changeset 0 8466d47a6819
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Interface definition for ESMR calendar entry
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef MESMRCALENTRY_H
    20 #define MESMRCALENTRY_H
    22 //<cmail>
    23 #include "esmrdef.h"
    24 //</cmail>
    26 class CCalEntry;
    27 class CCalInstance;
    29 /**
    30  * MESMRMeetingRequestEntry provides utility functions for handling MR Entry.
    31  *
    32  * @lib esmrservices.lib
    33  */
    34 class MESMRCalEntry
    35     {
    36 public: // Definitions
    37     /** 
    38      * Enumeration for cal entry type
    39      */
    40     enum TESMRCalEntryType
    41         {
    42         EESMRCalEntryNotSupported = -1, // Entry type not supported
    43         EESMRCalEntryMeetingRequest,    // Meeting request entry
    44         EESMRCalEntryMeeting,           // Meeting entry
    45         EESMRCalEntryTodo,              // TO-DO entry
    46         EESMRCalEntryMemo,              // Memo entry
    47         EESMRCalEntryReminder,          // Reminder entry
    48         EESMRCalEntryAnniversary        // Anniversary entry
    49         };
    51     /** 
    52      * Enumeration for recurrence modifying rule
    53      */
    54     enum TESMRRecurrenceModifyingRule
    55         {
    56         // Modify only this entry
    57         EESMRThisOnly,
    58         // Modification applies to all entries in the series
    59         EESMRAllInSeries
    60         };
    62     /** 
    63      * Enumeration for alarm type
    64      */
    65     enum TESMRAlarmType
    66         {
    67         /** 
    68          * Entry does not contain alarm 
    69          */
    70         EESMRAlarmNotFound,
    71         /** 
    72          * Alarm is absolute
    73          */
    74         EESMRAlarmAbsolute,
    75         /** 
    76          * Alarm is relative to meeting start time
    77          */
    78         EESMRAlarmRelative
    79         };
    81 public: // Destruction
    82     /**
    83      * Virtual destructor.
    84      */
    85     virtual ~MESMRCalEntry() { }
    87 public: // Interface
    88     /**
    89      * Fetches calendar entry type.
    90      * @return calendar entry type.
    91      */
    92     virtual TESMRCalEntryType Type() const = 0;
    94     /**
    95      * Fetches reference to this calendar entry.
    96      * @return Reference to this entry.
    97      */
    98     virtual MESMRCalEntry& MESMRCalEntryRef() = 0;
   100     /**
   101      * Fetches const reference to this calendar entry.
   102      * @return const reference to this calendar entry.
   103      */
   104     virtual const MESMRCalEntry& MESMRCalEntryRef() const = 0;
   106     /**
   107      * Fetches constant reference to CCalEntry.
   108      * @return const reference to CCalEntry.
   109      */
   110     virtual const CCalEntry& Entry() const = 0;
   112     /**
   113      * Fetches reference to CCalEntry.
   114      * @return reference to CCalEntry.
   115      */
   116     virtual CCalEntry& Entry() = 0;
   118     /**
   119      * Fetches calendar entry's instance. Ownership is transferred to caller.
   120      * @return Reference to calendar entry's instance.
   121      */
   122     virtual CCalInstance* InstanceL() const = 0;
   124     /**
   125      * Tests, if recurrence can be set.
   126      * @return ETrue, if recurrence can be set. EFalse otherwise.
   127      */
   128     virtual TBool CanSetRecurrenceL() const = 0;
   130     /**
   131      * Tests, if this is recurrent meeting request.
   132      * @return ETrue, if this is recurrent meeting request.
   133      */
   134    virtual TBool IsRecurrentEventL() const = 0;
   136     /**
   137      * Fetches entry's recurrence value.
   138      * @param aRecurrence On return contains entry's recurrence information
   139      * @param aUntil On return contains time in UTC until recurrence is valid.
   140      */
   141     virtual void GetRecurrenceL(
   142             TESMRRecurrenceValue& aRecurrence,
   143             TTime& aUntil ) const = 0;
   145     /**
   146      * Sets recurrence to ES MR entry. If until time is not set
   147      * (i.e, it is null time), then until time is implementation
   148      * dependent.
   149      * When recurrence is set to ERecurrenceNot, then aUntil parameter
   150      * is ignored.
   151      * @param aRecurrece Recurrece value.
   152      * @param aUntil Recurrence valid until in UTC format.
   153      * @error KErrNotSupported Entry cannot be recurrenced.
   154      */
   155     virtual void SetRecurrenceL(
   156             TESMRRecurrenceValue aRecurrence,
   157             TTime aUntil = Time::NullTTime() ) = 0;
   159     /**
   160      * Fetches recurrence modification rule.
   161      * @return Modification rule.
   162      */
   163     virtual TESMRRecurrenceModifyingRule RecurrenceModRule() const = 0;
   165     /**
   166     * Sets modifying rule role to meeting request.
   167     * @param aRule Recurrence modification rule.
   168     */
   169    virtual void SetModifyingRuleL(
   170            TESMRRecurrenceModifyingRule aRule ) = 0;
   172         /**
   173      * Sets the entry priority.
   174      * @param aPriority entry priority.
   175      */
   176     virtual void SetPriorityL(
   177             TUint aPriority ) = 0;
   179     /**
   180      * Fetches the entry priority.
   181      * @return entry priority.
   182      */
   183     virtual TUint GetPriorityL() const = 0;
   185     /**
   186      * Sets meeting to be all day event.
   187      * @param aStartDate Start date information
   188      * @param aEndDate End date information
   189      */
   190     virtual void SetAllDayEventL(
   191             TTime aStartDate,
   192             TTime aEndDate ) = 0;
   194     /**
   195      * Tests, if entry is all day event.
   196      * @return ETrue, if entry is all day event
   197      */
   198     virtual TBool IsAllDayEventL() const = 0;
   200     /**
   201      * Tests whether this entry has been stored to db or not.
   202      * @return ETrue, if entry is stored to calendar DB.
   203      */
   204     virtual TBool IsStoredL() const = 0;
   206     /**
   207      * Tests if this entry has been sent to attendees.
   208      * @return ETrue, if entry is sent to attendees
   209      */
   210     virtual TBool IsSentL() const = 0;
   212     /**
   213      * Tests, whether entry is edited.
   214      * @return ETrue, if entry is edited.
   215      */
   216     virtual TBool IsEntryEditedL() const = 0;
   218     /**
   219      * Fetches alarm information from entry.
   220      * @param aAlarmType On return contains alarm type.
   221      * @param aAlarmTime On return contains time when alarm occurs.
   222      */
   223     virtual void GetAlarmL(
   224             TESMRAlarmType& aAlarmType,
   225             TTime &aAlarmTime ) = 0;
   227     /**
   228      * Fetches unmodified entry instance.
   229      * @return CCalEntry original entry
   230      */
   231     virtual const CCalEntry& OriginalEntry() = 0;
   232     };
   235 #endif // MESMRCALENTRY_H
   237 // EOF