changeset 26 968773a0b6ef
equal deleted inserted replaced
25:3533d4323edc 26:968773a0b6ef
     1 /* ============================================================================
     2  *  Name        :  popimapprofiletesterBlocks.cpp
     3  *  Part of     :  ipsservices / profiletester 
     4  *  Description :: STIF test cases
     5  *  Version     : %version: 1 % << Don't touch! Updated by Synergy at check-out.
     6  *
     7  *  Copyright © 2010-2010 Nokia and/or its subsidiary(-ies).  All rights reserved.
     8  *  This material, including documentation and any related computer
     9  *  programs, is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia.  All
    10  *  rights are reserved.  Copying, including reproducing, storing,
    11  *  adapting or translating, any or all of this material requires the
    12  *  prior written consent of Nokia.  This material also contains
    13  *  confidential information which may not be disclosed to others
    14  *  without the prior written consent of Nokia.
    15  * ============================================================================
    16  */
    18 //--INCLUDE FILES-- 
    19 #include <e32svr.h>
    20 #include <StifParser.h>
    21 #include <StifTestInterface.h>
    22 #include <e32math.h>
    23 #include <msvids.h>
    24 #include "popimapprofiletester.h"
    25 _LIT( KPopImapProfileTester, "c:\\TestFramework\\TestFramework_ips.ini" );
    26 _LIT( KStifEmailSubject, "STIF Basic Operations test" );
    27 _LIT( KStifEmailSubjectDes,"STIF_");
    28 _LIT( KStifEmailBodyText, "This is a temporary STIF test message");
    29 _LIT( KStifEmailSubjectAttHandling, "STIF Attachment Handling Test" );
    30 _LIT( KStifEmailToRec1, "dummyTo1@empty.com" );
    31 _LIT( KStifEmailCcRec1, "dummyCc1@empty.com" );
    32 _LIT( KStifEmailCcRec2, "dummyCc2@empty.com" );
    33 _LIT( KStifEmailBccRec1, "dummyBcc1@empty.com" );
    35 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    37 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    38 // CPopImapProfileTester::Delete
    39 // Delete here all resources allocated and opened from test methods. 
    40 // Called from destructor. 
    41 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    42 //
    43 void CPopImapProfileTester::Delete()
    44     {
    45     }
    47 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    48 // CPopImapProfileTester::RunMethodL
    49 // Run specified method. Contains also table of test mothods and their names.
    50 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    51 //
    52 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::RunMethodL(CStifItemParser& aItem)
    53     {
    54     static TStifFunctionInfo const
    55             KFunctions[] =
    56                 {
    57                         // Copy this line for every implemented function.
    58                         // First string is the function name used in TestScripter script file.
    59                         // Second is the actual implementation member function. 
    60                         ENTRY( "SetupAccount", CPopImapProfileTester::SetupAccountL ),
    61                         ENTRY( "GoOnline", CPopImapProfileTester::GoOnlineL ),
    62                         ENTRY( "GoOffline", CPopImapProfileTester::GoOfflineL ),
    63                         ENTRY( "RefreshNow", CPopImapProfileTester::RefreshNowL ),
    64                         ENTRY( "CancelSync", CPopImapProfileTester::CancelSyncL ),
    65                         ENTRY( "ListStandardFolders", CPopImapProfileTester::ListStandardFoldersL ),
    66                         ENTRY( "ListFolders", CPopImapProfileTester::ListFoldersL ),
    67                         ENTRY( "ListMessages", CPopImapProfileTester::ListMessagesL ),
    68                         ENTRY( "FetchMessages", CPopImapProfileTester::FetchMessagesL ),
    69                         ENTRY( "SendMessage", CPopImapProfileTester::SendMessageL ),
    70                         ENTRY( "BasicMsgOperations", CPopImapProfileTester::BasicMsgOperationsL ),
    71                         ENTRY( "CopyMoveMsgs", CPopImapProfileTester::CopyMoveMsgsL ),
    72                         ENTRY( "Search", CPopImapProfileTester::SearchL ),
    73                         ENTRY( "AttachmentHandling", CPopImapProfileTester::AttachmentHandlingL ),
    74                         ENTRY( "Branding", CPopImapProfileTester::BrandingL ),
    75                         ENTRY( "DeleteMsgs", CPopImapProfileTester::DeleteMsgsL ),
    76                         ENTRY( "RemoveAccount", CPopImapProfileTester::RemoveAccountL ),
    77                 };
    79     const TInt count = sizeof(KFunctions) / sizeof(TStifFunctionInfo);
    81     InitMailboxL();
    82     return RunInternalL(KFunctions, count, aItem);
    83     }
    85 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 // CPopImapProfileTester:: SetupAccountL
    87 // Method used to create an imap or pop account, depends on .cfg file
    88 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    89 //
    90 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::SetupAccountL(CStifItemParser& /* aItem */)
    91     {
    92     //I.Check if mail client exists
    93     if (NULL == iMailClient)
    94         {
    95         iLog->Log(_L( "Error: Failed to create test instance(No Memory)." ));
    96         return KErrNoMemory;
    97         }
    98     TInt err(KErrNone);
   100     // II. Check if imap/pop profile already exists
   102     if (NULL != iIPSMailbox)
   103         {
   104         iLog->Log(_L("Error: There is IMAP/POP profile alredy existed"));
   105         return KErrAlreadyExists;
   106         }
   108     iLog->Log(_L( "== SetupAccount Begins ==" ));
   109     TAccountSetting settings;
   110     // III. Read settings and write to CR
   111     ReadAccountSettings(settings);
   112     err = WriteToWizardCRL(settings);
   113     iLog->Log(_L( "== WriteToWizardCR Ends err=%d" ), err);
   114     iLog->Log(_L( "== End a transaction in SetupAccount ==" ));
   116     // IV. Create mailbox through WizardDataAvailableL()
   117     err = iMailClient->WizardDataAvailableL();
   118     if (KErrNone == err)
   119         WaitForEvent(TFSEventNewMailbox, NULL, NULL, KTenSecondsTime);
   120     err = InitMailboxL();
   121     if ((KErrNone == err) && NULL != iIPSMailbox)
   122         err = KErrNone;
   123     else
   124         err = KErrGeneral;
   126     iLog->Log(_L( "== SetupAccount Ends err=%d" ), err);
   127     return err;
   128     }
   129 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 // CPopImapProfileTester:: GoOnlineL
   131 // Method used to let phone online
   132 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   133 //
   134 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::GoOnlineL(CStifItemParser& /* aItem */)
   135     {
   136     TInt err(KErrNone);
   137     if (NULL == iIPSMailbox)
   138         {
   139         iLog->Log(_L("Error: IMAP/POP profile does NOT exist"));
   140         return KErrGeneral;
   141         }
   143     iLog->Log(_L( "== GoOnline Begins ==" ));
   145     // check current mailbox status
   146     TBuf<10> statusDes;
   147     TFSMailBoxStatus status = iIPSMailbox->GetMailBoxStatus();
   148     if (status == EFSMailBoxOffline)
   149         {
   150         statusDes.Copy(_L("offline"));
   151         }
   152     else if (status == EFSMailBoxOnline)
   153         {
   154         statusDes.Copy(_L("online"));
   155         iLog->Log(_L("Mailbox has been Online, go offline firstly"));
   156         iLog->Log(_L( "== GoOnline ends err=%d" ), err);
   157         return KErrGeneral;
   158         }
   159     else
   160         {
   161         statusDes.Copy(_L("unknown"));
   162         }
   164     iLog->Log(_L("Going online (from %S)..."), &statusDes);
   165     TSSMailSyncState syncstatus = iIPSMailbox->CurrentSyncState();
   166     // call function to go online
   167     iEventSynchronousCall = ETrue;
   168     iIPSMailbox->GoOnlineL();
   169     syncstatus = iIPSMailbox->CurrentSyncState();
   170     // we should likely base on TFSEventMailboxOnline, but this does not come always (?)
