changeset 0 8466d47a6819
child 1 12c456ceeff2
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:8466d47a6819
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 *  Description : General utilities for FS Email UI.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "emailtrace.h"
    20 #include <msvapi.h>
    21 #include <msvids.h>
    22 #include <eikenv.h>
    23 #include <gulicon.h>
    24 #include <SendUiConsts.h>
    25 #include <MuiuMsvUiServiceUtilities.h>
    26 #include <StringLoader.h>
    27 #include <AknIconUtils.h>
    28 #include <aknlists.h>
    29 #include <aknPopup.h>
    30 #include <AknGlobalConfirmationQuery.h>
    31 #include <aknnotewrappers.h>
    32 #include <AknWaitDialog.h>
    33 #include <AknGlobalNote.h>
    34 #include <commonphoneparser.h>
    35 #include <apgcli.h> // RApaLsSession
    38 #include <txtclipboard.h>
    39 #endif // FF_CMAIL_INTEGRATION
    41 // <cmail>
    42 //#ifdef __SERIES60_32__
    43 // </cmail>
    44 #include <AiwDialDataTypes.h>
    45 #include <AiwGenericParam.h>
    46 #include <AiwServiceHandler.h>
    47 #include <settingsinternalcrkeys.h>
    49 // <cmail>
    50 //#else
    51 //#include <CPhCltDialer.h>
    52 //#include <TPhCltExtPhoneDialData.h>
    53 //#endif
    54 // </cmail>
    56 #include <aknPopup.h>
    57 #include <AknCommonDialogsDynMem.h>
    58 #include <CommonDialogs.rsg>
    59 #include <pathinfo.h>
    60 #include <AknIconArray.h>
    61 #include <baclipb.h> // for clipboard copy
    62 #include <DocumentHandler.h>
    63 #include <bautils.h>
    65 #include <sendui.h>			// CSendUi
    66 #include <coreapplicationuisdomainpskeys.h> // P&S key for email notification
    67 #include <e32property.h>					// RPoperty
    68 #include <SendUiConsts.h>	// Constants for sendui
    69 #include <CMessageData.h>	// CMessageData
    70 #include <CSendingServiceInfo.h>
    71 #include <CoreApplicationUIsSDKCRKeys.h> // offline mode keys
    72 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
    75 // <cmail> Removed DISABLE_DEFAULT_EMAIL
    76 //#ifndef DISABLE_DEFAULT_EMAIL
    77 //#include <MessagingDomainCRKeys.h>
    78 //#include <centralrepository.h>
    79 //#endif
    80 //</cmail>
    82 //<cmail>
    83 #include "cfsccontactactionservice.h"
    84 #include "cfsccontactactionmenu.h"
    85 #include "cfsccontactactionmenuitem.h"
    86 #include "mfsccontactactionmenumodel.h"
    87 //</cmail>
    89 #include <FreestyleEmailUi.rsg>
    90 #include <freestyleemailui.mbg>
    92 //<cmail>
    93 #include "CFSMailCommon.h"
    94 #include "CFSMailClient.h"
    95 #include "CFSMailBox.h"
    96 #include "CFSMailMessage.h"
    97 #include "cesmricalviewer.h"
    98 //</cmail>
   100 #include "FreestyleEmailUiUtilities.h"
   101 #include "FreestyleEmailUiConstants.h"
   102 #include "FreestyleEmailUiLiterals.h"
   103 #include "FreestyleEmailUiAppui.h"
   104 #include "FSDelayedLoader.h"
   105 #include "FSEmail.pan"
   107 // CONSTANTS
   108 _LIT( KFsEmailIconFileName, "FreestyleEmailUi.mif" );
   109 _LIT( KFsEmailTempDirName, "temp\\" );
   110 static const TUint KSecondSeparator = 1;
   111 _LIT( KTimeFormatBefore, "%-B" );
   112 _LIT( KTimeFormatAfter, "%+B" );
   113 _LIT( KTimeFormatHour, "%J" );
   114 _LIT( KTimeFormatMinutes, "%T" );
   115 _LIT( KTimeFormatSpace, " ");
   117 // MIME types
   118 _LIT( KPdfMimeString, "application/pdf" );
   119 _LIT( KRtfMimeString, "application/rtf" );
   120 _LIT( KDocMimeString, "application/msword" );
   121 _LIT( KDocMimeString2, "application/" );
   122 _LIT( KPptMimeString, "application/" );
   123 _LIT( KXlsMimeString, "application/" );
   124 _LIT( KImageMimeString, "image/" );
   125 _LIT( KHtmlMimeString, "text/html" );
   126 _LIT( KPlainTextMimeString, "text/plain" );
   127 _LIT( KVCalMimeString, "text/x-vcalendar" );
   128 _LIT( KMessageMimeString, "message/rfc822" );
   130 // File name extensions
   131 _LIT( KDocFileExtension, ".doc" );
   132 _LIT( KRtfFileExtension, ".rtf" );
   133 _LIT( KPptFileExtension, ".ppt" );
   134 _LIT( KXlsFileExtension, ".xls" );
   135 _LIT( KPdfFileExtension, ".pdf" );
   136 _LIT( KJpgFileExtension, ".jpg" );
   137 _LIT( KJpegFileExtension, ".jpeg" );
   138 _LIT( KJpgeFileExtension, ".jpge" );
   139 _LIT( KPngFileExtension, ".png" );
   140 _LIT( KGifFileExtension, ".gif" );
   141 _LIT( KBmpFileExtension, ".bmp" );
   142 _LIT( KHtmlFileExtension, ".html" );
   143 _LIT( KHtmFileExtension, ".htm" );
   144 _LIT( KTxtFileExtension, ".txt" );
   145 _LIT( KVCalFileExtension, ".vcs" );
   146 _LIT( KEmailFileExtension, ".eml" );
   148 // If the fetched body size (in bytes) is more than these limits,
   149 // a wait note is used when opening, replying, or forwarding the message
   150 static const TInt KLargePlainTextSizeLimit = 20000;
   151 static const TInt KLargeHtmlTextSizeLimit = 50000;
   153 //<cmail> id is different in cmail
   154 const TUid KFSMailServerUid = { 0x2001F40A };
   155 _LIT( KFSMailServerExe, "\\sys\\bin\\fsmailserver.exe" );
   156 //</cmail>
   158 // Define static members
   159 CAknGlobalNote* TFsEmailUiUtility::iGlobalWaitNote = NULL;
   160 // <cmail>
   161 CESMRIcalViewer* TFsEmailUiUtility::iMrViewer = NULL;
   162 TFsEmailUiUtility::CMrViewerEmptyCallback* TFsEmailUiUtility::iMrViewerCallback = NULL;
   163 CAknWaitDialog* TFsEmailUiUtility::iOpeningWaitNote = NULL;
   164 // </cmail>
   167 void TFsEmailUiUtility::LaunchHelpL( const TDesC& aContext )
   168 	{
   169     FUNC_LOG;
   170     CArrayFix< TCoeHelpContext >* cntx = new( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TCoeHelpContext >( 1 );
   171     CleanupStack::PushL( cntx );
   172     cntx->AppendL( TCoeHelpContext( KFSEmailUiUid, aContext ) );
   173     CleanupStack::Pop( cntx );
   174     HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL( CEikonEnv::Static()->WsSession(), cntx );
   175 	}
   177 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 // Two-phased constructor.
   179 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   180 //
   181 CFsEmailFileHandleShutter* CFsEmailFileHandleShutter::NewL(
   182     CDocumentHandler& aDocumentHandler )
   183     {
   184     FUNC_LOG;
   185     CFsEmailFileHandleShutter* self = new (ELeave) CFsEmailFileHandleShutter;
   186     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   187     self->ConstructL( aDocumentHandler );
   188     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   189     return self;
   190     }
   192 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   193 // Destructor. File handle is closed, if it has been left open.
   194 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   195 //
   196 CFsEmailFileHandleShutter::~CFsEmailFileHandleShutter()
   197     {
   198     FUNC_LOG;
   199     if (iHandleOpen)
   200         {
   201         iFileHandle.Close();
   202         }
   203     }
   205 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   206 // Stores the give file handle.
   207 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   208 //
   209 void CFsEmailFileHandleShutter::SetFile( RFile aFile )
   210     {
   211     FUNC_LOG;
   212     // Close previously set handle, if necessary.
   213     if ( iHandleOpen )
   214         {
   215         iFileHandle.Close();
   216         }
   218     iFileHandle = aFile;
   219     iHandleOpen = ETrue;
   220     }
   222 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   223 // Handles the exit of embedded viewer application.
   224 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 //
   226 void CFsEmailFileHandleShutter::HandleServerAppExit( TInt aReason )
   227     {
   228     FUNC_LOG;
   229     if (iHandleOpen)
   230         {
   231         // Close open file handle.
   232         iFileHandle.Close();
   233         iHandleOpen = EFalse;
   234         }
   235     MAknServerAppExitObserver::HandleServerAppExit( aReason );
   237     // Clear the temp directory since the closed file might have been copied there
   238     TFsEmailUiUtility::EraseTempDir();
   239     }
   241 CFsEmailFileHandleShutter::CFsEmailFileHandleShutter()
   242     : iHandleOpen(EFalse)
   243     {
   244     FUNC_LOG;
   245     }
   247 void CFsEmailFileHandleShutter::ConstructL(
   248     CDocumentHandler& aDocumentHandler )
   249     {
   250     FUNC_LOG;
   251     aDocumentHandler.SetExitObserver(this);
   252     }
   254 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   255 // Clean up any static variables of the class
   256 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   257 //
   258 void TFsEmailUiUtility::DeleteStaticData()
   259     {
   260     FUNC_LOG;
   261     delete iGlobalWaitNote;
   262     iGlobalWaitNote = NULL;
   264     // <cmail>
   265     delete iMrViewer;
   266     iMrViewer = NULL;
   268     delete iMrViewerCallback;
   269     iMrViewerCallback = NULL;
   270     // </cmail>
   271     }
   273 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   274 // GetMceDefaultMailboxL
   275 // Returrn the default mailbox. If one the FS account is set as default return
   276 // it else return the first FS account. If no FS account then returns NULL.
   277 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   278 //
   279 CFSMailBox* TFsEmailUiUtility::GetMceDefaultMailboxL( CFSMailClient& aClient, CMsvSession& aMsvSession )
   280 	{
   281     FUNC_LOG;
   282 // <cmail> S60 UID update
   283 	const TUid KUidMsgValTypeFsMtmVal = { 0x2001F406 };
   284 // </cmail> S60 UID update
   285 	TFSMailMsgId id;
   286     TBool getFirstInList = EFalse;
   288     CMsvEntry* root = CMsvEntry::NewL( aMsvSession, KMsvRootIndexEntryId,
   289 	        TMsvSelectionOrdering( KMsvNoGrouping, EMsvSortByNone, ETrue ) );
   290     CleanupStack::PushL( root );
   292 // <cmail> Removed DISABLE_DEFAULT_EMAIL
   293 /*#ifndef DISABLE_DEFAULT_EMAIL
   294     TInt entryId;
   295     TInt rval;
   296     CRepository* repository = NULL;
   297     TRAPD( ret, repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidSelectableDefaultEmailSettings) );
   298     if ( ret == KErrNone )
   299         {
   300         CleanupStack::PushL( repository );
   301         rval = repository->Get( KSelectableDefaultMailAccount, entryId );
   302         if( rval == KErrNone && entryId != -1 )
   303         	{
   304 	   		root->SetEntryL( entryId );
   305 	        if ( root->Entry().iMtm == KUidMsgValTypeFsMtmVal )
   306 	        	{
   307 	        	// One of The FS is default e-mail account.
   308 	        	id = TFSMailMsgId( root->Entry().iMtmData1, root->Entry().iMtmData2 );
   309 	        	}
   310 	        else
   311 	        	{
   312 	            // If FS is not default then get the first one in the list
   313 	        	getFirstInList = ETrue;
   314 	        	}
   315         	}
   316         else
   317         	{
   318             // If no mail box is set as default, then get the first one in the list
   319         	getFirstInList = ETrue;
   320         	}
   321         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
   322         }
   323     else
   324     	{
   325         // If Failed to create repository, then get the first one in the list
   326     	getFirstInList = ETrue;
   327     	}
   328 #else*/
   329     // If the SDK doesn't have default mail box concept.
   330     getFirstInList = ETrue;
   331 //#endif
   332 // </cmail>
   333     if( getFirstInList )
   334     	{
   335     	// Get the list and return the first one.
   336     	root->SetEntryL( KMsvRootIndexEntryId );
   337     	CMsvEntrySelection* childSelection = root->ChildrenWithMtmL(
   338         	KUidMsgValTypeFsMtmVal );
   339         CleanupStack::PushL( childSelection );
   341         if ( childSelection->Count() > 0)
   342         	{
   343         	root->SetEntryL( childSelection->At( 0 ) );
   344         	id = TFSMailMsgId( root->Entry().iMtmData1, root->Entry().iMtmData2 );
   345         	}
   346         else
   347         	{
   348         	// No FS Mail box.
   349         	//id.SetNullId();
   350         	}
   351         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( childSelection );
   352     	}
   353     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( root );
   354     if( id.IsNullId() )
   355     	{
   356     	// If No FS Mailbox then return NULL.
