changeset 25 3533d4323edc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/meetingrequest/mrguicommon/inc/nmrbitmapmanager.h	Wed Sep 01 12:28:57 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Bitmap manager for MRGUI usage.
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <AknsItemID.h>
+class CFbsBitmap;
+namespace NMRBitmapManager
+    {    
+    enum TMRBitmapId 
+        {
+        EMRBitmapNotSet = 0x00,
+        EMRBitmapRightClickArrow = 0x01,
+        EMRBitmapTrackingAccept,
+        EMRBitmapTrackingReject,
+        EMRBitmapTrackingTentative,
+        EMRBitmapTrackingNone,
+        EMRBitmapPriorityHigh,
+        EMRBitmapPriorityLow,
+        EMRBitmapPriorityNormal,
+        EMRBitmapSynchronization,
+        EMRBitmapSubject,
+        EMRBitmapOccasion,
+        EMRBitmapRecurrence,
+        EMRBitmapBrowser,
+        EMRBitmapIntranet,
+        EMRBitmapBookmark,
+        EMRBitmapAlarm,
+        EMRBitmapAlarmClock,
+        EMRBitmapCheckBoxOn,
+        EMRBitmapCheckBoxOff,
+        EMRBitmapClock,
+        EMRBitmapLocation,
+        EMRBitmapLocationWaypoint,
+        EMRBitmapDateStart,
+        EMRBitmapDateEnd,
+        EMRBitmapAttachment,
+        EMRBitmapCtrlBar,
+        EMRBitmapSearchContacts,
+        EMRBitmapCalendarSelection,
+        EMRBitmapEventTypeMeeting,
+        EMRBitmapEventTypeMR,
+        EMRBitmapEventTypeMemo,
+        EMRBitmapEventTypeAnniversary,
+        EMRBitmapEventTypeTodo,
+        EMRBitmapLockField,
+        // Attachment handling icons
+        EMRBitmapMailAttachment = 0x200,
+        EMRBitmapOpenAttachmentView,
+        EMRBitmapOpenAttachment,
+        EMRBitmapDownloadAttachment,
+        EMRBitmapDownloadAllAttachments,
+        EMRBitmapSaveAttachment,
+        EMRBitmapSaveAllAttachments,
+        EMRBitmapListCenter,
+        EMRBitmapListTop,
+        EMRBitmapListBottom,
+        EMRBitmapListLeft,
+        EMRBitmapListRight,
+        EMRBitmapListTopLeft,
+        EMRBitmapListTopRight,
+        EMRBitmapListBottomLeft,
+        EMRBitmapListBottomRight,
+        EMRBitmapInputCenter,
+        EMRBitmapInputTop,
+        EMRBitmapInputBottom,
+        EMRBitmapInputLeft,
+        EMRBitmapInputRight,
+        EMRBitmapInputTopLeft,
+        EMRBitmapInputTopRight,
+        EMRBitmapInputBottomLeft,
+        EMRBitmapInputBottomRight,
+        EMRBitmapSetOptCenter,
+        EMRBitmapSetOptTop,
+        EMRBitmapSetOptBottom,
+        EMRBitmapSetOptLeft,
+        EMRBitmapSetOptRight,
+        EMRBitmapSetOptTopLeft,
+        EMRBitmapSetOptTopRight,
+        EMRBitmapSetOptBottomLeft,
+        EMRBitmapSetOptBottomRight,
+        EMRBitmapMailPre,
+        EMRBitmapMailNext,
+        // Attachment type selection
+        EMRBitmapAttachmentTypeImage,
+        EMRBitmapAttachmentTypeVideo,
+        EMRBitmapAttachmentTypeMusic,
+        EMRBitmapAttachmentTypeNote,
+        EMRBitmapAttachmentTypePresentations,
+        EMRBitmapAttachmentTypeOther
+        };
+    class TMRBitmapStruct 
+        {
+        public:
+            TMRBitmapStruct() : 
+                iFallbackIndex( 0 ), iFallbackMaskIndex( 0 ) 
+                    { iItemId.iMajor = 0; iItemId.iMinor = 0; }
+        public: // Data
+            TAknsItemID iItemId;
+            TInt iFallbackIndex;
+            TInt iFallbackMaskIndex;
+        };
+    /**
+     * Converts logical TMRBitmapId to internal TMRBitmapStruct
+     * which contains skin id for bitmap and fallback ids.
