author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 26 Jan 2010 11:45:42 +0200
changeset 3 a4d6f1ea0416
parent 0 8466d47a6819
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201001 Kit: 201004

* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This file implements class CESMRICalBase.

// Class include.
#include "emailtrace.h"
#include "cesmricalbase.h"	// CESMRICalBase


// User includes.
#include "cesmricalcomponent.h"			// CESMRICalComponent
#include "cesmricalcontentlinereader.h"	// CESMRICalContentLineReader
#include "cesmricalcontentlinewriter.h"	// CESMRICalContentLineWriter
#include "esmricalerrors.h"				// Error codes
#include "esmricalkeywords.h"			// Literals
#include "cesmricalproperty.h"			// CESMRICalProperty
#include "esmricalutil.h"				// NESMRICalUtil
#include "cesmricalvalue.h"				// CESMRICalValue

using namespace NESMRICalUtil;

Creates a new property with a value from the given parameters, adds it to 
this object and returns a modifiable reference to it.
@param aName Name of the property to add.
@param aValue Value of the property to add.
@return A reference to a new property owned by this object.
@leave Leaves with KErrUnsupportedProperty if the given property is not valid.
for this component.
EXPORT_C CESMRICalProperty& CESMRICalBase::AddPropertyL(const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aValue)
	CESMRICalProperty* property = CreatePropertyL(aName);	// Not taking ownership.
	if (!property)
	return *property;

Creates a new property with a value and adds it to this object, returning a
reference to it. Ownership of aValue is transferred and it will be deleted if
this function leaves.
@leave Leaves with KErrPropertyHasNoValue if aValue is Null.
@leave Leaves with KErrUnsupportedProperty if the given property is not valid.
@return A new property
EXPORT_C CESMRICalProperty& CESMRICalBase::AddPropertyL(const TDesC& aName, CESMRICalValue* aValue)
	if (!aValue)
	CESMRICalProperty* property = CreatePropertyL(aName);	// Not taking ownership.
	if (!property)
	return *property;

Creates a new component, adds it to this object, and returns a modifiable
reference to it.
@param aType The type of component to be created.
@return A new component
@leave Leaves with KErrUnsupportedComponent if the given component is not a
valid subcomponent for this object.
EXPORT_C CESMRICalComponent& CESMRICalBase::AddComponentL(TICalComponentType aType)
	CESMRICalComponent* component = CreateComponentL(aType);	// Not taking ownership.
	if (!component)
	return *component;
Access function for the component array.
@return The array of components as a constant reference.
EXPORT_C const RPointerArray<CESMRICalComponent>& CESMRICalBase::Components() const
	return iComponents; 

Access function for the property array.
@return The array of properties as a constant reference.
EXPORT_C const RPointerArray<CESMRICalProperty>& CESMRICalBase::Properties() const
	return iProperties;

Returns the descriptor form of this component type.
@return The descriptor form of this component type.
EXPORT_C const TDesC& CESMRICalBase::TypeStringL() const
	return TypeStringL(iComponentType);
Access method returning the concrete type as an enumeration.
@return The type of the concrete derived class.
EXPORT_C CESMRICalBase::TICalComponentType CESMRICalBase::Type() const
	return iComponentType;
Checks for a component already existing in current object's sub-components
@param aType The type of the component to check.
@return ETrue if the property does exist, EFalse otherwise
EXPORT_C TBool CESMRICalBase::ComponentExists(TICalComponentType aType) const
	const TInt count = iComponents.Count();
	for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
		if (iComponents[i]->Type() == aType)
			return ETrue;
	return EFalse;

Finds the first property with a particular name and returns a pointer to it.
Ownership is not passed out.
@param aName The name of the property to search for.
@return A pointer to the property, or NULL.
EXPORT_C const CESMRICalProperty* CESMRICalBase::FindProperty(const TDesC& aName) const
	const TInt count = iProperties.Count();
	for (TInt p = 0; p < count; ++p)
		if (iProperties[p]->Type().CompareF(aName) == 0)
			return iProperties[p];
	return NULL;

