changeset 25 3533d4323edc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/emailuis/emailui/inc/FreestyleEmailUiTextureManager.h	Wed Sep 01 12:28:57 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  FreestyleEmailUi generic texturemanager definition
+//<cmail> SF
+#include <alf/alfimagebrush.h>
+#include <alf/alfcontrol.h> 
+#include <alf/alftexture.h>
+#include <alf/alfbitmapprovider.h>
+#include <AknsBasicBackgroundControlContext.h>
+class CAlfEnv;
+class CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi;
+class CAlfFrameBrush;
+enum TFSEmailUiTextures
+	{
+	ETextureFirst = 6000, // non-texture
+	// OTHER
+	ETextureOtherFirst = 6001, // non-texture
+	EListTextureSelector = ETextureOtherFirst,
+	EListTextureNodeExpanded,
+	EListTextureNodeCollapsed,
+	EListTextureControlButton,
+	EListTextureMailboxDefaultIcon,
+	EListTextureNewEmailDefaultIcon,
+	EListTextureCreateNewMessageIcon,
+	EListControlBarMailboxDefaultIcon,
+	EBackgroundTextureViewerHeading,
+	EBackgroundTextureBar,
+	EBackgroundTextureThumb,
+	EBackgroundTextureMailList,
+	EListControlMarkIcon,
+	EListControlMenuIcon,
+	EMailListBarBgIcon,
+	ESearchLookingGlassIcon,
+	EControlBarListBackgroundTexture,
+	EControlBarButtonBackgroundTexture,
+	EControlBarAscendingArrowTexture,
+	EControlBarDescendingArrowTexture,
+	ETextureMessageFirst, // non-texture
+	EMessageReadIcon = ETextureMessageFirst,
+	EMessageLowPrioReadIcon,
+	EMessageLowPrioReadIconAttachment,
+	EMessageReadIconAttachment,
+	EMessageReadRepliedIcon,
+	EMessageReadRepliedIconAttachment,
+	EMessageReadRepliedHighPrioIcon,
+	EMessageReadRepliedHighPrioIconAttachment,
+	EMessageReadRepliedLowPrioIcon,		
+	EMessageReadRepliedLowPrioIconAttachment,		
+	EMessageReadForwardedIcon,
+	EMessageReadForwardedIconAttachment,
+	EMessageReadForwardedHighPrioIcon,
+	EMessageReadForwardedHighPrioIconAttachment,
+	EMessageReadForwardedLowPrioIcon,
+	EMessageReadForwardedLowPrioIconAttachment,
+	EMessageUnreadIcon,
+	EMessageUnreadIconAttachment,
+	EMessageLowPrioUnreadIcon,
+	EMessageLowPrioUnreadIconAttachment,
+	EMessageHighPrioReadIcon,
+	EMessageHighPrioReadIconAttachment,
+	EMessageHighPrioUnreadIcon,
+	EMessageHighPrioUnreadIconAttachment,
+	EAttachmentIcon,	
+	EMessageUnreadForwardedIcon,
+	EMessageUnreadForwardedIconAttachment,
+	EMessageUnreadForwardedHighPrioIcon,
+	EMessageUnreadForwardedHighPrioIconAttachment,
+	EMessageUnreadForwardedLowPrioIcon,
+	EMessageUnreadForwardedLowPrioIconAttachment,	
+	EMessageUnreadRepliedIcon,
+	EMessageUnreadRepliedIconAttachment,
+	EMessageUnreadRepliedHighPrioIcon,
+	EMessageUnreadRepliedHighPrioIconAttachment,
+	EMessageUnreadRepliedLowPrioIcon,
+	EMessageUnreadRepliedLowPrioIconAttachment,
+	ETextureCalendarFirst, // non-texture
+	EMessageCalInvitation = ETextureCalendarFirst,
+	EMessageCalInvitationRead,
+	EMessageCalInvitationAttachments,
+	EMessageCalInvitationReadAttachments,	
+	EMessageCalInvitationHighPrio,
+	EMessageCalInvitationReadHighPrio,
+	EMessageCalInvitationAttachmentsHighPrio,
+	EMessageCalInvitationReadAttachmentsHighPrio,
+	EMessageCalInvitationLowPrio,
+	EMessageCalInvitationReadLowPrio,
+	EMessageCalInvitationAttachmentsLowPrio,
+	EMessageCalInvitationReadAttachmentsLowPrio,
+	EMessageCalInvitationCancelled,
+	ETextureGridFirst, // non-texture
+	EGridInboxTexture = ETextureGridFirst,
+    EGridDirectoryTexture,
+    EGridSettingsTexture,
+    EGridAddNewBoxTexture,
+    EGridHelpTexture,
+    EGridAboutTexture,
+    EGridBackground, 
+    // FLAG ICONS
+    ETextureFlagFirst, // non-texture
+	EFollowUpFlag = ETextureFlagFirst,
+	EFollowUpFlagComplete,
+	EFollowUpFlagList,
+	EFollowUpFlagCompleteList,
+    ETextureFolderFirst, // non-texture
+    EFolderListMoreFoldersTexture = ETextureFolderFirst,
