* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Message header URL event handler
#include "FreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler.h"
#include "FreestyleMessageHeaderURL.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiConstants.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiUtilities.h"
#include "cfsmailmessage.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiAppui.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiHtmlViewerView.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUi.hrh"
#include "FreestyleEmailUi.rsg"
#include "FSHtmlReloadAO.h"
#include <aknnotewrappers.h>
#include <aknstyluspopupmenu.h>
#include <brctldefs.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <eikmobs.h>
#include <coemain.h>
#include <schemehandler.h>
EXPORT_C CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler* CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler::NewL(
CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi,
CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView& aView )
CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler* obj = new (ELeave) CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler( aAppUi, aView );
CleanupStack::PushL( obj );
CleanupStack::Pop( obj );
return obj;
CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi,
CFsEmailUiHtmlViewerView& aView )
: iAppUi( aAppUi ),
iView( aView ),
iMailMessage( NULL ),
iAttachmentsListModel( NULL )
void CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler::ConstructL()
iMessageHeaderURL = CFreestyleMessageHeaderURL::NewL();
iHTMLReloadAO = CFSHtmlReloadAO::NewL(iView);
CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler::~CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler ()
delete iMessageHeaderURL;
delete iHTMLReloadAO;
if( iEmailAddressStylusPopup )
delete iEmailAddressStylusPopup;
if( iAttachmentStylusPopup )
delete iAttachmentStylusPopup;
if( iWebAddressStylusPopup )
delete iWebAddressStylusPopup;
delete iUrl;
EXPORT_C TBool CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler::HandleEventL( const TDesC& aUri )
iMailMessage = iView.CurrentMessage();
iAttachmentsListModel = iView.CurrentAttachmentsListModel();
if ( ! CFreestyleMessageHeaderURL::IsMessageHeaderURL( aUri ) )
//Handle http and https links
if( ( aUri.FindF( KURLHttpPrefix ) ) == 0
||( aUri.FindF( KURLHttpsPrefix ) ) == 0 )
if ( iUrl )
delete iUrl;
iUrl = NULL;
iUrl = aUri.AllocL();
LaunchWebAddressMenuL( );
return ETrue;
//Link wasn't handled
return EFalse;
//URL is of the message header format, hence parse it
iMessageHeaderURL->InternalizeL( aUri );
iMenuVisible = ETrue;
if ( ( iMessageHeaderURL->Type()->CompareF( KURLTypeTo ) == 0 )
|| ( iMessageHeaderURL->Type()->CompareF( KURLTypeFrom ) == 0 )
|| ( iMessageHeaderURL->Type()->CompareF( KURLTypeCc ) == 0 ) )
LaunchEmailAddressMenuL( );
else if ( ( iMessageHeaderURL->Type()->CompareF( KURLTypeAttachment ) == 0 ) )
LaunchAttachmentMenuL( FindAttachmentL( *iMessageHeaderURL ) );
else if ( iMessageHeaderURL->Type()->CompareF( KURLTypeSubject ) )
CSchemeHandler* handler = CSchemeHandler::NewL( aUri );
CleanupStack::PushL( handler );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( handler );
if( iPendingReload )
//Load web page aysnchronously
return ETrue;
* Launches the avkon stylus popup and dims the inappropriate menu items and handles the user
* menu item selection.
* @param aType the type of the link the user selected
void CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler::LaunchEmailAddressMenuL()
//Change the creation of the stylus menu here to avoid crash when calling SetItemDimmed(ETrue) multiple times
//on same instance of the menu (if created only once in constructor).