Takes a line reader and reads lines from it until the end of the component is
located. Any other END:, or an end of file, are treated as errors.
@param aReader The line reader to read from.
@leave Leaves with KErrCorrupt if the component is corrupt.
void CESMRICalBase::InternalizeL(CESMRICalContentLineReader& aReader)
	TPtrC line;
	TPtrC name;
	TPtrC parameters;
	TPtrC values;
	TInt error(aReader.GetNextContentLine(line));

	while (error == KErrNone)
		if (ExtractSectionsL(line, name, parameters, values) == KErrNone)
			if (name.CompareF(KICalBegin) == 0)
				// This is the start of a component:
				TICalComponentType type(TypeFromNameL(values));
				if (type == EICalInvalid)
					CESMRICalComponent* component = CreateComponentL(type);	// Not taking ownership.
					if (component)
						// This component cannot be nested - ignore it
			else if (name.CompareF(KICalEnd) == 0)
				// This is the end of a component.
				if (values.CompareF(TypeStringL(iComponentType)) != 0)
					User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);	// This is the end of a different component
				// This is a property
				// Only allow properties with at least one value - if there is no value then
				// ignore the property and continue.
				if (values.Length() > 0)
					CESMRICalProperty* property = CreatePropertyL(name); // Not taking ownership
					if (property)
						if (name.CompareF(KICalRRule) == 0)
							// This is a special case - commas have a different meaning.
							ExtractParametersL(parameters, *property);
						else if (name.CompareF(KICalCategories) == 0)
							// Outlook escapes the comma separators between categories.
							// This is not part of the iCal specification.
							ExtractParametersL(parameters, *property);
							ExtractPropertyValuesL(values, *property, EEscapeValueSeparators);
						else if (name.CompareF(KICalTzid) == 0)
							// Outlook doesn't escape commas in TZID fields.
							// This is not part of the iCal specification.
							ExtractParametersL(parameters, *property);
							ExtractPropertyL(parameters, values, *property);
						// Remove property if it doesn't have a value.
						if (property->Values().Count() == 0)
							TInt index(iProperties.Find(property));
							if (index >= 0)
							delete property;
							// If the property is a method, remember it.
							if (name.CompareF(KICalMethod) == 0)
								TPtrC val;
								if (val.CompareF(KICalPublish) == 0)
									iMethod = CESMRICalBase::EMethodPublish;
								else if (val.CompareF(KICalRequest) == 0)
									iMethod = CESMRICalBase::EMethodRequest;
								else if (val.CompareF(KICalReply) == 0)
									iMethod = CESMRICalBase::EMethodReply;
								else if (val.CompareF(KICalAdd) == 0)
									iMethod = CESMRICalBase::EMethodAdd;
								else if (val.CompareF(KICalCancel) == 0)
									iMethod = CESMRICalBase::EMethodCancel;
								else if (val.CompareF(KICalRefresh) == 0)
									iMethod = CESMRICalBase::EMethodRefresh;
								else if (val.CompareF(KICalCounter) == 0)
									iMethod = CESMRICalBase::EMethodCounter;
								else if (val.CompareF(KICalDeclineCounter) == 0)
									iMethod = CESMRICalBase::EMethodDeclineCounter;
		error = aReader.GetNextContentLine(line);
	if ((error != KErrNone) && (error != KErrEof))

Takes a line writer and exports this component, including all owned properties
and sub components, to it.
@param aWriter the writer to export to.
void CESMRICalBase::ExternalizeL(CESMRICalContentLineWriter& aWriter) const
	// Externalize any component properties:
	TInt count(iProperties.Count());
	for (TInt prop = 0; prop < count; ++prop)
		// Only externalise properties with a value.
		if (iProperties[prop]->Values().Count() > 0)

	// Externalize any child components:	
	count = iComponents.Count();
	for (TInt comp = 0; comp < count; ++comp)


Converts between a TICalComponentType and the type as a descriptor. 
@param aName The type as a descriptor.
@return The type as an enumeration.
@leave KErrCorrupt if this is not a valid type.
CESMRICalBase::TICalComponentType CESMRICalBase::TypeFromNameL(const TDesC& aName)
	TICalComponentType type(EICalInvalid);

