changeset 0 8466d47a6819
child 1 12c456ceeff2
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:8466d47a6819
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer class implementation
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "emailtrace.h"
    20 #include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
    21 #include <coemain.h>
    22 #include <commdbconnpref.h>
    23 #include <bautils.h>
    25 //<cmail>
    26 #include "CFSMailMessage.h"
    27 //</cmail>
    28 #include <brctlinterface.h>
    29 #include <sysutil.h>
    32 #include "FreestyleEmailUiAppui.h"
    33 #include "FreestyleEmailUiUtilities.h"
    34 #include "FreestyleEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer.h"
    35 #include "FreestyleEmailUiHtmlViewerView.h"
    36 #include "FreestyleEmailUiShortcutBinding.h"
    38 #include "FreestyleMessageHeaderHTML.h"
    39 #include "FreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler.h"
    41 _LIT( KContentIdPrefix, "cid:" );
    42 _LIT( KCDrive, "c:" );
    43 _LIT( KHtmlPath, "HtmlFile\\" );
    44 _LIT( KTempHtmlPath, "temp\\" );
    45 _LIT( KAllFiles, "*" );
    47 _LIT( KHeaderHtmlFile, "header.html" );
    48 _LIT( KBodyHtmlFile, "body.html" );
    49 _LIT( KMessageHtmlFile, "email.html" );
    50 _LIT( KZDrive, "z:" );
    51 _LIT( KHtmlFlagFile, "html.flag" );
    53 // <cmail>
    54 // Constants used in html content modification
    55 const TInt KMaxCharsToSearch( 200 );
    56 _LIT8( KStartTag, "<html" );
    57 _LIT8( KHeadTag, "<head>");
    58 _LIT8( KHtmlHeader1, "<html><head><title></title><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=");
    59 _LIT8( KHtmlHeader2, "\"/></head><body>\xD\xA");
    60 _LIT8( KHtmlHeader3, "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=%S\">\n");
    61 _LIT8( KHtmlEndTags, "\xD\xA</body></html>\xD\xA");
    62 _LIT8( KCharsetTag8, "charset");
    63 _LIT( KCharsetTag, "charset");
    64 _LIT8( KHTMLEmptyContent, "<HTML><BODY></BODY></HTML>");
    65 _LIT( KHTMLDataScheme, "data:0");
    67 // </cmail>
    69 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    70 // Two-phased constructor.
    71 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72 //
    73 CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer* CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::NewL(
    74     CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi, CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView& aView )
    75     {
    76     FUNC_LOG;
    77     CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer* self =
    78         new (ELeave) CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer( aAppUi, aView );
    79     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    80     self->ConstructL();
    81     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    82     return self;
    83     }
    85 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 // C++ constructor.
    87 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    88 //
    89 CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer(
    90     CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi, CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView& aView )
    91     :
    92     iAppUi( aAppUi ),
    93     iView( aView ),
    94     iFs( CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession() ),
    95     iFirstTime( ETrue )
    96     {
    97     FUNC_LOG;
    98     }
   100 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   101 // Destructor.
   102 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   103 //
   104 CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::~CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer()
   105     {
   106     FUNC_LOG;
   107     if ( iObservingDownload && iAppUi.DownloadInfoMediator() )
   108         {
   109         iAppUi.DownloadInfoMediator()->StopObserving( this );
   110         }
   111     iFile.Close();
   112     iLinkContents.Close();
   113     iMessageParts.Close();
   114     delete iEventHandler;
   115     delete iBrCtlInterface;
   116     iConnection.Close();
   117     iSocketServer.Close();
   118     }
   120 // <cmail> Because of browser changes, followings must be performed before iAppUi.exit()
   121 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::PrepareForExit()
   122     {
   123     FUNC_LOG;
   124     if ( iObservingDownload && iAppUi.DownloadInfoMediator() )
   125         {
   126         iAppUi.DownloadInfoMediator()->StopObserving( this );
   127         iObservingDownload = EFalse;
   128         }
   129     delete iBrCtlInterface;
   130     iBrCtlInterface = NULL;
   131     iConnection.Close();
   132     iSocketServer.Close();
   133     }
   134 // </cmail>
   136 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::ConstructL()
   137     {
   138     FUNC_LOG;
   140     SetHtmlFolderPathL();
   141     BaflUtils::EnsurePathExistsL( iFs, iHtmlFolderPath );
   142     SetTempHtmlFolderPath();
   143     BaflUtils::EnsurePathExistsL( iFs, iTempHtmlFolderPath );
   144     SetHTMLResourceFlagFullName();
   145     EnsureHTMLResourceL();
   147     CreateWindowL();
   148     SetRect( iAppUi.ClientRect() );
   151     TUint brCtlCapabilities = TBrCtlDefs::ECapabilityClientResolveEmbeddedURL |
   152                               TBrCtlDefs::ECapabilityDisplayScrollBar |
   153                               TBrCtlDefs::ECapabilityClientNotifyURL |
   154                               TBrCtlDefs::ECapabilityLoadHttpFw |
   155                               TBrCtlDefs::ECapabilityCursorNavigation;
   157     // Set browsercontrol to whole screen
   158     TRect rect( TPoint(), Size() );
