changeset 25 3533d4323edc
child 26 968773a0b6ef
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/emailuis/emailui/inc/FreestyleEmailUiAppui.h	Wed Sep 01 12:28:57 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,896 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  FreestyleEmailUiAppUi class definition
+#include <aknViewAppUi.h>
+//<cmail> SF
+#include <alf/alfenv.h>
+#include <alf/alfdisplay.h>
+#include <cntdef.h>
+#include <cntviewbase.h>
+// <cmail> CPhCltDialer.h API removed
+//#include <CPhCltDialer.h>
+#include <etelmm.h>
+// </cmail>
+#include <TPbkContactItemField.h>
+#include <hwrmdomainpskeys.h> // For flip change status.
+#include "mfsmailrequestobserver.h"
+#include "mfsmaileventobserver.h"
+#include "FreestyleEmailUiUtilities.h"
+#include <msvapi.h>
+#include <cstack.h>
+#include <iaupdateobserver.h>
+#include "cfsmailcommon.h"
+#include "cmailcustomstatuspaneindicators.h"
+#include "cconnectionstatusqueryext.h"
+#include "FreestyleEmailUiPropertySubscriber.h"
+#include "FreestyleEmailUiConstants.h"
+class CFreestyleEmailUiView;
+class CFSEmailUiViewerControl;
+class CFSEmailUiLauncherGrid;
+class CFSEmailUiLauncherGridVisualiser;
+class CFSEmailUiGridMenuModel;
+class CFSEmailUiLayoutHandler;
+class CFSEmailUiViewSwitchTimer;
+class CFSEmailUiList;
+class CFSEmailUiMailListVisualiser;
+class CFSMailClient;
+class CFSMailMessage;
+class CFSMailFolder;
+class CFSMailBox;
+class CMailListUpdater;
+class CFSEmailUiEditor;
+class CAknInfoPopupNoteController;
+class CFSEmailUiSingleListModel;
+class CFSEmailUiSingleListVisualiser;
+class CFreestyleEmailUiTextureManager;
+class CFSEmailUiEditorVisualiser;
+class CFSEmailUiMsgDetailsVisualiser;
+class CFSEmailUiFolderListVisualiser;
+class CNcsComposeView;
+class CAknsLayeredBackgroundControlContext;
+class CAlfAnchorLayout;
+class CFsTreeList;
+class CFSEmailCRHandler;
+class CFSEmailUiAttachmentsListVisualiser;
+class CFreestyleEmailUiAttachmentsListControl;
+class MFSEmailUiFolderListCallback;
+class MFSEmailUiSortListCallback;
+class MFsControlButtonInterface;
+class CFSEmailUiSendAttachmentsListVisualiser;
+class TFSProgress;
+class CFSEmailUiDownloadManagerVisualiser;
+class CFreestyleEmailUiDownloadManagerControl;
+class CAlfLayout;
+class CFSEmailUiSearchListVisualiser;
+class CFSEmailUiStatusIndicator;
+class CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView;
+class CAknWaitNoteWrapper;
+class CFSEmailUiActionMenu;
+class CFSEmailUiShortcutBinding;
+class CFSEmailUiWizardObserver;
+class CDocumentHandler;
+class CAknProgressDialog;
+class CEikProgressInfo;
+class CFsEmailUiViewBase;
+class CVPbkContactManager;
+class CESMRIcalViewer;
+class CFsEmailFileHandleShutter;
+class CFsLayoutManager;
+class CIAUpdate;
+class CIAUpdateParameters;
+class CFSEmailUiAutosyncMonitor;
+class CEUiExitGuardian;
+class CAknNavigationDecorator;
+class CFSEmailDownloadInfoMediator;
+class MAknNaviDecoratorObserver;
+class CCustomStatuspaneIndicators;
+ * TDisplayImagesCache
+ *
+ * Non-persistant cache for display images per message. When user allows images to be downloaded
+ * for a message, that message's id will be stored into the cache. Later if the message is re-opened
+ * and it is found in cache, images are allowed to be downloaded no matter what the global setting
+ * is. Message is added to cache only when the user presses the button, it will be removed from cache
+ * if the mailbox or the message itself is deleted.