   357     	return NULL;
   358     	}
   359     else
   360     	{
   361     	CFSMailBox* mailbox = aClient.GetMailBoxByUidL( id );
   362     	return mailbox;
   363     	}
   364 	}
   366 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   367 // GetMailboxForMtmIdL
   368 // Return the mailbox based on mtm id. If there is an mtm account with aMtmId
   369 // return the mail box of it else returns NULL
   370 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   371 //
   372 CFSMailBox* TFsEmailUiUtility::GetMailboxForMtmIdL( CFSMailClient& aClient,
   373     CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId  aMtmId )
   374 	{
   375     FUNC_LOG;
   376 // <cmail> S60 UID update
   377 	const TUid KUidMsgValTypeFsMtmVal = { 0x2001F406 };
   378 // </cmail> S60 UID update
   379 	CMsvEntry* accountEntry = NULL;
   380 	TRAPD(err, accountEntry = CMsvEntry::NewL( aMsvSession, aMtmId,
   381             TMsvSelectionOrdering( KMsvNoGrouping, EMsvSortByNone, ETrue )));
   382     if(err == KErrNotFound || err == KErrNoMemory ||
   383         accountEntry->Entry().iMtm != KUidMsgValTypeFsMtmVal)
   384         {
   385         // This Mtm Id is not found or the found entry is not FS entry
   386         return NULL;
   387         }
   388 	CleanupStack::PushL( accountEntry );
   389     TFSMailMsgId id = TFSMailMsgId( accountEntry->Entry().MtmData1(),
   390         accountEntry->Entry().MtmData2() );
   391     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( accountEntry );
   392     CFSMailBox* mailbox = aClient.GetMailBoxByUidL( id );
   393     return mailbox;
   394 	}
   396 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   397 // TFsEmailUiUtility::IsRemoteLookupSupported
   398 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   399 TBool TFsEmailUiUtility::IsRemoteLookupSupported( CFSMailBox& aMailBox )
   400 	{
   401     FUNC_LOG;
   403 	TBool r = aMailBox.HasCapability( EFSMBoxCapaSupportsRCL );
   405 	return r;
   406 	}
   408 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   409 // TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowConfirmationQuery
   410 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   411 TInt TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowConfirmationQueryL( TInt aResourceStringId,
   412 												const TDesC& aResourceParameter )
   413     {
   414     FUNC_LOG;
   415     CFSEmailUiCallDialog* queryNote = new ( ELeave ) CFSEmailUiCallDialog();
   416     CleanupStack::PushL( queryNote );
   417     HBufC* resourceString = NULL;
   418     if ( aResourceParameter != KNullDesC )
   419     	{
   420     	resourceString = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceStringId,
   421                                                aResourceParameter );
   422     	}
   423     else
   424     	{
   425     	resourceString = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceStringId );
   426     	}
   427     queryNote->SetPromptL( *resourceString );
   428     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( resourceString );
   429     CleanupStack::Pop( queryNote );
   430     return queryNote->ExecuteLD( R_FSEMAIL_QUERY_DIALOG );
   431     }
   433 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   434 // TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowConfirmationQuery
   435 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   436 TInt TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowConfirmationQueryL( const TDesC& aPromptText )
   437     {
   438     FUNC_LOG;
   439     CFSEmailUiCallDialog* queryNote = new ( ELeave ) CFSEmailUiCallDialog();
   440     CleanupStack::PushL( queryNote );
   441     queryNote->SetPromptL( aPromptText );
   442     CleanupStack::Pop( queryNote );
   443     return queryNote->ExecuteLD( R_FSEMAIL_QUERY_DIALOG );
   444     }
   446 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   447 // TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowErrorNoteL
   448 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   449 void TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowErrorNoteL( TInt aResourceStringId, TBool aWaitingDialog )
   450 	{
   451     FUNC_LOG;
   452 	HBufC* errMessage = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceStringId );
   453 	CAknErrorNote* note = new (ELeave) CAknErrorNote( aWaitingDialog );
   454 	note->ExecuteLD( *errMessage );
   455 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( errMessage );
   456 	}
   458 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   459 // TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowInfoNoteL
   460 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   461 void TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowInfoNoteL( TInt aResourceStringId, TBool aWaitingDialog )
   462     {
   463     FUNC_LOG;
   464 	HBufC* message = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceStringId );
   465 	CAknInformationNote* note = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote( aWaitingDialog );
   466 	note->ExecuteLD( *message );
   467 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( message );
   468     }
   470 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   471 // TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowGlobalErrorNoteL
   472 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   473 void TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowGlobalErrorNoteL( TInt aResourceStringId )
   474     {
   475     FUNC_LOG;
   476     HBufC* noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceStringId );
   477     CAknGlobalNote* globalNote = CAknGlobalNote::NewLC();
   478     globalNote->ShowNoteL( EAknGlobalErrorNote, *noteText );
   479     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( globalNote );
   480     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( noteText );
   481     }
   483 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   484 // TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowGlobalInfoNoteL
   485 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   486 void TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowGlobalInfoNoteL( TInt aResourceStringId )
   487     {
   488     FUNC_LOG;
   489     HBufC* noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceStringId );
   490     CAknGlobalNote* globalNote = CAknGlobalNote::NewLC();
   491     globalNote->ShowNoteL( EAknGlobalInformationNote, *noteText );
   492     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( globalNote );
   493     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( noteText );
   494     }
   496 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   497 // TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowWaitNoteL
   498 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   499 void TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowWaitNoteL( CAknWaitDialog*& aDialog, TInt aTextResourceId,
   500         TBool aAllowCancel, TBool aVisibilityDelayOff /*= EFalse*/ )
   501     {
   502     FUNC_LOG;
   503     if ( !aDialog )
   504         {
   505         aDialog = new (ELeave) CAknWaitDialog(
   506                 reinterpret_cast<CEikDialog**>(&aDialog), aVisibilityDelayOff );
   507         }
   509     if ( aAllowCancel )
   510         {
   511         aDialog->PrepareLC( R_FSE_WAIT_DIALOG );
   512         }
   513     else
   514         {
   515         aDialog->PrepareLC( R_FSE_WAIT_DIALOG_NO_CANCEL );
   516         }
   518     HBufC* noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC( aTextResourceId );
   519     aDialog->SetTextL( *noteText );
   520     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( noteText );
   522     aDialog->RunLD();
   523     }
   525 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   526 // TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowGlobalWaitNoteLC
   527 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   528 TInt TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowGlobalWaitNoteLC( TInt aTextResourceId )
   529     {
   530     FUNC_LOG;
   531     if ( !iGlobalWaitNote )
   532         {
   533         iGlobalWaitNote = CAknGlobalNote::NewL();
   534         iGlobalWaitNote->SetSoftkeys( R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_EMPTY );
   535         }
   537     HBufC* noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC( aTextResourceId );
   538     TInt waitNoteId = iGlobalWaitNote->ShowNoteL( EAknGlobalWaitNote, *noteText );
   539     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( noteText );
   541     TCleanupItem closeNoteItem( CloseGlobalWaitNote,
   542                                 reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(waitNoteId) );
   543     CleanupStack::PushL( closeNoteItem );
   545     return waitNoteId;
   546     }
   548 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   549 // TFsEmailUiUtility::CloseGlobalWaitNote
   550 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   551 void TFsEmailUiUtility::CloseGlobalWaitNote( TAny* aNoteId )
   552     {
   553     FUNC_LOG;
   554     if ( iGlobalWaitNote )
   555         {
   556         TInt noteId = reinterpret_cast<TInt>( aNoteId );
   557         TRAP_IGNORE( iGlobalWaitNote->CancelNoteL( noteId ) );
   558         }
   559     }
   561 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   562 // TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowSelectFileDialogL
   563 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   564 //
   565 TBool TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowSelectFileDialogL( TDes& aFileName )
   566     {
   567     FUNC_LOG;
   568     return ShowFileDialogL( ECFDDialogTypeSelect, aFileName );
   569     }
   571 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   572 // TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowSaveFolderDialogL
   573 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   574 TBool TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowSaveFolderDialogL( TDes& aFileName )
   575 	{
   576     FUNC_LOG;
   577     return ShowFileDialogL( ECFDDialogTypeSave, aFileName );
   578     }
   580 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   581 // TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowSaveFolderDialogL
   582 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   583 TBool TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowFileDialogL( TInt aType, TDes& aFileName )
   584 	{
   585     FUNC_LOG;
   586 	TInt retVal = EFalse;
   588 	TInt allDrives =
   589         AknCommonDialogsDynMem::EMemoryTypePhone |
   590         AknCommonDialogsDynMem::EMemoryTypeInternalMassStorage |
   591         AknCommonDialogsDynMem::EMemoryTypeMMCExternal |
   592         AknCommonDialogsDynMem::EMemoryTypeRemote;
   594 	if ( aType == ECFDDialogTypeSelect )
   595 	    {
   596 	    retVal = AknCommonDialogsDynMem::RunSelectDlgLD( allDrives, aFileName, 0 );
   597 	    }
   598 	else if ( aType == ECFDDialogTypeSave )
   599 	    {
   600 	    // We can't use the SaveDlg of CommonDialogs because it launches also the file name query
   601 	    // which we do not want. Instead, we use move-to-folder dialog with the title and softkeys
   602 	    // of the save dialog.
   603 	    retVal = AknCommonDialogsDynMem::RunMoveDlgLD( allDrives, aFileName,
   605 	    }
   606 	else
   607 	    {
   608 	    __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic(EFSEmailUiUnexpectedValue) );
   609 	    }
   611 	return retVal;
   612 	}
   615 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   616 // TFsEmailUiUtility::OkToSaveFileL
   617 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   618 TBool TFsEmailUiUtility::OkToSaveFileL( const TDesC& aFilePath, CFSMailMessagePart& aAttachmentPart )
   619 	{
   620     FUNC_LOG;
   621 	TBool ret( ETrue );
   622 	TDesC& name = aAttachmentPart.AttachmentNameL();
   623 	HBufC* realFilePath = HBufC::NewLC( aFilePath.Length() + name.Length() );
   624 	realFilePath->Des().Append( aFilePath);
   625 	realFilePath->Des().Append( name);
   626 	if ( BaflUtils::FileExists( CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession(), *realFilePath ) )
   627 		{
   628 		if ( !TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowConfirmationQueryL( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_OVERWRITE_QUERY, name  )	)
   629 			{
   630 			ret = EFalse;
   631 			}
   632 		}
   633 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( realFilePath );
   634 	return ret;
   635 	}
   637 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   638 // <cmail>
   639 // TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowFileSavedToFolderNoteL
   640 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   641 void TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowFilesSavedToFolderNoteL( TInt aCount )
   642     {
   643     FUNC_LOG;
   644     CAknGlobalNote* globalNote = CAknGlobalNote::NewLC();
   645     if ( aCount == 1 )
   646         {
   647         HBufC* noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_ONE_ATTACHMENT_SAVED );
   648         globalNote->ShowNoteL( EAknGlobalInformationNote, *noteText );
   649         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( noteText );
   650         }
   651     else if ( aCount > 1 )
   652         {
   653         HBufC* noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_MULTIPLE_ATTACHMENT_SAVED, aCount );
   654         globalNote->ShowNoteL( EAknGlobalInformationNote, *noteText );
   655         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( noteText );
   656         }
   657     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( globalNote );
   658     }
   660 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   661 // TFsEmailUiUtility::OpenFileL
   662 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   663 void TFsEmailUiUtility::OpenFileL( RFile& aFileToOpen, TBool aAllowSave  )
   664     {
   665     FUNC_LOG;
   666     TDataType emptyDataType;
   667     OpenFileL( aFileToOpen, emptyDataType,aAllowSave );
   668     }
   670 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   671 // TFsEmailUiUtility::OpenFileL
   672 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   673 void TFsEmailUiUtility::OpenFileL( RFile& aFileToOpen, TDataType& aDataType, TBool aAllowSave )
   674     {
   675     FUNC_LOG;
   676     CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* appUi = (CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi*)CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi();
   678     // Set file handle shutter to close the file handle after the embedded
   679     // viewer application exits.
   680     appUi->FileHandleShutter().SetFile( aFileToOpen );
   682     CDocumentHandler& docHandler = appUi->DocumentHandler();
   683    	CAiwGenericParamList& paramList = docHandler.InParamListL();
   685    	// Set allow save to parameter.
   686    	if ( aAllowSave )
   687    	    {
   688         TAiwVariant allowSaveVariant( ETrue );
   689         TAiwGenericParam genericParamAllowSave( EGenericParamAllowSave,
   690                 allowSaveVariant );
   691         paramList.AppendL( genericParamAllowSave );
   692    	    }
   694     TInt res = KErrNone;
   695     TRAPD( err, res = docHandler.OpenFileEmbeddedL( aFileToOpen, aDataType, paramList ) );
   697     // Try again with an empty data type if opening using the given data type fails
   698     if ( err != KErrNone || res != KErrNone )
   699         {
   700         TDataType emptyType;
   702         // Open file embedded
   703  	    TRAP( err, res = docHandler.OpenFileEmbeddedL( aFileToOpen, emptyType, paramList ) );
   705         // Show an error note if opening the file still didn't succeed
   706         // Ensure also that the file handle got closed.
   707         if ( err != KErrNone || res != KErrNone )
   708             {
   709             ShowErrorNoteL( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_INFO_NOTE_UNABLE_TO_OPEN, EFalse );
   710             appUi->FileHandleShutter().HandleServerAppExit( KErrCancel );
   711             }
   712         }
   713 	}
   715 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   716 // TFsEmailUiUtility::OpenAttachmentL
   717 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   718 void TFsEmailUiUtility::OpenAttachmentL( const TPartData& aAttachmentPart )
   719     {
   720     FUNC_LOG;
   721     CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* appUi = (CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi*)CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi();
   722     CFSMailMessage* mailMessage = appUi->GetMailClient()->GetMessageByUidL(
   723         aAttachmentPart.iMailBoxId, aAttachmentPart.iFolderId,
   724         aAttachmentPart.iMessageId, EFSMsgDataStructure );
   726     CleanupStack::PushL( mailMessage );
   727     CFSMailMessagePart* messagePart = mailMessage->ChildPartL(
   728         aAttachmentPart.iMessagePartId );
   729     CleanupStack::PushL( messagePart );
   731     OpenAttachmentL( *messagePart );
   733     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( messagePart );
   734     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mailMessage );
   735     }
   737 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   738 // TFsEmailUiUtility::OpenAttachmentL
   739 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   740 void TFsEmailUiUtility::OpenAttachmentL( CFSMailMessagePart& aAttachmentPart,
   741         TBool aAllowSave /*= ETrue*/)
   742     {
   743     FUNC_LOG;
   744     const TDesC& attName = aAttachmentPart.AttachmentNameL();
   745     const TDesC* mimeType16 = &aAttachmentPart.GetContentType();
   746     TFileType fileType = GetFileType( attName, *mimeType16 );
   748     // Check if attachment is actually an embedded message object. In that case we try to
   749     // open it using mail viewer.
   750     TBool openedAsMessage = EFalse;
   751     if ( fileType == EMessageType )
   752         {
   753         CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* appUi =
   754             static_cast<CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
   756         // First, try to get the message object directly from mail client using the UIDs.
   757         CFSMailMessage* message = NULL;
   758         TRAP_IGNORE( message = appUi->GetMailClient()->GetMessageByUidL(
   759                 aAttachmentPart.GetMailBoxId(),
   760                 aAttachmentPart.GetFolderId(),
   761                 aAttachmentPart.GetPartId(),
   762                 EFSMsgDataEnvelope ) );
   764         // If we still have no message, then try to convert the attachment file to message object (Activesync case).
   765         if ( !message ) 
   766             {
   767             // This takes some time so we show a wait dialog.
   768             if ( iOpeningWaitNote )
   769                 {
   770                 iOpeningWaitNote->ProcessFinishedL();
   771                 iOpeningWaitNote = NULL;
   772                 }
   773             ShowWaitNoteL( iOpeningWaitNote, R_FSE_WAIT_OPENING_TEXT, EFalse, ETrue );
   775             RFile attFile = aAttachmentPart.GetContentFileL();
   776             CleanupClosePushL( attFile );
   777             CFSMailBox* mailbox = appUi->GetMailClient()->GetMailBoxByUidL( aAttachmentPart.GetMailBoxId() );
   778             CleanupStack::PushL( mailbox );
   779             TRAP_IGNORE( message = mailbox->CreateMessageFromFileL( attFile ) );
   780             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mailbox );
   781             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &attFile );
   783             iOpeningWaitNote->ProcessFinishedL();
   784             }
   786         // Open message to viewer if we got it. Otherwise continue with the standard file opening logic.
   787         if ( message )
   788             {
   789             // Check that the embedded message has text body part or html body part. 
   790             // Otherwise we cannot display it viewer and needs to be handled as a normal attachment.
   792             CFSMailMessagePart* htmlPart = message->HtmlBodyPartL();
   793             CFSMailMessagePart* textPart = message->PlainTextBodyPartL();
   795             if ( htmlPart || textPart  )
   796                 {
   797                 THtmlViewerActivationData htmlData; 
   798                 htmlData.iActivationDataType = THtmlViewerActivationData::EmbeddedEmailMessage;
   799                 htmlData.iMailBoxId = aAttachmentPart.GetMailBoxId();
   800                 htmlData.iFolderId = aAttachmentPart.GetFolderId();
   801                 htmlData.iMessageId = aAttachmentPart.GetPartId();
   802                 // ownership of message gets transfered to html viewer.
   803                 htmlData.iEmbeddedMessage = message;
   804                 htmlData.iEmbeddedMessageMode = ETrue;
   805                 TPckgBuf<THtmlViewerActivationData> pckgData( htmlData );
   807                 appUi->EnterFsEmailViewL( HtmlViewerId, KStartViewerWithEmbeddedMsgPtr, pckgData );
   808                 openedAsMessage = ETrue;
   809                 }
   810             else
   811                 {
   812                 //delete message object owned by us.
   813                 delete message;
   814                 }
   816             if( htmlPart )
   817                 {
   818                 delete htmlPart;
   819                 }
   820             if( textPart )
   821                 {
   822                 delete textPart;
   823                 }
   825             }
   826         }
   828     // Normal attachment file opening
   829     if ( !openedAsMessage )
   830         {
   831         RFile attachmentFile;
   833         // Get the temp file provided by plugin
   834         RFile pluginTempFile = aAttachmentPart.GetContentFileL();
   835         CleanupClosePushL( pluginTempFile );
   837         // Check if the temp file has diffrent file extension than the attachment name.
   838         TFileName tempFileName;
   839         pluginTempFile.Name( tempFileName );
   840         const TDesC& attName = aAttachmentPart.AttachmentNameL();
   841         if ( !DoFileExtensionsMatchL( tempFileName, attName ) )
   842             {
   843             // Make a new temporary copy of the attachment file if the temp file
   844             // provided by the plugin does not have a proper file extension.
   845             // This is needed because some applications may not
   846             // allow opening files with improper file extension.
   847             attachmentFile = CopyFileToTempDirL( pluginTempFile, attName );
   848             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &pluginTempFile );
   849             }
   850         else
   851             {
   852             // Otherwise we may use the temp file provided by plugin directly
   853             attachmentFile = pluginTempFile;
   854             CleanupStack::Pop( &pluginTempFile );
   855             }
   856         CleanupClosePushL( attachmentFile );
   858         // Use given MIME type if present
   859         TDataType dataType;
   860         const TDesC* mimeType16 = &aAttachmentPart.GetContentType();
   861         if ( mimeType16->Length() )
   862             {
   863             // V-calendar attachments sent from MS Outlook seem to have wrong MIME type. Work around
   864             // this by overriding the MIME type in case the file can be identified to be VCal object
   865             if ( GetFileType( attName, *mimeType16 ) == EVCalType )
   866                 {
   867                 mimeType16 = &KVCalMimeString;
   868                 }
   870             // The MIME type must be converted to 8 bit buffer. Just assume it's ASCII data
   871             // and forget the upper bytes.