   171     err = WaitForEvent(TFSEventMailboxOnline, NULL, NULL, KOneMinuteTime);
   173     syncstatus = iIPSMailbox->CurrentSyncState();
   175     //check status of current mailbox again
   176     status = iIPSMailbox->GetMailBoxStatus();
   178     if (status == EFSMailBoxOnline)
   179         {
   180         err = KErrNone;
   181         iLog->Log(_L("Success: mailbox online"));
   182         }
   183     else
   184         {
   185         err = KErrGeneral;
   186         iLog->Log(_L("Failed: mailbox status- %S"), &statusDes);
   187         }
   189     iLog->Log(_L( "== GoOnline ends err=%d" ), err);
   190     return err;
   191     }
   192 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   193 // CPopImapProfileTester:: GoOfflineL
   194 // Method used to let phone offline
   195 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   196 //
   197 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::GoOfflineL(CStifItemParser& /* aItem */)
   198     {
   199     TInt err(KErrNone);
   200     if (NULL == iIPSMailbox)
   201         {
   202         iLog->Log(_L("Error: IMAP/POP profile does NOT exist"));
   203         return KErrGeneral;
   204         }
   206     iLog->Log(_L( "== GoOffline Begins ==" ));
   207     TBuf<10> statusDes;
   208     TFSMailBoxStatus status = iIPSMailbox->GetMailBoxStatus();
   209     if (status == EFSMailBoxOffline)
   210         {
   211         statusDes.Copy(_L("offline"));
   212         iLog->Log(_L("Mailbox has been Offline, go online firstly"));
   213         iLog->Log(_L( "== GoOffline ends err=%d" ), err);
   214         return KErrGeneral;
   215         }
   216     else if (status == EFSMailBoxOnline)
   217         {
   218         statusDes.Copy(_L("online"));
   219         }
   220     else
   221         {
   222         statusDes.Copy(_L("unknown"));
   223         }
   225     iLog->Log(_L("Going offline (from %S)..."), &statusDes);
   227     // call function to go offline
   228     iEventSynchronousCall = ETrue;
   229     TSSMailSyncState syncstatus = iIPSMailbox->CurrentSyncState();
   230     iIPSMailbox->GoOfflineL();
   231     syncstatus = iIPSMailbox->CurrentSyncState();
   232     err = WaitForEvent(TFSEventMailboxOffline, NULL, NULL, KOneMinuteTime);
   233     syncstatus = iIPSMailbox->CurrentSyncState();
   234     //check status of current mailbox again
   235     status = iIPSMailbox->GetMailBoxStatus();
   237     if (status == EFSMailBoxOffline)
   238         {
   239         iLog->Log(_L("Success: mailbox offline"));
   240         }
   241     else
   242         {
   243         err = KErrGeneral;
   244         iLog->Log(_L("Failed: mailbox status- %S"), &statusDes);
   245         }
   247     iLog->Log(_L( "GoOffline ends err=%d" ), err);
   248     return err;
   249     }
   250 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   251 // CPopImapProfileTester:: RefreshNowL
   252 // Method used to let phone refresh
   253 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   254 //
   255 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::RefreshNowL(CStifItemParser& /* aItem */)
   256     {
   257     TInt err(KErrNone);
   258     if (NULL == iIPSMailbox)
   259         {
   260         iLog->Log(_L("Error: IMAP/POP profile does NOT exist"));
   261         return KErrGeneral;
   262         }
   263     iLog->Log(_L( "RefreshNow begins" ));
   264     TInt reqId = iIPSMailbox->RefreshNowL(*this);
   265     iLog->Log(_L("Request Id -> %d"), reqId);
   266     TSSMailSyncState syncstatus = iIPSMailbox->CurrentSyncState();
   267     if ((StartingSync == syncstatus) || (EmailSyncing == syncstatus))
   268         err = WaitForEvent(TFSEventMailboxOnline);
   269     else
   270         err = KErrGeneral;
   271     if (err == KErrNone)
   272         {
   273         WaitForResponse(TFSProgress::EFSStatus_RequestComplete, KOneMinuteTime*3);
   274         syncstatus = iIPSMailbox->CurrentSyncState();
   275         }
   276     iLog->Log(_L( "RefreshNow ends err=%d" ), err);
   277     return err;
   278     }
   279 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   280 // CPopImapProfileTester:: CancelSyncL
   281 // Method used to cancle action of Sync.
   282 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   283 //
   284 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::CancelSyncL(CStifItemParser& /* aItem */)
   285     {
   286     TInt err(KErrNone);
   287     if (NULL == iIPSMailbox)
   288         {
   289         iLog->Log(_L("Error: IMAP/POP profile does NOT exist"));
   290         return KErrGeneral;
   291         }
   292     iLog->Log(_L( "CancelSync begins" ));
   293     iIPSMailbox->RefreshNowL(*this);
   294     err = WaitForEvent(TFSEventMailboxOnline);
   295     if (KErrNone == err)
   296         {
   297         iIPSMailbox->CancelSyncL();
   298         err = WaitForEvent(TFSEventMailboxOffline);
   299         TSSMailSyncState syncstatus = iIPSMailbox->CurrentSyncState();
   300         if ((err != KErrNone) || (Idle != syncstatus))
   301         	{
   302             err = KErrGeneral;
   303         	}
   304         }
   305     iLog->Log(_L( "CancelSync ends err=%d" ), err);
   306     return err;
   307     }
   308 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   309 // CPopImapProfileTester::ListStandardFoldersL
   310 // Method used to list standard folders
   311 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   312 //
   313 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::ListStandardFoldersL(CStifItemParser& /* aItem */)
   314     {
   315     if (NULL == iIPSMailbox)
   316         {
   317         iLog->Log(_L("Error: IMAP/POP profile does NOT exist"));
   318         return KErrGeneral;
   319         }
   321     TInt err(KErrNone);
   322     iLog->Log(_L( "ListStandardFolders begins" ));
   324     // list all root folders
   325     RPointerArray<CFSMailFolder> rootFolders;
   326     iIPSMailbox->ListFolders(TFSMailMsgId(), rootFolders);
   328     // how many root folders we have
   329     TInt rootFolderCount = rootFolders.Count();
   331     /* Standard folders are:
   332      * EFSInbox, EFSOutbox, EFSDraftsFolder, EFSSentFolder, EFSDeleted
   333      * IMAP/POP may not have 'EFSDeleted'? Four only?