+ */
+class TDisplayImagesCache
+    {
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     */
+    ~TDisplayImagesCache();
+    /**
+     * Add message to cache.
+     */
+    void AddMessageL( const CFSMailMessageBase& aMsg );
+    /**
+     * Remove message from cache.
+     */
+    void RemoveMessage( const CFSMailMessageBase& aMsg );
+    /**
+     * Check if the message is in cache. Returns ETrue if the message is found.
+     */
+    TBool Contains( const CFSMailMessageBase& aMsg ) const;
+    /**
+     * Removes message from cache.
+     */
+    void RemoveMessage( const TFSMailMsgId& aBoxId, const TFSMailMsgId& aMsgId );
+    /**
+     * Removes mailbox from cache.
+     */
+    void RemoveMailbox( const TFSMailMsgId& aBoxId );
+private: // internal methods
+    /**
+     * Adds message to cache.
+     */
+    void AddMessageL( const TFSMailMsgId& aBoxId, const TFSMailMsgId& aMsgId );
+    /**
+     * Check if the message is in cache. Returns ETrue if the message is found.
+     */
+    TBool Contains( const TFSMailMsgId& aBoxId, const TFSMailMsgId& aMsgId ) const;
+    /**
+     * Returns index for given mailbox in cache or KErrNotFound if the mailbox cannot
+     * be found.
+     */
+    TInt MailBoxIndex( const TFSMailMsgId& aBoxId ) const;
+    /**
+     * Adds new mailbox and returns index in cache.
+     */
+    void AddMailBoxL( const TFSMailMsgId& aBoxId, TInt& aCacheIndex );
+    /**
+     * Cache item.
+     */
+    class TItem
+        {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Constructor
+         */
+        TItem( const TFSMailMsgId& aBoxId );
+        /**
+         * Destructor
+         */
+        ~TItem();
+        /**
+         * Returns ETrue if given message Id is found in this box.
+         */
+        TBool Contains( const TFSMailMsgId& aMsgId ) const;
+        /**
+         * Adds new message Id into box.
+         */
+        void AddMessageL( const TFSMailMsgId& aMsgId );
+        /**
+         * Removes message from box.
+         */
+        void RemoveMessage( const TFSMailMsgId& aMsgId );
+        /**
+         * Comparator for TLinearOrder, compares two items
+         */
+        static TInt CompareItem( const TItem& aItem1, const TItem& aItem2 );
+    private:
+        /**
+         * Comparator for TLinearOrder, compares two message Ids
+         */
+        static TInt CompareMsgId( const TFSMailMsgId& aId1, const TFSMailMsgId& aId2 );
+        /**
+         * Returns index of the message in box or KErrNotFound.
+         */
+        TInt MessageIndex( const TFSMailMsgId& aMsgId ) const;
+    private:
+        // Mailbox Id
+        TFSMailMsgId iMailBoxId;
+        // Message Ids
+        RArray<TFSMailMsgId> iMessageIds;
+        };
+    // Cache
+    RArray<TItem> iCache;
+    };
+class CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi : public CAknViewAppUi,
+    			               public MAlfActionObserver,
+    			               public MFSMailRequestObserver,
+    			               public MFSMailEventObserver,
+    			               public MMsvSessionObserver,
+    			               public MIAUpdateObserver,
+    			               public MFSEmailUiGenericTimerCallback,
+    			               public MFreestyleEmailUiPropertyChangedObserver
+    {
+friend class CMailListUpdater;
+    CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi( CAlfEnv& aEnv );
+    void ConstructL();
+    ~CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi();
+	CAlfDisplay& Display();
+	CAlfEnv& AlfEnv();
+   // void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand);
+    void HandleActionL(const TAlfActionCommand& aActionCommand);
+	// <cmail>
+    void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommand );
+	// </cmail>
+	void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
+	// View switching functions
+	void EnterFsEmailViewL( TUid aViewId );
+	void EnterFsEmailViewL( TUid aViewId, TUid aCustomMessageId, const TDesC8& aCustomMessage );
+	void EnterPluginSettingsViewL( TUid aViewId, TUid aCustomMessageId, const TDesC8& aCustomMessage );
+	void ReturnFromPluginSettingsView();
+    void ViewActivatedExternallyL( TUid aViewId );
+    void SetSwitchingToBackground( TBool aValue );
+    TBool SwitchingToBackground() const;
+	/**
+	 * Tries to activate the local view where the current view was navigated from.