   872             HBufC8* mimeType8 = HBufC8::NewLC( mimeType16->Length() );
   873             mimeType8->Des().Append( *mimeType16 );
   874             //cut extra data from MIME string
   875             TInt pos = mimeType8->Locate( ';' );
   876             if ( pos >= 0 )
   877                 {
   878                 mimeType8->Des().SetLength(pos);
   879                 }
   880             dataType = TDataType( *mimeType8 );
   881             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mimeType8 );
   882             }
   884         CleanupStack::Pop( &attachmentFile ); // next function takes ownershp of the handle
   885         OpenFileL( attachmentFile, dataType, aAllowSave );
   886         }
   887     }
   889 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   890 // TFsEmailUiUtility::SetMessageFollowupFlagL
   891 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   892 TFollowUpNewState TFsEmailUiUtility::SetMessageFollowupFlagL( CFSMailMessage& aMsg,
   893         TBool aShowFlagCompleted )
   894     {
   895     FUNC_LOG;
   896     TFollowUpNewState newFollowUpState = EFollowUpNoChanges;
   897     if ( TFsEmailUiUtility::RunFollowUpListDialogL( newFollowUpState, aShowFlagCompleted ) )
   898         {
   899         SetMessageFollowupStateL( aMsg, newFollowUpState );
   900         }
   901     return newFollowUpState;
   902     }
   904 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   905 // TFsEmailUiUtility::SetssageFollowupStateL
   906 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   907 void TFsEmailUiUtility::SetMessageFollowupStateL( CFSMailMessage& aMsg,
   908         TFollowUpNewState aNewFollowUpState )
   909     {
   910     FUNC_LOG;
   911     switch ( aNewFollowUpState )
   912         {
   913         case EFollowUp:
   914             {
   915             aMsg.SetFlag( EFSMsgFlag_FollowUp );
   916             aMsg.ResetFlag( EFSMsgFlag_FollowUpComplete );
   917             }
   918             break;
   919         case EFollowUpComplete:
   920             {
   921             aMsg.SetFlag( EFSMsgFlag_FollowUpComplete );
   922             aMsg.ResetFlag( EFSMsgFlag_FollowUp );
   923             }
   924             break;
   925         case EFollowUpClear:
   926             {
   927             aMsg.ResetFlag( EFSMsgFlag_FollowUp | EFSMsgFlag_FollowUpComplete );
   928             }
   929             break;
   930         }
   931     aMsg.SaveMessageL(); // Save flag status
   932     }
   934 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   935 // TFsEmailUiUtility::RunFollowUpListDialogL
   936 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   937 TBool TFsEmailUiUtility::RunFollowUpListDialogL( TFollowUpNewState& aSelectedOption,
   938         TBool aShowFlagCompleted )
   939 	{
   940     FUNC_LOG;
   941 	aSelectedOption = EFollowUpNoChanges;
   943 	CDesCArrayFlat* array = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat( 2 );
   944 	CleanupStack::PushL( array );
   946 	// Add follow up text
   947 	_LIT( KListItemIcon0, "0\t" );
   949     // aShowFlagCompleted is false when we are in the editor/composer view
   950     TInt followUpResId =
   951         ( aShowFlagCompleted ? R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_FLAG_FOLLOW_UP :
   952                                 R_NCS_FLAG_FOLLOW_UP );
   954     HBufC* followUp = StringLoader::LoadLC( followUpResId );
   956 	HBufC* followUpText = HBufC::NewLC( KListItemIcon0().Length() + followUp->Length() );
   957     followUpText->Des().Append( KListItemIcon0 );
   958     followUpText->Des().Append( *followUp );
   959     array->AppendL( *followUpText );
   960 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, followUp );
   962 	// Add flag complete text if requested
   963 	if ( aShowFlagCompleted )
   964 	    {
   965 	    _LIT( KListItemIcon1, "1\t" );
   966     	HBufC* completeFlag = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_FLAG_COMPLETE );
   967     	HBufC* completeFlagText = HBufC::NewLC( KListItemIcon1().Length() + completeFlag->Length() );
   968     	completeFlagText->Des().Append( KListItemIcon1 );
   969         completeFlagText->Des().Append( *completeFlag );
   970         array->AppendL( *completeFlagText );
   971     	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, completeFlag );
   972         }
   974 	// Add clear flag text
   975 	_LIT( KListItemNoIcon, "\t" );
   977     // aShowFlagCompleted is false when we are in the editor/composer view
   978     TInt clearResId = ( aShowFlagCompleted ? R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_FLAG_CLEAR :
   979                                              R_NCS_FLAG_CLEAR );
   981 	HBufC* clearFlag = StringLoader::LoadLC( clearResId );
   982 	HBufC* clearFlagText = HBufC::NewLC( KListItemNoIcon().Length() + clearFlag->Length() );
   983 	clearFlagText->Des().Append( KListItemNoIcon );
   984 	clearFlagText->Des().Append( *clearFlag );
   985 	array->AppendL( *clearFlagText );
   986 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, clearFlag );
   988 	TInt selectedOption;
   989 	CAknListQueryDialog* dlg = new ( ELeave ) CAknListQueryDialog( &selectedOption );
   991     // aShowFlagCompleted is false when we are in the editor/composer view
   992 	TInt dlgResId = ( aShowFlagCompleted ? R_MAIL_FLAG_QUERY_DIALOG :
   993 	                                       R_NCS_MAIL_FLAG_QUERY_DIALOG );
   995 	dlg->PrepareLC( dlgResId );
   997 	//Create icon array from correct icons
   998     TFileName iconFileName;
   999     GetFullIconFileNameL( iconFileName );
  1001     CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* icons = new (ELeave) CAknIconArray( 2 );
  1002 	CleanupStack::PushL(icons);
  1003     CFbsBitmap* iconBitmap;
  1004     CFbsBitmap* iconMaskBitmap;
  1005     TSize defaultIconSize(20,20);
  1007 // <cmail> icons changed
  1008     // Flag icon "followup"
  1009     AknsUtils::CreateColorIconLC(
  1010         AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
  1011         KAknsIIDNone,
  1012         KAknsIIDQsnIconColors,
  1013         EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG7,
  1014         iconBitmap,
  1015         iconMaskBitmap,
  1016         iconFileName,
  1017         EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_indi_cmail_viewer_follow_up,
  1018         EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_indi_cmail_viewer_follow_up_mask,
  1019         KRgbBlack );
  1020 	AknIconUtils::SetSize(iconBitmap, defaultIconSize );
  1021     AknIconUtils::SetSize(iconMaskBitmap, defaultIconSize);
  1022     CGulIcon* flagIcon = CGulIcon::NewL(iconBitmap, iconMaskBitmap);
  1023     CleanupStack::Pop( 2, iconBitmap );
  1024     CleanupStack::PushL( flagIcon );
  1025  	icons->AppendL( flagIcon );
  1026  	CleanupStack::Pop( flagIcon );
  1028     // Flag icon "completed"
  1029  	AknsUtils::CreateColorIconLC(
  1030         AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
  1031         KAknsIIDNone,
  1032         KAknsIIDQsnIconColors,
  1033         EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG7,
  1034         iconBitmap,
  1035         iconMaskBitmap,
  1036         iconFileName,
  1037         EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_indi_cmail_viewer_follow_up_complete,
  1038         EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_indi_cmail_viewer_follow_up_complete_mask,
  1039         KRgbBlack );
  1040 	AknIconUtils::SetSize(iconBitmap, defaultIconSize );
  1041     AknIconUtils::SetSize(iconMaskBitmap, defaultIconSize);
  1042     CGulIcon* flagCompleteIcon = CGulIcon::NewL(iconBitmap, iconMaskBitmap);
  1043     CleanupStack::Pop( 2, iconBitmap );
  1044     CleanupStack::PushL( flagCompleteIcon );
  1045 	icons->AppendL( flagCompleteIcon );
  1046     CleanupStack::Pop( flagCompleteIcon );
  1047 // </cmail>
  1049     // Run the dialog
  1050     dlg->SetItemTextArray( array );
  1051 	dlg->SetIconArrayL( icons );
  1052 	CleanupStack::Pop( icons );
  1053 	dlg->SetOwnershipType( ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray );
  1054 	TBool retVal = dlg->RunLD();
  1055 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( array );
  1057 	if ( retVal )
  1058 	    {
  1059     	// Convert the returned index to enumeration. This mapping is different depending
  1060     	// if "flag completed" is shown or not
  1061         aSelectedOption = static_cast<TFollowUpNewState>( selectedOption );
  1062     	if ( !aShowFlagCompleted && aSelectedOption == EFollowUpComplete )
  1063     	    {
  1064     	    aSelectedOption = EFollowUpClear;
  1065     	    }
  1066 	    }
  1068 	return retVal;
  1069 	}
  1072 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1073 // TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowCreateMessageQueryL
  1074 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1075 void TFsEmailUiUtility::ShowCreateMessageQueryL( const TDesC& aAddressData, TBool aSendingToEmail )
  1076 	{
  1077     FUNC_LOG;
  1078 	if ( aAddressData.Length() ) // Sending needs address data in any case
  1079 		{
  1080 		CSendUi* sendUi = CSendUi::NewLC();
  1081 		TSendingCapabilities noCapabilities(0,0,0);
  1083 		CArrayFix<TUid>* showedServicesUidArray = new( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TUid>(4);
  1084 		CleanupStack::PushL( showedServicesUidArray );
  1086 		CDesCArrayFlat* array = new ( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( 2 );
  1087 		CleanupStack::PushL( array );
  1089 		if( !aSendingToEmail && sendUi->ValidateServiceL( KSenduiMtmSmsUid, noCapabilities ) )
  1090 			{
  1091 			HBufC* textMessage = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_VIEWER_TEXT_MESSAGE );
  1092 		    array->AppendL( *textMessage );
  1093 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textMessage );
  1094 			showedServicesUidArray->AppendL( KSenduiMtmSmsUid );
  1095 			}
  1096 		if( sendUi->ValidateServiceL( KSenduiMtmMmsUid, noCapabilities ) )
  1097 			{
  1098 			HBufC* multimediaMessage = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_VIEWER_MULTIMEDIA_MESSAGE );
  1099 		    array->AppendL( *multimediaMessage );
  1100 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( multimediaMessage );
  1101 			showedServicesUidArray->AppendL( KSenduiMtmMmsUid );
  1102 			}
  1103 		if( sendUi->ValidateServiceL( KSenduiMtmAudioMessageUid, noCapabilities ) )
  1104 			{
  1105 			HBufC* voiceMessage = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_VIEWER_VOICE_MESSAGE );
  1106 		    array->AppendL( *voiceMessage );
  1107 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( voiceMessage );
  1108 			showedServicesUidArray->AppendL( KSenduiMtmAudioMessageUid );
  1109 			}
  1111 		TInt selectedOption;
  1112 		CAknListQueryDialog* dlg = new ( ELeave ) CAknListQueryDialog( &selectedOption );
  1114 		dlg->SetItemTextArray( array );
  1115 		dlg->SetOwnershipType( ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray );
  1116 		if( dlg->RunLD() )
  1117 			{
  1118 			CMessageData* messageData = CMessageData::NewLC();
  1119 			messageData->AppendToAddressL( aAddressData );
  1120 			// safety check.
  1121 			if( showedServicesUidArray->Count() > selectedOption )
  1122 				{
  1123 				sendUi->CreateAndSendMessageL( showedServicesUidArray->At( selectedOption ),
  1124 												messageData );
  1125 				}
  1126 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( messageData );
  1127 			}
  1129 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( array );
  1130 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( showedServicesUidArray );
  1131 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sendUi );
  1132 		}
  1133 	}
  1135 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1136 // TFsEmailUiUtility::GetFileType
  1137 // Figures out the file type based on the MIME type and the file name extension.
  1138 // The MIME type is used first and if that doesn't help, then the file extension
  1139 // is used as backup solution.
  1140 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1141 TFileType TFsEmailUiUtility::GetFileType( const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aMimeType )
  1142     {
  1143     FUNC_LOG;
  1144 	TFileType fileType = EUnidentifiedType;
  1145     TPtrC ext = TParsePtrC( aFileName ).Ext();
  1147     // here we make sure that content type does not have extra parameters
  1148     TPtrC mimeType( aMimeType );
  1149     TInt semiColonPos( aMimeType.Locate(';') );
  1150     if( semiColonPos != KErrNotFound )
  1151     	{
  1152     	mimeType.Set( aMimeType.Left(semiColonPos) );
  1153     	}
  1155 	if ( !mimeType.CompareF(KPdfMimeString) )
  1156 		{
  1157 		fileType = EPdfType;
  1158 		}
  1159 	else if ( !mimeType.CompareF(KDocMimeString) ||
  1160 	          !mimeType.CompareF(KDocMimeString2) )
  1161 		{
  1162 		fileType = EDocType;
  1163 		}
  1164 	else if ( !mimeType.CompareF(KRtfMimeString) )
  1165 		{
  1166 		fileType = ERtfType;
  1167 		}
  1168 	else if ( !mimeType.CompareF(KPptMimeString) )
  1169 		{
  1170 		fileType = EPptType;
  1171 		}
  1172 	else if ( !mimeType.CompareF(KXlsMimeString) )
  1173 		{
  1174 		fileType = EXlsType;
  1175 		}
  1176 	else if ( !mimeType.Left( KImageMimeString().Length() ).CompareF(KImageMimeString) )
  1177 		{
  1178 		fileType = EImageType;
  1179 		}
  1180 	else if ( !mimeType.CompareF(KHtmlMimeString) )
  1181 		{
  1182 		fileType = EHtmlType;
  1183 		}
  1184 	else if ( !mimeType.CompareF(KPlainTextMimeString) )
  1185 	    {
  1186 	    fileType = EPlainTextType;
  1187 	    // When v-cal attachment is sent from MS Outlook, it's received with wrong MIME type.
  1188 	    // Following is a workaround for this problem
  1189 	    if ( !ext.CompareF(KVCalFileExtension) )
  1190 	        {
  1191 	        fileType = EVCalType;
  1192 	        }
  1193 	    }
  1194 	else if ( !mimeType.CompareF(KVCalMimeString) )
  1195 	    {
  1196 	    fileType = EVCalType;
  1197 	    }
  1198     else if ( !mimeType.CompareF(KMessageMimeString) )
  1199         {
  1200         fileType = EMessageType;
  1201         }
  1202 	else
  1203 		{
  1204 		// File type couldn't be identified from the MIME type. Use the file extension.
