changeset 25 3533d4323edc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/meetingrequest/mrgui/src/cesmrtrackingviewdialog.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:28:57 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+*  Description : ESMR tracking view dialog
+*  Version     : %version: e002sa32#15.1.1 %
+#include "emailtrace.h"
+#include "cesmrtrackingviewdialog.h"
+#include <AknUtils.h>
+#include <StringLoader.h>
+#include <calentry.h>
+#include <MAgnEntryUi.h>
+#include "cesmrpolicy.h"
+#include <esmrgui.rsg>
+#include "esmrgui.hrh"
+#include "cesmrtrackingview.h"
+#include "cesmrviewerfieldstorage.h"
+#include "mesmrcalentry.h"
+#include "cesmrcontactmenuhandler.h"
+#include "esmrconfig.hrh"
+#include "esmrinternaluid.h"
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+namespace // codescanner::namespace
+// Literal for viewer dialog
+_LIT( KESMRTrackinglgPanicTxt, "ESMRTrackingDlg" );
+enum TESMRViewerDlgPanic
+    {
+    EESMRTrackingVieweDlgInvalidCommand
+    };
+void Panic( TESMRViewerDlgPanic aPanic )
+    {
+    User::Panic( KESMRTrackinglgPanicTxt, aPanic );
+    }
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRTrackingViewDialog::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CESMRTrackingViewDialog* CESMRTrackingViewDialog::NewL(
+		const CESMRPolicy& aPolicy,
+		MESMRCalEntry& aEntry,
+		MAgnEntryUiCallback& aCallback )
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    CESMRTrackingViewDialog* self =
+	new (ELeave) CESMRTrackingViewDialog( aPolicy, aEntry, aCallback);
+	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+	return self;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRTrackingViewDialog::~CESMRTrackingViewDialog
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    iESMRStatic.Close();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRTrackingViewDialog::CESMRTrackingViewDialog
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        const CESMRPolicy& aPolicy,
+		MESMRCalEntry& aEntry,
+		MAgnEntryUiCallback& aCallback) :
+    iPolicy( aPolicy ),
+	iEntry( aEntry ),
+    iCallback(aCallback)
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    // Do nothing
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRTrackingViewDialog::ConstructL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRTrackingViewDialog::ConstructL()
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    CAknDialog::ConstructL ( R_TRACKING_DIALOG_MENUBAR );
+    iESMRStatic.ConnectL();
+    iESMRStatic.ContactMenuHandlerL().Reset();
+    TRect clientRect;
+    AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, clientRect );
+    // Sort the attendees list so that Req attendeees comes  first
+    // and then opt attendees
+    SortAttendeesL();
+    // Set the index of builder to zero so that
+    // participant field is created from index.
+    iESMRStatic.SetCurrentFieldIndex(0);
+    iView = CESMRTrackingView::NewL( iEntry, clientRect,
+            CountAttendeesL(CCalAttendee::EReqParticipant),
+            CountAttendeesL(CCalAttendee::EOptParticipant));
+    iView->SetParentDialog(this);
+    if ( iEntry.Entry().SummaryL().Length() == 0 )
+		 {
+		 // if no title, set unnamed text:
+		 HBufC* title = StringLoader::LoadLC (R_QTN_MEET_REQ_CONFLICT_UNNAMED);
+		 iView->SetTitleL( *title );
+		 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( title );
+		 }
+    else
+         {
+         iView->SetTitleL( iEntry.Entry().SummaryL() );
+         }
+    iMenuBar->SetContextMenuTitleResourceId( R_MR_TRACKING_VIEW_CONTEXT_MENU );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRTrackingViewDialog::CreateCustomControlL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    CESMRTrackingViewDialog::CreateCustomControlL( TInt aType )
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    SEikControlInfo controlInfo;
+    controlInfo.iControl = NULL;
+    controlInfo.iFlags = 0;
+    controlInfo.iTrailerTextId = 0;
+    if ( aType == EEsMrTrackingType )
+        {
+        controlInfo.iControl = iView;
+        }
+    return controlInfo;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRTrackingViewDialog::OfferKeyEventL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TKeyResponse CESMRTrackingViewDialog::OfferKeyEventL
+        (const TKeyEvent& aEvent, TEventCode aType)
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    TKeyResponse response = CAknDialog::OfferKeyEventL( aEvent, aType );
+    if ( ( response == EKeyWasNotConsumed && aEvent.iCode != EKeyEscape)
+		   && (!MenuShowing()) )
+		{
+		response = iView->OfferKeyEventL( aEvent, aType );
+		}
+	return response;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRTrackingViewDialog::OkToExitL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CESMRTrackingViewDialog::OkToExitL (TInt aButtonId)
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    TBool res( EFalse );
+    // show options
+    switch ( aButtonId )
+        {
+        case EAknSoftkeyOptions:
+            {
+            CAknDialog::DisplayMenuL();
+            break;
+            }
+        case EESMRCmdBack:
+            {
+            res = ETrue;
+            break;
+            }
+        case EESMRCmdCall:
+            {