+	 * Activates the grid view if no other previous view available.
+	 * @return UID of the view to be activated
+	 */
+	TUid ReturnToPreviousViewL( const TDesC8& aCustomMessage = KNullDesC8 );
+	void ReturnFromHtmlViewerL( TBool aMessageWasDeleted = EFalse );
+    // Clears the navigation history used with Back functionality.
+    // Thus, next call to ReturnToPreviousViewL() will return to the main grid.
+    void EraseViewHistory();
+	// Create new mail with compose command
+	void CreateNewMailL();
+	// Returns pointer to the current active view. Ownership not transferred.
+	CFsEmailUiViewBase* CurrentActiveView();
+    // Returns pointer to the previous active view. Ownership not transferred.
+    CFsEmailUiViewBase* PreviousActiveView();
+    // Tells if plugin settings view is currently open
+    TBool IsPluginSettingsViewActive();
+	// getter to generic components
+	CFSEmailUiLayoutHandler* LayoutHandler();
+	CFreestyleEmailUiTextureManager* FsTextureManager();
+//	CFSEmailUiStatusIndicator* StatusIndicator();
+	// Functions used by grid and viewer
+	TInt NewEmailsInModelL();
+	TInt EmailsInModelL();
+	TInt EmailIndexInModel();
+    /**
+    * LaunchEditorL
+    * Launch editor with the given address in TO-field and focus in MSG-field
+    * @param aToAddress The email address to put in TO-field on startup. Ownership
+    * is not transferred.
+    */
+	void LaunchEditorL( CFSMailAddress* aToAddress );
+    /**
+    * LaunchEditorL
+    * Launch editor
+    * @param aMode The mode in which the editor is started
+    * @param aParams Editor launch parameters
+    */
+	void LaunchEditorL( TEditorLaunchMode aMode, const TEditorLaunchParams& aParams );
+	CFSMailClient* GetMailClient();
+	CFSEmailCRHandler* GetCRHandler();
+	// Gets active mailbox pointer from the UI
+	// Ownership IS NOT transferred to the callers
+	CFSMailBox* GetActiveMailbox();
+	void SubscribeMailboxL( TFSMailMsgId aActiveMailboxId );
+	void SetActiveMailboxL( TFSMailMsgId aActiveMailboxId, TBool aAutoSync = ETrue );
+	void StartMonitoringL();
+	CMsvSession* GetMsvSession();
+	TFSMailMsgId GetActiveBoxInboxId();
+	TFSMailMsgId GetActiveMailboxId();
+    /**
+    * Show folder list or sort list as control bar popup list.
+    *
+    * @param aCurrentSortCriteria Current sort criteria in mail list
+    * @param aFolderId/Type Folder id/type of the currently active mail folder
+    * @param aCallback Callback pointer to use when reporting user selection
+    * @param aButton Selected control bar button, used when positioning the list
+    */
+	void ShowFolderListInPopupL( const TFSMailMsgId aFolderType,
+                                 MFSEmailUiFolderListCallback* aCallback,
+								 MFsControlButtonInterface* aButton );
+	void ShowSortListInPopupL( const TFSMailSortCriteria aCurrentSortCriteria,
+	                           const TFSFolderType aFolderType,
+							   MFSEmailUiSortListCallback* aCallback,
+							   MFsControlButtonInterface* aButton );
+	void FolderPopupClosed();
+	// Transition effects for Alf layouts, call these in doactivate and dodeactivate.
