* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: declares compose view
#include "cfsmailcommon.h"
#include "mfsmailrequestobserver.h"
#include <alf/alfenv.h>
#include "AknServerApp.h"
#include <AknProgressDialog.h>
#include <MsgAttachmentUtils.h>
#include "FreestyleEmailUiViewBase.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiConstants.h"
#include "FSComposerFetchLogic.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUi.hrh"
#include "cmailcustomstatuspaneindicators.h"
class CNcsComposeViewContainer;
class CFSMailClient;
class CAlfControl;
class CAlfAnchorLayout;
class CFSMailBox;
class CFSMailMessage;
class CFSMailMessagePart;
class CNcsEmailAddressObject;
class CFSMailAddress;
class CFSEmailCRHandler;
class CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi;
class CAlfEnv;
class CFreestyleEmailUiSendAttachmentsListControl;
class CMsvSession;
class CAknsLayeredBackgroundControlContext;
class CFsAutoSaver;
class CAknWaitDialog;
class CActiveHelper;
class CAknStylusPopUpMenu;
class CAknToolbarExtension;
const TInt KErrNcsComposeViewNotReady = KErrNotReady - 1000;
* CNcsComposeView view class.
class CNcsComposeView:
public CFsEmailUiViewBase,
public MAlfActionObserver,
public MComposerFetchLogicCallback,
public MProgressDialogCallback,
public MAknServerAppExitObserver
* Type of commit
enum TCommitType
// This is transient commit, message may get further modifications
// This is final commit, no more incoming changes
public: // constructors and destructor
* NewL.
* Two-phased constructor.
* Construct a CNcsComposeView for the AVKON application aApp.
* Using two phase construction,and return a pointer to the created object
* @return a pointer to the created instance of CNcsComposeView
static CNcsComposeView* NewL(
CFSMailClient& aMailClient,
CAlfEnv& aEnv,
CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* aAppUi,
CAlfControlGroup& aControlGroup,
CMsvSession& aMsvSession );
* NewLC.
* Two-phased constructor.
* Construct a CNcsComposeView for the AVKON application aApp.
* Using two phase construction,and return a pointer to the created object
* @return a pointer to the created instance of CNcsComposeView
static CNcsComposeView* NewLC(
CFSMailClient& aMailClient,
CAlfEnv& aEnv,
CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* aAppUi,
CAlfControlGroup& aControlGroup,
CMsvSession& aMsvSession );
* ~CNcsComposeView.
* Virtual Destructor.
virtual ~CNcsComposeView();
// Exit preparation function.
void PrepareForExit();
public: // from CFsEmailUiViewBase
* Id
* @return Id Uid value
TUid Id() const;
* HandleCommandL
* From CAknView, takes care of command handling.
* @param aCommand Command to be handled
void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
* ChildDoDeactivate
* Deactivate an AknView
* Remove the container class instance from the App UI's stack and
* deletes the instance
void ChildDoDeactivate();
* DynInitMenuPaneL
* Called by the framework before menu is shown to
* show/hide items dynamically.
* @param aResourceId The Id of the menu pane.
* @param aMenuPane The menu pane.
void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
* HandleDynamicVariantSwitchL
* Recalculates component layout
void HandleDynamicVariantSwitchL(
CFsEmailUiViewBase::TDynamicSwitchType aType );
public: // from MAlfActionObserver
void HandleActionL( const TAlfActionCommand& aActionCommand );
public: // from MComposerFetchLogicCallback
TBool FetchLogicComplete( TComposerFetchState aState, TInt aError );
public: // new functions
* LaunchStylusPopupMenu
* Show stylus popup menu for the attachments line
void LaunchStylusPopupMenu( const TPoint& aPenEventScreenLocation );
* AttachmentsListControl
* Returns pointer to attachment list control
CFreestyleEmailUiSendAttachmentsListControl* AttachmentsListControl();
* NewMessage
* Returns pointer to current composer message
CFSMailMessage* NewMessage();
* Commits changes to message. This method sets the field contents from
* the UI to the message object, but does not save the message unless
* explicitely requested.
void CommitL( TBool aParseAddresses = ETrue,
TFieldToCommit aFieldToCommit = EAllFields,
TBool aSaveNow = EFalse,
TCommitType aType = ETransient );
* Saves the message content, if it has been changed since the last save.
TInt SaveMessage();
void SaveMessageL();
void DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId );
void ShowFetchingWaitNoteL();
TBool IsPreparedForExit();
void AsyncExitL();
void HandleContainerChangeRequiringToolbarRefresh();
* Callback method for setting body content in asynchronous way.
void SetBodyContentComplete();
* Checks if "Opening" wait note is visible.