  1206     	if ( !ext.CompareF(KDocFileExtension) )
  1207     		{
  1208     		fileType = EDocType;
  1209     		}
  1210     	else if ( !ext.CompareF(KRtfFileExtension) )
  1211     	    {
  1212     	    fileType = ERtfType;
  1213     	    }
  1214     	else if ( !ext.CompareF(KPptFileExtension) )
  1215     		{
  1216     		fileType = EPptType;
  1217     		}
  1218     	else if ( !ext.CompareF(KXlsFileExtension) )
  1219     		{
  1220     		fileType = EXlsType;
  1221     		}
  1222     	else if ( !ext.CompareF(KPdfFileExtension) )
  1223     		{
  1224     		fileType = EPdfType;
  1225     		}
  1226     	else if ( !ext.CompareF(KHtmlFileExtension) ||
  1227     	          !ext.CompareF(KHtmFileExtension) )
  1228     	    {
  1229     	    fileType = EHtmlType;
  1230     	    }
  1231     	else if ( !ext.CompareF(KJpgFileExtension)
  1232     			  || !ext.CompareF(KJpgeFileExtension)
  1233     			  || !ext.CompareF(KJpegFileExtension)
  1234     			  || !ext.CompareF(KPngFileExtension)
  1235     			  || !ext.CompareF(KGifFileExtension)
  1236     			  || !ext.CompareF(KBmpFileExtension) )
  1237     	    {
  1238     	    fileType = EImageType;
  1239     	    }
  1240     	else if ( !ext.CompareF(KTxtFileExtension) )
  1241     	    {
  1242     	    fileType = EPlainTextType;
  1243     	    }
  1244     	else if ( !ext.CompareF(KVCalFileExtension) )
  1245             {
  1246             fileType = EVCalType;
  1247             }
  1248         else if ( !ext.CompareF(KEmailFileExtension) )
  1249             {
  1250             fileType = EMessageType;
  1251             }
  1252     	else
  1253     	    {
  1254     	    fileType = EUnidentifiedType;
  1255     	    }
  1256 		}
  1258     return fileType;
  1259     }
  1261 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1262 // TFsEmailUiUtility::GetAttachmentIcon
  1263 // Funtion for getting correct attachment icon
  1264 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1265 CAlfTexture& TFsEmailUiUtility::GetAttachmentIcon( TFileType aAttachmentType, CFreestyleEmailUiTextureManager& aTextureManager )
  1266     {
  1267     FUNC_LOG;
  1268 	TFSEmailUiTextures textureId = GetAttachmentIconTextureId( aAttachmentType );
  1269 	return aTextureManager.TextureByIndex( textureId );
  1270     }
  1272 TFSEmailUiTextures TFsEmailUiUtility::GetAttachmentIconTextureId( TFileType aAttachmentType )
  1273     {
  1274     FUNC_LOG;
  1275     switch( aAttachmentType )
  1276     	{
  1277 		case EDocType:
  1278      		return EAttachmentsDocFile;
  1279 		case ERtfType:
  1280 			return EAttachmentsRtfFile;
  1281         case EPptType:
  1282 			return EAttachmentsPptFile;
  1283 		case EXlsType:
  1284 			return EAttachmentsXls;
  1285 		case EPdfType:
  1286 			return EAttachmentsPdfFile;
  1287 		case EImageType:
  1288 			return EAttachmentsImageFile;
  1289 		case EHtmlType:
  1290 			return EAttachmentsHtmlFile;
  1291 		case EPlainTextType:
  1292 		case EVCalType:
  1293 		case EMessageType:
  1294 		case EUnidentifiedType:
  1295 			return EAttachmentsUnknownFile;
  1296 		default:
  1297 			ASSERT( EFalse );
  1298     	}
  1299     return EAttachmentsUnknownFile;
  1300     }
  1302 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1303 // TFsEmailUiUtility::GetMsgIcon
  1304 // Funtion for getting correct msg icon, divides into read and unread icons
  1305 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1306 CAlfTexture& TFsEmailUiUtility::GetMsgIcon( CFSMailMessage* aMsgPtr,
  1307 									 CFreestyleEmailUiTextureManager& aTextureManager )
  1308 	{
  1309     FUNC_LOG;
  1310 	TFSEmailUiTextures textureId = GetMsgIconTextureId( aMsgPtr );
  1311 	return aTextureManager.TextureByIndex( textureId );
  1312 	}
  1314 TFSEmailUiTextures TFsEmailUiUtility::GetMsgIconTextureId( CFSMailMessage* aMsgPtr )
  1315 	{
  1316     FUNC_LOG;
  1317 	if ( !aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Read ) )
  1318 		{
  1319 		return GetUnreadMsgIcon( aMsgPtr );
  1320 		}
  1321 	else
  1322 		{
  1323 		return GetReadMsgIcon( aMsgPtr );
  1324 		}
  1326 	}
  1328 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1329 // TFsEmailUiUtility::MoveMessageToDraftsL
  1330 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1331 void TFsEmailUiUtility::MoveMessageToDraftsL( CFSMailBox& aMailBox, CFSMailMessage& aMsg )
  1332 	{
  1333     FUNC_LOG;
  1335 	// check that msg is not in drafts folder already
  1336 	TFSMailMsgId draftsFolderId = aMailBox.GetStandardFolderId( EFSDraftsFolder );
  1337 	TFSMailMsgId msgFolderId = aMsg.GetFolderId();
  1338 	if ( draftsFolderId != msgFolderId )
  1339 		{
  1340 		RArray<TFSMailMsgId> ids;
  1341 		ids.Append( aMsg.GetMessageId() );
  1342 		aMailBox.MoveMessagesL( ids, msgFolderId, draftsFolderId );
  1343 		ids.Reset();
  1344 		}
  1346 	}
  1348 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1349 // TFsEmailUiUtility::IsMessagePartFullyFetched
  1350 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1351 TBool TFsEmailUiUtility::IsMessagePartFullyFetched( const CFSMailMessagePart& aPart )
  1352 	{
  1353     FUNC_LOG;
  1355 	TFSPartFetchState fetchState = aPart.FetchLoadState();
  1356 	TBool isFetched = ( fetchState == EFSFull );
  1358 	return isFetched;
  1359 	}
  1361 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1362 // TFsEmailUiUtility::IsMessageStructureKnown
  1363 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1364 TBool TFsEmailUiUtility::IsMessageStructureKnown( const CFSMailMessagePart& aPart )
  1365 	{
  1366     FUNC_LOG;
  1368 	TFSPartFetchState fetchState = aPart.FetchLoadState();
  1369 	TBool isKnown = !( fetchState == EFSEmailStructureUnknown );//( fetchState == EFSFull || fetchState == EFSMessagePartsKnown );
  1371 	return isKnown;
  1372 	}
  1374 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1375 // TFsEmailUiUtility::CreatePlainTextPartL
  1376 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1377 void TFsEmailUiUtility::CreatePlainTextPartL( CFSMailMessage& aMsg, CFSMailMessagePart*& aPart )
  1378 	{
  1379     FUNC_LOG;
  1381     aPart = aMsg.PlainTextBodyPartL();
  1382     if ( !aPart )
  1383     	{
  1384         // Do message contain HTML body part
  1385         CFSMailMessagePart* htmlPart = aMsg.HtmlBodyPartL();
  1386         if ( htmlPart )
  1387             {
  1388             CleanupStack::PushL( htmlPart );
  1389             HBufC* htmlData = HBufC::NewLC( htmlPart->FetchedContentSize() );
  1390             TPtr pointer = htmlData->Des();
  1391             htmlPart->GetContentToBufferL( pointer, 0 );
  1393             HBufC* txtData = TFsEmailUiUtility::ConvertHtmlToTxtL( *htmlData );
  1395             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( htmlData );
  1397             CleanupStack::PushL( txtData );
  1399             // create new message part for body text
  1400             TFSMailMsgId id;
  1401             aPart = aMsg.NewChildPartL( id, KFSMailContentTypeTextPlain );
  1402             if ( aPart )
  1403                 {
  1404                 aPart->SetContentType( KFSMailContentTypeTextPlain );
  1405                 pointer.Set( txtData->Des() );
  1406                 aPart->SetContent( pointer );
  1407                 aPart->SaveL();
  1408                 }
  1410             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( txtData );
  1411             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( htmlPart );
  1412             }
  1413         else
  1414             {
  1415     		// create new message part for body text
  1416     		TFSMailMsgId id;
  1417     		aPart = aMsg.NewChildPartL( id, KFSMailContentTypeTextPlain );
  1418             if ( aPart )
  1419                 {
  1420                 aPart->SetContentType( KFSMailContentTypeTextPlain );
  1421                 aPart->SaveL();
  1422                 }
  1423             }
  1424     	}
  1426 	}
  1428 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1429 // TFsEmailUiUtility::IsCompleteOrCancelEvent
  1430 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1431 TBool TFsEmailUiUtility::IsCompleteOrCancelEvent( TFSProgress aEvent )
  1432 	{
  1433     FUNC_LOG;
  1434     return ( TFSProgress::EFSStatus_RequestComplete == aEvent.iProgressStatus ||
  1435     	TFSProgress::EFSStatus_RequestCancelled == aEvent.iProgressStatus );
  1436     }
  1438 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1439 // TFsEmailUiUtility::HasUnfetchedAttachmentsL
  1440 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1441 TBool TFsEmailUiUtility::HasUnfetchedAttachmentsL( CFSMailMessage& aMsg )
  1442 	{
  1443     FUNC_LOG;
  1444 	RPointerArray<CFSMailMessagePart> attachments;
  1445 	aMsg.AttachmentListL( attachments );
  1446 	TBool found = EFalse;
  1447 	for ( TInt i=0; i<attachments.Count(); i++ )
  1448 		{
  1449 		if ( !IsMessagePartFullyFetched( *attachments[i] ) )
  1450 			{
  1451 			found = ETrue;
  1452 			break;
  1453 			}
  1454 		}
  1455 	attachments.ResetAndDestroy();
  1456 	return found;
  1457 	}
  1459 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1460 // TFsEmailUiUtility::IsFollowUpSupported
  1461 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1462 TBool TFsEmailUiUtility::IsFollowUpSupported( const CFSMailBox& aMailBox )
  1463 	{
  1464     FUNC_LOG;
  1465 	TBool supported = aMailBox.HasCapability( EFSMBoxCapaSupportsFollowUp );
  1466 	return supported;
  1467 	}
  1469 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1470 // TFsEmailUiUtility::DateTextFromMsgLC
  1471 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1472 HBufC* TFsEmailUiUtility::DateTextFromMsgLC( const CFSMailMessage* aMessage,
  1473 	TBool aAddYearNumer )
  1474 	{
  1475     FUNC_LOG;
  1476 	HBufC* ret = HBufC::NewLC( 20 );
  1477 	TTime eventTimeInHomeTime = aMessage->GetDate();
  1478     TLocale currentLocaleSettings;
  1479     eventTimeInHomeTime = eventTimeInHomeTime +
  1480     					  (currentLocaleSettings.UniversalTimeOffset());
  1481     eventTimeInHomeTime += currentLocaleSettings.QueryHomeHasDaylightSavingOn()
  1482     					  ? TTimeIntervalHours(1) : TTimeIntervalHours(0);
  1483 	TDateFormat dateFormat = currentLocaleSettings.DateFormat();
  1484 	TChar secondDateSeparator = currentLocaleSettings.DateSeparator( 1 );
  1485 	TChar thirdDateSeparator = currentLocaleSettings.DateSeparator( 2 );
  1487 	if ( aAddYearNumer )
  1488 		{
  1489 		switch ( dateFormat )
  1490 			{
  1491 			case EDateAmerican: // US format (mm/dd/yyyy)
  1492 				{
  1493 				ret->Des().Format(_L("%02d%c%02d%c%4d"),
  1494 			 		eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Month()+1,
  1495 			 		(TUint)secondDateSeparator,
  1496 			 		eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Day()+1,
  1497 			 		(TUint)thirdDateSeparator,
  1498 			 		eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Year());
  1499 				}
  1500 				break;
  1501 			case EDateJapanese: // Japanese format (yyyy/mm/dd)
  1502 				{
  1503 				ret->Des().Format( _L("%4d%c%02d%c%02d"),
  1504 			 		eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Year(),
  1505 			 		(TUint)secondDateSeparator,
  1506 			 		eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Month()+1,
  1507 			 		(TUint)thirdDateSeparator,
  1508 			 		eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Day()+1 );
  1509 				}
  1510 				break;
  1511 			case EDateEuropean: // European format (dd/mm/yyyy)
  1512 			default:
  1513 				{
  1514 				ret->Des().Format(_L("%02d%c%02d%c%4d"),
  1515 			 		eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Day()+1,
  1516 			 		(TUint)secondDateSeparator,
  1517 			 		eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Month()+1,
  1518 			 		(TUint)thirdDateSeparator,
  1519 			 		eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Year());
  1520 				}
  1521 				break;
  1522 			}
  1523 		}
  1524 	else
  1525 		{
  1526 		switch ( dateFormat )
  1527 			{
  1528 			case EDateAmerican: // US format (mm/dd/yyyy)
  1529 				{
  1530 				ret->Des().Format(_L("%02d%c%02d"),
  1531 			 		eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Month()+1,
  1532 			 		(TUint)secondDateSeparator,
  1533 			 		eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Day()+1 );
  1534 				}
  1535 				break;
  1536 			case EDateJapanese: // Japanese format (yyyy/mm/dd)
  1537 				{
  1538 				ret->Des().Format( _L("%02d%c%02d"),
  1539 			 		eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Month()+1,
  1540 			 		(TUint)thirdDateSeparator,
  1541 			 		eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Day()+1 );
  1542 				}
  1543 				break;
  1544 			case EDateEuropean: // European format (dd/mm/yyyy)
  1545 			default:
  1546 				{
  1547 				ret->Des().Format(_L("%02d%c%02d"),
  1548 			 		eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Day()+1,
  1549 			 		(TUint)secondDateSeparator,
  1550 			 		eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Month()+1 );
  1551 				}
  1552 				break;
  1553 			}
  1554 		}
  1555    	TPtr dataPtr( ret->Des() );
  1556    	AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( dataPtr );
  1557 	return ret;
  1558 	}
  1560 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1561 // TFsEmailUiUtility::TimeTextFromMsgLC
  1562 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1563 HBufC* TFsEmailUiUtility::TimeTextFromMsgLC( const CFSMailMessage* aMessage )
  1564 	{
  1565     FUNC_LOG;
  1566     TBuf<20> timeStr;
  1567     TBuf<20> timeStrFormat;
  1568 	TTime eventTimeInHomeTime = aMessage->GetDate();
  1569     TLocale currentLocaleSettings;
  1570     eventTimeInHomeTime = eventTimeInHomeTime +
  1571     					  (currentLocaleSettings.UniversalTimeOffset());
  1572     eventTimeInHomeTime += currentLocaleSettings.QueryHomeHasDaylightSavingOn()
  1573     					  ? TTimeIntervalHours(1) : TTimeIntervalHours(0);
  1574     if( currentLocaleSettings.AmPmSymbolPosition() == ELocaleBefore )
  1575         {
  1576         timeStrFormat.Append( KTimeFormatBefore );
  1577         timeStrFormat.Append( KTimeFormatSpace );
  1578         timeStrFormat.Append( KTimeFormatHour );
  1579         timeStrFormat.Append( currentLocaleSettings.TimeSeparator( KSecondSeparator ) );
  1580         timeStrFormat.Append( KTimeFormatMinutes );
  1581         eventTimeInHomeTime.FormatL( timeStr, timeStrFormat );
  1582         }
  1583     else
  1584         {
  1585         timeStrFormat.Append( KTimeFormatHour );
  1586         timeStrFormat.Append( currentLocaleSettings.TimeSeparator( KSecondSeparator ) );
  1587         timeStrFormat.Append( KTimeFormatMinutes );
  1588         timeStrFormat.Append( KTimeFormatSpace );
  1589         timeStrFormat.Append( KTimeFormatAfter );
  1590         eventTimeInHomeTime.FormatL( timeStr, timeStrFormat );
  1591         }
  1592     HBufC* dataStr = HBufC::NewL( 1 + timeStr.Length() );
  1593     TPtr dataPtr( dataStr->Des() );
  1594     dataPtr.Append( timeStr );
  1595     CleanupStack::PushL( dataStr );
  1596     AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( dataPtr );
  1597     return dataStr;
  1598 	}
  1601 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1602 // TFsEmailUiUtility::ListMsgTimeTextFromMsgLC
  1603 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1604 HBufC* TFsEmailUiUtility::ListMsgTimeTextFromMsgLC( const CFSMailMessage* aMessage, TBool aDividersInUse )
  1605 	{
  1606     FUNC_LOG;
  1607 	// If dividers are in use, returjn normal time text
  1608     if ( aDividersInUse )
  1609     	{
  1610     	return TimeTextFromMsgLC( aMessage );
  1611     	}
  1613 	// If dividers are not in use, today's emails need to use time, others need to use date.
  1614  	TTime eventTimeInHomeTime = aMessage->GetDate();
  1615 	TTime currentTime;
  1616 	currentTime.HomeTime();
  1617  	TLocale currentLocaleSettings;
  1618     eventTimeInHomeTime = eventTimeInHomeTime +
  1619     					  (currentLocaleSettings.UniversalTimeOffset());
  1620     eventTimeInHomeTime += currentLocaleSettings.QueryHomeHasDaylightSavingOn()
  1621     					  ? TTimeIntervalHours(1) : TTimeIntervalHours(0);
  1622  	if ( currentTime.DayNoInYear() == eventTimeInHomeTime.DayNoInYear() &&
  1623  		 currentTime.DateTime().Year() == eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Year() )
  1624  		{
  1625 		// Event is today, use time text from msg
  1626 		return TimeTextFromMsgLC( aMessage );
  1627     	}
  1628     else
  1629     	{
  1630     	// Event is not from today, use date text without year number
  1631 		return DateTextFromMsgLC( aMessage, EFalse );
  1632     	}
  1633 	}
  1636 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1637 // TFsEmailUiUtility::WeekDayTextFromMsgLC
  1638 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1639 HBufC* TFsEmailUiUtility::WeekDayTextFromMsgLC( const CFSMailMessage* aMessage,
  1640 													 TBool aUseToday,
  1641 													 TBool aUseYesterday,
  1642 													 TBool& aWasToday,
  1643 													 TBool& aWasYesterday )
  1644 	{
  1645     FUNC_LOG;
  1646 	HBufC* ret(0);
  1647 	TTime eventTimeInHomeTime = aMessage->GetDate();
  1648 	TTime currentTime;
  1649 	currentTime.HomeTime();
  1650     TLocale currentLocaleSettings;
  1652 	// Correct current time and event time UTC offset and daylight saving time
  1653     eventTimeInHomeTime = eventTimeInHomeTime +
  1654     					  (currentLocaleSettings.UniversalTimeOffset());
  1655     eventTimeInHomeTime += currentLocaleSettings.QueryHomeHasDaylightSavingOn()
  1656     					  ? TTimeIntervalHours(1) : TTimeIntervalHours(0);
  1658  	TBool eventTimeIsToday(EFalse);
  1659  	TBool eventTimeIsYesterday(EFalse);
  1660  	// Check if year and day number in year are the same, e.g. today
  1661  	if ( currentTime.DayNoInYear() == eventTimeInHomeTime.DayNoInYear() &&
  1662  		 currentTime.DateTime().Year() == eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Year() )
  1663  		{
  1664 		eventTimeIsToday = ETrue;
  1665   		}
  1666  	// Check if year and current day number minus one in year are the same, e.g. yesterday
  1667  	else if ( currentTime.DayNoInYear()-1 == eventTimeInHomeTime.DayNoInYear() &&
  1668  		currentTime.DateTime().Year() == eventTimeInHomeTime.DateTime().Year() )
  1669  		{
  1670 		eventTimeIsYesterday = ETrue;
  1671 		}
  1672 	if ( aUseToday && eventTimeIsToday )
  1673 		{
  1674 		ret = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_WEEEKDAY_TODAY );
  1675 		aWasToday = ETrue;
  1676 		}
  1677 	else if ( aUseYesterday && eventTimeIsYesterday )
  1678 		{
  1679 		ret = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_WEEEKDAY_YESTERDAY );
  1680 		aWasYesterday = ETrue;
  1681 		}
  1682 	else
  1683 		{
  1684 		switch ( eventTimeInHomeTime.DayNoInWeek() )
  1685 			{
  1686 			case EMonday:
  1687 				ret = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_WEEEKDAY_MONDAY );
  1688 				break;
  1689 			case ETuesday:
  1690 				ret = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_WEEEKDAY_TUESDAY );
  1691 				break;
  1692 			case EWednesday:
  1693 				ret = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_WEEEKDAY_WEDNESDAY );
  1694 				break;
  1695 			case EThursday:
  1696 				ret = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_WEEEKDAY_THURSDAY );
  1697 				break;
  1698 			case EFriday:
  1699 				ret = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_WEEEKDAY_FRIDAY );
  1700 				break;
  1701 			case ESaturday:
  1702 				ret = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_WEEEKDAY_SATURDAY );
  1703 				break;
  1704 			case ESunday:
  1705 				ret = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_WEEEKDAY_SUNDAY );
  1706 				break;
  1707 			}
  1708 		}
  1709 	return ret;
  1710 	}
  1713 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1714 // TFsEmailUiUtility::CreateSizeDescLC
  1715 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1716 HBufC* TFsEmailUiUtility::CreateSizeDescLC( TInt aSizeInBytes,
  1717                                             TBool aShowSizeInBytes )
  1718     {
  1719     FUNC_LOG;
  1720     HBufC* sizeDesc = NULL;
  1722     if ( aSizeInBytes >= KMega ) // Show in MB with one decimal
  1723         {
  1724         // The largest possible file size in 32bit architecture is 2^32 bytes = 4096 MB.
  1725         // Thus, we need to reserve 4 characters for the megabyte part, one for decimal
  1726         // separator, and one for decimal part.