+	TBool ViewSwitchingOngoing();
+	// Force Sync on active mailbox.
+	void SyncActiveMailBoxL();
+	// Stop mailbox sync
+	void StopActiveMailBoxSyncL();
+	// From sync observer
+	void RequestResponseL( TFSProgress aEvent, TInt aRequestId );
+    /**
+     * Helper method to be called from Settings. Launches mailbox setup wizard.
+     */
+     void LaunchWizardL();
+    // Overriden exit
+    void Exit();
+    void ExitNow();
+    const CFSEmailUiShortcutBinding& ShortcutBinding() const;
+    // Navigation functions, used mainly from viewer
+    TBool IsNextMsgAvailable( TFSMailMsgId aCurrentMsgId, TFSMailMsgId& aFoundNextMsgId, TFSMailMsgId& aFoundNextMsgFolder );
+    TBool IsPreviousMsgAvailable( TFSMailMsgId aCurrentMsgId, TFSMailMsgId& aFoundPreviousMsgId, TFSMailMsgId& aFoundPrevMsgFolder );
+    TInt MoveToNextMsgL( TFSMailMsgId aCurrentMsgId, TFSMailMsgId& aFoundNextMsgId );
+    TInt MoveToPreviousMsgL( TFSMailMsgId aCurrentMsgId, TFSMailMsgId& aFoundPreviousMsgId );
+    TInt MoveToPreviousMsgAfterDeleteL( TFSMailMsgId aFoundPreviousMsgId );
+    /** Returns document handler. */
+    CDocumentHandler& DocumentHandler();
+    /**
+     * Returns reference file handle shutter. The shutter is set to observe
+     * embedded application exit events delegated by the appui's document
+     * handler and it closes the set file handle on exit event. */
+    CFsEmailFileHandleShutter& FileHandleShutter();
+    // Returns unmodifiable reference to the current title pane text
+    const TDesC& TitlePaneTextL();
+    // Sets given text to title pane
+    void SetTitlePaneTextL( const TDesC& aText );
+    // Resets title pane text to its default value
+    void ResetTitlePaneTextL();
+    // Sets active mailbox name to title pane
+    void SetActiveMailboxNameToStatusPaneL();
+    // Set connection status icon of title pane to visible
+    void ShowTitlePaneConnectionStatus();
+    // Set connection status icon of title pane to hided
+    void HideTitlePaneConnectionStatus();
+    void GetConnectionStatusL( CConnectionStatusQueryExtension::TConnectionStatus& aConnStatus );
+    // Draw connection status icon into title pane if set as visible.
+    // It is also possible to force connection indicator to wanted value
+    // to achieve better user experience.
+    void UpdateTitlePaneConnectionStatus( TForcedStatus aForcedStatus = ENoForce );
+    // Return pointer to custom status pane indicators object
+    // Which can be used to show priority and followup flags
+    // on navi pane area. (Real navipane is not used)
+    CCustomStatuspaneIndicators* GetStatusPaneIndicatorContainer();
+    // Getter for appui owned virtual phonebook manager
+    CVPbkContactManager& GetVPbkManagerL();
+    // MessageReader implementation
+    void StartReadingEmailsL();
+    TBool MessageReaderSupportsFreestyle();
+    static TBool AppUiExitOngoing();
+    // Meeting request viewer instance, owned by the appui
+    CESMRIcalViewer* MrViewerInstanceL();
+    // Get Mail viewer instance, owned by the AppUi
+    CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView& MailViewer();
+    // Get Folder list instance, owned by the AppUi
+    CFSEmailUiFolderListVisualiser& FolderList();
+    // Get Launcher grid instance, owned by the AppUi
+    CFSEmailUiLauncherGridVisualiser& LauncherGrid();
+    // View loading in idle
+    TInt ViewLoadIdleCallbackFunctionL();
+    /**
+     * Sets the manual mailbox connection flag if the
+     * user chose to connect mail boxes from the menu
+     */
+    void ManualMailBoxConnectAll( TBool aManualMailBoxConnectAll );
+    void ManualMailBoxDisconnectAll( TBool aManualMailBoxConnectAll );
+	// For showing mailbox query
+	void GridStarted( TBool aStartedFromOds );
+    void ShowMailboxQueryL();
+    void DoAutoConnectL();
+    CFSEmailDownloadInfoMediator* DownloadInfoMediator();
+    // <cmail>
+    TDisplayMode DisplayMode() const;
+    // </cmail>
+	/**
+     * Returns the current flip status.