   334      */
   336     // check if all standard folders are present among root folders
   337     TFSMailMsgId folderId = TFSMailMsgId();
   338     iLog->Log(_L("== List of Standard Folders == "));
   339     for (TInt i = 1; i < EFSDeleted; ++i)
   340         {
   341         folderId = iIPSMailbox->GetStandardFolderId((TFSFolderType) i);
   342         TBool folderPresent = EFalse;
   343         for (TInt ii = 0; ii < rootFolderCount; ++ii)
   344             {
   345             if (rootFolders[ii]->GetFolderId() == folderId)
   346                 {
   347                 iLog->Log(_L("   %S"), &rootFolders[ii]->GetFolderName());
   348                 folderPresent = ETrue;
   349                 break;
   350                 }
   351             }
   352         if (NULL == folderPresent)
   353             {
   354             iLog->Log(_L("  Error: folder of id %d is missing"), i);
   355             err = KErrNotFound;
   356             }
   357         }
   358     rootFolders.ResetAndDestroy();
   360     iLog->Log(_L( "ListStandardFolders ends err=%d" ), err);
   361     return err;
   362     }
   363 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   364 // CPopImapProfileTester::ListFoldersL
   365 // Method used to list all folders
   366 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   367 //
   368 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::ListFoldersL(CStifItemParser& aItem)
   369     {
   370     if (NULL == iIPSMailbox)
   371         {
   372         iLog->Log(_L("Error: IMAP/POP profile does NOT exist"));
   373         return KErrGeneral;
   374         }
   375     /**
   376      * 1. Check subfolders of given folder - use ListFolders(FSMailMsgId, RPointerArray<CFSMailFolder>&)
   377      * 2. List all folders and compare check cout of listed folders - use ListFolders()
   378      * 
   379      */
   380     TInt paramErr(KErrNone);
   381     TInt err(KErrNone);
   382     iLog->Log(_L( "ListFoldersL begins" ));
   383     iLog->Log(_L( "Mailbox's Id: %x"), iIPSMailbox->GetId().Id());
   385     RPointerArray<CFSMailFolder>& folders = iIPSMailbox->ListFolders();
   386     //.. 
   387     // 1. subfolders check
   388     TPtrC parentFolderS, subfolderSetS, subfolderS;
   390     //get parent folder name  
   391     paramErr = aItem.GetString(_L("_parentFolder:"), parentFolderS);
   392     TFSMailMsgId parentFolderId = GetFolderIdFromName(parentFolderS);
   394     if (!parentFolderId.IsNullId())
   395         {
   396         iLog->Log(_L("Testing folder hierachy"));
   397         iLog->Log(_L("Parent folder found; id: %x"), parentFolderId.Id());
   399         RPointerArray<CFSMailFolder> subfolders;
   400         iIPSMailbox->ListFolders(parentFolderId, subfolders);
   402         TInt subfolderErr(KErrNone);
   403         //there should be at least one subfolder defined  
   404         paramErr &= aItem.GetString(_L("_subfolders:"), subfolderSetS);
   406         TInt idx(0);
   407         do
   408             {
   409             idx = subfolderSetS.Locate(',');
   410             if (idx > 0)
   411                 {
   412                 // extract next subfolder
   413                 subfolderS.Set(subfolderSetS.Left(idx));
   414                 // skip current subfolder
   415                 subfolderSetS.Set(subfolderSetS.Mid(idx + 1));
   416                 }
   417             else
   418                 {
   419                 subfolderS.Set(subfolderSetS);
   420                 }
   422             // check subfolder 
   423             subfolderErr = KErrNotFound;
   424             for (TInt i = 0; (i < folders.Count() && !paramErr); i++)
   425                 {
   426                 if (folders[i]->GetFolderName().Compare(subfolderS) == 0)
   427                     {
   428                     subfolderErr = KErrNone;
   429                     iLog->Log(
   430                             _L("Subfolder %S of parent folder %S found; id: %x"),
   431                             &(folders[i]->GetFolderName()), &parentFolderS,
   432                             folders[i]->GetFolderId().Id());
   433                     break;
   434                     }
   435                 }
   437             }
   438         while (!subfolderErr && idx >= 0);
   440         //set global err value - zeroes err if OK 
   441         err &= subfolderErr;
   442         subfolders.ResetAndDestroy();
   443         }//end if '!parentFolderId.IsNullId()'
   445     //parse params - we have to know what actualy we are testing
   446     TInt foldersCount(0);
   447     paramErr &= aItem.GetInt(_L("_expectedFoldersCount:"), foldersCount);
   448     //.. 
   449     // 2. total number of folders
   450     if (foldersCount > 0)
   451         {
   452         (folders.Count() == foldersCount) ? err = KErrNone : err = KErrGeneral;
   453         iLog->Log(_L("Actual folders count: %d vs. %d expected"),
   454                 folders.Count(), foldersCount);
   455         }
   456     //..
