changeset 25 3533d4323edc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/meetingrequest/mrcommon/inc/esmrcommands.h	Wed Sep 01 12:28:57 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  esmrui commands definitions
+#include <avkon.hrh>
+#include <calencommands.hrh>
+ * Enumeration for ES MR commands.
+ * Define ES email command ids after enumaration value
+ * EESMRFirstFSMailCommand.
+ */
+enum TESMRCommand
+    {
+    EESMRCmdUndefined = 0,               // Undefined command
+    EESMRCmdAcceptMR = 1,                // Accept received MR
+    EESMRCmdTentativeMR,                 // Tentatively accept MR
+    EESMRCmdDeclineMR,                   // Decline MR
+    EESMRCmdDeleteMR,                    // Deletes MR
+    EESMRCmdRemoveFromCalendar,          // Removes cancelled MR from calendar
+    EESMRCmdSendMR,                      // Send Meeting request
+    EESMRCmdSendMRUpdate,                // Send MR update
+    EESMRCmdSaveMR,                      // Save MR
+    EESMRCmdSaveCloseMR,				 // Save and Close MR
+    EESMRCmdEdit,                        // Edit MR
+    EESMRCmdEditLocal,                   // Locally edit meeting request
+    EESMRCmdReply,                       // Reply to one recipient
+    EESMRCmdReplyAll,                    // Reply to all recipients
+    EESMRCmdForwardAsMeeting,            // Forward MR as meeting
+    EESMRCmdForwardAsMail,               // Forward MR as mail
+    EESMRCmdViewCalendar,                // View calendar
+    EESMRCmdAddOptAttendee,              // Adds optional attendee
+    EESMRCmdPriorityHigh,                // Mark MR with 'high' priority
+    EESMRCmdPriorityNormal,              // Mark MR with 'normal' priority
+    EESMRCmdPriorityLow,                 // Mark MR with 'low' priority
+    EESMRCmdPriorityOptions,             // Cascade menu command for priority options
+    EESMRCmdAddAttendees,                // add attendees to meeting
+    EESMRCmdShowAllAttendees,            // show all attendees of attendee viever field
+    EESMRCmdForwardOptions,              // Cascade menu command for forward options
+    EESMRCmdForceExit,                   // Exit without saving
+    EESMRCmdAlarmOn,
+    EESMRCmdAlarmOff,
+    EESMRCmdOpenPriorityQuery,
+    EESMRCmdOpenSyncQuery,
+    EESMRCmdOpenRecurrenceQuery,
+    EESMRCmdOpenAlarmQuery,
+    EESMRCmdOpenLocationContextMenu,
+    EESMRCmdCheckEvent,
+    EESMRCmdClipboardCopy,              // Copy to clipboard in viewer options menu
+    EESMRCmdTodoMarkAsDone,             // todoviewer options menu
+    EESMRCmdTodoMarkAsNotDone,          // todoviewer options menu
+    EESMRCmdOpenUnifiedEditorQuery,     // Open query for event type
+    EESMRCmdOpenMultiCalenSelectQuery,        // Open query for multi calen selection dialog
+    /**
+     * Tracking view commands
+     */
+    EESMRCmdViewTrack,                  // Show tracking view
+    EESMRCmdCall,                       // Call the selected participant
+    EESMRCmdBack,                       // Back to previos dialog
+    /**
+     * Calendar Entry UI Specific commands
+     */
+    EESMRCmdCalEntryUIDelete,           // Delete calendar entry item
+    EESMRCmdCalEntryUISend,             // Send calendar entry item
+    EESMRCmdCalEntryUIEdit,             // Edit calendar entry item
+    EESMRCmdCalEntryUIAddParticipants,  // Add participants to meeting item
+    EESMRCmdCalEntryUISave,             // Sace calendar entry item
+    /**
+     * MRUI Attachment specific commands
+     */
