextL( text );
  1015         }
  1016     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
  1017     HandleTextChangedL();
  1019     // Set the cursor at the end of the given entry 
  1020     if ( !aPosEntry )
  1021     	{
  1022 	    SetCursorPosL( 0, EFalse );
  1023     	}
  1024     else
  1025     	{
  1026     	SetCursorPosL( aPosEntry->End(), EFalse );
  1027     	}
  1028 	}
  1030 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1031 // CNcsAifEditor::CheckAndRemoveInvalidEntriesL()
  1032 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1033 //
  1034 void CNcsAifEditor::CheckAndRemoveInvalidEntriesL()
  1035     {
  1036     FUNC_LOG;
  1037     TInt currentCursorPos( CursorPos() );
  1038     const TInt KNoEntryRemoved = -1;
  1039     TInt removedEntryIndex( KNoEntryRemoved );
  1041     for ( TInt i = iArray.Count() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; --i )
  1042         {
  1043         TInt matchesInText;
  1044         TInt matchesInArray;
  1045         TInt arrayItemLowPos( iArray[i]->LowerPos() );
  1046         TInt arrayItemHighPos( iArray[i]->HigherPos());
  1048         GetMatchingEntryCountsL( iArray[i], matchesInText, matchesInArray );
  1050         // Entry is removed if:
  1051         // a) there's no matches for it in the text, or
  1052         // b) there're less matches for it in the text than in array (i.e.,
  1053         //    a duplicate ("foo(at); foo(at)") has just been removed)
  1054         // In b) case the correct duplicate is the one that is in current
  1055         // cursor position (or one off due to possible whitespace).
  1056         if ( 0 == matchesInText ||
  1057              ( matchesInText < matchesInArray ) &&
  1058                ( currentCursorPos >= arrayItemLowPos && 
  1059                  currentCursorPos <= arrayItemHighPos )) 
  1060             {
  1061             delete iArray[i];
  1062             iArray.Remove(i);
  1063             removedEntryIndex = i;
  1064             if ( iTextSelection.iAnchorPos != iTextSelection.iCursorPos &&
  1065                  iTextSelection.HigherPos() < arrayItemHighPos )
  1066                 {
  1067                 iPartialRemove = ETrue;
  1068                 }
  1069             }
  1070         }
  1072     if ( KNoEntryRemoved != removedEntryIndex )
  1073         {
  1074         // at least one entry has been removed => udpates duplicate markings
  1075         UpdateDuplicateEntryMarkingsL();
  1076         }
  1077     }
  1079 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1080 // CNcsAifEditor::GetLookupTextLC()
  1081 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1082 //
  1083 HBufC* CNcsAifEditor::GetLookupTextLC() const
  1084     {
  1085     FUNC_LOG;
  1086 	HBufC* text = GetTextInHBufL();
  1088 	if (text == NULL) return NULL;
  1090 	CleanupStack::PushL( text );
  1091 	TPtr ptr( text->Des() );
  1092 	TInt location = ptr.LocateReverse( KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon );
  1093 	if( location != KErrNotFound )
  1094         {
  1095 		ptr = ptr.RightTPtr( ptr.Length() - location -1 );
  1096 		ptr.TrimLeft();
  1097         }
  1098 	return text;
  1099     }
  1101 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1102 // CNcsAifEditor::GetFormattedAddressListLC()
  1103 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1104 //
  1105 HBufC* CNcsAifEditor::GetFormattedAddressListLC(
  1106     RPointerArray<CNcsAifEntry>& aEntries,
  1107     TBool aDisplayList ) const
  1108     {
  1109     FUNC_LOG;
  1110 	TInt length = CalculateAddressListLength( aEntries, aDisplayList );
  1111 	if ( length <= 0 )
  1112         {
  1113 		return HBufC::NewLC(0);
  1114         }
  1116 	HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC( length );
  1117 	TPtr ptr = buf->Des();
  1119 	TInt count = aEntries.Count();
  1120 	for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
  1121         {
  1122         if ( aDisplayList )
  1123             {
  1124             ptr.Append( aEntries[i]->DisplayString() );