   458     if (paramErr != 0)
   459         {
   460         iLog->Log(_L("  Error: Invalid test case parameters!"));
   461         }
   463     iLog->Log(_L( "ListFolders ends err=%d" ), err);
   464     return err;
   465     }
   466 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   467 // CPopImapProfileTester::ListMessagesL
   468 // Method used to list messages in a specific folder
   469 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   470 //
   471 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::ListMessagesL(CStifItemParser& aItem)
   472     {
   473     if (NULL == iIPSMailbox)
   474         {
   475         iLog->Log(_L("Error: IMAP/POP profile does NOT exist"));
   476         return KErrGeneral;
   477         }
   479     TInt err(KErrNone);
   480     iLog->Log(_L( "ListMessagesL begins" ));
   482     // I. get test case params
   483     TPtrC folderName;
   484     TInt msgCount(0);
   486     // since folder name might consists of more than one word
   487     // lets use quote parsing for param
   488     aItem.SetParsingType(CStifItemParser::EQuoteStyleParsing);
   489     if (aItem.GetString(_L("_folder:"), folderName))
   490         {
   491         iLog->Log(_L("Error: test case argument is missing"));
   492         err = KErrArgument;
   493         }
   494     else
   495         {
   496         // II. Get folder of given name and list its emails
   497         CFSMailFolder* folder = FindFolder(folderName);
   498         if (NULL != folder)
   499             {
   500             RPointerArray<CFSMailMessage> messages;
   501             TInt gotMsgs = GetMessagesFromFolderL(messages, folder,
   502                     EFSMsgDataSubject, EFSMailSortByDate, msgCount);
   503             if (gotMsgs > 0)
   504                 {
   505                 iLog->Log(_L("  Listing first %d emails:"), gotMsgs);
   506                 }
   507             for (TInt i = 0; i < messages.Count(); ++i)
   508                 {
   509                 iLog->Log(_L("    %d. %S"), i + 1, &messages[i]->GetSubject());
   510                 }
   511             if (gotMsgs != messages.Count())
   512                 { // warning, NextL() returned fewer entries than expected
   513                 TInt diff = gotMsgs > messages.Count() ? gotMsgs
   514                         - messages.Count() : messages.Count() - gotMsgs;
   515                 iLog->Log(_L("Warning: %d entries are still not be listed."),
   516                         diff);
   517                 err = KErrNotFound;
   518                 }
   519             messages.ResetAndDestroy();
   520             }//end if 'folder'
   521         else
   522             {
   523             iLog->Log(_L("Error: %S folder not found"), &folderName);
   524             err = KErrNotFound;
   525             }
   526         }//end if 'folderName'
   528     iLog->Log(_L( "ListMessages ends err=%d" ), err);
   529     return err;
   530     }
   531 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   532 // CPopImapProfileTester::FetchMessagesL
   533 // Method used to fetch messages in a specific folder
   534 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   535 //
   536 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::FetchMessagesL(CStifItemParser& aItem)
   537     {
   538     TInt err(KErrNone);
   539     if (NULL == iIPSMailbox)
   540         {
   541         iLog->Log(_L("Error: IMAP/POP profile does NOT exist"));
   542         return KErrGeneral;
   543         }
   544     iLog->Log(_L( "FetchMessages begins" ));
   546     /**
   547      * Params:
   548      * - folder name; Inbox if not provided 
   549      */
   550     TFSMailMsgId msgFolderId;
   551     TPtrC folderS;
   553     //get folder name  
   554     if (aItem.GetString(_L("_messageFolder:"), folderS) == KErrNone)
   555         {
   556         RPointerArray<CFSMailFolder>& folders = iIPSMailbox->ListFolders();
   557         // find and get folder id
   558         for (TInt i = 0; i < folders.Count(); i++)
   559             {
   560             if (folders[i]->GetFolderName().Compare(folderS) == 0)
   561                 {
   562                 msgFolderId = folders[i]->GetFolderId();
   563                 iLog->Log(_L("Message will be fetched from %S folder"),
   564                         &folderS);
   565                 break;
   566                 }
   567             }
   568         }
   569     if (msgFolderId.IsNullId())
   570         {
   571         iLog->Log(
   572                 _L("Proper message folder not provided, Inbox folder will be used instead"));
   573         msgFolderId = iIPSMailbox->GetStandardFolderId(EFSInbox);
   574         }
   575     CFSMailFolder* folder = NULL;
   576     // get message folder
   577     TRAPD(trapErr, folder = iMailClient->GetFolderByUidL(iIPSMailbox->GetId(),msgFolderId));
   578     CleanupStack::PushL(folder);
   580     if (KErrNone == trapErr)
   581         {
   582         //to get messages from folder
   583         RPointerArray<CFSMailMessage> allMessages;
   584         GetMessagesFromFolderL(allMessages, folder, EFSMsgDataIdOnly,
   585                 EFSMailSortByDate, folder->GetMessageCount());
   587         if (allMessages.Count() > 0)
   588             {
   589             RArray<TFSMailMsgId> messages;
   590             CleanupClosePushL(messages);
   591             messages.Append(allMessages[0]->GetMessageId());
   593             // not used in function
   594             TFSMailDetails ruleToFetch = EFSMsgDataEnvelope;
   596             TRAP(err,folder->FetchMessagesL(messages,ruleToFetch,*this));
   597             WaitForResponse(TFSProgress::EFSStatus_RequestComplete,
   598                     KOneMinuteTime);
   599             if (KErrNone == err)
   600                 {
   601                 iLog->Log(_L("Messages fetched successfuly"));
   602                 }
   603             else
   604                 {
   605                 iLog->Log(_L("Messages fetching failed"));
   606                 }
   607             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&messages);
   608             }//end if 'allMessages'
   609         else
   610             {
   611             iLog->Log(_L("No message in %S folder"), &folder->GetFolderName());
   612             err = KErrNotFound;
   613             }
   614         allMessages.ResetAndDestroy();
   615         }//end 'trapErr'
   616     else
   617         {
   618         iLog->Log(_L("Message folder could not be created"));
   619         }
   620     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(folder);
   622     iLog->Log(_L( "FetchMessages ends err=%d" ), err);
   623     return err;
   624     }
   625 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   626 // CPopImapProfileTester::SendMessagesL
   627 // Method used to send messages
   628 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   629 //
   630 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::SendMessageL(CStifItemParser& /* aItem*/)
   631     {
   632     TInt err(KErrNone);
   633     TBuf<20> buf;
   634     if (NULL == iIPSMailbox)
   635         {
   636         iLog->Log(_L("Error: IMAP/POP profile does NOT exist"));
   637         return KErrNotFound;
   638         }
   639     iLog->Log(_L( "SendMessageL begins" ));
   641     // Step01: Create a message subject
   642     buf.Append(KStifEmailSubjectDes);
   643     buf.AppendNum(Math::Random());
   644     TPtrC subject = buf.Mid(0);
   645     iLog->Log(_L("Message is to be sent(Subject:%S)"), &subject);
   647     // Step02: Create default msg
   648     CFSMailMessage* newMsg = CreatePlainTextMsgL(subject, KStifEmailBodyText());
   650     //Step03: To send message and check it
   651     if (NULL != newMsg)
   652         {
   653         iLog->Log(_L("Tested message with subject '%S' was created"), &subject);
   654         CleanupStack::PushL(newMsg);
   655         TFSMailMsgId newMsgId = TFSMailMsgId();
   656         iLog->Log(_L("Message is to be sent..."));
   657         err = SendMsgL(*newMsg, subject, newMsgId); //sending message..