+     * @return True if the flip is open, false otherwise.
+     */
+    TBool IsFlipOpen() const;
+    TDisplayImagesCache& DisplayImagesCache();
+    // Set flag for judging if there is a embedded app in FSEmail.
+    void SetEmbeddedApp( TBool aEmbeddedApp );
+    // Return embedded app.
+    TBool EmbeddedApp() const;
+    // Set flag for judging if previous app is embedded.
+    void SetEmbeddedAppToPreviousApp( TBool aEmbeddedApp );
+    // if previous app is embedded.
+    TBool EmbeddedAppIsPreviousApp() const;
+    // Set flag for judging if email editor started from embedded app.
+    void SetEditorStartedFromEmbeddedApp( TBool aEmbeddedApp );
+    // if email editor started from embedded app.
+    TBool EditorStartedFromEmbeddedApp() const;
+    // returns last seen pointer position
+    const TPoint& LastSeenPointerPosition() const;
+    // returns last seen ws event type
+    TInt LastSeenWsEventType();
+    // Runs fake sync animation (needed for better user experience as
+    // otherwise in some connection/sync states pressing "send & receive"
+    // wouldn't have any visible effect.
+    void RunFakeSyncAnimL();
+public: //from MFSMailEventObserver
+    /**
+     * Framework event message.
+     * Used here to catch the events thrown from new mailbox creation process.
+     *
+     * @param aEvent One of pre-defined events in TFSMailEvent
+     * @param aMailbox maibox related for this event
+     * @param aParam1 intepretation is event specific (see TFSMailEvent descriptions)
+     * @param aParam2 intepretation is event specific (see TFSMailEvent descriptions)
+     * @param aParam3 intepretation is event specific (see TFSMailEvent descriptions)
+     */
+    void EventL( TFSMailEvent aEvent, TFSMailMsgId aMailbox,
+                 TAny* aParam1, TAny* aParam2, TAny* aParam3);
+	void HandleSessionEventL( TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3 );
+public: // MIAUpdateObserver
+    virtual void CheckUpdatesComplete( TInt aErrorCode, TInt aAvailableUpdates );
+    virtual void UpdateQueryComplete( TInt aErrorCode, TBool aUpdateNow );
+    virtual void UpdateComplete( TInt aErrorCode, CIAUpdateResult* aResultDetails );
+    /**
+    * StartEndKeyCapture
+    * Start key capture for end-key
+    */
+    void StartEndKeyCapture();
+    /**
+    * StopEndKeyCapture
+    * Stop key capture for end-key
+    */
+    void StopEndKeyCapture();
+    /**
+     * Accessor for navipane decorator object.
+     * @param aViewId: Caller identify itself by giving the view Id (see FreestyleEmailUiConstants.h)
+     * This is used for choosing correct decorator.
+     * @return instance of correct navidecorator. NULL if aView doesn't match.
+     */
+    CAknNavigationDecorator* NaviDecoratorL( const TUid aViewId );
+    /**
+     * From MFSEmailUiGenericTimerCallback.
+     * Generic timer event callback.
+     */
+    virtual void TimerEventL( CFSEmailUiGenericTimer* aTriggeredTimer );
+    /**
+    * Sets visibility for focus.