+            iESMRStatic.ContactMenuHandlerL().ExecuteOptionsMenuL(
+												EESMRCmdActionMenuFirst );
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            res = CAknDialog::OkToExitL( aButtonId );
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    return res;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRTrackingViewDialog::CountAttendeesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CESMRTrackingViewDialog::CountAttendeesL( // codescanner::intleaves
+        CCalAttendee::TCalRole aRole)
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    RPointerArray<CCalAttendee>& calAttendeeList = iEntry.Entry().AttendeesL();
+    TInt totalParticipants = calAttendeeList.Count();
+    TInt totalAttendees(0);
+    for (TInt i=0; i< totalParticipants; i++)
+        {
+        CCalAttendee::TCalRole role = CCalAttendee::ENonParticipant;
+        role = calAttendeeList[i]->RoleL();
+        if ( role == aRole )
+        	{
+        	++totalAttendees;
+        	}
+        }
+    return totalAttendees;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRTrackingViewDialog::SortAttendeesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRTrackingViewDialog::SortAttendeesL()
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    RPointerArray<CCalAttendee>& attendees = iEntry.Entry().AttendeesL();
+    // Sort the attendees so that REqPart come first and then optPart
+    // This is required once only
+     TInt i, j;
+     TBool flag = ETrue;    // set flag to true to begin initial pass
+     TInt arrayLength = attendees.Count();
+     for(i = 1; (i <= arrayLength) && flag; i++)
+         {
+          flag = EFalse;
+          for (j=0; j < (arrayLength -1); j++)
+              {
+              CCalAttendee::TCalRole lhs = CCalAttendee::ENonParticipant;
+              CCalAttendee::TCalRole rhs = CCalAttendee::ENonParticipant;
+              lhs = attendees[j+1]->RoleL();
+              rhs = attendees[j]->RoleL();
+              if ( lhs < rhs )
+                  {
+                  CCalAttendee* tempAttendee = attendees[j];
+                  attendees[j]   = attendees[j+1];
+                  attendees[j+1] = tempAttendee;
+                  flag = ETrue;   // indicates that a swap occurred.
+                  }
+              }// Inner loop (j)
+         } // Outer loop (i)
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRTrackingViewDialog::ProcessCommandL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRTrackingViewDialog::ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommand )
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    TRAPD( err, DoProcessCommandL( aCommand ) );
+    if ( err != KErrNone &&
+         err != KErrCancel &&
+         err != KErrArgument )
+        {
+        User::Leave(err);
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRTrackingViewDialog::DoProcessCommandL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRTrackingViewDialog::DoProcessCommandL( TInt aCommand )
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    CAknDialog::ProcessCommandL( aCommand );
+    switch ( aCommand )
+        {
+        case EAknCmdExit:
+        	{
+            TryExitL( aCommand );
+            break;
+        	}
+        case EAknCmdHelp:
+            {
+            iView->LaunchViewerHelpL();
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+        	{
+            if ( aCommand >= EESMRCmdActionMenuFirst &&
+            	 aCommand <= EESMRCmdActionMenuLast )
+                {
+                iESMRStatic.ContactMenuHandlerL().ExecuteOptionsMenuL(
+																aCommand );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse,
+                		Panic( EESMRTrackingVieweDlgInvalidCommand ) );
+                }
+            break;
+        	}
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRTrackingViewDialog::DynInitMenuPaneL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRTrackingViewDialog::DynInitMenuPaneL(
+		TInt aResourceId,
+        CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    if ( aResourceId == R_ACTION_MENU )
+        {
+        iESMRStatic.ContactMenuHandlerL().InitOptionsMenuL( aMenuPane );
+        }
+    if ( aResourceId == R_MR_TRACKING_VIEW_MENU )
+        {
+        aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EESMRCmdActionMenu,
+        		!iESMRStatic.ContactMenuHandlerL().OptionsMenuAvailable() );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRTrackingViewDialog::ActivateL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRTrackingViewDialog::ActivateL()
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    CAknDialog::ActivateL();
+    iView->InternalizeL();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRTrackingViewDialog::ExecuteViewLD
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CESMRTrackingViewDialog::ExecuteViewLD()
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    return ExecuteLD( R_MRTRACKING_DIALOG );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRTrackingViewDialog::HandleFieldEventL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRTrackingViewDialog::HandleListEventL()
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    iMenuBar->TryDisplayContextMenuBarL();
+    }
+// End of File