   659         if (KErrNone == err)
   660             iLog->Log(_L("Message was sent successfully"));
   661         else
   662             iLog->Log(_L("Failed to send message with error (ID:%d)"), err);
   664         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(newMsg);
   665         }
   666     else
   667         {
   668         iLog->Log(_L("Error: Tested message was NOT created"));
   669         err = KErrNoMemory;
   670         }
   671     iLog->Log(_L( "SendMessageL ends: %d" ), err);
   672     return err;
   673     }
   674 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   675 // CPopImapProfileTester::BasicMsgOperationsL
   676 // Method used to test basic operations of messages
   677 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   678 //
   679 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::BasicMsgOperationsL(CStifItemParser& /* aItem */)
   680     {
   681     TInt err(KErrNone);
   682     if (NULL == iIPSMailbox)
   683         {
   684         iLog->Log(_L("Error: IMAP/POP profile does NOT exist"));
   685         return KErrNotFound;
   686         }
   688     iLog->Log(_L( "BasicMsgOperationsL begins" ));
   689     // I. Prepare test message to send, using basic operations to set msg details
   690     CFSMailMessage* newMsg = CreatePlainTextMsgL(KStifEmailSubject,
   691             KStifEmailBodyText);
   692     CleanupStack::PushL(newMsg);
   694     // update msg details, add one more recipient in 'To' field (first is own mail address)
   695     CFSMailAddress* rec = CFSMailAddress::NewL();
   696     rec->SetEmailAddress(KStifEmailToRec1);
   697     newMsg->AppendToRecipient(rec);
   699     // add some recipients to 'Cc' filed
   700     rec = CFSMailAddress::NewL();
   701     rec->SetEmailAddress(KStifEmailCcRec1);
   702     newMsg->AppendCCRecipient(rec);
   704     rec = CFSMailAddress::NewL();
   705     rec->SetEmailAddress(KStifEmailCcRec2);
   706     newMsg->AppendCCRecipient(rec);
   708     // add one recipient in 'Bcc' filed
   709     rec = CFSMailAddress::NewL();
   710     rec->SetEmailAddress(KStifEmailBccRec1);
   711     newMsg->AppendBCCRecipient(rec);
   712     rec = NULL;
   714     // set low priority flag
   715     newMsg->SetFlag(EFSMsgFlag_Low);
   717     // save all changes
   718     newMsg->SaveMessageL();
   720     // II. Send test message
   721     TFSMailMsgId newMsgId = TFSMailMsgId();
   722     err = SendMsgL(*newMsg, KStifEmailSubject, newMsgId);
   723     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(newMsg);
   724     newMsg = NULL;
   725     TFSMailMsgId msgFolderId = iIPSMailbox->GetStandardFolderId(EFSInbox);
   726     CFSMailFolder* pFolder = NULL;
   727     // get message folder
   728     TRAPD(trapErr, pFolder = iMailClient->GetFolderByUidL(iIPSMailbox->GetId(),msgFolderId));
   729     CleanupStack::PushL(pFolder);
   731     if (KErrNone == trapErr)
   732         {
   733         TFSMailDetails dymmy = EFSMsgDataEnvelope;
   734         RArray<TFSMailMsgId> messages;
   735         CleanupClosePushL(messages);
   736         messages.Append(newMsgId);
   737         TRAP(err,pFolder->FetchMessagesL(messages,dymmy,*this));
   738         err = WaitForResponse(TFSProgress::EFSStatus_RequestComplete,
   739                 KOneMinuteTime);
   740         if (KErrNone == err)
   741             {
   742             iLog->Log(_L("Messages fetched successfuly"));
   743             }
   744         else
   745             {
   746             iLog->Log(_L("Messages fetching failed"));
   747             }
   748         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&messages);
   749         }
   750     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pFolder);
   752     // III. Check message details, using basic operations to read msg details
   753     if (KErrNone == err)
   754         {
   755         // Test message successfully received
   756         // pass null id, not used by BasePlugin anyway
   757         newMsg = iMailClient->GetMessageByUidL(iIPSMailbox->GetId(),
   758                 TFSMailMsgId(), newMsgId, EFSMsgDataEnvelope);
   759         if (NULL != newMsg)
   760             {
   761             CleanupStack::PushL(newMsg);
   762             iLog->Log(_L("   Checking message details:"));
   764             // check sender
   765             CFSMailAddress* sender = newMsg->GetSender();
   766             TPtrC senderAddr = sender->GetEmailAddress();
   767             if (senderAddr.Compare(
   768                     iIPSMailbox->OwnMailAddress().GetEmailAddress()))
   769                 {
   770                 iLog->Log(_L("   Error: Sender '%S' does not match"),
   771                         &senderAddr);
   772                 err = KErrGeneral;
   773                 }
   775             // check subject
   776             TPtrC subject = newMsg->GetSubject();
   777             if (subject.Compare(KStifEmailSubject()))
   778                 {
   779                 iLog->Log(_L("   Error: Subject '%S' does not match"), &subject);
   780                 err = KErrGeneral;
   781                 }
   783             // check To recipients
   784             RPointerArray<CFSMailAddress>& toRecipients =
   785                     newMsg->GetToRecipients();
   786             TInt toRec = toRecipients.Count();
   787             if (toRec != 2)
   788                 {
   789                 iLog->Log(_L("   Error: Got %d 'To' recipients, expected 2"),
   790                         toRec);
   791                 err = KErrGeneral;
   792                 }
   793             else
   794                 {
   795                 TPtrC recMail = toRecipients[0]->GetEmailAddress();
   796                 if (recMail.Compare(
   797                         iIPSMailbox->OwnMailAddress().GetEmailAddress()))
   798                     {
   799                     iLog->Log(_L("   Error: 1. 'To' recipient does not match"));
   800                     err = KErrGeneral;
   801                     }
   802                 recMail.Set(toRecipients[1]->GetEmailAddress());
   803                 if (recMail.Compare(KStifEmailToRec1))
   804                     {
   805                     iLog->Log(_L("   Error: 2. 'To' recipient does not match"));
   806                     err = KErrGeneral;
   807                     }
   808                 }