+    *
+    * @param aVisible EFalse if focus should be hidden.
+    * @return whether or not focus was already visible.
+    */
+    TBool SetFocusVisibility( TBool aVisible );
+    /**
+    * IsFocusShown
+    * Used for finding out if focus is visible.
+    * @return whether or not the focus is visible.
+    */
+    TBool IsFocusShown() const;
+public: // From MFreestyleEmailUiPropertyChangedObserver.
+	void PropertyChangedL( TInt aValue );
+	TKeyResponse HandleKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
+    void HandleResourceChangeL(TInt aType);
+	void HandleWsEventL(const TWsEvent &aEvent,
+ 	                    CCoeControl *aDestination);
+ 	void HandleForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground );
+    MCoeMessageObserver::TMessageResponse HandleMessageL( TUint32 aClientHandleOfTargetWindowGroup,
+                                                          TUid aMessageUid,
+                                                          const TDesC8& aMessageParameters );
+    void DoHandleResourceChangeL(TInt aType);
+	void UpdateSettingsListModelL();
+	CAlfTexture& LoadItemIconL( TInt aUid );
+    void ProvideBitmapL(TInt aId, CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap,
+                                  CFbsBitmap*& aMaskBitmap);
+    /**
+     * Helper method for launching a setup wizard, or handling data received from one.
+     */
+    void DoWizardStartupActionsL();
+    TBool IsViewInHistoryStack( TUid aViewId ) const;
+    void ReturnToViewL( TUid aViewId, TUid aCustomMessageId = TUid::Null(), const TDesC8& aCustomMessage = KNullDesC8 );
+    // Checks updates from IAD client
+    void CheckUpdatesL();
+    void AllUpdateActivitiesCompleted();
+	// This async callback functionality is needed because UI and app construction
+	// cannot jam while the new mailbox query has been displayed
+   	static TInt DisplayCreateQueryL( TAny* aSelfPtr );
+   	void DisplayCreateMailboxQueryL();
+   	// Send self to background.
+   	void SendToBackground();
+   	/*
+   	 * Called from ConstructL during start of application.
+   	 * Constructs navipane(s) that are used by different views.
+   	 */
+   	void ConstructNaviPaneL();
+    // Create custom status pane indicators. (priority and followup)
+    void CreateStatusPaneIndicatorsL();
+    // Delete custom status pane indicators
+    void DeleteStatusPaneIndicators();
+    // Load specified resource file, file name may (and should) contain wild
+    // cards. aFilePath should contain drive letter if some specific drive
+    // is wanted to be searched first. Returns the resource file offset of the
+    // found file. Leaves if resource file not found.
+    TInt LoadResourceFileL( const TDesC& aFileName,
+                            const TDesC& aFilePath );
+	// ALF environment NOTE: Display removed from Alfred version
+    CAlfEnv* iEnv;
+    // Pointers to current and previous active views
+    CFsEmailUiViewBase* iCurrentActiveView; // not owned
+    CFsEmailUiViewBase* iPreviousActiveView; // not owned
+    CStack<CFsEmailUiViewBase, EFalse>* iNavigationHistory; // items not owned
+ 	CFSEmailDownloadInfoMediator* iDwnldMediator;
+     // Pointers to actual display control groups containing UI elements
+    CAlfControlGroup* iGridControlGroup;
+  	CAlfControlGroup* iMailListControlGroup;
