* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: FreestyleEmailUi folder list visualiser definition
#include <e32base.h>
#include "fstreelistconstants.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiConstants.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiViewBase.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiControlBarCallback.h"
#include "fstreelistobserver.h"
#include <alf/alfanchorlayout.h>
#include <alf/alfimagebrush.h>
// forward declarations
class CAlfTextVisual;
class CAlfGridLayout;
class CAlfImageVisual;
class CAlfShadowBorderBrush;
class CAlfDeckLayout;
class CAlfAnchorLayout;
class CFSEmailUiFolderListControl;
class CFSEmailUiFolderListModel;
class CAlfBorderBrush;
class CFSMailMessage;
class CScrollerTimer;
class CMessageChangerTimer;
class CFreestyleEmailUiTextureManager;
class CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi;
class CFsTreeVisualizerBase;
class CFsTreeList;
class MFsTreeItemVisualizer;
class CFsTreePlainOneLineItemData;
class CFsTreePlainOneLineNodeData;
class CFsTreePlainOneLineItemVisualizer;
class CFsTreePlainOneLineNodeVisualizer;
class MFsControlButtonInterface;
class TFSMailMsgId;
class CFSMailClient;
class CFSMailBox;
class CFSMailFolder;
class CAlfFrameBrush;
class CFSEmailUiFolderListVisualiser : public CFsEmailUiViewBase,
public MFsTreeListObserver
public: // Data types
enum TExpandCollapseType
public: // Construction and destruction
* Destructor
* Two phase constructors
* @param aEnv Alfred environmet
* @param aControlGroup Alfred control group
* @param aAppUi Application main UI class
* @return Pointer to newly created object
static CFSEmailUiFolderListVisualiser* NewL( CAlfEnv& aEnv,
CAlfControlGroup& aControlGroup,
CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi );
static CFSEmailUiFolderListVisualiser* NewLC( CAlfEnv& aEnv,
CAlfControlGroup& aControlGroup,
CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi );
public: // From base class CAknView
void DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane);
void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
TUid Id() const;
void ChildDoDeactivate();
void DoTransitionEffect( TBool aDirectionOut );
void GetParentLayoutsL( RPointerArray<CAlfVisual>& aLayoutArray ) const;
public: // Own public functions
virtual TBool HandleWsEventL( const TWsEvent& aEvent );
// Handle foreground event (called by FreestyleEmailUiMailListVisualiser)
void HandleForegroundEventL();
* Dynamic switch handling and background updating
void HandleDynamicVariantSwitchL( CFsEmailUiViewBase::TDynamicSwitchType aType );
* Event handling forwarded from control
* @param aEvent Event forwarded from control
* @return ETrue if event was consumed, otherwise EFalse
TBool OfferEventL( const TAlfEvent& aEvent );
* Handling pointer events.
* @param aEvent Event forwarded from control
* @return ETrue if event was consumed, otherwise EFalse
TBool HandlePointerEventL(const TAlfEvent& aEvent);
* Expands or collpases the currently highlighted folder
void ExpandOrCollapseL( const TExpandCollapseType& aType );
* Tells wheter the folder list is shown in full screen or in popup
* @return ETrue if list is shown in fullscreen, otherwise EFalse
TBool IsFullScreen() const;
* Show folder list in control bar popup
* @param aFolderId Folder id of the currently visible folder in mail list
* @param aCallback Call back to inform the result of the folder query
* @param aButton Control bar button from where the popup is opened
void ShowInPopupL( const TFSMailMsgId aFolderId,
MFSEmailUiFolderListCallback* aCallback,
MFsControlButtonInterface* aButton = NULL );
* Quick and dirty solution to show the sort list with the same list.
* Could be changed to some more elegant implementation (e.g. folder list
* and sort list derive from some generic control base class that
* implements the common operations), if time permits.
* @param aCurrentSortCriteria Current sort criteria in mail list
* @param aFolderType Folder type of the currently visible folder in mail list
* @param aCallback Call back to inform the result of the sort order query
* @param aButton Control bar button from where the popup is opened
void ShowSortListPopupL( const TFSMailSortCriteria aCurrentSortCriteria,
const TFSFolderType aFolderType,
MFSEmailUiSortListCallback* aCallback,
MFsControlButtonInterface* aButton = NULL );
* Does a horizontal scroll for the list if needed
* @param aForceRecalculation If ETrue, recalculates the list rect always.
* If EFalse, recalculates the list rect only
* if list level has changed.
void DoHorizontalScrollL( TBool aForceRecalculation = EFalse );
* Function to check whether folder list is displaying popup
TBool IsPopupShown();
* Function to hide popup
void HidePopupL();
* From MFsTreeListObserver
void TreeListEventL( const TFsTreeListEvent aEvent,
const TFsTreeItemId aId,
const TPoint& aPoint );
// <cmail> Receiving online/offline events
void HandleMailBoxEventL( TFSMailEvent aEvent, TFSMailMsgId aMailbox,
TAny* aParam1, TAny* aParam2, TAny* aParam3 );
// </cmail>
* From CFsEmailUiViewBase
* This method is called from the appui when the focus state is changed.