+     * 
+     * @param aBitmapId Logical bitmap id.
+     * @return TAknsItemID Skin graphics id.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C TMRBitmapStruct GetBitmapStruct( TMRBitmapId aBitmapId );
+    /**
+     * Creates bitmap and bitmap mask. Bitmap is skin/theme based
+     * and it's retrived by the given ID.Bitmap is also resized to
+     * the given size.
+     * Ownership of these created bitmaps is transferred to the caller.
+     *
+     * @param aIconID - id of the wanted bitmap
+     * @param aBitmap - reference to the pointer where new bitmap is stored
+     * @param aMask - reference to the pointer where new bitmap mask is stored
+     * @param aSize - Desired size for the bitmap
+     * @return TInt - KErrNone if bitmap was constructed succesfully
+     *                KErrNotFound if any problems occured
+     */
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetSkinBasedBitmap( TMRBitmapId aBitmapId,
+                                      CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap,
+                                      CFbsBitmap*& aMask,
+                                      TSize aSize );
+    /**
+     * Creates bitmap and bitmap mask. Bitmap is skin/theme based
+     * and it's retrived by the given ID.Bitmap is also resized to
+     * the given size. Both bitmap and bitmap mask are left into the
+     * CleanupStack in undefined order and type. Function leaves in case
+     * of any error.
+     *
+     * @param aIconID - id of the wanted bitmap
+     * @param aBitmap - reference to the pointer where new bitmap is stored
+     * @param aMask - reference to the pointer where new bitmap mask is stored
+     * @param aSize - Desired size for the bitmap
+     */
+    IMPORT_C void GetSkinBasedBitmapLC( TMRBitmapId aBitmapId,
+                                        CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap,
+                                        CFbsBitmap*& aMask,
+                                        TSize aSize );
+    /**
+     * Creates bitmap and bitmap mask. Bitmap is mask icon with color group 
+     * customized and it's retrived by the given ID.Bitmap is also resized to
+     * the given size.
+     * Ownership of these created bitmaps is transferred to the caller.
+     *
+     * @param aIconID - id of the wanted bitmap
+     * @param aBitmap - reference to the pointer where new bitmap is stored
+     * @param aMask - reference to the pointer where new bitmap mask is stored
+     * @param aSize - Desired size for the bitmap
+     * @return TInt - KErrNone if bitmap was constructed succesfully
+     *                KErrNotFound if any problems occured
+     */
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetMaskIconBitmap( TMRBitmapId aBitmapId,
+                                      CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap,
+                                      CFbsBitmap*& aMask,                                       
+                                      TInt aColorIndex,
+                                      TSize aSize );
+    /**
+     * Creates bitmap and bitmap mask. Bitmap is mask icon with color group 
+     * customized and it's retrived by the given ID.Bitmap is also resized to
+     * the given size. Both bitmap and bitmap mask are left into the
+     * CleanupStack in undefined order and type. Function leaves in case
+     * of any error.
+     *
+     * @param aIconID - id of the wanted bitmap
+     * @param aBitmap - reference to the pointer where new bitmap is stored
+     * @param aMask - reference to the pointer where new bitmap mask is stored
+     * @param aSize - Desired size for the bitmap
+     */
+    IMPORT_C void GetMaskIconBitmapLC( TMRBitmapId aBitmapId,
+                                        CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap,
+                                        CFbsBitmap*& aMask,                                        
+                                        TInt aColorIndex,
+                                        TSize aSize );
+    }