  1125             }
  1126         else
  1127             {
  1128             ptr.Append( aEntries[i]->Address().EmailAddress() );
  1129             ptr.Append( KEmailAddressSeparator );
  1130             }
  1132 		// append whitespace, if not in the last entry
  1133         if ( i < count - 1 )
  1134             {
  1135             ptr.Append( KLineFeed );
  1136             }
  1137         }
  1139 	return buf;
  1140     }
  1142 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1143 // CNcsAifEditor::GetFormattedAddressListL()
  1144 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1145 //
  1146 HBufC* CNcsAifEditor::GetFormattedAddressListL(
  1147     RPointerArray<CNcsAifEntry>& aEntries,
  1148     TBool aDisplayList ) const
  1149 	{
  1150     FUNC_LOG;
  1151     HBufC* buf = GetFormattedAddressListLC( aEntries, aDisplayList );
  1152     CleanupStack::Pop( buf );
  1153     return buf;
  1154 	}
  1156 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1157 // CNcsAifEditor::CalculateAddressListLength()
  1158 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1159 //
  1160 TInt CNcsAifEditor::CalculateAddressListLength(
  1161     RPointerArray<CNcsAifEntry>& aEntries,
  1162     TBool aDisplayList ) const
  1163     {
  1164     FUNC_LOG;
  1165 	TInt length = 0;
  1166 	TInt count = aEntries.Count();
  1167 	for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
  1168         {
  1169 		CNcsAifEntry* entry = aEntries[ i ];
  1170 		if ( !entry ) continue;
  1171         if ( aDisplayList )
  1172             {
  1173             length += entry->Length();
  1174             }
  1175         else
  1176             {
  1177             // +1 is for semicolon
  1178             length += entry->Address().EmailAddress().Length() + 1;
  1179             }
  1180         }
  1182 	// add one white space after that so the format is
  1183 	//;;
  1184 	if ( count > 1 )
  1185         {
  1186 		// ( count - 1 ) we do need white space after the last address
  1187 		length += count - 1 ;
  1188         }
  1190 	if ( aEntries.Count() > 0 )
  1191         {
  1192 	    length += 2;
  1193         }		
  1195 	return length;
  1196     }
  1198 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1199 // CNcsAifEditor::UpdateAddressAutoCompletionL()
  1200 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1201 //
  1202 void CNcsAifEditor::UpdateAddressAutoCompletionL()
  1203     {
  1204     FUNC_LOG;
  1205 	HBufC* text = GetNonEntryTextLC();
  1206 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( text, Panic(EFSEmailUiNullPointerException) );
  1208 		iAddressPopupList->UpdatePopupContactListL( *text, EFalse );
  1209 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
  1210         }
  1212 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1213 // CNcsAifEditor::UpdateAddressAutoCompletionL()
  1214 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1215 //
  1216 void CNcsAifEditor::UpdateAddressAutoCompletionL(
  1217     const TCursorSelection& aSelection )
  1218     {
  1219     FUNC_LOG;
  1220     TInt length = aSelection.Length();
  1221     HBufC* text = HBufC::NewLC( length );
  1222     TPtr ptr = text->Des();
  1223     Text()->Extract( ptr, aSelection.LowerPos(), length );
  1224     ptr.Trim();
  1225     if ( text->Length() )
  1226         {
  1227         iAddressPopupList->UpdatePopupContactListL( *text, EFalse );
  1228         }
  1229     else
  1230         {
  1231         iAddressPopupList->ClosePopupContactListL();
  1232         }
  1233     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
  1234     }
  1236 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1237 // CNcsAifEditor::UpdateAddressListAllL()
  1238 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1239 //
  1240 void CNcsAifEditor::UpdateAddressListAllL()
  1241     {
  1242     FUNC_LOG;
  1243 	iAddressPopupList->UpdatePopupContactListL( KNullDesC, ETrue );
  1244     }
  1247 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1248 // Updates the duplicate markings in the entry array.