   160     iBrCtlInterface = CreateBrowserControlL( this, rect, brCtlCapabilities,
   161         TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase, NULL, this, this );
   163     iBrCtlInterface->SetBrowserSettingL( TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsEmbedded, ETrue );
   164     iBrCtlInterface->SetBrowserSettingL( TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsAutoLoadImages, ETrue );
   165     iBrCtlInterface->SetBrowserSettingL( TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsPageOverview, EFalse );
   166     iBrCtlInterface->SetBrowserSettingL( TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsTextWrapEnabled, ETrue );
   167     iBrCtlInterface->SetBrowserSettingL( TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsFontSize, TBrCtlDefs::EFontSizeLevelLarger );
   169     iEventHandler = CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler::NewL( iAppUi, iView );
   170     ActivateL();
   171     }
   173 // Getter for br contro, interface
   174 CBrCtlInterface* CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::BrowserControlIf()
   175     {
   176     FUNC_LOG;
   177     return iBrCtlInterface;
   178     }
   180 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::LoadContentFromFileL( const TDesC& aFileName )
   181     {
   182     FUNC_LOG;
   183     iBrCtlInterface->LoadFileL( aFileName );
   184     }
   186 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::LoadContentFromFileL( RFile& aFile )
   187     {
   188     FUNC_LOG;
   189     iBrCtlInterface->LoadFileL( aFile );
   190     }
   192 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::LoadContentFromUrlL( const TDesC& aUrl )
   193     {
   194     FUNC_LOG;
   195     iBrCtlInterface->LoadUrlL( aUrl );
   196     }
   198 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   199 // Loads content from given mail message.
   200 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   201 //
   202 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::LoadContentFromMailMessageL(
   203     CFSMailMessage* aMailMessage )
   204     {
   205     FUNC_LOG;
   206     ASSERT( aMailMessage );
   207     iMessage = aMailMessage;
   209     TPath headerHtmlFile;
   210     headerHtmlFile.Copy( iHtmlFolderPath );
   211     headerHtmlFile.Append( KHeaderHtmlFile );
   213     // insert email header into email.html file
   214     // CFreestyleMessageHeaderHTML will replace contents of email.html
   215     // So, no need to clear the contents
   216     CFreestyleMessageHeaderHTML::ExportL( *iMessage, iFs, headerHtmlFile );
   218     // Remove all previously created files from temporary HTML folder
   219     EmptyTempHtmlFolderL();
   221     CFSMailMessagePart* htmlBodyPart = iMessage->HtmlBodyPartL();
   223     if ( htmlBodyPart )
   224         {
   225         CleanupStack::PushL( htmlBodyPart );
   227         RFile htmlFile = htmlBodyPart->GetContentFileL();
   228         CleanupClosePushL( htmlFile );
   230         // Copy html body part to email html file
   231         CopyFileToHtmlFileL( htmlFile, KBodyHtmlFile, *htmlBodyPart );
   233         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &htmlFile );
   234         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( htmlBodyPart );
   235         }
   236     else
   237         {
   238         CFSMailMessagePart* textBodyPart = iMessage->PlainTextBodyPartL();;
   240         if ( textBodyPart )
   241             {
   242             CleanupStack::PushL( textBodyPart );
   243             //For now do not do any conversion just add start and end..Let browser display plain text as is
   244             //Later need to refine this and add conversions
   245             //htmlFile = textBodyPart->GetContentFileL();
   246             //Need to get buffer in this case, file does not work
   247             //HBufC* contentBuffer=HBufC::NewLC(textBodyPart->ContentSize());
   249             HBufC* contentBuffer=HBufC::NewLC(textBodyPart->FetchedContentSize());
   250             TPtr bufPtr(contentBuffer->Des());
   252             textBodyPart->GetContentToBufferL(bufPtr,0);
   253             HBufC8* contentBuffer8=HBufC8::NewLC(contentBuffer->Length());
   255             contentBuffer8->Des().Copy(*contentBuffer);         
   256             CopyFileToHtmlFileL( *contentBuffer8, KBodyHtmlFile, *textBodyPart );
   258             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contentBuffer8 );
   259             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contentBuffer );
   260             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textBodyPart ); 
   261             }
   263         }
   264     // pass the emailHtmlFile to the browser for it to load
   265     TPath emailHtmlFile;
   266     emailHtmlFile.Copy( iHtmlFolderPath );
   267     emailHtmlFile.Append( KMessageHtmlFile );
   268     LoadContentFromFileL( emailHtmlFile );
   269     }
   271 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   272 // Reset content
   273 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   274 //
   275 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::ResetContent()
   276     {
   277     FUNC_LOG;
   278     if ( iBrCtlInterface )
   279         {
   280         TRAP_IGNORE( iBrCtlInterface->HandleCommandL( ( TInt )TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase + 
   281                                                       ( TInt )TBrCtlDefs::ECommandFreeMemory ) );
   282         }
   283     iFile.Close();
   284     iLinkContents.Reset();
   285     iMessageParts.Reset();
   286     iMessage = NULL;
   287     }
   289 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   290 // From CCoeControl.