	if (aName.CompareF(KICalVCalendar) == 0)
		type = EICalCalendar;
	else if (aName.CompareF(KICalEvent) == 0)
		type = EICalEvent;
	else if (aName.CompareF(KICalTodo) == 0)
		type = EICalTodo;
	else if (aName.CompareF(KICalJournal) == 0)
		type = EICalJournal;
	else if (aName.CompareF(KICalAlarm) == 0)
		type = EICalAlarm;
	else if (aName.CompareF(KICalTimeZone) == 0)
		type = EICalTimeZone;
	else if (aName.CompareF(KICalFreeBusy) == 0)
		type = EICalFreeBusy;
	else if (aName.CompareF(KICalStandard) == 0)
		type = EICalStandard;
	else if (aName.CompareF(KICalDaylight) == 0)
		type = EICalDaylight;
		type = EICalInvalid;
	return type;
Converts between a TICalComponentType and the type as a descriptor.
@param aType The type as an enumeration.
@return The type as a descriptor.
@leave KErrCorrupt if this is not a valid type.
const TDesC& CESMRICalBase::TypeStringL(TICalComponentType aType) const
	switch (aType)
		case EICalCalendar:
			return KICalVCalendar();
		case EICalEvent:
			return KICalEvent();
		case EICalJournal:
			return KICalJournal();
		case EICalAlarm:
			return KICalAlarm();
		case EICalFreeBusy:
			return KICalFreeBusy();
		case EICalTodo:
			return KICalTodo();
		case EICalTimeZone:
			return KICalTimeZone();
		case EICalStandard:
			return KICalStandard();
		case EICalDaylight:
			return KICalDaylight();
		case EICalInvalid:
			// Fall through...

	return KNullDesC;	// Never reached.

Private implementation of AddComponentL(), used directly during InternalizeL().
Checks that the given component can be nested within this component. The returned
pointer will be NULL if it is not supported - the calling function does NOT take
ownership of the returned pointer.
@param aType The type of component to be created.
@return pointer to newly added component. This will be NULL if the property is
not supported.
@leave Leaves if there is an error adding a new component.
CESMRICalComponent* CESMRICalBase::CreateComponentL(TICalComponentType aType)
	CESMRICalComponent* component = NULL;
	if (ValidateComponent(aType))
		component = CESMRICalComponent::CreateICalComponentLC(aType, iMethod);
	return component;	
Private implementation of AddPropertyL(), used directly during InternalizeL().
Checks that the given property is supported by this component. The returned
pointer will be NULL if it is not supported - the calling function does NOT
take ownership of the returned pointer.
@param aName Name of the property to add.
@return pointer to newly added property. This will be NULL if the property is
not supported.
@leave Leaves if there is an error adding a new property.
CESMRICalProperty* CESMRICalBase::CreatePropertyL(const TDesC& aName)
	CESMRICalProperty* property = NULL;
	if (ValidateProperty(aName))
		property = CESMRICalProperty::NewLC(aName);
	return property;

TBool CESMRICalBase::ValidateProperty(const TDesC& aName) const
	if (
	//Not checking properties in these components here...
	(iComponentType == EICalCalendar) || (iComponentType == EICalAlarm) || 
	(iComponentType == EICalTimeZone) || (iComponentType == EICalDaylight) || 
	(iComponentType == EICalStandard) || (iComponentType == EICalJournal) || 
	//If no METHOD property exists, then RFC2446 does not apply...
	(iComponentMethodBitMask & EMaskEventNone)    ||
	(iComponentMethodBitMask & EMaskTodoNone)     ||
	(iComponentMethodBitMask & EMaskJournalNone)  ||
	(iComponentMethodBitMask & EMaskFreeBusyNone) ||
	//Validate the property against RFC2446	
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalAttendeeFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalAttendee) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalDtStampFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalDtstamp) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalDtStartFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalDtstart) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalOrganizerFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalOrganizer) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalSummaryFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalSummary) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalUIDFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalUid) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalRecurrenceIdFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalRecurrenceId) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalSequenceFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalSequence) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalAttachFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalAttach) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalCategoriesFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalCategories) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalClassFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalClass) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalCommentFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalComment) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalContactFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalContact) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalCreatedFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalCreated) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalDescriptionFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalDescription) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalDtEndFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalDtend) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalDurationFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalDuration) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalExDateFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalExdate) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalExRuleFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalExrule) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalGeoFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalGeo) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalLastModifiedFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalLastmodified) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalLocationFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalLocation) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalPriorityFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalPriority) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalRDateFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalRdate) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalRelatedToFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalRelatedto) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalRequestStatusFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalRequeststatus) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalResourcesFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalResources) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalRRuleFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalRRule) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalStatusFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalStatus) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalTranspFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalTransp) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalUrlFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalUrl) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalDueFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalDue) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalPercentCompleteFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalPercentcomplete) == 0)) ||
	((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalFreeBusyFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalFreebusy) == 0))
		return ValidatePropertyImpl(aName);
	//Allow all X-Properties
	else if ((aName.Length() >= 2) && (aName.Left(2).CompareF(KICalXProperty) == 0))
		return ETrue;
	return EFalse;

// End of File