+    EESMRAcceptWithoutAttachmentCheck,          // Accept MR without attachment check
+    EESMRTentativeWithoutAttachmentCheck,       // Tentative MR without attachment check
+    EESMRDeclineWithoutAttachmentCheck,         // Decline MR without attachment check
+    EESMRRemoveFromDbWithoutAttachmentCheck,    // Remove from calendar without attachment check
+    EMRLaunchAttachmentContextMenu,             // Launch context menu for attachment field
+    EMRCmdHideAttachmentIndicator,              // Hide attachment indicator from UI
+    /**
+     * Attendee field contact handling related
+     */
+    EESMRCmdAttendeeSoftkeySelect,
+    EESMRCmdAttendeeSoftkeyCancel,
+    EESMRCmdAttendeeInsertContact,
+    EESMRCmdAttendeeRequiredEnabled,
+    EESMRCmdAttendeeRequiredDisabled,
+    EESMRCmdAttendeeOptionalEnabled,
+    EESMRCmdAttendeeOptionalDisabled,
+    /** Attachment field specific command */
+    EESMRCmdMskOpenEmailAttachment,
+    /**
+     * MR Contact Action Plugin specific command
+     * to notify that editor is inialized and ready
+     * to be shown on screen
+     * */
+    EESMRCmdEditorInitializationComplete,
+    /**
+     * Location integration
+     */
+    EESMRCmdAddLocation,
+    EESMRCmdAssignFromMap,
+    EESMRCmdUpdateFromMap,
+    EESMRCmdSearchFromContacts,
+    EESMRCmdSearchFromMap,
+    EESMRCmdShowOnMap,
+    EESMRCmdPreviousLocations,
+    EESMRCmdLandmarks,
+    EESMRCmdDisableWaypointIcon,
+    EESMRCmdEnableWaypointIcon,
+    /**
+     * Middle softkey restoration
+     */
+    EESMRCmdRestoreMiddleSoftKey,
+    /**
+     * Text size of field exceeded
+     */
+    EESMRCmdSizeExceeded,
+    EESMRCmdLongtapDetected,
+    /**
+     * Attachment field
+     */
+    EESMRViewerOpenAttachment,
+    EESMRViewerSaveAttachment,
+    EESMRViewerOpenAndSaveAttachment,
+    EESMRViewerSaveAllAttachments,
+    EESMRViewerCancelAttachmentDownload,
+    EESMREditorOpenAttachment,
+    EESMREditorRemoveAttachment,
+    EESMREditorRemoveAllAttachments,
+    EESMREditorAddAttachment,
+    /**
+     * Unified editor commands
+     */
+    EMRCommandSwitchToMR,
+    EMRCommandSwitchToMeeting,
+    EMRCommandSwitchToMemo,
+    EMRCommandSwitchToAnniversary,
+    EMRCommandSwitchToTodo,
+    EESMRCmdCalendarChange, //switch calendar
+    /**
+     * My Locations view commands
+     */
+    EMRCommandMyLocations,
+    /**
+     * Other commands
+     */
+    EMRDialogOptionsMenuExit,
+    /**
+     * Environment change
+     */
+    EMRCmdDoEnvironmentChange,
+    /**
+     * FS Email specific command range
+     */
+    //<cmail> Moved bit forward to avoid conflict with avkon.hrh/ProcessCommandL constant range
+    EESMRFirstFSMailCommand = 0x1388,
+    //</cmail>
+    EESMRCCmdMailLast =       0x2000,
+    /**
+     * SendUI
+     * this value comes from and is shared with CalenGlobalData component
+     */
+    EESMRCmdSendAs = 30000,
+    /**
+     * Action menu command items
+     */
+    EESMRCmdActionMenu = 999500,        // Action menu command
+    EESMRCmdActionMenuFirst = 999501,   // First dynamic submenu command
+    EESMRCmdActionMenuLast = 999600     // Last dynamic submenu command
+    };
+ * Enumeration for MR plugin commands.
+ * Define mrplugin command ids after RECAL Calendar's last commands
+ */
+enum TMRCalenPluginCommands
+    {
+    /**
+     *Plugin Commands
+     */
+    EMRPluginCommandBase = ECalenLastCommand,   // Last TCalenCommandId
+    EMRLaunchMeetingViewer                       // Use meeting viewer to open entry
+    };
+// EOF