changeset 0 8466d47a6819
child 8 e1b6206813b4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/meetingrequest/mricalviewer/src/cesmricalviewerresolvemrmethodasync.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:39:21 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Resolving meeting request method asynchronoysly
+#include "emailtrace.h"
+#include "cesmricalviewerresolvemrmethodasync.h"
+#include "esmricalviewerutils.h"
+#include "esmricalvieweropcodes.hrh"
+#include <calsession.h>
+#include "CFSMailClient.h"
+#include <calentry.h>
+#include "cesmrmrinfoicalretriever.h"
+#include "cesmrimapicalretriever.h"
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd::CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        CCalSession& aCalSession,
+        CFSMailClient& aMailClient )
+:   CESMRIcalViewerAsyncCommand( EESMRResolveMRMethod, aCalSession ),
+    iMailClient( aMailClient ),
+    iMRMethod( EESMRMeetingRequestMethodUnknown )
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    //do nothing
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd::~CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    CancelCommand();
+    iMRRetrieverCommands.ResetAndDestroy();
+    iMRRetrieverCommands.Close();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd::NewL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd* CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd::NewL(
+        CCalSession& aCalSession,
+        CFSMailClient& aMailClient )
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd* self =
+            new (ELeave) CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd(
+                    aCalSession, aMailClient  );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd::ConstructL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd::ConstructL()
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    BaseConstructL();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd::OperationCompleted
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd::OperationCompleted(
+        MESMRIcalViewerObserver::TIcalViewerOperationResult aResult )
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    if ( aResult.iOpType == EESMRLoadMRInfoData ||
+         aResult.iOpType == EESMRLoadMRIcalData         )
+        {
+        // MRINFO data was parsed succesfully
+        CCalEntry::TMethod method( CCalEntry::EMethodNone );
+        // If this leaves we just go to case default.
+        TRAP_IGNORE( method = iESMRInputParams.iCalEntry->MethodL() );
+        switch ( method )
+            {
+            case CCalEntry::EMethodRequest:
+                {
+                iMRMethod = EESMRMeetingRequestMethodRequest;
+                }
+                break;
+            case CCalEntry::EMethodReply:
+                {
+                iMRMethod = EESMRMeetingRequestMethodResponse;
+                }
+                break;
+            case CCalEntry::EMethodCancel:
+                {
+                iMRMethod = EESMRMeetingRequestMethodCancellation;
+                }
+                break;
+            default:
+                {
+                iMRMethod = EESMRMeetingRequestMethodUnknown;
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+        aResult.iOpType  = OperationType();
+        aResult.iMethod  = iMRMethod;
+        aResult.iMessage = Message();
+        TBool isAttendee = EFalse;
+        TRAP_IGNORE( isAttendee = ESMRIcalViewerUtils::IsMailboxOwnerAttendeeL(
+                            *(iESMRInputParams.iCalEntry),
+                            iMailClient,
+                            *Message() )) ;
+        if ( !isAttendee )
+            {
+            iMRMethod = EESMRMeetingRequestMethodUnknown;
+            aResult.iMethod = EESMRMeetingRequestMethodUnknown;
+            }
+        Observer()->OperationCompleted( aResult );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd::OperationError
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd::OperationError(
+        MESMRIcalViewerObserver::TIcalViewerOperationResult aResult )
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    if ( aResult.iOpType == EESMRLoadMRInfoData )
+        {
+        if ( aResult.iResultCode == KErrNotFound && iMRRetrieverCommands.Count() > iCurrentCommand + 1)
+            {
+            TRAPD( error, iMRRetrieverCommands[++iCurrentCommand]->ExecuteCommandL(
+                    *Message(),
+                    *this ) );
+            if ( error != KErrNone )
+                {
+                aResult.iOpType = OperationType();
+                aResult.iResultCode = error;
+                aResult.iMethod  = iMRMethod;
+                aResult.iMessage = Message();
+                Observer()->OperationError( aResult );
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            aResult.iOpType  = OperationType();
+            aResult.iMethod  = iMRMethod;
+            aResult.iMessage = Message();
+            Observer()->OperationError( aResult );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd::ExecuteAsyncCommandL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd::ExecuteAsyncCommandL()
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    CESMRInfoIcalRetrieverCmd* cmd = CESMRInfoIcalRetrieverCmd::NewL(
+                CalSession(),
+                iESMRInputParams );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( cmd );
+    User::LeaveIfError(
+            iMRRetrieverCommands.Append( cmd ) );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( cmd ); cmd = NULL;
+    CESMRImapIcalRetrieverCmd* cmd2 =
+        CESMRImapIcalRetrieverCmd::NewL(
+            CalSession(),
+            iMailClient,
+            iESMRInputParams );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( cmd2 );
+    User::LeaveIfError(
+            iMRRetrieverCommands.Append( cmd2 ) );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( cmd2 ); cmd2 = NULL;
+    iCurrentCommand = 0;
+    if(iMRRetrieverCommands.Count() > iCurrentCommand)
+        {
+        iMRRetrieverCommands[iCurrentCommand]->ExecuteCommandL(
+                    *Message(),
+                    *this );
+        }
+    else
+       	{
+       	User::Leave(KErrOverflow);
+       	}
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd::CancelAsyncCommand
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CESMRIcalViewerResolveMRMethodASyncCmd::CancelAsyncCommand()
+    {
+    FUNC_LOG;
+    TInt commandCount( iMRRetrieverCommands.Count() );
+    for ( TInt i(0); i < commandCount; ++i )
+        {
+        iMRRetrieverCommands[iCurrentCommand]->CancelCommand();
+        }
+    }
+// EOF