  1727         HBufC* numberBuf = HBufC::NewLC(4+1+1);
  1728         TPtr numberDes = numberBuf->Des();
  1730         TInt megaBytePart = aSizeInBytes / KMega;
  1731         TInt remainder = aSizeInBytes % KMega;
  1732         TInt decimalPart = (remainder*10 + KMega/2) / KMega; // The +KMega/2 is used to get normal rounding rules
  1733         // if decimal part gets rounded up to 10, we need to increment the megabyte part
  1734         if ( decimalPart == 10 )
  1735             {
  1736             megaBytePart++;
  1737             decimalPart = 0;
  1738             }
  1740         TLocale locale;
  1741         TChar decimalSeparator = locale.DecimalSeparator();
  1743         numberDes.Num( megaBytePart );
  1744         numberDes.Append( decimalSeparator );
  1745         numberDes.AppendNum( decimalPart );
  1747         if( aShowSizeInBytes )
  1748             {
  1749             sizeDesc = StringLoader::LoadL( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_SIZE_IN_MB_WITH_BYTES,
  1750                                             *numberBuf, aSizeInBytes );
  1751             }
  1752         else
  1753             {
  1754             sizeDesc = StringLoader::LoadL( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_SIZE_IN_MB, *numberBuf );
  1755             }
  1756         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( numberBuf );
  1757         CleanupStack::PushL( sizeDesc );
  1758         }
  1759     else if ( aSizeInBytes >= KKilo || aSizeInBytes == 0 ) // Show in kB without decimals
  1760         {
  1761         TInt sizeInKB = (aSizeInBytes + KKilo/2) / KKilo; // The +KKilo/2 is used to get normal rounding rules
  1762         if( aShowSizeInBytes )
  1763             {
  1764             HBufC* numberBuf = HBufC::NewLC(8);
  1765             TPtr numberDes = numberBuf->Des();
  1766             numberDes.Num( sizeInKB );
  1768             sizeDesc = StringLoader::LoadL( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_SIZE_IN_KB_WITH_BYTES,
  1769                                             *numberBuf, aSizeInBytes );
  1770             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( numberBuf );
  1771             CleanupStack::PushL( sizeDesc );
  1772             }
  1773         else
  1774             {
  1775             sizeDesc = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_SIZE_IN_KB, sizeInKB );
  1776             }
  1777         }
  1778     else if ( aSizeInBytes > 0 ) // show "less than kilobyte"
  1779         {
  1780         if( aShowSizeInBytes )
  1781             {
  1782             sizeDesc = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_SIZE_LESS_THAN_KB_WITH_BYTES,
  1783                                             aSizeInBytes );
  1784             }
  1785         else
  1786             {
  1787             sizeDesc = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_SIZE_LESS_THAN_KB );
  1788             }
  1789         }
  1790     else // negative numbers are not supported
  1791         {
  1792         __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic(EFSEmailUiUnexpectedValue) );
  1793         sizeDesc = KNullDesC().AllocLC();
  1794         }
  1796     // Do number conversion to Arabic/Eastern Arabic/Indic digits when necessary
  1797     TPtr des = sizeDesc->Des();
  1798     AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( des );
  1800     return sizeDesc;
  1801     }
  1803 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1804 // TFsEmailUiUtility::CompareMailSubjectsL
  1805 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1806 TInt TFsEmailUiUtility::CompareMailSubjectsL( const CFSMailMessage* aMessage1,
  1807                                               const CFSMailMessage* aMessage2 )
  1808 	{
  1809     FUNC_LOG;
  1810 	TInt result( 0 );
  1812 	if ( aMessage1 &&  aMessage2 )
  1813 		{
  1814 		HBufC* compareSubject1 = CreateSubjectWithoutLocalisedPrefixLC( aMessage1, ETrue );
  1815 		compareSubject1->Des().LowerCase();
  1816 		HBufC* compareSubject2 = CreateSubjectWithoutLocalisedPrefixLC( aMessage2, ETrue );
  1817 		compareSubject2->Des().LowerCase();
  1819 		result = compareSubject1->CompareC( *compareSubject2 );
  1821 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( compareSubject2 );
  1822 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( compareSubject1 );
  1823 		}
  1824 	// Check if one subject pointer is valid instead of other -> result is non-zero.
  1825 	else if ( aMessage1 && !aMessage2  )
  1826 	    {
  1827 	    result = 1;
  1828 	    }
  1829 	else if ( !aMessage1 && aMessage2 )
  1830 		{
  1831 		result = -1;
  1832 		}
  1833 	return result;
  1834 	}
  1836 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1837 // TFsEmailUiUtility::CreateSubjectWithoutLocalisedPrefixLC
  1838 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1839 HBufC* TFsEmailUiUtility::CreateSubjectWithoutLocalisedPrefixLC(
  1840         const CFSMailMessage* aMessage,
  1841         TBool aSuppressNotAvailableText /*= EFalse*/ )
  1842 	{
  1843     FUNC_LOG;
  1844     TDesC* subject = &aMessage->GetSubject();
  1845 	TPtrC croppedSubject;
  1846     if ( subject )
  1847         {
  1848         croppedSubject.Set( *subject );
  1849         }
  1851 	TBool prefixFound = EFalse;
  1853 	do
  1854 	    {
  1855 	    prefixFound = EFalse;
  1857 	    // Remove leading white space before trying to find the prefix
  1858 	    while( croppedSubject.Length() &&
  1859 	           TChar(croppedSubject[0]).IsSpace() )
  1860 	        {
  1861 	        croppedSubject.Set( croppedSubject.Mid(1) );
  1862 	        }
  1864     	// try to find ":" at the beginning
  1865 		// Locate : character on location 1,2 and 3
  1866 	    static const TInt KPrefixMinLength = 1;
  1867 	    static const TInt KPrefixMaxLength = 3;
  1868 	    static const TText KPrefixSeparator = ':';
  1869 		TInt separatorPosition = croppedSubject.Locate( KPrefixSeparator );
  1870 		if ( separatorPosition >= KPrefixMinLength &&
  1871 		     separatorPosition <= KPrefixMaxLength )
  1872 			{
  1873 			TPtrC prefixCandidate = croppedSubject.Left( separatorPosition );
  1874 			// Only fully alphabetic prefixes are cropped
  1875 			TBool isAlpha = ETrue;
  1876 			for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < prefixCandidate.Length() ; ++i )
  1877 			    {
  1878 			    if ( !TChar( prefixCandidate[i] ).IsAlpha() )
  1879 			        {
  1880 			        isAlpha = EFalse;
  1881 			        }
  1882 			    }
  1883 			if ( isAlpha )
  1884 			    {
  1885     			croppedSubject.Set( croppedSubject.Mid( separatorPosition+1 ) );
  1886     			prefixFound = ETrue;
  1887 			    }
  1888 			}
  1889 	    }
  1890 	while ( prefixFound );
  1892 	HBufC* ret = croppedSubject.AllocLC();
  1894 	// Filter out undesirable characters and remove extra white space
  1895 	TPtr retPtr = ret->Des();
  1896 	FilterListItemTextL( retPtr );
  1898 	// Use "(no subject available)" text if subject is emtpy and this is not forbidden by caller
  1899 	if ( !ret->Length() && !aSuppressNotAvailableText )
  1900 	    {
  1901 	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ret );
  1902 	    ret = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_VIEWER_NO_SUBJECT );
  1903 	    }
  1905 	return ret;
  1906 	}
  1908 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1909 // TFsEmailUiUtility::CreateSubjectTextLC
  1910 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1911 HBufC* TFsEmailUiUtility::CreateSubjectTextLC( const CFSMailMessage* aMessage )
  1912     {
  1913     FUNC_LOG;
  1914     HBufC* subjectText = NULL;
  1916     if ( aMessage )
  1917         {
  1918         const TDesC* subject = &aMessage->GetSubject();
  1919         if ( subject )
  1920             {
  1921             subjectText = subject->AllocLC();
  1922             TPtr ptr( subjectText->Des() );
  1923             FilterListItemTextL( ptr );
  1924             // discard the subject text if it's empty after the filtering
  1925             if ( !subjectText->Length() )
  1926                 {
  1927                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( subjectText );
  1928                 subjectText = NULL;
  1929                 }
  1930             }
  1931         }
  1933     // Use "(no subject available)" text if no other visible subject got
  1934     if ( !subjectText )
  1935         {
  1936         subjectText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_VIEWER_NO_SUBJECT );
  1937         }
  1939     return subjectText;
  1940     }
  1943 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1944 // TFsEmailUiUtility::CreateBodyTextLC
  1945 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1946 HBufC* TFsEmailUiUtility::CreateBodyTextLC( const CFSMailMessage* aMessage )
  1947     {
  1948     FUNC_LOG;
  1949     HBufC* bodyText = NULL;
  1951     if ( aMessage )
  1952         {
  1953         CFSMailMessage* msg = const_cast<CFSMailMessage*> (aMessage);
  1954         CFSMailMessagePart* bodyPart = msg->PlainTextBodyPartL();
  1955         if ( bodyPart )
  1956             {
  1957             CleanupStack::PushL( bodyPart );
  1958             bodyText = HBufC::NewLC(bodyPart->ContentSize());
  1959             TPtr ptr =  bodyText->Des();
  1960             bodyPart->GetContentToBufferL(ptr, 0);
  1962             FilterListItemTextL( ptr );
  1963             // discard the subject text if it's empty after the filtering
  1964             if ( !bodyText->Length() )
  1965                 {
  1966                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bodyText );
  1967                 bodyText = NULL;
  1968                 }
  1969             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bodyPart );
  1970             }
  1971         }
  1973     // Use "(no subject available)" text if no other visible subject got
  1974     if ( !bodyText )
  1975         {
  1976         bodyText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_VIEWER_NO_SUBJECT );
  1977         }
  1979     return bodyText;
  1980     }
  1984 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1985 // TFsEmailUiUtility::FilterPreviewPaneTextL
  1986 // This function crops out tabulator and line feed characters from the given data.
  1987 // After that, it will makes sure that there are no consecutive space characters for
  1988 // preview pane text
  1989 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1990 //
  1991 void TFsEmailUiUtility::FilterListItemTextL( TDes& aText )
  1992     {
  1993     FUNC_LOG;
  1994     _LIT( KCharsToReplace, "\r\n\t\x2028\x2029" );
  1996     AknTextUtils::ReplaceCharacters( aText, KCharsToReplace, ' ' );
  1997     aText.TrimAll();
  1998     }
  2000 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2001 // TFsEmailUiUtility::MessageSizeClass
  2002 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2003 TMessageSizeClass TFsEmailUiUtility::MessageSizeClass( const CFSMailMessage& aMessage )
  2004     {
  2005     FUNC_LOG;
  2006     TUint msgSize = aMessage.ContentSize();
  2007     TMessageSizeClass sizeClass;
  2009     if ( msgSize < ETiny )
  2010         {
  2011         sizeClass = ETiny;
  2012         }
  2013     else if ( msgSize < ESmall )
  2014         {
  2015         sizeClass = ESmall;
  2016         }
  2017     else if ( msgSize < EMedium )
  2018         {
  2019         sizeClass = EMedium;
  2020         }
  2021     else if ( msgSize < ELarge )
  2022         {
  2023         sizeClass = ELarge;
  2024         }
  2025     else if ( msgSize < EVeryLarge )
  2026         {
  2027         sizeClass = EVeryLarge;
  2028         }
  2029     else if ( msgSize < EHuge )
  2030         {
  2031         sizeClass = EHuge;
  2032         }
  2033     else
  2034         {
  2035         sizeClass = EColossal;
  2036         }
  2038     return sizeClass;
  2039     }
  2041 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2042 // TFsEmailUiUtility::ConvertHtmlToTxtL
  2043 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2044 HBufC* TFsEmailUiUtility::ConvertHtmlToTxtL( const TDesC& aHtml )
  2045     {
  2046     FUNC_LOG;
  2047     enum TPrevious
  2048         {
  2049         ENone, // Nothing special in previous character
  2050         EHeadTag, // We are in head tag
  2051         ETagEnd, // Previous character contained tag ending
  2052         ESpace // Previous character contained space
  2053         };
  2055     _LIT( KTagStart, "<" );
  2056     _LIT( KTagEnd, ">" );
  2057     _LIT( KHeadStart, "head" );
  2058     _LIT( KHeadEnd, "/head>" );
  2060     TInt tagCount = 0; // Amount of nested tags
  2061     TInt sizeToParse = aHtml.Length(); // How much we have to parse
  2062     TPrevious previous = ENone; // Previous characters type.
  2063     HBufC* txtBuffer = HBufC::NewLC( sizeToParse );
  2065     // HTML parsing.
  2066     TInt lineFeedCount = 0;
  2067     TInt index = 0; // Parsing index
  2068     for ( index = 0; index < sizeToParse; index++ )
  2069         {
  2070         // Get the next character
  2071         TPtrC ptr = aHtml.Mid( index, 1 );
  2073         // Are we in header
  2074         if ( previous == EHeadTag )
  2075             {
  2076             // Is this a start of end tag
  2077             if ( ptr.Compare( KTagStart ) == 0 &&
  2078                     index + KHeadEnd().Length() < sizeToParse )
  2079                 {
  2080                 ptr.Set( aHtml.Mid( index + 1, KHeadEnd().Length() ) );
  2081                 if ( ptr.Compare( KHeadEnd ) == 0 )
  2082                     {
  2083                     previous = ETagEnd;
  2084                     index += KHeadEnd().Length();
  2085                     }
  2086                 }
  2088             }
  2089         // Is this a start of the tag
  2090         else if ( ptr.Compare( KTagStart ) == 0 )
  2091             {
  2092             lineFeedCount = 0;
  2094             if ( index + KHeadStart().Length() < sizeToParse )
  2095                 {
  2096                 ptr.Set( aHtml.Mid( index + 1, KHeadStart().Length() ) );
  2097                 if ( ptr.Compare( KHeadStart ) == 0 )
  2098                     {
  2099                     previous = EHeadTag;
  2100                     index += KHeadStart().Length();
  2101                     }
  2102                 }
  2104             if ( previous != EHeadTag )
  2105                 {
  2106                 // Increase the number of nested tags
  2107                 tagCount++;
  2108                 previous = ENone;
  2109                 }
  2110             }
  2111         // Are we inside of the tag
  2112         else if ( tagCount > 0 )
  2113             {
  2114             // Is this the end of the tag
  2115             if ( ptr.Compare( KTagEnd ) == 0 )
  2116                 {
  2117                 tagCount--;
  2118                 if ( tagCount < 0 )
  2119                     {
  2120                     // To avoid unnecessary errors convert negative
  2121                     // values to zero.
  2122                     tagCount = 0;
  2123                     }
  2124                 if ( tagCount == 0 )
  2125                     {
  2126                     previous = ETagEnd;
  2127                     }
  2128                 }
  2129             }
  2130         // We are not inside of the tag
  2131         else
  2132             {
  2133             if ( previous == ETagEnd )
  2134                 {
  2135                 // Skip multiple line feed and carriage return characters
  2136                 if ( ptr.Compare( KCarriageReturn ) != 0 &&
  2137                      ptr.Compare( KLineFeed ) != 0 )
  2138                     {
  2139                     if ( lineFeedCount > 0 )
  2140                         {
  2141                         txtBuffer->Des().Append( KLineFeed );
  2142                         lineFeedCount = 0;
  2143                         }
  2144                     txtBuffer->Des().Append( ptr );
  2145                     previous = ENone;
  2146                     }
  2147                 else if ( ptr.Compare( KLineFeed ) == 0 )
  2148                     {
  2149                     lineFeedCount++;
  2150                     }
  2151                 }
  2152             else
  2153                 {
  2154                 if ( previous == ESpace )
  2155                     {
  2156                     // Skip consecutive spaces
  2157  //                   if ( ptr.Compare( KSpace ) != 0 )
  2158  //                       {
  2159                             txtBuffer->Des().Append( ptr );
  2160  //                       }
  2161                     }
  2162                 else
  2163                     {
  2164                     txtBuffer->Des().Append( ptr );
  2165                     }
  2166                 if ( ptr.Compare( KSpace ) == 0 )
  2167                     {
  2168                     previous = ESpace;
  2169                     }
  2170                 else
  2171                     {
  2172                     previous = ENone;
  2173                     }
  2174                 }
  2175             }
  2176         }
  2178     CleanupStack::Pop( txtBuffer );
  2180     return txtBuffer;
  2181     }
  2183 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2184 // TFsEmailUiUtility::CompareMailAddressesL
  2185 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2186 TInt TFsEmailUiUtility::CompareMailAddressesL( CFSMailAddress* aAddr1,
  2187     CFSMailAddress* aAddr2 )
  2188 	{
  2189     FUNC_LOG;
  2190 	TInt result( 0 );
  2191 	if ( aAddr1 && aAddr2 )
  2192 		{
  2193 		HBufC* compareName1 = CreateCompareNameForAddressLC( *aAddr1 );
  2194         HBufC* compareName2 = CreateCompareNameForAddressLC( *aAddr2 );
  2196         result = compareName1->CompareC( *compareName2 );
  2198         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( compareName2 );
  2199         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( compareName1 );
  2200 		}
  2201 		// Check if one address pointer is valid instead of other -> result is non-zero.
  2202 	else if ( ( aAddr1 && !aAddr2  ) )
  2203 	    {
  2204 	    result = 1;
  2205 	    }
  2206 	else if ( !aAddr1 && aAddr2  )
  2207 		{
  2208 		result = -1;
  2209 		}
  2210 	return result;
  2211 	}
  2213 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2214 // TFsEmailUiUtility::CreateCompareNameForAddressLC
  2215 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2216 HBufC* TFsEmailUiUtility::CreateCompareNameForAddressLC( const CFSMailAddress& aAddress )
  2217     {
  2218     FUNC_LOG;
  2219     HBufC* result = NULL;
  2221     TDesC* displayName = &aAddress.GetDisplayName();
  2222     TDesC* emailAddress = &aAddress.GetEmailAddress();
  2224     if ( displayName && displayName->Length() )
  2225         {
  2226         result = displayName->AllocLC();
  2227         }
  2228     else if ( emailAddress && emailAddress->Length() )
  2229         {
  2230         result = emailAddress->AllocLC();
  2231         }
  2232     else
  2233         {
  2234         result = KNullDesC().AllocLC();
  2235         }
  2237     result->Des().LowerCase();
  2238     return result;
  2239     }
  2241 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2242 // TFsEmailUiUtility::CountRecepients
  2243 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2244 TInt TFsEmailUiUtility::CountRecepients( CFSMailMessage* aMsgPtr )
  2245     {
  2246     FUNC_LOG;
  2247     return aMsgPtr->GetToRecipients().Count() + aMsgPtr->GetCCRecipients().Count();
  2248     }
  2250 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2251 // TFsEmailUiUtility::CountRecipientsSmart
  2252 // Calculates recipient count from To and Cc recipient as well as tries to 
  2253 // see if the message is sent via message list.