   291 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   292 //
   293 CCoeControl* CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const
   294     {
   295     FUNC_LOG;
   296     switch ( aIndex )
   297         {
   298         case 0:
   299             {
   300             return iBrCtlInterface;
   301             }
   302         default:
   303             {
   304             return NULL;
   305             }
   306         }
   307     }
   309 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   310 // From CCoeControl.
   311 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   312 //
   313 TInt CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::CountComponentControls() const
   314     {
   315     FUNC_LOG;
   316     return 1;
   317     }
   319 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   320 // From CCoeControl.
   321 // Draw this application's view to the screen
   322 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   323 //
   324 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::Draw( const TRect& /*aRect*/ ) const
   325     {
   326     FUNC_LOG;
   327     // Get the standard graphics context
   328     CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
   330     // Gets the control's extent
   331     TRect rect = Rect();
   333     // Clears the screen
   334     gc.Clear( rect );
   335     }
   337 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   338 // From CCoeControl.
   339 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   340 //
   341 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::SizeChanged()
   342     {
   343     FUNC_LOG;
   344     if ( iBrCtlInterface )
   345         {
   346         TRect rect = Rect();
   347         iBrCtlInterface->SetRect( rect );
   348         }
   349     }
   351 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   352 // From CCoeControl.
   353 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   354 //
   355 TKeyResponse CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::OfferKeyEventL(
   356     const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
   357     {
   358     FUNC_LOG;
   360     TKeyResponse retVal = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   362     // Handle keyboard shortcuts already on key down event as all keys
   363     // do not necessarily send the key event at all.
   364     if ( aType == EEventKeyDown )
   365         {
   366         // Check keyboard shortcuts
   367         TInt shortcutCommand = iAppUi.ShortcutBinding().CommandForShortcutKey(
   368             aKeyEvent, CFSEmailUiShortcutBinding::EContextHtmlViewer );
   370         if ( shortcutCommand != KErrNotFound )
   371             {
   372             iView.HandleCommandL( shortcutCommand );
   373             retVal = EKeyWasConsumed;
   374             }
   375         }
   377     if ( iBrCtlInterface && retVal == EKeyWasNotConsumed )
   378         {
   379         retVal = iBrCtlInterface->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
   380         }
   382     iView.SetMskL();
   384     return retVal;
   385     }
   387 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   388 // From MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver.
   389 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   390 //
   391 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::NetworkConnectionNeededL(
   392         TInt* aConnectionPtr,
   393         TInt* aSockSvrHandle,
   394         TBool* aNewConn,
   395         TApBearerType* aBearerType )
   396     {
   397     FUNC_LOG;
   398     *aBearerType = EApBearerTypeAllBearers;
   400     if ( iFirstTime )
   401         {
   402         User::LeaveIfError( iSocketServer.Connect( KESockDefaultMessageSlots ) );
   403         User::LeaveIfError( iConnection.Open( iSocketServer, KConnectionTypeDefault ) );
   404         TCommDbConnPref prefs;
   405         prefs.SetDialogPreference( ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt );
   406         prefs.SetDirection( ECommDbConnectionDirectionOutgoing );
   407         prefs.SetIapId( 0 ); // Ask for access point
   408         User::LeaveIfError( iConnection.Start( prefs ) );
   409         *aNewConn = ETrue;
   410         iFirstTime = EFalse;
   411         }
   412     else
   413         {
   414         *aNewConn = EFalse;
   415         }
   417     *aConnectionPtr = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(&iConnection);
   418     *aSockSvrHandle = iSocketServer.Handle();
   419     }
   421 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   422 // From MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver.
   423 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   424 //
   425 TBool CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::HandleRequestL(
   426     RArray<TUint>* /*aTypeArray*/, CDesCArrayFlat* /*aDesArray*/ )
   427     {
   428     FUNC_LOG;
   429     // Let browser control handle these
   430     return EFalse;
   431     }
   433 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   434 // From MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver.
   435 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   436 //
   437 TBool CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::HandleDownloadL(
   438     RArray<TUint>* /*aTypeArray*/, CDesCArrayFlat* /*aDesArray*/ )
   439     {
   440     FUNC_LOG;
   441     // Let browser control handle these
   442     return EFalse;
   443     }
   445 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   446 // From MFSEmailDownloadInformationObserver.
