author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 26 Jan 2010 11:45:42 +0200
changeset 3 a4d6f1ea0416
parent 0 8466d47a6819
child 4 e7aa27f58ae1
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201001 Kit: 201004

* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Project definition file for project esmrgui

#include "../../../inc/emailversionnumbers.hrh" // KEmailBinaryVersionNumber
#include "../../inc/esmrinternaluid.h"
#include <data_caging_paths.hrh>
#include <platform_paths.hrh>

// Target information
TARGET          esmrgui.dll
UID             KEPOCStaticDllUID2 KESMRDllUid3


VERSION         KEmailBinaryVersionNumber

SOURCEPATH      ../src

//the following contain dll exports
SOURCE          cesmruifactory.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrglobalnote.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrconfirmationquery.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrlistquery.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrsendui.cpp
SOURCE          esmrvcalexport.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrguilistquery.cpp
SOURCE          cmrimage.cpp
SOURCE          cmrlabel.cpp

//internal classes
SOURCE          cesmrcontactlinkiterator.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrcontactmenuurlhandler.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrcontactmenuattachmenthandler.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrcontactmanagerhandler.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrview.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrlistcomponent.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrtitlepane.cpp

SOURCE          cesmrfieldstorage.cpp
SOURCE          cesmreditorfieldstorage.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrviewerfieldstorage.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrmixedfieldstorage.cpp

SOURCE          cesmreditordialog.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrviewerdialog.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrresponsedialog.cpp
SOURCE          cmrresponsedialogview.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrtrackingviewdialog.cpp

SOURCE          cesmrvalidatorfactory.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrmeetingtimevalidator.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrtodotimevalidator.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrmemotimevalidator.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrannivtimevalidator.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrtitlepanehandler.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrlocationpluginhandler.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrdynamicitemselectionlist.cpp
SOURCE          cesmraddressinfohandler.cpp

SOURCE          cesmrlocationhistoryitem.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrlocationhistoryitemfactory.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrlocationhistorymanager.cpp

SOURCE          cesmrfieldeventqueue.cpp

SOURCE          cmrlistpane.cpp

//the following also contain dll exports (only used by fieldbuilder)
SOURCE          cesmrrecurrence.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrlayoutmgr.cpp
SOURCE          cesmralarm.cpp
SOURCE          resmrstatic.cpp
SOURCE          cesmrcontactmenuhandler.cpp
SOURCE          nmrlayoutmanager.cpp
SOURCE          nmrbitmapmanager.cpp

// Resources
SOURCEPATH      ../data
START RESOURCE  esmrgui.rss

SYSTEMINCLUDE     /epoc32/include/ecom

// Include paths
USERINCLUDE     ../inc
USERINCLUDE     ../../inc
USERINCLUDE     ../../../inc

// Dependencies to esmrui libraries
LIBRARY esmrpolicy.lib
LIBRARY esmrcommon.lib //esmrhelper::locateresourcefile()
LIBRARY esmrfieldevent.lib
LIBRARY esmrservices.lib

// Dependencies to Symbian/S60 OS components
LIBRARY apparc.lib
LIBRARY ecom.lib
LIBRARY euser.lib
LIBRARY apgrfx.lib
LIBRARY cone.lib
LIBRARY eikcoctl.lib
LIBRARY egul.lib
LIBRARY eikdlg.lib
LIBRARY estor.lib
LIBRARY eikctl.lib
LIBRARY bafl.lib
LIBRARY eikcore.lib
LIBRARY efsrv.lib
LIBRARY featmgr.lib
LIBRARY pbkeng.lib
LIBRARY vpbkeng.lib
LIBRARY sendui.lib
LIBRARY fontutils.lib
LIBRARY aknskins.lib
LIBRARY cenrepnotifhandler.lib
LIBRARY centralrepository.lib
LIBRARY aknnotify.lib
LIBRARY favouritesengine.lib
LIBRARY aknicon.lib
LIBRARY sysutil.lib
LIBRARY etext.lib
LIBRARY calinterimapi.lib
LIBRARY hlplch.lib
LIBRARY commonengine.lib
LIBRARY fbscli.lib
LIBRARY avkon.lib
LIBRARY calenimp.lib
LIBRARY caleninterimutils2.lib
LIBRARY lmkcommonui.lib 
LIBRARY eposlandmarks.lib
LIBRARY platformenv.lib
LIBRARY gdi.lib
LIBRARY msgs.lib

// fsemail framework
LIBRARY fsfwcommonlib.lib
LIBRARY fsmailframework.lib

//needed by XML based LAF components
LIBRARY         cdlengine.lib
LIBRARY         aknlayout2.lib
LIBRARY         aknlayout2scalable.lib

// AIW

LIBRARY touchfeedback.lib
LIBRARY aknphysics.lib
LIBRARY cmaillogger.lib

// End of File