  2254 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2255 TInt TFsEmailUiUtility::CountRecipientsSmart( CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi, CFSMailMessage* aMsgPtr )
  2256     {
  2257     FUNC_LOG;
  2258     TInt numRecipients( CountRecepients( aMsgPtr ) );
  2259     if ( numRecipients == 1 )
  2260         {
  2261         CFSMailBox* mailBox = NULL;
  2263         TRAPD( error, mailBox = aAppUi.GetMailClient()->GetMailBoxByUidL( aMsgPtr->GetMailBoxId() ) );
  2265         if (mailBox && !error)
  2266             {
  2267             //check if the malbox ownmailaddress is same as the recipients email address. If not, then assume that the
  2268             //email is a distribution list and we need to inc num of Recipients so that "Reply ALL" option appears in UI.
  2269             if ( aMsgPtr->GetToRecipients().Count() )
  2270                 {
  2271                 if ( mailBox->OwnMailAddress().GetEmailAddress().CompareF(aMsgPtr->GetToRecipients()[0]->GetEmailAddress()) )
  2272                     {
  2273                     numRecipients++;
  2274                     }
  2275                 }
  2276             if ( aMsgPtr->GetCCRecipients().Count() )
  2277                 {
  2278                 if ( mailBox->OwnMailAddress().GetEmailAddress().CompareF(aMsgPtr->GetCCRecipients()[0]->GetEmailAddress()) )
  2279                     {
  2280                     numRecipients++;
  2281                     }
  2282                 }
  2283             if ( aMsgPtr->GetBCCRecipients().Count() )
  2284                 {
  2285                 if ( mailBox->OwnMailAddress().GetEmailAddress().CompareF(aMsgPtr->GetBCCRecipients()[0]->GetEmailAddress()) )
  2286                     {
  2287                     numRecipients++;
  2288                     }
  2289                 }
  2290             }
  2292         delete mailBox;
  2293         }
  2295     return numRecipients;
  2296     }
  2298 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2299 // TFsEmailUiUtility::IsMessageBodyLargeL
  2300 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2301 TBool TFsEmailUiUtility::IsMessageBodyLargeL( CFSMailMessage* aMessage )
  2302     {
  2303     FUNC_LOG;
  2304     TBool ret = EFalse;
  2305     if ( aMessage )
  2306         {
  2307         CFSMailMessagePart* plainTextBodyPart = aMessage->PlainTextBodyPartL();
  2308         CleanupStack::PushL( plainTextBodyPart );
  2309         CFSMailMessagePart* htmlBodyPart = aMessage->HtmlBodyPartL();
  2310         CleanupStack::PushL( htmlBodyPart );
  2312         if ( (plainTextBodyPart && plainTextBodyPart->FetchedContentSize() > KLargePlainTextSizeLimit) ||
  2313              (htmlBodyPart && htmlBodyPart->FetchedContentSize() > KLargeHtmlTextSizeLimit) )
  2314             {
  2315             ret = ETrue;
  2316             }
  2318         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( htmlBodyPart );
  2319         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( plainTextBodyPart );
  2320         }
  2321     return ret;
  2322     }
  2324 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2325 // TFsEmailUiUtility::GetUnreadMsgIconL
  2326 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2327 TFSEmailUiTextures TFsEmailUiUtility::GetUnreadMsgIcon( CFSMailMessage* aMsgPtr )
  2328 	{
  2329     FUNC_LOG;
  2330 	TFSEmailUiTextures textureId;
  2331 	// Unread calendar invitation
  2332 	if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_CalendarMsg ))
  2333 		{
  2334 		if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Important ) )
  2335 			{
  2336 			if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Attachments ) )
  2337 				{
  2338 				textureId = EMessageCalInvitationAttachmentsHighPrio ;
  2339 				}
  2340 			else
  2341 				{
  2342 				textureId = EMessageCalInvitationHighPrio;
  2343 				}
  2344 			}
  2345 		else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Low ) )
  2346 			{
  2347 			if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Attachments ) )
  2348 				{
  2349 				textureId = EMessageCalInvitationAttachmentsLowPrio;
  2350 				}
  2351 			else
  2352 				{
  2353 				textureId = EMessageCalInvitationLowPrio;
  2354 				}
  2355 			}
  2356 		else
  2357 			{
  2358 			if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Attachments ) )
  2359 				{
  2360 				textureId = EMessageCalInvitationAttachments;
  2361 				}
  2362 			else
  2363 				{
  2364 				textureId = EMessageCalInvitation;
  2365 				}
  2366 			}
  2367         // <cmail>
  2368 		TBool cancellationMsg = EFalse;
  2369 		TRAP_IGNORE( cancellationMsg = IsMrCancellationMsgL( aMsgPtr ) );
  2370 		if ( cancellationMsg )
  2371 		    {
  2372 		    textureId = EMessageCalInvitationCancelled;
  2373 		    }
  2374         // </cmail>
  2375 		}
  2376 	else	// Normal message icons
  2377 		{
  2378 		// Check whether msg has attachment or not
  2379 		if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Attachments )) // Has attachments
  2380 			{
  2381 			if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Important )) // High priority, has attachments
  2382 				{
  2383 				if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Answered ) )
  2384 					{
  2385 					textureId = EMessageUnreadRepliedHighPrioIconAttachment;
  2386 					}
  2387 				else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Forwarded ) )
  2388 					{
  2389 					textureId = EMessageUnreadForwardedHighPrioIconAttachment;
  2390 					}
  2391 				else
  2392 					{
  2393 					textureId = EMessageHighPrioUnreadIconAttachment;
  2394 					}
  2395 				}
  2396 			else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Low ) ) // Low priority, has attachments
  2397 				{
  2398 				if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Answered ) )
  2399 					{
  2400 					textureId = EMessageUnreadRepliedLowPrioIconAttachment;
  2401 					}
  2402 				else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Forwarded ) )
  2403 					{
  2404 					textureId = EMessageUnreadForwardedLowPrioIconAttachment;
  2405 					}
  2406 				else
  2407 					{
  2408 					textureId = EMessageLowPrioUnreadIconAttachment;
  2409 					}
  2410 				}
  2411 			else // Normal priority, has attachments
  2412 				{
  2413 				if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Answered ) )
  2414 					{
  2415 					textureId = EMessageUnreadRepliedIconAttachment;
  2416 					}
  2417 				else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Forwarded ) )
  2418 					{
  2419 					textureId = EMessageUnreadForwardedIconAttachment;
  2420 					}
  2421 				else
  2422 					{
  2423 					textureId = EMessageUnreadIconAttachment;
  2424 					}
  2425 				}
  2426 			}
  2428 		else // No attachments
  2429 			{
  2430 			if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Important )) // High priority, no attachments
  2431 				{
  2432 				if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Answered ) )
  2433 					{
  2434 					textureId = EMessageUnreadRepliedHighPrioIcon;
  2435 					}
  2436 				else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Forwarded ) )
  2437 					{
  2438 					textureId = EMessageUnreadForwardedHighPrioIcon;
  2439 					}
  2440 				else
  2441 					{
  2442 					textureId = EMessageHighPrioUnreadIcon;
  2443 					}
  2444 				}
  2445 			else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Low ) ) // Low priority, no attachments
  2446 				{
  2447 				if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Answered ) )
  2448 					{
  2449 					textureId = EMessageUnreadRepliedLowPrioIcon;
  2450 					}
  2451 				else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Forwarded ) )
  2452 					{
  2453 					textureId = EMessageUnreadForwardedLowPrioIcon;
  2454 					}
  2455 				else
  2456 					{
  2457 					textureId = EMessageLowPrioUnreadIcon;
  2458 					}
  2459 				}
  2460 			else // Normal priority, no attachments
  2461 				{
  2462 				if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Answered ) )
  2463 					{
  2464 					textureId = EMessageUnreadRepliedIcon;
  2465 					}
  2466 				else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Forwarded ) )
  2467 					{
  2468 					textureId = EMessageUnreadForwardedIcon;
  2469 					}
  2470 				else
  2471 					{
  2472 					textureId = EMessageUnreadIcon;
  2473 					}
  2474 				}
  2475 			}
  2476 		}
  2477 	return textureId;
  2478 	}
  2481 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2482 // TFsEmailUiUtility::GetReadMsgIconL
  2483 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2484 TFSEmailUiTextures TFsEmailUiUtility::GetReadMsgIcon( CFSMailMessage* aMsgPtr )
  2485 	{
  2486     FUNC_LOG;
  2487 	TFSEmailUiTextures textureId;
  2488 	// Check for calendar invitation first
  2489 	if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_CalendarMsg ))
  2490 		{
  2491 		if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Important ) )
  2492 			{
  2493 			if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Attachments ) )
  2494 				{
  2495 				textureId = EMessageCalInvitationReadAttachmentsHighPrio ;
  2496 				}
  2497 			else
  2498 				{
  2499 				textureId = EMessageCalInvitationReadHighPrio;
  2500 				}
  2501 			}
  2502 		else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Low ) )
  2503 			{
  2504 			if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Attachments ) )
  2505 				{
  2506 				textureId = EMessageCalInvitationReadAttachmentsLowPrio;
  2507 				}
  2508 			else
  2509 				{
  2510 				textureId = EMessageCalInvitationReadLowPrio;
  2511 				}
  2512 			}
  2513 		else
  2514 			{
  2515 			if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Attachments ) )
  2516 				{
  2517 				textureId = EMessageCalInvitationReadAttachments;
  2518 				}
  2519 			else
  2520 				{
  2521 				textureId = EMessageCalInvitationRead;
  2522 				}
  2523 			}
  2524 		// <cmail>
  2525 		TBool cancellationMsg = EFalse;
  2526 		TRAP_IGNORE( cancellationMsg = IsMrCancellationMsgL( aMsgPtr ) );
  2527 		if ( cancellationMsg )
  2528 		    {
  2529             textureId = EMessageCalInvitationCancelled;
  2530             }
  2531         // </cmail>
  2532 		}
  2533 	else	// Normal message icons
  2534 		{
  2535 		// Check whether msg has attachment or not
  2536 		if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Attachments )) // Has attachments
  2537 			{
  2538 			if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Important )) // High priority, has attachments
  2539 				{
  2540 				if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Answered ) )
  2541 					{
  2542 					textureId = EMessageReadRepliedHighPrioIconAttachment;
  2543 					}
  2544 				else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Forwarded ) )
  2545 					{
  2546 					textureId = EMessageReadForwardedHighPrioIconAttachment;
  2547 					}
  2548 				else
  2549 					{
  2550 					textureId = EMessageHighPrioReadIconAttachment;
  2551 					}
  2552 				}
  2553 			else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Low ) ) // Low priority, has attachments
  2554 				{
  2555 				if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Answered ) )
  2556 					{
  2557 					textureId = EMessageReadRepliedLowPrioIconAttachment;
  2558 					}
  2559 				else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Forwarded ) )
  2560 					{
  2561 					textureId = EMessageReadForwardedLowPrioIconAttachment;
  2562 					}
  2563 				else
  2564 					{
  2565 					textureId = EMessageLowPrioReadIconAttachment;
  2566 					}
  2567 				}
  2568 			else // Normal priority, has attachments
  2569 				{
  2570 				if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Answered ) )
  2571 					{
  2572 					textureId = EMessageReadRepliedIconAttachment;
  2573 					}
  2574 				else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Forwarded ) )
  2575 					{
  2576 					textureId = EMessageReadForwardedIconAttachment;
  2577 					}
  2578 				else
  2579 					{
  2580 					textureId = EMessageReadIconAttachment;
  2581 					}
  2582 				}
  2583 			}
  2584 		else // No attachments
  2585 			{
  2586 			if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Important )) // High priority, no attachments
  2587 				{
  2588 				if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Answered ) )
  2589 					{
  2590 					textureId = EMessageReadRepliedHighPrioIcon;
  2591 					}
  2592 				else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Forwarded ) )
  2593 					{
  2594 					textureId = EMessageReadForwardedHighPrioIcon;
  2595 					}
  2596 				else
  2597 					{
  2598 					textureId = EMessageHighPrioReadIcon;
  2599 					}
  2600 				}
  2601 			else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Low ) ) // Low priority, no attachments
  2602 				{
  2603 				if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Answered ) )
  2604 					{
  2605 					textureId = EMessageReadRepliedLowPrioIcon;
  2606 					}
  2607 				else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Forwarded ) )
  2608 					{
  2609 					textureId = EMessageReadForwardedLowPrioIcon;
  2610 					}
  2611 				else
  2612 					{
  2613 					textureId = EMessageLowPrioReadIcon;
  2614 					}
  2615 				}
  2616 			else // Normal priority, no attachments
  2617 				{
  2618 				if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Answered ) )
  2619 					{
  2620 					textureId = EMessageReadRepliedIcon;
  2621 					}
  2622 				else if ( aMsgPtr->IsFlagSet( EFSMsgFlag_Forwarded ) )
  2623 					{
  2624 					textureId = EMessageReadForwardedIcon;
  2625 					}
  2626 				else
  2627 					{
  2628 					textureId = EMessageReadIcon;
  2629 					}
  2630 				}
  2631 			}
  2632 		}
  2633 	return textureId;
  2634 	}
  2636 // <cmail>
  2637 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2638 // TFsEmailUiUtility::IsMrCancellationMsgL
  2639 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2640 TBool TFsEmailUiUtility::IsMrCancellationMsgL( CFSMailMessage* aMsgPtr )
  2641     {
  2642     FUNC_LOG;
  2643     TBool isCancel = EFalse;
  2645     if ( !iMrViewer )
  2646         {
  2647         if ( !iMrViewerCallback )
  2648             {
  2649             iMrViewerCallback = new (ELeave) CMrViewerEmptyCallback;
  2650             }
  2651         iMrViewer = CESMRIcalViewer::NewL( *iMrViewerCallback );
  2652         }
  2654     TESMRMeetingRequestMethod method = iMrViewer->ResolveMeetingRequestMethodL(*aMsgPtr);
  2655     if ( method == EESMRMeetingRequestMethodCancellation )
  2656         {
  2657         isCancel = ETrue;
  2658         }
  2660     return isCancel;
  2661     }
  2662 // </cmail>
  2664 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2665 // TFsEmailUiUtility::CopyToClipboardL
  2666 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2667 void TFsEmailUiUtility::CopyToClipboardL( const TDesC &aBuf )
  2668 	{
  2669     FUNC_LOG;
  2670 	CClipboard* cb = CClipboard::NewForWritingLC( CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession() );
  2672 	cb->StreamDictionary().At( KClipboardUidTypePlainText );
  2674 	CPlainText* plainText = CPlainText::NewL();
  2675 	CleanupStack::PushL( plainText );
  2677 	plainText->InsertL( 0 , aBuf );
  2679 	plainText->CopyToStoreL( cb->Store(), cb->StreamDictionary(), 0, plainText->DocumentLength() );
  2681 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( plainText );
  2682 	cb->CommitL();
  2683 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cb );
  2684 	}
  2686 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2687 // TFsEmailUiUtility::ToggleEmailIconL
  2688 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2689 void TFsEmailUiUtility::ToggleEmailIconL(TBool aIconOn )
  2690 	{
  2691     FUNC_LOG;
  2692 	if(aIconOn)
  2693 		{
  2694 		RProperty::Set( KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsNewEmailStatus, ECoreAppUIsNewEmail );
  2695 		}
  2696 	else
  2697 		{
  2698 		RProperty::Set( KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsNewEmailStatus, ECoreAppUIsNoNewEmail );
  2699 		}
  2700 	}
  2702 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2703 // TFsEmailUiUtility::DisplayMsgsMovedNoteL
  2704 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2705 void TFsEmailUiUtility::DisplayMsgsMovedNoteL( TInt aMsgCount, const TFSMailMsgId aDestinationFolderId,
  2706 										   	   TBool /*aIsWaitingNote*/ )
  2707 	{
  2708     FUNC_LOG;
  2709 	if ( aDestinationFolderId.Id() != 0 )
  2710 		{
  2711 		CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* appUi = (CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi*)CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi();
  2712 		CFSMailFolder* folder = appUi->GetMailClient()->GetFolderByUidL( appUi->GetActiveMailboxId(), aDestinationFolderId );
  2713 		if ( folder )
  2714 			{
  2715 			CleanupStack::PushL( folder );
  2716 			HBufC* folderName(0);
  2717 			TInt folderType = folder->GetFolderType();
  2718 			switch ( folderType )
  2719 				{
  2720 				case EFSInbox:
  2721 					{
  2722 					folderName = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_FOLDER_LIST_INBOX );
  2723 					}
  2724 					break;
  2725 				case EFSOutbox:
  2726 					{
  2727 					folderName = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_FOLDER_LIST_OUTBOX );
  2728 					}
  2729 					break;
  2730 				case EFSDraftsFolder:
  2731 					{
  2732 					folderName = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_FOLDER_LIST_DRAFTS );
  2733 					}
  2734 					break;
  2735 				case EFSSentFolder:
  2736 					{
  2737 					folderName = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_FOLDER_LIST_SENT );
  2738 					}
  2739 					break;
  2740 				case EFSDeleted:
  2741 					{
  2742 					folderName = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_FOLDER_LIST_DELETED );
  2743 					}
  2744 					break;
  2745 				default:
  2746 					{
  2747 					folderName = HBufC::NewLC( folder->GetFolderName().Length() );
  2748 					folderName->Des().Append( folder->GetFolderName() );
  2749 					}
  2750 					break;
  2751 				}
  2752 			if ( aMsgCount == 1)
  2753 				{
  2754 				HBufC* noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_MESSAGE_TO_FOLDER, *folderName  );
  2755 				// <cmail> replace global note with aknnote to allow exiting with red key
  2756 			    //CAknGlobalNote* globalNote = CAknGlobalNote::NewLC();
  2757 			    //globalNote->ShowNoteL( EAknGlobalInformationNote, *noteText );
  2758             	CAknInformationNote* note = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote( ETrue );
  2759             	note->ExecuteLD( *noteText );
  2760             	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( noteText );
  2761 			    //CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );
  2762 			    // </cmail>
  2763 				}
  2764 			else if ( aMsgCount > 1 )
  2765 				{
  2766 				HBufC* noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_MESSAGES_TO_FOLDER, *folderName, aMsgCount );
  2767 			    // <cmail> replace global note with aknnote to allow exiting with red key
  2768 			    //CAknGlobalNote* globalNote = CAknGlobalNote::NewLC();
  2769 			    //globalNote->ShowNoteL( EAknGlobalInformationNote, *noteText );
  2770             	CAknInformationNote* note = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote( ETrue );
  2771             	note->ExecuteLD( *noteText );
  2772             	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( noteText );
  2773 			    // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );
  2774 			    // </cmail>
  2775 				}
  2776 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( folderName );
  2777 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( folder );
  2778 			}
  2779 		}
  2780 	}
  2782 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2783 // TFsEmailUiUtility::IsOfflineModeL
  2784 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2785 //
  2786 TBool TFsEmailUiUtility::IsOfflineModeL()
  2787     {
  2788     FUNC_LOG;
  2789     TBool isOffline( EFalse );
  2790     TInt status( ECoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed );
  2792     CRepository* cenRep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidCoreApplicationUIs );
  2793     if ( cenRep )
  2794         {
  2795         cenRep->Get( KCoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed, status );
  2796         }
  2797     delete cenRep;
  2799     if ( status == ECoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionNotAllowed )
  2800 	    {
  2801 	    isOffline = ETrue;
  2802 	    }
  2804     return isOffline;
  2805     }
  2807 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2808 // TFsEmailUiUtility::StripDisplayName
  2809 // Drop out unwanted characters from display name such as <> and ""
  2810 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2811 void TFsEmailUiUtility::StripDisplayName( HBufC& aDisplayName )
  2812 	{
  2813     FUNC_LOG;
  2814 	// Drop out unwanted chars from display name
  2815 	if ( aDisplayName.Length() > 2)
  2816 		{
  2817 		// Drop out <> and "" characters.
