* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Header definition for EmailShutter
// Include Files
#include <e32base.h> // CActive
#include <e32cmn.h> // TUid
#include <e32property.h> // RProperty
class CEmailServerMonitor;
// Security policies used when defining P&S keys
static _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_PASS(KAllowAllPolicy);
static _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(KPowerMgmtPolicy,ECapabilityPowerMgmt);
// Value to be set in shutdown P&S key.
const TInt KEmailShutterPsValue = 1;
// Maximum waiting times used to wait processes to close themselves gracefully
const TInt KTimeToWaitApplicationsInSeconds = 2;
const TInt KMaxTimeToWaitClientsInSeconds = 10;
const TInt KMaxTimeToWaitPluginsInSeconds = 10;
const TInt KMaxTimeToWaitMsgStoreInSeconds = 5;
// Cycle length (in seconds) to check if some processes are still running
const TInt KWaitTimeCycleInSeconds = 2;
// Format string used with process finder to find processes by their UID
_LIT( KFormatProcessFinderByUid, "*[%x]*" );
// Length of the formatted process finder string, basically length of
// KFormatProcessFinderByUid + length of 32 bit number in hexadecimal format
const TInt KFormatProcessFinderByUidLength = 12;
* Class CEmailShutter implements functionality that shuts down all email
* related services when IAD/sisx update starts. Shutdown is initiated by a
* Publish & Subscribe event sent by email installation initiator.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CEmailShutter ) : public CActive
public: // Public construcor and destructor
* Two-phased class constructor.
static CEmailShutter* NewL();
* Two-phased class constructor, leaves created object in cleanup stack.
static CEmailShutter* NewLC();
* Destructor of CEmailShutter class.
public: // Public member functions
* Start observing shutdown event.
void StartObservingShutdownEvent();
* Set P&S key after installation is done
void SetPsKeyInstallationFinished();
* Restart needed services after installation is finished
void RestartServicesAfterInstallation();
* Set pointer to Email Server Monitor object
void SetMonitor( CEmailServerMonitor* aMonitor );
private: // Private definitions
* Definition of possible killing modes when killing processes gracelessly
enum TEmailShutterKillingMode
private: // Private constructors
* Default class constructor.
* Only NewL can be called
* Second phase class constructor.
void ConstructL();
private: // From base class CActive
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
private: // Private member functions
* Highest level function to close everything in right order
void StartShutdown();
* End client applications gracefully
void EndClients();
* End UI applications gracefully
void EndApplicationsL();
* Define and publish the P&S key to inform all related services about the
* installation, so that they can shutdown themselves gracefully
void PublishPsKey( TInt aKey );
* Closes all non-email related plugins/services
void Close3rdPartyServices();
* Sends command to Always Online server to stop fs email plugin
void CloseAOPluginL();
* Sends command to Always Online server to start fs email plugin
void StartAoPluginL() const;
* Closes PCS (Predictive Contact Search) server
void ClosePcsServerL();
* Starts PCS (Predictive Contact Search) server
void StartPcsServerL() const;
* Try to find the UID given as parameter from the array given as parameter.
* @param aSid Process UID to be searched
* @param aArray Array from where to search
* @param aArrayCount Item count of the aArray
* @return ETrue if the UID can be found from the array, otherwise EFalse.
TBool FindFromArray(
const TUid aSid,
const TUid aArray[],
const TInt aArrayCount );
* Checks does this UID belong to the list of the services that we need to
* close down.
* @param aSid Process UID to check
* @param aMode Killing mode, are we now killing clients, plugins or msg store
* @return ETrue if this is one of the services we need to close in specified
* mode, otherwise EFalse
TBool NeedToKillThisProcess(
const TUid aSid,
const TEmailShutterKillingMode aMode );
* Kills all the related processes gracelessly. This is used as a backup for
* those processes that didn't close themselves gracefully.
* @param aMode Process killing mode as defined in TEmailShutterKillingMode
* @param aOnlyCheckIfRunning If EFalse (default value) when calling this
* function, it kills all the processes that match the mode and
* are running. If ETrue when calling this function, it only
* checks if at least one process needs to be killed (is running).
* @return ETrue if at least one process was killed or need to be killed.
TBool KillEmAll( const TEmailShutterKillingMode aMode = EKillingModeAll,
const TBool aOnlyCheckIfRunning = EFalse );
* Waits in cycles and checks between cycles have all relevant processes
* closed or do we still need to wait. Returns when either aMaxWaitTime
* has elapsed or when all relevant processes have been shutdown.
* @param aMaxWaitTime Maximum time to wait in seconds
* @param aMode Killing mode, are we now killing clients, plugins or msg
* store. Used to determine are there still some processes
* that have not closed themselves.
void WaitInCycles( const TInt aMaxWaitTime,
const TEmailShutterKillingMode aMode );
private: // Member variables
* Publish & Subscribe property to be observed.
RProperty iInstStatusProperty;
* Pointer to Email Server Monitor
* Not owned
CEmailServerMonitor* iMonitor;