* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: FreestyleEmailUi attachments list model and model item definition.
#include <e32base.h>
#include "fstreelist.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailDownloadInformationMediator.h"
class CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi;
class CFSMailMessage;
// Limit values of download progress
const TInt KNone = 0;
const TInt KComplete = 100;
// data of one attachment
struct TAttachmentData
// size of the attachment in bytes
TInt fileSize;
// download progress in %, 0-100
TInt downloadProgress;
// attachment file type
TFileType fileType;
// attachment file name
TFileName fileName;
// attachment tree entry id in attachment list
TFsTreeItemId treeId;
// attachment message part information
TPartData partData;
// Observer interface used to inform view about updates in model
class MFSEmailUiAttachmentsStatusObserver
* Informs that the status of the given attachment has changed.
* @param aIndex The index of the changed object in the model. Note that
* it's possible that a new object has been added to the model.
* In that case, this index is greater than the previous last
* index of the model. KErrNotFound indicates that the list
* was completely updated and thus UI needs to refresh
* itself totally.
virtual void DownloadStatusChangedL( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
// Base class contains common functionality for the Attachments list model and
// Download Manager model
class CFSEmailUiAttachmentsModelBase : public CBase, public MFSEmailDownloadInformationObserver
public: // methods
// starts download
TBool StartDownloadL( TFsTreeItemId aTreeId );
TBool StartDownloadL( const TAttachmentData& aAttachment );
// saves attachment
TBool SaveAttachmentL( TFsTreeItemId aTreeId, const TDesC& aFileName, TInt& aSavedCount );
TBool SaveAttachmentL( const TAttachmentData& aAttachment, const TDesC& aFileName, TInt& aSavedCount );
// cancels download operation
void CancelDownloadL( TFsTreeItemId aTreeId );
void CancelDownloadL( const TAttachmentData& aAttachment );
// removes the downloaded file contents
void RemoveContentL( TFsTreeItemId aTreeId );
void RemoveContentL( const TAttachmentData& aAttachment );
// is the message part currently being downloaded
TBool IsDownloading( const TAttachmentData& aAttachment );
// is the message part completely downloaded
TBool IsCompletelyDownloadedL( const TAttachmentData& aAttachment );
// is the message part an embedded message object
TBool IsMessage( const TAttachmentData& aAttachment ) const;
// returns ETrue if there has been at least one download started after program start
TBool IsThereAnyCurrentDownloads();
// Creates and returns a size description matching the given size. Ownership is transferred to CleanupStack.
static HBufC* CreateSizeDescLC( TInt aSize );
// Get AppUi handle
CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& AppUi();
public: // pure virtual methods
// get attachment data from list using tree entry
virtual TAttachmentData* GetItem( TFsTreeItemId aTreeId ) = 0;
// get attachment data from list using tree entry
virtual TAttachmentData& GetItemL( TFsTreeItemId aTreeId ) = 0;
// get message object related to the given tree entry
virtual TPartData GetMessageL( TFsTreeItemId aTreeId ) = 0;
// downloads all attachments
virtual TBool DownloadAllAttachmentsL() = 0;
// saves all attachments
virtual TBool SaveAllAttachmentsL( const TDesC& aFileName ) = 0;
// cancels all downloads
virtual void CancelAllDownloadsL() = 0;
// check if model contains any attachment of message type
virtual TBool IsThereAnyMessageAttachments() const = 0;
protected: // methods
CFSEmailUiAttachmentsModelBase( CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi );
void ConstructL();
protected: // data
CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& iAppUi;
// The Attachments list model
class CFSEmailUiAttachmentsListModel : public CFSEmailUiAttachmentsModelBase
// download progress infromation callback, from MFSEmailDownloadInformationObserver
virtual void RequestResponseL( const TFSProgress& aEvent, const TPartData& aPart );
// two-phased constructor
static CFSEmailUiAttachmentsListModel* NewL( CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi, MFSEmailUiAttachmentsStatusObserver& aObserver );
// two-phased constructor
static CFSEmailUiAttachmentsListModel* NewLC(CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi, MFSEmailUiAttachmentsStatusObserver& aObserver );
// destructor
// returns the whole model
const RArray<TAttachmentData>& GetModel();
// adds node id to attachment data
void SetNodeIdL( TInt aAttachmentIndex, TFsTreeItemId aTreeItemId );
// updates attachment list
void UpdateListL( TPartData aMessage );
void UpdateListL( CFSMailMessage* aEmbeddedMessage );
// Creates and returns mail subject text. Ownership is transferred to CleanupStack.
HBufC* CreateMailSubjectTextLC() const;
public: // from CFSEmailUiAttachmentsModelBase
// get attachment data from list using tree entry
TAttachmentData* GetItem( TFsTreeItemId aTreeId );
// get attachment data from list using tree entry
TAttachmentData& GetItemL( TFsTreeItemId aTreeId );
// get message object related to the given tree entry
TPartData GetMessageL( TFsTreeItemId aTreeId );
// downloads all attachments
TBool DownloadAllAttachmentsL();
// saves all attachments
TBool SaveAllAttachmentsL( const TDesC& aFileName );
// cancels all downloads
void CancelAllDownloadsL();
// check if model contains any attachment of message type
TBool IsThereAnyMessageAttachments() const;
// check if model contains any attachment of non-message type
TBool IsThereAnyNonMessageAttachments() const;
CFSEmailUiAttachmentsListModel( CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi, MFSEmailUiAttachmentsStatusObserver& aObserver );
void ConstructL();
MFSEmailUiAttachmentsStatusObserver& iObserver;
TPartData iMessage;
RArray<TAttachmentData> iAttachments;