TBool IsOpeningWaitNoteVisible();
void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommand );
private: // from
* @see CFsEmailUiViewBase::ChildDoActivateL
void ChildDoActivateL( const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
TUid aCustomMessageId,
const TDesC8& aCustomMessage );
* From MAknToolbarObserver.
void DynInitToolbarL( TInt aResourceId, CAknToolbar* aToolbar );
* @see CFsEmailUiViewBase::OfferToolbarEventL
void OfferToolbarEventL( TInt aCommand );
* @see CFsEmailUiViewBase::ToolbarResourceId
TInt ToolbarResourceId() const;
* @see CFsEmailUiViewBase::GetInitiallyDimmedItemsL
void GetInitiallyDimmedItemsL( const TInt aResourceId,
RArray<TInt>& aDimmedItems ) const;
* Update toolbar items.
void RefreshToolbar();
private: // new functions
* HandleActivationCommandL
* Called from DoActivateL() to do the part of view activation which depends on the
* activation command given in TUid argument.
void HandleActivationCommandL( TUid aCustomMessageId );
* DoSaveDraftL
* Saves message to drafts
* @param aAskUser If ETrue asks user whether to save.
* @return ETrue if option was select and
* EFalse if Cancel was pressed, or if saving failed.
TBool DoSaveDraftL( TBool aAskUser );
* DoSendL
* Sends email message.
void DoSendL();
enum TExitMode
* DoSafeExit
void DoSafeExit( TExitMode aMode=ESaveDraftQuery );
* DoExitL
* Handler called when exiting the view.
void DoExitL( TExitMode aMode=ESaveDraftQuery );
* DoOpenAttachmentListL
* Saves current editor message to drafts and opens
* attachment list
void DoOpenAttachmentListL();
* SetAttachmentLabelContent
* Set files from model to view label
void SetAttachmentLabelContentL();
* GetAttachmentsFromMail
* get list of attachments from mail
void GetAttachmentsFromMailL();
* FileExistsInModel
* Check for duplicates in model when reading attachments from mail
TBool FileExistsInModel( TFSMailMsgId aAttachmentId );
* DoQuickTextL
* Display the Quick Text dialog
void DoQuickTextL();
* AsyncAddAttachment
* Add attachment file to message
static TInt AsyncAddAttachment( TAny* aSelfPtr );
* RunFollowUpFlagDlgL()
* Query user for followup flag
void RunFollowUpFlagDlgL();
* InitFieldsL
* Inits fields with message data.
void InitFieldsL();
* InitReplyFieldsL
* Inits fields when composing reply message.
* @param aReplyAll ETrue if this is replyall message.
void InitReplyFieldsL( TBool aReplyAll );
* RemoveOwnAddress
* Removes own address while doing reply all.
* @param aAddressList The address list.
void RemoveOwnAddress(
RPointerArray<CNcsEmailAddressObject>& aAddressList );
* InitForwardFieldsL
* Inits fields when composing forward message.
void InitForwardFieldsL();
* IncludeMessageTextL
* Inits body text when forwarding, replying, or opening draft message.
* @param aEnsureEmptyLineInBegin When true, the function ensures there's
* empty lines in the beginning of the
* message. I.e. line break(s) are inserted
* in front of any quote or signature
void IncludeMessageTextL( TBool aEnsureSpaceInBegin = EFalse );
* Async version of IncludeMessageTextL.
* Inits body text async when forwarding, replying message.
* @param aEnsureEmptyLineInBegin When true, the function ensures there's empty lines
* in the beginning of the message. I.e. line break(s)
* are inserted in front of any quote or signature
void IncludeMessageTextAsyncL( TBool aEnsureSpaceInBegin = EFalse );
* SetPriority
* Sets priority when using saved draft.
void SetPriority();
* Sets follow-up flag to status pane indicator from draft message.
void SetFollowUp();
* GetMessageBodyL
* Gets message body in a buffer.
* @return Message body
HBufC* GetMessageBodyL();
* ReturnToPreviousViewL
* Exit editor and return to previous view
void ReturnToPreviousViewL();
* FetchTextPartL
* Fetch text part
* @param aMsg The message whiches text part is to be fetched
void FetchTextPartL( CFSMailMessage& aMsg );
* Do the needed initializations for reply/reply all/forward commands
* depending on the iCustomMessageId.
void InitReplyOrForwardUiL();
* GenerateReplyMessageL
* Creates reply message
* @param aReplyAll ETrue for reply all and EFalse for reply
void GenerateReplyMessageL( TBool aReplyAll );
* InitReplyUiL
* Inits UI in reply case
* @param aReplyAll ETrue for reply all and EFalse for reply
void InitReplyUiL( TBool aReplyAll );
* GenerateForwardMessageL
* Creates forward message
void GenerateForwardMessageL();
* InitForwardUiL
* Inits UI in forward case
void InitForwardUiL();
* InitUiGeneralL
* Inits UI in general case
void InitUiGeneralL();
* GenerateReplyHeaderLC
* Creates header lines for reply/forward message
* @return Reply header
HBufC* GenerateReplyHeaderLC();
* GenerateSmartTagLC
* Creates smart reply/forward tag
* @return Smart tag
HBufC* GenerateSmartTagLC();
* SetReplyForwardFlagL
* Set reply/forward flag into original message if needed
void SetReplyForwardFlagL();
* MailBoxSupportsSmartReply
* @return ETrue if mailbox supports smart reply
TBool MailBoxSupportsSmartReply();
* MailBoxSupportsSmartForward
* @return ETrue if the mailbox supports smart forward
TBool MailBoxSupportsSmartForward();
* HasUnfetchedAttachmentsL
* @param aMsg Message to be tested
* @return ETrue if the message has unfetched attachments
TBool HasUnfetchedAttachmentsL( CFSMailMessage& aMsg );
* SaveToDraftsL
* @param aParseAddresses ETrue to parse text in address fields now
void SaveToDraftsL( TBool aParseAddresses );
void ExitComposer();
void CreateContainerL();
void ResetComposer();
void SaveAndCleanPreviousMessage();
// First start function to improve app loading perf.