   809             toRecipients.ResetAndDestroy();
   810             // check Cc recipients
   811             RPointerArray<CFSMailAddress>& ccRecipients =
   812                     newMsg->GetCCRecipients();
   813             TInt ccRec = ccRecipients.Count();
   814             if (ccRec != 2)
   815                 {
   816                 iLog->Log(_L("   Error: Got %d 'Cc' recipients, expected 2"),
   817                         ccRec);
   818                 err = KErrGeneral;
   819                 }
   820             else
   821                 {
   822                 TPtrC recMail = ccRecipients[0]->GetEmailAddress();
   823                 if (recMail.Compare(KStifEmailCcRec1))
   824                     {
   825                     iLog->Log(_L("   Error: 1. 'Cc' recipient does not match"));
   826                     err = KErrGeneral;
   827                     }
   828                 recMail.Set(ccRecipients[1]->GetEmailAddress());
   829                 if (recMail.Compare(KStifEmailCcRec2))
   830                     {
   831                     iLog->Log(_L("   Error: 2. 'Cc' recipient does not match"));
   832                     err = KErrGeneral;
   833                     }
   834                 }
   835             ccRecipients.ResetAndDestroy();
   836             // check Bcc recipients, should be 0
   837             RPointerArray<CFSMailAddress>& bccRecipients =
   838                     newMsg->GetBCCRecipients();
   839             TInt bccRec = bccRecipients.Count();
   840             if (bccRec != 0)
   841                 {
   842                 iLog->Log(_L("   Error: Got %d 'Bcc' recipients, expected 0"),
   843                         bccRec);
   844                 err = KErrGeneral;
   845                 }
   847             // check priority
   848             if (!(newMsg->GetFlags() & EFSMsgFlag_Low))
   849                 {
   850                 iLog->Log(_L("   Error: Priority not set to low" ));
   851                 err = KErrGeneral;
   852                 }
   854             // check msg's mailboxId
   855             if (newMsg->GetMailBoxId() != iIPSMailbox->GetId())
   856                 {
   857                 iLog->Log(_L("  Error: Msg's mailboxId not correct"));
   858                 err = KErrGeneral;
   859                 }
   861             // check test msg's folderId
   862             if (newMsg->GetFolderId() != iIPSMailbox->GetStandardFolderId(
   863                     EFSInbox))
   864                 {
   865                 iLog->Log(_L("  Error: Msg's folderId not correct"));
   866                 err = KErrGeneral;
   867                 }
   868             if (!err)
   869                 {
   870                 iLog->Log(_L("   Message details all ok"));
   871                 }
   872             bccRecipients.ResetAndDestroy();
   873             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(newMsg);
   874             }
   875         }
   876     else
   877         {
   878         // some problems with sending or receiving came up
   879         iLog->Log(_L("  Error: Sending/Receiving failed"));
   880         }
   882     iLog->Log(_L( "BasicMsgOperationsL ends: %d" ), err);
   883     return err;
   884     }
   885 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   886 // CPopImapProfileTester::CopyMoveMsgsL
   887 // Method used to copy and move messages from 'Inbox' to a specific folder
   888 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   889 //
   890 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::CopyMoveMsgsL(CStifItemParser& /* aItem */)
   891     {
   892     if (NULL == iIPSMailbox)
   893         {
   894         iLog->Log(_L("Error: IMAP/POP profile does NOT exist"));
   895         return KErrNotFound;
   896         }
   897     iLog->Log(_L( "CopyMoveMsgs begins" ));
   898     TInt err(KErrNone);
   899     TInt errMove(KErrNone);
   901     if (iPluginId.PluginId() == TUid::Uid(KIPSSosPop3PluginUid))
   902         {
   903         //POP plugin not support Move And Copy message functionality.
   904         iLog->Log(
   905                 _L( "POP plugin not support Move And Copy message functionality." ));
   906         iLog->Log(_L( "CopyMoveMsgs ends err=%d(Move)" ), errMove);
   907         return err;
   908         }
   910     TFSMailMsgId newMsgId = TFSMailMsgId();
   911     TFSMailMsgId inboxFolderId = iIPSMailbox->GetStandardFolderId(EFSInbox);
   912     TFSMailMsgId draftsFolderId = iIPSMailbox->GetStandardFolderId(
   913             EFSDraftsFolder);
   914     TFSMailMsgId sentFolderId = iIPSMailbox->GetStandardFolderId(EFSSentFolder);
   916     CFSMailFolder* folder = iMailClient->GetFolderByUidL(iIPSMailbox->GetId(),
   917             inboxFolderId);
   919     if (NULL != folder)
   920         {
   921         CleanupStack::PushL(folder);
   922         RPointerArray<CFSMailMessage> messages;
   923         TInt msgCount(0);
   924         TInt gotMsgs = GetMessagesFromFolderL(messages, folder,
   925                 EFSMsgDataSubject, EFSMailSortByDate, msgCount);
   926         RArray<TFSMailMsgId> originalArray;
   927         CleanupClosePushL(originalArray);
   928         /*
   929          * CIpsPlgSosBasePlugin::CopyMessagesL() is empty.
   930          * So, it can't test this function
   931          */
   932         //Moving tested messages from 'Inbox' to 'Sent Items'
   933         if (gotMsgs > 0)
   934             {
   935             iLog->Log(_L("  Listing %d messages:"), gotMsgs);
   936             for (TInt i = 0; i < messages.Count(); i++)
   937                 {
   938                 iLog->Log(_L("%d.ID:,Subject: %S"), i + 1,
   939                         &messages[i]->GetSubject());
   940                 originalArray.Append(messages[i]->GetMessageId());
   941                 }//end loop: 'for'
   942             // Note: Messages cannot be moved from Deleted Items, Drafts, Outbox folders
   944             //Different between 'IMAP' and  'POP'
   945             iLog->Log(_L("IMAP: Moving from 'Inbox' to 'Sent'..."));
   946             iIPSMailbox->MoveMessagesL(originalArray, inboxFolderId,
   947                     sentFolderId);
   948             originalArray.Reset();
   950             // there is no TFSEventMailMoved or TFSEventMailCopied event coming, just TFSEventMailDeleted?