  1249 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1250 //
  1251 void CNcsAifEditor::UpdateDuplicateEntryMarkingsL()
  1252     {
  1253     FUNC_LOG;
  1254     const TInt entryCount = iArray.Count();
  1255     for ( TInt ii = entryCount - 1; ii >= 0; --ii )
  1256         {
  1257         if ( ii > 0 )
  1258             {
  1259             TBool duplicateFound = EFalse;
  1260             for ( TInt jj = ii - 1; jj >= 0; --jj )
  1261                 {
  1262                 if ( iArray[ii]->IsSameDN( *iArray[jj] ) )
  1263                     {
  1264                     duplicateFound = ETrue;
  1265                     iArray[jj]->SetDupL( ETrue );
  1266                     }
  1267                 }
  1268             iArray[ii]->SetDupL( duplicateFound );
  1269             }
  1270         }
  1271     }
  1273 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1274 // Makes a deferred call to HandleTextUpdateL
  1275 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1276 //
  1277 void CNcsAifEditor::HandleTextUpdateDeferred()
  1278     {
  1279     FUNC_LOG;
  1280     if ( iAsyncCallBack )
  1281         {
  1282         iAsyncCallBack->Cancel();
  1283         iAsyncCallBack->Set( TCallBack( DoHandleTextUpdate, this ) );
  1284         iAsyncCallBack->CallBack();
  1285         }
  1286     }
  1288 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1289 // Static wrapper function for HandleTextUpdateL() 
  1290 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1291 //
  1292 TInt CNcsAifEditor::DoHandleTextUpdate( TAny* aSelf )
  1293     {
  1294     FUNC_LOG;
  1295     CNcsAifEditor* self = static_cast<CNcsAifEditor*>( aSelf );
  1296     TRAPD( err, self->HandleTextUpdateL() );
  1297     return err;
  1298     }
  1300 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1301 // Handles text update.
  1302 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1303 //
  1304 void CNcsAifEditor::HandleTextUpdateL()
  1305     {
  1306     FUNC_LOG;
  1307     RecalculateEntryPositions();
  1308     TCursorSelection textSelection = NonEntryTextAtPos( CursorPos() );
  1309     TBool newEntryCreated = EFalse;
  1310     if ( textSelection.Length() )
  1311         {
  1312         // Check non-entry text for complete entries.
  1313         newEntryCreated = HandleTextUpdateL( textSelection );
  1314         }
  1316     if ( newEntryCreated )
  1317         {
  1318         iAddressPopupList->ClosePopupContactListL();
  1320         // add line feed after new entry
  1321         TInt cursorPos( CursorPos() );
  1322         // related to PWAN-82DNEJ cursorPos shouldn't be 0 here
  1323         if (cursorPos == 0)
  1324           {
  1325           cursorPos = TextLength();
  1326           }
  1328         if ( !iPartialRemove )
  1329             {
  1330             Text()->InsertL( cursorPos, TChar(CEditableText::ELineBreak) );
  1331             }
  1332         HandleTextChangedL();
  1333         SetCursorPosL( cursorPos + 1, EFalse );
  1334         iSizeObserver->UpdateFieldSizeL( ETrue );
  1335         iPartialRemove = EFalse;
  1336         }
  1337     else
  1338         {
  1339         UpdateAddressAutoCompletionL( textSelection );
  1340         }
  1341     }
  1343 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1344 // CNcsAifEditor::HandleTextUpdateL()
  1345 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1346 //
  1347 TBool CNcsAifEditor::HandleTextUpdateL( const TCursorSelection& aSelection )
  1348     {
  1349     FUNC_LOG;
  1350     iAddLeftover = ETrue;
  1351     TInt firstCharacter = aSelection.LowerPos();
  1352     TInt lastCharacter = aSelection.HigherPos();
  1354     // get the inputted text
  1355     TInt length = lastCharacter - firstCharacter;
  1357     HBufC* text = HBufC::NewLC( length );
  1358     TPtr ptr = text->Des();
  1359     Text()->Extract( ptr, firstCharacter, length );
  1360     ptr.Trim();
  1362     TBool entriesFound( EFalse );
  1364     // start looking for entries separated with semicolon
  1365     TInt start( 0 );
  1366     TInt end( ptr.Length() );
  1367     TInt lastSentinel = KErrNotFound;
  1369     for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < end; ++ii )
  1370         {
  1371         TChar character = ptr[ii];
  1372         TBool addAddress = EFalse;
  1374         if ( IsSentinel( character ) )
  1375             {
  1376             if ( character == KCharSpace )
  1377                 {
  1378                 if ( ptr.Mid( start, ii-start ).Locate( KCharAt ) 