* @param aVisible Indicates if focus should become visible or removed
void FocusVisibilityChange( TBool aVisible );
private: // from
* @see CFsEmailUiViewBase::ChildDoActivateL
void ChildDoActivateL( const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
TUid aCustomMessageId,
const TDesC8& aCustomMessage );
* @see CFsEmailUiViewBase::OfferToolbarEventL
void OfferToolbarEventL( TInt aCommand );
* @see CFsEmailUiViewBase::ToolbarResourceId
TInt ToolbarResourceId() const;
private: // Private functions
* Comparison function for TLinearOrder
* @param aFirst First folder to compare
* @param aSecond Second folder to compare
* @return Zero if parameters are equal,
* negative if first parameter is less than second,
* positive if first parameter is greater than second
static TInt CompareFolders( const CFSMailFolder& aFirst, const CFSMailFolder& aSecond );
// Construction
CFSEmailUiFolderListVisualiser( CAlfEnv& aEnv, CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi &aAppUi, CAlfControlGroup& aControlGroup );
void ConstructL();
void LoadIconsL();
// Internal functions used when showing and hiding the list
//void DoShowInPopupL();
void DoShowInPopupL( MFsControlButtonInterface* aButton,
MFSEmailUiFolderListCallback* aFolderCallback,
MFSEmailUiSortListCallback* aSortCallback );
void PrepareFolderListL();
void PopulateFolderListL();
void PopulateFolderListDeferred();
static TInt DoPopulateFolderList( TAny* aSelfPtr );
// Recreate list content
void UpdateFolderListL();
void UpdateSortListL();
// View layout handling and item position calculation
void UpdateListSizeAttributes();
void ResizeListIcons();
void ResizeListItemsL();
void AdaptScreenRectToListContent();
void AdjustWidthByContent( TRect& aRect ) const;
void SetAnchors();
void SetItemVisualizerPropertiesL( MFsTreeItemVisualizer* aItemVisualizer );
// Popup list position calcualtion
TRect LeftListRectInThisResolution();
TRect RightListRectInThisResolution();
TRect FolderListRectInThisResolution();
TRect SortListRectInThisResolution();
// Handle the selection or cancelation of the list
void HandleSelectionL( TFSEmailUiCtrlBarResponse aSelection );
TBool HandleCallbackL();
// Set header text
void SetHeaderTextByResourceIdL( TInt aResourceId );
// Append folder list data
void AppendActiveMailboxFoldersL();
void AppendMoreFoldersL();
void AppendMailboxesL();
void AppendSeparatorLineL();
// Append sort list data
void AppendSortListItemsL();
// Helper functions used to append different kind of items to list
void AppendSubfoldersL( TFSMailMsgId aFolder,
TFsTreeItemId aParentNode,
TBool aRefreshLastItem );
TFsTreeItemId AppendNodeFolderL( CFSMailFolder* aFolder, TFsTreeItemId aParentNode );
TFsTreeItemId AppendLeafFolderL( CFSMailFolder* aFolder, TFsTreeItemId aParentNode, TBool aAllowRefresh );
TFsTreeItemId AppendNodeToListFromResourceL( TInt aResourceId,
TFsTreeItemId aParentNode,
CAlfTexture* aIcon,
TUint aUnreadCnt = 0);
TFsTreeItemId AppendNodeToListL( TDesC* aItemData,
TFsTreeItemId aParentNode,
CAlfTexture* aIcon,
TUint aUnreadCnt);
TFsTreeItemId AppendItemToListFromResourceL( TInt aResourceId,
TFsTreeItemId aParentNode,
CAlfTexture* aIcon,
TBool aAllowRefresh,
TUint aUnreadCnt = 0);
TFsTreeItemId AppendItemToListL( TDesC* aItemData,
TFsTreeItemId aParentNode,
CAlfTexture* aIcon,
TBool aAllowRefresh,
TUint aUnreadCnt = 0);
TDesC* CFSEmailUiFolderListVisualiser::GetItemDisplayNameLC( TDesC& aItemData, TUint aUnreadCnt );
void CreatePlainItemLC2( const TDesC* aItemDataBuff,
CFsTreePlainOneLineItemData* &aItemData,
CFsTreePlainOneLineItemVisualizer* &aItemVisualizer,
CAlfTexture* aIcon );
void CreatePlainNodeLC2( TDesC* aItemDataBuff,
CFsTreePlainOneLineNodeData* &aItemData,
CFsTreePlainOneLineNodeVisualizer* &aNodeVisualizer,
CAlfTexture* aIcon );
TBool GetStandardFolderResouceIdAndIconL( const TInt aFolderType, TInt &aResourceId, CAlfTexture* &aIcon ) const;
TBool ShowThisTypeOfFolderL( CFSMailFolder* folder ) const;
// Hepler function for folder comparison, return internal folder priority
// used when sorting the list
static TInt GetFolderPriorityByType( const CFSMailFolder& aFolder );
// Set and clear soft keys when popup list shown
void SetPopupSoftkeysL();
void ClearPopupSoftkeys();
// Set initial list focus by current/previous activity
void SetFocusToCurrentSortItemL();
void SetFocusToCurrentFolderL();
void SetFocusToLatestMovedFolderL();
// Move list focus to first or to last item
void GoToTopL();
void GoToBottomL();
// Set toolbar buttons' dimmed/undimmed statuses.