   951             errMove = WaitForEvent(TFSEventMailDeleted);
   952             }// end of 'gotMsgs > 0'
   953         else
   954             {
   955             iLog->Log(_L("No message in %S folder"), &folder->GetFolderName());
   956             errMove = KErrNotFound;
   957             }
   958         if (KErrNone == errMove)
   959             {
   960             iLog->Log(_L("Successfully move messages."));
   961             }
   962         else
   963             {
   964             iLog->Log(_L("Failed to move with error(ID:%d)"), errMove);
   965             err = errMove;
   966             }
   967         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&originalArray);
   968         messages.ResetAndDestroy();
   969         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(folder);
   970         }//end if: 'NULL!=Folder'
   971     else
   972         {
   973         iLog->Log(_L(" Folder is NOT found.(Error's ID:%d)"), err);
   974         }
   975     iLog->Log(_L( "CopyMoveMsgs ends err=%d(Move)" ), errMove);
   976     return err;
   977     }
   978 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   979 // CPopImapProfileTester::SearchL
   980 // Method used to test searching functionality
   981 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   982 //
   983 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::SearchL(CStifItemParser& /* aItem */)
   984     {
   985     if (NULL == iIPSMailbox)
   986         {
   987         iLog->Log(_L("Error: IMAP/POP profile does NOT exist"));
   988         return KErrNotFound;
   989         }
   991     TInt err(KErrNone);
   992     iLog->Log(_L( "Search begins" ));
   994     // Step01: to prepare testing msg
   995     HBufC* bufSubject = HBufC::NewL(30);
   996     HBufC* bufBody = HBufC::NewL(128);
   997     TPtr subject = bufSubject->Des();
   998     TPtr body = bufBody->Des();
   999     subject.Append(KStifEmailSubjectDes);
  1000     body.Append(KStifEmailBodyText);
  1002     TUint randomNum = Math::Random();
  1003     subject.AppendNum(randomNum);
  1004     body.Append(_L("-"));
  1005     body.AppendNum(randomNum);
  1007     iLog->Log(_L("==Testing Email=="));
  1008     iLog->Log(_L("=Subject is:%S"), &subject);
  1009     iLog->Log(_L("=Body is:%S"), &body);
  1011     // Step02: Send testing msg to own mail address
  1012     CFSMailMessage* newMsg = CreatePlainTextMsgL(subject, body);
  1013     if (NULL != newMsg)
  1014         {
  1015         CleanupStack::PushL(newMsg);
  1016         TFSMailMsgId newMsgId = TFSMailMsgId();
  1017         err = SendMsgL(*newMsg, subject, newMsgId);
  1018         if (KErrNone == err)
  1019             {
  1020             // Step03: to setup searchL params
  1021             TFSMailSortCriteria criteria;
  1022             criteria.iField = EFSMailSortByDate;
  1023             criteria.iOrder = EFSMailDescending;
  1024             RPointerArray<TDesC> searchStrings;
  1025             // Step04: to perform 'Subject' search
  1026             searchStrings.Append(bufSubject);
  1027             err = DoSearch(searchStrings, criteria, KOneMinuteTime);
  1029             // Check results for subject Search
  1030             if (KErrNone == err && iSearchMatches > 0)
  1031                 {
  1032                 iLog->Log(_L("Success: Subject search passed"));
  1033                 }
  1034             else
  1035                 {
  1036                 iLog->Log(_L("Failed: 'Subject' search with error(%d)"), err);
  1037                 err = KErrNotFound;
  1038                 }
  1040             // Step05: to perform 'Body' search
  1041             searchStrings.ResetAndDestroy();
  1042             searchStrings.Append(bufBody);
  1044             //Check results for body Search
  1045             err = DoSearch(searchStrings, criteria, KOneMinuteTime);
  1046             if (KErrNone == err && iSearchMatches > 0)
  1047                 {
  1048                 iLog->Log(_L("Success:Body search passed"));
  1049                 }
  1050             else
  1051                 {
  1052                 iLog->Log(_L("Failed to 'Body' search with error(%d)"), err);
  1053                 err = KErrNotFound;
  1054                 }
  1055             searchStrings.ResetAndDestroy();
  1056             }//end if 'KErrNone == err'(sent 'msg' with KErrNone)
  1057         else
  1058             {
  1059             iLog->Log(_L(" Failed to sent message with error(ID:%d)"), err);
  1060             }
  1061         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(newMsg);
  1062         }//end if 'NULL != newMsg'
  1063     else
  1064         {
  1065         iLog->Log(_L("Error: tested message was NOT created"));
  1066         err = KErrGeneral;
  1067         }
  1068     iLog->Log(_L( "Search ends err=%d" ), err);
  1069     return err;
  1070     }
  1071 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1072 // CPopImapProfileTester::AttachmentHandlingL
  1073 // Method used to test functionality of hanlding attachments
  1074 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1075 //
  1076 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::AttachmentHandlingL(CStifItemParser& /* aItem */)
  1077     {
  1078     TInt err(KErrNone);
  1079     if (NULL == iIPSMailbox)
  1080         {
  1081         iLog->Log(_L("Error: IMAP/POP profile does NOT exist"));
  1082         return KErrNotFound;
  1083         }
  1085     iLog->Log(_L( "AttachmentHandlingL begins" ));
  1087     // Create default msg in 'Drafts' folder
  1088     CFSMailMessage* newMsg = CreatePlainTextMsgL(KStifEmailSubjectAttHandling,
  1089             KStifEmailBodyText);
  1091     if (NULL != newMsg)
  1092         {
  1093         CleanupStack::PushL(newMsg);
  1094         iLog->Log(_L("Test Email created"));
  1095         TFSMailMsgId dummyId = TFSMailMsgId();
  1097         //add attachment
  1098         TFSMailMsgId aInsertBefore;
  1099         CFSMailMessagePart* msgPart = NULL;
  1100         TRAP(err,msgPart = newMsg->AddNewAttachmentL(KPopImapProfileTester,aInsertBefore));
  1101         CleanupStack::PushL(msgPart);
  1103         if (KErrNone != err)
  1104             {
  1105             iLog->Log(_L("Adding attachment failed. Error: %d"), err);
  1106             }
  1107         else
  1108             {
  1109             iLog->Log(_L("New attachment added."));
  1110             newMsg->SaveMessageL();
  1112             //check if attachment was added
  1113             RPointerArray<CFSMailMessagePart> attParts;
  1114             TRAP( err,newMsg->AttachmentListL(attParts) );
  1116             if (KErrNone != err)
  1117                 {
  1118                 iLog->Log(_L("Unable to take attachment list. Error %d"), err);
  1119                 }
  1120             else
  1121                 {
  1122                 if (attParts.Count() > 0)
  1123                     {
  1124                     TPtrC filename(KPopImapProfileTester);
  1125                     filename.Set(filename.Mid(filename.LocateReverse('\\') + 1));
  1126                     err = attParts[0]->AttachmentNameL().Compare(filename);
  1127                     iLog->Log(
  1128                             _L("Attachment's names comparison: %S (attached file name) vs.  %S (expected). Result: %d"),
  1129                             &(attParts[0]->AttachmentNameL()), &filename, err);
  1130                     }
  1131                 }//end if 'KErrNone!=err'
  1132             attParts.ResetAndDestroy();
  1133             }//end if 'KErrNone!=err'
  1134         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(msgPart);
  1135         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(newMsg);
  1136         }//end if 'newMsg'
  1137     else
  1138         {
  1139         iLog->Log(_L("Error: Test Email not created"));
  1140         err = KErrNoMemory;
  1141         }
  1143     iLog->Log(_L( "AttachmentHandlingL ends: %d" ), err);
  1144     return err;
  1145     }
  1146 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1147 // CPopImapProfileTester::BrandingL
  1148 // Method used to test functionality of branding
  1149 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1150 //
  1151 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::BrandingL(CStifItemParser& aItem)
  1152     {
  1153     TInt err(KErrNone);
  1154     if (NULL == iIPSMailbox)
  1155         {
  1156         iLog->Log(_L("Error: IMAP/POP profile does NOT exist"));
  1157         return KErrNotFound;
  1158         }
  1160     iLog->Log(_L( "== Branding begins ==" ));
  1162     // get brand manager
  1163     MFSMailBrandManager* brandManager = NULL;
  1165     TRAP( err, brandManager = &iMailClient->GetBrandManagerL() );
  1167     //to check brand manager
  1168     if (KErrNone != err)
  1169         {
  1170         iLog->Log(
  1171                 _L("Error: CFSMailClient::GetBrandManagerL() leaved with %d"),
  1172                 err);
  1173         }
  1174     else if (NULL == brandManager)
  1175         {
  1176         iLog->Log(_L("Error: CFSMailClient::GetBrandManagerL() returns NULL"));
  1177         err = KErrGeneral;
  1178         }
  1179     else
  1180         {
  1181         // test updating mailbox names with real mailbox id
  1182         TRAP( err, brandManager->UpdateMailboxNamesL( iIPSMailbox->GetId() ) );
  1183         if (KErrNone != err)
  1184             {
  1185             iLog->Log(
  1186                     _L("Error: MFSMailBrandManager::UpdateMailboxNamesL() leaved with %d"),
  1187                     err);
  1188             }
  1189         else
  1190             {
  1191             // get param regarding expected branding status 
  1192             TBool brand = EFalse;
  1193             TPtrC expectBrandS;
  1194             aItem.GetString(_L("_isBranded:"), expectBrandS);
  1196             if (expectBrandS.Compare(_L("true")) == 0)
  1197                 {
  1198                 iLog->Log(_L("Branding expected..."));
  1199                 brand = ETrue;
  1200                 }
  1201             else
  1202                 {
  1203                 iLog->Log(_L("Branding not expected..."));
  1204                 }
  1206             // check mailbox name branding
  1207             TPtrC textBrand;
  1208             TRAP( err, textBrand.Set( brandManager->GetTextL( EFSMailboxName, iIPSMailbox->GetId() ) ) );
  1209             if (KErrNone != err)
  1210                 {
  1211                 iLog->Log(
  1212                         _L("Error: MFSMailBrandManager::GetTextL() leaved with %d"),
  1213                         err);
  1214                 }
  1215             TBool textBranded = textBrand.Length() != 0 ? ETrue : EFalse;
  1216             if (textBranded)
  1217                 {
  1218                 iLog->Log(_L("Mailbox's name (%S) branded."), &textBrand);
  1219                 }
  1220             else
  1221                 {
  1222                 iLog->Log(_L("Mailbox's name (%S) was not branded."),
  1223                         &textBrand);
  1224                 }
  1225             //to check whether it is expected?