+    CAlfControlGroup* iEmailViewerControlGroup;
+  	CAlfControlGroup* iFolderListControlGroup;
+  	CAlfControlGroup* iSettingsListControlGroup;
+   	CAlfControlGroup* iSendingAnimationControlGroup;
+  	CAlfControlGroup* iMsgDetailsControlGroup;
+  	CAlfControlGroup* iAttachmentControlGroup;
+  	CAlfControlGroup* iComposerControlGroup;
+  	CAlfControlGroup* iDownloadManagerControlGroup;
+  	CAlfControlGroup* iSearchResultControlGroup;
+  	CAlfControlGroup* iStatusIndicatorControlGroup;
+  	CAlfControlGroup* iHtmlViewerControlGroup;
+ 	// FS Email UI specific layout handler object
+    CFSEmailUiLayoutHandler* iLayoutHandler;
+	// FS specific layout
+        //<cmail> layout manager doesn't exists in cmail
+	//CFsLayoutManager* iLayoutManager;
+        //</cmail>
+	// FS Email UI specific texture mngr object
+ 	CFreestyleEmailUiTextureManager* iFsTextureManager;
+	// Main UI grid control and view
+  	CFSEmailUiLauncherGrid* iMainUiGrid;
+    CFSEmailUiLauncherGridVisualiser* iMainUiGridVisualiser;
+	// Mail view
+	CFSEmailUiMailListVisualiser* iMailListVisualiser;
+	// Message editor view
+	CNcsComposeView* iComposeView;
+	// Html viewer view
+	CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView* iHtmlViewerView;
+	TUid iHtmlViewerViewId;  
+	// Message details view
+	CFSEmailUiMsgDetailsVisualiser* iMsgDetailsVisualiser;
+	// Folder list view
+	CFSEmailUiFolderListVisualiser* iFolderListVisualiser;
+	// Attachment list
+	CFSEmailUiAttachmentsListVisualiser* iAttachmentListVisualiser;
+	CFreestyleEmailUiAttachmentsListControl* iAttachmentHanlerControl;
+    // Download manager removed.
+	// Search result list view
+	CFSEmailUiSearchListVisualiser* iSearchListVisualiser;
+	// Status indicator
+	CFSEmailUiStatusIndicator* iStatusIndicator;
+    // Mailclient, list of mailboxes, active mailbox and
+    // latest opened folder
+    CFSMailClient* iMailClient;
+ 	// Active mailbox, pointer owned by the APP UI!
+ 	CFSMailBox* iActiveMailbox;
+	TFSMailMsgId iActiveBoxInboxId;
+	TFSMailMsgId iActiveMailboxId;
+	// Mail sending progress dialog
+	CAknProgressDialog* iSendingProgressDialog;
+	CEikProgressInfo* iSendingProgressInfo;
+	// Phonebook engine and resource handle
+	TInt iPhCltResHandle;
+	// Central repository handler
+	CFSEmailCRHandler*	iCRHandler;
+	// End key capture handles
+	TInt32 iEndCaptureHandle;
+	TInt32 iEndUpDownCaptureHandle;
+    CMsvSession* iMsvSession;
+    CFSEmailUiActionMenu* iActionMenuHandler;
+	RArray<TFSMailMsgId> iSubscribedMailBoxes;
+	RArray<TUint> iSubscribedMailBoxesIds;
+	// Helper class for keyboard shortcut handling
+	CFSEmailUiShortcutBinding* iShortcutBinder;
+	CFSEmailUiWizardObserver* iWizardObserver;
+    CDocumentHandler* iDocumentHandler;
+    CFsEmailFileHandleShutter* iFileHandleShutter;
+	TBool iConstructComplete;
+	TInt iSyncStatusReqId;
+	TBool iIsForeground;
+  	CIdle* iViewLoadIdle;
+	TCallBack* iViewLoadIdleCallback;
+	TBool iIsCaptured;
+    CVPbkContactManager* iVpkContactManager;
+    //This is used to pass needed information to messagereader
+	HBufC8* iCustomMessageToMessageReader;
+	// Meeting request viewer instance
+  	CESMRIcalViewer* iMRViewer;
+  	// Flag to be used to disable online/offline note in automated
+  	// Mailbob online
+  	TBool iAutomatedMailBoxOnline;
+	// Value indicating that msg reader is supported, KErrNone if supported.