  2818 		if ( aDisplayName.Locate('"') == 0 ) // check if  first char is quation mark
  2819 			{
  2820 			if ( aDisplayName.LocateReverse('"') == aDisplayName.Length()-1 ) // last char
  2821 				{
  2822 				// Remove first and last
  2823 				aDisplayName.Des().Delete(0,1);
  2824 				aDisplayName.Des().Delete(aDisplayName.Length()-1,1);
  2825 				}
  2826 			}
  2827 		else if ( aDisplayName.Locate('<') == 0 ) // Else check if first char is bracket
  2828 			{
  2829 			if ( aDisplayName.LocateReverse('>') == aDisplayName.Length()-1 ) // last char bracket
  2830 				{
  2831 				// Remove first and last
  2832 				aDisplayName.Des().Delete(0,1);
  2833 				aDisplayName.Des().Delete(aDisplayName.Length()-1,1);
  2834 				}
  2835 			}
  2836 		}
  2837 	}
  2839 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2840 // TFsEmailUiUtility::DisplayCreateMailboxQueryL
  2841 // @return ETrue if user answered "Yes", EFalse if user answered "No"
  2842 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2843 //
  2844 TBool TFsEmailUiUtility::DisplayCreateMailboxQueryL()
  2845     {
  2846     FUNC_LOG;
  2847     // load text from resource
  2848     HBufC* question = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FS_EMAIL_SETTINGS_ADD_MAILBOX_TXT );
  2850     // show dialog
  2851     TRequestStatus status = KRequestPending;
  2852     CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery* query = CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery::NewL();
  2853     CleanupStack::PushL( query );
  2854     query->ShowConfirmationQueryL( status, *question, R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_YES_NO );
  2855     User::WaitForRequest( status );
  2857     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // query question
  2859     return ( status.Int() == EAknSoftkeyYes );
  2860     }
  2862 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2863 // TFsEmailUiUtility::BringFsEmailToForeground
  2864 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2865 //
  2866 void TFsEmailUiUtility::BringFsEmailToForeground()
  2867     {
  2868     FUNC_LOG;
  2869     TApaTaskList taskList( CEikonEnv::Static()->WsSession() );
  2870     TApaTask task = taskList.FindApp( KFSEmailUiUid );
  2871     if ( task.Exists() )
  2872         {
  2873         task.BringToForeground();
  2874         }
  2875     }
  2877 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2878 // Creates a displayname of firstname and lastname components
  2879 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2880 //
  2881 HBufC* TFsEmailUiUtility::CreateDisplayNameLC( const TDesC& aFirstname,
  2882     const TDesC& aLastname )
  2883     {
  2884     FUNC_LOG;
  2885     return CreateDisplayNameLC( aFirstname, aLastname, KNullDesC );
  2886     }
  2888 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2889 // TFsEmailUiUtility::CreateDisplayNameLC
  2890 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2891 //
  2892 HBufC* TFsEmailUiUtility::CreateDisplayNameLC( const TDesC& aFirstname,
  2893     const TDesC& aLastname, const TDesC& aEmailField )
  2894 	{
  2895     FUNC_LOG;
  2896 	HBufC* displayname = NULL;
  2898 	if ( aFirstname.Length() == 0 )
  2899 		{
  2900 		if ( aLastname.Length() == 0 )
  2901 			{
  2902 			//There's just the email address for Displayname
  2903 			displayname = aEmailField.AllocLC();
  2904 			}
  2905 		else
  2906 			{
  2907 			//Lastname = displayname
  2908 			displayname = aLastname.AllocLC();
  2909 			}
  2910 		}
  2912 	else if ( aLastname.Length() == 0 )
  2913 		{
  2914 		//Firstname = displayname
  2915 		displayname = aFirstname.AllocLC();
  2916 		}
  2918 	else
  2919 		{
  2920 		//Displayname = "firstname lastname"
  2921 		displayname = HBufC::NewLC( aFirstname.Length() +
  2922 									KSpace().Length() +
  2923 									aLastname.Length() );
  2924 		displayname->Des().Copy( aFirstname );
  2925 		displayname->Des().Append( KSpace );
  2926 		displayname->Des().Append( aLastname );
  2927 		}
  2929 	return displayname;
  2930 	}
  2932 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2933 // TFsEmailUiUtility::GetFullIconFileNameL
  2934 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2935 void TFsEmailUiUtility::GetFullIconFileNameL( TDes& aFileName )
  2936     {
  2937     FUNC_LOG;
  2938     aFileName.Zero();
  2939     aFileName.Copy( KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR );
  2940     aFileName.Append( KFsEmailIconFileName );
  2941     User::LeaveIfError( CompleteWithAppPath( aFileName ) );
  2942     }
  2944 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2945 // TFsEmailUiUtility::DoFileExtensionsMatchL
  2946 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2947 TBool TFsEmailUiUtility::DoFileExtensionsMatchL( const TDesC& aFileName1,
  2948                                                  const TDesC& aFileName2 )
  2949     {
  2950     FUNC_LOG;
  2951     TParse parse1;
  2952     TParse parse2;
  2954     parse1.Set( aFileName1, NULL, NULL );
  2955     parse2.Set( aFileName2, NULL, NULL );
  2957     HBufC* ext1 = parse1.Ext().AllocLC();
  2958     HBufC* ext2 = parse2.Ext().AllocLC();
  2960     ext1->Des().LowerCase();
  2961     ext2->Des().LowerCase();
  2963     TBool match = (*ext1 == *ext2);
  2965     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ext2 );
  2966     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ext1 );
  2968     return match;
  2969     }
  2971 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2972 // TFsEmailUiUtility::CopyFileToTempDirL
  2973 // Makes a copy of given file to the temp directory of FsEmailUI.
  2974 // Caller is reponsible of closing the returned file handle.
  2975 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2976 RFile TFsEmailUiUtility::CopyFileToTempDirL( const RFile& aSourceFile,
  2977                                              const TDesC& aTargetFileName )
  2978     {
  2979     FUNC_LOG;
  2980     RFs fs( CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession() );
  2982     // Remove any illegal characters from the target file name
  2983     TFileName targetFileName = aTargetFileName.Right( KMaxFileName ); // truncate just in case; make sure that any file extension remains
  2984     _LIT( KIllegalCharacters, "*?\\<>:\"/|\r\n\t\x2028\x2029" );
  2985     const TText KReplacementChar = '_';
  2986     AknTextUtils::ReplaceCharacters( targetFileName, KIllegalCharacters, KReplacementChar );
  2987     targetFileName.Trim();
  2988     // File name can't begin nor end with dot (.) and cannot be empty
  2989     if ( !targetFileName.Length() )
  2990         {
  2991         targetFileName.Append( KReplacementChar );
  2992         }
  2993     else
  2994         {
  2995         if ( targetFileName[0] == '.' )
  2996             {
  2997             targetFileName[0] = KReplacementChar;
  2998             }
  2999         if ( targetFileName[ targetFileName.Length()-1 ] == '.' )
  3000             {
  3001             targetFileName[ targetFileName.Length()-1 ] = KReplacementChar;
  3002             }
  3003         }
  3005     // If we still couldn't create a legal name, then use the original name as fallback solution
  3006     if ( !fs.IsValidName( targetFileName ) )
  3007         {
  3008         aSourceFile.Name( targetFileName );
  3009         }
  3011     // Construct target file full name
  3012     TFileName targetFilePath;
  3013     GetTempPathL( fs, targetFilePath );
  3014     targetFilePath.Append( targetFileName );
  3016     CFileMan* fileMan = CFileMan::NewL( fs );
  3017     TInt err = fileMan->Copy( aSourceFile, targetFilePath );
  3018     delete fileMan;
  3019     // KErrInUse ignoring check is needed because copying might not succeed
  3020     // if file already exists and handle remains open.
  3021     if ( err != KErrNone && err != KErrInUse )
  3022         {
  3023         User::LeaveIfError( err );
  3024         }
  3026     // Open the copied file
  3027     RFile resultFile;
  3028     err = resultFile.Open( fs, targetFilePath, EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly );
  3029     User::LeaveIfError( err );
  3031     return resultFile;
  3032     }
  3034 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3035 // TFsEmailUiUtility::EraseTempDir
  3036 // Deletes all files from our temporary directory
  3037 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3038 void TFsEmailUiUtility::EraseTempDir()
  3039     {
  3040     FUNC_LOG;
  3041     RFs fs( CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession() );
  3043     TFileName deleteNamePattern;
  3044     TRAPD( err, GetTempPathL( fs, deleteNamePattern ) );
  3045     if ( !err )
  3046         {
  3047         deleteNamePattern.Append( '*' );
  3048         BaflUtils::DeleteFile( fs, deleteNamePattern );
  3049         }
  3050     }
  3052 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3053 // TFsEmailUiUtility::GetTempPathL
  3054 // Get EmailUI temp directory path. Creates the directory if it does not exist.
  3055 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3056 void TFsEmailUiUtility::GetTempPathL( RFs& aFs, TDes& aPath )
  3057     {
  3058     FUNC_LOG;
  3059     _LIT( KDriveCPath, "C:" );
  3061     TInt err = aFs.PrivatePath( aPath );
  3062     User::LeaveIfError( err );
  3064     aPath.Insert( 0, KDriveCPath );
  3065     aPath.Append( KFsEmailTempDirName );
  3066     BaflUtils::EnsurePathExistsL( aFs, aPath );
  3067     }
  3069 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3070 // TFsEmailUiUtility::EnsureFsMailServerIsRunning
  3071 // Checks if FSMailServer is running. If not, then launches it.
  3072 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3073 void TFsEmailUiUtility::EnsureFsMailServerIsRunning( RWsSession& aWsSession )
  3074     {
  3075     FUNC_LOG;
  3076     TRAP_IGNORE( EnsureFsMailServerIsRunningL( aWsSession ) );
  3077     }
  3079 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3080 // TFsEmailUiUtility::EnsureFsMailServerIsRunningL
  3081 // Checks if FSMailServer is running. If not, then launches it.
  3082 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3083 void TFsEmailUiUtility::EnsureFsMailServerIsRunningL( RWsSession& aWsSession )
  3084     {
  3085     FUNC_LOG;
  3087     TApaTaskList taskList( aWsSession );
  3088     TApaTask task = taskList.FindApp( KFSMailServerUid );
  3090     if ( !task.Exists() )
  3091         {
  3092         // FSMailServer is not running, try to launch it
  3094         // Get this process' file name to get the correct drive letter
  3095         RProcess process;
  3096         TFileName processFileName = process.FileName();
  3097         process.Close();
  3099         // Parse the full path to FSMailServer exe
  3100         TParse parse;
  3101         User::LeaveIfError( parse.Set( KFSMailServerExe, &processFileName, NULL) );
  3103         // Store the full path
  3104         processFileName = parse.FullName();
  3106         CApaCommandLine* cmdLine = CApaCommandLine::NewLC();
  3107         cmdLine->SetExecutableNameL( processFileName );
  3108         // Launch FSMailServer in background so that it doesn't steal
  3109         // the focus during it's construction
  3110         cmdLine->SetCommandL( EApaCommandBackground );
  3112         RApaLsSession ls;
  3113         User::LeaveIfError( ls.Connect() );
  3114         CleanupClosePushL( ls );
  3116         TThreadId threadId;
  3117         // Is there anything we can do in case of error?
  3118         //       Try to launch from another drive etc.?
