* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: FreestyleEmailUi layout data handler definition
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32hashtab.h>
#include <alf/alfenv.h>
#include <alf/alftextstyle.h>
#include <aknlayout2scalabledef.h>
#include <AknUtils.h>
#include "FreestyleEmailUiLayoutData.h"
class CFsTreeList;
class CFSEmailUiLayoutHandler : public CBase
* Side parameter for drop down menu
enum TDropDownMenuSide
static CFSEmailUiLayoutHandler* NewL( CAlfEnv& aEnv );
// Function returns orientation of the currect screen resolution
TScreenOrientation ScreenOrientation() const;
// Main UI grid icon size
TSize GridIconSize() const;
// Grid rows and columns
TInt GridRowsInThisResolution() const;
TInt GridColumnsInThisResolution() const;
// Grid normal state text color, same as focused
TRgb GridNormalStateTextSkinColor() const;
// One line node and item height
TInt OneLineListNodeHeight() const;
TInt OneLineListItemHeight() const;
TInt TwoLineListItemHeight() const;
// <cmail>
// Folder list item heigh
TInt FolderListOneLineItemHeight( const TBool& aFullscreen ) const;
// Mail icon size
TSize MailIconSizeInThisResolution() const;
// For setting list marquee behaviour
void SetListMarqueeBehaviour( CFsTreeList* aTreeList ) const;
// Folder list icon size
TSize FolderListIconSize( const TBool aPopup = EFalse ) const;
// List pane size including scroll pane
TRect FolderListPaneRectInThisResolution( const TRect& aParent ) const;
// Scroll pane list item size
TSize FolderListItemSizeInThisResolution( const TRect& aParent ) const;
// Drop down menu rect
TRect DropDownMenuListRect( const TDropDownMenuSide aSide, TBool aStretch = ETrue ) const;
// </cmail>
// Folder list pane indentation in pixels
TInt FolderListIndentation( const TRect& aParent ) const;
// Selector ring size for the current resolution
TSize SelectorVisualSizeInThisResolution() const;
// FS Email UI fonts, returns font style. Calling
// View may set text visual style using SetTextStyle( CAlfTextStyle.Id() )
CAlfTextStyle* FSTextStyleFromIdL( TFSEmailFont aFontId );
// Control bar list padding
TPoint ControlBarListPadding() const;
// Control bar list border rounding size in pixels, used e.g. to
// calculate the background image border size
TInt ControlBarListBorderRoundingSize() const;
// Control bar button bg rounding size
TInt ControlBarButtonBgRoundingSize() const;
// Control bar height
TInt ControlBarHeight() const;
// List fade effect times
TInt ListFadeInEffectTime() const;
TInt ListFadeOutEffectTime() const;
// Status indicator fade effect time
TInt StatusIndicatorFadeEffectTime() const;
// Control bar list fade effect time
TInt CtrlBarListFadeEffectTime() const;
// View cross fade effect
TBool ViewFadeEffectActive() const;
TInt ViewFadeInEffectTime() const;
TInt ViewFadeOutEffectTime() const;
// View slide effect time
TBool ViewSlideEffectActive() const;
TInt ViewSlideEffectTime() const;
// List scrolling delay
TInt ListScrollingTime() const;
// List item expansion delay
TInt ListItemExpansionDelay() const;
// Time to wait before previous view is hide
// (to enable enough time for transition effect)
TInt ViewHidingDelay() const;
// List focused state text color
TRgb ListFocusedStateTextSkinColor() const;
// List normal state text color
TRgb ListNormalStateTextSkinColor() const;
// List node background color
TRgb ListNodeBackgroundColor() const;
// List node text color
TRgb ListNodeTextColor() const;
// List header item bacground color
TRgb ListHeaderBackgroundColor() const;
// List text style based on global zoom level
TInt ListTextStyle() const;
// Dropdown menu normal state text color
TRgb DropdownMenuTextColor() const;
// Text viewer font heigjht in twips global zoom level
TInt ViewerFontHeightInTwips() const;
// List items font heigjht in twips global zoom level
TInt ListItemFontHeightInTwips( const TBool aPopup = EFalse ) const;