+    EFolderListInboxTexture,
+    EFolderListInboxSubfoldersTexture,
+    EFolderListOutboxTexture,
+    EFolderListDraftsTexture,
+    EFolderListSentTexture,
+    EFolderListDeletedItemsTexture,
+    EFolderListServerFoldersTexture,
+    EFolderListEmailAccountTexture,
+    EFolderListMoreFoldersTexturePopup,
+    EFolderListInboxTexturePopup,
+    EFolderListInboxSubfoldersTexturePopup,
+    EFolderListOutboxTexturePopup,
+    EFolderListDraftsTexturePopup,
+    EFolderListSentTexturePopup,
+    EFolderListDeletedItemsTexturePopup,
+    EFolderListServerFoldersTexturePopup,
+    EFolderListEmailAccountTexturePopup,
+    ESortListAttachmentAscTexturePopup,
+    ESortListAttachmentDescTexturePopup,
+    ESortListDateAscTexturePopup,
+    ESortListDateDescTexturePopup,
+    ESortListFollowAscTexturePopup,
+    ESortListFollowDescTexturePopup,
+    ESortListPriorityAscTexturePopup,
+    ESortListPriorityDescTexturePopup,
+    ESortListSenderAscTexturePopup,
+    ESortListSenderDescTexturePopup,
+    ESortListSubjectAscTexturePopup,
+    ESortListSubjectDescTexturePopup,
+    ESortListUnreadAscTexturePopup,
+    ESortListUnreadDescTexturePopup,    
+    ESortListAttachmentAscTexture,
+    ESortListAttachmentDescTexture,
+    ESortListDateAscTexture,
+    ESortListDateDescTexture,
+    ESortListFollowAscTexture,
+    ESortListFollowDescTexture,
+    ESortListPriorityAscTexture,
+    ESortListPriorityDescTexture,
+    ESortListSenderAscTexture,
+    ESortListSenderDescTexture,
+    ESortListSubjectAscTexture,
+    ESortListSubjectDescTexture,
+    ESortListUnreadAscTexture,
+    ESortListUnreadDescTexture,
+	ETextureStatusFirst, // non-texture
+	EStatusTextureSynchronising = ETextureStatusFirst,
+	EStatusTextureConnected,
+	EStatusTextureConnecting,
+	EStatusTextureDisconnectedGeneral,
+	EStatusTextureDisconnectedError,
+	EStatusTextureDisconnectedLowBattery,
+	EStatusTextureMailSent,
+	ETextureViewerFirst, // non-texture
+	EViewerTextureHeaderBackGround = ETextureViewerFirst,
+	EViewerHighlightTexture,
+	ETextureComposerFirst, // no-texture
+	EComposerTexturePriorityLow = ETextureComposerFirst,
+	EComposerTexturePriorityHigh,
+	ETextureAttachmentsFirst, // non-texture
+	EAttachmentsDocFile = ETextureAttachmentsFirst,
+	EAttachmentsHtmlFile,
+	EAttachmentsImageFile,
+	EAttachmentsPdfFile,
+	EAttachmentsPptFile,
+	EAttachmentsRtfFile,
+	EAttachmentsUnknownFile,
+	EAttachmentsXls,
+	EAttachmentsNotDownloaded,
+	EAttachmentsCancelDownload,
+	EAttachmentsDownload,
+	EAttachmentsSaveAll,
+	EAttachmentsCancelAll,
+	EAttachmentsViewAll,
+    EMarkingModeBackgroundIcon,
+	ETextureCount,
+	// Branded mailbox icons. Max 101 icons 3 sizes of each
+	// (Launcher grid, Inbox view and Folders dropdown view)
+	EBrandedIconStart = 8000,
+	EBrandedIconEnd = 8303,
+	// GRID ECOM PLUGIN ICONS, Dynamically updated, 
+	// do not add icons after this
+	EGridPluginIconFirst 
+	};
+class CFreestyleEmailUiTextureManager: 
+	public CAlfControl, 
+	public MAlfBitmapProvider,
+	public MFsDelayedLoadingInterface
+    {
+// to prevent creating multiple instances NewL has been hidden
+// and AppUi has been declared as friend class
+friend class CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi;
+	// Get correct backgroung image for current resolution
+	CAlfTexture& BackgroundForThisResolutionL();
+	// Get flush background image for the current resolution
+	CAlfTexture& WatermarkBackgroundForThisResolutionL();	
+	// Get any texture by ID
+	CAlfTexture& TextureByIndex( TFSEmailUiTextures aIndex );
+	// Clear any texture by ID
+	void ClearTextureByIndex( TFSEmailUiTextures aIndex );
+	// Get new skinned selector brush object for gen ui list.
+	// Ownership is NOT transferred to caller.