void UpdateToolbarButtons();
// Check wheter all list nodes are expanded or collapsed
TBool AllNodesCollapsed() const;
TBool AllNodesExpanded( TFsTreeItemId aParentNodeId = KFsTreeRootID ) const;
// Recursive function to get item's root level parent
TFsTreeItemId GetRootParent( const TFsTreeItemId aItemId ) const;
void DoFirstStartL();
void SetHeaderTextAttributesL();
void ConnectToMailboxL();
void DisconnectFromMailboxL();
TBool CbaButtonPressed( TPoint aPosition );
void GetCbaRects( TRect& aLeftCbaRect, TRect& aRightCbaRect );
TBool IsAreaSideRightPaneActive();
// Array of list item infos
RPointerArray< CFsTreePlainOneLineItemData > iListItemDatas;
private: // Typedefs and member variables
// Array type for the list icons
typedef RPointerArray<CAlfTexture> TFsEmailFolderListIconArray;
// Array type for the sort list icons
typedef RPointerArray<CAlfTexture> TFsEmailSortListIconArray;
// ALF environment
CAlfEnv& iEnv;
// View layouts
CAlfDeckLayout* iFaderLayout;
CAlfAnchorLayout* iParentLayout;
CAlfLayout* iListLayout;
CAlfLayout* iHeaderLayout;
// ALF visuals etc. for list background and header
CAlfImageVisual* iListBgImageVisual;
CAlfImageVisual* iHeaderImageVisual;
CAlfTextVisual* iHeaderTextVisual;
CAlfFrameBrush* iBackgroundBrush;
CAlfShadowBorderBrush* iShadowBrush;
// ALF visual for background
CAlfVisual* iFaderVisual;
// Pointers to control and model
CFSEmailUiFolderListControl* iControl; // not owned (owned by ALF env)
CFSEmailUiFolderListModel* iModel; // owned
// Callback pointers
MFSEmailUiFolderListCallback* iCallback;
MFSEmailUiSortListCallback* iSortListCallback;
// Type of the currently visible folder in mail list
TFSFolderType iCurrentFolderType;
// Custom message ID passed in view activation
TUid iCustomMessageId;
// List/view size attributes
TRect iScreenRect;
TRect iCtrlButtonRect;
TRect iPreviousListRect;
TInt iListItemHeight;
TInt iListHeaderHeight;
TInt iListSeparatorHeight;
TSize iListIconSize;
TSize iPreviousListIconSize;
TPoint iPadding;
// ETrue if list shown in fullscreen
TBool iFullScreen;
// List id of the "More folders" item in folder list
TFsTreeItemId iMoreFoldersItemId;
// Pointer to the tree list component visualizer.
CFsTreeVisualizerBase* iTreeVisualizer;
// Pointer to the tree list component, owned
CFsTreeList* iTreeList;
// Mailbox that is currently active in mail list
CFSMailBox* iActiveMailbox;
// Folder list icons, items not owned (are owned by texture manager)
TFsEmailFolderListIconArray iIconArray;
// Sort list icons, items not owned (are owned by texture manager)
TFsEmailSortListIconArray iSortIconArray;
// Previously selected items
TFSMailMsgId iLatestSelectedMoveFolderId;
TFSMailMsgId iCurrentFolderId;
TFSMailSortCriteria iCurrentSortCriteria;
// Pointers to list items (and nodes)
RPointerArray<MFsTreeItemVisualizer> iListItemVisulizers;
// Previous level in list, used in horizontal scrolling
TInt iPreviousListLevel;
TBool iFirstStartCompleted;
TBool iPopupListShown;
//For header text caption
TBool iTitleCaptionVisible;
// Flag to see if view opened with move/copy command
TBool iMoveOrCopyInitiated;
// Flag to see if connection was started
TBool iWaitingToGoOnline;
// Do we need to connect the mailbox before showing the folder list
TBool iNoConnectNeeded;
// Should we use expansion animation for the next transition effect
TBool iAnimateNextActivation;
CAsyncCallBack* iAsyncCallback;
TBool iConsumeUntilNextUpEvent;