   447 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   448 //
   449 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::RequestResponseL( const TFSProgress& aEvent,
   450     const TPartData& aPart )
   451     {
   452     FUNC_LOG;
   453     if ( aEvent.iProgressStatus == TFSProgress::EFSStatus_RequestComplete )
   454         {
   455         MBrCtlLinkContent* linkContent = NULL;
   456         for ( TInt ii = iMessageParts.Count() - 1; ii >= 0 && !linkContent; --ii )
   457             {
   458             if ( iMessageParts[ii] == aPart )
   459                 {
   460                 iMessageParts.Remove( ii );
   461                 linkContent = iLinkContents[ii];
   462                 iLinkContents.Remove( ii );
   463                 }
   464             }
   466         if ( !iMessageParts.Count() && iAppUi.DownloadInfoMediator() )
   467             {
   468             iAppUi.DownloadInfoMediator()->StopObserving( this );
   469             }
   471         if ( iMessage && linkContent )
   472             {
   473             CFSMailMessagePart* part = iMessage->ChildPartL( aPart.iMessagePartId );
   474             CleanupStack::PushL( part );
   475             RFile contentFile = part->GetContentFileL();
   476             CleanupClosePushL( contentFile );
   477             HBufC8* content = ReadContentFromFileLC( contentFile );
   478             linkContent->HandleResolveComplete(
   479                 part->GetContentType(), KNullDesC(), content );
   480             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( content );
   481             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &contentFile );
   482             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( part );
   483             }
   484         if ( iMessage )
   485             {
   486             LoadContentFromMailMessageL( iMessage );
   487             }
   488         }
   489     else if ( aEvent.iProgressStatus == TFSProgress::EFSStatus_RequestCancelled ||
   490             aEvent.iProgressStatus < 0 )
   491         {
   492         if ( iAppUi.DownloadInfoMediator() )
   493             {
   494             iAppUi.DownloadInfoMediator()->StopObserving( this, aPart.iMessageId );
   495             }
   496         }
   497     }
   499 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   500 // From MBrCtlLinkResolver.
   501 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   502 //
   503 TBool CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::ResolveEmbeddedLinkL(
   504     const TDesC& aEmbeddedUrl, const TDesC& /*aCurrentUrl*/,
   505     TBrCtlLoadContentType /*aLoadContentType*/,
   506     MBrCtlLinkContent& aEmbeddedLinkContent )
   507     {
   508     FUNC_LOG;
   509     TBool linkResolved = EFalse;
   511     // Check if given link contains content ID
   512     if ( aEmbeddedUrl.Left( KContentIdPrefix().Length() ).CompareF( KContentIdPrefix ) == 0 )
   513         {
   514         TPtrC cid = aEmbeddedUrl.Mid( KContentIdPrefix().Length() );
   515         linkResolved = ResolveLinkL( cid, ETrue, aEmbeddedLinkContent );
   516         }
   517     else
   518         {
   519         // Replace all slash character with backslash characters
   520         HBufC* embeddedUrl = aEmbeddedUrl.AllocLC();
   521         TPtr ptr = embeddedUrl->Des();
   522         _LIT( KBackslash, "\\" );
   523         for ( TInt pos = ptr.Locate('/'); pos >= 0; pos = ptr.Locate('/') )
   524             {
   525             ptr.Replace( pos, 1, KBackslash );
   526             }
   528         // Check whether given url refers to file in the temporary html folder
   529         TInt pos = embeddedUrl->FindF( iTempHtmlFolderPath );
   530         if ( pos >= 0 )
   531             {
   532             TPtrC filename = embeddedUrl->Mid( pos + iTempHtmlFolderPath.Length() );
   533             linkResolved = ResolveLinkL( filename, EFalse, aEmbeddedLinkContent );
   534             }
   536         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( embeddedUrl );
   537         }
   539     // Return whether link is resolved by host application.
   540     return linkResolved;
   541     }
   543 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   544 // From MBrCtlLinkResolver.
   545 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   546 //
   547 TBool CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::ResolveLinkL( const TDesC& aUrl,
   548     const TDesC& /*aCurrentUrl*/, MBrCtlLinkContent& /*aBrCtlLinkContent*/ )
   549     {
   550     FUNC_LOG;
   551     return iEventHandler->HandleEventL( aUrl );
   552     }
   554 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   555 // From MBrCtlLinkResolver.