+	CAlfFrameBrush* ListSelectorBrushL();
+	// Get new skinned grid selector brush object
+	// Ownership is NOT transferred to caller.
+    CAlfFrameBrush* GridSelectorBrushL();
+	// Get new skinned selector brush object for gen ui control bar.
+	// Ownership IS transferred to caller.
+	CAlfFrameBrush* NewCtrlBarSelectorBrushLC();
+	// <cmail>
+    // Get new skinned selector brush object for gen ui popup list.
+    // Ownership IS transferred to caller.	
+	CAlfFrameBrush* NewListSelectorBrushL();
+	// </cmail>
+	// Get new scrollbar top background object. 
+	// Ownership IS transferred to caller.
+	CAlfFrameBrush* NewScrollBarTopBgBrushLC();
+	// Get new scrollbar bottom background object. 
+    // Ownership IS transferred to caller.
+	CAlfFrameBrush* NewScrollBarBottomBgBrushLC();
+	// Get new scrollbar center background object. 
+    // Ownership IS transferred to caller.
+	CAlfFrameBrush* NewScrollBarCenterBgBrushLC();
+	// Get new scrollbar thumb object. 
+    // Ownership IS transferred to caller.
+	CAlfFrameBrush* NewScrollBarThumbBrushLC();
+	// Get new mail list separator brush	
+	// Ownership IS transferred to caller.
+	CAlfFrameBrush* NewMailListSeparatorBgBrushLC();
+	// Get marking mode background brush	
+	// Ownership IS transferred to caller.
+	CAlfImageBrush* NewMailListMarkingModeBgBrushLC();
+	// Get new mail list separator brush	
+    // Ownership IS transferred to caller.
+	CAlfImageBrush* NewControlBarListBgBrushLC();
+	// Get new controlbar button bg brush
+    // Ownership IS transferred to caller.
+	CAlfImageBrush* NewControlBarButtonBgBrushLC();
+	// <cmail>
+	// Ownerhip not transfered.
+	CAlfFrameBrush* TitleDividerBgBrushL();
+	// </cmail>
+	// Create branded mailbox icon into TextureManager
+	void CreateBrandedMailboxTexture( CGulIcon* aIcon, const TUid aPluginId, const TUint aMailboxId, const TSize& aSize );
+	// Get branded mailbox icon
+	CAlfTexture& TextureByMailboxIdL( const TUid aPluginId, const TUint aMailboxId, const TSize& aSize );
+public: // from MAlfBitmapProvider
+    void ProvideBitmapL(TInt aId, CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap, CFbsBitmap*& aMaskBitmap);
+public: // from MFsDelayedLoadingInterface
+    /**
+    * DelayLoadCallback
+    * Delayed loading callback
+    * @return ETrue to keep calling, EFalse to stop callbacks
+    */
+	TInt DelayLoadCallback();
+    // This class should not be used directly, use iAppUi->TextureManger() instance
+    static CFreestyleEmailUiTextureManager* NewL( CAlfEnv& aEnv, CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* aAppUi );
+    virtual ~CFreestyleEmailUiTextureManager();
+    CFreestyleEmailUiTextureManager( CAlfEnv& aEnv, CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* aAppUi );
+    void ConstructL(CAlfEnv& aEnv);
+    void CreateTexturesL(); 
+    void InitTextureArray();
+    void LoadTextureL( TFSEmailUiTextures aTextureId ); // CHECKLATER - is this ok? see migration 3.12.1
+	// <cmail> S60 Skin support
+	void GetBackgroundBitmapL (CFbsBitmap*& bitmap) const; 
+	void DrawContextL (CFbsBitmap*& bitmap, TAknsItemID id, TSize rsize) const;
+	// </cmail>
+	// ALF environment - CHECKLATER - added this myself, but should be alright
+    CAlfEnv* iEnv;
+	CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* iAppUi;
+	CAlfFrameBrush* iFrameBrush;
+	//<cmail>
+	CAlfFrameBrush* iNewFrameBrush;
+	CAlfFrameBrush* iTitleDividerBgBrush;
+	//</cmail>
+    /**
+    * array for holding texture objects
+    */
+    RPointerArray<CAlfTexture> iTextures;
+    /**
+    * array for holding branded mailbox icons
+    */
+    RPointerArray<CAlfTexture> iBrandedMailboxIcons;
+    RArray<TUid> iPluginId;
+    RArray<TUint> iMailboxId;
+    RArray<TSize> iSize;
+    /*
+     * Temporary variables for holding the mailbox icon and id
+     * before create.
+     */
+    CFbsBitmap*   iTmpBitmap;
+    CFbsBitmap*   iTmpMaskBitmap;
+    TUid          iTmpPluginId;
+    TUint         iTmpMailboxId;
+    TSize         iTmpSize;
+    /**
+    * index indicating delay loading progress within
+    * textures array
+    */
+    TInt iDelayLoadIndex;
+	};