//Creating the menu everytime the user clicks on the link avoids this crash however performance is affected.
if( iEmailAddressStylusPopup)
delete iEmailAddressStylusPopup;
iEmailAddressStylusPopup = NULL;
TPoint point( 0, 0 );
iEmailAddressStylusPopup = CAknStylusPopUpMenu::NewL( this , point );
TResourceReader reader;
CCoeEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC( reader, R_STYLUS_POPUP_MENU_HTML_VIEW_EMAIL_ADDRESS );
iEmailAddressStylusPopup->ConstructFromResourceL( reader );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //resource reader
iEmailAddressStylusPopup->SetItemDimmed( EFsEmailUiCmdActionsRemoteLookup,
!iView.IsRemoteLookupSupportedL() );
iEmailAddressStylusPopup->SetPosition( iAppUi.ClientRect().Center(),
CAknStylusPopUpMenu::EPositionTypeRightBottom );
//From MEikMenuObserver
void CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler::ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommand )
switch ( aCommand )
case EFsEmailUiCmdActionsReply:
case EFsEmailUiCmdActionsAddContact:
case EFsEmailUiCmdActionsRemoteLookup:
case EFsEmailUiCmdActionsCopyToClipboard:
case EFsEmailUiCmdActionsContactDetails:
iView.HandleEmailAddressCommandL( aCommand, *iMessageHeaderURL->ItemId() );
case EFsEmailUiCmdCancelDownload:
iView.CancelAttachmentL( FindAttachmentL( *iMessageHeaderURL ) );
case EFsEmailUiCmdOpenAttachment:
iView.OpenAttachmentL( FindAttachmentL( *iMessageHeaderURL ) );
case EFsEmailUiCmdSave:
iView.SaveAttachmentL( FindAttachmentL( *iMessageHeaderURL ) );
case EFsEmailUiCmdSaveAll:
iView.SaveAllAttachmentsL( );
case EFsEmailUiCmdActionsOpenWeb:
case EFsEmailUiCmdActionsAddBookmark:
case EFsEmailUiCmdActionsCopyWWWAddressToClipboard:
iView.HandleWebAddressCommandL( aCommand, *iUrl );
const TAttachmentData& CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler::FindAttachmentL(
const CFreestyleMessageHeaderURL& aAttachmentUrl )
User::LeaveIfNull( iAttachmentsListModel );
TUint id;
TLex parser( *aAttachmentUrl.ItemId() );
parser.Val( id );
TInt found = KErrNotFound;
for (TInt i=0; i<iAttachmentsListModel->GetModel().Count(); i++)
if ( iAttachmentsListModel->GetModel()[i].partData.iMessagePartId.Id() == id )
found = i;
if ( found == KErrNotFound )
// Probably, only the headers were downloaded. Check if attachments
// were downloaded later.
if( iMailMessage )
iAttachmentsListModel->UpdateListL( iMailMessage );
for (TInt i=0; i<iAttachmentsListModel->GetModel().Count(); i++)
if ( iAttachmentsListModel->GetModel()[i].partData.iMessagePartId.Id() == id )
found = i;
if ( found == KErrNotFound )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
return iAttachmentsListModel->GetModel()[found];
void CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler::LaunchAttachmentMenuL(
const TAttachmentData& aAttachment )
ASSERT( iAppUi.DownloadInfoMediator() );
//Change the creation of the stylus menu here to avoid crash when calling SetItemDimmed(ETrue) multiple times
//on same instance of the menu (if created only once in constructor).
//Creating the menu everytime the user clicks on the link avoids this crash however performance is affected.
