changeset 24 d189ee25cf9d
parent 11 0396474f30f5
child 25 3533d4323edc
--- a/ipsservices/ipssosplugin/inc/ipsplgconnectandrefreshfolderlist.h	Thu Aug 19 09:38:05 2010 +0300
+++ b/ipsservices/ipssosplugin/inc/ipsplgconnectandrefreshfolderlist.h	Tue Aug 31 15:04:17 2010 +0300
@@ -15,56 +15,47 @@
 *       folder refresh operation
-#include <AknWaitNoteWrapper.h>
-// <cmail>
+// <qmail> AknWaitNoteWrapper include has been removed
 #include <imapset.h>
-// </cmail>
 // Specific includes
 #include "ipsplgonlineoperation.h"
-* Superoperation which wraps a UI around going online, updating
-* an IMAP service's folder list and disconnecting again.
+* Operation that 1) goes online, 2) updates mailbox's folder list, and 3) disconnects again
-class CIpsPlgConnectAndRefreshFolderList : public CIpsPlgOnlineOperation,
-                                           public MAknBackgroundProcess
+// <qmail> MAknBackgroundProcess base class has been removed
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS ( CIpsPlgConnectAndRefreshFolderList ) : public CIpsPlgOnlineOperation
-public: // from MAknBackgroundProcess
-    /**
-     * Completes one cycle of the process.
-     */
-    virtual void StepL();
-    /**
-     * Return true when the process is done.
-     */
-    virtual TBool IsProcessDone() const;
-    virtual void DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId );
+// <qmail> removed 3 functions from MAknBackgroundProcess
-    * NewL()
-    * @param CMsvSession&
-    * @param TInt
-    * @param TRequestStatus&
-    * @param TMsvId
-    * @return CImapConnectAndRefreshFolderList*
+    * Construction
+    * @param aSession session to the MsvServer
+    * @param aObserverRequestStatus caller's status
+    * @param aService service entry in use (related to mailbox)
+    * @param aMailboxId identifies the mailbox
+    * @param aSelection specifies selection (array) of entries that this op operates on
+    *        ownership is moved to the operation
+    * @param aFSObserver operation's observer
+    * @param aActivityTimer mailbox specific activity timer
+    * @return operation instance
-    IMPORT_C static CIpsPlgConnectAndRefreshFolderList* NewL(
-        CMsvSession& aSession, TInt aPriority, TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus,
-        TMsvId aService, TFSMailMsgId& aMailboxId, CMsvEntrySelection& aMsvEntry,
-        MFSMailRequestObserver& aFSObserver, CIpsPlgTimerOperation& aTimer );
+    // <qmail> priority parameter has been removed
+    // <qmail> rename selection parameter, and changed it to pointer
+    // <qmail> removed EXPORT from this function
+    static CIpsPlgConnectAndRefreshFolderList* NewL(
+        CMsvSession& aSession,
+        TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus,
+        TMsvId aService, 
+        TFSMailMsgId& aMailboxId, 
+        CMsvEntrySelection* aSelection,
+        MFSMailRequestObserver* aFSObserver, 
+        CIpsPlgTimerOperation& aActivityTimer );
     * Destructor
@@ -73,33 +64,34 @@
     virtual ~CIpsPlgConnectAndRefreshFolderList();
-    *
+    * From MsvOperation
+    * Gets information on the progress of the operation
+    * (see MsvOperation header)
     const TDesC8& ProgressL();
-    *
+    * From CIpsPlgBaseOperation
+    * For reporting if DoRunL leaves
     const TDesC8& GetErrorProgressL(TInt aError);
-    /**
-    * 
-    */
     TFSProgress GetFSProgressL() const;
+// <qmail> new func to this op
-    * From 
-    * DoRunL()
-    */
+     * Returns operation type
+     */
+    TIpsOpType IpsOpType() const;
+// </qmail>
+protected: // From CActive
     virtual void DoRunL();
     virtual void DoCancel();
+    // internal states of this operation
     enum TIpsSetFolderRefreshStates
@@ -110,29 +102,36 @@
-    /**
+	/**
     * C++ constructor
     * CIpsPlgConnectAndRefreshFolderList()
-    CIpsPlgConnectAndRefreshFolderList( CMsvSession& aSession, TInt aPriority,
-        TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, TMsvId aService, TFSMailMsgId& aMailboxId,
-        MFSMailRequestObserver& aFSObserver, CIpsPlgTimerOperation& aTimer );
+    // <qmail> rename selection parameter
+	// <qmail> MFSMailRequestObserver& changed to pointer
+	CIpsPlgConnectAndRefreshFolderList( 
+        CMsvSession& aSession,
+        TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, 
+        TMsvId aService, 
+        TFSMailMsgId& aMailboxId,
+        CMsvEntrySelection* aSelection,
+        MFSMailRequestObserver* aFSObserver, 
+        CIpsPlgTimerOperation& aTimer );
     * ConstructL()
-    void ConstructL( CMsvEntrySelection& aMsvEntry );
+	// <qmail> aMsvEntry parameter has been removed
+    void ConstructL();
-    void DisplayLoginFailedDialogL();
+	// <qmail> DisplayLoginFailedDialogL function has been removed
-    TInt                                iState;
-    CIpsPlgTimerOperation*				iTimer;
-    CMsvEntrySelection*					iMsvEntry;
+    // <qmail> changes in members: iTimer, iAsyncWaitNote removed, iMsvEntry -> iSelection
+    TIpsSetFolderRefreshStates          iState;
+    CMsvEntrySelection*					iSelection; // owned
     TPckgBuf<TImap4CompoundProgress>    iProgressBuf;
-    CAknWaitNoteWrapper*                iAsyncWaitNote;
+    // </qmail>