+  	TInt iMsgReaderIsSupported;
+  	// For IAD
+    CIAUpdate* iUpdateClient;
+    CIAUpdateParameters* iUpdateParameters;
+    // For feature manager
+    TBool iFeatureManagerInitialized;
+    // ETrue if user started the connect all
+    TBool iManualMailBoxConnectAll;
+    TBool iManualMailBoxDisconnectAll;
+    // ETrue if the screen layout has chaged while the application was on background
+    TBool iPendingLayoutSwitch;
+    // Startup mailbox creation query flag.
+    TBool iStartupQueryShown;
+    TBool iGridStarted;
+    TBool iGridFirstStartFromOds;
+    TBool iSettingsViewActive;
+    TBool iIADUpdateCompleted;
+    CFSEmailUiAutosyncMonitor* iAutoSyncMonitor;
+    // Async callback for create mailbox query
+    // This is needed because query can not stop execution of UI construction
+    CAsyncCallBack* iNewBoxQueryAsyncCallback;
+    // Exit guardian.
+    CEUiExitGuardian* iExitGuardian;
+    // navipane decorator
+    // (used at least in mail viewer)
+    CAknNavigationDecorator* iNaviDecorator2MailViewer;
+    // Resource file offset for message editor external resources
+    TInt iMsgEditorResourceOffset;
+    // Resource file offset for FSMailServer external resources
+    TInt iFSMailServerResourceOffset;
+    // Custom status pane indicators
+    CCustomStatuspaneIndicators* iStatusPaneIndicators;
+    TBool iConnectionStatusVisible;
+    CFSEmailUiGenericTimer* iConnectionStatusIconAnimTimer;
+    CFSEmailUiGenericTimer* iFakeSyncAnimStopTimer;
+    CFbsBitmap* iConnectionIconBitmap;
+    CFbsBitmap* iConnectionIconMask;
+    TInt iConnectionStatusIconAngle;
+    TForcedStatus iForcedConnectionStatus;
+    // Set true, when application is going to be switched to backgound
+    // after the view deactivation.
+    TBool iSwitchingToBackground;
+    TDisplayImagesCache iDisplayImagesCache;
+    // For handling the flip state.
+    CFreestyleEmailUiPropertySubscriber* iPropertySubscriber;
+    TBool iFlipOpen;
+    /// Focus visibility state
+    TBool iFocusVisible;
+    TBool iTouchFeedbackCreated;
+    // Embedded app flag.
+    TBool iHasEmbeddedApp;
+    // Flag for judging if previous app is embedded app.
+    TBool iPreviousAppEmbedded;
+    // Flag for judging if email editor started from embedded app.
+    TBool iEditorStartedFromEmbeddedApp;
+    TPoint iLastPointerPosition;
+    TInt iLastWsEventType; // EEventPointer or EEventKey    
+    };
+*  CFSEmailUiAutosyncMonitor.
+* Needed for auto sync feature, not wanted when roaming.
+class CFSEmailUiAutosyncMonitor : public CActive
+    {
+    public:
+        enum TNetworkStatus
+            {
+            EStatusUnknown = 0,
+            EHomenetwork,
+            ERoaming,
+            ERequestCancelled
+            };
+        enum TMonitoringStatus
+            {
+            EInactive = 0,
+            ERequestingNetworkStatus,
+            EDone
+            };
+        static CFSEmailUiAutosyncMonitor* NewL( CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi );
+        ~CFSEmailUiAutosyncMonitor();
+    public:
+        void StartMonitoring( );
+        void StopMonitoring( );
+    private:
+        void RunL();
+        void DoCancel();
+        TInt RunError( TInt aError );
+    private:
+        CFSEmailUiAutosyncMonitor( CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi );
+        void ConstructL();
+    private:
+        TMonitoringStatus iMonitoringStatus;
+        CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& iAppUi;
+        RTelServer iServer;
+        RMobilePhone iPhone;
+        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus iRegisterationStatus;
+        RTelServer::TPhoneInfo iPhoneInfo;
+    };