   556 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   557 //
   558 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::CancelAll()
   559     {
   560     FUNC_LOG;
   561     }
   563 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   564 // From MBrCtlSoftkeysObserver
   565 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   566 //
   567 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::UpdateSoftkeyL(
   568     TBrCtlKeySoftkey /*aKeySoftkey*/, const TDesC& /*aLabel*/,
   569     TUint32 /*aCommandId*/,
   570     TBrCtlSoftkeyChangeReason /*aBrCtlSoftkeyChangeReason*/ )
   571     {
   572     FUNC_LOG;
   573     }
   575 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   576 // Set HTML folder path name
   577 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   578 //
   579 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::SetHtmlFolderPathL()
   580     {
   581     FUNC_LOG;
   582     iHtmlFolderPath.Copy( KCDrive );
   584     TFileName privatePath;
   585     User::LeaveIfError( iFs.PrivatePath( privatePath ) );
   586     iHtmlFolderPath.Append( privatePath );
   588     iHtmlFolderPath.Append( KHtmlPath );
   589     }
   591 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   592 // Sets temporary HTML folder path name
   593 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   594 //
   595 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::SetTempHtmlFolderPath()
   596     {
   597     FUNC_LOG;    
   598     iTempHtmlFolderPath.Copy( iHtmlFolderPath );
   599     iTempHtmlFolderPath.Append( KTempHtmlPath );
   600     }
   602 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   603 // Remove all previously created files from temporary HTML folder
   604 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   605 //
   606 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::EmptyTempHtmlFolderL()
   607     {
   608     FUNC_LOG;
   609     // Delete all files from temp folder
   610     TFileName allFiles;
   611     allFiles.Append( iTempHtmlFolderPath );
   612     allFiles.Append( KAllFiles );
   613     TInt err = BaflUtils::DeleteFile( iFs, allFiles );
   614     if ( err != KErrNotFound && err != KErrNone )
   615         {
   616         User::LeaveIfError( err );
   617         }
   618     }
   620 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   621 // Copies given read-only file to HTML file
   622 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   623 //
   624 // <cmail>
   625 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::CopyFileToHtmlFileL( RFile& aFile,
   626     const TDesC& aFileName, CFSMailMessagePart& aHtmlBodyPart )
   627     {
   628     FUNC_LOG;
   629     TFileName targetFileName;
   630     targetFileName.Copy( iTempHtmlFolderPath );
   631     targetFileName.Append( aFileName );
   633     // Read content from given source file
   634     HBufC8* content = ReadContentFromFileLC( aFile );
   636     // Write content to target file
   637     WriteContentToFileL( *content, targetFileName, aHtmlBodyPart );
   639     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( content );
   640     }
   641 // </cmail>
   643 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   644 // Copies given buffer to HTML file
   645 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   646 //
   647 // <cmail>
   648 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::CopyFileToHtmlFileL( const TDesC8& aBuffer,
   649     const TDesC& aFileName, CFSMailMessagePart& aHtmlBodyPart )
   650     {
   651     FUNC_LOG;
   652     TFileName targetFileName;
   653     targetFileName.Copy( iTempHtmlFolderPath );
   654     targetFileName.Append( aFileName );
   656     // Write content to target file
   657     ConvertToHTML( aBuffer, targetFileName, aHtmlBodyPart );
   658     }
   660 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   661 // Reads given file content to buffer and return pointer to it
   662 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   663 //
   664 HBufC8* CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::ReadContentFromFileLC( RFile& aFile )
   665     {
   666     FUNC_LOG;
   667     TInt size = 0;
   668     User::LeaveIfError( aFile.Size( size ) );
   669     HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC( size );
   670     TPtr8 ptr = buffer->Des();
   671     User::LeaveIfError( aFile.Read( ptr, size ) );
   672     return buffer;
   673     }
   675 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   676 // Writes buffer content to given file
   677 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   678 //
   679 // <cmail>
   680 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::WriteContentToFileL( const TDesC8& aContent,
   681     const TDesC& aFileName, CFSMailMessagePart& aHtmlBodyPart )
   682     {
   683     FUNC_LOG;
   685     RBuf8 buffer;
   686     buffer.CreateL( aContent );
   687     buffer.CleanupClosePushL();
   689     if ( SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &iFs, buffer.Size(), EDriveC ) )
   690          {
   691          // Can not write the data, there's not enough free space on disk.