void DoFirstStartL();
static TInt AsyncExit( TAny* aSelfPtr );
// Gets button from toolbar extension.
CAknButton* Button( TInt aCmdId,
CAknToolbarExtension* aExtension = NULL );
private: // Constructors and destructor
* CNcsComposeView
* C++ default constructor.
* @param aAppUi App UI
* @param aEnv Alfred environment
* @param aSendAttachmentControlGroup Send attachment control group
* @param aMailClient Email framework client object.
* @param aBgControl Background control.
CNcsComposeView( CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi,
CAlfEnv& aEnv,
CAlfControlGroup& aControlGroup,
CFSMailClient& aMailClient,
CMsvSession& aMsvSession );
* ConstructL
* 2nd phase constructor.
void ConstructL();
private: // data
* control container
CNcsComposeViewContainer* iContainer;
* view identifier
TUid iIdentifier;
* email framework client
CFSMailClient& iMailClient;
* email framework mailbox
CFSMailBox* iMailBox;
* original message
CFSMailMessage* iOrigMessage;
* new message
CFSMailMessage* iNewMessage;
* new message text part
CFSMailMessagePart* iNewMessageTextPart;
* central repository handler
CFSEmailCRHandler* iCrHandler;
* launch parameters
TEditorLaunchParams iLaunchParams;
* flag to indicate on exit whether mail was sent
TBool iMailSent;
* flag to indicate on exit whether mail sending failed
TBool iMailSendFailed;
* error code for fetching message, KErrNone if fetched succesfully
TInt iMailFetchingErrCode;
* flag to indicate whether view is ready to handle user commands
TBool iViewReady;
* flag to indicate is save to draft called by attachment list
TBool iAttachmentListSaveDraft;
* session to messaging server
CMsvSession& iMsvSession;
* stored TUid passes to DoActivateL
TUid iCustomMessageId;
* background size
TSize iBackgroundImageSize;
* alfred environment
CAlfEnv& iEnv;
* autosave
CFsAutoSaver* iAutoSaver;
* fetch logic
CFsComposerFetchLogic* iFetchLogic;
TBool iFirstStartCompleted;
* dialog query (send or delete)
CAknListQueryDialog* iDlg;
* checkquery (send or delete)
TBool iCheckQuery;
CAsyncCallBack* iAsyncCallback;
CAknWaitDialog* iFetchWaitDialog; //<cmail>
//when some plugin makes fake sync, we need these
TBool iFakeSyncGoingOn;
TBool iFetchDialogCancelled;
CActiveHelper* iActiveHelper;
// For the fake synchronous operations of the mail plugin run in DoExitL
// we need to knwo when the method is running and block all the commands
// during that time.
TBool iExecutingDoExitL;
CAsyncCallBack* iAsyncAttachmentAdd;
MsgAttachmentUtils::TMsgAttachmentFetchType iAttachmentAddType;
// Status pane indicators (priority and followup)
CCustomStatuspaneIndicators* iStatusPaneIndicators;
// Popup menu for attachment list.
CAknStylusPopUpMenu* iStylusPopUpMenu;
// Flag to indicate whether message text part has been modified.
TBool iMessageTextPartModified;
// Flag to indicate whether message has been modified.
TBool iMessageModified;
* Flag indicating async way of inluding message body text.
TBool iIncludeMessageTextAsync;
* Buffer for text of message's body.
* Own.
HBufC* iBody;
* Flag indicating that view was fully activated.
TBool iViewFullyActivated;
* Flag indicating that "Opening" wait note is visible.
TBool iOpeningWaitNoteVisible;
* "Opening" wait dialog.
CAknWaitDialog* iOpeningWaitDialog;
* This class is used by CNcsComposeView for waiting its own async tasks.
* @since S60 v3.2
class CActiveHelper : public CActive
public: // public functions
* Default 1st phase factory method.
* Creates an instance of CCacheSessionActiveHelper
* @return created instance of the CCacheSessionActiveHelper
static CActiveHelper* NewL( CNcsComposeView* aComposeView );
* Destructor
~CActiveHelper( );
* Active object start
void Start();
private: // private functions
* Constructor
CActiveHelper( CNcsComposeView* aSession );
* Active object RunL
void RunL();
* Active object DoCancel
void DoCancel();
* ConstructL
void ConstructL();
* pointer to CNcsComposeView doesnt own
CNcsComposeView* iComposeView;
// End of File