  1379                         != KErrNotFound )
  1380                     {
  1381                     ptr[ii] = KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon;
  1382                     lastSentinel = ii;
  1383                     addAddress = ETrue;
  1384                     }
  1385                 }
  1386             else if ( character == KCharAddressDelimeterComma )
  1387                 {
  1388                 // Replace comma with semicolon
  1389                 ptr[ii] = KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon;
  1390                 lastSentinel = ii;
  1391                 addAddress = ETrue;
  1392                 }
  1393             else if ( character == KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon )
  1394                 {
  1395                 lastSentinel = ii;
  1396                 addAddress = ETrue;
  1397                 }
  1399             // Create new entry.
  1400             if ( addAddress && start < end )
  1401                 {
  1402                 // only if longer than 0, if not we'll get 
  1403                 // "empty" email address
  1404                 if ( ii-start )
  1405                     {
  1406                     AddAddressL( KNullDesC(), ptr.Mid(start, ii-start) );
  1407                     start = Min( ii + 1, end );
  1408                     entriesFound = ETrue;
  1409                     }
  1410                 addAddress = EFalse;
  1411                 }
  1412             }
  1413         }
  1415     // add email that wasn't ended with semicolon
  1416     if ( lastSentinel != KErrNotFound )
  1417         {
  1418         if ( lastSentinel < end && start < end )
  1419             {
  1420             AddAddressL( KNullDesC(), ptr.Mid(start, end-start) );
  1421             }
  1422         }
  1424     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
  1426     return entriesFound;
  1427     }
  1429 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1430 // Handles navigation event.
  1431 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1432 //
  1433 void CNcsAifEditor::HandleNavigationEventL()
  1434     {
  1435     FUNC_LOG;
  1436     // Close the contact popup when cursor is moved withing the field to make it less distracting. 
  1437     // It's reopened when user types something.
  1438     iAddressPopupList->ClosePopupContactListL();
  1439     }
  1441 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1442 // Gets the range of non-entry text at the given position.
  1443 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1444 //
  1445 TCursorSelection CNcsAifEditor::NonEntryTextAtPos( TUint aPosition ) const
  1446     {
  1447     FUNC_LOG;
  1448     TCursorSelection text( TextLength(), 0 );
  1449     for ( TInt ii = iArray.Count() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii )
  1450         {
  1451         if ( iArray[ii]->Includes( aPosition - 1) )
  1452             {
  1453             // Given position is included in existing entry
  1454             text.SetSelection( 0, 0 );
  1455             break;
  1456             }
  1457         else if ( iArray[ii]->LowerPos() >= aPosition )
  1458             {
  1459             // Found entry after the given position
  1460             text.iCursorPos = iArray[ii]->LowerPos();
  1461             }
  1462         else if ( iArray[ii]->HigherPos() < aPosition )
  1463             {
  1464             // Found first entry before given position
  1465             text.iAnchorPos = iArray[ii]->HigherPos();
  1466             break;
  1467             }
  1468         }
  1470     // get the selected text to remove whitespace
  1471     TInt length( text.Length() );    
  1473     HBufC* selectedText = NULL;
  1474     TRAPD( err, selectedText = HBufC::NewL( length ) );
  1476     if( err == KErrNone )
  1477     	{
  1478 		TPtr ptr = selectedText->Des();
  1479 		Text()->Extract( ptr, text.LowerPos(), length );
  1481 		// trim from end
  1482 		TInt index( length - 1 );
  1484 		while( index >= 0 && IsWhitespace( ptr[index--] ) )
  1485 			{
  1486 			text.iCursorPos--;
  1487 			}
  1489 		// trim from begin
  1490 		index = 0;
  1492 		while( index < length && IsWhitespace( ptr[index++] ) )
  1493 			{
  1494 			text.iAnchorPos++;
  1495 			}
  1497 		delete selectedText;
  1498 		selectedText = NULL;
  1499     	}    
  1501     return text;
  1502     }
  1504 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1505 // Gets the range of text immediatelly before given position that does not
  1506 // belong to any entry. 