  1226             if (brand == textBranded)
  1227                 {
  1228                 iLog->Log(_L("Successfully test, it was a expected retult."));
  1229                 err = KErrNone;
  1230                 }
  1231             else
  1232                 {
  1233                 iLog->Log(_L("Failed to test, it was NOT a expected retult."));
  1234                 err = KErrGeneral;
  1235                 }
  1236             } // end if 'UpdateMailboxNames'
  1237         } //end if 'BrandManager'
  1239     iLog->Log(_L( "Branding ends ret=%d" ), err);
  1240     return err;
  1241     }
  1242 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1243 // CPopImapProfileTester::DeleteMsgsL
  1244 // Method used to delete messages
  1245 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1246 //
  1247 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::DeleteMsgsL(CStifItemParser& aItem)
  1248     {
  1249     TInt err(KErrNone);
  1250     iLog->Log(_L( "DeleteMessagesL begins" ));
  1252     // Step 01: To refresh mailbox
  1253     iLog->Log(_L(" Step 01: To synchronize mailbox"));
  1254     TInt reqId = iIPSMailbox->RefreshNowL(*this);
  1255     err = WaitForEvent(TFSEventMailboxOnline);
  1256     WaitForResponse(TFSProgress::EFSStatus_RequestComplete, KOneMinuteTime);
  1257     if (KErrNone == err)
  1258         {
  1259         // Step 02: To delete tested messages
  1260         iLog->Log(_L(" Step 02: To delete tested messages"));
  1261         TPtrC folderName;
  1262         // We intended to delete messages in a folder only. Here, it is 'Inbox' folder. 
  1263         aItem.SetParsingType(CStifItemParser::EQuoteStyleParsing);
  1264         if (aItem.GetString(_L("_folder:"), folderName))
  1265             {
  1266             iLog->Log(_L("Error: test case argument is missing"));
  1267             err = KErrArgument;
  1268             }
  1269         else
  1270             err = DeleteTestMsgL(folderName);
  1272         if (KErrNone == err)
  1273             {
  1274             //Step 03: To check whether tested messages were sucessfully deleted
  1275             iLog->Log(_L(" Step 03: To tested if messages really deleted"));
  1276             err = DeleteTestMsgL(folderName);
  1278             if (err == KErrNotFound)
  1279                 {
  1280                 iLog->Log(_L("Succesfully deleted tested messages"));
  1281                 err = KErrNone;
  1282                 }
  1283             else
  1284                 {
  1285                 iLog->Log(_L("Failed to delete tested messages"));
  1286                 err = KErrGeneral;
  1287                 }
  1288             }//end if 'KErrNone == err'
  1289         else
  1290             {
  1291             iLog->Log(_L(" Warning: No tested messages to delete"));
  1292             }
  1293         }//end outer if
  1294     else
  1295         {
  1296         iLog->Log(_L(" Warning: synchronize mailbox failed!"));
  1297         err = KErrGeneral;
  1298         }
  1299     iLog->Log(_L( "DeleteMessagesL ends: %d" ), err);
  1300     return err;
  1301     }
  1302 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1303 // CPopImapProfileTester::RemoveAccountL
  1304 // Method used to remove an imap or pop account
  1305 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1306 //
  1307 TInt CPopImapProfileTester::RemoveAccountL(CStifItemParser& /* aItem */)
  1308     {
  1309     iLog->Log(_L( "RemoveAccount begins" ));
  1310     TInt err(KErrNone);
  1311     if (NULL == iIPSMailbox)
  1312         {
  1313         iLog->Log(_L( " Error: IMAP/POP profile does NOT exist" ));
  1314         err = KErrNotFound;
  1315         }
  1316     else
  1317         {
  1318         iLog->Log(_L( "Mailbox Id: %x"), iIPSMailbox->GetId().Id());
  1319         // start test case
  1320         TInt reqId = iMailClient->DeleteMailBoxByUidL(iIPSMailbox->GetId(),
  1321                 *this);
  1322         // end test case
  1323         iLog->Log(_L("-->ReqResp: %d"), reqId);
  1325         // Check if mailbox is really deleted
  1326         RPointerArray<CFSMailBox> mailboxes;
  1327         iMailClient->ListMailBoxes(iIPSMailbox->GetId(), mailboxes);
  1328         if (mailboxes.Count() > 0)
  1329             {
  1330             iLog->Log(_L( " Failed: Mailbox was not deleted" ));
  1331             err = KErrGeneral;
  1332             }
  1333         else
  1334             {
  1335             iLog->Log(_L( " Success: Mailbox was deleted" ));
  1336             iMailClient->UnsubscribeMailboxEvents(iIPSMailbox->GetId(), *this);
  1337             DELANDNULL(iIPSMailbox);
  1338             err = KErrNone;
  1339             }
  1340         mailboxes.ResetAndDestroy();
  1341         }//end if 'count'
  1343     iLog->Log(_L( "RemoveAccount ends err=%d" ), err);
  1344     return err;
  1345     }
  1347 //  End of File