// Logical font id's for viewer fonts
TAknLogicalFontId ViewerTitleFontAknLogicalFontId() const;
TAknLogicalFontId ViewerTextFontAknLogicalFontId() const;
// Viewer font heights based on global zoom level
TInt ViewerTitleFontHeight() const;
TInt ViewerTextFontHeight() const;
// Viewer layout related heights between lines based on global zoom level
TInt ViewerTopMostSpaceHeight() const;
TInt ViewerRecipientSpaceHeight() const;
TInt ViewerHeaderInfoSpaceHeight() const;
TInt ViewerBottomMostSpaceHeight() const;
// Maximum number of addresses shown in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields
TInt ViewerMaxRecipientLineCount() const;
// Maximum number of lines used to show the message subject
TInt ViewerMaxSubjectLineCount() const;
// Viewer text colors. These methods
// returns automatically fallback color if skin doesn't provide color
TRgb ViewerTitleTextColor() const;
TRgb ViewerTextTextColor() const;
TRgb ViewerBodyTextColor() const;
TRgb ViewerNormalHotspotTextColor() const;
TRgb ViewerHighlightedHotspotTextColor() const;
TRgb ViewerSentTextColor() const;
// Viewer pixels between msg status and follow up icons and subject text
TInt ViewerPixelsBetweenMsgStatusIconAndSubject() const;
// Viewer message status and follow up icon sizes in
TSize ViewerIconSize() const;
// Viewer transparent indentation icon size which is used to get
// certain amouth of pixel identation
TSize ViewerIndentationIconSize() const;
// Arrow icon used to indicate action menu
TSize ViewerActionMenuIconSize() const;
TInt ViewerActionMenuIconMargin() const;
// Viewer right and left margins
TInt ViewerRightMarginInPixels() const;
TInt ViewerLeftMarginInPixels() const;
// Viewer hotspot selector
TReal ViewerSelectorOpacity() const;
// Viewer watermark size and place from bottom right corner for current resolution
TSize ViewerWaterMarkSizeInThisResolution() const;
TPoint ViewerWaterMarkPlaceFromBottomRightCornerInThisResolution() const;
// Composer address, subject, and attachment field colors
TRgb ComposerFieldBorderColor() const;
TRgb ComposerFieldBackgroundColor() const;
// Composer text colors
TRgb ComposerHeaderFieldTextColor() const;
TRgb ComposerBodyFieldTextColor() const;
TRgb ComposerDimmedTextColor() const;
// Predictive contact search popup
TInt MaxPcsMatches() const;
TInt PcsPopupDimmedFontTransparency() const;
//To retrieve respecitve Icon Sizes
TInt ListTextureNodeExpandedSize() const;
TInt SearchLookingGlassIconSize() const;
TSize statusPaneIconSize() const;
TInt ListControlBarMailboxDefaultIconSize() const;
TInt EMailListBarBgIconSize() const;
TInt ListTextureMailboxDefaultIconSize() const;
TInt EListTextureSelectorSize() const;
TInt ListControlMenuIconSize() const;
TSize AttachmentIconSize() const;
TInt ViewerHighlightTextureSize() const;
TInt ControlBarArrowTextureXSize() const;
TInt ControlBarArrowTextureYSize() const;
TRect GetControlBarMailboxIconRect() const;
TRect GetControlBarNewEmailButtonRect() const;
TRect GetControlBarFolderListButtonRect() const;
TRect GetControlBarSortButtonRect() const;
TRect GetControlBarConnectionIconRect() const;
TRect GetControlBarRect() const;
TRect GetListRect( TBool aControlsOnTop = EFalse ) const;
CAlfTextStyle& FSTextStyleFromLayoutL( const TAknTextComponentLayout& aLayout );
TInt TitleCaptionPadding() const;
TRect ListCmailPaneRect() const;
TAknLayoutText GetSearchListHeaderTextLayout() const;
// Separator size
TSize SeparatorGraphicSizeInThisResolution() const;
// Separator line color
TRgb CFSEmailUiLayoutHandler::SeparatorLineColor() const;
// Padding value for drop down menu
TInt DropDownMenuListPadding() const;
CFSEmailUiLayoutHandler( CAlfEnv& aEnv );
void ConstructL();
TRgb GetSkinColor( const TAknsItemID& aID, TInt aIndex, const TRgb& aFallbackColor ) const;
void DeleteTextStyles();
CAlfEnv& iEnv;
RHashMap< TAknTextComponentLayout, CAlfTextStyle* > iTextStyleMap;
// End of File