  1507 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1508 //
  1509 TCursorSelection CNcsAifEditor::NonEntryTextBeforePos( TUint aPosition ) const
  1510     {
  1511     FUNC_LOG;
  1512     TCursorSelection text( aPosition, 0 );
  1513     for ( TInt ii = iArray.Count() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii )
  1514         {
  1515         if ( iArray[ii]->Includes( aPosition - 1 ) )
  1516             {
  1517             // Given position is included in existing entry
  1518             text.SetSelection( 0, 0 );
  1519             break;
  1520             }
  1521         else if ( iArray[ii]->HigherPos() < aPosition )
  1522             {
  1523             // Found first existing entry before given position
  1524             text.SetSelection( aPosition, iArray[ii]->HigherPos() );
  1525             break;
  1526             }
  1527         }
  1528     return text;
  1529     }
  1531 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1532 // Checks whether given character is considered as sentinel.
  1533 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1534 //
  1535 TBool CNcsAifEditor::IsSentinel( TChar aCharacter ) const
  1536     {
  1537     FUNC_LOG;
  1538     return ( aCharacter == KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon || 
  1539         aCharacter == KCharAddressDelimeterComma || aCharacter == KCharSpace );
  1540     }
  1542 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1543 // Checks whether given character is considered as whitespace.
  1544 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1545 //
  1546 TBool CNcsAifEditor::IsWhitespace( TChar aCharacter ) const
  1547     {
  1548     FUNC_LOG;
  1549     return ( aCharacter == KCharSpace || 
  1550     		 aCharacter == TChar(CEditableText::ELineBreak) || 
  1551     		 aCharacter == TChar(CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter) );
  1552     }
  1554 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1555 // Checks whether given event is considered as navigation event.
  1556 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1557 //
  1558 TBool CNcsAifEditor::IsNavigationKey( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent ) const
  1559     {
  1560     FUNC_LOG;
  1561     return ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyLeftArrow ||
  1562              aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyRightArrow ||
  1563              aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyUpArrow ||
  1564              aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDownArrow ||
  1565              aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyLeftArrow ||
  1566              aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyRightArrow ||
  1567              aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyUpArrow ||
  1568              aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDownArrow );
  1569     }
  1571 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1572 // Checks whether given event is one which generates visible character
  1573 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1574 //
  1575 TBool CNcsAifEditor::IsCharacterKey( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent ) const
  1576     {
  1577     FUNC_LOG;
  1578     TUint ctrlModifiers = EModifierLeftCtrl | EModifierRightCtrl | EModifierCtrl;
  1579     TBool ctrlEvent = aKeyEvent.iModifiers & ctrlModifiers;
  1580     TBool isAppKey = ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode >= EStdKeyApplication0) && (aKeyEvent.iScanCode <= EStdKeyKeyboardExtend);
  1581     return ( !ctrlEvent && !IsNavigationKey(aKeyEvent) && !isAppKey  );
  1582     }
  1584 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1585 // Gets the count of substrings (in current text field) matching the aEntry's
  1586 // DisplayName (DN) and the count of matching (same DN) items in iArray. 