  3119         TInt error = ls.StartApp( *cmdLine, threadId );
  3121         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &ls );
  3122         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cmdLine );
  3123         }
  3124     }
  3128 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  3130 //
  3132 //Singleton* Singleton::pinstance = 0;
  3133 // Initialize static member variables
  3134 CFscContactActionMenu* CFSEmailUiActionMenu::iActionMenu = NULL;
  3135 TFileName CFSEmailUiActionMenu::iIconFilePath;
  3136 RPointerArray<CGulIcon> CFSEmailUiActionMenu::iIconArray;
  3138 CFSEmailUiActionMenu* CFSEmailUiActionMenu::NewL( CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* aAppUi )
  3139 	{
  3140     FUNC_LOG;
  3141     CFSEmailUiActionMenu* self = new (ELeave) CFSEmailUiActionMenu( aAppUi );
  3142     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
  3143     self->ConstructL();
  3144     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
  3145     return self;
  3146 	}
  3148 CFSEmailUiActionMenu::CFSEmailUiActionMenu( CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* aAppUi )
  3149 	: iAppUi( aAppUi )
  3150 	{
  3152 	}
  3154 CFSEmailUiActionMenu::~CFSEmailUiActionMenu()
  3155 	{
  3156     FUNC_LOG;
  3157 	if( iActionMenu )
  3158 		{
  3159 		delete iActionMenu;
  3160 		}
  3161 	if ( iService )
  3162 		{
  3163 		delete iService;
  3164 		}
  3165 	iIconArray.ResetAndDestroy();
  3166 	}
  3168 void CFSEmailUiActionMenu::ConstructL()
  3169 	{
  3170     FUNC_LOG;
  3171     if( !iActionMenu )
  3172         {
  3173         iService = CFscContactActionService::NewL( iAppUi->GetVPbkManagerL() );
  3174         iActionMenu = CFscContactActionMenu::NewL( *iService );
  3175         }
  3176     TFsEmailUiUtility::GetFullIconFileNameL( iIconFilePath );
  3177 	}
  3179 CFscContactActionMenu* CFSEmailUiActionMenu::GetActionMenu()
  3180 	{
  3181 	return iActionMenu;
  3182 	}
  3184 void CFSEmailUiActionMenu::RemoveAllL()
  3185 	{
  3186     FUNC_LOG;
  3187     if ( iIconArray.Count() == 0 )
  3188         {
  3189         CreateIconsL();
  3190         }
  3191 	iActionMenu->Model().RemoveAll( ETrue );
  3192 	}
  3194 void CFSEmailUiActionMenu::AddCustomItemL( TActionMenuCustomItemId aItemId )
  3195 	{
  3196     FUNC_LOG;
  3197     if ( iIconArray.Count() == 0 )
  3198         {
  3199         CreateIconsL();
  3200         }
  3201 	HBufC* itemText = NULL;
  3202 	CGulIcon* itemIcon = iIconArray[aItemId-1];
  3203 	switch( aItemId )
  3204 		{
  3205 		case FsEActionMenuOpen:
  3206 			{
  3207 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_OPEN );
  3208 			}
  3209 			break;
  3210 		case FsEActionMenuOpenCalendarEvent:
  3211 			{
  3212 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_OPEN );
  3213 			}
  3214 			break;
  3215 		case FsEActionMenuReply:
  3216 			{
  3217 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_REPLY );
  3218 			}
  3219 			break;
  3221 		case FsEActionMenuReplyAll:
  3222 			{
  3223 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_REPLY_ALL );
  3224 			}
  3225 			break;
  3227 		case FsEActionMenuForward:
  3228 			{
  3229 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_FORWARD );
  3230 			}
  3231 			break;
  3233 		case FsEActionMenuDelete:
  3234 			{
  3235 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_DELETE );
  3236 			}
  3237 			break;
  3239 		case FsEActionMenuAccept:
  3240 			{
  3241 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_ACCEPT );
  3242 			}
  3243 			break;
  3245 		case FsEActionMenuTentative:
  3246 			{
  3247 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_TENTATIVE );
  3248 			}
  3249 			break;
  3251 		case FsEActionMenuDecline:
  3252 			{
  3253 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_DECLINE );
  3254 			}
  3255 			break;
  3257 		case FsEActionMenuRemoveFormCal:
  3258 			{
  3259 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_REM_FROM_CAL );
  3260 			}
  3261 			break;
  3263 		case FsEActionMenuMarkRead:
  3264 			{
  3265 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_MARK_READ );
  3266 			}
  3267 			break;
  3269 		case FsEActionMenuMarkUnread:
  3270 			{
  3271 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_MARK_UNREAD );
  3272 			}
  3273 			break;
  3275 		case FsEActionMenuCall:
  3276 			{
  3277 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_CALL );
  3278 			}
  3279 			break;
  3280         // <cmail> video call
  3281         case FsEActionMenuCallVideo:
  3282             {
  3283             itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_CALL_VIDEO );
  3284             }
  3285             break;
  3286         // </cmail>
  3287 		case FsEActionMenuCreateMessage:
  3288 			{
  3289 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_CREATE_MESSAGE );
  3290 			}
  3291 			break;
  3292 		case FsEActionMenuCreateEmail:
  3293 		    {
  3294             itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_CREATE_EMAIL );
  3295 		    }
  3296 			break;
  3297 		case FsEActionMenuContactDetails:
  3298 			{
  3299 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_CONTACT_DETAILS );
  3300 			}
  3301 			break;
  3303 		case FsEActionMenuAddToContacts:
  3304 			{
  3305 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_ADD_TO_CONTACTS );
  3306 			}
  3307 			break;
  3309 		case FsEActionMenuRemoteLookup:
  3310 			{
  3311 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_REMOTE_LOOKUP );
  3312 			}
  3313 			break;
  3315 		case FsEActionMenuMove:
  3316 			{
  3317 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_MOVE );
  3318 			}
  3319 			break;
  3321 		case FsEActionMenuMoveToDrafts:
  3322 			{
  3323 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_MOVE_TO_DRAFTS );
  3324 			}
  3325 			break;
  3326 		case FsEActionMenuOpenInWeb:
  3327 			{
  3328 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_OPEN_IN_WEB );
  3329 			}
  3330 			break;
  3331 		case FsEActionMenuOpenInIntranet:
  3332 			{
  3333 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_OPEN_IN_INTRA );
  3334 			}
  3335 			break;
  3336 		case FsEActionMenuBookmark:
  3337 			{
  3338 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_BOOKMARK );
  3339 			}
  3340 			break;
  3341 		case FsEActionAttachmentOpen:
  3342 			{
  3343 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_OPEN );
  3344 			}
  3345 			break;
  3346 		case FsEActionAttachmentDownload:
  3347 			{
  3348 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_ATTACH_DOWNLOAD );
  3349 			}
  3350 			break;
  3351 		case FsEActionAttachmentCancelDownload:
  3352 			{
  3353 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_ATTACH_CANCEL );
  3354 			}
  3355 			break;
  3356 		case FsEActionAttachmentSave:
  3357 			{
  3358 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_ATTACH_SAVE );
  3359 			}
  3360 			break;
  3361         case FsEActionAttachmentAdd:
  3362             {
  3363             itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_ATTACH_ADD );
  3364             }
  3365             break;
  3366         case FsEActionAttachmentRemove:
  3367             {
  3368             itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_ATTACH_REMOVE );
  3369             }
  3370             break;
  3371         case FsEActionAttachmentViewAll:
  3372             {
  3373             itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_ATTACH_VIEW_ALL );
  3374             }
  3375             break;
  3376 		case FsEActionAttachmentDownloadAll:
  3377 			{
  3378 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_ATTACH_DOWNLOAD_ALL );
  3379 			}
  3380 			break;
  3382 		case FsEActionAttachmentCancelAllDownloads:
  3383 			{
  3384 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_ATTACH_CANCEL_ALL );
  3385 			}
  3386 			break;
  3387 		case FsEActionAttachmentSaveAll:
  3388 			{
  3389 			itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_ATTACH_SAVE_ALL );
  3390 			}
  3391 			break;
  3392 		case FsEActionAttachmentRemoveAll:
  3393             {
  3394             itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_ATTACH_REMOVE_ALL );
  3395             }
  3396             break;
  3397 		case FsEActionAttachmentClearFetchedContent:
  3398 		    {
  3399 		    itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_ATTACH_CLEAR_FETCHED );
  3400 		    }
  3401 		    break;
  3402 		case FsEActionAttachmentRemoveUnfetchedAttachment:
  3403 		    {
  3404 		    itemText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FREESTYLE_EMAIL_UI_AM_ATTACH_REMOVE_UNFETCHED );
  3405 		    }
  3406 		    break;
  3407 		default:
  3408 		    {
  3409 		    itemText = KNullDesC().AllocLC();
  3410 		    }
  3411 			break;
  3412 		}
  3414 	TUid itemUid;
  3415 	itemUid.iUid = TInt(aItemId);
  3417     CleanupStack::PushL( itemIcon );
  3418 	CFscContactActionMenuItem* menuItem = iActionMenu->Model().NewMenuItemL( *itemText, itemIcon, KActionMenuItemNormalPriority, EFalse, itemUid);
  3419     CleanupStack::PushL( menuItem );
  3420     iActionMenu->Model().AddItemL( menuItem );
  3421     CleanupStack::Pop( menuItem );
  3422     CleanupStack::Pop( itemIcon );
  3423     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( itemText );
  3424 	}
  3426 void CFSEmailUiActionMenu::AddCustomItemsL( RFsEActionMenuIdList aItemList )
  3427 	{
  3428     FUNC_LOG;
  3429 	for( TInt i = 0; i < aItemList.Count(); i++ )
  3430 		{
  3431 		AddCustomItemL( aItemList[i] );
  3432 		}
  3433 	}
  3435 // <cmail>
  3436 void CFSEmailUiActionMenu::Dismiss( TBool aSlide )
  3437     {
  3438     FUNC_LOG;
  3439     if( iActionMenu )
  3440         {
  3441         iActionMenu->Dismiss( aSlide );
  3442         }
  3443     }
  3444 // </cmail>
  3446 TActionMenuCustomItemId CFSEmailUiActionMenu::ExecuteL(
  3447 	TFscContactActionMenuPosition aPosition,
  3448 	TInt aIndex,
  3449 	MFsActionMenuPositionGiver* aPositionGiver)
  3450 	{
  3451     FUNC_LOG;
  3452     if ( iIconArray.Count() == 0 )
  3453         {
  3454         CreateIconsL();
  3455         }
  3456 	TFscActionMenuResult menuResult = iActionMenu->ExecuteL( aPosition, aIndex, aPositionGiver );
  3457     if ( menuResult == EFscCustomItemSelected )
  3458     	{
  3459     	return ResolveSelectedCustomItemIdL();
  3460     	}
  3461     else if( menuResult == EFscCasItemSelectedAndExecuted )
  3462     	{
  3463     	return FsEActionMenuCasItemSelectedAndExecuted;
  3464     	}
  3465     else
  3466     	{
  3467     	return FsEActionMenuDismissed;
  3468     	}
  3469 	}
  3471 TActionMenuCustomItemId CFSEmailUiActionMenu::ExecuteL(
  3472 	RFsEActionMenuIdList aItemList,
  3473 	TFscContactActionMenuPosition aPosition,
  3474 	TInt aIndex,
  3475 	MFsActionMenuPositionGiver* aPositionGiver)
  3476 	{
  3477     FUNC_LOG;
  3478     if ( iIconArray.Count() == 0 )
  3479         {
  3480         CreateIconsL();
  3481         }
  3482 	RemoveAllL();
  3483 	AddCustomItemsL( aItemList );
  3484 	return ExecuteL( aPosition, aIndex, aPositionGiver );
  3485 	}
  3486 // </cmail>
  3489 TActionMenuCustomItemId CFSEmailUiActionMenu::ResolveSelectedCustomItemIdL()
  3490 	{
  3491     FUNC_LOG;
  3492     if ( iIconArray.Count() == 0 )
  3493         {
  3494         CreateIconsL();
  3495         }
  3496 	TInt itemIndex = iActionMenu->FocusedItemIndex();
  3497 	TUid itemUid = iActionMenu->Model().ItemL( itemIndex ).ImplementationUid();
  3499 	return TActionMenuCustomItemId( itemUid.iUid );
  3500 	}
  3502 void CFSEmailUiActionMenu::CreateIconsL()
  3503 	{
  3504     FUNC_LOG;
  3505 	iIconArray.ResetAndDestroy();
  3507 	// UPDATE ICONS!
  3508 // <cmail> icons changed
  3509 	// NOTE: Must be appended same order as are in TActionMenuCustomItemIds!
  3510  	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_indi_cmail_read, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_indi_cmail_read_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuOpen
  3511   	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_indi_cmail_calendar_event_read, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_indi_cmail_calendar_event_read_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuOpen
  3512   	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_reply, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_reply_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuReply
  3513  	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_reply_all, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_reply_all_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuReplyAll
  3514  	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_forward, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_forward_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuForward
  3515  	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_delete, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_delete_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuDelete
  3516  	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_indi_cmail_calendar_tracking_accept, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_indi_cmail_calendar_tracking_accept_mask  ) ); // FsEActionMenuAccept
  3517  	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_indi_cmail_calendar_tracking_tentative, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_indi_cmail_calendar_tracking_tentative_mask  ) ); // FsEActionMenuTentative
  3518  	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_indi_cmail_calendar_tracking_reject, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_indi_cmail_calendar_tracking_reject_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuDecline
  3519  	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_indi_cmail_calendar_delete, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_indi_cmail_calendar_delete_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuDecline
  3520  	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_mark_read, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_mark_read_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuMarkRead
  3521  	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_mark_unread, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_mark_unread_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuMarkUnread
  3522  	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_call, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_call_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuCall
  3523     // <cmail> video call
  3524     iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_call_video, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_call_video_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuCallVideo
  3525     // </cmail>
  3526  	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_create_msg, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_create_msg_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuCreateMessage
  3527     iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_email,  EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_email_mask) ); // FsEActionMenuCreateEmail
  3528  	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_contact_detail, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_contact_detail_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuContactDetails
  3529  	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_add_to_contacts, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_add_to_contacts_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuAddToContacts
  3530  	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_remote_lookup, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_remote_lookup_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuRemoteLookup
  3531 	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_move_msg, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_move_msg_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuMove
  3532 	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_move_to_drafts, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_move_to_drafts_mask  ) ); // FsEActionMenuMoveToDrafts
  3533 	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_menu_browserng, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_menu_browserng_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuOpenInWeb
  3534 	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_menu_intranet, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_menu_intranet_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuOpenInIntranet
  3535 	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_wml_bookmark, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_wml_bookmark_mask ) ); // FsEActionMenuBookmark
  3536 	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_open, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_open_mask ) ); // FsEActionAttachmentOpen
  3537 	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_download, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_download_mask ) ); // FsEActionAttachmentDownload
  3538 	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_cancel_download, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_cancel_download_mask ) ); // FsEActionAttachmentCancelDownload
  3539 	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_save, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_save_mask ) ); // FsEActionAttachmentSave
  3540     iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_list_options_add, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_list_options_add_mask ) ); // FsEActionAttachmentAdd
  3541     iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_list_options_delete, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_list_options_delete_mask ) ); // FsEActionAttachmentRemove
  3542     iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_list_options_view_all, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_list_options_view_all_mask ) ); // FsEActionAttachmentViewAll
  3543 	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_download_all, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_download_all_mask ) ); // FsEActionAttachmentDownloadAll
  3544 	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_list_options_cancel_all, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_list_options_cancel_all_mask ) ); // FsEActionAttachmentCancelAllDownloads
  3545 	iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_save_all, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_save_all_mask ) ); // FsEActionAttachmentSaveAll
  3546     iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_list_options_delete_all, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_list_options_delete_all_mask ) ); // FsEActionAttachmentRemoveAll
  3547     iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_list_options_delete, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_list_options_delete_mask ) ); // FsEActionAttachmentClearFetchedContent
  3548     iIconArray.AppendL( CreateIconL( EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_list_options_delete, EMbmFreestyleemailuiQgn_prop_cmail_action_attachment_list_options_delete_mask ) ); // FsEActionAttachmentRemoveUnfetchedAttachment
  3549 // </cmail>
  3550 	}
  3552 CGulIcon* CFSEmailUiActionMenu::CreateIconL( TInt aBitmapId, TInt aMaskId )
  3553 	{
  3554     FUNC_LOG;
  3555 	// Define default icon object
  3556     CFbsBitmap* iconBitmap;
  3557     CFbsBitmap* iconMaskBitmap;
  3558     TSize defaultIconSize(30,30);
  3560 	// Create "CALL" Item
  3561     AknIconUtils::CreateIconLC(iconBitmap, iconMaskBitmap, iIconFilePath, aBitmapId, aMaskId );
  3562     AknIconUtils::SetSize(iconBitmap, defaultIconSize);
  3563     AknIconUtils::SetSize(iconMaskBitmap, defaultIconSize);
  3564     CGulIcon* icon = CGulIcon::NewL(iconBitmap, iconMaskBitmap);
  3565     CleanupStack::Pop(2);
  3566     return icon;
  3567 	}
  3569 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  3571 //
  3573 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3574 // CFSEmailUiGenericTimer::NewL
  3575 // NewL function. Returns timer object.
  3576 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3577 //
  3578 CFSEmailUiGenericTimer* CFSEmailUiGenericTimer::NewL(
  3579 	MFSEmailUiGenericTimerCallback* aCallback,
  3580 	const TInt aPriority )
  3581     {
  3582     FUNC_LOG;
  3583     CFSEmailUiGenericTimer* self = NewLC( aCallback, aPriority );
  3584     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
  3585     return self;
  3586     }
  3588 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3589 // CFSEmailUiGenericTimer::NewL
  3590 // NewL function. Returns timer object.
  3591 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3592 //
  3593 CFSEmailUiGenericTimer* CFSEmailUiGenericTimer::NewLC(
  3594 	MFSEmailUiGenericTimerCallback* aCallback,
  3595 	const TInt aPriority )
  3596     {
  3597     FUNC_LOG;
  3598     CFSEmailUiGenericTimer* self = new (ELeave) CFSEmailUiGenericTimer( aCallback, aPriority );
  3599     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
  3600     self->ConstructL();
  3601     return self;
  3602     }
  3604 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3605 // CFSEmailUiGenericTimer::NewL
  3606 // NewL function. Returns timer object.
  3607 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3608 //
  3609 void CFSEmailUiGenericTimer::ConstructL()
  3610     {
  3611     FUNC_LOG;
  3612     CTimer::ConstructL();
  3613     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
  3614     }
  3616 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3617 // CFSEmailUiGenericTimer::~CFSEmailUiGenericTimer
  3618 // D'tor
  3619 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3620 //
  3621 CFSEmailUiGenericTimer::~CFSEmailUiGenericTimer()
  3622     {
  3623     FUNC_LOG;
  3624     Cancel();
  3625     iCallback = NULL;
  3626     }
  3628 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3629 // CFSEmailUiGenericTimer::CFSEmailUiGenericTimer
  3630 // C'tor
  3631 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3632 //
  3633 CFSEmailUiGenericTimer::CFSEmailUiGenericTimer(
  3634 	MFSEmailUiGenericTimerCallback* aCallback,
  3635 	const TInt aPriority )
  3636 	: CTimer( aPriority ),
  3637 	iCallback( aCallback )
  3638     {
  3639     }
  3641 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3642 // CFSEmailUiGenericTimer::RunL
  3643 // Timer trigger function.
  3644 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3645 //
  3646 void CFSEmailUiGenericTimer::RunL()
  3647     {
  3648     FUNC_LOG;
  3649     if ( iCallback )
  3650     	{
  3651     	iCallback->TimerEventL( this );
  3652     	}
  3653     }
  3655 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3656 // CFSEmailUiGenericTimer::Start
  3657 // Timer starting function.
  3658 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3659 //
  3660 void CFSEmailUiGenericTimer::Start( TInt aInterval )
  3661     {
  3662     FUNC_LOG;
  3663     Cancel();
  3664     if( aInterval < 0 )
  3665     	{
  3666     	aInterval = KGenericTimerDefaultInterval;
  3667     	}
  3668 	After( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32( aInterval * 1000 ) );
  3669     }
  3671 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3672 // CFSEmailUiGenericTimer::Stop
  3673 // Timer stopping function
  3674 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3675 //
  3676 void CFSEmailUiGenericTimer::Stop()
  3677     {
  3678     FUNC_LOG;
  3679     Cancel();
  3680     }
  3682 TKeyResponse CFSEmailUiCallDialog::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent &aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType)
  3683     {
  3684     if (aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyYes )
  3685         {
  3686         TKeyEvent newEvent;
  3687         newEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyEnter;
  3688         newEvent.iCode = EKeyEnter;
  3689         return CAknQueryDialog::OfferKeyEventL(newEvent, aType);
  3690         }
  3691     else
  3692         {
  3693         return CAknQueryDialog::OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent, aType);
  3694         }
  3695     }