   692          User::Leave( KErrDiskFull );
   693         }
   694     else
   695         {
   696         RFile targetFile;
   697         CleanupClosePushL( targetFile );
   699         User::LeaveIfError( targetFile.Replace( iFs, aFileName, EFileWrite ) );
   701         // Try to find initial html tag (both '<html' and '<HTML' versions are searched)
   702         TInt startTagOffset = buffer.Left( KMaxCharsToSearch ).FindF( KStartTag );
   704         // Modifying text/html atta IF there's no '<html>' tag anywhere in
   705         // the begining of file (KMaxCharsToSearch) AND there is charset
   706         // parameter available
   707         TBool modificationNeeded( EFalse );
   708         if( startTagOffset == KErrNotFound )
   709             {
   710             modificationNeeded = ETrue;
   711             }
   713         // Write starting metadata if needed
   714         if ( modificationNeeded )
   715             {
   716             HBufC8* charSet = GetCharacterSetL( aHtmlBodyPart );
   717             CleanupStack::PushL( charSet );
   719             User::LeaveIfError( targetFile.Write( KHtmlHeader1 ) );
   720             User::LeaveIfError( targetFile.Write( *charSet ) );
   721             User::LeaveIfError( targetFile.Write( KHtmlHeader2 ) );
   722             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( charSet );
   723             }
   724         else 
   725             {
   726             // Charset tag not found in html body
   728             if ( buffer.Left( KMaxCharsToSearch ).FindF( KCharsetTag8 ) == KErrNotFound )
   729                 {
   730                 TInt startPos(0);
   731                 if ( ( startPos = buffer.Left( KMaxCharsToSearch ).FindF( KHeadTag ) ) != KErrNotFound )
   732                     { 
   734                     HBufC8* charSet = GetCharacterSetL( aHtmlBodyPart );
   735                     CleanupStack::PushL( charSet );
   737                     HBufC8* metaBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC( charSet->Des().Length() + KHtmlHeader3().Length() );
   738                     TPtr8 metaHeader( metaBuffer->Des() );
   739                     metaHeader.AppendFormat( KHtmlHeader3, charSet );                
   740                     TInt maxLength = buffer.Length() + metaHeader.Length();         
   741                     buffer.ReAllocL( maxLength );
   743                     startPos += KHeadTag().Length();
   744                     buffer.Insert( startPos, metaHeader );
   746                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( metaBuffer );
   747                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( charSet );
   748                     }
   749                 }
   750             }
   752         // Write the original content
   753         User::LeaveIfError( targetFile.Write( buffer ) );
   755         // Write ending metadata if needed
   756         if ( modificationNeeded )
   757             {
   758             INFO("Add end tags");
   759             User::LeaveIfError( targetFile.Write( KHtmlEndTags ) );
   760             }
   762         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &targetFile );
   763         }
   764     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &buffer );
   765 // </cmail>
   766     }
   768 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   769 // Finds the attachment from the list that matches the given content ID
   770 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   771 //
   772 CFSMailMessagePart* CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::MatchingAttacmentL(
   773     const TDesC& aContentId,
   774     const RPointerArray<CFSMailMessagePart>& aAttachments ) const
   775     {
   776     FUNC_LOG;
   777     TBool contentFound = EFalse;
   778     CFSMailMessagePart* attachment = NULL;
   779     TInt attachmentCount = aAttachments.Count();
   781     // Check whether one of the attachments has the given conten ID
   782     for ( TInt i = 0; i < attachmentCount && !contentFound; i++ )
   783         {
   784         attachment = aAttachments[i];
   785         const TDesC& contentId = attachment->ContentID();
   786         if ( contentId.Compare( aContentId ) == 0 )
   787             {
   788             contentFound = ETrue;
   789             }
   790         }
   792     // If attacment with given content ID was not found, check whether
   793     // the given content ID contains the name of one of the attachments
   794     for ( TInt i = 0; i < attachmentCount && !contentFound; ++i )
   795         {
   796         attachment = aAttachments[i];
   797         const TDesC& name = attachment->AttachmentNameL();
   798         if ( aContentId.FindF( name ) >= 0 )
   799             {
   800             contentFound = ETrue;
   801             }
   802         }
   804     if ( !contentFound )
   805         {
   806         attachment = NULL;
   807         }
   808     return attachment;
   809     }
   811 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   812 // Resolves link referring to file in temporary HTML folder
   813 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   814 //
   815 TBool CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::ResolveLinkL( const TDesC& aLink,
   816     TBool aContentId, MBrCtlLinkContent& aEmbeddedLinkContent  )
   817     {
   818     FUNC_LOG;
   819     TBool linkResolved = EFalse;
   820     CFSMailMessagePart* attachment = NULL;
   822     RPointerArray<CFSMailMessagePart> attachments;
   823     CleanupResetAndDestroyClosePushL( attachments );
   824     iMessage->AttachmentListL( attachments );
   826     if ( aContentId )
   827         {
   828         attachment = MatchingAttacmentL( aLink, attachments );
   829         }
   830     else
   831         {
   832         const TInt attachmentCount = attachments.Count();
   833         for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < attachmentCount && !attachment; ++ii )
   834             {
   835             if ( aLink.CompareF( attachments[ii]->AttachmentNameL() ) == 0 )
   836                 {
   837                 attachment = attachments[ii];
   838                 }
   839             }
   840         }
   842     if ( attachment )
   843         {
   844         DownloadAttachmentL( *attachment, aEmbeddedLinkContent );
   845         linkResolved = ETrue;
   846         }
   848     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &attachments );
   849     return linkResolved;
   850     }
   852 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   853 // Download attachment and return the content via MBrCtlLinkContent interface
   854 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   855 //
   856 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::DownloadAttachmentL(
   857     CFSMailMessagePart& aAttachment, MBrCtlLinkContent& aEmbeddedLinkContent )
   858     {
   859     FUNC_LOG;
   860     if ( aAttachment.FetchLoadState() == EFSFull )
   861         {
   862         RFile attachmentFile = aAttachment.GetContentFileL();
   863         CleanupClosePushL( attachmentFile );
   864         HBufC8* content = ReadContentFromFileLC( attachmentFile );
   865         aEmbeddedLinkContent.HandleResolveComplete(
   866             aAttachment.GetContentType(), KNullDesC(), content );
   867         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( content );
   868         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &attachmentFile );
   869         }
   870     else
   871         {
   872         TPartData partData;
   873         partData.iMailBoxId = iMessage->GetMailBoxId();
   874         partData.iFolderId = iMessage->GetFolderId();
   875         partData.iMessageId = iMessage->GetMessageId();
   876         partData.iMessagePartId = aAttachment.GetPartId();
   878         if ( iAppUi.DownloadInfoMediator() &&
   879              iAppUi.DownloadInfoMediator()->IsDownloadableL( partData ) )
   880             {
   881             ASSERT( iLinkContents.Count() == iMessageParts.Count() );
   883             // Append message part details and embedded link content interface
   884             // to corresponding arrays so that the content can be returned
   885             // when the download is completed.