if( iAttachmentStylusPopup )
delete iAttachmentStylusPopup;
iAttachmentStylusPopup = NULL;
TPoint point( 0, 0 );
iAttachmentStylusPopup = CAknStylusPopUpMenu::NewL( this , point );
TResourceReader reader;
CCoeEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC( reader, R_STYLUS_POPUP_MENU_HTML_VIEW_ATTACHMENT );
iAttachmentStylusPopup->ConstructFromResourceL( reader );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //resource reader
//Dim all item by default
iAttachmentStylusPopup->SetItemDimmed( EFsEmailUiCmdOpenAttachment, ETrue );
iAttachmentStylusPopup->SetItemDimmed( EFsEmailUiCmdSave, ETrue );
iAttachmentStylusPopup->SetItemDimmed( EFsEmailUiCmdSaveAll, ETrue );
iAttachmentStylusPopup->SetItemDimmed( EFsEmailUiCmdCancelDownload, ETrue );
const TBool isMessage( iAttachmentsListModel->IsMessage( aAttachment ) );
if ( iAppUi.DownloadInfoMediator()->IsDownloading( aAttachment.partData.iMessagePartId ) )
iAttachmentStylusPopup->SetItemDimmed( EFsEmailUiCmdCancelDownload, EFalse );
else if ( aAttachment.downloadProgress == KComplete )
iAttachmentStylusPopup->SetItemDimmed( EFsEmailUiCmdOpenAttachment, EFalse );
// block saving of embedded messages if needed.
if ( iView.IsEmbeddedMsgView() )
if ( iView.IsEmbeddedMsgSavingAllowed() || !isMessage )
iAttachmentStylusPopup->SetItemDimmed( EFsEmailUiCmdSave, EFalse );
iAttachmentStylusPopup->SetItemDimmed( EFsEmailUiCmdSave, isMessage && !iView.IsEmbeddedMsgSavingAllowed() );
if ( iAttachmentsListModel->GetModel().Count() > 1 )
// Save all cannot be shown if there is one message attachment and saving is not supported
if ( !( iAttachmentsListModel->IsThereAnyMessageAttachments() && !iView.IsEmbeddedMsgSavingAllowed() ) )
// In embedded message mode, save all needs to be blocked if there
// are any message type attachments. This is due to limitations of Activesync plugin.
if( !(iView.IsEmbeddedMsgView() && iAttachmentsListModel->IsThereAnyMessageAttachments()) )
iAttachmentStylusPopup->SetItemDimmed( EFsEmailUiCmdSaveAll, EFalse );
iAttachmentStylusPopup->SetItemDimmed( EFsEmailUiCmdOpenAttachment, EFalse );
iAttachmentStylusPopup->SetItemDimmed( EFsEmailUiCmdSave, isMessage );
if ( iAttachmentsListModel->GetModel().Count() > 1 )
iAttachmentStylusPopup->SetItemDimmed( EFsEmailUiCmdSaveAll,
iAttachmentsListModel->IsThereAnyMessageAttachments() && !iView.IsEmbeddedMsgSavingAllowed() );
iAttachmentStylusPopup->SetPosition( iAppUi.LastSeenPointerPosition(),
CAknStylusPopUpMenu::EPositionTypeLeftTop );
//Open the Avkon stylus popup when a web address link was pressed
void CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler::LaunchWebAddressMenuL()
//Change the creation of the stylus menu here to avoid crash when calling SetItemDimmed(ETrue) multiple times
//on same instance of the menu (if created only once in constructor).
//Creating the menu everytime the user clicks on the link avoids this crash however performance is affected.
if( iWebAddressStylusPopup )
delete iWebAddressStylusPopup;
iWebAddressStylusPopup = NULL;
TPoint point( 0, 0 );
iWebAddressStylusPopup = CAknStylusPopUpMenu::NewL( this , point );
TResourceReader reader;
CCoeEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC( reader, R_STYLUS_POPUP_MENU_HTML_VIEW_WEB_ADDRESS );
iWebAddressStylusPopup->ConstructFromResourceL( reader );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //resource reader
iWebAddressStylusPopup->SetPosition( iAppUi.ClientRect().Center(),
CAknStylusPopUpMenu::EPositionTypeRightBottom );
//From MEikMenuObserver
void CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler::SetEmphasis(CCoeControl* /*aMenuControl*/,TBool /*aEmphasis*/)
void CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler::DismissMenuAndReload()
TBool CFreestyleMessageHeaderURLEventHandler::IsMenuVisible()
return iMenuVisible;