  1587 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1588 //
  1589 void CNcsAifEditor::GetMatchingEntryCountsL(  const CNcsAifEntry* aEntry,
  1590                                               TInt& aNrOfMatchesInText,
  1591                                               TInt& aNrOfMatchesInEntryArray )
  1592     {
  1593     aNrOfMatchesInText = 0;
  1594     aNrOfMatchesInEntryArray = 0;
  1595     TInt pos( 0 );
  1596     const TInt end_pos( TextLength() );
  1598     // First a checking loop for finding the number of matching substrings
  1599     // (i.e., substrings that match the entry's displaystring) in current text
  1600     while ( pos < end_pos )
  1601         {
  1602         pos = FindTextL( &aEntry->DisplayString(), pos, 
  1603                          CEikEdwin::EFindCaseSensitive | 
  1604                          CEikEdwin::ENoBusyMessage );
  1606         // No more matches for entry found => checking finished for this one 
  1607         if ( pos < 0 )
  1608             {
  1609             pos = end_pos; // ends the loop
  1610             }
  1611         // Match found => update counter
  1612         else
  1613             {
  1614             ++aNrOfMatchesInText;
  1615             // Move to next word
  1616             TInt len;
  1617             TInt startPos;
  1618             GetWordInfo( pos, startPos, len );
  1619             pos = startPos+len;
  1620             }
  1621         }
  1623     // Secondly check the number of entries in entry array that match
  1624     // the given entry's displayname.
  1625     for ( TInt i = iArray.Count()-1; i >= 0; --i )
  1626         {
  1627         if ( !aEntry->DisplayString().Compare( iArray[i]->DisplayString() ) )
  1628             {
  1629             ++aNrOfMatchesInEntryArray;
  1630             }
  1631         }
  1632     }
  1634 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1635 // CNcsAifEditor::HandlePointerEventL()
  1636 // Handles pointer events
  1637 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1638 //
  1639 void CNcsAifEditor::HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
  1640     {
  1641     FUNC_LOG;
  1643     if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )
  1644         {
  1645         CTextLayout* textLayout = TextLayout();
  1646         TInt cursorPos = CursorPos();
  1647         TPoint touchPoint( aPointerEvent.iPosition );
  1649         //adjust touch point to mach editor coordinates
  1650         touchPoint.iX -= Position().iX;
  1652         TInt pointerLineNbr = textLayout->GetLineNumber( textLayout->XyPosToDocPosL( touchPoint ));
  1653         TInt cursorLineNbr = textLayout->GetLineNumber( cursorPos );
  1656         if ( pointerLineNbr != cursorLineNbr )
  1657             {
  1658             CompleteEntryL();
  1660             // We're moving to a new line.
  1661             CNcsAifEntry* entry = NULL;
  1662             entry = GetEntryAt( CursorPos() );
  1663             if ( entry )
  1664                 {
  1665                 SetSelectionL( entry->iCursorPos, entry->iAnchorPos );
  1666                 }
  1667             }    
  1668         }
  1670     CEikEdwin::HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent );
  1671     }
  1674 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1675 // CNcsAifEditor::CompleteEntryL()
  1676 // Adds semicolol to the of the entry
  1677 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1678 //
  1679 void CNcsAifEditor::CompleteEntryL()
  1680     {
  1681     // make sure there is really some text inputted 
  1682     TInt cursorPos( CursorPos() );
  1684     TCursorSelection selection = NonEntryTextAtPos( cursorPos );
  1686     TInt length( selection.Length() );
  1688     HBufC* text = HBufC::NewLC( length );
  1689     TPtr ptr = text->Des();
  1691     if( selection.LowerPos() >= 0 )
  1692         {
  1693         Text()->Extract( ptr, selection.LowerPos(), length );
  1694         ptr.Trim();
  1696         // complete the entry
  1697         if( ptr.Length() > 0 )
  1698             {
  1699             Text()->InsertL( selection.HigherPos(), KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon );
  1700             HandleTextChangedL();
  1701             HandleTextUpdateL( TCursorSelection(selection.LowerPos(), selection.HigherPos() + 1) );
  1702             }
  1703         }
  1705     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
  1706     }
  1707 // End of File