   886             iLinkContents.AppendL( &aEmbeddedLinkContent );
   887             if ( iMessageParts.Append( partData ) != KErrNone )
   888                 {
   889                 iLinkContents.Remove( iLinkContents.Count() - 1 );
   890                 }
   892             ASSERT( iLinkContents.Count() == iMessageParts.Count() );
   893             if(!iView.GetAsyncFetchStatus())
   894                 {
   895                 iAppUi.DownloadInfoMediator()->AddObserver( this, aAttachment.GetMessageId() );
   896                 iObservingDownload=ETrue;
   897                 iAppUi.DownloadInfoMediator()->DownloadL( partData, EFalse );
   898                 }
   899             }
   900         }
   901     }
   903 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::SetHTMLResourceFlagFullName()
   904     {
   905     FUNC_LOG;
   906     iHtmlResourceFlagPath.Copy( iHtmlFolderPath );
   907     iHtmlResourceFlagPath.Append( KHtmlFlagFile );    
   908     }
   910 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::EnableHTMLResourceFlagL()
   911     {
   912     FUNC_LOG;
   913     RFile flag;
   914     User::LeaveIfError( flag.Replace(iFs, iHtmlResourceFlagPath, EFileWrite) );
   915     flag.Close();
   916     }
   918 TBool CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::HTMLResourceFlagEnabled()
   919     {
   920     FUNC_LOG;
   921     return BaflUtils::FileExists( iFs, iHtmlResourceFlagPath );
   922     }
   924 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::CopyHTMLResourceL()
   925     {
   926     FUNC_LOG;
   928     TPath htmlFolderPathInZ;
   929     htmlFolderPathInZ.Copy( KZDrive );
   931     TFileName privatePath;
   932     User::LeaveIfError( iFs.PrivatePath( privatePath ) );
   933     htmlFolderPathInZ.Append( privatePath );
   935     htmlFolderPathInZ.Append( KHtmlPath );
   937     CDir* dirList;
   938     TPath listSpec;
   939     listSpec.Copy( htmlFolderPathInZ );
   941     listSpec.Append( _L("*.*") );
   942     User::LeaveIfError( iFs.GetDir( listSpec,  KEntryAttMaskSupported, ESortByName, dirList ) );
   943     CleanupStack::PushL( dirList );
   944     for ( TInt i=0; i < dirList->Count(); i++)
   945         {
   946         TPath sourceFileFullName;
   947         sourceFileFullName.Copy( htmlFolderPathInZ );
   948         sourceFileFullName.Append( (*dirList)[i].iName );
   950         TBool isFolder( EFalse );
   951         BaflUtils::IsFolder( iFs, sourceFileFullName, isFolder);
   952         if ( isFolder )
   953             {
   954             break;            
   955             }
   957         TPath targetFileFullName;
   958         targetFileFullName.Copy( iHtmlFolderPath );
   959         targetFileFullName.Append( (*dirList)[i].iName );
   960         BaflUtils::DeleteFile( iFs, targetFileFullName );        
   962         BaflUtils::CopyFile( iFs, sourceFileFullName, targetFileFullName);
   963         }    
   964     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dirList );
   965     }
   967 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::EnsureHTMLResourceL()
   968     {
   969     FUNC_LOG;
   971     if ( !HTMLResourceFlagEnabled() )
   972         {
   973         CopyHTMLResourceL();
   974         EnableHTMLResourceFlagL();
   975         }
   976     }
   978 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   979 // Writes buffer content to given file after adding tags
   980 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   981 //
   982 // <cmail>
   983 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::ConvertToHTML( const TDesC8& aContent,
   984     const TDesC& aFileName, CFSMailMessagePart& aHtmlBodyPart )
   985     {
   986     FUNC_LOG;
   987     if ( SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &iFs, aContent.Size(), EDriveC ) )
   988          {
   989          // Can not write the data, there's not enough free space on disk.
   990          User::Leave( KErrDiskFull );
   991         }
   992     else
   993         {
   994         RFile targetFile;
   995         CleanupClosePushL( targetFile );
   997         User::LeaveIfError( targetFile.Replace( iFs, aFileName, EFileWrite ) );
   999 	    	HBufC8* charSet = GetCharacterSetL( aHtmlBodyPart );
  1000         CleanupStack::PushL( charSet );
  1002         User::LeaveIfError( targetFile.Write( KHtmlHeader1 ) );
  1003         User::LeaveIfError( targetFile.Write( *charSet ) );
  1004         User::LeaveIfError( targetFile.Write( KHtmlHeader2 ) );
  1005         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( charSet );
  1008         // Write the original content
  1009         for(int i=0;i<aContent.Length();i++)
  1010             {
  1011         	if( i==aContent.Length()-1 )
  1012         		{
  1013         		aContent.Mid( i,1 ).CompareC( _L8("\x01" ) )==0 ? 
  1014         		User::LeaveIfError( targetFile.Write( _L8("<br>") ) ):
  1015         		User::LeaveIfError( targetFile.Write( aContent.Mid(i,1) ) );
  1016         		}
  1017         	else
  1018         		{
  1019         		if(aContent.Mid( i,1 ).CompareC( _L8("\x01" ) )==0 ||
  1020         		aContent.Mid( i,2 ).CompareC( _L8("\x0D\x0A" ) )==0 ) 
  1021         			{
  1022         			User::LeaveIfError( targetFile.Write( _L8("<br>") ));
  1023         			}
  1024         		else
  1025       				{
  1026 					User::LeaveIfError( targetFile.Write( aContent.Mid(i,1) ) );				                
  1027             		}
  1028           		}
  1029             }
  1030         INFO("Add end tags");
  1031         User::LeaveIfError( targetFile.Write( KHtmlEndTags ) );
  1034         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &targetFile );
  1035         }
  1036 // </cmail>
  1037     }
  1040 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1041 // Get Character set from CFSMailMessagePart
  1042 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1043 //
  1044 // <cmail>
  1045 HBufC8* CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::GetCharacterSetL( CFSMailMessagePart& aHtmlBodyPart )
  1046     {
  1047     FUNC_LOG;
  1049     CDesCArray& contentTypeArray( aHtmlBodyPart.ContentTypeParameters() );
  1050     HBufC8* charSet = KNullDesC8().AllocLC();   
  1052     for ( TInt i = 0; i < contentTypeArray.Count(); i++ )
  1053         {
  1054         if ( ( contentTypeArray.MdcaPoint( i ).Find( KCharsetTag ) != KErrNotFound ) &&
  1055                 contentTypeArray.Count() >= ( i+1) )  
  1056             {
  1057             TPtrC value( contentTypeArray.MdcaPoint( i+1 ) );
  1058             if ( value.Length() )
  1059                 {
  1060                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( charSet );
  1061                 charSet = NULL;
  1062                 charSet = HBufC8::NewLC( value.Length() );
  1063                 charSet->Des().Copy( value );
  1064                 break;
  1065                 }
  1066             }
  1067         i++;
  1068         }
  1070     CleanupStack::Pop( charSet );
  1071     return charSet;
  1072     }
  1073 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::StopObserving()
  1074     {
  1075     if( iObservingDownload )
  1076         {
  1077         if ( iMessage && iAppUi.DownloadInfoMediator() )
  1078             {
  1079             iAppUi.DownloadInfoMediator()->StopObserving( this, iMessage->GetMessageId() );
  1080             }
  1081         iObservingDownload=EFalse;
  1082         }
  1083     }
  1085 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::CancelFetch()
  1086     {
  1087     FUNC_LOG;
  1088     if ( iBrCtlInterface )
  1089         {
  1090         TRAP_IGNORE( iBrCtlInterface->HandleCommandL( (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandCancelFetch + (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase )); 
  1091         }   
  1092     }
  1094 void CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerContainer::ClearCacheAndLoadEmptyContent()
  1095     {
  1096     FUNC_LOG;
  1097     if ( iBrCtlInterface )
  1098         {
  1099         iBrCtlInterface->ClearCache(); 
  1100         TUid uid;
  1101         uid.iUid = KCharacterSetIdentifierUtf8;
  1102         TRAP_IGNORE( iBrCtlInterface->LoadDataL(KHTMLDataScheme, KHTMLEmptyContent, _L8("text/html"), uid) );
  1103         }   
  1104     }